Army Engineer Mil. Nonstandard Fixed Bridging
Army Engineer Mil. Nonstandard Fixed Bridging
Army Engineer Mil. Nonstandard Fixed Bridging
343 (FM5-446)
Military Nonstandard
Fixed Bridging
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
Glossary ...................................................................................................................Glossary-1
Index .........................................................................................................................Index-1
This manual provides essential technical information on nonstandard fixed bridges for engineer
staff officers. It is the doctrinal source of information for the United States (US) Army on the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Bridge and Vehicle Classification System. This
manual also provides various methods for classifying and designing nonstandard fixed bridges in
military theaters of operation (TOs).
This manual provides detailed technical data on the classification (analysis) and design of
bridges. It is NOT intended to replace civilian classification or analysis codes and procedures and
should NOT be used for civilian construction or classification. Engineer officers should note that
the methods shown in this manual are for conservative classification and design. Qualified
engineers also might use appropriate civilian methods for military classification and design.
Appendix A contains an English-to-metric measurement conversion chart.
The proponent for this publication is HQ TRADOC. Send comments and recommendations on
Department of the Army (DA) Form 2028 directly to the US Army Engineer School (USAES),
Attention: ATSE-DOT-DD, Directorate of Training, 320 Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN)
Loop, Suite 336, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri 65473-8929.
The provisions of this publication are the subject of the following international standardization
agreements (STANAGs) and Quadripartite STANAG (QSTAG): STANAG 2010 Engineer (ENGR)
(Edition 5), STANAG 2021 ENGR (Edition 5), STANAG 2101 Land Force Tactical Doctrine and
Operational Procedures (TOP) (Edition 10), and QSTAG 180 (Edition 4).
Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively
to men.
This publication contains copyrighted material.
FM 3-34.343
Basic Considerations
A bridge is a structure that is erected over obstacles such as a river or other
watercourse, a chasm, or a railroad to make a passageway from one bank to the
other. A bridge is usually constructed of wood, stone, brick, concrete, steel, or iron.
This book identifies methods and procedures for performing bridge reconnaissance,
vehicle and bridge classification, and analytical design of superstructures and
substructures; constructing bridge connections; and repairing or reinforcing existing
Reconnaissance is critical to any military operation and for analyzing existing and
potential bridge sites. Information must be gathered for bridge use and construction
that might normally be overlooked. The engineer and reconnaissance elements must
be knowledgeable and prepared for the mission. Proper vehicle and bridge
classification is also an important engineer responsibility that helps keep lines of
communication (LOC) through the preservation of existing bridges in the TOs.
The purpose of bridge reconnaissance is to collect data that is necessary to support
operational planning and movement. Existing bridges are inspected to determine their
load-carrying capacity and the requirement for repair and reinforcement. The
alternatives might revolve around the erection of a new semipermanent bridge or the
repair of a damaged permanent structure. When a demolished bridge is to be
replaced, reconnaissance should include a report of the serviceability of structural
members and accessories, which might be useful for the contemplated construction.
Chapter 1
Background Information
Rapid movement on the battlefield requires existing road networks or
natural high-speed avenues that cross an assortment of wet and dry gaps.
Many existing bridges in the TOs will adequately support military loads
and only need to be classified for safe use. Gap crossings might be needed
where none currently exist. Reinforcing or repairing a bridge can serve
tactical purposes; however, mobility of the force is the key issue.
1-1. To maintain a high momentum, the forces must use bridges in the order
discussed below. Each method has specific benefits.
1-5. The fourth consideration is tactical bridges, which are generally used in
an assault and provide a rapid means of crossing gaps. The bridges’ assets are
temporary, and advancing forces should remove and carry the bridges forward
as they advance. Sustained mobility of forces and logistical support depend on
Medium-Girder Bridge
1-8. The medium-girder bridge (MGB) is a lightweight, hand-built, easily
transportable bridge that can be erected in various configurations to cover a
full range of military and emergency bridging requirements. The deck units
are fitted between two longitudinal girders to provide a 13-foot-wide roadway.
A bridge set has sufficient components to construct one 102-foot bridge in a
double-story configuration or three 31-foot bridges in a single-story
configuration. The MGB is constructed on rollers and launched using a
detachable launching nose. It is transported on 5-ton trucks with trailers.
Ribbon Bridge
1-9. The ribbon bridge is a floating modular asset with an integral
superstructure and floating supports. Individual bays are joined to form rafts
or bridges for river-crossing operations. Ribbon bridges and rafts provide a
reliable and responsive means of crossing wet gaps.
Expedient Bridge
1-10. Expedient bridges, built with locally procured materials, might be
substituted for tactical military bridges if tactical bridging assets are not
1-11. Semipermanent, fixed, or float LOC bridges replace tactical assets until
permanent bridges are constructed. The Army currently uses the Bailey
bridge, Army Facilities Components System (AFCS) preengineered bridges,
and nonstandard fixed bridges. See FM 5-277 for more information on the
Bailey bridge. For information on in-depth design methods for permanent
bridges, see the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges (published by the American Association of State Highway and
1-12. Engineers design nonstandard fixed bridges to match specific conditions
of a particular site when standard fixed bridges are not available or are
needed forward of the proposed bridge site. Available structural materials,
site details, proposed traffic, and time will influence the design. While
constructing nonstandard fixed bridges is usually limited to rear areas, the
tactical situation might require reinforcing or repairing a damaged bridge or
constructing a new bridge in the combat zone (CZ).
1-13. The design of military nonstandard fixed bridges is similar to that of
civilian fixed bridges. Military methods, however, include several
simplifications and assumptions about the loads to be carried, the type of
construction, and the material types available. Therefore, use the methods in
this manual for temporary (3 to 5 years) military construction. Use the
analytical method whenever possible. The design chapters in Part Three of
this manual outline the specific assumptions made for military design.
1-17. The AFCS does not include bridge installations (sets of material). The
TCMS includes bills of materials with material cost data, construction
drawings, and labor and equipment estimates (LEEs) for 84 bridging
facilities. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Engineer Support
Center, Huntsville, Attention: CEHNC-ED-SY-F, 4820 University Square,
Huntsville, Alabama 35816-1822, maintains current data for facilities and
installations in the AFCS.
1-18. A physical plant (such as real estate and improvements [including a
separate building, a bridge, or a piece of equipment]) that serves a function is
referred to as a facility. A facility is any piece of equipment that, as an
operating entity, contributes or can contribute by providing some specific type
of physical support. Facilities are uniquely identified in the AFCS by a seven-
character alphanumeric code (five numeric and two alpha characters) (for
SPAN, DOUBLE LANE, CLASS 60). AFCS numbers are based on the facility
class and construction category codes listed in AR 415-28. Each facility has an
associated facility number, description, unit of issue, shipping volume,
shipping weight, and cost. Several facility numbers might be required to
complete a functional facility.
1-20. Vertical data is an estimate of the number of hours (by skill) required to
construct a particular facility. A military occupational specialty (MOS)
represents each skill (such as carpenters or electricians).
1-21. Horizontal data is an estimate of the number of hours of equipment
needed to construct a facility. For example, bulldozers and backhoes.
1-22. General data is an estimate of the unskilled labor required in each area
(horizontal and vertical). The general data consists of two figures—the
vertical workhours and the horizontal workhours.
1-23. Local Army engineer units research bridges and maintain files on the
bridges in their areas of operation (AOs). This information is passed to
engineers at a higher level for consolidation and dissemination to all
interested parties. As-built plans for military bridges are also available.
Foreign countries maintain engineer intelligence studies that can provide
classification information.
1-24. Local civilian authorities are the most important source of bridge-
classification information. In most jurisdictions, as-built plans and
information on material properties are available. Local and state officials in
the US and most foreign countries will impose maximum load limits or
permissible stresses on bridges. Consult with these officials to determine the
maximum MLC of bridges for peacetime or military purposes.
1-25. Engineer units are responsible for classifying bridges of military
significance (using the analytical method if possible). If a nonengineer unit
classifies a bridge, a responsible engineer officer should verify the
classification as soon as possible. If the temporary class is accurate, it may be
used as the permanent class. The engineer determining the actual bridge
class will post the permanent markings.
1-26. Engineer units will maintain records for bridges in its AOs. As a
minimum, the file should contain a copy of DA Form 1249 and other sketches,
plans, calculations, and assumptions that were used to determine the bridges’
classification. The unit should also maintain files of as-built plans of military
nonstandard fixed bridges, along with the classification calculations. In many
cases, the actual classification is higher than the design classification due to
rounding in the design process.
1-27. Appendixes A through H contain the following additional information:
• Appendix A contains an English-to-metric measurement conversion
• Appendix B contains information on vehicle classification.
• Appendix C contains information on timber properties.
• Appendix D contains information on steel properties.
• Appendix E contains information on structural mechanics.
• Appendix F contains classification examples.
• Appendix G contains information on concrete properties.
• Appendix H contains information on soil properties.
• Appendix I contains superstructure design examples.
2-1. The hasty method limits obtaining bridge-site data because of time or
other factors. At a minimum, the data should include the serial number, the
geographic location, the MLC (if posted), the overhead clearance, and the
available bypasses of the bridge. FM 5-170 includes details of hasty
reconnaissance methods. For military purposes, a hasty reconnaissance
primarily concerns civilian bridges, which range from simple steel- or
concrete-stringer bridges to multispan arch, truss, or suspension bridges.
Army engineers usually classify military bridges (including floating, standard,
and nonstandard fixed bridges) after constructing them.
2-2. The deliberate method requires time and qualified personnel to analyze
the reconnaissance information for either repairing or demolishing a bridge.
Proper reconnaissance prevents unnecessary repairs or construction delays.
When possible or if required, collect and record data on the approaches, the
type of crossing or obstacles, the abutments, the intermediate supports, the
bridge structure, any repair information, any demolition information, and any
alternate crossing sites. Record this data on DA Form 1249 as shown in
FM 5-170.
2-3. Use existing bridges whenever possible. Bridges located on established
routes require less work on the approaches, which saves time and material
and permits the release of tactical bridging assets to other areas. Also, bridge
repair often eliminates long detours and difficult bypasses. If necessary,
determine how the characteristics of the gap will affect additional bents or
pile piers and where there are alternate sites.
2-4. Use DA Form 1249 to record and report the data needed to repair or
reinforce an existing bridge. The data should include—
• The type of bridge; the number and width of lanes; the number,
length, and arrangement of spans; and the length of the panels.
• The height above the gap, the overhead clearance for vehicles, and the
bridge’s classification.
• The general condition of the bridge.
• The watercourse’s width and depth; current velocity; direction of the
flow; type and estimated bearing capacity of the bottom; and the
bank’s height, slope, and nature.
• Specifics on the access roads and approaches, particularly the work
estimates on approaches and access roads between the existing road
network and the bridge.
• Sites near the bridge for turnarounds, access, and concealment.
• Types, dimensions, and relative positions of the abutments and
intermediate supports.
• The number, type, size, and spacing of stringers in each span.
• The type and dimensions of the decking.
• The number and types of local boats and barges.
• The location of locks, dams, and so forth in the vicinity.
• Methods and work estimates used to restore and strengthen the
damaged bridge to its original specified capacity.
• A large-scale sketch of the site showing concealment, turnarounds,
parking areas, detours, and expedient crossings.
2-5. New-bridge construction requires preliminary information that is
adequate for planning and design. The construction method used will depend
on site constraints and the availability of equipment, materials, and
manpower. A thorough reconnaissance can prevent needless return trips to
the proposed site. Before making any final decisions pertaining to
construction, consider the following factors:
• Access roads. Locate the bridge to take advantage of the road
network on both sides of the watercourse or gap.
• Approach roads. Study the construction required for bridge
approaches at each site. Often, the time required to construct
approaches is the controlling factor in site selection. Approaches
should be straight and gently sloped. Include a turnaround near the
bridge site that will allow oversize and overweight vehicles to leave
the site without obstructing traffic.
• Width. Determine the width of the watercourse at normal and flood
stages. Check with local authorities for information on frequency and
severity of floods.
• Banks. Estimate the character and shape of the banks accurately
enough to establish abutment positions. The banks should be firm and
level to limit the need for extensive grading. Select straight reaches to
avoid scour.
• Flow characteristics. Determine the stream velocity and record
erosion data on the rise and fall of the water. A good bridge site has a
steady current that flows parallel to the bank at a moderate rate of
about 3 feet per second (fps).
• Stream bottom. Record the characteristics of the bottom. This will
help in determining the type of supports and footings required (soil
samples might be needed).
• Elevation. Determine and record accurate cross-sectional dimensions
of the site for determining the bridge’s height. Note any required
clearances if the bridge will pass over existing roads, railroads, or
navigable waterways.
• Materials. Use standard military materials when possible for quality
and speed of construction. Steel is preferred over timber. If military
materials are not available, use locally procured items of adequate
quality. Local sources might include standing timber, nearby
demolished buildings or bridges, and local markets.
2-6. Desirable bridge sites have certain terrain and stream characteristics.
These include—
• Concealment for personnel and equipment on both sides of the gap.
• Firm banks to support the abutment and provide good approaches.
High banks require excessive grading and low banks might be
threatened by flooding, which requires that the bridge be lengthened.
• Terrain that will permit rapid construction of short approach roads to
the existing road network on both sides of the gap.
• Access routes to the road network (necessary for transporting
equipment to the assembly sites).
• Turnarounds for construction equipment.
• Large trees or other holdfasts near the banks for fastening anchor
cables and guy lines.
• A steady, moderate current that is parallel to the bank.
• A bottom that is free of snags, rocks, and shoals and is firm enough to
permit some type of spread footing.
• Several assembly sites for floating portions of the bridge, either
upstream or downstream. If the current is strong, locate all assembly
sites upstream from the bridge site.
2-7. Figure 2-1, page 2-4, shows an example of a construction-site layout for a
proposed bridge project. Determine the final location of the bridge by following
the three stages discussed below.
2-8. Develop a detailed study of the proposed site by using topographic and
geologic maps and air photos (if available). Stereo air photos with a scale of
Abutment Construction
materials materials
Existing New
bridge site River
materials Construction area Fabrication area for
Access road
member storage
storage yard
area Equipment
Fabrication area for and motor
truss member park
Existing road
1:20,000 or smaller are particularly useful for a map study. These photos
usually indicate stream conditions (such as channel locations and bar
positions). Air photos often enhance a reasonably accurate estimate of bank-
soil conditions.
2-9. Perform an on-ground reconnaissance. Some, if not all, of the following
factors will influence the ultimate location and design of the bridge:
• Location of the existing road network.
• Availability of useful abutments and piers from a demolished bridge.
• Location of an existing channel that might restrict pier construction or
require minimum clearance for navigation.
• Soil or rock profile of the bottom as it affects the type and position of
bridge piers.
• Availability of stringer material (in required lengths and sizes) for the
required spacing of intermediate supports.
• Site restrictions (such as existing structures) that might influence the
location of the centerline.
• Availability of construction resources (especially labor and
2-10. Begin detailed planning. Establish horizontal and vertical controls at
each end of the proposed centerline. Prepare a topographic map of about 1:250
with a contour interval of 2 feet. Use this map to plot design constraints such
as the location of obstacles, required distances, and necessary elevations.
Determine any unique physical characteristics of the site that would limit
normal construction methods. Also, prepare a soil profile of the proposed
centerline of the bridge to use in designing the foundation (Figure 2-2).
Span A Span B Span C
Elevation (ft)
220 SM
Station number
(along the bridge centerline)
2-11. A soil profile represents the properties of soil layers. Take borings along
the bridge’s centerline, assuming that the soil a short distance away has the
same characteristics. Because piers and abutments support substantial loads,
take borings at each pier to determine soil properties. See FM 5-430-00-1 and
FM 5-410 for more information on soil analysis and exploration.
2-12. A test pit (dug deep enough to inspect the soil visually) yields the most
accurate soil profile. Test pits are not well suited to military bridge-
construction purposes. Unless the anticipated loads are unusually great and
considerable time is available to excavate and sheet the pit, do not use this
method because it is expensive. Instead, obtain soil samples using an auger, a
sounding rod, or a penetrometer.
2-13. A survey of a proposed bridge site furnishes accurate information from
which to develop the bridge’s layout, to requisition material, and to outline the
construction procedure. FM 5-233 gives further details on surveying for bridge
construction. Submitted as drawings, a survey shows the site’s plan and
elevation, with a graphical presentation of subsurface conditions. The
complexity of the bridge-construction project will determine the amount and
accuracy of survey control. Survey considerations are discussed in more detail
in Chapter 10.
2-14. Include a location map in the survey drawings that shows the
relationship of the site to the communication routes and the bivouac areas for
construction personnel. Also show sources of sand, gravel, timber, and other
construction materials. Include a detailed site plan (Figure 2-3) with a scale
no greater than 1:480. The plan should show the—
• Alignment of the structure and the tentative position of bents or piers
and abutments.
• Position and the details of piers and abutments of any existing
• Course of the stream, the bank lines, and the direction and
distribution of flow.
• Natural features (such as drainage courses, eroding banks, exposed
rock ledges, trees, and wooded areas).
• Existing installations (such as power and utility lines, sewers,
buildings, roads, dikes, walls, and fences).
• Contour elevations extending at least 100 feet to each side of the
bridge’s centerline and 200 feet beyond each abutment.
• Location of all the benchmarks and their elevations, all reference
points, and all borings and soil tests.
2-15. Include a profile of equal horizontal and vertical scales of not less than
1:480. The profile should show the—
• Ground surface on the centerline of the proposed bridge, extending not
less than 200 feet beyond each abutment.
• Elevation of high and low water.
• Foundation materials as disclosed by test pits or borings.
14′ 20′ rock Sandy clay
EL 162.27 EL 156.27 rock
33′ 33′
Silt Rock outcrop
clay Boring
EL 143.27 No. 5
Sandy Sandy
clay Silt clay
Boring No. 3
No. 2
Face of
STA 1 + 19.88
STA 1 + 20.38
Face of
back wall
STA 5 + 20.12
STA 3 + 95.00
STA 3 + 70.00
STA 2 + 20.00
STA 2 + 45.00
STA 1 + 70.00
STA 4 + 45.00
STA 4 + 70.00
STA 1 + 45.00
13′-3″ 19′-7″ 21′-7″ 15′-3″
Foundation Plan
FM 3-34.343
Chapter 3
A classification number is assigned to a given bridge to represent how
much military vehicular traffic the bridge can carry. Width and height
restrictions also affect a bridge ’s classification. A bridge might have a dual
classification (such as for wheeled and tracked vehicles) when its capacity
is greater than Class 50. The classification procedures presented in this
chapter are based on guidance found in STANAG 2021. Other criteria (not
covered by the STANAG) have been adopted from the AASHTO’s Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges. Follow the same procedures in this
chapter when analyzing foreign bridges, but be aware of and allow for any
differences in material properties and design criteria.
Classification 3-1
FM 3-34.343
3-1. The two primary methods of classifying bridges are the expedient and the
analytical. The analytical method is the most accurate and desirable. Between
these two extremes are many combinations, some of which are discussed in
this chapter. The classification method used will depend on the situation and
the available time and information. A complete analytical classification might
be needed if using a bridge is very important. Also, only the results from the
analytical method can be posted and reported as a permanent load
classification for a bridge.
3-2. Bridge reconnaissance is necessary for classification. Even if bridge plans
are available, conduct an on-site inspection to ensure the accuracy of the
bridge data. If key bridges are behind enemy lines, perform reconnaissance by
long-range patrols or aerial photography. Local civilians are a valuable source
of information and should not be overlooked during on-site reconnaissance.
See FM 5-170 for more information on conducting a bridge reconnaissance.
3-3. Engineer units are responsible for gathering and maintaining bridge-
classification data for bridges in their areas. These units report this
information to higher engineer echelons for consolidation and distribution. As-
built plans are included as part of the bridge-classification data.
3-4. Local highway authorities are the most important source of bridge-
classification information. In most jurisdictions, these authorities maintain
as-built plans and information on material properties of the bridges. Local,
state, and country officials in the US and most foreign countries often impose
maximum load limits or permissible stresses on their bridges. It is very
important that military units consult local officials when determining the
maximum MLC of a bridge intended for use during peacetime maneuvers. If
they do not, the provisions of STANAG 2021 and this chapter will govern
bridge classification.
3-6. A hasty classification is the most expedient but inaccurate classification
method. It is based on how many and what types of civilian vehicles cross a
bridge regularly. This information can be obtained through reconnaissance,
from local officials, or from observation of the type of route that the bridge is
on (for example, rural road or secondary or major highway).
3-7. Once the type of civilian vehicles that use the bridge have been identified,
it can be assumed that military vehicles of similar weight and axle
3-2 Classification
FM 3-34.343
configurations could also cross the bridge safely. In many cases, this method
will severely limit the allowable military vehicles since many of them are
much heavier than typical civilian vehicles. A more in-depth classification
method will likely reveal that the bridge has a higher MLC than the hasty
method indicates. Use the hasty method only when a rapid crossing is
required. Do not post the resulting classification.
Classification 3-3
FM 3-34.343
Military live-load moment (kip-feet)
10 50 100 500 1,000
3-4 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Class A
Military class
Class B
The relationship between British design
loads Class A and B and MLC is based
10 • 50 percent overstress (included).
• 2 lanes (loaded).
To obtain caution-crossing loads, multiply
the class by 125 percent.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
The relationship between Czechoslovakian
design loads Class I, II, and III and MLC is
based on—
50 • 50 percent overstress (included).
• 2 lanes (loaded).
To obtain caution-crossing loads, multiply
the class by 125 percent.
Class I
Military class
20 Class II
10 Class III
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Classification 3-5
FM 3-34.343
The relationship between Danish
design loads Class I, II, and III and MLC
is based on—
60 • 50 percent overstress (included).
• 2 lanes (loaded).
To obtain caution-crossing loads,
multiply the class by 125 percent.
Class I and II
Military class
Class III
Class IV
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (in feet)
The relationship between German
design loads Class I, II, and III and MLC
is based on—
60 • 50 percent overstress (included).
• 2 lanes (loaded).
To obtain caution-crossing loads,
multiply the class by 125 percent.
Class I
Military class
Class II
Class III
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (in feet)
3-6 Classification
FM 3-34.343
The relationship between Russian
design loads N8, N10, and N13 and
MLC is based on—
60 • 50 percent overstress (included).
• 2 lanes (loaded).
To obtain caution-crossing loads,
multiply the class by 125 percent.
Military class
20 N10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (in feet)
Military class
Class II
Class III
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Classification 3-7
FM 3-34.343
3-11. Only temporary MLCs are allowed with the correlation method.
However, the method is soundly based on bridge-design theory and, when
used properly, can result in a competent rating. Use these curves only on
bridges that were designed using the appropriate design loadings and
appropriate design criteria. Consequently, do not use the correlation-curve
method on bridges in the back country or in third-world locations because
careful design practices were probably not followed.
3-12. The correlation-curve method assumes that a bridge is in good condition
(no significant deterioration). Because original bridge designs were probably
conservative, allow for a small degree of deterioration before lowering the
bridge’s MLC. However, if the bridge appears significantly deteriorated,
reduce the MLC accordingly. There are no firm guidelines to use when
downgrading the MLC based on deterioration. However, a simple rule of
thumb is as follows: if a member appears to have lost “X” percentage of its
original cross section, reduce the computed MLC by the same percentage.
3-13. The correlation curves were developed for simply supported spans;
however, other types of bridges can be classified by using the adjusted or
equivalent span length. The adjusted or equivalent span length takes into
consideration the positive moment on continuous or cantilevered spans. For
truss, arch, and suspension bridges, apply the special considerations
discussed below to determine the equivalent span length.
3-14. The correlation-curve method can be used for all bridge types. However,
for truss and suspension bridges, use the procedure very carefully. If not
careful and if using the wrong span length, the results could be too liberal for
classification purposes. For each of these bridge types, determine the two span
lengths as follows. After determining the truss span length and the panel
length, use the lowest MLC rating.
• First span length. Follow the guidelines in paragraphs 3-15 through
3-17 (using the total span length) for all other types of bridges to
determine the first span length. For single-span trusses, use the
actual span length. For continuous-span trusses, use the equivalent
span length (paragraph 3-42). For cantilever truss spans, use the span
length of the suspended span. For steel-arch and suspension bridges,
use the single longest span length.
• Second span length. Follow the guidelines in paragraphs 3-15
through 3-17 (using a span length equal to the stringers composing
the floor system). These spans will be much shorter than those from
the first span length. If stringer measurements are unavailable, use
the following aids:
■ For trusses, floor stringers are equal in length to the truss-panel
lengths, which is the distance between intersections of truss
diagonals. If panel lengths vary, use the longest.
3-8 Classification
FM 3-34.343
3-15. Once the span length has been determined, use correlation curves to
determine the MLC. The process differs with US and foreign bridges.
3-18. Figures 3-2 through 3-7, pages 3-5 through 3-7, show the correlation
curves for other countries. Use the particular country’s chart, locate the span
length, and move up to intersect the appropriate bridge category. Then read
the MLC from the scale on the left. These curves give a two-way MLC. For a
one-way MLC, multiply the resulting MLC by the appropriate adjustment
factor from Table 3-1.
Classification 3-9
FM 3-34.343
3-21. The superstructure is almost always the controlling feature in bridge
classification. Because the superstructure must span large distances, its
elements must be made as lightweight as possible (designs must be
optimized). This can be done effectively since superstructure loadings are
fairly predictable. Substructures, however, must be more conservative (less
efficient) in design to account for unpredictable loadings (stream and ice flow,
3-10 Classification
FM 3-34.343
barge impact) and unknown soil conditions. Do not check the substructure
unless it appears to be significantly deteriorated or unstable due to scour or
settlement, or is improperly designed or constructed.
3-22. Figure 3-8 shows typical bridge components. The deck structure is
generally stronger than its supporting superstructure; therefore, it is not
considered in most classifications. The only exception to this rule is timber
decking, which may be weaker than the rest of the superstructure.
The superstructure
consists of the deck, the
railing, and the stringers.
The substructure
consists of the piers, the Abutment
abutments, and the Pier
wing walls.
Wing wall
Classification 3-11
FM 3-34.343
3-25. Bridges with longitudinal stringers may have smaller exterior stringers
than interior stringers. The reason is because exterior stringers, by virtue of
location, do not receive as much of the vehicular loading as interior stringers.
For rating purposes, assume that the interior stringers control. This is a
reasonable assumption since military convoy loadings are generally
concentrated toward the center of a bridge. If this case does not occur,
consider the capacity of the exterior stringers separately.
3-26. Classification procedures assume that a bridge is sound. Because
original bridge designs are generally conservative, allow for a small degree of
deterioration before reducing the computed classification. However, if the
bridge appears significantly deteriorated, reduce the MLC accordingly. If a
careful on-site inspection can be conducted, account for deterioration by
reducing the cross-sectional dimensions of the members (or reinforcing steel)
or by reducing material strengths. If an inspection is not possible, then
compute the classification based on normal conditions and make conservative
assumptions about the MLC to account for the deterioration.
3-27. Measure the spans of simply supported bridges from center to center of
the supports. The supports may be bearing plates or rollers. In a multispan
bridge, measure the weakest span for classification purposes. If not sure
which spans to measure, measure and classify all of them. Measure the spans
to the nearest 1/2 foot, always rounding up. Prepare sketches showing all the
bridge’s dimensions and cross sections that were used to classify it. For
moment calculations, measure the cross-section dimensions at the midspan
and indicate the complete details of the main structural component. For shear
calculations, measure the cross-section dimensions near the span supports. If
using as-built plans and specifications to classify a bridge, survey the bridge
to verify the drawings and check the existing bridge conditions. For more
information on bridge reconnaissance, see FM 5-170.
3-28. The dead load is usually computed as a uniformly distributed load
acting along the length of a member. Compute the dead load, based on
member dimensions, using the typical weights shown in Table 3-2. Dead load
consists of the weight of—
• The main structural members (stringers, girders, or trusses).
• The decking.
• All accessories and hardware (curbs, handrails, bracing, nails, and
3-29. The weight of a 1-foot length of the bridge span is computed to
determine the uniform dead load. To compute the dead load, determine the
weight per foot of all members supporting the loads and add it to the weight of
all the bridge components carried by the members in a 1-foot length of the
span. Equations 6-35 through 6-43 are simpler for determining the dead load.
3-12 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Next, compute the portion of the dead load that each member is carrying as
W ′ DL
w DL = ------------
- (3-1)
wDL = dead load carried per member, in kips per foot (kpf)
W′DL = total dead-load weight of the bridge per foot of span, in kips
NS = number of stringers or girders in the span
3-30. Vehicle loads are assumed to be the only live load acting on a bridge.
The standard NATO vehicles in Appendix B are the vehicles that should be
used to rate bridges. Assume the standard NATO convoy spacing of 100 feet
between vehicles when rating. Because of this large spacing, usually only one
vehicle will be on any single span of the bridge at a time. If significant
pedestrian traffic is expected (refugees and dismounted military units), treat
these as line loads of 75 pounds per foot, each over a 1-foot width. Place these
line loads where the lines of people might be expected.
3-31. Increase the live loads by 15 percent to account for impact. Use this
factor for all bridge types and span lengths except for timber-stringer or
floating bridges. The impact on these bridges is zero.
Classification 3-13
FM 3-34.343
3-32. Each structural component of a bridge shares, to varying degrees, in
carrying the applied live loads. This load-sharing concept is accounted for in
the bridge rating procedure by the number of effective stringers. The values in
Table 3-3 are for longitudinal stringers and depend on the deck stiffness and
stringer type and spacing. The specific use of these factors for different bridge
types is discussed below. Distribution equations for other members (such as
girders and trusses) are provided in their respective sections.
4″ thick or multiple-layer
9/Ss 8/Ss
floors over 5″ thick
panels 10/Ss (if Ss is > 5′,
6″ or more thick 8.5/Ss (if Ss is > 6.5′, use N2 = 1.3)
use N1 = 2)
Up to 4″ thick on glue-
9/Ss 8/Ss
laminated stringers
Ss = stringer spacing, in feet
N1 = number of effective stringers for one-way traffic
N2 = number of effective stringers for two-way traffic
3-14 Classification
FM 3-34.343
3-33. A load classification will only be as good as the definition of the material
properties (for example, yield point or modulus of elasticity). Determine these
properties as accurately as possible. Obtain accurate data from property
testing (nondestructive testing, concrete cores, steel coupons), an original
design, or as-built drawings/records. Once obtained, reduce the maximum
material properties by specific amounts to obtain the safe usable portion of the
property, referred to as the allowable stress. Allowable stresses based on
deflection, bearing stress, and fatigue are not considered in this manual. The
following list tells where to find allowable stresses and specific material
properties for the different elements:
• Timber, paragraph 3-47.
• Steel, paragraph 3-63.
• Concrete, paragraph 3-132.
• Prestressed concrete, paragraph 3-164.
Classification 3-15
FM 3-34.343
M LL = N 1,2 m LL (3-5)
3-16 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Controlling span
M max
Inflection points
M max
Equivalent span
M = moment
Classification 3-17
FM 3-34.343
3-42. The equivalent simple-span length is 0.80 times the length of the end
span or 0.70 times the length of the interior span. If a bridge has all equal
span lengths, analyze the exterior span. If a bridge has various span lengths,
analyze the span that results in the longest equivalent span length. The
applicability of these factors decreases for bridges with spans greater than
90 feet or with large differences in the cross section or the span length. In
these cases, consider using a more in-depth indeterminate analysis.
3-43. After selecting the controlling span and its equivalent span length,
classify the bridge the same as a simply supported span. Note that for this
situation, use the equivalent span length for calculating dead-load moment.
Obtain the live-load moment from the tables and curves in Appendix B.
3-18 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Pile cap
End View
3-46. The kinds and qualities of timber vary greatly, depending on such
factors as geographic location, age, load history, defects, and moisture content.
If the species and grade of the timber are known (as-built or design drawings),
use the allowable stresses from Table C-1, pages C-3 through C-6, or the
design drawings (if provided). In most cases for military loadings, these values
may be increased by a factor of 1.33 to account for lower traffic volume
(shorter cumulative load duration, which is significant for timber). Do not
apply this factor for nonengineered bridges. Apply other modification factors
to the allowable stress to account for such variables as lumber thickness/width
Classification 3-19
FM 3-34.343
ratios, edgewise or flatwise use, repetitive member use, and moisture content
(see Table C-1, pages C-3 through C-6, notes). In most cases, timber decking
and stringers will retain moisture on their horizontal surfaces and should be
considered in wet-service conditions as shown in Table C-1.
3-47. If the species and grade of the timber cannot be determined, use
Table C-2, page C-7, to get allowable moments and shears or compute them
using assumed values. For solid-sawn timber, assume the allowable bending
stress to be 1.75 ksi and the allowable horizontal-shear stress to be 0.095 ksi.
For glue-laminated timber, assume the allowable bending stress to be 2.66 ksi
and the allowable horizontal-shear stress will be 0.200 ksi. Do not apply the
increase factor of 1.33 (as discussed above) to these assumed values. However,
apply the adjustment factors listed from the Table C-1 notes.
