Amta Covered Modalities

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The document discusses covered and excluded modalities under AMTA insurance as well as responsibilities of members.

Some examples of covered modalities include Swedish massage, Shiatsu, Craniosacral therapy, Myotherapy and many more as listed on pages 1-6.

Excluded modalities include acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, colonics, ear candling, fasting, hypnosis and many more as listed on pages 7-8.

AMTA COVERED MODALITIES As an AMTA member covered by our insurance program, you are responsible for and expected

at all times to be familiar and currant with all laws, regulations, etc. in your state of practice that apply to your profession. SOME EXAMPLES OF COVERED MODALITIES ARE: Acupressure/Shiatsu Active Isolated Stretching Advanced Bodywork Techniques Advanced Esalen Massage Advanced Soft Tissue Manipulation Advanced Structural Therapy Alexander Technique Amma Therapy Animal-Feline, Canine, Equine (must be trained and provide proof of training in field) Applied Energy Techniques Applied Therapy Techniques Aquatic Therapy Techniques Aromatherapy Shiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy Aston Patterning Ayurvedic Aromatherapy Ayurvedic Warm Stone Therapy Basic Techniques Bindegewebsmassage

Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy Body Rolling Body Wrap Bonnie Prudden MyoTherapy Bowen Technique Breast Massage Breema Cancer Massage Chair/Seated Massage Clinical Massage Connective Tissue Massage Cranio-Sacral Deep Tissue Muscle Therapy Deep Tissue Educators (only in their scope of practice if they can show they are qualified to teach the subject and it is legal within their municipality to teach that topic). *Failure to educate is not covered. Students can sue teachers to claim that the teachers did not properly educate them; however, the teachers will not be covered by the insurance company if a court finds favor of the student or a settlement is reached. Elderly Massage Energetic Stimulating Massage Energy Work Esalen Massage Esthetics (Estheticians) if licensed/trained and are already MTs.

Fascial Massage Feldenkrais Method Foot Massage Geriatric Massage German Sports Massage Gigong (form of Thai Chi) Hakoma Body-Centered Therapy Hanna Somatics Headache Massage Head and Neck Technique Hellerwork Hemme Approach Hospice Palliative Massage Hot Stone Massage Hydrocollator (heating unit used in therapy) Hydrotherapy Ice Therapy Infant Massage Integrative Movement Therapy Integrative Touch Therapy Integrative TriggerPoint Therapy Intra-Oral Massage- (massage of the tongue w/finger, must be trained and provide proof of training) Jin Shin Acupressure Level 1-2

Jin Shin Jyutsu Labor Massage LaStone Therapy Lomi Lomi Lumbar Technique Lymphatic Drainage Lypossage Magnetic Therapy MAT (Massage Activation Technique) Maya Abdominal Massage Movement Therapy Muscle Energy Technique Muscle Release Technique (Repetitive Use Injury Therapy) MyoFascial Release MyoTherapy Natural Facelift Massage NeuroKinetic Therapy Northern Style Thai Massage Ohashiatsu Oriental Bodywork Orthopedic Massage OrthoBionamy Paraffin Heat Therapy

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy Polarity Therapy Post-Mastectomy Massage Postpartum Period Massage Post Stroke Massage Therapy Postural Integration Therapy Pregnancy Massage Prenatal Massage Pressure Point Massage Raindrop Therapy Reflexology Rehab Sports Massage Rehabilitation Therapy Reiki River Stone Therapy Rolfing Russian Massage Shirodhara Therapy Somatic Therapy Spa Therapy Spinal Touch Therapy Sports Massage Strain and Counterstrain (positional release)

Stress Reduction Therapy Structural Integration Swedish massage Tai Chi Massage Thai Massage Therapeutic Massage Thoracic Technique Tibetan Shirodhara Time Massage Touch Therapy Trager Trauma Release Therapy-working in conjunction with doctor/medical personnel Trauma Touch Therapy-working in conjunction with doctor/medical personnel Trigger Point Tuina: Health & Treatment for the Shoulder Upper Body Massage Visceral Manipulation Vodder Lymphedema Watsu (with water) Western Massage Technique Yogassage Zen Shiatsu Zero Balancing

Modality Exclusions The following list of modalities is excluded under AMTA insurance program. This list is subject to review and change by AMTA. For the most up-to-date list, go to the Benefits page in the members section of by AMTA. Acupuncture ACU-Yoga Aveda Spa Body Therapy Body Talk Breatheapy Chiropractic adjustments Colon Hydrotherapy, Colonics CPR Cupping Therapy (with uses of heat) Ear Candling Detoxification Exercise Fasting Floatation Tank Therapy Hypnosis Kundalini Yoga Moxibustion Naprapathy Naturopathics

Nutritional or dietary counseling Osteopathic Soft Tissue Manipulation Oxygen Therapy Phoenix Rising Yoga Massage Pilates (even if being used in conjunction with massage) Pointer-Plus locator stimulator Psychosomatic-related care Rebirthing Religious Healing Shen (Physio Emotional Release Therapy) Steam baths, steam booths, steam showers, sauna Taoist Abdominal Massage Tanning Beds, tanning tables or tanning booths Teaching yoga to clients (instructors) Yoga (even if its in conjunction with massage) Updated January 2008 AMTA

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