3-48. Use extreme care when classifying timber-stringer bridges. Stringers
and bents are subject to rot and insect attack, especially in areas where they
come into contact with the ground. In tropical or wet areas, fungus or other
biological growth may weaken timber stringers considerably. Adjust the cross-
sectional dimensions of the member to allow for this type of damage.
v = AvFv (3-6)
3-20 Classification
FM 3-34.343
v LL = v – v DL (3-8)
V LL = 5.33v LL ----------------------------- (3-9)
0.6 + ---------
N 1,2
V LL = 2v LL (3-10)
Classification 3-21
FM 3-34.343
Shear Determination
3-56. Using the value for the allowable vehicle shear (equations 3-9, 3-10, or
3-11), refer to Table B-3, pages B-10 through B-13, or Figures B-3 or B-4,
pages B-17 and B-18, and find the MLC that produces a shear less than or
equal to this value. If considering both one- and two-way traffic, compute
twice, using the appropriate values for each way.
3-57. Timber decks are either plank (wide dimension, laid horizontal with no
interconnection between the planks) or laminated (wide dimension, laid
vertical with the boards nailed or glued together). If timber decks control the
load rating, check them.
Plank Decking
3-58. Use Figure 3-13 to determine the deck classification. Read the deck
thickness on the vertical axis and the stringer spacing on the horizontal axis.
Interpret the values between the curves, if necessary. For multilayer plank
decking, subtract 2 inches from the total deck thickness. Then use Figure 3-13
to find the deck classification, which is the same as for single-layer decks.
Laminated Decking
3-59. Laminate the deck material to interconnect the adjacent boards in shear
and allow them to share in the applied loadings more effectively. As a result,
the applied wheel loads are effectively spread out to more deck boards than
with a conventional plank deck. This increases the deck’s rating over that of a
plank deck with the same thickness.
3-60. For load-rating purposes, lamination indirectly has the effect of
shortening the deck span between stringers by about 25 percent. Therefore, if
the deck is effectively laminated (well nailed or glued over the full length of
the boards), multiply the actual stringer spacing by 0.75 and use Figure 3-13
to find the deck classification.
3-62. Steel stringers may consist of standard rolled shapes (more common in
spans that are less than 100 feet) or of built-up sections from welded, bolted,
or riveted steel plates (which are used for longer spans). Figure 3-14,
page 3-24, shows a steel-stringer bridge. Rolled and built-up stringers may
have cover plates in areas of maximum positive and negative moment
(Figure 3-15, page 3-24). These plates increase the beam’s section modulus
and thus increase the allowable load. Because of the highly varied dimensions
3-22 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Class 50 - 150
Class 40
Required deck thickness (td) (in)
Class 30
Class 16
Class 8
Minimum thickness = 3″
20 30 40 50 60 70
Stringer spacing (in)
Classification 3-23
FM 3-34.343
End View
Cover plate
3-24 Classification
FM 3-34.343
76b f 20,000A
---------- or ---------------------f (values are in inches)
Fy dFy
bf = flange width, in inches
Af = area of flange, in inches
d = total depth of the beam, in inches
Fy = steel yield strength, in ksi
(c) Unbraced length exceeds the limits in (b) above. The value of Fb should be conservative for
Fb = 0.55Fy
military TO bridges. If a less conservative value is needed, make a more accurate assessment
of Fb by using local design codes. This process is often complex. If required, use the operating
level of stress to account for the lower traffic volumes and speeds associated with military TO
4. Shear in webs of rolled shapes, girders, and built-up sections (use gross section of web only). Fb = 0.45Fy
Fb = maximum allowable bending stress of the member, in ksi
Ft = allowable tension in the axially loaded member, in ksi
Fy = steel yield strength, in ksi
Classification 3-25
FM 3-34.343
3-65. Decks distribute the live load to the stringers. Decks do not contribute
to the moment capacity of the steel stringers unless composite construction is
used. Reinforced concrete and steel-grid decks are used in civilian
construction. Both decks are seldom critical in bridge classification. Classify
timber decks as outlined in paragraph 3-57.
3-67. Composite-stringer bridges are difficult to recognize or distinguish from
noncomposite steel-stringer bridges. If in doubt, classify the bridge as a
noncomposite steel-stringer bridge, which results in a more conservative
classification. Appendix F contains classification examples.
3-26 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Shear connectors
na Rolled section or welded,
built-up section
Cover plate
b″ = effective concrete-flange width, in inches
b′ = transformed section, representing the equivalent
steel-flange width, in inches
3-70. The total moment that the composite beam resists, assuming
unsupported construction, has two parts. They are the dead-load moment
(that the steel beam alone resists) and the live-load moment (that the
composite beam resists).
Dead-Load Moment
3-71. Determine the dead-load moment per stringer (paragraph 3-35). Note
that the stringer must carry its own weight plus the weight of a portion of the
concrete deck.
Classification 3-27
FM 3-34.343
b′ = ----- (3-12)
3-28 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Final-Moment Determination
3-78. Use the procedure shown in paragraph 3-34 to compute the remainder
of the moment classification.
3-80. A steel-girder bridge consists of two main flexural members (girders)
that are built from steel plates. In older bridges, the members are built up
with riveted plates and angles and a floor beam supports the stringers and the
deck. In some cases, stringers are omitted and the floor beams alone transmit
deck loads to the girders. For load-classification purposes, check the capacities
of the deck, the stringers, the floor beams, and the girders. The limiting values
will determine the load classification. Figure 3-17 shows a girder bridge.
Figure 3-18, page 3-30, shows a through- and a deck-girder bridge.
Figure 3-19, page 3-30, shows the main components of a girder bridge.
Appendix F contains classification examples.
Classification 3-29
FM 3-34.343
Floor beam
Through Girder
Floor beam
LEGEND: Deck Girder
Sg = center-to-center girder spacing, in feet
br = curb-to-curb deck width, in feet
3-30 Classification
FM 3-34.343
3-82. Using the values below, determine the girder moment classification. If
the girders are of composite construction, use the procedure in
paragraph 3-70. Compute the yield and the allowable stresses from Table 3-6.
Because there are no other checks required for steel girders (for example,
shear), the resulting moment classification will be the only one.
C v = b r – 2S e – 3 ≥ 2 ft (3-16)
Cv = minimum spacing between vehicles in adjacent lanes, in feet
br = curb-to-curb roadway width, in feet
Se = 7 feet or the actual axle width (center-to-center spacing of the tires or
tracks for the desired vehicle)
N 2 = ---------------------------------------
- (3-17)
S g + b r – 17 – C v
Classification 3-31
FM 3-34.343
One-Way Traffic
Se Cv Se
Cv = spacing between adjacent vehicles Two-Way Traffic
Se = axle width (center to center of tires or
tracks), in feet
Sg = center-to-center girder spacing, in feet
Figure 3-20. Assumed Loading Conditions for Maximum Moment in Floor Beams
3-85. For bridges with more than two lanes, the value of the minimum
spacing between vehicles in adjacent lanes will generally be too conservative.
In these cases, an engineer should determine the spacing requirement based
on the—
• Actual curb-to-curb width.
• Expected travel lanes for the convoys.
• Presence of median strips and convoy speed.
• Degree of traffic control.
3-32 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Classification 3-33
FM 3-34.343
γg = unit weight of girder material, in pounds per cubic foot (Table 3-2,
page 3-13)
Ag = cross-sectional area of a girder, in square inches (Table D-2, pages D-3
and D-4)
γb Ab Lb Nb
w b = -------------------------------
- (3-21)
N g L g 144,000
wb =
uniform dead load due to lateral bracing of floor stringers, in kpf
γb =
unit weight of lateral brace material, in pounds per cubic foot (Table 3-2)
Ab =
cross-sectional area of a typical brace, in square inches (Table D-2)
Lb =
length of a typical lateral brace, in feet (if lengths vary, choose the
Nb = total number of lateral braces (do not count those at abutments or piers)
Ng = total number of girders (normally equal to 2)
Lg = length of a girder (should equal the bridge-span length). Do not use
equivalent span length in this equation.
w DL = w FS + w g + w b (3-22)
wDL = total uniform dead load along the length of the girder, in kpf
wFS = uniform dead load on the girder due to the deck, stringers, and floor
beams, in kpf (equation 3-19)
wg = uniform dead load due to the girder itself, in kpf (equation 3-20)
wb = uniform dead load due to lateral bracing of floor stringers, in kpf
(equation 3-21)
3-34 Classification
FM 3-34.343
M LL = N 1,2 m LL (3-25)
MLL = total live-load moment per lane, in kip-feet
N1,2 = effective number of girders, one- or two-lane traffic (equation 3-15 or
mLL = live-load moment per component, in kip-feet (equation 3-24)
Moment Classification
3-91. Determine the moment classification for both wheeled and tracked
vehicles and for one- and two-lane traffic. Use the hypothetical vehicle-
moment tables or curves in Table B-2, pages B-6 through B-9, or Figures B-1
or B-2, pages B-15 and B-16.
Classification 3-35
FM 3-34.343
v = AvFv (3-27)
v LL = v – v DL (3-29)
VLL = total live-load vehicle shear for one- or two-lane traffic, in kips
vLL = live-load shear capacity per stringer, in kips (equation 3-29)
• Shear determination. Use Table B-3, pages B-10 through B-13, or
Figures B-3 or B-4, pages B-17 and B-18, for classification.
3-36 Classification
FM 3-34.343
w DL S g
m DL = ----------------- (3-33)
Classification 3-37
FM 3-34.343
Live-Load Moment
3-97. Compute the live-load moment per component as follows:
m – m DL
m LL = -------------------
- (3-34)
mLL = live-load moment per component, in kip-feet
m = total moment capacity, in kip-feet (equation 3-31)
mDL = dead-load moment per component, in kip-feet (equation 3-33)
x = impact factor (0.15 for steel or concrete)
P e = 2m LL ----------------
S g – S e
Pe = maximum allowable floor-beam reactions for one-way traffic, in
mLL = live-load moment per component, in kip-feet (equation 3-34)
Sg = center-to-center girder spacing or floor-beam length, in feet
Se = axle width (center to center of tires or tracks), in feet. Se will
either be the axle width of the vehicle from the previous
controlling rating (deck, stringer, and so forth) or 7 feet, which
will usually be conservative.
• Two-way traffic.
P e = m LL ----------------------------
S g – S e – C v
Pe = maximum allowable floor-beam reactions for two-way traffic, in
mLL = live-load moment per component, in kip-feet (equation 3-34).
Sg = center-to-center girder spacing or floor-beam length, in feet
Se = axle width (center to center of tires or tracks), in feet. Se will
either be the axle width of the vehicle from the previous
controlling rating (deck, stringer, and so forth) or 7 feet, which
will usually be conservative.
Cv = spacing between adjacent vehicles, in feet (equation 3-16)
Moment Classification
3-99. To determine the moment classification, refer to the floor-beam reaction
curves in Figures 3-21 through 3-24, pages 3-39 through 3-42. Find the vehicle
MLC (wheeled or tracked) which produces a maximum allowable floor-beam
reaction that is equal to or less than the computed values from equations 3-35
and 3-36.
3-38 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Floor-beam loading
Floor beams
Girders or
Maximum wheel line reaction (Pe) (kips)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figure 3-21. Maximum Wheel Line Reactions for Wheeled Vehicles (W4-W30)
Classification 3-39
FM 3-34.343
Floor-beam loading
Floor beams
Girders or
Maximum wheel line reaction (Pe) (kips)
60 W60
40 W40
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Floor-beam spacing (ft)
Figure 3-22. Maximum Wheel Line Reactions for Wheeled Vehicles (W40-W150)
3-40 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Floor-beam loading
Floor beams
Girders or
Maximum wheel line reaction (Pe) (kips)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figure 3-23. Maximum Wheel Line Reactions for Tracked Vehicles (T4-T40)
Classification 3-41
FM 3-34.343
Floor-beam loading
Floor beams
Girders or
Maximum wheel line reaction (Pe) (kips)
80 T90
60 T70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figure 3-24. Maximum Wheel Line Reactions for Tracked Vehicles (T50-T150)
3-42 Classification
FM 3-34.343
v = AvFv (3-37)
P e = v LL S g ----------------------------------------- ≥ v LL
S g + b r – 3.0 – Se
Classification 3-43
FM 3-34.343
P e = v LL (3-42)
3-44 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Shear Classification
3-106. Using the floor-beam reaction curves in Figures 3-21 through 3-24,
pages 3-39 through 3-42, find the MLC (wheeled or tracked) which produces a
maximum allowable floor-beam reaction that is equal to or less than the
computed values from equations 3-40 and 3-41. For caution situations, use
equations 3-42 and 3-43.
Classification 3-45
FM 3-34.343
3-108. A truss (Figure 3-25) is a structure composed of straight members
joined at their ends to form a system of triangles. It has the same function as
the beams and girders and carries loads that produce bending moment in the
structure as a whole. Many different types of trusses and truss combinations
are used in long spans where beams and girders are not economical. These
spans vary from 150 feet to over 1,000 feet. Some light truss bridges have
simple spans as short as 60 feet.
3-109. Bending is resisted by the top chords in compression and the bottom
chords in tension. Diagonals act as a web and resist shear. The end
connections can be pinned, riveted, welded, or bolted. Pinned and riveted
connections appear in the older structures, while the post-World War II
structures have shop-welded and field-bolted connections.
Top chord
End post
Bottom chord
Lx = unbraced length in the vertical direction
Ly = unbraced length in the horizontal direction
3-110. The floor system of a truss bridge (Figure 3-26) has floor beams that
are connected at the panel points (intersection of diagonal truss members).
The floor beams support floor stringers, which span between the floor beams
and carry the load the same as those of a stringer bridge. For a proper
analysis, the following types of truss and span configurations must be
• Pony truss. A pony truss is a half-through truss that does not have
an overhead bracing system and is normally used on relatively short
spans (Figure 3-27).
3-46 Classification
FM 3-34.343
• Through truss. A through truss is used for longer spans and has an
ov e r h ea d bra c ing s ys te m . Tra ff ic p as se s th r o u g h the t r u ss
(Figure 3-28).
ri ng
r be
Classification 3-47
FM 3-34.343
• Deck truss. A deck truss is used for longer spans and carries the
traffic on the top chord (the truss system is below the bridge deck)
(Figure 3-29).
3-111. Trusses can be continuous over their interior supports (Figure 3-30).
Refer to paragraph 3-42 to determine the equivalent span length. Classify a
continuous-truss bridge using the end span or the longest interior span,
whichever controls.
3-48 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Cantilever arms
Anchor arm
Suspended span
of span Supporting
3-113. A complete reconnaissance of a truss bridge can be very time-
consuming. If time or access to the bridge is limited, a reasonable expedient
classification can be achieved by considering only the floor system (stringers
and floor beams [Figure 3-26, page 3-47]). The floor system of a truss bridge is
the same as that of a steel-girder bridge. Refer to paragraphs 3-92 through
3-106 to rate the stringers and floor beams. If a quicker classification is
needed, use the correlation-curve method (pay close attention to the span-
length requirements of paragraphs 3-13 and 3-14).
Classification 3-49
FM 3-34.343
C = compression force, in kips
St = center-to-center spacing between trusses
d′ = vertical distance between the centroids of the top
and the bottom chords
br = curb-to-curb width
T = tensile force, in kips
3-50 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Factor (xd)
Timber 5
Concrete 14
Steel grating 6
T = Ft An (3-48)
T = maximum allowable tensile force in the bottom chord, in kips
Ft = allowable tensile stress for the bottom chord, in ksi (paragraph 3-63)
An = net area of the bottom truss chord (rivet and bolt holes deducted), in
square inches
Classification 3-51
FM 3-34.343
KL x ⁄ r x (3-49)
KL y ⁄ r y (3-50)
K = 0.75 for the chord members with riveted end connections, or 0.88 for
those with pinned ends
Lx = unbraced length in the vertical direction, in inches (Figure 3-25,
page 3-46)
rx = radius of gyration (paragraph D-15)
Ly = unbraced length in the horizontal direction, in inches (Figure 3-25)
ry = radius of gyration (paragraph D-15)
3-121. Table 3-9 gives the allowable compressive strength in truss members
(in pounds per square inch [psi]). Divide the answer by 1,000 to get the ksi for
use in equation 3-51. Use the larger KL/r coefficient from equation 3-49 or
3-50 and compare it to the appropriate buckling coefficient (denoted by Cc) in
Table 3-9. Note that the value of Cc depends on the steel type and the yield
stress. Use the appropriate equation from Table 3-9 to compute the allowable
compressive stress (denoted by Fc).
Before 1905 to 1937 to Carbon Nickel >1-1/8″″
After 1963 Steel ≤1-1/8″″
1905 1936 1963 Steel Steel to ≤2″″
>2″″ to ≤4″″
Fc = (in psi)
KL ---------------------------------
------- > C c KL 2
r r
------- = least value from either equation 3-49 or 3-50
3-52 Classification
FM 3-34.343
C = Fc Ag (3-51)
C = allowable compressive force, in kips
Fc = allowable axial compressive stress, in ksi (Table 3-9)
Ag = gross cross-sectional area, in square inches (do not subtract the rivet or
bolt holes)
m = F′d′ (3-52)
Live-Load Moment
3-123. Compute the live-load moment per truss as follows:
m – m DL
m LL = -------------------
- (3-53)
Classification 3-53
FM 3-34.343
then compute—
N 2 = --------------------------------------
- (3-56)
S t + b r – 17 – C v
N2 = maximum effective number of trusses for two-lane traffic
St = center-to-center truss spacing, in feet (Figure 3-32)
br = curb-to-curb roadway width, in feet (Figure 3-32)
Cv = minimum spacing between the vehicles in adjacent lanes, in feet
• Bridges with more than two lanes. The value of the minimum
spacing between vehicles in adjacent lanes will generally be too
conservative. An engineer can determine the spacing based on the
actual curb-to-curb width, expected travel lanes for the convoys, the
presence of median strips, the convoy speed, and the degree of traffic
M LL = N 1,2 m LL (3-57)
3-54 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Deck Classification
3-128. Decks distribute the live load to the stringers. They do not contribute
to the moment capacity of the steel stringers unless composite construction is
used. Reinforced concrete and steel-grid decks are used in civilian
construction. Both decks are seldom critical in bridge classification. Classify
timber decks as outlined in paragraph 3-57.
Classification 3-55
FM 3-34.343
3-131. The analytical method (described later in this chapter) only applies to
slab bridges with the main reinforcement running parallel to the direction of
traffic. T he sl ab acts as a one-way sla b in the direction o f traff ic
(Figure 3-34A). Assume that the area above the neutral axis acts in
compression and that the reinforcing steel in the bottom of the slab carries all
of the tension and the concrete carries no tension. The assumed stress
distribution is shown in Figure 3-34B. Only the moment capacity is
determined for the slab since shear generally will not control in thin,
reinforced-concrete members. Only a one-foot-wide strip of slab at the
midspan should be considered. For continuous spans, convert the span length
to an equivalent span length as outlined in paragraph 3-41.
Wearing surface
Ast = area of tension steel
br = roadway width
do C
c bs = slab width
c = na location
C = compression force
d d′ d = slab depth
d′ = depth to tensile steel
Ast do = depth of concrete
resisting compression
T f′c = compressive strength
1 ft of the concrete
B. Assumed Stress Distribution T = tensile force
3-132. Try to obtain the ultimate strength of the in-place concrete from as-
built drawings (listed on drawings as 28-day strength) or from concrete core
tests. If this is not possible and the concrete is in satisfactory condition, refer
to Table 3-10. If the year the bridge was built is unknown, use 2.5 ksi for the
concrete strength.
3-56 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Concrete Strength
Year Built
(f'c) (ksi)
Grade 60 60
Ast = area of the tension steel in a 12-inch-wide section at midspan of the slab,
in square inches
Ab = area of one reinforcing bar, in square inches
Sb = center-to-center spacing of the reinforcing bars, in inches
then compute—
A st
R s = ----------
- (3-59)
Classification 3-57
FM 3-34.343
3-135. Compute the compressive-stress-block depth as follows:
A st F y
d o = ----------------
- (3-60)
10.2f ′c
do = compressive-stress-block depth, in inches (Figure 3-34B, page 3-56)
Ast = area of the tension steel, in square inches (equation 3-58)
Fy = yield strength of the reinforcing steel, in ksi (paragraph 3-133)
f ′c = concrete compressive strength, in ksi (paragraph 3-132)
3-137. Assume that the total dead load of the bridge, including the roadway
and the curbs, is distributed over the full width of the slab. As shown in
Figure 3-34A, the slab width may or may not equal the roadway width.
Compute the dead-load moment as follows:
m DL = ---------------- (3-62)
8b s
3-58 Classification
FM 3-34.343
M LL = b e m LL (3-66)
3-141. Use the total live-load moment from equation 3-66 and the span length
(adjusted for continuous span if necessary) with the moment values from
Table B-2, pages B-6 through B-9, or Figures B-1 or B-2, pages B-15 and B-16,
to determine the moment classification. The total live-load moment is the
same for both one- and two-way traffic with this type of bridge. Therefore,
two-way traffic will only be limited by the lane-width restrictions shown in
Table 3-3, page 3-14.
Classification 3-59
FM 3-34.343
td Deck
Primary deck
Reinforcement for T-beam
br = curb-to-curb road width
Ss = stringer spacing
td = deck thickness
3-143. Figure 3-36 shows the assumed stress distribution of the T-beam. An
analysis should be based on a typical interior T-beam. The exterior beams are
assumed to have equal or greater capacity than the interior beams. As with
the slab bridge, the T-beam bridge is analyzed only on the basis of moment
capacity, which means shear will generally not control the rating. The deck is
also assumed to have sufficient thickness that it will not control the rating
and is thus not rated.
3-60 Classification
FM 3-34.343
b″ 0.85f′c
c do
d na
Ast T
Ast = area of steel
b = stem width
b″ = effective flange width
c = na depth
C = compression force
d = beam depth
d′ = depth to tensile steel
do = depth of concrete resisting compression
f ′c = concrete compressive strength
T = tensile force
td = deck thickness
A st = A b N B (3-67)
then compute—
T = A st F y (3-68)
T = allowable tensile force in the reinforcing steel, in kips
Ast = total area of the reinforcing steel, in square inches (equation 3-67)
Fy = yield strength of the reinforcing steel, in ksi (paragraph 3-133)
Classification 3-61
FM 3-34.343
3-147. Compute the compressive-stress-block depth as follows:
A st F y
d o = ----------------------
- (3-69)
0.85f ′cb″
do = compressive-stress-block depth, in inches (Figure 3-36, page 3-61)
Ast = area of the reinforcing steel, in square inches (equation 3-67)
Fy = yield strength of the reinforcing steel, in ksi (paragraph 3-133)
f ′c = concrete compressive strength, in ksi (paragraph 3-132)
b″ = effective flange width, in inches
As = Ab NB (3-72)
As = total area of the reinforcing steel in the bottom half of the beam at the
midspan, in square inches
3-62 Classification
FM 3-34.343
m =
moment capacity of the T-beam, in kip-feet
Fy =
yield strength of the reinforcing steel, in ksi (paragraph 3-133)
Ast =
area of the tension steel, in square inches (equation 3-67)
Asf =
area of reinforcement to develop the compressive strength of the
overhanging flanges, in square inches (equation 3-71)
d′ = distance from the top of the deck to the center of the tension steel, in
do = new compressive-stress-block depth, in inches (equation 3-73)
td = deck thickness, in inches
3-150. Assume the total dead load is distributed equally to each T-beam. The
dead-load moment per T-beam would be as follows:
w DL L
m DL = --------------- (3-75)
Classification 3-63
FM 3-34.343
M LL = N 1,2 m LL (3-78)
3-153. Use Table B-2, pages B-6 through B-9, or the moment curves in
Figures B-1 or B-2, pages B-15 and B-16, to determine the moment
classification. Compare the values of the total live-load moment and the span
length (or equivalent span length if the span is continuous).
3-64 Classification
FM 3-34.343
b″ = effective flange width
S = stringer spacing
t1 = thickness of top flange
t2 S (excluding wearing surface)
t2 = thickness of bottom flange
3-156. The box-girder bridge is analyzed as a series of connected concrete
I-beams, with flange widths equal to the spacing between the webs of the
I-beams. As with T-beams, the exterior beams are assumed to have an equal
or greater capacity than the interior beams. The box-girder bridge is analyzed
only on the basis of moment capacity (shear will generally not control the
rating). The deck is also assumed to have a sufficient thickness and a short
enough span length so that it will not control the rating and is therefore not
3-157. Use the same procedure as outlined for concrete T-beams in
paragraph 3-143 to determine the classification of concrete box girders. Use
the following equation to compute the effective flange width:
b″ = -----f (3-79)
Classification 3-65
FM 3-34.343
3-159. There are many different forms of prestressed concrete beams, and
they are sometimes difficult to distinguish from conventional reinforced
beams. Compared to conventional beams, prestressed beams are usually
precast and much more shapely than conventional poured-in-place beams.
The most common form in the short- to medium-span ranges is the standard
I-girder with a cast-in-place composite deck slab (Figure 3-39). Precast,
pretensioned solid or voided slabs are used for shorter spans. Many long-span
box-girder and T-beam bridges are also prestressed. Some bridges may be of
segmental posttensioned construction (another form of prestressing).
3-160. Prestressed beams are generally made composite with a concrete deck.
This allows the deck to form a large part of the top flange of the beam. The
roughened concrete surface and steel-shear reinforcement provide resistance
to horizontal-shear forces between the deck and the precast beams. While it is
very difficult to distinguish (visually) between composite and noncomposite
construction, most prestressed construction is composite. Therefore, the
an alytical procedure discussed in this chapter assumes composite
3-66 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Prestressed Posttensioned
3-162. The analytical load-classification method gives the most accurate load
classification. However, its use depends on complete details of the internal
prestressing, which are generally not available without the original design
drawings. If they are not available, use the other methods discussed in
Sections II and III of this chapter.
3-163. If the interior and exterior beams are different, base the analysis on a
typical interior beam. The exterior beams are assumed to have equal or
greater capacity than the interior beams. Prestressed beams are analyzed on
the basis of ultimate moment capacity, since shear will generally not control
the classification. Also, the deck is assumed to have sufficient thickness that it
will not control the classification and is thus not considered. The assumed
stress distribution for prestressed beams is shown in Figure 3-40, page 3-68.
Classification 3-67
FM 3-34.343
b″ 0.85f ′c
td C
c do
d tw
Ast T
Ast = total area of the steel do = depth of concrete resisting compression
b″ = effective flange width f′c = concrete strength
c = na depth T = tension force
C = compression force td = deck thickness
d = total depth of composite beam tw = web thickness or stem width
d′ = depth to tensile steel
3-68 Classification
FM 3-34.343
A ps = A p N B (3-80)
Aps = total area of the prestressed steel in the bottom half of the beam at
midspan, in square inches
Ap = cross-sectional area of one bar or tendon, in square inches
NB = total number of prestressed bars or tendons in the bottom half of the
then compute—
A ps
R ps = ------------
- (3-81)
b″d ps
R s = ----------
- (3-82)
b″d s
Classification 3-69
FM 3-34.343
Reinforcement Index
3-167. Compute the reinforcement index as follows:
R ps f pu R s d s f sy
R r = --------------
- + ----------------- (3-83)
f ′c d ps f ′c
Rr = reinforcement index
Rps = prestressed steel ratio (equation 3-81)
fpu = ultimate strength of the prestressed steel, in ksi (from design drawings or
Table 3-12, page 3-68)
f ′c = concrete compressive strength, in ksi (paragraph 3-164)
Rs = nonprestressed steel ratio (equation 3-82)
ds = distance from the top of the slab to the center of the nonprestressed steel,
in inches (if there are multiple layers, use the middepth of the layer)
fsy = yield strength of the nonprestressed reinforcing steel, in ksi
(paragraph 3-133)
dps = distance from the top of the slab to the center of the prestressed steel, in
inches (if there are multiple layers, use the middepth of the layer)
f ps = f pu ( 1 – 0.5R r ) (3-84)
T = Aps f ps + A s f sy (3-85)
3-70 Classification
FM 3-34.343
A c = ------------ (3-86)
x r f ′c
Ac = area of the concrete resisting compression, in square inches
T = maximum tensile force developed by the beam, in kips (equation 3-85)
xr = reduction factor. If f ′c < 4 ksi, use xr = 0.85. If f ′c ≥ 4 ksi, use xr = [0.85 –
0.05(f ′c – 4)], but not less than 0.65.
f ′c = concrete compressive strength, in ksi (paragraph 3-164)
A f = t f b″ (3-87)
Moment Capacity
3-172. Below are four equations used to compute the beam moment capacity.
To choose the proper equation, compare the reinforcement index, the area of
the concrete flange available to resist compression, and the area of the
concrete resisting compression and then choose the equation for which all the
comparisons are true.
• If Rr < 0.3 and Af > Ac, then—
R r d ps
d o = ------------
- (3-88)
m = 0.075T d ps – ----o- (3-89)
Classification 3-71
FM 3-34.343
dps = distance from the top of the slab to the center of the prestressed
steel, in inches (if there are multiple layers, use the middepth of
the layers)
xr = reduction factor (equation 3-86)
m = moment capacity per beam, in kip-feet
T = maximum tensile force developed by the beam, in kips
(equation 3-85)
• If Rr < 0.3 and Af < Ac, then—
Ac – Af
d o = ---------------- (3-90)
tf d
A f --- + d o t w t f + ----o-
2 2
d cs = --------------------------------------------------- (3-91)
m = 0.075T ( d ps – d cs ) (3-92)
m = 0.1875 ( f ′cb″d ps ) (3-93)
3-72 Classification
FM 3-34.343
m = 0.075 [ 0.25f ′ct w d ps + 0.85f ′ct f ( b″ – t w ) ( d ps – 0.5t f ) ] (3-94)
Dead-Load Moment
3-173. Assume the total dead load is distributed equally to each prestressed
beam. The dead-load moment per beam would be computed as follows:
w DL ( L )
m DL = -------------------- (3-95)
Classification 3-73
FM 3-34.343
M LL = N 1,2 m LL (3-98)
Moment Classification
3-176. Determine the moment classification using the values of MLL and the
span length (or an equivalent span length if the span is continuous). Refer to
Table B-2, pages B-6 through B-9, or Figures B-1 or B-2, pages B-15 and B-16.
3-178. An arch is one of the most efficient structural shapes and one of the
oldest methods of building relatively long spans. Some masonry-arch bridges
that were built by the Roman legions are still in use today. Modern arch
bridges are constructed with reinforced concrete and steel. Figure 3-41 shows
general types of arch bridges. The masonry arch is a form of the deck arch.
Except for the masonry arch, all arches have a floor system just like a truss or
girder bridge. The floor beams are connected to the arch at support points.
The support points usually have vertical, column-type members that carry the
floor-beam loads to the main arch members.
3-179. The analytical classification procedure for masonry-arch bridges is
presented below. A complete reconnaissance of other arch bridges can be very
time-consuming, and an exact analysis of these bridges is very tedious and
time-consuming. A reasonable classification can be achieved by only
classifying the stringers and floor beams of the floor system (the same as for a
3-74 Classification
FM 3-34.343
3-180. A masonry-arch bridge is very difficult to analyze accurately. An
empirical formula that is based solely on the bridge’s dimensions is provided
Classification 3-75
FM 3-34.343
d = depth of cover (not including arch ring)
h = thickness of the arch ring
L = arch span length measured from inside face to
inside face of the supports
t = thickness of the arch ring
3-76 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Inches Feet 150
72 6
50 66
60 5 110
54 100
48 4 90
42 80
36 3
24 2
20 40
12 1
10 9 ¾
Classification 3-77
FM 3-34.343
Profile factor
4 5 6 7 8
Span/rise ratio
3-78 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Classification 3-79
FM 3-34.343
Longitudinal cracks within 2 feet of the edge of Outward force acts on the spandrel walls,
the arch. If wider than 1/4 inch and longer than caused by lateral spread of the fill
1/10 the span in bridges:
Wider than 20 feet between parapets. 1.0
Narrower than 20 feet between parapets. 0.9 to 0.7
(1) Longitudinal cracks in the middle third of Varying amounts of subsidence found along the
the bridge width: length of the abutment. Large cracks are
(a) One small crack under 1/8 inch wide and 1.0 danger signs indicating that the arch ring has
shorter than 1/10 the span. broken up into narrower, independent rings.
(b) Three or more small cracks as above. 0.5 Lateral cracks are usually found near the
quarter points and result from permanent
(c) One large crack wider than 1/4 inch and 0.5
deformation of the arch, which may be caused
longer than 1/10 the span.
by partial collapse of the arch or by abutment
(2) Lateral and diagonal cracks less than movement. Diagonal cracks, usually starting
1/8 inch wide and shorter than 1/10 to the arch 1.0 near the sides of the arch at the springing and
width. spreading toward the center of the arch at the
crown, are probably due to subsidence at the
(3) Lateral and diagonal cracks wider than 1/4 inch and sides of the abutment. They indicate that the
longer than 1/10 the arch width: bridge is in a dangerous condition.
Restrict the load class to 12 or to the computed class
using all other applicable factors, whichever is less.
(1) Cracks between the arch ring and spandrel The fill spreads and pushes the wall outwards.
or parapet wall greater than 1/10 the span due 0.9 The flexible ring is moved away from a stiff fill
to fill spread. so that the two act independently. This type of
failure often produces cracks in the spandrel
(2) Cracks between the arch ring and spandrel or parapet
wall near the quarter points.
wall due to a dropped ring:
Reclassify from the nomograph (Figure 3-43, page 3-77),
taking the crown thickness as that of the ring alone.
Classification 3-80
FM 3-34.343
60 100
50 80
30 50
3-184. When a highway crosses a navigable waterway with light boat traffic,
movable bridges are often constructed as a cost-saving measure (Figure 3-46,
page 3-82). The three general types of movable bridges are swing, bascule, and
vertical-lift. Construction is usually a truss or girder system with machinery
to move the bridge away from the navigation channel. Determine the MLC the
same as for fixed bridges of the same type (girder, truss, and so on). The
machinery/gearing for moving the bridge should have no effect on the MLC.
Special warning signs should be posted indicating the presence of a movable
3-81 Classification
FM 3-34.343
Trunnion swing
Counterweight swing
Single-leaf-trunnion bascule
Rolling-lift bascule
Double-trunnion bascule
Vertical lift
3-185. A suspension bridge (Figure 3-47) is used mainly for long spans where
support from below is impracticable (for example, when a water current is too
swift or when the gap to be bridged is too deep). Most spans over 2,000 feet are
of suspension construction. Like truss and girder bridges, all suspension
bridges have a floor system consisting of stringers and floor beams. The floor
beams are connected to the suspension cables at hanger points.
3-186. The load capacity of a suspension bridge may be based on many
limiting elements, such as the support towers and the suspension cables,
anchorages, and hangers. The reconnaissance and analysis effort for all of
these elements would be very time consuming. A reasonable classification can
Classification 3-82
FM 3-34.343
be achieved by only considering the floor system (such as the stringers and
floor beams that are suspended between the hangers [the vertical cables hung
from the suspension cables]). The floor system of a suspension bridge is the
same as that of a steel-girder bridge. Use paragraphs 3-92 through 3-106 to
rate the stringers and floor beams. If a more expedient classification is
required, use the classification by correlation procedure discussed in
Section III of this chapter (pay careful attention to the span length
requirements of paragraph 3-13).
3-187. This section may not have covered all bridge types found in the TO
(especially in foreign countries). Local civilian authorities are the best source
for obtaining a reasonable MLC on these bridges; otherwise, an analysis of the
superstructure will usually suffice.
3-83 Classification
Chapter 4
4-1. Reinforcing existing bridges can save time and materials. Using the
bridges on established routes will allow LOC to be operable quickly. Use
serviceable bridge components (such as abutments and piers) when available.
The following factors may influence reinforcement plans:
• Maintenance reduction. Reinforcing a bridge will often eliminate
the need for long detours and difficult bypasses with attendant
maintenance and traffic problems. Smooth deck surfaces will ease
traffic movement.
• Weather conditions. Heavy rains that increase the stream’s flow
and render bypasses and fords impassable may dictate the need for
bridge reinforcement. Anticipate such conditions to affect timely
reinforcement measures.
• Tactical bridging assets. Reinforcement of existing bridges may
allow the release of tactical or LOC bridging assets. Although the
M2 B ail ey - br id g e comp o n en ts a r e of te n u s ed fo r e x pe d ie n t
reinforcement, other types of bridging (including fixed and floating
types) may be released.
4-2. Many factors influence the final decisions about reinforcement
construction. Construction methods depend on the site locations, the
equipment available, and the nature of the repairs.
4-3. When selecting a construction site, consider the—
• Parts of the original structure that are still usable.
• Type of bridge and the span lengths.
• Characteristics of the waterway (particularly the use of additional
bents or pile piers).
• Condition of the approaches to a reinforced bridge.
• Available alternate sites.
4-4. Standard steel and timber units that the military stocks are preferred
over civilian materials. When there is an adequate supply of military
Reinforcement and Repair 4-1
FM 3-34.343
materials, the construction quality and speed is better and repairs are better
accommodated. Sometimes only civilian resources will be available.
4-5. A bridge may be converted from one type to another (for example,
converting a railroad bridge to a highway bridge). Converting a highway
bridge to a railroad bridge is seldom practical since railroad loadings are
usually heavier than highway loadings. FM 5-277 describes the use of panel-
bridge components for railroad-bridge construction.
4-6. The bridge shown in Figure 4-1 is a one-lane railroad, through-girder
bridge. The same construction could be used for other types such as a deck-
girder, a deck-truss, or a through-truss bridge. The same principles also apply
to installing a two-lane highway deck on a double-track railroad bridge. Many
railroad bridges have less than the required 18-foot roadway width for two-
lane military highway traffic. A through-girder railroad bridge may be able to
be converted to a two-lane military bridge (Figure 4-2).
5″ Timber tread 3″
and 2″, spiked
directly to ties
4-7. Civilian bridges are frequently designed with continuous spans. A
continuous-span bridge spans one or more intermediate supports without a
break in the main load-carrying members. The top portion of the stringer is in
compression over the major part of the span and in tension over the
intermediate supports. Conversely, the bottom portion is in tension over the
major part of the span but is in compression over the support (Figure 4-3).
Tread Handrail
Curb fill Curb
P 2
/2 2 x P/2 = P
Support Tension
Span Span
Two Simple Beams Under Load
5 5
/16P 2 x 11/16P = 22/16P Tension /16P
Span Span
Span Span Span
4-9. A continuous design is somewhat more economical regarding materials
for long spans because of the reduction of the midspan moment due to
continuity. Also, deflections of the spans are greatly reduced due to continuity.
4-10. Uneven settling of supports may occur when all the foundations do not
rest on substantial soil. If a pier settles appreciably under load, the settling
creates added stresses that may be detrimental to the superstructure.
4-14. Use a military bridge design when developing a plan for deck repair.
Consider the—
• Moment and shear capacities of the stringers, flooring, trusses, and so
• End reactions of added components, including the rated capacity and
the dead load of the structure.
• Bearing capacities of the end-support devices (which may require
special care at some locations). For example, unless the computed end
reactions are extremely small and can be placed anywhere on the deck
of the remaining structure, employ special measures to support end
reactions of the new sections directly over the piers or other supports.
• Resistance to impact where a change in deck elevation occurs (special
end ramps may be necessary).
• Maximum slope of long ramps for traction (special deck surfaces may
be necessary for traction).
4-15. Deck Balk. When assembled as simple spans, deck balk from the M4T6
floating-bridge set can bridge gaps up to 45 feet.
4-16. Bailey-Type Panel Bridging. This bridging is the most versatile type
of military stock bridging and can cover gaps up to 210 feet with a single-span
structure. However, Bailey panels require more time to place than balk and
may require more time to install than emergency expedients, depending on
the circumstances. Some considerations are the gap length versus feasible
bypasses, the availability of local materials versus availability of Bailey
equipment, and the hauling distance.
4-17. Timber Construction. Dimensioned lumber is available through the
military supply system or can be procured locally in most situations. Timber is
extremely versatile for repairs. If the repairs are correctly designed and
constructed, timber can be configured to carry any weight classification if
enough of it is available for the job. Timber has a versatile layout, is usually
available, and does not tie up tactical equipment.
4-18. Log Construction. The weight-carrying capacity of log construction is
acceptable if it is correctly designed and constructed and if sufficient material
of adequate size exists. Although more time is required to use logs than
dimensioned lumber, logs may be easier to obtain and more economical.
4-19. Existing Piers. Bridge superstructures are much more susceptible to
military demolition than piers. A bridge’s superstructure may be nearly
destroyed while the piers remain intact and capable of supporting military
bridging (emergency or otherwise). Existing piers used for repair must be
sound all the way up to the level finally selected for the supporting pedestal.
Most arch bridges or suspension bridges with masonry towers will have
ragged tops. The tops of these towers must be made into level platforms or
must be made usable. Offset the tops before using them as supports for
military bridging.
4-20. Dirt or Rock Fill. An easy method of spanning gaps over dry crevices,
shallow streams, or waterways with very low velocity is to fill the gap with
dirt or rock. Except in extreme emergencies, make provisions for the passage
of water that may be dammed by such a structure.
4-21. Other Materials and Expedients. There are many methods for
applying local materials to repair gaps in bridge decks. Suitable solutions may
simply require ingenuity on the part of the engineers and construction force.
4-25. Excessive scour is a problem that has caused many bridge failures
throughout the world. When enough soil is removed through water action
around the pier, the pier fails. See Chapter 7 for methods of preventing scour.
4-26. Standard Parts. Many standard military-bridge items are extremely
useful in emergency pier construction. The most adaptable construction item
is the Bailey-type component (FM 5-277). AFCS steel trestles also are
versatile and are quickly assembled into many sizes, shapes, and capacities
for use as emergency piers.
4-27. Timber Piers. Standard, dimensioned lumber can be used to make
bents or crib piers for emergency pier construction. Such timbers lend
4-29. Adding stringers increases the carrying capacity of the flooring. The
disadvantage is that this method almost always requires removing the
flooring. Analyze existing stringers according to the methods described in
paragraph 3-45 for timber, 3-62 for steel, and 3-67 for composite. Determine
the number and size of necessary additional stringers by the design methods
described in Chapter 6.
4-30. Some viable structures require one additional stringer per lane. Place
these stringers about one-fourth the lane width from each side of the lane’s
4-31. Different materials have different stiffnesses, which must be considered
when adding stringers. Steel has a much greater modulus of elasticity than
timber, so its resistance to deflection is greater. Timber and steel stringers
used together to support a bridge floor must have the same deflection
resistance. The load each material carries is, among other factors,
proportional to its deflection. The timber stringer will carry much less than its
proportional share of the applied load, forcing the steel stringer to carry more
than its proportional share. Avoid overstressing by using stringers similar to
the original stringers’ depth and material.
4-32. If available materials are not the same as those used for the original
design, the decks of some spans may have to be removed for use on other
spans of the structure and new decking may have to be placed on the empty
spans. Each span of the structure will then have like members.
4-33. Connections for standard construction and material combinations are
typical. However, problems such as connecting timber stringers to steel floor
beams may require special solutions in the field. See Chapter 9 for additional
4-35. Follow these steps to repair a bridge deck that is supported by steel
Step 1. Jack up the deck to clear the stringers.
Step 2. Place new stringers alongside the existing stringers.
Step 3. Remove the existing stringers.
Step 4. Move the new stringers laterally into the correct position.
Step 5. Lower the bridge deck to rest on the new stringers.
4-36. Bridge decks constructed of reinforced concrete T-beams are not usually
salvageable because the slab is destroyed if it separates from the stem.
Replace this type of structure if the damage is extensive. To avoid removing
the damaged structure, place a new steel-stringer deck on top of the existing
concrete deck, with at least 1 inch of clearance between the stringers and the
concrete (add bearing plates on the concrete deck over the supports). This
expedient method can only be used when there are adequate end bearings for
the new stringers. Substructures adequate for continuous structures also will
be adequate for simple spans, assuming that the dead load causes no further
Flooring Treadway
2″ x 6″ or 2″ x 8″
vertical reinforcement
Extra post
4-38. Stringer reinforcement can be accomplished in several different ways.
The paragraphs below describe various methods.
Inverted king
Inverted queen
4-41. Several types of A-frames are effective for providing additional stringer
support (Figure 4-7). A-frames may not require additional footings.
Adequately brace substructure bents longitudinally for spans adjacent to
those in which an A-frame is placed. Doing this helps the bridge resist the
horizontal forces acting through the members of the frame.
4-42. Use knee braces (Figure 4-8) the same as for A-frames. Firmly anchor
the piers against lateral movement for this arrangement.
whereas the top chord is a compression member. The chords resist the
moment in the truss span, while the web members (verticals and diagonals)
resist the shear. Each member is designed to provide for the maximum direct
stress that it is expected to resist.
4-46. Trusses are advantageous for long spans because they are able to carry
greater loads, in proportion to their weight, than would be possible with solid
members such as plate girders. Although the fabrication cost of trusses is
high, their use reduces the overall dead load of the structure. Truss analysis is
discussed in Chapter 3.
4-47. Trusses are often intact and require little repair. If a single member has
been damaged it should be repaired. In some cases, a truss may be intact;
however, a pier fails and the truss dislodges from its piers. In such cases, jack
the truss back up onto its original pier or onto a repaired pier. Seldom can
trusses be completely replaced. They are usually repaired or reinforced. In
most cases, reinforcing the flooring and the stringers is satisfactory. However,
the truss members may need to be reinforced if stress analysis indicates that
the structure is inadequate and additional supports are not practical. Truss-
member reinforcement may consist of—
• Replacing existing members with heavier sections.
• Increasing the capacity of existing members by adding material.
• Adding additional supports at panel points.
4-48. Additional intermediate supports are the simplest, most effective means
of strengthening a truss (if the truss characteristics and the situation allow).
The practicality of using intermediate supports will depend on the required
height, spacing, footing conditions, stream characteristics, and so forth. Some
situations could require more material and time than would be required for
discarding the old span and building a new structure on the existing piers.
The intermediate supports (pile piers, timber bents, towers, or any of the
standard prefabricated steel components [such as the Bailey]) may be any of
the various means of transferring loads to the ground.
4-49. Always locate intermediate supports at panel points. Supports located
in other areas will produce bending stresses in the chord members, which will
result in structure failure. Carefully select panel-point supports to avoid
stress reversals. Determine the locations of the intermediate supports only
after a structural engineer carefully analyzes the stresses resulting from the
assumed location of supports. Should the analysis indicate that any members
are inadequate to carry the resulting forces, change the support locations or
strengthen the members.
4-50. Reinforcing connections is just as important as reinforcing members to
avoid failure. Connections between steel tension and compression members
are usually made with splice plates that are welded, riveted, or bolted to the
Plate added
to channel
Angles added
to plate
Load Capacity
4-54. Use the steps in the following example to determine load capacity:
Step 1. Find the area for the two channels using the web area (Table D-2,
pages D-3 and D-4). For this example, the channel area is 12.2 square inches.
Step 2. Find the radius of gyration in paragraph D-15. For this example, the
radius of gyration is 4.61 inches.
Step 3. Find the slenderness ratio as follows:
KL 0.75 ( 340 ) 255
R s = ------- = ------------------------ = ---------- = 55.31 (4-2)
r 4.61 4.61
Rs = slenderness ratio
K = effective length factor (Table D-9, page D-9)
L = member length, in inches (paragraph 4-53)
r = radius of gyration, in inches (step 2)
Step 4. Find the allowable unit stress for the column (assume American
Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] A36 steel) from Table 3-6,
page 3-25. For this example, the allowable unit stress is 17.9 ksi.
Step 5. Find the maximum compressive load as follows:
Plate Additions
4-55. Recompute for load capacity if plates are added to the members. For this
example, use the numbers from the example in the previous paragraph.
Compute as follows:
Step 1. Find the total channel area by adding two 11- x 1/4-inch plates to the
original channel area:
Angle Addition
4-60. Add four 2 1/2- x 2 1/2- x 1/4-inch angles and recompute.
Step 1. Find the tensile area of the angles as follows:
4-62. The flooring of existing civilian bridges is usually designed to conform to
the bridge’s capacity. However, the difference of military loads and wheel
arrangements of military vehicles may require heavier floors than those
assumed for a given stringer design. The reinforcement of the main bridge
members may require that the flooring be strengthened for the desired MLC.
Further, bridge floors in existing structures may have considerable wear or
damage that greatly reduces its usefulness. For example, many timber floors
in civilian structures consist of a single layer of decking, without a tread to
protect the deck from wear. Always check the floors during a bridge analysis
or classification.
4-63. Timber is the most common bridge flooring in foreign countries. A
popular form consists of one layer of decking, perpendicular to the bridge
centerline, without an added wearing surface. When wearing surfaces exist,
they may be of several types (ribbon tread or a tread covering the entire
surface) that are similar to US standard military construction for
semipermanent bridges. Other surfaces may consist of bituminous macadam
that is applied monolithically or is in preformed planks. The use of treated or
untreated wood blocks is also common.
4-64. Another method is to reinforce existing timber floors with an additional
layer of decking and tread. This method may require removing the original
wearing surface. The most practical solution in most cases is to replace the
existing floor with a timber floor. If standard lumber is not available, use local
lumber or squared logs.
4-65. In some parts of the world, bridges are built almost exclusively of stone.
Often they are a simple masonry-arch bridge with a horizontal deck. The
flooring for these bridges is often cobblestone or larger stones set over a rubble
fill between the supporting arch and the road surface. Failure may occur
because of wear, stone dislodgment, failure of supporting fill, military
4-66. In Europe, some concrete bridge floors have thinner sections than those
in the US. Stringer and floor replacements are frequently required to repair
these bridges.
4-70. The Bailey-type component is ideal to use in repairing destroyed and
damaged piers and abutments. The basic unit and the various special parts
lend themselves to an infinite number of combinations that provide the
desired capacity, height, or arrangement. FM 5-277 describes the components
and their uses for these purposes. Figures 4-10 and 4-11 show ways to use the
Bailey panels for repairing damaged piers and abutments.
retain its flow by increased water depth and velocity between obstructions.
Turbulence and increased velocity cause scouring and require special
protective measures such as those outlined in Chapter 7.
4-72. A stream’s ability to carry sediment varies with the velocity. For
streams with a high-sediment content, local velocity reduction may cause the
sediment to drop. This deposited sediment creates an additional obstruction
that modifies the water flow. Therefore, it is best to keep new obstructions to a
minimum in flowing water. When bridging considerations require a large
number of new piers, it may be necessary to divert part of the water through
culverts that are placed in the approach fill.
4-73. Masonry bridges present problems in reinforcement and repair different
from other types of bridges. Piers of multiple-span masonry-arch bridges are
designed so that the horizontal components of dead-load thrust from the two
arches meeting on a pier balance each other. When a span is destroyed, the
unbalanced horizontal forces from the remaining spans (arches) tend to
overturn the piers on either side of the gap, causing collapse (unless suitable
repairs are made). Many masonry-arch bridges have piers thick enough to
eliminate reinforcing the piers that are adjacent to the demolished arches. If
piers are thicker than one-fifth the span and are in good condition, test
loadings are recommended before undertaking reinforcement.
4-74. Figure 4-12 shows the forces in a masonry arch. If a standing pier is a
massive structure, assume that it is stable enough to withstand the horizontal
dead-load thrust of the arch. Therefore, design the new construction to resist
only the horizontal live-load thrust plus impact. The total horizontal force
required to resist the horizontal live-load thrust on a pier, including impact, is
the total of the horizontal dead-load and live-load thrusts. Both components
are computed as follows:
H DL = -------------
- (4-11)
------------ ------------ Roadway
2 S 2
R′ d S
H ---- H
------------------------------ ------------------------------
2 2
W DL ------------
W -----------
- 2
W h = height of spill
----- 2 WLL h -----
2 2 S = arch shard
W = total load (WDL + WLL)
WDL = dead load
WLL = live load
H = horizontal force
Horizontal forces Horizontal forces R′ = rise of the arch
unbalanced on pier balanced on pier
d = depth
4-75. There is not a "most suitable" method of repairing masonry-arch
bridges. After considering the acting forces, available materials, site
conditions, and results of previous solutions, use the methods discussed below
(individually or in combination) to solve the problem.
4-76. Where all arches but one of a multispan bridge have been destroyed,
demolish the remaining arch (especially if it is shattered). Complete the
demolition before materials and equipment to be used for reconstruction
arrive on the site.
main gap on the spans safely. Place the tie rods at about the level of the
springing lines and anchor them to the piers by any of the following methods:
• Tie rods through piers. Connect the ends of the tie rods to the steel
wall plates or the beams extending across the back face of the piers
(Figure 4-13). This method is not practical if heavy rock drills are not
• Tie rods attached to steel plates. Attach the tie rods to the steel
plates that are anchored to the sides of the piers by the bolts that are
set in concrete (Figure 4-14). Clusters of light steel rails also make
good tie rods (Figure 4-15).
• Tie rods around piers. Bend the tie rods around the piers where
they bear against a frame that is supported by pieces of rail set in the
face of the pier (Figure 4-14).
• Tie rods attached to I-beams. Attach the tie rods to the I-beams
that extend across the back face of the pier (Figure 4-16).
• Turnbuckles and wedges. Tighten and maintain the tension in tie
rods with turnbuckles, tie rods with threaded ends, or wedges.
Threaded connections should be as strong as the ties in tension. In a
long span, use sag rods to support the rods that are under the arch
(Figure 4-13).
Sag rod
coupling Steel wall plate
Tie rod
Rail wedge
I-beams Timber sleepers
Trestle bent
4-82. Unless there is time to provide even bearing and to grout anchor bolts,
construct timber bridge seats with the ends of the girders resting on them,
rather than directly on the masonry. Level the damaged masonry until all
cracked portions are removed, and fill the holes with concrete. A perfect finish
to the masonry surface under the timber is not necessary.
spanning gap
I-beam relieving girders
Tie rods
horizontal thrust, ensure that the vertical framework supports are seated well
down on the pier or independent of the pier under the arch. Design the
framework to support the entire live load. The framework must support the
arch in at least three places and must transmit the load to the piers. Do not
wedge the framework too tightly against the arch because this may weaken
the arch rather than strengthen it. Use only folding wedges to hold the
bracing in place.
When a bridge is classified, it is assigned a bridge-classification number.
This number represents the safe military load-carrying capacity of the
bridge. Classifying units will post temporary classification markings on
the bridges that they classify. If a nonengineer unit classifies a bridge, the
responsible engineer unit will verify the classification as soon as possible
and post the permanent bridge markings.
5-1. Do not post special classification numbers on standard bridge signs.
Other signs, however, need to be placed where they will help maintain an even
flow of traffic (Figure 5-1). Place signs indicating height restrictions on the
center of the obstruction (the same as civilian signs). The minimum overhead
clearance is 15 feet 6 inches. Place advance warning signs on bridge
approaches. Theater commanders may make special arrangements to indicate
obstructions that will affect exceptionally wide vehicles or a low overhead.
35 44
Class 60
Ferry Ahead
35 44 Ahead
.5 KM
Posting 5-1
FM 3-34.343
5-2. All classified bridges in the TO are marked with circular signs to indicate
the MLC. Place circular signs at both ends of the bridge so they are clearly
visible to all oncoming traffic. These signs have a yellow background with
black inscriptions as large as the sign allows. Circular signs come in two
types—normal and dual-classification.
5-3. Signs for single-lane bridges are at least 16 inches in diameter
(Figure 5-2). Signs for dual-lane bridges are at least 20 inches in diameter and
are divided into right and left sections by a vertical line (Figure 5-3). The
classification for dual-lane traffic is on the left half of the sign with two
parallel vertical arrows beneath the number. The classification for single-lane
traffic is on the right half of the sign with one vertical arrow beneath the
Dual Classification
5-4. A bridge may have a dual classification—wheeled and tracked. A special
circular sign indicates both classifications (Figure 5-4). For single-lane
bridges, a single sign (20 inches in diameter) is divided into two sections by a
horizontal line. The top section shows the wheeled class, and the bottom
section shows the tracked class. Symbols representing wheeled and tracked
vehicles appear to the left of the corresponding class. For dual-lane bridges,
two signs (20 inches in diameter) show the wheeled class on the top and the
tracked class on the bottom. As with normal signs, the dual-lane class is on
the left and the single-lane class is on the right. Symbols representing
wheeled and tracked vehicles appear at the top of the corresponding sign.
5-5. Full NATO bridge signs (Figure 5-5, page 5-4) are used to standardize
double-flow bridges. The sign has a yellow background with black inscriptions.
It is one square meter and contains a circle with a diameter of 20 inches. The
right and bottom sides of the circle are 10 inches from the right and bottom
5-2 Posting
FM 3-34.343
30 55
67 Dual lane
25 32
Single lane
edges of the square sign. The circle is divided into equal thirds. A small circle
is centered in the upper third. The left half of the small circle is shaded and
shows the two-way wheeled-vehicle classification. The right half of the small
circle is unshaded and shows the one-way wheeled-vehicle classification. A
small rectangle is centered in the middle third of the symbol. The left half of it
is shaded and shows the two-way tracked-vehicle classification. The one-way
tracked-vehicle classification is shown at the right of the unshaded side of the
rectangle. The bridge serial number is shown in the lower third of the symbol,
the bridge width is placed below the symbol, and the overall bridge length is
shown at the right of the symbol.
5-6. Temporary signs are posted to show expedient classifications. Post them
as indicated in Chapter 3 and Appendix B.
Posting 5-3
FM 3-34.343
80 100
4.5 M 60 90 135 M
8.2 M
5 -7. P l a ce r e c t a n g u la r s i g n s ( o t h e r t h a n t h o s e i n d ic at i n g h e i g h t
restrictions) immediately below the circular signs. Rectangular signs show
additional instructions and technical information. The signs are a minimum of
5 x 16 inches and have a yellow background with black inscriptions as large as
the sign allows. Separate signs show height or width restrictions (Figure 5-6).
Height and width signs are not required on bridges where civilian signs
clearly show the necessary information. Use international height and width
signs in countries that conform to the Geneva Convention of 1949.
Restrictions may be in English, metric, or both units of measure. The units of
measure used must be clearly indicated on the sign.
Height sign
5″ min
Width sign
11′6″ 5″ min
11′6″ 16′ min
16′ min
Yellow background with black
letters, figures, and symbols.
5-4 Posting
FM 3-34.343
5-8. Bridges with three or more lanes must have postings for each lane.
Minimum widths for the respective MLC (Table 3-4, page 3-18) determine the
number of lanes. Heavier loads can often be carried on a restricted lane, such
as the center lane of a bridge or the line of rails on a combination road and rail
bridge. In such cases, each lane has a bridge-classification sign. Rectangular
multilane signs indicate the location and type of traffic allowed to use the
restricted lanes (marked by paint, studs, or barricades) (Figure 5-7).
Figure 5-7. Typical Classification and Regulatory Signs for Multilane Bridges
5-9. Different types of traffic controls are established for different crossings.
The paragraphs below discuss traffic controls for normal and special
5-10. Normal crossings are possible when the vehicle ’s classification number
is equal to or less than the bridge ’s classification number. Normal convoy
discipline is imposed with a minimum spacing of 100 feet and a maximum
speed of 25 miles per hour (mph).
One Way
5-11. One-way crossings are possible when the vehicle ’s classification number
is equal to or less than the classification number posted on a single-lane
bridge. If a one-way crossing on a dual-lane bridge is necessary, oncoming
traffic is stopped and the vehicle is driven down the middle of the roadway.
Posting 5-5
FM 3-34.343
Two Way
5-12. Two-way crossings are possible when the vehicles’ classification number
is equal to or less than the dual-lane classification number of a multiple-lane
bridge. Dual-lane traffic may be in the same or in opposite directions.
5-13. Under exceptional conditions, the theater commander may authorize
vehicles to cross bridges when the bridge ’s classification number is less than
the vehicle ’s classification number. These special crossings carry restrictions
on vehicle speed and spacing (Table 5-1). Special crossings are limited to
caution and risk crossings and are not posted on standard bridge signs.
5-14. Obtain the caution classifications for nonstandard fixed bridges by
multiplying the normal one-way classification number by 125 percent. Obtain
caution classifications from published NATO data for standard, prefabricated
fixed and floating bridges. Table 5-1 outlines these restrictions.
NOTE: Consider AFCS bridges as nonstandard for the purposes of
special crossings.
5-15. Obtain risk classifications from the published data for standard, fixed
and floating bridges. Risk crossings are not made on nonstandard fixed
bridges. These crossings are made only in emergencies when authorized by
the responsible commanders. Table 5-1 outlines restrictions on travel under
risk conditions. A qualified engineer officer must inspect the bridge for signs
of failure after each risk crossing. Damaged parts must be replaced or
repaired before the bridge is reopened.
Type of Crossing
Normal Caution Risk
5-6 Posting
Military, semipermanent, nonstandard fixed highway bridges are designed for a given
MLC. Simply supported stringer bridges are recommended since they are easy to
design and construct. The materials available and the capabilities of the construction
unit must be known before conducting the design process. The design should be
economical in materials and construction effort but should not require excessive
Chapter 6
Bridge Superstructures
Steel is not always readily available and requires special equipment for its
use in construction. However, steel stringers are preferred over timber
stringers because of their strength and capability for supporting longer
spans. Use steel stringers for TO nonstandard fixed bridges whenever
possible. The deck should normally be plank or laminated timber. The
wearing surface should be either timber planks or asphalt. Use a concrete
deck if concrete is available and a more durable structure is desired.
6-1. Design is a two-phase process. The first phase involves determining the
design loads and their effects in terms of moment and shear forces. The second
phase involves selecting members that have sufficient strength to resist the
effects of the intended loads on the bridge. Before considering the design
process complete, the failure modes (lateral buckling, excessive deflection, end
bearing, and so forth) as well as moment and shear must be checked.
6-2. A logical design sequence is necessary to prevent design omissions and to
eliminate unnecessary effort. Select and design members and accessories to
prevent any of the five modes of beam failure (excessive vertical deflection,
bending, shear, lateral deflection, and bearing).
6-4. Perform a reconnaissance of the bridge site as outlined in Chapter 2.
Before proceeding with the bridge design, determine the—
• Span length of the bridge (in feet).
• Design classification (wheeled, tracked, or both).
• Number of lanes.
• Available construction materials.
• Equipment and personnel required.
• Site constraints.
6-5. After determining the specifications, design the superstructure of the
bridge as discussed below. Design the substructure according to the
procedures outlined in Chapter 7.
bR = roadway width
Ss = center-to-center stringer spacing
(≤6 ft for timber decks and ≤8 ft for concrete decks)
4 to 12 9 ft 0 in 4 4 18 ft 4 4
13 to 30 11 ft 0 in 4 4 18 ft 4 4
31 to 60 13 ft 2 in 4 4 24 ft 5 4
61 to 100 14 ft 9 in 4 4 27 ft 6 5
101 to 150 16 ft 5 in 4 4 32 ft 7 5
6-8. The number of stringers required can also be determined if the roadway
width and the desired stringer spacing is known. Compute as follows:
N s = -----R + 1 (6-1)
6-9. After finding the number of stringers required (by either method),
compute the actual stringer spacing as follows:
S s = -------------- (6-2)
Ns – 1
SS = actual center-to-center stringer spacing, in feet
bR = curb-to-curb roadway width, in feet
NS = total number of stringers, raised to the next higher whole number if a
noninteger (equation 6-1)
6-10. The deck system includes the structural deck, the wearing surface, and
the curb and handrail systems. The deck of a stringer bridge supports the
vehicles and distributes the load to the stringers. In a deck design (for either
timber or concrete decks), the effective span length over which the loads are
distributed must be known. Use this measurement to compute the dead load
that is supported by the stringers.
6-11. For a deck supported on timber stringers, first compute for the clear
distance between the support stringers (equation 6-3) and then compute for
the effective span length (equation 6-4).
L c = S s – -----s- (6-3)
Timber Deck
6-14. Timber decks are constructed with the long dimension of the planks
placed either horizontally (flat) (plank deck) or vertically (on edge) (laminated
deck). The vertically oriented planks of a laminated deck are nailed to each
other. Figure 6-2 shows a sketch of both timber-deck orientations. Install a
wearing surface to prevent wear. On timber-deck bridges, the wearing surface
should consist of a 2- or 3-inch-thick timber treadway. On one-lane bridges,
the treadway should be limited to the path of the wheels or tracks. On two-
lane bridges, the treadway should fully cover the deck. Place the treadway
between the curbs rather than under the curbs.
Plank decking
Laminated decking
Plank Deck
Laminated Deck
6-18. Large stringer spacing and high design classifications usually require a
thicker decking (laminated decks are more economical in this case). Although
layering strengthens the plank decks, laminated decks are much stiffer.
6-19. Required Deck Thickness. Loads are spread out more effectively in a
laminated deck than in a conventional plank deck. Lamination has the effect
of shortening the effective deck span between stringers by about 25 percent.
To design a laminated deck—
• Adjust the effective span length (equation 6-6) by multiplying its value
by a factor equal to 0.75. This value will now become the adjusted
effective span length.
• Determine the required deck thickness of the laminated deck from
Figure 6-3 (assuming that it equals that for a plank deck). Use the
adjusted effective span length and the MLC. The minimum deck
thickness required is 3 inches.
6-20. Lamination. The performance of live-load deflections depends on the
effectiveness of the nails in transferring loads between adjacent boards. To
create a laminated deck, place the planks vertically. Make sure that the deck
is well-nailed or -glued to the adjacent board over the full length. Nails should
be placed at a minimum of 1 1/2 inches on center along the length of the
boards. The nail pattern should be staggered to prevent splitting of the
Effective deck thickness (inches)—classification
Required deck thickness (inches)—design
Class 30
Class 16
Class 8
30 40 50 60
6-21. To build a more permanent structure, use a concrete deck (Figure 6-4,
page 6-8). Reinforced concrete decks can span greater distances than timber
decks. Concrete decks use fewer stringers, which can be spaced up to 8 feet
apart. The construction process is more difficult because of the required
formwork, procuring and setting of steel, placing of concrete, and curing.
However, if material and time are available, use concrete decking for a
stronger flooring system.
Ss 10″
4 9″
Ss Ss
bf = stringer-flange width bf
Le = distance between
edges of top flange of Le
supporting stringers
PLL = critical concentrated
live load per axle
Ss = actual center-to-center
stringer spacing
wDL = dead load of slab Ss
40 3 to 6 40,000
A615-94 (billet steel)
60 3 to 18 60,000
50 3 to 11 50,000
A616-93 (rail steel)
60 3 to 11 60,000
40 3 to 11 40,000
A617-93 (axle steel)
60 3 to 11 60,000
Uc = unit weight for concrete, in pounds per cubic foot (Table 6-4)
tw = wearing-surface thickness, in inches (paragraph 6-25)
Uw = unit weight for wearing-surface material, in pounds per cubic foot
(Table 6-4)
w DL S eff
M DL = -------------------
- (6-8)
MDL = dead-load bending moment of the slab, in kip-feet per foot of width
wDL = dead load of slab, in kip-feet per foot of width (equation 6-7)
Seff = effective span length, in feet (equation 6-4)
P LL = P max (6-9)
S eff + 2
M LL = 1.564 ----------------- P LL (6-10)
Yield Strength f′′c = 3,000 psi f′′c = 3,500 psi f′′c = 4,000 psi f′′c = 5,000 psi f′′c = 6,000 psi
(fy) B = 0.85 B = 0.85 B = 0.85 B = 0.80 B = 0.75
Note: Rs = 0.375Rbs
6-32. Effective Depth. Assuming that number (No.) 6 steel bars are used
(nominal diameter of the bar equals 3/4 inch plus an additional 3/4 inch for
protective concrete cover) and that the bars will fit in one layer, compute the
required overall depth as follows:
req h = ----------------- + 1.125 (6-13)
req h = required overall depth, in inches
m = required nominal strength, in kip-feet per foot of width (equation 6-11)
Rn = strength coefficient of resistance, in psi (equation 6-12)
6-33. Increase the required overall depth by about 1/2 inch (or by an amount
that will round the required overall depth to the next complete inch or half-
inch, whichever is closest). This will become the final thickness of the concrete
deck. Compute the effective depth as follows:
d′ = ----------------- + 0.5 (6-14)
0.85f ′c 2,350m
R s = ----------------- 1 – 1 – ------------------2- (6-15)
fy f ′c ( d′ )
RS = revised reinforcing steel ratio
f ′c = compressive strength of concrete, in psi (Table 6-2, page 6-9)
fy = yield strength of reinforcing steel, in psi (Table 6-3, page 6-9)
m = required nominal strength, in kip-feet (equation 6-11)
d′ = effective depth, in inches (equation 6-14)
A st = 12R s d′ (6-16)
Ast = required area of tension steel, in square inches
RS = revised reinforcement ratio (equation 6-15)
d′ = effective depth, in inches (equation 6-14)
6-35. Bar Selection and Placement. Select the actual number of bars that
will meet the tension steel area (equation 6-16) using Table 6-6. Use at least
two bars wherever flexural reinforcement is required. Do not use more than
two bar sizes at a given location in the span. The selected bars should not be
more than two standard sizes apart (for example, No. 7 and No. 9 bars may be
acceptable, but No. 4 and No. 9 would not).
Bar- Nominal
Weight Number of Bars
Size Diameter
No. (in) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 0.375 0.376 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.55 0.66 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.10
4 0.500 0.668 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00
5 0.625 1.043 0.31 0.62 0.93 1.24 1.55 1.86 2.17 2.48 2.79 3.10
6 0.750 1.502 0.44 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.20 2.64 3.08 3.52 3.96 4.40
7 0.875 2.044 0.60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 6.00
8 1.000 2.670 0.79 1.58 2.37 3.16 3.95 4.74 5.53 6.32 7.11 7.90
9 1.128 3.400 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
10 1.270 4.303 1.27 2.54 3.81 5.08 6.35 7.62 8.89 10.16 11.43 12.70
11 1.410 5.313 1.56 3.12 4.68 6.24 7.80 9.36 10.92 12.48 14.04 15.60
6-36. Locate the bars symmetrically about the vertical axis of the beam
section (in one layer if practical). Select a bar size so that no less than two and
no more than five or six bars are put in one layer. When using several layers
of different bar sizes, place the largest bars in the layer nearest to the face of
the beam. When placing bars within the beam’s width, follow these guidelines
for determining the minimum clear spacing required between the bars that
will allow for proper concrete placement around them:
• For one layer of bars, the minimum clear spacing is 1 inch or the
nominal diameter of the larger bar (Table 6-6), whichever is greater.
• For two or more layers of bars, the minimum clear spacing is equal to
or greater than 1 inch.
6-37. Ensure that the bar spacing obtained with equation 6-16 is greater than
the minimum clear spacing obtained previously with equation 6-15. Compute
the actual spacing between the bars as follows:
10.5 – ( number of bars x d b )
bar spacing (in) = ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (6-17)
total number of bars - 1
number of bars = number of reinforcing bars selected from Table 6-6 that
will accommodate the total area of steel (equation 6-16)
db = nominal diameter of the bar, in inches (Table 6-6)
total number of bars = total number of bars to be accommodated within the
beam’s width
6-38. Design Check. Compute the depth of the equivalent rectangular stress
bl o ck ( e qu a t i o n 6-1 8) and th e n th e d e s ig n st r e n g th o f t h e se c t io n
(equation 6-19). First compute—
A st f y
d o = ----------------
- (6-18)
10.2f ′c
do = depth of the equivalent rectangular stress block, in inches
Ast = required area of tension steel, in square inches (equation 6-16)
fy = yield strength of reinforcing steel, in psi (Table 6-3, page 6-9)
f ′c = compressive strength of concrete, in psi (Table 6-2, page 6-9)
then compute—
m′ = A st f y d′ – ----o- ----------------
2 12,000
4″ x 4″ x 4′ handrail post
Extend the floor
plank every 5′ for
knee brace. 6″ x 6″ curb
2″ x 12″ tread
td = 3″ minimum
6-45. Stringer design involves computing the dead-load weight, the live-load
moment, and the total design moment. Various factors must be considered in
the stringer selection (timber or steel).
Dead Load
6-46. The dead load includes the weight of all the parts of a structure,
including the deck and accessories (railings, curbs, lateral bracing, and
connections) as well as the stringers. Since the stringers are not yet sized,
their weight must be estimated. The dead load is considered to be uniformly
distributed along the span and equally shared by each stringer.
6-47. For the initial design calculations on a timber-deck bridge, assume a
dead-load weight of 0.1 kpf for any accessories and a weight equal to 0.2 kpf
per stringer. For a concrete-deck bridge, assume a dead-load weight of 0.4 kpf
for any accessories (includes curbs and handrails) and a weight equal to
0.3 kpf per stringer. Compute the dead-load weight of the deck (equation 6-21)
and the estimated design dead load (equation 6-22). First compute:
bs Um ts bR Uwtw
w DL = ---------------- + ------------------ (6-21)
12,000 12,000
W DL = w DL + w acc + w s N s (6-22)
Live Load
6-49. Vehicle loads are assumed to be the only live load acting on the bridge.
Find the design values for the live load by using the moment and shear curves
in Appendix B. Use the larger value of wheeled and tracked moment and both
values of wheeled and tracked shear for further calculations. If the bridge is
for civilian traffic, use the provisions in Chapter 3, Section III, and Figure 3-1,
page 3-4, to determine the equivalent MLC of the civilian traffic for design
6-50. NATO traffic restrictions apply for design purposes, which is 25 mph
and 100-foot spacing. Because of this long spacing, usually only one vehicle
will be on any single span of a bridge at a time. If significant pedestrian traffic
is expected (refugees and dismounted military units), treat these as line loads
of 75 pounds per foot, each over a 1-foot width. Post these line loads in all
locations that lines of people might be expected.
6-51. Determine the total live-load moment according to the design vehicle
class (Table B-2, pages B-6 through B-9). Compute the live-load moment that
a stringer must resist (including impact effects) as follows:
1.15M′ LL
m′ LL = ---------------------- (6-24)
N 1,2
M = m′ DL + m′ LL (6-25)
Timber-Stringer Selection
6-53. If the species and grade of timber is known, use the allowable stresses
from Table C-1, pages C-3 through C-6, for the design. Convert these values
from psi to ksi by dividing the tabulated stress by 1,000. Generally, the
tabulated values assume that the material will be in continuously dry
conditions. However, timber decking and stringers may retain moisture on
their horizontal surfaces; therefore, consider its use under wet conditions.
6-54. Apply some modification factors (see the notes in Table C-1, pages C-3
through C-6, toward the tabulated allowable bending stress to account for
various effects (lumber thickness/width ratios, edgewise or flatwise use,
repetitive member use, and moisture content). For military loads, apply an
additional factor equal to 1.33 to account for lower traffic volume (see
Appendix I). Whenever the species and grade of solid-sawn timber cannot be
determined, assume an allowable bending stress equal to 1.75 ksi and an
allowable horizontal-shear stress equal to 0.095 ksi. For glue-laminated
timber, assume an allowable bending stress equal to 2.16 ksi and an allowable
horizontal-shear stress equal to 0.2 ksi. These values must be adjusted for the
various applicable conditions stated in the notes of Table C-1. The
modification for lower traffic volume has already been considered in those
assumed values.
Steel-Stringer Selection
6-55. The allowable bending stress for steel members is 0.75 times the steel
yield strength (Table 6-7), assuming that the stringers are braced properly
(paragraph 6-59). The allowable shear stress for steel members is 0.45 times
the steel yield strength.
S req = ----------- (6-26)
6-58. Compute the vertical deflection of the stringers due to the live load
(including impact) as shown below. The deflection should not be greater than
dmax = (L/200) x 12 (in inches).
331M′ LL L
d LL = --------------------------
- (6-27)
N 1, 2 ESd s
6-59. When a beam is loaded and deflected downward, the upper portion of
the beam shortens and the lower portion of the beam lengthens. This
reshaping results from the internal moments induced by the loading. The
beam will experience compressive forces in the upper portion and tensile
forces in the lower portion of the section. The upper portion of the member
tends to compress or buckle, just as a column does with respect to its weaker
axis. The buckling effect is always accompanied by some lateral twisting. This
action is called lateral buckling. Figure 6-6, page 6-20, shows the lateral-
buckling effect in a beam (timber or steel).
6-60. To prevent lateral buckling in a beam, use cross frames or diaphragms
and bracing systems for lateral support. One of the primary factors affecting
lateral-beam stability is the distance between the points of a lateral support
along the beam’s length (the unsupported or unbraced length).
Lateral deflection
= before deflection
= during deflection Rotation
Timber Stringers
6-61. For timber beams, provide lateral support by locating transverse
bracing at the beam’s end supports and at every one-third point along the
beam span (Figure 6-7). This distance (spacing) between the lateral braces
along the length of the beam is the unbraced length. For simple-span beams
and any loading condition, compute the effective beam length and then the
beam slenderness factor as follows:
12L u
If ------------ is ≥ 14.3, use L e = 22.1L u (6-28)
12L u
If ------------ is < 14.3, use L e = 19.6L u + 3d s (6-29)
Minimum = 3 inches
Lateral braces
factor at the center portion of the beam (where bending stress is higher) will
control the lateral-bracing design.
Steel Stringers
6-63. A steel beam should be braced laterally, perpendicular to the plane of
the web. Lateral bracing provides adequate lateral stability of the
compression flange so that the beam section can develop its maximum design
bending strength.
6-64. Maximum Allowable Unbraced Length. Establish the maximum
allowable unbraced length for a steel stringer by using the smaller of the
values obtained from the following equations:
L c = ---------------f (6-31)
L c = ---------------- (6-32)
d s
----- F
A f y
N b = ----- + 1 (6-33)
L u = --------------- (6-34)
Nb – 1
Lu = spacing of lateral bracing , in feet
L = design span length, in feet
Nb = number of lateral braces (rounded to the next higher whole number)
(equation 6-33)
6-67. Bracing-System Selection. The type of lateral bracing depends on the
availability of materials. Diaphragms or cross frames are satisfactory braces.
Diaphragms are generally more economical for rolled shapes that are less
than 32 inches deep. Cross frames are generally more economical for built-up
beams that are 32 inches and deeper.
6-68. Diaphragms are rolled shapes used in a lateral-bracing system
(Figure 6-8). The diaphragm depth should be at least half the depth of the
steel stringer. Construct diaphragms from the lightest materials available.
Although the most suitable diaphragms are constructed using channel
sections, any rolled shape (such as an I-beam) is satisfactory. Precut ends of
stringers are available for fabricating diaphragms. Structural Ts can be used
as diaphragms. Form these shapes by cutting the excess stringer material in
half, along the centerline of the web. When using structural Ts, place the
flange as close as possible to the stringer’s compression flange (which is the top
flange) and weld the connections. A bolted connection (with 3/4-inch or 7/8-inch
bolts at a minimum spacing along a single row) may also be used. See
Chapter 9 for more information.
Bolted or welded connection 2
d = depth of stringer
Ss = center-to-center stringer spacing
6-69. Cross frames are used when the depth of the stringer exceeds 32 inches.
Use equal leg angles configured into a cross frame as a more economical
alternative to using diaphragms (Figure 6-9). However, the increased cost of
cutting and fabrication outweighs any material savings. Minimum
requirements of the angles are that—
• The dimensions of the member should not be smaller than 3 x 3 x 3 1/8
• The thickness of the member should be greater than one-tenth the
length of the longer leg.
• The ratio of the span length to the radius of gyration of the section
used for bracing (12L/r, where L is in feet and r is in inches) must be
less than or equal to 200.
6-70. After designing the deck and selecting the stringer size, check the initial
dead-load assumption for any necessary corrections. The total dead load per
stringer consists of the combined dead loads of the deck system, the stringers,
the lateral bracing, and any accessories. Any changes in the total dead-load
value may result in an increase or decrease of the required section modulus.
Component Loads
6-71. Compute the dead load for the deck as follows:
bs U m ts
w d = ---------------
- (6-35)
( N b – 2 )L b U m
w b = ---------------------------------
- (6-42)
W′ DL = w d + w w + w s + w acc + w b (6-43)
6-81. After selecting a stringer size, check the stringer’s shear capacity. In
most timber-stringer bridges with spans of less than 20 feet, shear controls
the design. In steel-stringer bridges with a high design classification and
short spans (20 feet or less), shear may be a critical factor.
v = v′ DL + 1.15v′ LL (6-52)
f ′ v = -------- ≤ F v (6-53)
2A s
6-87. If the actual shear stress (equation 6-53) is less than or equal to the
allowable shear stress, the stringer will not have to be adjusted. However, if
the actual shear stress is greater than the allowable shear stress, select a
larger stringer size that satisfies the shear strength and moment capacity
f ′ b = ---------- (6-54)
bc ≥ 6″
bc = width of cap
bs = width of stringer
6-89. The actual bearing stress should not exceed the allowable bearing
stress. The values for allowable bearing stress for timber are shown in
Table 6-8, page 6-30. These design values are given for the wet- and dry-
service conditions and were obtained as the average stress value from various
species combinations. If the actual bearing stress exceeds the allowable
bearing stress, then increase either the width of the cap or the width of the
stringer to provide a sufficient bearing area.
Flange and
timber-cap failure Web crippling (due
to insufficient seat)
Bearing Plates
6-91. End-bearing plates are typically required when steel stringers rest on
concrete or timber supports. Their design is based on the design shear
transmitted to the support (adjusted if the actual dead load [equation 6-45] is
greater than the estimated design dead load [equation 6-22]).
6-92. Bearing-Plate Area. The required bearing-plate area is determined by
the allowable bearing stress of the support and the design shear that is
carried to the support. Compute as follows:
A pl = ------ (6-55)
f ′ B = ------------ (6-56)
b pl b c
f ′ bw = ------------------------ ≤ F B (6-58)
tw( bc + tf )
End-Bearing Stiffeners
6-96. End-bearing stiffeners are normally not required for standard, rolled
shapes unless abutment or intermediate-support dimensions restrict the
length of the bearing plate. However, the web may have to be stiffened to
prevent it from buckling. If end-bearing stiffeners are needed, construct them
of angles or plates on each side of the stringer web. Position them over the
center of the bearing at the end of each stringer. Ensure that they fit tightly
against the flanges being loaded. Mill the top and bottom of the stiffener to
bear against the flanges of the stringer, and extend them out as far as possible
toward the edges of the flange (Figure 6-12). Compute the minimum required
thickness of the end-bearing stiffeners as follows:
Le F
t = ------ -----y- (6-59)
12 33
d d
Seat Seat
d = stiffener depth (web depth)
Le = effective stiffener length
LPL = seat length
t = stiffener thickness
Substructure Design
To design a substructure properly, a designer must know or assume the
loads acting on the substructure. Assumed loads must be verified before
completing the final design. Since many loads can act on the substructure,
not all loads will act with full intensity at the same time. To apply the
appropriate loads to the substructure design, the designer must determine
the critical combination of loads for given conditions.
7-2. For abutments constructed of piles or posts and footings, determine the
total loads acting on the entire abutment. For continuous abutments (such as
mass or reinforced concrete) (Figure 7-1), determine the load per foot of
abutment length. The dead load acts vertically through the centerline of the
bearing plate (Figure 7-2, page 7-2).
1 foot
Bearing plate
• Piles or posts.
P DL = W′ DL --- (7-1)
PDL = dead load on the piles or posts, in kips
W ′DL = total actual dead load, in kpf (equation 6-43)
L = span length, in feet
• Concrete.
P DL = W′ DL --------- (7-2)
2L a
Live Load
7-4. The live load acts vertically through the centerline of the bearing plate
(Figure 7-2). Impact loads are not included. Compute the live load as follows:
• Piles or posts.
P LL = V LL N (7-3)
• Concrete.
P LL = ------------
- (7-4)
Abutment Weight
7-5. The weight of timber or steel abutments is negligible since it is small in
comparison to other vertical abutment loads. However, the weight of concrete
abutments should be included in the design loads. Divide the cross-sectional
shape of an abutment into sections of known size, shape, and cross-sectional
area (Figure 7-3, page 7-4). The weight of any section acts vertically through
the centroid of that section. Compute the weight of any section per foot of
abutment length as follows:
w = Au (7-5)
Soil Forces
7-6. Use equation 7-5 and compute the weight of soil acting on the rear face
and heel of the abutment (Appendix I). To account for vehicular traffic
approaching the abutment, assume placing a hypothetical layer of soil
Surcharge hsu
Bearing plate
P3 P6
Hs ha
ha H
------ b
Height of passive P1
force hp
ba ha
hp ------
------ 3
ba = abutment width, in feet hp = height of soil providing passive resistance
ha = abutment height Hs = horizontal force due to surcharge
Hb = horizontal force due to active earth pressure hsu = height of surcharge
Hp = horizontal force due to passive earth pressure P1-7 = vertical loads for Sections 1-7
(surcharge) over the backfill at the abutment. Figure 7-3 shows vertical soil
forces. Compute the height of the surcharge as follows:
h su = ------------- (7-6)
Hydrostatic Uplift
7-7. Properly locate the abutment, and provide drainage to avoid hydrostatic
uplift forces on the abutment. Eliminate hydrostatic uplift forces by locating
the abutment well above the flood stage, by providing granular material
behind and under the abutment, and by installing weep holes in the
abutment. Methods for draining water from behind and under abutments are
discussed in paragraphs 7-31 and 7-44.
7-8. Horizontal loads acting on abutments are created by soil, water,
temperature, and vehicles. These loads are computed per foot of abutment
Soil Forces
7-9. Use the Rankine equations from Introductory Soil Mechanics and
Foundations: Geotechnic Engineering to compute the horizontal surcharge
and backfill forces as shown below. Figure 7-3 shows the actions of these
forces. In most cases, passive pressure is so negligible that it is not considered,
resulting in a somewhat conservative design.
K a = tan 45° – ---
K p = tan 45° + ---
Water Forces
7-10. Water that collects behind an abutment will create a horizontal force
that can be eliminated by proper drainage. See paragraph 7-45 for methods of
draining water from behind and under abutments.
Temperature Forces
7-11. Temperature forces are negligible in simply supported stringer bridges
designed for military purposes. Bearing plates support each end of every steel
stringer. One end of the stringer is rigidly attached so that there is no
movement between the stringer and the support. The other end is attached so
that movement is allowed along the length of the stringer. As the stringer
expands or contracts due to temperature changes, temperature forces are
dissipated at the free end. The fixed bearing plate is normally placed on the
abutment end of the stringer.
H v = ------------------- (7-12)
7-13. The number of vehicles allowed per lane is based on the span length and
the vehicle spacing (at least 100 feet). Since vehicles traveling in opposite
directions have canceling effects on loads, the worst loading conditions occur
when vehicles move in only one direction. Therefore, the number of vehicles on
a span is for one lane only. At the expansion bearing plate, the vehicle force is
zero. The vehicle force acts horizontally on the fixed bearing plate
(Figure 7-4).
Deck Stringers
7-14. Lateral loads acting on abutments are negligible.
7-15. Abutments may be timber, steel, concrete, or a combination of these
materials. The abutments may rest directly on the soil (as in the case of
concrete), or they may rest on footings or piles. Figure 7-5 and Figures 7-6
through 7-11, pages 7-8 through 7-10, show typical abutments. Table 7-1,
page 7-11, gives a general guide to the types of abutments used under various
End dam
Stringer Footing
Wing wall
Cap or sill Deadman
End dam
Bearing block
Bearing plates
Retaining wall
Wing pile
Bearing pile
End dam
End dam
Bearing seat
End dam
Top of roadway
Bearing seat
End dam
Bearing seat
7-16. The general principles of abutment design are applicable to any type of
abutment resting on the ground or on footings, with only a few modifications
for abutments resting on piles. These principles also apply directly to the
design of retaining walls. Abutments must be designed to avoid the following
types of failure:
• Overturning.
• Sliding.
• Soil bearing.
• Soil shear.
• Material.
7-17. Since abutments are subjected to various types of loadings during
construction and use, the load cases must be considered (Table 7-2).
Figure 7-12, page 7-12, shows a sample chart of abutment loads and moments.
7-19. Choose the abutment length so that the following requirement is met:
b R < L a ≤ ( b R + 4 ft ) (7-14)
7-20. Compute the allowable bearing capacity per post and the required
number of posts as follows:
PB = Fc A (7-15)
N p = ------ (7-16)
b c = ----------------- (7-17)
N p bs F c
7-22. Each post or stringer (whichever is used) must rest on a footing.
Compute the allowable length, the area, the capacity, and the number of
footings as follows:
• Allowable length.
Lf = bc + K (7-19)
• Area.
Af = Lf bf (7-20)
• Capacity.
F f = A f F Bs (7-21)
Nf = number of footings
P = total load, in kips (equation 7-13)
Ff = footing capacity, in kips (equation 7-21)
7-26. Base the estimate of the overall height of an abutment on local site
conditions. An abutment should extend far enough below the ground’s surface
so that it rests on firm soil. If the overall height exceeds 20 feet, a mass-
concrete structure becomes uneconomical and a pile foundation should be
considered. Once the abutment height is determined, use the following
guidelines to estimate other dimensions (Figure 7-13, page 7-16). Always
check the safety of any abutment designed by these guidelines. Assume the
following dimensions and loads:
• The abutment width is 40 to 60 percent of the abutment height, in
• The toe and heel width are ¾ to 1 ½ feet and are less than or equal to
75 percent of the footing height.
• The seat width is greater than or equal to the cap or sill width, and the
cap or sill width is greater than or equal to ¾ foot.
Bearing seat
End dam
bh ha = abutment height
Stem hf = footing height (1 to 2 ft)
b1 = minimum of 12 in
hf L
Toe Heel b2 = bearing-seat width (minimum 0.75 ft)
ba bt = toe width (0.75 to 1.5 ft and 0.75 hf)
Point A Footing ba = footing width (0.4 to 0.6 ha)
(critical point bh = heel width (0.75 to 1.5 ft and 0.75 hf)
for overturning)
L = abutment length (bR + 4 ft)
7-27. If any of the safety criteria fail, choose new dimensions. A heel and toe
are not mandatory for mass-concrete abutments, but they are recommended
because they provide additional stability and aid in drainage. Once the
preliminary dimensions are selected, determine all the loads that act on the
abutment, using the methods described in paragraphs 7-2 and 7-8.
Sliding Check
7-29. Compute the safety factor of sliding for loading Cases I and III as
Σ P ( Kf )
SF = ------------------ ≥ 1.5 (7-23)
SF = safety factor (if the safety factor is less than 1.5 for any loading case, take
steps to prevent sliding [as discussed below])
∑P = total of the vertical loads, in kips (paragraph 7-2)
Overturning Check
7-30. Compute the safety factor of overturning for loading Cases I and III as
Σ Mr
SF ----------- ≥ 2 (7-24)
Σ Mo
SF = safety factor for overturning (if the safety factor is less than 2, take steps
to prevent overturning [as discussed below])
∑Mr = total of the resisting moments, in kip-feet (Figure 7-12)
∑Mo = total of the overturning moments, in kip-feet (Figure 7-12)
Reinforcing bar
h1 = passive force
h2 = original passive-force height bk
hk = height of key
bk = width of key
• Modify the design. If placing the abutment on piles, design the piles
to carry the full load (including the abutment weight).
Paragraph 7-100 describes pile foundations.
7-40. If the sign of the eccentric distance is positive, the resultant force is to
the left of the centerlin e and maximum pressure occurs at the toe
(Figure 7-15A, page 7-20). If the sign of the eccentric distance is negative, the
resultant force is to the right of the centerline and maximum pressure occurs
at the heel (Figure 7-15B).
7-41. Load Eccentricity. The resultant force must be within the middle
third of the abutment. If the eccentric distance is less than one-sixth of the
abutment width, the resultant force is within the middle third of the
abutment. If the eccentric distance is greater than one-sixth of the abutment
width, the resultant force is outside the middle third, indicating that the soil
is in tension (Figure 7-16, page 7-20). However, since soil cannot take tension,
the resultant load is spread over a smaller area, which increases the
maximum pressure and possibly leads to failure. Determine the eccentricity of
load for each loading case to ensure that the eccentric distance is less than or
equal to one-sixth of the abutment width. To correct excessive load
eccentricity, increase the toe or heel length so that the eccentric distance is
within the middle third of the abutment.
7-42. Maximum Soil Pressure. The maximum soil pressure must not
exceed the allowable soil bearing capacity. Determine the maximum pressure
for Case III only, since the worst loading condition occurs for this case.
Resistance Middle third
Middle third LEGEND:
e = absolute value of the eccentric distance
L1 = moment arm for vertical forces
L2 = moment arm for horizontal forces
Toe Heel
Resistance LEGEND:
Middle third e = absolute value of the eccentric distance
Compute the maximum pressure for eccentricity within the middle third of
the abutment as follows:
ΣP 6
P mx = ------- 1 + -----e (7-29)
ba b a
Pmx = maximum pressure exerted on the soil, in ksf
∑P = total of the vertical loads, in kips (paragraph 7-2)
e = absolute value of the eccentric distance, in feet (equation 7-28)
ba = abutment width, in feet
7-43. Minimum Soil Pressure. Compute the minimum soil pressure for
eccentricity within the middle third of the abutment as follows:
ΣP 6e
P mn = ------- 1 – ----- (7-30)
ba ba
• The backfill is saturated with water or eroded from the sides of the
7-45. To prevent soil shear failure, ensure that the slope in front of the
abutment is no more than 45 degrees and preferably less than 35 degrees
(Figure 7-18A). Place riprap in front of the abutment to prevent scour. If
riprap is not available or the slope cannot be made less than 45 degrees, drive
sheet piles in front of the abutment. The sheet piles must extend below the
b o t to m o f t h e g a p a nd b e a nc ho r e d ne ar t he t o p w it h a d e ad ma n
(Figure 7-18B). The abutment can be placed on friction or bearing piles.
Backfill the abutment with sand and gravel and install weep holes for
drainage. Protect weep holes with a filter. Also, install granular material
under the abutment, especially if the soil contains clay. Install wing walls to
prevent erosion of the earth from the sides of the abutment (Figure 7-18C).
Concrete Failure
7-46. Figure 7-19, page 7-24, shows the critical sections in a mass-concrete
abutment. Section A-A is especially critical because Point C is subject to
vehicle impact loads if the backfill settles. To prevent failure, reinforce
Section A-A with steel bars (Figure 7-20, page 7-24). See Figure 7-21,
page 7-25, for concrete-stress checkpoints.
7-48. Local soil conditions govern the abutment height. Choose a height that
allows the footing to rest on firm soil. Choose the other dimensions using the
following limits (check all critical sections for safety after choosing the
• The curb-to-curb roadway width is less than the abutment length, and
the abutment length is less than the roadway width plus 4 feet.
• The seat width is greater than or equal to the cap or sill width, and the
cap or sill width is greater than or equal to ¾ foot.
A. Slope and Drainage Granular material
Sand (for filter)
Fill (dirt)
Weep holes
(4-in diameter, 10-in spacing)
(36 to 45 degrees)
B. Sheet Pile
Deadman and
pile anchor
C. Wing Wall
Wing Wing
wall wall
Point C
Critical sections
Toe Heel
No. 4 bars
(center-to-center spacing 1 ft)
Minimum cover 1½ in
Toe Heel
Point C
Toe Heel
Reinforcing bars
Toe Heel
Toe Heel
• Shear force.
V = H s + Hb (7-31)
• Moment.
M = Ve (7-32)
M = total moment of Section A-A or B-B, in kip-feet per foot
(Figure 7-22)
V = total of the shear forces, in kpf (equation 7-31)
e = eccentric distance, in feet (equation 7-28)
7-52. Section D-D. The shear force at Section D-D (Figure 7-22) is the total of
the forces exerted at the centroid of the rectangle ABLK and the triangle KLM
in Figure 7-23. Compute for shear force and moment as follows:
• Shear force.
ba – bt bt
V 1 = P mn b t + ( P mx – P mn ) --------------- ( bt ) @ ---- (7-33)
ba 2
bt bt 2b t
V 2 = ( P mx – P mn ) ----- ---- @ ------- (7-34)
b a 2 3
• Moment.
bt 2b t
M = V 1 ---- + V 2 ------- (7-35)
2 3
7-53. Section E-E. The shear force at Section E-E (Figure 7-22), resulting in
tension at the bottom of the slab, is the weight of the soil plus the surcharge
above the heel and the weight of the heel minus the forces exerted at the
centroid by the rectangle CDHG and the triangle GHJ. Compute for shear
force and moment as follows:
• Shear force.
V 1 = P mn b h (7-36)
bh bh
V 2 = ( P mx – P mn ) ----- ----- (7-37)
b a 2
• Moment.
bh bh
M = V 1 ----- + V 2 ----- (7-38)
2 3
Critical Sections
7-54. The design procedure for critical sections corresponds to the procedure
used for flat slabs with reinforcement in one direction. Base the design on a
1-foot-wide section. At each critical section, check for moment, shear, and
bond (between steel and concrete). Assume that there are 10 stringers and
that the ultimate compressive stress is 3 ksi, the allowable concrete stress is
1.35 ksi, and the allowable steel stress is 24 ksi. Compute as follows:
dreq = required section depth, in inches (round to the next higher whole
M = design moment, in kip-feet per foot (equation 7-32, 7-35, or 7-38)
• Required steel area. The total depth of Section E-E (Figure 7-22,
page 7-25) is the required section depth plus 3 inches. This depth
provides protection for the reinforcing steel. Once the steel area is
known, choose the bar sizes from Appendix D.
A = ------------- (7-40)
A = required steel area, in square inches
M = moment at any critical section of abutment (in 1-foot-wide
sections), in kip-feet (equation 7-32, 7-35, or 7-38)
d = actual abutment depth, in inches
• Actual shear stress. If the actual shear stress is critical, increase the
required section depth to decrease the shear stress. Ensure that the
actual shear stress does not exceed the allowable shear stress
(0.09 ksi).
f v = -------------------- (7-41)
10.5d req
• Bond stress. Check the bond stress of the reinforcing bars against
the allowable bond stress (0.03 ksi). Compute as follows:
f o = ----------------------------------- (7-42)
Σ O ( 0.875d req )
7-57. Design retaining walls the same as abutments, but do not apply
superstructure dead and live loads to the top of the retaining walls. Retaining
walls may be concrete (mass or reinforced), timber, or steel sheet piles.
7-58. Use a deadman as a means of preventing sliding and overturning. Place
the deadman outside the natural angle of repose of the soil. A setback equal to
150 percent of the abutment height is sufficient. Anchor the cables or steel tie
rods by casting them into the body of the concrete abutment as shown in
Figure 7-24. If the bridge is constructed of piles or posts, bolt the cables or tie
rods to the abutment as shown in Figure 7-25. Position the cables or tie rods
horizontally between the abutment and the deadman. The cover over the
cables should be three times the deadman’s depth dimension or the depth of
the covered stem plus 1 foot, whichever is greater.
≥ 3dd
Cables or
tie rods
dc dc = distance from abutment
Toe Heel
bottom to cable penetration
L dd = deadman depth
L = deadman setback (150
percent of abutment height)
7-59. Use equation 7-23 to check for sliding on a concrete abutment. If the
safety factor is less than 1.5, design a deadman as follows:
• Concrete or footing-type abutment.
Stringer LEGEND:
dd = deadman depth
hfp = cable height above pile fixed point
Cover 3dd L = deadman setback (150 percent of
abutment height)
Cap Cables or tie rods
Pile or post
Pile fixed point
H′ d = Σ H – Σ H M (7-44)
H d = 1.5H′ d (7-45)
• Pile abutment.
h av = F v A v (7-46)
H av = Nh av (7-47)
7-60. Use equation 7-24 to compute the safety factor for overturning. If it is
less than two, design the abutment as follows:
• Compute the concrete or footing-type abutment.
Σ Mr = 2 Σ Mo (7-48)
7-61. Design the deadman to resist the horizontal shear force, including a
safety factor of two. Design the deadman to resist the larger force required for
sliding and overturning. Compute as follows:
• Concrete.
La( ΣMr – ΣMo )
H d = 2 -------------------------------------- (7-50)
• Piles.
N ( Σ Mr – Σ M o )
H d = 2 ------------------------------------- (7-51)
Deadman Specifications
7-62. Length and Depth. The deadman length normally equals the
abutment length. Compute the required structural depth of the deadman as
d d = ----------
- (7-52)
Ld Fs
dd = required structural deadman depth, in feet
Hd = capacity of the deadman needed to resist horizontal forces, in kips
(larger of equations 7-45 and 7-50 or 7-51)
Ld = deadman length, in feet
Fs = allowable soil bearing capacity, in ksf (Table H-1, page H-1)
7-63. Number of Cables. Compute the number of cables using the equation
below. If using steel rods instead of cables, use the same equation but
substitute the rod strength (rod area x 29 ksi) for the allowable rod strength.
N = -----d- (7-53)
N = number of cables
Hd = capacity of the deadman needed to resist horizontal forces, in kips
(larger of equations 7-45 and 7-50 or 7-51)
T = allowable cable tensile strength, in kips (16 ksi x the square of the cable
7-64. Cable or Rod Spacing. Compute the proper spacing and deadman
width as follows:
• Spacing.
S cr = -----R – 1 (7-54)
Dead Load
7-67. Compute the dead load of the pier as follows:
W′ DL1 L 1 W′ DL2 L 2
P DL = --------------------- --------------------- (7-56)
2 2
Live Load
7-68. Compute the live load of the pier as follows:
P LL = V LL N (7-57)
Pier Weight
7-70. The weight of timber- or steel-framed piers is negligible. However,
include the weight of a concrete pier in the substructure design. Determine
the concrete-pier weight from known or assumed dimensions. Figure 7-26,
page 7-36, shows a typical concrete pier (with dimensions). The forces of the
stem and footing weights act vertically through the pier centerline.
7-71. Stem Weight. Compute the stem weight as follows:
W s = L s b as h as u (7-58)
Las Water surface Lf = length of footing
bf = width of footing
hf = height of footing
Stem has = stem height
bas = stem width
hw = water height
hw hH = height of soil over the footing
has Las = stem height
hf Footing Lf
Soil Forces
7-73. If there is a layer of soil over the footing, include the weight of the soil in
the vertical pier load. Compute the soil weight over the pier (as shown in
Figure 7-26) as follows:
W k = ( A f – A )h H u (7-59)
W k = ( A f – A t )h H u (7-60)
Buoyancy Forces
7-75. If the pier is partially submerged (Figure 7-26), the water creates
buoyancy forces on the submerged parts of the pier. The buoyancy force on any
part is simply the volume of that part below water multiplied by the unit
weight of water. Buoyancy forces for steel or timber piers are negligible.
Compute for the buoyancy force acting on the pier stem as follows:
F os = [ A ( h w + h H ) ]u (7-61)
F of = L f b f h f u (7-62)
F ok = ( A f – A )du (7-63)
Fok = buoyancy force acting on the soil, in kips
Af = footing area, in square feet
A = stem area, in square feet
d = submerged soil depth over footing, in feet (Figure 7-26)
u = unit weight of water, in kips per cubic foot (salt water is 0.064 and
freshwater is 0.0624)
P = P DL + P LL + W s + W f + W k – ( F os + F of + F ok ) (7-64)
7-78. The only longitudinal load considered in pier design is the vehicular
longitudinal force. Paragraph 7-12 describes how to determine the number of
vehicles per lane.
Wind Load
7-79. Determine the wind force as follows:
• On vehicles. At normal convoy spacing of 100 feet, the wind load on
vehicles is negligible.
d = depth of superstructure
• Compute the area of a concrete pier on which the water force acts as
As = bs d (7-66)
• Compute the area of a pile or post on which the water force acts as
A = 2N r D p d (7-67)
hw hw = height of water
------ Water surface
Pier Friction
Pier Shape
Coefficients (Kf)
Square 1.4
Triangular 0.7
Round 0.7
H-piles 1.4
Ice Forces
7-81. Consider the forces from ice as follows:
F i = 0.4bt (7-69)
Fi = ice thrust, in ksi
b = pier width, in inches
t = ice thickness, in inches
• Pileup. Ice pileup occurs during the spring thaw when river ice
breaks up and moves downstream in floes. These floes create large
impact loads on anything in their path. In streams where ice pileup
could occur, bridge piers should either be located out of the water or
protected by dolphins.
2-ft minimum
Steel angles
Side view
7-82. Intermediate supports may be constructed of timber, steel, concrete, or
a combination of materials. They may be supported by footings or piles.
Figures 7-30 through 7-36, pages 7-42 through 7-45, show various types of
intermediate supports required for different conditions. Table 7-4, page 7-45,
gives a general guide for selecting intermediate supports.
7-83. Timber-crib piers are assembled in log-cabin fashion (Figure 7-30). For
stability, the bottom of the crib is wider than the top. The base width is at
least one-third the pier height. Drift bolts hold the timbers together at the
corners. Fill the crib with rocks for ballast, if desired. For use in water,
partially construct the crib on the shore, float it to position, and then sink it by
filling it with rocks. Make the top of the pier level and solid to form a
substantial support. Bridge stringers may rest directly on top of the crib. If
more height is needed, construct a short timber-trestle bent or pier on top of
the crib.
Cap Scabbing
Common cap
Traverse bracing
Sill Footings
Traverse bracing
Traverse bracing
Cap beam
Transverse strut
Type Grade Height Remarks
Span Length
7-85. Use the procedures in paragraph 7-66 to determine dead and live loads.
Compute the total design load as follows:
P LL N s
P = P DL + --------------
- (7-70)
PB = Fc A (7-71)
• Limit the length of the post to ensure that it will not fail by buckling.
Check as follows:
L ≤ 30b (7-72)
N pr = ------ (7-73)
N pr
N p = -------
- (7-74)
Npr = required number of posts in the bent
P = total design load on the bent, in kips (equation 7-70)
PB = allowable bearing capacity per post, in kips (equation 7-71)
Np = actual number of piles per row (minimum of four) (round up to
the nearest whole number)
Nr = number of rows
7-87. Caps and Sills. The absolute minimum size for caps and sills is 6 x 8
inches. The larger dimension is usually vertical. The cap and sill must also be
at least as wide as the posts (Figure 7-37, page 7-48). Determine the bearing
failure, the post spacing, and the depth as follows:
• Bearing failure. Check the cap and sill for bearing failure. If bearing
failure is a problem, increase the number of posts.
------------ < F B (7-75)
N pr A
P = total cap or sill load, in kips
Npr = required number of posts in the bent (equation 7-73)
A = cross-sectional area of post or pile, in square inches (Table C-4)
FB = allowable bearing perpendicular to the grain of post or pile
material, in ksi (Table C-1)
• Depth.
d c > ----- (7-77)
dc = cap or sill depth, in inches
Sp = post or pile spacing, in inches (equation 7-76)
bc bc = cap or sill width
(6-in min)
Cap dc dc = cap or sill depth
(8-in min)
Post Post
Terminology Dimensions
7-88. Footings. The number of footings must equal or exceed the number of
posts. A footing design for bents is identical to a footing design for abutments
(paragraph 7-22).
7-89. Bracing. Provide adequate longitudinal bracing between bents to
ensure longitudinal stability of the bridge. The minimum bracing size is 2 x 12
7-90. A pile is a slender structural member that is forced into the ground to
support vertical, horizontal, or inclined loads. Since one pile may not have the
capacity to carry a certain load, several piles may have to be grouped together
for the pile foundation. Use piles when placing a foundation on soft soil, in
deep water, or in swift watercourses that are likely to scour. The factors
discussed below will affect pile design.
7-91. Scour is the gradual removal of earth surrounding a pier or abutment by
water action (Figure 7-38). If a bridge has long spans, it needs intermediate
piers, which obstruct the water flow and increase stream and scouring action.
(When the stream velocity is great, or as much as 2 fps, the bottom may be
disturbed.) For example, when a pile is inserted into a flowing watercourse,
the turbulence and eddy currents created by the pier cause scour. If the axis of
a pier is not parallel to the direction of flow, excessive scour will result.
Minimize scour by ensuring proper alignment of piers in watercourses.
7-92. Local Scour. The scour depth varies with many factors. As a rule,
estimate local scour depth as follows:
Water level
Flood level
Normal level
dFS = ∆hw
dLS = 2Dp
∆hw = change in water height dLS = depth of local scour
dFS = flood-scour depth Dp = diameter of the pile
d LS = 2D p (7-78)
dLS = local-scour depth, in feet
Dp = pile diameter, in feet
7-93. Flood Scour. Consider flood scour in the substructure design because
it is the cause of many bridge failures. If possible, determine the depth of flood
scour at the site (Figure 7-38B). If it cannot be determined, estimate the depth
of flood scour as follows:
d FS = ∆h w (7-79)
d TS = d LS + d FS (7-80)
Pile-Support Types
7-96. Pile-support types include end bearing, friction, and batter. Each is
discussed below.
7-97. End-Bearing Piles. End-bearing piles (Figure 7-39A) are firmly seated
on rock or hard strata. The entire support of the piles is provided by the hard
strata so that the load carried is limited by the strength and unbraced length
of the pile material.
Ground surface
7-98. Friction Piles. Friction piles (Figure 7-39B) derive their entire support
from friction between the piles and the surrounding soil. The load a friction
pile will carry depends on the properties of the soil and the strength of the pile
7-99. Batter Piles. Batter piles are driven into the ground at an angle
(Figure 7-40). The maximum slope at which a pile may be driven is 1:1
(horizontal to vertical), due to the limitations of the driving equipment. The
normal slope for batter piles is 1:12. If the slope is within 1:12, the vertical
Batter piles
7-100. Pile foundations may be constructed of timber, steel, or concrete. Since
concrete piles require special handling and equipment, they are not used in
military construction. Design principles for timber and steel piles are the
same except for the exceptions discussed below.
Allowable Load
7-101. For an end-bearing pile, the maximum allowable load is the smaller
value of the allowable load or the buckling load of the pile. For a friction pile,
the maximum allowable load is the smallest value of the allowable load, the
buckling load, the soil friction capacity, or the pile-driving capacity. Check the
bearing and buckling loads in both end-bearing and friction piles. Also, check
the soil and pile-driving capacities in friction piles.
7-102. Bearing Capacity. The first step in designing a pile foundation is to
determine the maximum allowable load that a single pile will carry. Compute
the allowable bearing capacity of a pile as follows:
PB = Fc A (7-81)
7-103. Buckling Load. The allowable buckling load for a single pile depends
on the unbraced length of the pile, the size of pile, and the type of soil.
7-104. The fixed point (FP) is the point below which the pile is assumed to be
completely rigid, so that any bending or buckling in the pile will take place
above the FP (Figure 7-41). The FP distance varies with the soil type (5 feet
for sand and 10 feet for clay). Interpolate the FP for intermediate soils.
Measure the FP distance from the point of lowest scour to ensure that the
design accounts for the worst possible conditions.
Pile cap
Lu = 0.7LuB Lowest
Pile brace
Lu = 0.5LuB
Local scour
Lowest scour level Flood scour LuB
Inflection point
Lu = unbraced length
LuB = length from the lowest brace to the FP
Dp = diameter of the pile
7-105. For a single row of piles unbraced in the longitudinal direction, the
unbraced length is 70 percent of the distance from the FP to the top of the pile
(Figure 7-41A). For a single row of piles with adequate longitudinal bracing,
the unbraced length is one-half the distance from the FP to the lowest bracing.
For piles arranged in two or more rows with adequate bracing between, the
unbraced length is one-half the distance from the FP to the lowest bracing
(Figure 7-41B).
• Timber piles. If the unbraced length divided by the pile diameter is
less than or equal to 27, buckling is not a problem and no further
P BU = A ----------------
- (7-82)
L u 2
PBU = buckling load, in kips
A = cross-sectional area of the pile, in square inches (Table C-5)
E = modulus of elasticity, in ksi (Table C-1)
Lu = unbraced length, in feet
D = pile diameter, in feet
A = πDL g (7-84)
A = area of the timber pile in contact with the soil, in square feet
D = pile diameter, in feet
Lg = length of pile in the soil, in feet
A = 2 ( b p + d p )L g (7-85)
A = area of the steel pile in contact with the soil, in square feet
bp = pile width, in feet
dp = depth of pile section, in feet
Lg = length of pile in the soil, in feet
• Compute the pile capacity (once the area of pile in contact with the soil
is known) as follows:
Pf = fs A (7-86)
P TP = --------------- (7-87)
Pp + 1
P TP = --------------- (7-88)
Pp + 1
P TP = ------------------- (7-89)
P p + 0.1
P TP = ------------------- (7-90)
P p + 0.1
PTP = driving capacity based on test pile, in kips
w = drop hammer or ram weight, in kips
h = average fall of the drop hammer, in feet
Pp = average pile penetration (last 6 blows of a drop hammer or last
20 blows of a powered drop hammer), in inches
225 4,150
170 3,280
140 8,100
120 5,940
7-110. Drive piles at least 8 feet into sand or 20 feet into clay to prevent
overturning due to lateral loads. For intermediate soils, interpolate the
Pile Groups
7-111. The spacing between rows of piles must equal or exceed three times
the pile diameter. The spacing between rows must equal or exceed the spacing
between piles. Each row must have at least four piles.
7-112. Number of Piles Required. Compute the number of piles as follows:
N pr = ------ (7-93)
Pressure bulb
• Recheck the actual Sp/Dp with the rounded number of piles to ensure
that it does not fall below three. Also, find the actual number of
effective piles by reading the chart in reverse. This value must be
greater than or equal to the required number of piles. The end-bearing
piles will carry the full allowable pile load without any reduction in
efficiency due to group action.
Sp/Dp = 10 5 3 3
20 Sp/Dp = 10 5
Sp/Dp = 10 5 18
12 26
11 24
Effective number of piles
6 14
5 12
4 7 10
3 8
4 6 8 10 12 14 4 6 8 10 12 14 4 6 8 10 12 14
Number of piles per bent Two-bent pier Three-bent pier
Sp = center-to-center pile spacing
Dp = pile diameter
7-114. Combined Loading. Wind, water, and ice are lateral forces that
create combined loading conditions. Check the pile supports to ensure that the
additional loads created by these forces will not cause failure. For example,
compute the maximum actual load on an outside pile in a group as follows
(Figure 7-44, Pile A):
P m = ------ + ---------------------------------- (7-94)
N p S p N p ( N pr + 1 )
Pm = maximum actual load on the outside pile, in kips
P = total of the vertical loads on the pile, in kips (equation 7-70)
Np = total number of piles in the group
∑M = total moment of all lateral forces at the FP for both normal and flood
stages, in kip-feet (see lateral loads). Use the larger value of total lateral
forces for a normal or flood stage.
Fixed points
Pile A Pile B Pile C Pile D
Vertical-force loads
Lateral-force loads
Compound-force loads
h = height of the horizontal forces
7-116. For end-bearing piles, the allowable load on the outside pile is equal to
the load per pile. For safety reasons, the actual load on the outside pile should
be less than the load on a vertical pile. Compute the maximum actual load on
an outside pile as follows:
P m = --------
- + ---------------------------------- (7-96)
N p S p N p ( N pr + 1 )
Pm = maximum actual load on the outside pile, in kips
PDL = total dead load, in kips (equation 7-56)
Np = total number of piles in the group
∑M = total moment of all lateral forces at the FP for both normal and flood
stages, in kip-feet (see lateral loads). Use the larger value of total lateral
forces for a normal or flood stage.
Sp = pile spacing, in feet (paragraph 7-111)
Npr = total number of piles in the row or bent (equation 7-93)
7-117. If the actual load on a single pile is negative, compare it with the
allowable buoyancy force. Estimate this force as 40 percent of the soil bearing
capacity, where the soil capacity is the allowable soil load (equation 7-86). For
safety, the actual load is less than or equal to the allowable buoyancy force. If
the checks indicate that overload or buoyancy forces make the support unsafe,
increase the pile spacing or add more piles or rows of piles.
7-118. Pile-pier design is similar to pile-bent design except that two or more
rows of piles are used. Also, pile piers require the design of a common-cap and
corbel system as discussed below.
7-119. A pile bent consists of a single row of piles with a pile cap. Brace bents
to one another or to the adjacent abutment to reduce the unbraced length and
to provide stability. Use the procedures described in paragraphs 7-100
through 7-117 to design a pile bent, and use the procedures discussed below to
design a pile cap. The consolidated process is as follows:
Step 1. Determine the loads acting on the bent.
Step 2. Determine the design capacity of a single pile (maximum allowable
Step 3. Determine the number of piles required.
Step 4. Determine the actual number of piles to be used based on group
Step 5. Check the combined loading produced by lateral loads and adjust the
number of piles and spacing, if necessary.
Step 6. Design the cap by using the procedures outlined below.
Common cap
Bent cap
Common cap
Bent cap Top corbel
Corbel Corbel
Lc = length of corbel Posts or piles
Cap Design
7-121. The minimum size for bent caps is 6 x 8 inches. The cap must also be at
least as wide as the piles or posts supporting it. Check the bearing stress
between the cap and the posts to ensure that the bearing stress does not
exceed the maximum allowable stress for timber (Table C-1, pages C-3
through C-6). Compute as follows:
• Actual bearing stress. The actual bearing stress must not exceed
the allowable bearing stress for the weakest member in the system. If
the allowable bearing stress is exceeded, correct the system by adding
more piles or posts or by adding timbers on the sides of the supports
(Figure 7-47).
F B = ---------- (7-98)
Np A
Post or pile
• Cap depth. The depth of the cap must equal or exceed one-fifth of the
spacing between the piles.
d c ≥ ----- (7-99)
dc = cap depth, in feet
Sp = pile spacing, in feet (paragraph 7-111)
Corbel Design
7-122. The corbel design process is different depending on the pier. The corbel
design for two- and three-bent piers is discussed below.
7-123. Two-Bent Pier. The design length of each corbel equals the center-to-
center spacing between bents. The actual corbel length exceeds the design
length by a minimum of one cap width so that the corbel will have contact
with the full area of each bent cap. Compute the required effective shear area
and the required number of corbels as follows:
A vr = --------- (7-100)
2F v
• Total shear.
V = --- (7-102)
• Shear capacity.
v = FvAv (7-103)
N cb = --- (7-104)
• Spacing.
S cb = ----------------
- (7-105)
N cb – 1
m = moment, in kip-feet
P = corbel design load, in kips (equation 7-97)
Lcb = corbel length, in feet (paragraph 7-123)
S req = ---------- (7-107)
• Spacing.
b r 12
S cb = ----------------
- (7-109)
N cb – 1
Common-Cap Design
7-126. The minimum size for a common cap is 6 x 8 inches. Compute the
common-cap width and depth as follows:
• Common-cap width.
b c = ------------------------- (7-110)
2N cb b cb F c
bc = cap or sill width, in inches
P = total load, in kips (equation 7-97)
b c = ---------------------- (7-111)
N cb b cb F c
7-128. Concrete piers may be constructed of either mass or reinforced
concrete. Mass-concrete piers can be built in about the same amount of time
as reinforced concrete piers but are not economical because they require such
large quantities of concrete. Since concrete piers are normally used in
permanent bridges, this FM does not go into detail on their design.
7-129. When shallow bedrock prevents pile installation, use some other type
of specially designed shallow foundation. The paragraphs below describe a few
shallow piers (other than standard timber and steel piers) that have been
successful in the field.
Rock Footings
7-130. In dry gaps or shallow streambeds, construct rock footings as shown in
Figure 7-48. Hold the rocks in place by driving steel pickets into the soil.
Dump the rocks into the steel enclosure and level them at the proper
elevation. To provide a smooth surface for timber or steel piers, place a layer
of concrete over the rocks. Settlement may be a problem since the rocks have
to be placed directly on mud. In this case, put a surcharge of heavy material
on the rock footing to induce settling before leveling and capping. After the
footing settles, remove the surcharge and level and cap the rock footing. The
total load acting on the footing (including the weight of the footing itself)
divided by the planned area of the footing must not exceed the bearing
capacity of the local soil.
Concrete Footings
7-131. In shallow watercourses with firm beds, use a concrete footing. Place
the forms and anchor them with weights so that they will not float away. Then
use a tremie to place concrete in the forms. Place the footing only when the
temperature of the water will not fall below 45°F during the curing process.
Steel-Culvert Pipe
7-133. Steel-culvert pipes can serve as expedient bridge piers. Fill the pipes
with rocks, cap them, and place them on edge. At least two rows of pipe are
needed, with both lateral and longitudinal bracing to provide stability. This
type of pier requires a cap and corbel system. Weld the steel pipe together as
rigidly as possible to provide one continuous pipe. Piers of this type should not
exceed 12 feet in height and can be placed on a rock or concrete footing. Do not
use concrete pipes since sections are short and tend to be unstable when
7-135. Reinforced concrete and corrugated-metal culverts are often used in
shallow or intermittent watercourses in place of bridges. See FM 5-430-00-1
for information on culvert designs in connection with drainage.
Suspension-Bridge Design
Suspension bridges can span distances from 2,000 to 7,000 feet, which is
far longer than any other kind of bridge. They also tend to be the most
expensive to build. True to their name, suspension bridges suspend the
roadway from huge main cables, which extend from one end of the bridge
to the other. These cables rest on top of high towers and are secured at
each end by anchorages. The towers enable the main cables to be draped
over long distances.
8-1. Suspension bridges have two basic systems–main cables supported by
towers at each end over the obstacle and a roadway suspended from the main
cables (Figure 8-1, page 8-2). Suspender cables support the floor beams, which
support the stringers that support the roadway. Stiffening trusses further
spread the live load to the suspenders. Suspension-bridge design requires
analysis of the following items:
• Load to be carried.
• Panel length.
• Floor beams and stringers.
• Stiffening trusses.
• Dead load.
• Suspenders.
• Main cables.
• Towers.
• Tower bracing and backstays.
• Anchorages.
8-2. Unstiffened bridges consist of floors, without stiffening trusses or girders,
suspended from cables. These bridges are suitable only where live load or
wind load can never cause serious deformation of the cable. An example of this
type of bridge would be a footbridge, where the live load is very light. Other
examples are structures with a large dead load but insignificant live load.
8-3. Stiffened bridges have flexible cables that are stiffened by suspended
girders or trusses. These bridges minimize local changes in roadway slope due
Tower Tower
Main cable
Cross braces
Deadman Floor beams Side rail Deadman
Cradle (F)
Flare (K)
to live loads. They are constructed by framing the floor beams of the floor
system into stiffening trusses and supporting these trusses with hangers
running to the cables.
8-4. Self-anchored bridges are supported on vertical foundations, and no
anchor cable is required. The horizontal force on the main cable is exerted by
endwise thrusts in the stiffening girder.
8-5. Multiple-span bridges are a combination of two or more adjoining
suspension bridges sharing a common anchorage. The towers of these bridges
are connected by a tie cable to restrain movement of the tower tops from
unbalanced live loads.
8-6. The selection of a bridge site is very critical. Factors to consider when
determining a bridge site are the tower spacing, the bridge clearance, and the
work area.
8-7. Keep the distance between towers as short as possible (not more than
400 feet). Also, keep the towers at the same elevation if possible. Long spans
with a considerable difference in tower elevations require large wire ropes and
8-9. Factors to consider when designing a suspension bridge are the sag ratio,
the camber, the cradle and flare, and the backstay slope. Figure 8-2 shows the
suspension-bridge design factors.
Tower height
Main cable Cradle
8-10. Sag controls the length and stability of the bridge. The sag ratio varies
from 5 to 16.66 percent. The sag ratio is computed by dividing the sag by the
span length. If the main cables have a flat curve or low sag ratio, the bridge
has more vertical stability but the cable stress is high and strong anchorages
are required. If the sag ratio is high, the cable is under less stress and
anchorages may be placed closer to the towers.
8-11. Camber is the vertical distance between the top of the floor beam at the
midspan and a straight line drawn between the tops of the tower sills. Camber
allows for deflection of a bridge when loaded. The camber should be equal to
0.67 percent of the span length.
8-13. Backstay slope is the ratio of the vertical difference between the
deadman and the tower support of the main cable to the difference in
elevation between the deadman and the tower. The angle of the backstay and
main cable may be the same. If so, the stress will be equal on both sides of the
tower. The backstay slope is usually a 1:2.5 ratio.
8-14. Use either a uniform or concentrated load condition when designing
suspension bridges. If five or more concentrated loads are carried on the
bridge at one time, consider this load as a uniform load condition to simplify
the design process. Use the dead and live loads when designing floor and side-
rail systems. Use the dead, live, and impact loads when designing the cable
system. Assume the impact load to be 100 percent of the live load.
8-15. Figure 8-3 shows a typical suspension-bridge panel. A truss helps
spread the load over several panels and stabilizes a bridge. When the truss is
omitted, suspend the roadway and posts from the main cables.
8-16. Assume a panel length between 10 and 15 feet to start the design
process. A 10-foot panel is usually a practical length. Number the panels
symmetrically from zero at the center suspender to the number of panels
needed to reach the towers (Figure 8-4). A design is simplified if there is an
even number of panel points, thus dividing the bridge exactly in half.
Otherwise, number the panel points by halves (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, and so forth),
beginning with the panel closest to the center span.
8-17. Use Table 8-1, page 8-6, to select the nominal stringer size. This table
assumes uniform loading and uses an allowable bending stress of 1 ksi. If
Floor beam
Panel points 12
5 6
0 1 2 3 4
designing a bridge for a concentrated load, use half the load value selected
from this table. For bending stresses other than 1 ksi, multiply the load in
Table 8-1 by the new allowable bending stress. The allowable bending stress
for timber is shown in Table C-1, pages C-3 through C-6.
1 2 3 4 5
Nominal Actual Size Area of the Weight per Maximum Safe Uni-
Size (in) (in) Section (sq in) Linear Foot (w)1 form Load (fb)2
1. The weight per linear foot (w) equals 40 pounds per cubic foot.
2. Based on the bending of a 1-foot span, fb equals ksi.
8-18. Table 8-2 lists floor-beam sizes for various loading conditions. Design
the floor beams so that the suspenders wrap around the floor beams. Extend
the beams beyond the width of the roadway so that knee braces can be added
to support the side-rail posts.
8-19. Use 2-inch planks for footbridges. Use 3-inch planks for light vehicle
8-21. Saw-toothed bracing helps stiffen the truss and spread the load over
several panels. Use 2- x 6-inch lumber for saw-toothed bracing. Knee bracing
holds the posts and floor beams. Extend the floor beams to allow for the knee
braces. Use 2- x 4-inch material. Sway bracing helps stabilize the bridge
laterally. On light bridges, heavy-gauge wire with rack sticks (Figure 8-5) is
sufficient. Heavier bridges require timber sway bracing (Figure 8-6, page 8-8).
Rack sticks
Floor planks omitted to allow
tightening of sway bracing
10-foot panel
Deck planks Floor beam
Sway brace
Side-rail post
8-22. After selecting the truss and floor system, determine the dead load. To
find the dead load of a panel, add the weight of the components (suspenders,
floor beam, deck planks, stringers, toe boards, side-rail posts, knee braces,
side rails, curbs, and clips). The dead load is measured in kips per panel.
8-23. Suspenders carry the live, dead, and impact loads. Assume that the live
load equals the gross weight of the traffic using the bridge. Determine the
dead load according to paragraph 8-22. For design purposes, the impact load
equals the live load. Use Table 8-1, page 8-6, and a safety factor of 5 to
determine the allowable load per suspender. Compute as follows:
P s = ---- (8-1)
Ps = load per suspender, in kips
P = total load, in kips. The total load is the dead-load weight of all
components plus the live-load weight designed for plus impact. Impact is
the same as the live-load weight.
N = number of suspenders
8-24. The effective suspender length is the distance between the main cable
and the floor beam. Add sufficient length to each suspender to accommodate
connections at each end. Compute the suspender length as follows:
n 2
d = L es + ---- ( c + y s ) (8-2)
n t
d = distance between the main cable and the floor beam, in feet
Les = effective length of the center suspender, in feet
n = panel point of the suspender (paragraph 8-16)
c = cable camber, in feet (paragraph 8-11)
ys = cable sag (Figure 8-2, page 8-3)
nt = panel point of the tower (paragraph 8-16)
8-25. An additional 5 to 6 feet is adequate for connections with the main cable
and the floor beams. The loop must include a thimble to prevent the main
cable from shearing the suspender cable.
8-26. Use equations 8-3 through 8-10 or Table 8-3, page 8-10, to design the
main cables. Assume a cable size to determine the dead load. Determine the
cable tension and adjust the cable to accommodate the tension. Redetermine
the cable tension (based on the new cable size) and check the cable’s strength.
Continue this process until a suitable cable size can be selected. Design a
main cable as discussed below.
8-27. The normal-design process is as follows:
• Loads.
W c = --- (8-3)
Wc = weight per foot of main cable, in kpf
P = total load, in kips (paragraph 8-23)
L = span length, in feet
• Horizontal tension.
Wc ( L )
T = ----------------- (8-4)
8y s
• Slope.
– 1 4y
θ = tan -------s (8-5)
T c = ----- (8-7)
8 ys 2
L ca = L 1 + --- ---- (8-8)
3 L
T′ = W DL L ( x t ) (8-9)
L ca = L ( x t ) (8-10)
Diameter 6x7 6 x 19 6 x 27
Weight per Breaking Weight per Breaking Weight per Breaking
Foot (lb) Strength (tons) Foot (lb) Strength (tons) Foot (lb) Strength (tons)
• Column 4. Use this data to compute the cable length that is between
the supports. Multiply the span length by the length factor in
Column 4.
8-30. Backstays are the portions of the main cables that are behind the
towers. Ensure that the maximum allowable tension of the cable is not
exceeded. Compute the tension in the backstays by multiplying the results of
equation 8-7 by the secant of the horizontal backstay angle. For equal tension
in the cables on both sides of the tower, the backstay angle should be as
ys 2
sec = 1 + 16 ---- (8-12)
sec = secant of the cable deflection angle
ys = cable sag, in feet (paragraph 8-10)
L = span length, in feet
8-31. In most cases, construct towers at the site. After determining the type of
installation and the cable sag, determine the tower height from the field
profile. Keep towers as low as possible to simplify the design and construction.
The main consideration is the timber size required. Figure 8-7, page 8-14,
shows examples of improvised towers. Compute the tower height as follows:
h = L ( y s + c ) + L cs (8-13)
h = tower height, in feet
L = span length, in feet
ys = cable sag, in feet (paragraph 8-10)
c = camber, as a percentage (paragraph 8-11)
Lcs = length of center suspender, in feet
8-32. The cable (on both sides of the tower) places horizontal and vertical
loads on the tower, depending on the angle of approach. The guy lines resist
the horizontal load, placing an additional vertical load on the tower. Table 8-5,
page 8-14, shows the vertical reactions on the tower for varying sizes of cable,
sags, and slopes.
8-33. Vertical reactions of the main cables determine the post size of the
towers. For simplicity, a 12- x 12-inch post will carry loads of up to 2 1/2-ton
trucks. However, use Table 8-5 and Table 8-6, page 8-15, if determining a
minimum size. Determine the maximum vertical reaction for a particular sag
ratio, slope, tieback, and cable size from Table 8-5. Using this value,
Saddles Saddles
Side brace
Cross brace
determine a post size from Table 8-6. The area, the modulus of elasticity, and
the allowable stress must be known to determine a post size. Divide the length
(in inches) by the minimum depth (in inches). Compute the post capacity by
multiplying the allowable stress by the area. Brace the tower and place
saddles (Figure 8-8) on top of the posts to protect them from the cables. Choose
a post with a capacity greater than the maximum vertical reaction.
Screws Wooden block
Welds Plate
8-34. Saddles may be required to protect timber cross members when using
heavy cables or long spans. Make the saddles from sheet steel or pipe. The
strap shown in Figure 8-8A, page 8-15, can easily be made from scrap steel.
Indent the strap to position and steady the cables. Figure 8-8B shows a
heavier plate and saddle-block combination. Hold the cable in place by
partially driving the nails on either side of the cable. The saddle block and
plate can be used on flat timbers to allow for curvature of the cable.
Figure 8-8C shows a pipe saddle. Use it where several cables or a heavier
cable is required. Saddles made from 1/2-inch steel plates are sufficient for
cables up to 1 1/2 inches in diameter.
8-35. Guy lines take up the horizontal forces on the tower. Four 3/8-inch-
diameter wire ropes are usually enough to hold a tower in place, provided
their slope is 2 feet of run to every foot of rise. This distance provides a margin
of safety and allows considerable latitude in placing guy lines at an angle to
the direction of the cable.
8-36. For speed and economy, use natural anchors in cableway and tramway
installations wherever possible. Other temporary anchors include pickets,
rock anchors, holdfasts, and deadmen. Fabricate permanent anchors of steel
and set them in concrete or fasten them to permanent structures. Always
fasten the guy lines to the anchors as near to the ground as possible so that
they leave the anchor as parallel to the ground as possible (except in the case
of rock anchors). The wedging action of a rock anchor is strongest under a
direct pull and should be set with this effect in mind.
8-37. Trees, stumps, or rocks can serve as natural anchors for expedient work
in the field. Avoid using a rotten tree or stump or a dead tree as an anchor. It
is always advisable to lash the first tree or stump to a second one to provide
added support. A transom (Figure 8-9) provides a stronger anchor than a
single tree. When using rocks as natural anchors, examine the rocks carefully
to be sure that they are large enough and firmly embedded in the ground. An
outcropping of rock or a heavy boulder lying on the ground will serve as a
satisfactory anchor. See FM 5-125 for more detail on anchors.
8-38. One factor in the strength of a picket holdfast is the holding power of
the ground. Strengthen the holdfast by increasing the surface area of the
pickets against the ground. Drive two or more pickets into the ground and
lash them together to form a stronger holdfast than a single picket. Make a
multiple-picket holdfast as follows:
• Drive round pickets (at least 3 inches in diameter and 5 feet long)
about 3 feet into the ground, spaced 3 to 6 feet apart in line with the
guy line (Figure 8-10A).
• Slope the pickets about 15 degrees from the vertical, opposite the
direction of the pull.
• Tie a fiber rope to the first picket with a clove hitch, and take four to
six turns around the two pickets from the bottom of the second picket
to the top of the first. Fasten the rope to the second picket with a clove
hitch just above the turns. Pass a stake between the rope turns.
• Tighten the rope by twisting the stake and then drive the stake into
the ground.
• Place a similar lashing between the second and third pickets. If using
wire rope for lashing, make only two complete turns around each pair
of pickets. If neither fiber nor wire rope is available for lashing, nail
boards between the pickets, from the top of the front picket to the
bottom of the second picket.
8-40. For heavy loading of an anchor, spread the load over the largest possible
area by increasing the number of pickets. A combination holdfast has four or
five multiple-picket holdfasts (parallel to each other) with a heavy log resting
against the front pickets to form a combination log-picket holdfast
(Figure 8-11). Fasten the guy line or anchor sling to the log that bears against
the pickets. The log should bear evenly against all pickets to obtain maximum
strength. The strength of the log will affect the strength of the combination as
much as the strength of the individual picket holdfasts. Carefully select the
timber to stand the maximum pull on the line without appreciable bending. A
steel cross member will serve the same function, forming a combination steel-
picket holdfast (Figure 8-12).
8-41. A rock anchor (Figure 8-13) has an eye on one end. The other end is
threaded and has a nut, an expanding wedge, and a stop nut on it. Insert the
threaded end of the rock anchor in the hole, with the nut clear of the wedge.
After placing the anchor, insert a crowbar through the eye of the rock anchor
and twist the crowbar. Doing this causes the threads of the rock anchor to
draw the nut up against the wedge, forcing the wedge out against the sides of
the hole in the rock.
8-42. Since the wedging action is strongest under a direct pull, always set
rock anchors so that the pull is in direct line with the shaft of the anchor. Drill
holes for rock anchors 5 inches deep. In hard rock, use a 1-inch-diameter drill.
In soft rock, use a 3/4-inch-diameter drill. Drill the hole as neatly as possible
so that the rock anchor will develop maximum strength. In extremely soft
rock, use a different type of anchor as the wedging action may not give
sufficient holding power.
8-43. A deadman consists of a log buried in the ground with the guy line or
anchor sling connected to it at its center (Figure 8-14). A deadman provides
greater strength than a holdfast under most conditions. It is more suitable for
permanent installation, and it is the best form of anchor for heavy loads
because of the large surface area presented against the undisturbed soil. In
some installations, it may be necessary to slacken or tighten the guy lines by
putting in a turnbuckle near the ground or installing a take-up tackle.
8-44. Bury the deadman as deep as necessary for good bearing on solid
ground. Follow these steps:
Step 1. Undercut the bank in the direction toward the guy line at an angle of
about 15 degrees from the vertical. This will use as much of the surface of the
undisturbed earth as possible.
Step 2. Drive stakes into the bank at several points over the deadman to
increase the bearing surface.
Step 3. Cut a narrow, inclined trench for the guy line or anchor sling through
the bank, leading to the center of the deadman. Place a short beam or log on
the surface of the ground under the guy line or anchor sling at the outlet of the
inclined trench, if possible.
Step 4. Fasten the guy line or anchor sling securely to the center of the
deadman so that the standing part of the line (on which the pull occurs) will
lead from the bottom of the deadman. This reduces the tendency of the
deadman to rotate upward out of the hole.
Step 5. Clip the running end of the guy line securely to the standing part. The
strength of the deadman depends partly on the strength of the buried log, but
the main strength is the holding power of the earth. Table 8-7 lists the
deadman holding power in ordinary earth.
8-45. Design and place bearing plates where the cable is in contact with, or
bears on, the log or squared timber deadman. The bearing plate prevents the
cable from cutting through the timber. Table 8-8, page 8-22, shows the
required size of the bearing plate based on cable and deadman sizes. See
TC 5-210, FM 5-125, or FM 5-34 for more information about a deadman.
NOTE: The values in this table are based on the use of IPS cable.
Connections are one of the most critical sections of any bridge (existing or
under construction). All the detailed planning, layout, and construction of
a new bridge can go to waste if connections of key joints are made with
inadequate materials that fail under the varying stresses in the bridge.
The analytical classification and design procedures assume good
connections of appropriate connectors. This chapter focuses on the most
common types and selection criteria of connections.
9-1. Many timbers are connected by nails or spikes. Nails or spikes are
normally used in handrails and knee braces to fasten timber decking to the
bridge stringers. For critical connections where a high-strength fastener is
required, substitute bolts for nails. Connections that require bolts also include
stringer splicing and connection of the substructure members.
9-2. To create an adequate connection using nails or spikes, drive the nail or
spike into the timber member to a depth no less than one-half (preferably two-
thirds) the length of the fastener (Figure 9-1). The engineer in charge of the
project must use judgment and experience to determine the quantity of the
fasteners required to make the connection. Drive enough nails or spikes (in
suitable patterns) to provide a rigid and durable connection. Table 9-1,
page 9-2, gives data for the various sizes of standard nails and spikes used in
bridge construction.
d d
LEGEND: Preferred
d = distance
Connections 9-1
FM 3-34.343
10d 3 9 0.1483
20d 4 6 0.1920
30d 4 1/2 5 0.2070
40d 5 4 0.2253
60d 6 2 0.2625
— 7 5/16 5/16
— 8 3/8 3/8
— 10 3/8 3/8
— 12 3/8 3/8
9-3. Use lag screws instead of nails when the possibility of tension failure
exists in timber members. Compute the allowable load on a lag screw by using
the Hankinson formula as follows:
( P )PY
P a = ----------------------------------------------
- (9-1)
P sin θ + PY cos θ
2 2
9-2 Connections
FM 3-34.343
Load Load
4D 1½D
A. Tension Loading Parallel to the Grain B. Compression Loading Parallel to the Grain
Load 4D minimum
C. Loading Perpendicular to the Grain D. Minimum Spacing Requirements
D = diameter
9-6. Critical timber connections require bolts. Bolts provide a strong, efficient,
and economical method of fastening wood members together. Bolts are
available in a variety of sizes and can be used with all sizes of timber. Use
bolted timber connections to splice stringers, connect substructure members,
and attach deck and curb material. Also use them for fastening wood to wood
and for fastening steel plates to wood members. Always use washers under
the bolt head and bolt nut.
Connections 9-3
FM 3-34.343
9-8. If the side members are more than half the thickness of the main
member, do not increase the tabulated load (Figure 9-3B). When the side
members are less than half the thickness of the main member, the tabulated
load for a main member is twice the thickness of the thinnest side member.
For example, with 3-inch side members and an 8-inch main (center) member,
the tabulated loads for an 8-inch main member apply (Figure 9-3C).
9-9. When the joint consists of two members of equal thickness (the bolt is in
single shear), use one-half the tabulated load for a piece twice the thickness of
one of the members (Figure 9-4A). When members of a two-member joint are
of unequal thickness, use one-half the tabulated load for a piece twice the
thickness of the thinner member (Figure 9-4B). When using steel plates for
side members, increase the tabulated loads for a parallel-to-grain loading by
25 percent. Do not increase the tabulated loads for perpendicular-to-grain
loads (Figure 9-5, page 9-6).
9-4 Connections
FM 3-34.343
A ½b
½b 3″
B 3″
b = member width
2″ 2″
2″ 3″
Use half the load for Use half the load for
a 4-inch timber. a 4-inch timber.
Connections 9-5
FM 3-34.343
Steel plates
0.5 x load
0.5 x load
Allowable Pressure
9-10. The direction of bolt pressure on the grain of the wood must be
considered when determining the allowable pressure. Table 9-2, page 9-4,
gives the allowable pressure for bolts placed parallel and perpendicular to the
grain. Figure 9-6 shows that the bolt pressure is parallel to the grain of the
inclined member. In the horizontal member, however, the load is neither
parallel nor perpendicular to the grain. Use equation 9-1 to find the allowable
bolt load on the horizontal member.
Direction of load
Direction of grain
Design Criteria
9-11. In bolted connections, the allowable load that the joint supports must
not exceed the allowable bolt load of one bolt multiplied by the number of bolts
used. Criteria include the following:
• The net cross-sectional area of the member (measured at a right angle
to the direction of the load) is the gross cross-sectional area of the
member minus the area of the bolt holes in the section.
9-6 Connections
FM 3-34.343
• The allowable tensile joint load for any bolted joint load must not
exceed the net cross-sectional area multiplied by the allowable tensile
unit stress of the lumber.
• The net area for softwoods at the critical section for parallel-to-grain
loading must be at least 80 percent of the total area in bearing under
all bolts in the member. For hardwoods, the net area must be at least
100 percent of the total area.
9-12. Data on the species and sizes of the members to be joined is required for
designing a bolted joint. Assume a bolt size and then find the allowable load
for one bolt. To compute the required number of bolts, divide the total load by
the allowable load per bolt. The values given in Table 9-2, page 9-4, are based
on the maximum allowable stresses for average structural timbers and are
1,800 psi parallel to the grain and 500 psi perpendicular to the grain. If the
timber to be used has different allowable stresses, increase or decrease the
tabulated value of the load, as needed. Do this by multiplying the tabular
stress by the ratio of allowable stress for the chosen timber to 1.8 ksi (parallel
to the grain) or 0.5 ksi (perpendicular to the grain).
9-13. Bolt spacing is critical. Base the bolt spacing and the minimum required
edge distance on the criteria described in Figures 9-2, page 9-3, and
Figure 9-3, page 9-5.
9-14. Add washers to both sides of the bolted timber connections to prevent
bearing failure in the timber. Use wrought-iron or steel-plate round washers.
Table 9-3 shows the washer requirements for bolted connections.
Connections 9-7
FM 3-34.343
9-15. Use floor clips to connect a laminated wooden deck to steel stringers.
Position the floor clips with the anchor end under the flange and then nail
them to the lamination at 16- to 18-inch intervals. Install floor clips in pairs,
one on each side of the stringer (Figure 9-7). If floor clips are not available or a
laminated deck is not used, use one of the expedient methods shown in
Figure 9-8. Fasten the deck to the stringers before placing the stringers. The
objective is to prevent lateral movement of the decking.
Floor clips
40d nails
9-16. Shear plates, spike grids, clamping plates, and split and toothed-ring
connectors are specially designed devices for making timber-to-timber
9-8 Connections
FM 3-34.343
9-17. In the AFCS, preengineered structures come complete with bolts and
prepunched, matched holes. Such structures make construction easier and
9-18. Conditions may arise that call for the design and fabrication of bolted
steel connections (including high-strength bolts). The design process for bolted
steel connections involves determining spacing and evaluating connection
strengths and possible failures.
Bolt Spacing
9-19. The minimum center-to-center bolt spacing is three times the diameter
of the bolt. Figure 9-9 shows the typical bolt spacing for steel angles. The
minimum distance from the edge of a member to the center of the nearest bolt
is the edge distance. Table 9-4, page 9-10, lists edge distances for some of the
more common bolt sizes.
3Db min
Cut edge
Connections 9-9
FM 3-34.343
Failure Modes
9-20. The strength of a bolted connection is governed by the smallest of the
• Shear strength of the bolts.
• Bearing strength of the bolted members.
• Tensile strength of the bolted members at the weakest section.
To determine the strength of a connection, first evaluate the failure modes
(shear, bearing, tension, or a combination of all three).
9-21. Shear. The most common type of bolt failure is shear. Shear occurs
when the applied forces exceed the bolts’ allowable shear capacity. In dealing
with shear, first determine whether the connection is a single- or double-shear
connection. The allowable shear capacity for a double-shear connection is
twice that of a single-shear connection. Figure 9-10 illustrates the typical
shear failure for both connections. Double shear is preferred where the
eccentricity of the applied loads might induce serious damage. Determine the
shear capacity of a bolt by using Table 9-5 or the following equation:
v = AF v (9-2)
P B = DF B t (9-3)
PB = bearing capacity per bolt, in kips
D = bolt diameter, in inches
FB = allowable bearing stress of the steel, in ksi (Table 3-6)
t = thickness of the thinner piece of steel, in inches
9-10 Connections
FM 3-34.343
Single-failure plane
A. Single-Shear Failure
0.5 x load
0.5 x load
Double-failure plane
B. Double-Shear Failure
Connections 9-11
FM 3-34.343
T = AF t (9-4)
9-25. When equipment and trained personnel are available, use welded
instead of bolted connections. Minor connections for which stress is not
computed (such as nailing clips) may be welded without a formal design.
However, weld major load-carrying connections only after careful design.
These connections require trained and supervised welders. If in doubt about
the quality of welding equipment or the welders’ level of training, use bolted
9-26. Fabricating welded connections is critical. A weld design is wasted if not
followed correctly. Welded connections require designs suited to bridge
construction. Do not weld connections that are specifically designed to be
bolted. Work is easier if the component parts are clamped together or secured
by several fitting-up bolts before welding. Experienced, well-trained welders
are essential, since satisfactory welded connections depend entirely on the
skills of the welders. Special training and skill are also required to inspect
welded connections properly, since welds may look sound but be inferior.
Welds are economical and, when properly placed, are as dependable as bolted
Welding Process
9-27. The two principal welding processes for structural work are electric-arc
and oxyacetylene welding. In electric-arc welding, the electrical arc formed
between a suitable electrode and the base metal develops the welding heat.
The electrode is generally steel (use only shielded-arc electrodes). The electric-
arc process is commonly used for structural welding. In oxyacetylene welding,
welding heat is obtained by burning an oxygen-acetylene gas mixture
discharged under pressure from a torch designed specifically for the purpose.
Oxyacetylene welding is preferred for butt welds when joining two heavy
pieces of metal. Figure 9-11 shows some basic welding terminology.
9-12 Connections
FM 3-34.343
Weld reinforcement
Fillet leg Theoretical throat
size of weld
Weld face
zone Weld
Beveled edge of work
Throat Fusion zone
Original edge of work
9-28. When choosing a welding design, consider such factors as metal type,
expansion and contraction, and post-weld inspection. Welding creates
considerable heat. As a result, dangerous contractions occur during cooling
that create internal residual stresses, possible deformities, and loss of
strength. Design symmetrical welds to counter some of these stresses but do
not overdesign. Peening and annealing remove much of the residual stress.
Annealing in the field is impractical. Therefore, always peen field welds to
remove residual stresses, regardless of their sizes. After welding, the base
metal is more brittle than before, depending on the rate of cooling. The more
carbon a metal contains the more difficult it is to weld. Preheating members
provides a satisfactory treatment. In small welds on thick members, unequal
heating creates unequal contractions. Larger members heat up far less,
preventing some contraction and producing residual stresses. Figure 9-12,
page 9-14, shows examples of various faulty and acceptable weld profiles.
Weld Types
9-29. The two basic weld types are the butt and fillet. Figure 9-13, page 9-14,
shows several variations of these weld types.
9-30. Butt Weld. A butt weld does not require additional splice material. The
weld metal alone provides the connection strength. The maximum stress
Connections 9-13
FM 3-34.343
Minimum: 1/8 in
Butt Weld
60° minimum Unlimited
5/16″ maximum
t t
1/2″ minimum
1/16″ minimum
Fillet Weld
Weld size
t = thickness
permitted for butt welds is the same as that of the base metal of the parts
joined. For square-ended parts where no special machining is required, the
maximum thickness of the parts is 5/16 inch (Figure 9-13). The throat of the
butt weld is the thickness of the thinner section. When parts are specially
machined, the thickness of the welded part is unlimited.
9-14 Connections
FM 3-34.343
9-31. Fillet Weld. The fillet weld is the most commonly used weld because
the base metal does not require special machining. The design is simple
because the shear on the throat of the weld metal is the only weld stress
considered. The faces of fillet welds are normally oriented 45 degrees to the
plate surfaces. Where possible, avoid weld sizes larger than 5/16 inch. These
sizes require more than one pass, with a subsequent increase in preparation,
welding, and finishing time.
Weld Strength
9-32. Butt Weld. Determine the allowable butt-weld strength in the same
manner as for the base metal of the parts joined.
9-33. Fillet Weld. Measure the fillet-weld strength by determining the shear
value per linear inch of weld. The allowable shearing stress of field welds
depends on the type of electrodes used. Some types of electrodes are as follows:
• E60 (produces 12.6 ksi).
• E70 (produces 13.6 ksi).
• E80 (produces 15.6 ksi).
• E90 (produces 16.2 ksi).
9-34. For a 5/16-inch fillet weld, the throat thickness is the minimum
dimension of the weld (0.707 x 5/16 = 0.221 inch). An E60 electrode would
develop 2.787 kips per linear inch (0.221 x 12.6). Compute the required weld
length as follows:
L = ------- (9-5)
Connections 9-15
FM 3-34.343
• Avoid welds that are larger than 5/16 inch. Table 9-6 lists the
maximum thickness of material that may be connected by the various
sizes of fillet weld.
Minimum Plate
Weld Size (in) Weld Strength (lb per in)
Thickness (in)
3/8 2 4,930
1/2 6 6,580
L b = ------ (9-6)
9-16 Connections
FM 3-34.343
A. Side Weld
L - Lb
Neutral axis d
L - LL - Lb
Neutral axis Load
d = distance from the neutral axis of the angle
section to the outer edge of the nonwelded leg
Lb = weld length at the bottom of the angle section
L = total weld length required
LL = length of the loaded angle leg
d L
L b = ----- – -----L (9-7)
LL 2
Connections 9-17
FM 3-34.343
9-18 Connections
Chapter 10
Tentative bridge sites are selected through reconnaissance, and the more
promising sites are reconnoitered in detail. The selection of a bridge site is
governed by both tactical and technical considerations. Tactical
requirements govern the general area for the bridge site. Technical
considerations govern the site for permanent construction. A preliminary
reconnaissance is made at the best site to establish horizontal and vertical
control and to obtain information for the bridge design and construction
planning. For bridge construction to proceed, it is necessary to locate a site,
obtain information for design, and determine lines and grades for
construction. The accuracy of measurements and the number and type of
survey markers will vary depending on the degree of precision demanded
and the type of construction to be performed.
10-1. A systematic approach is needed to construct a bridge efficiently. Use
the process described below when planning bridge construction.
10-2. The characteristics of the gap will determine many of a bridge’s
requirements (such as length, materials, and construction time and effort).
Reconnaissance and preliminary investigation requirements are discussed in
Chapter 2. Construction in extremely cold environments is discussed in
TM 5-852-1.
10-3. Steel construction is preferred but requires special equipment, which
may not be available. Timber may be readily available but is not capable of
supporting the long spans that steel can accommodate. Chapters 6 and 7
discuss specific information for determining a bridge configuration. The two
major elements to consider are the—
• Superstructure. Choose a superstructure that will minimize the
construction effort and provide the needed capacity. Rely on simply
supported stringer bridges as much as possible to take advantage of
their design and construction ease. Keep economy in mind when
designing the superstructure.
• Substructure. Choose a substructure that will also minimize the
construction effort. To design the substructure properly, assume the
loads on the substructure and then verify these loads before
completing the final design. The characteristics of the gap (wet or dry)
will affect the type of substructure necessary.
Construction 10-1
FM 3-34.343
10-4. After determining the bridge’s configuration, prepare the necessary
drawings. Preparation of complete drawings is necessary when AFCS
standard designs are not suited to the conditions at the construction site. Try
to adapt standard designs to construction requirements. Do not initiate
detailed drawings until the subsurface conditions have been thoroughly
explored. Final design decisions are affected by the limitations of the site, the
available materials, the equipment, the labor, and the available time. Ensure
that all drawings are accurately scaled. Scale detailed and cross-sectional
views to show the required information. See FM 5-233 for more information
about bridge drawings. The drawings discussed below are required.
10-5. A complete profile of the bridge will be needed. This view shows the
elevations of the entire structure and bridge site in skeleton form. The
drawing also serves as a record of the substructure analysis (Figure 10-1).
EL 542.5
2″ x 10″
2″ x 10″
EL 530.7
EL 526.5
10-6. A complete overhead view of the bridge will also be needed. This view
shows the horizontal plan of the entire structure (Figure 10-2). The plan
includes all overhead view details (span lengths, pier and abutment locations,
stringer placement, centerline, component identifications, and so forth). The
plan also notes piece marks of all structural members that require a more
detailed drawing and indicates their location. Plans for steel bridges identify
the fixed and expansion ends of the structure.
10-2 Construction
FM 3-34.343
Scale: 3/16″ = 1′
3″ x 12″ tread
C-C = center to center
NOTE: Use 6″″ x 9″″ x 7/8″ plates under the ends of the steel stringers.
10-7. The foundation plan shows the outline and location of all pier and
abutment footings. The survey shows the station number of each footing at
the centerline or reference line. Contour lines indicate the lay of the land and
outline the banks and other terrain features (Figure 10-3).
Construction 10-3
FM 3-34.343
2′2″ 10″ 10″ 2′2″
8′ 2″ x 4″ x 10′ 2″ x 4″ x 10′
4″ x 4″ x 3′4″ knee brace
6″ x 6″ x 10′
4″ x 6″ nailing strip
6″ x 12″ x 2′6″ 8″ x 10″ x 16′
2″ x 10″ x 16′
Scale: 3/16″ = 1 ft
8″ x 8″ x 8′ posts
(42″ centers)
8″ x 10″ x 16′
Assembled Views
10-9. Assembled views (commonly called erection p lans) show the
relationship of the various parts. These drawings include details about how
the parts fit together, the process of assembling, and the piece marks of the
parts involved (Figure 10-5).
10-4 Construction
FM 3-34.343
Wide-flange beam
Scale: 1/16″ = 1 ft
Scale: 1/16″ = 1 ft
Not to scale
10-10. Separate written specifications may accompany the working drawings.
The specifications list the quality and size of materials required. The list does
not identify how the quality is determined, only the quality required
(Figure 10-6, page 10-6).
10-11. The AFCS (discussed in Chapter 1) provides the bill of materials for all
standard designs. Nonstandard designs require takeoffs from the drawings to
develop the bill of materials. The AFCS lists each main member by piece
number, piece description, line number, drawing reference, quantity, mark,
size, required length, unit weight, and total weight.
10-12. The AFCS also lists labor requirements for constructing standard
designs, which is an effective template for determining labor requirements of
nonstandard designs. Labor requirements are determined only after the
working drawings are complete. Sources of labor for bridge construction are
combat troops, civilians, and prisoners of war. Civilian labor is preferred to
combat troops or prisoners of war. Using prisoners of war as a labor source
requires special considerations as outlined in FM 19-40.
Construction 10-5
FM 3-34.343
Type Use
20d nail General handrail and bracing
60d nail 6″ Tread to deck
60d nail Nailing strip to WF beam
60d nail Toenail stringers
60d nail End dam
60d nail Toenail curb and curb riser
8″ spike 8″ Deck to stringer
Weld C 6 x 13 to Diaphragms to steel stringers
5/8 φ x 24″ Stringers to cap
Drawn Approved
10-14. Scheduling involves preparing manpower and construction timelines.
These schedules coordinate construction effort and resource allocation.
Accurate schedules are detailed timeline plans for constructing a bridge. The
schedules’ accuracy depends on the estimates made during the planning
process. These schedules take many forms (tabular, bar graph, coordinate
graph, labor block, and so forth). Scheduling is discussed in detail in
FM 5-412. Two important schedules are manpower and construction.
10-6 Construction
FM 3-34.343
10-15. A manpower schedule lists the total work-hour requirements for each
activity that are necessary to complete the bridge. Table 10-1 contains partial
data concerning work hours normally required to perform specific operations.
This information would be needed to develop a manpower schedule. Task
analysis provides the basis for determining the required manpower to
complete the project.
10-16. A construction schedule serves as an operational guide for supervisory
personnel. It is a means of efficiently coordinating all construction efforts.
FM 5-412 provides detailed guidance for setting up a schedule.
10-17. Construction schedules are useful during all phases of construction.
• Before construction. This schedule shows the sequence in which
personnel, material, and equipment are required. Information on the
schedule allows the construction force to integrate their activities to
accomplish maximum efficiency.
• During construction. This schedule serves as a logical basis for
issuing instructions and maintaining control. Information on the
schedule also allows construction supervisors to distribute and ensure
that equipment and labor are at the right place at the right time. The
information also allows the engineer to analyze the overall status of
the bridge and to use this information as a basis for reporting to
higher headquarters (HQ).
• After construction. Evaluating the schedule allows engineers to
recognize errors in estimating, scheduling, and resource use. The
evaluation process provides engineers with information for improving
the planning process.
Construction 10-7
FM 3-34.343
10-18. Precision surveying in bridge construction prevents time-consuming
mistakes. See FM 5-233 for detailed surveying procedures. Accurately locate
all components before beginning construction. Check the component locations
continuously during construction. Place reference stakes from which centers
can be reestablished outside of the immediate construction area, if possible.
Otherwise, use guard stakes and flags to mark reference-stake locations. If
any location stakes or lines are disturbed during construction, accurately
relocate them. Establish pile cutoffs using instrument procedures, not by
reckoning or rough measurements.
10-19. Good equipment is essential for both timber and steel bridges. The
equipment used in construction surveying is a transit, a level, a steel tape,
stakes, and steel tacks. Compare the tapes used for surveying with the tapes
used for fabricating and framing parts to ensure that discrepancies do not
exist between the tapes. After driving location stakes, add steel tacks to the
stakes to mark exact reference points.
10-21. The construction plan establishes the bridge centerline. The bridge
centerline usually coincides with the site-survey centerline. Mark the
centerline with stakes set at each end of the bridge.
Foundation Placement
10-22. A starting point at one abutment (fixed by the construction plan)
establishes the centerline locations of the other abutment and of each
foundation. After finishing the foundations, accurately mark the centers of the
bearing supports on the foundations.
Anchor Bolts
10-23. Use particular care in locating anchor bolts. Check the bolt locations
after completing the forms and immediately before placing the concrete. A
wood template is helpful when positioning anchor bolts.
Working Platforms
10-24. Where performing direct measurements on the ground is impossible,
build temporary platforms at the centers of each bent. Use these platforms for
measuring and working.
10-8 Construction
FM 3-34.343
10-26. Construct steel grillages in the fabrication yard. Because of their
weight, grillages require a crane for placement. Set grillages in concrete
bedding to obtain a full, uniform bearing capacity.
10-28. Unlike other structural materials, wood does not have the same
physical properties in all directions. In compression, tension, and bending, a
wood’s strongest dimension is in the direction of the grain. In shear, a wood’s
strongest dimension is across the grain. Wood splits easily along the grain but
not across it. Wood shrinks more across the grain than with the grain.
Timbers used together should be of the same type and equally seasoned.
10-29. Construction workers should be experienced with woodworking tools.
Framing, cuts, and dimensions must be accurate to ensure proper fit and
adequate capacity. Carpentry tools and framing methods are discussed in
FM 5-426.
10-30. Use the platform or the nonplatform method to lay out bents and
• Platform method. Draw the outline of the bent or tower to be
constructed onto the platform. Lay timbers on the outline and mark
them for cutting. Mark the timber as to its location in the structure
before remo ving the timber from the platform. Fi gure 10-7,
page 10-10, shows the procedure for aligning the timber piles to be
used for bents and towers.
• Nonplatform method. Carefully measure and mark each post for
cutting. To eliminate variations in measurement, use a 1- by 2-inch
measuring stick, premarked with the controlling dimensions. Use the
measuring stick in place of a tape or rule.
Construction 10-9
FM 3-34.343
Sawing guides
Piles Aligned leveled both ways
Position before pulling
Straightening frame
Ratchet hoist Saw
Proper location for Pile 1
Working platform
Sawing guide
Block Bracket
Transverse bracing
10-10 Construction
FM 3-34.343
10-33. Start fabricating steel components early enough to allow their
availability when needed during the erection process. Organize work on an
assembly-line basis, and assign a crew responsibility for each class of
members or components.
10-34. Commanders are responsible for safety. Safety controls should outline
proper conduct of personnel during construction activities.
10-35. Personnel should—
• Stand clear of suspended loads.
• Stand away from and out of the line of the ropes that are under heavy
• Check the equipment and rigging before swinging heavy loads.
• Move heavy loads slowly.
• Keep heavy loads under control at all times.
• Consider the load’s inertia when determining how adequate a rig is.
• Guide the loads to prevent them from swinging.
• Never lift the loads in heavy winds.
• Never swing the loads over working personnel.
• Never ride the loads being lifted or placed.
• Stand clear of moving loads and their path of movement.
• Never stand under a block and tackle.
• Never locate matching holes with fingers or hands.
• Never stand or work under areas where falling tools or parts are a
• Use all the required personal protective devices and other safety
• Never sit or stand on deck rails, shafts, winch heads, or other places
where danger of falling exists.
• Never operate or ride equipment unless authorized.
• Take time to construct adequate working platforms properly.
• Lift heavy objects with their legs, not their back.
• Never leave intermediate construction unattended without adequate
temporary bracing.
• Never walk near the edge of a deck until it has been securely fastened
to the stringers.
10-36. Personnel should observe the following guidelines:
• Scaffolds should be strong enough to support the intended loads and
secure against sliding and overturning.
Construction 10-11
FM 3-34.343
• Scaffolds over 6 feet high should have a guardrail on the back side.
• Loose boards should not extend beyond their supports.
• Nails used in scaffolds should be driven fully and not used in tension.
• Scaffold horses should be supported evenly and nailed to the platform
on which they are used.
• Ladders should be blocked at the foot or tied at the top to prevent
10-37. Personnel should—
• Inspect the tackle frequently.
• Check the wire rope for fraying. Remove the wire rope when 4 percent
or more of the total number of wires in the rope are broken.
• Use wire rope slings instead of chain slings whenever possible.
• Place wood blocks between slings and steel loads to prevent slings
from being cut by the load.
• Use shackles instead of hooks for attaching blocks (mouse the blocks if
using hooks).
• Always use blocking or cribbing to secure the necessary height under
the jacks. Never set the jacks on a post or strut where the jacks might
kick sideways under strain.
• Never permit loose lines to hang from the structure or from
10-38. Personnel should—
• Always inspect all equipment thoroughly for proper operation before
• Never operate defective equipment.
• Never mount or dismount equipment when it is moving or in
• Never ride (as a passenger) equipment not intended to transport
10-39. Examine each principal member and subassembly to determine if it is
possible to erect it safely with available equipment. If not, modify the erection
procedure or obtain the necessary equipment to do the work. Test each piece
of equipment at the site before attempting to lift subassemblies, especially if
the subassemblies will stress the equipment near its maximum capacity.
10-12 Construction
FM 3-34.343
10-40. Table 10-2 shows a list of special equipment that is required for
erecting a bridge. These tools are needed in addition to the small hand tools
normally organic to a construction unit.
Crane shovel (track-mounted, 20-ton, 3/4-cubic-yard) 1
Crane shovel (crawler-mounted, 12 1/2-ton, 3/4-cubic-yard) 2
Lead (pile-driving, steel-hanging) 1
Hammer 1
Jetting set (portable) 1
Compressor (air, trailer-mounted, 600-cubic-foot-per-minute) 2
Mixer (concrete, gas-driven, trailer-mounted, 16-cubic-foot) 1
Wheelbarrow (3-cubic-foot) (with a steel tray and handles) 12
Pump (55-gallon-per-minute [GPM], centrifugal, gas-driven, base-
mounted, 2-inch discharge)
Drill (steel, pneumatic, portable, nonreversible) 8
Tool kit (rigging, wire-rope) 1
Tool kit (blacksmith, general) 1
Tool kit (pipe-fitting) 1
Survey set (general-purpose) 1
10-41. A construction unit also requires hand tools. Some special tools are
required for erecting steel bridges. Examples are sledgehammers, crescent
and ratchet wrenches, driftpins, long-handled structural-offset wrenches, and
2-foot connecting bars.
10-42. Refer to FM 5-125 for additional information on rigging. Rigging tools
and their uses are discussed in detail.
Construction 10-13
FM 3-34.343
10-44. Crawler-mounted cranes are better suited for general erection use, but
they are less mobile than truck-mounted cranes. Crawler-mounted cranes are
capable of operating over rough ground and ground that is too soft for truck-
mounted cranes. Crawler-mounted cranes can be used in water that is no
deeper than the top of the crawlers (if the bottom is firm).
10-45. Generally, guy or stiff-leg derricks will be used. Neither is economical
unless continued operations are within reach of their booms. Guy derricks
consist of a mast, a boom pivoted from the foot of the mast, guys, and tackle. If
the guy lines to the top of the mast are clear of the end of the boom, the boom
may swing completely around the mast. Loads are lifted and moved by
manpower or by an engine-driven hoist.
10-46. Stiff-leg derricks consist of a mast held vertically by two inclined struts
connected to the top of the mast. The struts are spread between 60 and 90
degrees and are attached to sills extended from the bottom of the mast to
provide stability. The mast and boom of the stiff-leg derrick is capable of
swinging in a 270-degree arc. Refer to FM 5-125 for more information on
derrick fabrication.
10-47. The medium cableway developed for military operations is capable of
effectively erecting timber and steel towers and launching light stringers. The
maximum span is 1,200 feet. The tower height is 63 feet. The rated capacity is
3,000 pounds, but a load of 4,000 pounds is possible if using caution during
lifting operations. Installation requires about 6 hours (by an experienced
unit). The total weight of the cableway is 20,000 pounds, which permits it to
be transported on four trucks. Install the cableway with the base of the
cableway towers about at grade and on the centerline of the bridge being
constructed. Refer to FM 5-125 for more information on cableway installation.
10-48. Drum hoists consist of one or more winding drums, a train of reducing
gears, and a power source. They may carry one or more winches or capstan
heads for handling secondary lines. These hoists are attached to construction
equipment such as derricks or cranes. A winch configured for attachment to a
boom or mast is called a crab hoist. Winches are used with gin poles, shears,
and derricks. Chain hoists are used for raising and holding loads and are
particularly useful when accurate load placement or adjustment is necessary.
10-49. Jacks are used to raise or lower heavy loads short distances. They are
available in capacities from 5 to 100 tons. Small-capacity jacks usually employ
a rack bar or screw as the lifting mechanism. Large-capacity jacks are
normally operated hydraulically. The following common jack types are used in
bridge construction:
10-14 Construction
FM 3-34.343
• Pushing and pulling. These are screw jacks of 10-ton capacity. They
have end fittings, which permit the pulling together or the pushing
apart of components. Their principal function is to spread or brace
parts or to tighten lines or lashings.
• Ratchet leveling. These are rack-bar jacks equipped with foot lifts.
The foot lifts allow low-clearance loads that are close to the base of the
jack to be lifted.
• Hydraulic. These jacks operate on the piston-cylinder principle. Oil
pumped through a line into a liquid-tight cylinder forces the piston to
move against the load. Ordinarily, a slow oil leak prevents the jacks
from holding the load in an exact position over long periods.
10-50. Falsework denotes any construction intended to assist erection
operations only. Falsework includes temporary towers, bents or trestles, fixed
and floating platforms, staging, runways, ladders, and scaffolding, that are
later removed or abandoned. Falsework is constructed from local materials
whenever practical.
10-51. Falsework bents are used to support long spans that are erected before
splicing is completed or before a permanent tower or a bent supporting the
outer end has been completed. Falsework bents must be well-built and
securely braced.
10-52. Falsework trestles allow erection equipment to operate over shallow
water or soft ground. A trestle is built alongside a permanent bridge, allowing
equipment to work on foundations, towers, and bents of long-span bridges.
The trestles should be as light as possible and just wide enough to support the
equipment that will use it.
10-54. A step-by-step erection procedure and the necessary, or preferred,
equipment are determined in the planning stage. Bridge size, site conditions,
skill of construction personnel, and available equipment determine which
construction technique to use. Detailed erection plans should include
equipment requirements, locations, and capabilities and the tabulated
Construction 10-15
FM 3-34.343
10-55. Where site conditions permit, erect long-span bridges of moderate
height from ground level or from rafts. A medium-size, crawler-mounted crane
is more maneuverable than a truck-mounted crane. A crawler-mounted crane
is also capable of operating over rougher and softer ground. Follow the
sequence below for this method of construction:
Step 1. Raise the tower supports (if any).
Step 2. Raise the outside stringers. Use two cranes or a combination of a
c ra n e a n d g i n p o l e s t o ra i s e a n d p l a c e b o t h e n d s o f t h e s t r i n g e r
Step 3. Raise the interior stringers using the same technique as used for the
outside stingers.
Step 4. Install the diaphragms and the bracing.
Step 5. Complete all connections.
Step 6. Install the deck.
Step 7. Move to the next span and repeat the process.
10-16 Construction
FM 3-34.343
Construction 10-17
FM 3-34.343
Step 5. Raise the gin poles (using tackle) to the top of the first story in
preparation for erecting the next story. Support the gin poles laterally by
using the brackets that are installed on the columns. Use temporary straps to
guide the gin poles as they are raised.
Step 6. Set the columns for the next story and temporarily splice them to the
last story’s columns. Erect the column caps by using temporary connections.
Lean the gin poles away from the columns during cap erection.
Step 7. Install the transverse diagonal bracing.
Step 8. Install the longitudinal bracing.
Step 9. Repeat the above process for each subsequent story of the tower.
Step 10. Install the stringers.
Step 11. Plumb and square the tower.
Step 12. Install the permanent connections in the tower components.
Bridge deck
Snub line
Timber towers
Ground anchorage Ground anchorage
10-61. A derrick is the timber counterpart of a gin pole and is used to erect
tall timber towers. Only one derrick is needed per tower. A derrick is
fabricated from timber that is equal in size to the tower materials and the
Class IV or organic equipment. Hand winches provide control through hoist
and boom lines. Derricks are anchored on the cap or sill. Erect a multistory
tower as follows:
Step 1. Set and anchor the sill to the foundation.
Step 2. Assemble the derrick as shown in Figure 10-10, page 10-20. Anchor
the mast guy lines to the extreme corners of the tower.
Step 3. Set the first of the prefabricated tower bents (end bents) on its sill.
Each prefabricated bent consists of the posts, cap, and transverse bracing for
10-18 Construction
FM 3-34.343
Front guy line
each story. Spread the bracing slightly so that it does not obstruct installation
over the sill. Reposition the guy lines before setting the next (interior) bent.
Never remove more than one guy line at a time during an operation.
Step 4. Finish setting the remaining bents (end bent, then interior bent) in a
similar manner, using temporary bracing to hold the sections upright.
Step 5. Install the longitudinal bracing on the first story.
Step 6. Move the derrick onto the cap of the first story. Repeat the above
steps for each subsequent story.
10-62. Refer to Figure 10-11, page 10-21, and the following procedure to raise
the guy derrick:
Step 1. Attach the tackle guys to the boom point. Raise the boom as closely to
the mast as possible, and secure the guys to the boom point.
Step 2. Release the boom tackle from the point of the boom, and lash the
tackle near its base (Figure 10-11A).
Step 3. Lower and seat the boom, using the mast as a gin pole
(Figure 10-11B).
Construction 10-19
FM 3-34.343
Hand winch
Step 4. Release the boom tackle from the boom, and connect the hoisting
tackle to the mast with lashing far enough down to lift the derrick at least
13 feet (Figure 10-11C).
Step 5. Slacken the guy lines, and raise the mast and sill (using the boom as
a gin pole) to the next higher level and seat it on the timber (Figure 10-11D
and E).
Step 6. Release the hoisting tackle from the mast, and lash the boom tackle
to the boom near its base (Figure 10-11F).
Step 7. Raise the boom, using the mast as a gin pole, and connect the boom
at the next higher level. Use the guy lines to guide the boom as it is raised
(Figure 10-11G).
Step 8. Connect the tackle as shown in Figure 10-10, and release the guy
lines to the boom point.
10-20 Construction
FM 3-34.343
Fall lines or
A hoisting lines B
Guy lines Fall lines or
hoisting lines
Mast Guy lines
Boom or Guy lines
topping lines Boom or
topping lines
Boom raised to mast before shifting boom line. Boom lowered and standing on timber platform.
Temporary boom from mast step.
C Guy lines D
Guy lines
Fall lines or Boom or
hoisting lines topping lines Boom
Boom Second story
Boom or Mast
topping lines
Guy lines Tag line
Mast Guy lines
Boom guyed as gin pole to raise mast. Mast and sill raised by boom to higher level.
Boom or
E Boom or F topping lines
topping lines Guy lines
Mast Fall lines or
Second story hoisting lines
Guy lines
Second story
Boom Boom
Mast and sill scaled and guyed at higher level. Sill Mast acting as gin pole to raise boom.
must be securely anchored to prevent its sliding. G
Construction 10-21
FM 3-34.343
10-63. Whenever a suitable heavy crane is available and can be maneuvered
effectively, use it to place the beams directly. The operator must be well
trained to ensure safe operation.
10-64. This method uses a nose (extension to a beam) consisting of a lighter
beam than the one being placed. This method is practical where there is only
one span of two beams under construction. Use Figure 10-12 to determine the
required length of the launching nose. Figure 10-13 shows this procedure.
(a = 2)
X 80 80
(a = 3)
(a = 4)
X n 70 (a = 5) 70
Launching nose length
(a = 6)
(a = 7)
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Length of gap
a = weight of beam:weight of nose ratio
l = bridge length
X = safety setback
J = bridge
n = nose
10-22 Construction
FM 3-34.343
104 ft 65 ft 104 ft
Snub Power cable
Winch 48 ft @ 413 lb
24-ft wide flange @ 87 lb
10-65. Use this method if there is more than one span to a bridge, especially
when the spans are of equal length or if there are four or more beams in each
span. Site and material considerations may dictate a combination of the
Construction 10-23
FM 3-34.343
10-24 Construction
FM 3-34.343
Figure 10-15. Launching Four Girders Simultaneously Over Four Equal Spans
10-66. Launching rollers may be used to erect a bridge. Figure 10-16 shows a
dolly made from two, 50-ton launching rollers.
Construction 10-25
FM 3-34.343
10-67. Cableways (Figure 10-17) may be necessary if one or more of the
methods described above will not work. End towers are usually constructed
from standard steel trestles. The tension developed in the main cables should
be considered. Evaluate the anchors carefully, since the cable tension
developed by applying heavy loads can be very great. If the sag allowed is too
great, it may be difficult to lift and seat a beam at the far pier. If the sag is
small, the cable tension may be too high. Exact calculations for determining
the amount of sag are not practical because of cable stretch from previous use
and because cable stresses may be near the elastic limit of the steel.
10-26 Construction
FM 3-34.343
10-68. Because cables elongate under a load, ensure that there is a way to
loosen the cables after launching the beams. Doing so allows easier release of
the beam from the hangers. Special take-up devices in the main cables may be
10-70. If two beams are launched together or if one beam or girder is
exceptionally heavy, the beam or group of beams can be lowered using a jack.
Figure 10-19 shows this method. With careful management, the beam can
successfully be lowered from jack to jack without lowering it onto the cribbing
and having to rejack the beam. Keep blocking under the beam at all times,
and exercise extreme care when handling to prevent tilting and shifting of the
beam. Use hydraulic jacks capable of lifting two to three times the expected
10-71. From observation and field experience, apply the following when
erecting bridges using heavy equipment:
• Inspect all the erection tools for serviceability. Ensure that they are of
the proper size and that sufficient quantities are on hand before
starting construction.
• Inspect all the materials to ensure proper strength and fit. For
example, ensure that the sheared ends of the web plates have no burrs
Construction 10-27
FM 3-34.343
Erection Car
pe r ro
r ro pe
Plate girder
Figure 10-19. Launching Spans With Railway Engine and Erection Car
10-28 Construction
FM 3-34.343
top and bottom of the beam are oriented properly when launched
because countersinks are required on the top flange and not on the
bottom flange.
• Install as many of the diaphragms and lateral braces as possible
before launching the beams. Do not install diaphragms or lateral
braces that may interfere with erection operations; wait until after the
beam is launched. This will eliminate some of the work that must be
conducted over open spans.
• Place preventer tacks and guy lines (in sufficient quantities to prevent
mishaps) before launching.
• Ensure that the electrodes for overhead welding are the all-position
type and of the correct polarity.
10-72. The site for a bridge must have sufficient area available for assembling
the towers and hangers. Normally, stadia distances provide sufficient
accuracy. If using 10-foot panels, the distance between the towers must be
divisible by 20. Check the tower sites to ensure that the towers will be
perpendicular to the centerline of the bridge. Mark and measure the distances
to the deadmen.
10-73. To facilitate suspension-bridge construction, erect a cableway within
100 feet of the bridge site. The cableway will allow equipment and personnel
to be moved over the gap so that construction is possible from both banks
simultaneously. Once the materials and personnel are across and the main
cables are in place, dismantle the cableway and the wire rope that were used
as guy lines, if necessary. Refer to FM 5-125 for more information on
installing cableways.
Construction 10-29
FM 3-34.343
suspenders around the floor beams and clip them. Notch the floor beam so
that the suspender does not have to bend sharply. Measure the effective
length of the suspenders, install a thimble, and clip the suspenders onto the
main cables. Do not tighten the clips until the stringers are placed. Recheck
the effective length after completing the bridge. Use a scaffold when placing
the hangers. Place the hangers simultaneously from each end of the bridge.
10-77. When the first hanger is positioned, place and connect the stringers to
the sill and the floor beams. Ensure that the suspenders are vertical and then
tighten the clips. Repeat the process with the next hanger. Nail cleats to the
undersides of the stringers to keep them in place on the floor beams.
10-30 Construction
Chapter 11
11-1. Bridges to be abandoned or demolished in the immediate future require
only a hasty inspection. An inspector must recognize the anticipated loadings,
the combat exposure, and other pertinent factors. Bridges are inspected at
least monthly and sometimes daily. The frequency of bridge inspections
depends on many factors, such as the following:
• Mission.
• Bridge type.
• Traffic discipline.
• Traffic density.
• Bridge condition.
• Stream characteristics.
• Bridge importance.
11-2. An inspection team may combine road and bridge inspections. Their
mission is to—
• Determine the bridge’s classification (if not posted) or to verify a
posted classification.
• Determine the rate of deterioration and record the findings.
• Determine the maintenance and repairs required.
• Determine the means of reinforcement if the load-carrying capacity is
• Check traffic control and discipline.
• Locate and check possible bypasses.
• Determine sources and availability of local materials.
11-3. Engineer reconnaissance officers (with practical knowledge of civilian
bridges) should conduct the bridge inspections. The size of the inspection team
ranges from one to five persons, depending on the scope of the inspection. A
soil-testing expert may be part of the team. Include a civilian bridge expert (if
available) for special problems on important bridges. Corps or higher HQ is
the approving authority.
11-4. An inspection party should have the equipment listed below. Other
useful items that may be included (if qualified operators are available) are a
surveyor’s level and a soil-testing set.
• Map and compass.
• Camera and film.
• Shovel and pick.
• Tape measure.
• Sketching set.
• Stakes.
• Twine, cord, or rope.
• Knife or saw.
• Sounding rod.
• Pneumatic reconnaissance boat.
• Sign-painting kit.
• Report forms.
11-5. During the early tactical phase, there is seldom time to prepare a
written report. Any oral reports should be followed with a written report as
soon as possible. Only the most important bridges require an initial written
report be prepared. Use DA Form 1249 to record information (see FM 5-170).
Include the information discussed in the remainder of this section and
sketches, maps, and pictures (essential for clarity) in the report.
11-6. An inspection team should develop a checklist to use when conducting
bridge inspections. The checklist should include all the items that are
necessary to accomplish the objective of the inspection. If a bridge is
determined to be unsafe during an inspection, the team should either lower
the posted classification or close the bridge for repairs. The team must report
such actions to the responsible engineer staff officer or commander. The
inspection team forwards its report through the chain of command for
distribution to the responsible unit. The team should also maintain a file copy
of the report.
11-7. The items discussed below should be included in the checklist. The list
is not in any particular order, but the team should check each item.
Evident Damage
11-9. Check and record any evident damage. Even minor damage in critical
areas can render a bridge unsafe.
Structural Alignment
11-10. Examine all structural parts of a bridge, especially bents, piers,
abutments, and trusses. Check for misalignment and excessive settling.
Check the expansion joints because they will show signs of a bridge shifting or
misaligning. These conditions are likely to occur after hard rains and flooding.
Check the vertical alignment of the approach roadway. The approach should
match the level of the bridge’s deck surface. Ensure that each stringer is
carrying its share of the dead load. Check anchors for tautness and
p erf o rmance . Check ra ilro ad brid g e s and t res tl es fo r rail and tie
misalignment, loose spikes and connections, and tie and ballast shift.
11-12. The material condition should be checked as follows:
• Timber. Examine all timber members for rot, splits, decay, insect
damage, warp, crushes, breaks, or other damage. The deck should be
smooth; rough surfaces increase impact stresses on all parts of the
bridge. Replace timber treads when 10 to 15 percent of the original
surface has worn.
• Steel. Examine steel for excessive corrosion, twist, lateral buckling,
metal fatigue, or other damage.
• Masonry and concrete. Examine masonry and concrete for
excessive cracks, crack progression, bulge, crumble, or erosion.
Progressive condition changes are important for estimating the
deterioration rate. Some tension cracking in concrete is acceptable,
but exposed reinforcing bars indicate poor concrete condition. Worn
concrete or masonry surfaces can best be protected by asphaltic
11-13. Check the bridge for span and pier deflection. The elevation of a
painted target on the point in question can be calibrated to a special
benchmark with a good quality surveyor’s level rod. Immediately investigate
any change in the bridge’s elevation. Deflection of the bridge under capacity
loads should be no greater than 1/200 of the span length.
11-14. Examine all connections (nails, bolts, rivets, clamps, scabs, bracing,
and so forth) for signs of looseness, wear, or other defects. Check the bolts and
rivets carefully for early signs of shear. Check the lashings and riggings for
improper tension and excessive wear. Consider the following:
• Bracing. Turnbuckles permit adjustment of diagonal tension rods.
Tighten the adjustments so that the tension is uniform in all rods.
• Joints. Replace riveted or welded joints that are overstressed in
shear. Tighten any loose, structural, ribbed bolts.
Fire Protection
11-15. Ensure that adequate fire-fighting equipment and supplies (fire
extinguishers, water pumps, sand, and so forth) are available to the bridge
guards. Ensure that the guards have been trained in the proper use of the
equipment. Ensure that all dry grass and other combustible debris have been
removed or neutralized. Investigate any incidents of floating fuels or
conditions that may indicate fuel spills near the bridge.
Night Markers
11-16. Check the reflecting buttons or markers on the bridge. The markers
should be adequate in number, firmly attached, clean, and properly located.
11-17. Ensure that bridges are classified according to Part Two of this FM. If
signs of structural damage or additional damage not previously identified and
considered for classification purposes are present, reclassify the bridge. If the
accuracy of the posted classification is questionable, reclassify the bridge.
11-19. Check around all the abutments, piers, and anchors for signs of
erosion. Examine the soil around these structures for signs of progressing
erosion that may later damage or endanger the bridge structure. Floating
objects such as ice, logs, and other debris can seriously damage or erode piers
and other parts of the structure that are at water level.
Waterway Bottom
11-20. Check the waterway bottom for shifts of sandbars and channel.
Monitor the hydraulic effects that wrecks, sunken boats, or other structures
have on the bridge.
11-22. Indicate where snowdrifts could occur. Develop countermeasures for
dealing with them.
Material Sources
11-23. Compile a list or update a previously made list with the location, type,
and quantity of locally available materials. This list should include materials
that are necessary for repairs.
11-24. An inspection-team chief should make recommendations for correcting
all of the deficiencies noted during an inspection. The extent of the
recommendations will depend on the materials, time, and personnel available
and the methods adopted by the engineer staff or commander responsible for
the bridge.
11-25. An engineer construction company or battalion will normally be
responsible for bridge maintenance, depending on the length of the route or
the amount of work to be done. Road and bridge maintenance are usually one
11-26. A maintenance unit is usually a patrol or a gang. A patrol may be an
individual or a small group that proceeds along a route to perform a single
task (such as nailing down loose flooring). A gang may vary in size from one
squad to a company or larger. Gangs are more practical than patrols because
they spend more time in a single location, performing several tasks at the
same time.
11-27. Organic and special engineer equipment may be augmented from
depot stocks, supply points, or other units. Captured equipment, parts, and
material should also be considered as possible resources. When speed is
essential, stock items are best for efficient maintenance. The responsible
commander should determine the best resources and methods for obtaining
11-28. Decks should be free of stones, mud, ice, and debris to decrease wear
on the surface. Keep flat decks clear with a patrol grader, which throws mud,
ice, and debris to the curb where it can be removed by hand shoveling. A
scarifier may help remove ice. If patrol grading is impractical, shoveling and
hand removal of large debris is necessary.
11-29. A thin tar or asphalt coating densely covered with sand, pea gravel, or
stone chips will reduce the danger of fire on wooden decks. Loose sand,
chemical fire extinguishers, water pumps for river water, or barrels of water
are effective resources for fighting bridge fires.
11-30. Misalignment (caused by simple shifting or structural failure) can be
repaired by pulling the deck back into place with wire cable and tractors.
Mechanical or hydraulic jacks may be effective. Misalignment of major
superstructure members is usually caused by movement of the footings. Since
this type of misalignment is difficult to repair, the bridge may have to be
11-31. The principles of fire fighting, shifting, and stringer replacement in
highway bridges also apply to railroad bridge decks. Replace burned or
damaged ties promptly. Check the rail alignment and guardrails for shifting
and correct any problems. The maintenance patrol or gang should also tighten
all loose rail spikes, end joints, hook bolts, and tie-spacer connections.
11-32. Wooden decks tend to shift under load. Correct this problem by adding
adequate fastenings to the curb rail, tread, or stringers. If the stringers shift,
draw them back into position and secure them with drift bolts (for timber
stringers) or steel bolts (for steel stringers). Redrive any loose nails or add new
nails to loose planks. Driftpins or lag screws might be needed in troublesome
spots. Ensure that the clamps for the curbs and handrails are secure.
Timber Treads
11-33. All types of timber-deck bridges should have timber treads. Bolt timber
treads onto steel grid floors if the grids show signs of excessive wear. Replace
the treads when 10 to 15 percent of the original surface has worn. A tar or an
asphalt coating covered with sand, fine gravel, or stone chips will prevent
excessive splintering and rapid wear.
Wearing Surfaces
11-34. Asphaltic concrete best protects wearing surfaces of concrete or
11-35. Replace bent, crooked, or rotten stringers by removing and replacing
the flooring planks. Correct stringer bearing is essential for the bearing cap
and the flooring. Placing metal shims between the stringer and cap is the best
way to correct the bearing. Securely fasten shims in place to prevent them
from dislodging. Do not use small shims between the flooring and stringers.
11-37. Foundation settlement is usually caused by scour or structural failure.
Correct minor settlement by jacking up the structure and inserting steel
shims between the stringers and the cap or between the bearing plates and
the pedestal. Use hardwood shims under wooden members. Correction of
settlement is discussed below. Scour prevention and methods for protecting
the foundation and bridge supports from ice and floating debris are discussed
in Chapter 7.
11-38. Treat scour and settlement of abutments the same as foundation
settlement. However, since an abutment also acts as a retaining wall, it is
subject to horizontal earth pressures. If the abutment is unstable, shore it or
hold it in place with guy lines from anchors on shore (discussed in Chapter 8).
11-39. Decay, excessive loads, structural defects, fire, or explosives may cause
timber members to fail. Untreated timbers that are alternately wet and dry or
are only partly saturated decay quickly. Timber that is under water or
otherwise continually wet does not decay, but may be attacked by marine
borers. Replace all timber showing decay or structural damage (preferably
with masonry or steel) especially if the timber is in contact with the ground.
One method of repairing piling is to splice new members to solid members
with butt joints and scabs.
11-40. To allow timber to breathe, leave at least a 1/8-inch clearance between
the timbers (where possible). Keep all bridge timber clear of debris. Remove
the bark from native logs if this was not done during construction. Green or
wet timber shrinks considerably when seasoned. Repeated wetting and drying
also cause dimension changes as great as 5 to 10 percent, parallel to the grain.
Unseasoned timber may require frequent renailing and tightening of bolts.
11-41. Intense heat that raises steel temperatures above 1,000°F is
particularly serious when the members are under stress. Members under
tension that are heated to this extent will permanently elongate and if under
compression will buckle. Intense heat will also destroy the temper and extra
strength in certain types of steel (especially cold-rolled sections and high-
strength wire). Replace damaged steel or reinforce it by welding new members
onto the damaged sections.
11-42. Bending (due to accidents or explosions) is not as serious in members
that are under tension as it is in those that are under compression. Straighten
the bent compression members to their original shape. If not possible, weld or
bolt steel plates or shapes onto the bent member to increase its stiffness.
When essential members are severed, other members assume added stresses.
Relieve overstressing of members by adding bolted or welded plates or
structural sections across the gap.
11-43. Military loads and design stresses are high, with impact adding to the
severity of steel stresses. Fatigue failure is caused by repeated stressing and
may result in sudden collapse. Fatigue failure is usually preceded by small
hairline cracks around the rivet holes, welds, and other surface irregularities.
Since these cracks usually do not get large before ultimate failure, reinforce
the affected components immediately with steel plates.
11-44. Rusting on bridges seldom requires special attention unless these
structures are subject to salt spray or are located in humid climates. Keep all
steel clear of debris, and limit timber-steel contact to a minimum to prevent
rusting due to moisture retention. Loose rust is not serious, but deep pitting
should be investigated. Paint areas that are subject to severe rusting and coat
them with tar, asphalt, or thick grease. Remove all rust with a wire brush or
by sandblasting before painting.
11-45. Correct surface spalling on concrete with plaster or with a low-water-
content mortar applied with a pneumatic sprayer. Extensive frost damage is
usually not repairable. Rust flakes on reinforcing steel can exert considerable
pressure when confined and will spall concrete along bars that are too close to
the surface. Although seldom serious, repair this condition by chipping away
the concrete, cleaning most of the rust from the bar, and grouting the area.
Fires of 1,200°F and above that last for an hour or more cause spalling and
cracks and reduce the strength. Replace the concrete if the damage is serious.
Patch all holes and gaps that are caused by accidents or explosions.
11-46. Concrete tensile strength is negligible since resistance to tension is
furnished by the reinforcing steel. Tension cracks crossed at right angles by
reinforcing steel are not serious unless they are more than 1/8 to 1/4 inch
wide, depending on the structural details. The repair of this condition is
discussed in Chapter 4.
11-47. Compression creates a crushing failure that crumbles concrete,
especially in columns. The repair of this condition is discussed in Chapter 4.
11-48. Repair concrete shear failure in rectangular members with tight steel
bands. Do this only under the supervision of a structural engineer.
11-49. Correct any settlement of approaches immediately. The grade line of
unpaved approaches should be 1 inch above the grade of the deck. The grade
line of paved approaches should be the same grade as the deck. Patch any
12-1. Permafrost describes permanently frozen ground at variable depths
below the surface. It underlies about one-fifth of the land area of the world
(Figure 12-1). Permafrost may exist as a continuous material or as an island
or lens within unfrozen material. The deepest layers of permafrost are in the
polar regions and may extend as deeply as 1,300 feet. In arctic and subarctic
regions, it is the most troublesome condition encountered when constructing
Permafrost regions
500 0 500 1000 miles
12-3. In areas of extreme cold, transportation is best completed during the
extreme cold season. Some considerations are discussed below.
12-8. Warm winds, as well as heat from the sun, have a deteriorating effect on
a snow mass. Within a few days, the warmed surface loses much of its bearing
capacity. Tracks and sled runners cut deeply into the ground surface and
make ruts in which water accumulates and further destroys the ground’s
bearing capacity.
12-9. The penetration of meltwater through the snowpack into the surface
eventually carries heat into the subgrade. This deterioration may be further
aggravated by rainfall. During the initial period, night frosts will temporarily
improve the surface. To avert complete destruction of roads, traffic is usually
restricted to night travel with light loads.
12-10. Groundwater in the surrounding areas cannot percolate below the
permafrost. The groundwater either remains in place to form surface mud and
water or runs off the slopes and across roadways, filling the ditches. This
action greatly reduces the repose of the terrain and results in landslides.
Melting snow often results in snowslides. The rapid runoff may result in
devastating flash floods. These situations may delay or suspend bridging
12-11. Engineers use a great quantity of explosives in areas of extreme cold,
because many jobs that would normally be done by machinery in warmer
climates are accomplished with explosives. The cold affects the operation of
explosive components differently.
12-12. Military explosives are generally unaffected by intense cold. However,
they become less sensitive to shock, are somewhat difficult to detonate, and
are not as powerful when exposed to extremely cold environments.
12-13. Commercial explosives become less sensitive until they freeze, after
which time they become extremely dangerous. Commercial dynamite is
currently manufactured with freezing depressants to lower the temperature
range at which its sensitivity and reliability are affected. Black powder has no
moisture and, therefore, cannot freeze, but it is extremely dangerous to use.
See FM 5-250 and TM 5-852-1 for additional information on explosives.
12-14. Explosive accessories (such as blasting caps and machines) are hardly
affected by the cold except for being slightly sluggish. However, standard
silver-chloride, dry-cell galvanometers are impractical. Tactical firing devices
are adversely affected.
12-15. Extreme cold makes steel brittle. The most important consideration is
impact loading. The properties of chromium-nickel types of stainless steel are
actually improved by extreme cold.
12-16. The strength of wood is relatively unaffected by extreme cold.
However, the impact strength of wood is reduced considerably because the
wood’s moisture content is reduced by the environment. Wood normally
contains between 10 and 20 percent moisture. This moisture content may drop
to nearly 1 percent in extreme cold because of the relationship between
relative and absolute humidity. Reduced moisture content causes shrinkage,
and the nail-holding property of wood is greatly reduced. Nails also tend to
split the wood more easily.
12-17. Concrete is not adversely affected by extreme cold, provided it does not
freeze before the curing process is complete. The problems of protecting fresh
and uncured concrete from freezing are exactly the same as in cold portions of
the US except for the amount of heat that must be provided. See TM 5-852-1
and FM 5-428 for information on cold-weather concrete placement. It is not
practical to place concrete during weather colder than 0°F.
12-18. Most construction equipment can be adapted for use in arctic and
subarctic conditions. The equipment will not be as effective, and the operator
must be aware of the limitations of the equipment when used in extremely
cold environments. The efficiency of the equipment depends on the knowledge
and skills of the operator and the maintenance technician.
12-19. Schedules may be hampered by weather. Using proper precautions will
allow a construction crew to still achieve a relatively high progress rate.
12-21. Precipitation over most of the arctic is about 8 to 10 inches per year,
but it varies widely depending on geographic location. Snow and ice fogs are
the prevalent form of precipitation. Although usually very light, precipitation
reduces lowland prairies to swamps except where the soil is rocky. Generally,
12-22. Precipitation in the subarctic is much heavier than in the arctic. Some
coastal areas receive as much as 150 inches of precipitation per year. Most of
this moisture occurs as rain during the period from March through November.
This rainfall supports a lush growth of trees and other plants. Interior regions
receive an amount of precipitation comparable to that of the Midwestern US,
with most of that falling in late summer.
12-24. Ice and slush form during a fall freeze and act abrasively on bridge
substructures. Ice also forms and clings to substructures, building sufficient
weight to obstruct the water flow. When the water recedes, a bridge may
collapse. Ice also adheres to other ice on the water surface. This condition
(called valley icing) is most common in water with permafrost under their
12-25. During the spring, large sheets and blocks of ice float downstream,
exerting tremendous pressures against bridge substructures. Final bridge
failures from ice accumulation usually occur during ice breakup.
12-26. Local bridge construction materials are abundant in some regions and
nonexistent in others. The temperature, the precipitation, the amount of
sunlight, and the geologic history all affect the availability of natural
materials in a local area. Accumulated snowfall is the biggest deterrent to
finding sufficient local resources.
12-27. In some subarctic regions, timber is so bountiful that it hampers
military operations and construction. Timber is usually available within a
range of 50 to 100 miles. In other areas (particularly the arctic), timber is
nonexistent. Deciduous trees are present near the timber line and coniferous
trees are common in northern parts of the subarctic region. Timber is a viable
construction material for arctic construction if allowances are made in the
structural design for seasonal changes.
12-28. A wide variety of rock outcrops exists in the arctic. Rock composition
ranges from hard, Precambrian to Canadian shield to soft, sedimentary rock.
Rock outcroppings in the arctic and subarctic regions represent all hardnesses
and textures created by geological processes. In flat-frosted and tundra
regions, rock outcrops are scarce. The frequency of outcrops increases in hilly
and mountainous regions. Above the 75th parallel in the Canadian
Archipelago, rock outcrops are common and are often badly fractured.
12-31. The existence and arrangement of permafrost under river channels
depend on many factors. Always conduct a permafrost survey at a bridge site
before beginning construction. The extent of the survey depends on the size,
importance, and expected durability of the proposed bridge. Base the design of
the bridge on criteria applicable to the active layer (the area where cyclical
thawing and freezing occur) in its thawed condition. Core sampling
(boreholes) provides an engineer with a profile of the river and the bridge
approaches. Extend a cross section, 15 to 20 feet below the proposed
foundation base unless bedrock is encountered at a shallower depth.
Determine the characteristics of any bedrock by using a test-hole penetration
of at least 5 feet (Figure 12-3). All surveys should show—
• A profile of the riverbed.
• The permafrost table.
• The active-layer depth and its relationship to the permafrost table.
• The subchannel drainage.
• The geological structure of the site.
• The site’s soil composition and texture.
Active layer
Active layer
12-32. Trestle bents are unsatisfactory as intermediate supports for any but
temporary bridges because their footings rest on the very unstable active
layer. They are impractical because they have too many supports that are
susceptible to attack by ice and too many obstructions that block water flow
and ice passage. When placed across shallow, still water, trestles are
susceptible to variable upward thrusts that may wreck a bridge.
12-33. Pile bents are the most suitable bridge foundations in extremely cold
environments because they can be driven down to stable soil. Treated timber;
precast, reinforced concrete; steel piling; and steel pipe are satisfactory pile
materials. Precast, concrete piling is excellent because there is less ground
thawing after placement than with other pile materials. Generally, reinforced
concrete and steel piles should be uniform in cross section along their entire
length. The heat conductivity of steel helps to thaw ice accumulation on the
member. The considerations discussed below may affect the use of pile bents.
Pile Driving
12-35. Permafrost prohibits the use of normal pile-driving techniques. The
piles have to be placed in drilled or thawed holes. Drill the holes with
directional explosive charges. Accomplish thawing with a water or steam pipe,
advanced downward as the ground thaws. Drive the pile in the normal
Pile Spacing
12-36. Because of severe structure wear on any component exposed to floating
ice and the danger of collapse from ice accumulation, place as few piles in the
actual waterway as possible. This will require longer spans and extensive
protection for intermediate supports. Greater spacing requirements favor
steel as a pile material.
12-37. Pile fenders, sheathing, and modified construction help to protect
against ice damage. Drive fenders in a diamond pattern, upstream from the
piles they protect. Sheathe the piles to provide a smooth surface and to
prevent ice from snagging and damming up in front of the piles. Omitting the
diagonal bracing below the waterline or ice line will allow ice to pass the piles
more freely.
Surface water
zone b b
a a
a a
A. Immediately after construction, B. During the summer season, C. During the winter season, to
allowable load = PA. allowable load = a + PA. prevent uplift load, a must be
greater than b.
a = adfreezing strength of permafrost to pile b = adfreezing strength of frost zone to pile
A = area of pile P = compressive strength of permafrost
12-38. Construct piers on top of pile foundations. Cap the piles with concrete,
timber, or steel superstructures. Bailey-type panels are also satisfactory for
pier construction. Solid concrete piers usually require no protection.
12-39. Avoid using rock-filled cribs as piers for midstream supports unless
they are supported by rock foundations near the water surface. Rock cribs are
subject to heaving and induce icing. Use rock cribs as intermediate supports
only for temporary bridges.
12-40. Foundation instability and normal wear and tear of intermediate
supports in extremely cold environments may require planned replacement of
p i e r s a f t e r e a c h s p ri n g b r e a k u p . M a k e e v e ry a t t e m p t t o s a l v a g e
superstructures before breakup occurs. Periodically replacing damaged piers
and supports makes total bridge failure less likely.
12-41. The soil condition, the active-layer depth, the permafrost table, and
the bridge type will determine the type of abutment required. If the soil’s
condition shows that heaving and settling are unlikely, follow normal
abutment construction techniques. Special abutments are necessary when a
bridge site has poor soil conditions, permafrost, or an active-layer depth of
6 feet or more.
12-42. Piles provide satisfactory abutment foundations because they can be
rapidly placed and they eliminate the need for excavation. If the permafrost
table is depressed sufficiently so that the piles will not reach the permafrost,
use temperate-zone practices for abutment foundations.
12-43. The use of concrete abutments is limited by the construction season
and their effect on the thermal regime. Figure 12-6 shows how threat
engineers have modified abutments to compensate for arctic construction. If
the permafrost is so deep that placing a foundation is not feasible or if the
permafrost is expected to thaw, use construction practices applicable to the
site in its unfrozen state.
Excavated Foundation
12-44. Apply the insulation principle to foundations when the abutment is to
be frozen into the permafrost. Use the following procedure:
Step 1. Excavate the area for the foundation to a depth of at least 3 feet
below the permafrost table in coarse-grained sands and gravels and at
least 5 feet below the permafrost table in fine-grained sand, silt, and clay
Step 2. Level the bottom of the excavation with a 4- to 10-inch layer of
moist sand. Place a wooden or precast-concrete slab over the sand. This
platform reduces permafrost thawing due to the heat generated from
concrete setting and prevents the concrete from mixing with ground
Step 3. Place the abutment. If the abutment foundation is wider at the
bottom than at the top, make the taper from bottom to top smooth with no
steps in the active layer. After the concrete sets, fill the space between the
abutment and the excavation sides to the top of the permafrost table with
wet sand. This layer of wet sand will freeze and anchor the abutment in
the permafrost layer.
Step 4. Make sure that the abutment has a smooth surface to prevent the
backfill from freezing to the foundation. Backfill the abutment portion in
the active layer with coarse gravel.
Step 5. Plant shrubs or other protective vegetation around the portion of
the abutment exposed to the sunlight to reduce solar-heat absorption.
Fill Concrete
Covered with moss
and local plants
Active layer
Active layer
Wet sand
Timber mat 3′ to 5′
Moist sand (4″ to 10″ deep)
Nonexcavated Foundation
12-45. If it is impractical to excavate the permafrost, use the procedure shown
in Figure 12-7, page 12-12. This method requires excavating to the permafrost
table. Drive the piles into the permafrost as described earlier in this chapter,
leaving at least 18 inches of each pile exposed above the permafrost table.
Place a layer of wet sand around the piles to a depth equal to one-third of the
exposed height of the exposed piles. Doing this prevents the heat that is
Fill Fill
Wet sand
12-46. When constructing retaining walls, backfill them with coarse material
to ensure good drainage. This reduces the normal groundwater level and the
possibility of icing around the wall. Finish all retaining walls as smoothly as
possible to prevent ice accumulation.
12-47. Ice will accumulate against bridge supports and cause serious damage
if left unchecked. It may be necessary to remove ice accumulation from bridges
and drainage structures at regular intervals. See previous discussion in this
chapter on using explosives.
12-48. Chopping is an expedient method of removing ice buildup from a
bridge. Chopping is inconvenient as it needs to be periodically repeated. Do
not depend on this method as a permanent solution to icing problems.
12-49. Spreading sodium chloride (common salt) or calcium chloride on the
accumulated ice will break down the ice. The ice should then drop off the
bridge and continue downstream.
Artificial Canopies
12-54. Light timber canopies covered with moss or boughs (built across the
stream channel and against each side of the bridge) can retard ice formation
on a bridge’s substructure. Build these canopies before the first frost sets in.
Ensure that they extend 20 to 100 yards upstream and 20 to 50 yards
downstream. Winter snow cover on the canopies serves as an insulating layer,
keeping the water flowing under the bridge and preventing ice from forming
on the canopies. Remove canopies before the spring breakup to prevent
damming and potential bridge damage.
Ice Canopies
12-55. Another method of insulating is to allow a canopy of ice to form above
the normal water level. Dam the stream below the bridge site and allow the
water to raise and form a 6-inch ice sheet. After the desired thickness of ice
accumulates, remove the dam and allow the water to return to its normal
level. There will now be an air gap between the underside of the ice and the
water level, acting as an insulator to keep the water from freezing. Allow snow
to accumulate on top of the ice canopy to enhance its insulating abilities. Snow
fences may be needed so that the snow will drift onto the ice canopy or so that
the snow will not blow away. Mark the ice canopies to prevent them from
being damaged by attempted crossings.
12-56. Extremely cold conditions generally dictate long, clear spans. Locate
superstructures high enough above the high-water mark to prevent them from
being damaged or forming obstructions to high water or ice accumulations
that may build above the normal high-water mark. Do not design bracing that
extends below the waterline or is in the path of water or ice.
12-57. Panel-type truss bridges (such as the Bailey bridge) are the best
bridges for arctic applications. The main advantage is the availability of
standard military truss sections. Use steel trusses whenever possible.
12-58. Timber-truss bridges are the most satisfactory timber bridges for
arctic use. Erecting them does not require much more time than that required
for trestle- or pile-bent bridges. Use available timber if it is suitable for
constructing trusses.
12-59. Simple steel trusses made of standard, rolled shapes are very practical
if the steel is available. Rolled sections are especially valuable for short-span
bridge construction. Use plate girders for longer spans. Girders require
substantial piers and abutments. Arch, suspension, and cantilever bridges
meet arctic bridge requirements (long spans and clear waterways). However,
their use is generally limited to permanent, peacetime construction. Simple
pony trusses or A-frame structures are adequate for small bridges.
12-60. Fording operations in arctic and subarctic environments are generally
more difficult than in temperate areas. The techniques are similar, but there
are seasonal considerations. Extremely low temperatures and ice obstacles,
especially during spring breakup and fall freeze-up, limit fording operations.
Stream velocity and depth change with the seasons and the time of day.
12-61. During summer, a stream’s depth and velocity may rise due to glacier
or ice-cap melt. Fording of streams and rivers fed by glaciers and ice caps is
feasible only when the volume and velocity of water are at their minimum.
Permafrost Permafrost
Timber bents
12-62. Fording during the winter is impractical because ambient air
temperatures are damagin g to the equipment. Some watercourses
(particularly those flowing in broad floodplains) have open channels that
continually shift. As the stream direction shifts under the ice, many portions
of the ice are left unsupported, creating valley ice. Valley ice makes fording
very treacherous. Equipment that breaks through valley ice is difficult to
recover. If fording operations are necessary during winter, mark the route,
remove all valley ice, and ensure that the fording is through the active stream
channels. Maintain continual reconnaissance upstream to determine probable
shifts in the water channels. Channels may have to be dammed or diverted to
complete a proper fording operation.
12-63. Keep the entire ford area clear of ice to a point below the actual ford
area. Vehicles should be operated by experienced drivers only. Drivers should
use the lowest gear necessary, maintain a constant speed, and avoid using the
brakes (they will freeze closed). After each fording operation, warm and dry
the wheels, rollers, engine, brakes, and clutch in a heated shelter, if possible.
The alternative is to keep the vehicle moving quickly.
12-64. Rivers with low velocities, lakes, and deep swamps will freeze
sufficiently to allow ice crossings in winter and well into spring. Develop
approaches and reinforce and maintain crossings as discussed below.
12-65. Ice along the shoreline is usually thin and weak. Provide a smooth
approach from the shoreline to the thicker ice that is capable of supporting
traffic. A timber ramp, with the shore end resting in a prepared cut or on a fill
and the ice end supported on a timber mat, makes a very satisfactory
approach (Figure 12-9). When the banks are high and the obstacle is not
excessively wide, a well-compacted and well-frozen fill of snow and brush will
provide an effective approach.
Low Temperature
12-66. During periods of low temperature, increase the thickness of ice by
removing the snow cover and allowing the ice to thicken by natural methods.
Clear a 150-foot strip along the entire path of the intended crossing. Allow
sufficient time for the ice to thicken. A weak ice sheet will increase in
thickness by ¼ inch during a 12-hour period at 5°F. In general, the
temperature must be less than 15°F for this method to be effective.
Snow Dikes
12-67. This method involves building snow dikes along each side of the
desired route about 2½ times the desired road width. Flood the space between
the dikes to a depth of about 1 inch and let it freeze. The freezing process
takes about 2 hours for a 1-inch thick layer at 5°F. Build the ice in 1-inch
increments to permit rapid freezing. The only disadvantage to this
reinforcement method is that the capacity of the induced ice is only one-half
that of ice resulting from the natural process.
Snow Layering
12-68. The simplest method of reinforcing ice is to lay level layers of snow on
top of the desired road and add water to freeze them in place. Allow each layer
to freeze before adding subsequent layers. Further reinforcement is possible
by adding materials such as brush, straw, or chicken wire between every 2 to
4 inches of frozen snow. Table 12-1 lists data for reinforcing ice.
Other Materials
12-69. Many materials are effective for reinforcing ice bridges (logs; wood-
plank, corduroy mats; deck components of military floating and fixed bridges;
or pierced, steel planks [PSPs]). The ice surface must be leveled before using
these materials. Next, firmly anchor the reinforcing material to the ice and
cover it with snow. Finally, flood or spray the snow cover with water and allow
it to freeze to the original ice surface. Ensure that any metal is painted white
and is fully covered to inhibit solar absorption. Also, cover the completed
bridge with enough snow to provide a wearing surface. Planks or small logs
can also be frozen into place to form runways or tracks for vehicles and sleds.
Make each track about 3 feet wide and cover them the same as the other
materials mentioned above.
12-70. Frequently check the ice thickness and the water level beneath the ice.
Note any cracks, the need for further reinforcement, the snow clearance, the
approach condition, and the adequacy of the wearing surface. Ice capacity is
reduced by continual use. A heavily used crossing may have to be relocated.
12-73. Spend the time necessary to determine the required bridge dimensions
properly and to complete the layout. Table 12-2 gives data on typical ice-
bridge sizes and the resources necessary for construction. The float must fit
the notches created in the layout to be effective. The float should be one-half to
one-third as wide as it is long. The minimum width for a single column of
soldiers is 15 feet. The notch in which the float fits on the far bank should be
20 to 26 feet deep. The depth of this notch depends on the thickness of the
bank ice, the length of the bridge, and the water currents. The notch should be
deep enough to prevent splintering and breaking as the float is guided into
Workers Construction
Bridge Type Length (feet) Width or Thickness
Required Time (hours)
12-74. After completing the layout, remove the excess ice (Figure 12-10A) by
sawing it free and then floating it downstream. Make double cuts (6 to 8
inches apart) on the ends of these sections to facilitate their removal. After
removing the excess ice, install mooring lines on the float and cut it free.
Open Frozen
Frozen Open Open
channel channel channel
20-26 feet
12-75. Using the mooring lines, carefully guide the float into its final position
(Figure 12-10B and C). Bridge the banks and gaps at the end of the float with
available timber or prefabricated balk and decking. Mark the traffic lanes and
post the bridge capacity.
12-77. The most probable condition requiring repair is broken floats. These
breaks can be repaired by stitching or racking the broken pieces together
(Figure 12-11). Follow these steps to repair a break:
Step 1. Bore holes completely through the ice along each side of the crack.
Step 2. Place a doubled-over, two- or four-strand rope through each pair of
adjoining holes.
Step 3. Install small boards between the rope and the ice under each hole.
Step 4. Remove the slack from the rope and tie the rope ends.
Step 5. Place a rack stick between the strands of rope and tighten the stitch.
Step 6. Repeat the process for each pair of holes along the crack.
Conversion Charts
This appendix complies with current army directives, which state that the
metric system will be incorporated into all new publications. Table A-1
shows a metric conversion chart, and Table A-2 shows conversion factors
for temperature and angles.
Vehicle Classification
Vehicles are assigned MLC numbers, which represent the loading effects
they have on a bridge. The MLC does not represent the actual weight of a
vehicle. It represents a combination of factors that include gross weight,
axle spacing, weight distribution to the axles, and speed. All standard
Army vehicles and special equipment that are active in the TO and that
use bridges of military importance have an MLC. Trailers that are rated
with a payload of 1 1/2 tons or less are exceptions. They have a combined
classification with their towing vehicle. Classifying vehicles, trailers, or
vehicle combinations with a gross weight of 3 tons or less is optional.
FM 5-170 lists classification numbers for most standard US military
vehicles. To get the classification numbers for unlisted and nonstandard
vehicles, submit load and dimensional information to the US Army
Research and Development Center according to the instructions in
FM 5-170. Expedient classification procedures for emergency situations
are explained in this appendix.
B-1. Table B-1, pages B-2 through B-5, shows 16 standard classes of
hypothetical vehicles ranging from 4 to 150. The weight of the tracked vehicle
in short tons was chosen as the classification number. A single-wheeled
vehicle has a weight greater than its classification number. Each classification
number has a specified maximum single-axle load. Also specified are the
maximum tire load, the minimum tire size, and the maximum tire pressure.
The classification numbers were originally developed from studies of the
hypothetical vehicles having characteristics about the same as those actual
military vehicles of NATO nations.
B-2. The moment and shear forces produced by the hypothetical vehicles or
single-axle loads are provided in Tables B-2 and B-3, pages B-6 through B-13.
These figures are based on the assumption that the nearest ground contact
points of two different vehicles (wheeled or tracked) are 100 feet apart.
Table B-1 gives critical tire loads and tire sizes.
4-5 tons
4 4 tons 8′ 4′
12″ 2-5
6′ 72″ 1 1-75 1-75
9 tons
8 8 tons 10′ 4′
12″ 5-5
6′6″ 3 3 3
15 tons
18-5 tons
24 tons
28 tons
34 tons
47 tons
1. The single-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum single-axle loads given in Column 4.
2. The bogie-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum bogie-axle loads shown on the diagrams in Column 3.
3. The maximum tire pressure for all tires shown in Column 8 should be taken as 75 psi. The first dimension of tire size refers to the
overall width of the tire and the second dimension is the rim diameter of the tire.
72″ 72″
2,500 lb on 7 - 50 x 20
Bogie axle: 7 - 50 x 20 Bogie axle: 6 - 00 x 16
20 26″
96″ 96″
96″ 11,000 lb on 18 - 00 x 24
Bogie axle: 14 - 00 x 24 Bogie axle: 12 - 00 x 20 Bogie axle: 12 - 00 x 20
96″ 96″
96″ 13,500 lb on 18 - 00 x 24
Bogie axle: 16 - 00 x 24 Bogie axle: 12 - 00 x 20 Bogie axle: 12 - 00 x 20
100″ 100″ 100″
17,000 lb on 21 - 00 x 24
Bogie axle: 18 - 00 x 24 Bogie axle: 14 - 00 x 20 Bogie axle: 14 - 00 x 20
1. The single-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum single-axle loads given in Column 4.
2. The bogie-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum bogie-axle loads shown on the diagrams in Column 3.
3. The maximum tire pressure for all tires shown in Column 8 should be taken as 75 psi. The first dimension of tire size refers to the
overall width of the tire and the second dimension is the rim diameter of the tire.
58 tons
70 tons
80-5 tons
92 tons
103-5 tons
115 tons
138 tons
170 tons
1. The single-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum single-axle loads given in Column 4.
2. The bogie-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum bogie-axle loads shown on the diagrams in Column 3.
3. The maximum tire pressure for all tires shown in Column 8 should be taken as 75 psi. The first dimension of tire size refers to the
overall width of the tire and the second dimension is the rim diameter of the tire.
1 5 6 7 8
Wheeled Vehicles
Maximum Tire Load and
Minimum Wheel Spacing and Tire Sizes of Critical Axles
Minimum Tire Size
Bogie axle: 24 - 00 x 29
20,000 lb on 24 - 00 x 29
Bogie axle: 24 - 00 x 29
21,000 lb on 24 - 00 x 29
1. The single-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum single-axle loads given in Column 4.
2. The bogie-axle tire sizes shown in Columns 5, 6, and 7 refer to the maximum bogie-axle loads shown on the diagrams in Column 3.
3. The maximum tire pressure for all tires shown in Column 8 should be taken as 75 psi. The first dimension of tire size refers to the
overall width of the tire and the second dimension is the rim diameter of the tire.
W 4.96 7.44 9.92 12.40 14.88 17.92 21.40 25.60 30.00 41.00 52.20
T 2.64 6.00 9.92 14.00 18.00 22.10 25.90 29.90 34.00 44.00 54.00
W 10.96 16.44 21.90 27.40 32.90 38.30 43.60 49.30 54.80 71.00 93.60
T 4.88 11.04 19.04 27.00 35.00 43.10 50.90 59.00 66.80 87.00 106.80
W 16.00 24.00 32.00 40.00 48.00 56.00 64.00 72.00 80.80 112.50 145.20
T 5.44 12.00 21.30 33.00 44.90 57.10 69.10 81.00 92.80 123.00 153.00
W 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 92.50 105.20 144.00 184.20
T 7.12 15.96 28.50 44.00 60.00 75.90 91.80 108.00 124.00 164.00 204.00
W 22.00 33.00 44.00 55.00 70.80 87.40 104.00 121.00 137.60 188.50 241.00
T 8.88 20.00 35.50 55.00 74.90 94.90 114.90 135.00 154.80 205.00 255.00
W 24.00 36.00 48.00 64.00 83.30 102.80 122.60 142.20 162.00 223.00 285.00
T 10.64 24.00 42.70 66.00 90.00 114.00 137.90 162.00 186.00 246.00 306.00
W 26.70 40.40 53.90 70.40 91.70 113.10 134.70 156.60 178.00 246.00 316.00
T 10.88 24.50 43.70 68.20 97.40 127.40 157.40 187.60 218.00 293.00 367.00
W 34.00 51.00 68.00 85.00 108.30 133.80 159.40 185.00 210.00 277.00 359.00
T 13.36 30.00 53.30 83.40 120.00 158.90 200.00 240.00 280.00 380.00 480.00
W 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 125.00 154.30 183.70 213.00 243.00 320.00 415.00
T 15.36 34.60 61.60 96.20 138.50 187.60 237.00 288.00 338.00 463.00 587.00
W 46.00 69.00 92.00 115.00 138.00 170.00 205.00 240.00 276.00 365.00 474.00
T 17.12 38.50 68.60 107.20 154.30 210.00 270.00 330.00 390.00 540.00 690.00
W 51.00 76.40 101.90 127.40 157.90 198.20 239.00 280.00 322.00 426.00 557.00
T 18.64 42.00 74.70 116.60 168.00 229.00 298.00 368.00 438.00 613.00 787.00
W 56.00 84.00 112.00 140.00 180.50 227.00 273.00 320.00 368.00 486.00 636.00
T 20.00 45.00 80.00 125.00 180.00 245.00 320.00 400.00 480.00 680.00 880.00
W 60.00 90.00 120.00 151.80 203.00 225.00 308.00 360.00 414.00 547.00 716.00
T 21.20 47.60 84.60 132.40 190.60 259.00 339.00 427.00 518.00 743.00 967.00
W 64.00 96.00 128.00 160.00 203.00 259.00 317.00 375.00 434.00 581.00 765.00
T 22.20 50.00 89.00 138.80 199.90 272.00 356.00 450.00 550.00 800.00 1,050.00
W 72.00 108.00 144.00 180.00 243.00 311.00 380.00 450.00 520.00 697.00 918.00
T 24.00 54.00 96.00 150.00 216.00 294.00 384.00 486.00 600.00 900.00 1,200.00
W 84.00 126.00 168.00 210.00 253.00 331.00 410.00 491.00 572.00 777.00 1,032.00
T 25.00 56.30 100.00 156.20 225.00 306.00 400.00 506.00 625.00 975.00 1,350.00
W 63.70 75.20 86.40 97.00 108.90 120.00 142.80 164.80 187.20 210.00
T 63.70 73.80 83.70 94.00 103.40 114.00 134.40 153.60 174.60 194.00
W 116.20 138.40 161.10 183.00 206.00 228.00 273.00 318.00 364.00 408.00
T 126.70 147.20 167.40 187.00 207.00 227.00 267.00 307.00 347.00 386.00
W 180.60 218.00 256.00 293.00 331.00 368.00 444.00 518.00 592.00 668.00
T 182.70 213.00 243.00 273.00 303.00 332.00 393.00 453.00 513.00 572.00
W 229.00 275.00 321.00 367.00 414.00 460.00 552.00 645.00 736.00 830.00
T 244.00 284.00 324.00 364.00 404.00 444.00 524.00 603.00 684.00 764.00
W 299.00 359.00 419.00 479.00 539.00 599.00 718.00 838.00 958.00 1,078.00
T 305.00 355.00 405.00 455.00 505.00 554.00 655.00 755.00 855.00 954.00
W 353.00 422.00 492.00 562.00 633.00 702.00 843.00 982.00 1,121.00 1,262.00
T 366.00 426.00 486.00 546.00 606.00 666.00 785.00 906.00 1,026.00 1,146.00
W 398.00 482.00 567.00 652.00 737.00 822.00 991.00 1,162.00 1,130.00 1,500.00
T 442.00 518.00 592.00 667.00 743.00 817.00 967.00 1,117.00 1,267.00 1,418.00
W 442.00 553.00 671.00 788.00 905.00 1,022.00 1,257.00 1,493.00 1,728.00 1,962.00
T 580.00 680.00 780.00 880.00 980.00 1,080.00 1,280.00 1,480.00 1,679.00 1,880.00
W 511.00 656.00 800.00 945.00 1,090.00 1,235.00 1,525.00 1,814.00 2,100.00 2,390.00
T 713.00 838.00 962.00 1,087.00 1,212.00 1,338.00 1,588.00 1,837.00 2,090.00 2,340.00
W 584.00 740.00 914.00 1,089.00 1,263.00 1,438.00 1,786.00 2,140.00 2,490.00 2,840.00
T 840.00 990.00 1,140.00 1,290.00 1,440.00 1,590.00 1,890.00 2,190.00 2,490.00 2,790.00
W 688.00 856.00 1,057.00 1,257.00 1,458.00 1,658.00 2,060.00 2,460.00 2,870.00 3,270.00
T 963.00 1,138.00 1,312.00 1,478.00 1,662.00 1,837.00 2,190.00 2,540.00 2,890.00 3,240.00
W 786.00 936.00 1,103.00 1,332.00 1,561.00 1,790.00 2,250.00 2,710.00 3,170.00 3,630.00
T 1,080.00 1,280.00 1,480.00 1,680.00 1,880.00 2,080.00 2,480.00 2,880.00 3,280.00 3,680.00
W 884.00 1,053.00 1,242.00 1,499.00 1,757.00 2,010.00 2,530.00 3,050.00 3,560.00 4,080.00
T 1,193.00 1,418.00 1,643.00 1,867.00 2,090.00 2,320.00 2,770.00 3,220.00 3,670.00 4,120.00
W 953.00 1,140.00 1,328.00 1,543.00 1,828.00 2,110.00 2,690.00 3,260.00 3,830.00 4,410.00
T 1,300.00 1,550.00 1,800.00 2,050.00 2,300.00 2,550.00 3,050.00 3,550.00 4,050.00 4,550.00
W 1,143.00 1,368.00 1,593.00 1,851.00 2,195.00 2,540.00 3,230.00 3,910.00 4,600.00 5,290.00
T 1,500.00 1,800.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 2,700.00 3,000.00 3,600.00 4,200.00 4,800.00 5,400.00
W 1,297.00 1,562.00 1,827.00 2,092.00 2,405.00 2,830.00 3,670.00 4,520.00 5,560.00 6,210.00
T 1,725.00 2,100.00 2,478.00 2,850.00 3,230.00 3,600.00 4,350.00 5,100.00 5,850.00 6,600.00
W 233 254 278 270 321 346 367 389 414 448
T 213 233 255 274 294 314 333 353 391 428
W 453 499 543 588 633 678 724 767 813 880
T 427 468 507 546 588 627 666 706 775 852
W 744 818 892 969 1,044 1,117 1,193 1,267 1,341 1,416
T 634 694 754 812 873 934 993 1,051 1,136 1,248
W 922 1,015 1,108 1,198 1,293 1,386 1,476 1,570 1,661 1,752
T 845 924 1,004 1,084 1,164 1,245 1,323 1,404 1,516 1,664
W 1,199 1,318 1,438 1,557 1,677 1,798 1,918 2,040 2,160 2,280
T 1,054 1,154 1,256 1,355 1,455 1,555 1,656 1,753 1,896 2,080
W 1,401 1,543 1,682 1,823 1,962 2,100 2,240 2,380 2,520 2,660
T 1,265 1,385 1,505 1,627 1,746 1,866 1,986 2,110 2,280 2,500
W 1,670 1,841 2,010 2,180 2,350 2,520 2,690 2,860 3,030 3,200
T 1,566 1,718 1,867 2,020 2,170 2,310 2,470 2,620 2,790 3,070
W 2,200 2,430 2,670 2,900 3,140 3,370 3,610 3,840 4,080 4,310
T 2,080 2,280 2,480 2,680 2,880 3,080 3,280 3,480 3,680 4,050
W 2,680 2,970 3,260 3,550 3,840 4,130 4,420 4,710 5,000 5,290
T 2,590 2,840 3,090 3,340 3,590 3,840 4,090 4,340 4,590 5,020
W 3,190 3,540 3,880 4,230 4,580 4,930 5,280 5,630 5,990 6,330
T 3,090 3,390 3,690 4,000 4,290 4,590 4,890 5,190 5,490 5,970
W 3,670 4,070 4,470 4,880 5,280 5,680 6,080 6,490 6,890 7,290
T 3,590 3,940 4,290 4,640 4,990 5,340 5,690 6,040 6,390 6,900
W 4,090 4,550 5,010 5,460 5,930 6,380 6,840 7,300 7,760 8,820
T 4,080 4,480 4,880 5,280 5,680 6,080 6,480 6,880 7,280 7,810
W 4,600 5,110 5,630 6,150 6,670 7,180 7,700 8,220 8,730 9,250
T 4,570 5,020 5,470 5,920 6,370 6,820 7,270 7,720 8,170 8,700
W 4,980 5,560 6,130 6,710 7,280 7,860 8,430 9,000 9,580 10,160
T 5,050 5,550 6,050 6,550 7,050 7,550 8,050 8,550 9,050 9,570
W 5,980 6,670 7,360 8,050 8,740 9,430 10,120 10,810 11,500 12,180
T 6,000 6,600 7,200 7,800 8,400 9,000 9,600 10,200 10,800 11,400
W 7,060 7,910 8,760 9,600 10,450 11,300 12,150 13,000 13,850 14,700
T 7,350 8,100 8,850 9,600 10,350 11,100 11,850 12,600 13,350 14,100
W 491 532 579 619 665 733 799 868 934 1,002
T 466 502 538 586 645 707 767 823 887 948
W 966 1,052 1,136 1,224 1,310 1,414 1,550 1,686 1,821 1,956
T 924 1,003 1,076 1,162 1,285 1,404 1,523 1,641 1,763 1,884
W 1,491 1,593 1,734 1,877 2,020 2,160 2,310 2,450 2,660 2,890
T 1,361 1,474 1,587 1,704 1,855 2,040 2,220 2,400 2,580 2,750
W 1,848 1,958 2,130 2,390 2,490 2,660 2,840 3,020 3,290 3,570
T 1,814 1,967 2,120 2,270 2,480 2,710 2,950 3,200 3,430 3,680
W 2,400 2,540 2,770 3,000 3,230 3,460 3,690 3,920 4,270 4,630
T 2,270 2,460 2,650 2,840 3,100 3,400 3,690 3,990 4,290 4,600
W 2,800 2,970 3,240 3,500 3,700 4,040 4,310 4,580 4,990 5,410
T 2,720 2,950 3,170 3,400 3,720 4,070 4,430 4,790 5,160 5,510
W 3,370 3,590 3,910 4,240 4,570 4,890 5,220 5,550 6,020 6,530
T 3,350 3,630 3,910 4,200 4,510 4,960 5,410 5,860 6,310 6,760
W 4,550 4,780 5,140 5,590 6,040 6,490 6,940 7,400 7,850 8,310
T 4,430 4,800 5,180 5,560 5,940 6,520 7,120 7,720 8,320 8,920
W 5,580 5,870 6,370 6,930 7,480 8,030 8,590 9,150 9,710 10,270
T 5,490 5,950 6,430 6,900 7,380 8,040 8,790 9,540 10,290 11,040
W 6,680 7,030 7,410 8,070 8,740 9,410 10,050 10,760 11,430 12,110
T 6,530 7,090 7,650 8,220 8,800 9,510 10,410 11,310 12,210 13,110
W 7,690 8,100 8,500 9,260 10,030 10,800 11,570 12,350 13,130 13,910
T 7,550 8,200 8,860 9,530 10,200 10,940 11,990 13,040 14,090 15,140
W 8,680 9,140 9,600 10,180 11,060 11,940 12,830 13,720 14,610 15,500
T 8,550 9,300 10,060 10,810 11,580 12,340 13,520 14,720 15,920 17,120
W 9,770 10,290 10,810 11,450 12,450 13,440 14,430 15,440 16,440 17,440
T 9,530 10,380 11,220 12,080 12,940 13,800 15,010 16,360 17,710 19,060
W 10,730 11,300 11,880 12,450 13,480 14,580 15,690 16,800 17,910 19,030
T 10,500 11,440 12,380 13,330 14,280 15,230 16,450 17,950 19,450 21,000
W 12,870 13,570 14,260 14,940 16,170 17,490 18,820 20,200 21,500 22,800
T 12,380 13,500 14,630 15,760 16,910 18,050 19,200 21,000 22,800 24,600
W 15,550 16,400 17,250 18,100 19,300 20,900 22,500 24,200 25,800 27,500
T 14,910 16,320 17,720 19,140 20,600 22,000 23,400 24,700 27,200 29,400
W 2.50 2.50 2.63 2.80 2.92 3.14 3.31 3.44 3.55 3.74
T 1.33 2.00 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.14 3.25 3.33 3.40 3.52
W 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.63 6.00 6.30 6.84
T 2.46 3.69 4.75 5.40 5.83 6.14 6.38 6.56 6.70 6.96
W 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.33 8.57 9.13 9.56 9.90 10.52
T 2.67 4.00 5.33 6.60 7.50 8.14 8.62 9.00 9.30 9.84
W 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.40 10.83 11.14 11.75 12.22 12.60 13.28
T 3.56 5.33 7.11 8.80 10.00 10.86 11.50 12.00 12.40 13.12
W 11.00 11.33 12.75 13.60 14.17 14.57 15.38 16.00 16.50 17.40
T 4.44 6.67 8.89 11.00 12.50 13.57 14.38 15.00 15.50 16.40
W 12.00 13.33 15.00 16.00 16.67 17.14 18.13 18.89 19.50 20.60
T 5.53 8.00 10.67 13.20 15.00 16.28 17.25 18.00 18.60 19.68
W 13.50 14.67 16.50 17.60 18.33 18.86 20.00 20.89 21.60 22.88
T 5.46 8.18 10.91 13.64 16.25 18.22 19.69 20.83 21.75 23.40
W 17.00 17.33 19.50 20.80 21.67 22.29 22.75 23.89 24.80 26.72
T 6.67 10.00 13.33 16.67 20.00 22.86 25.00 26.67 28.00 30.40
W 20.00 20.00 22.50 24.00 25.00 25.71 26.25 27.56 28.60 31.60
T 7.69 11.54 15.38 19.23 23.08 26.78 29.69 31.94 33.75 37.00
W 23.00 23.00 24.75 27.00 28.50 29.57 30.38 31.44 32.70 35.52
T 8.57 12.86 17.14 21.43 25.72 30.00 33.75 36.67 39.00 43.20
W 25.50 25.50 28.88 31.50 33.25 34.50 35.44 36.75 38.33 41.16
T 9.33 14.00 18.67 23.33 28.00 32.67 37.19 40.83 43.75 49.00
W 28.00 28.00 33.00 36.00 38.00 39.43 40.50 42.00 43.80 47.04
T 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 44.44 48.00 54.40
W 30.00 31.50 37.13 40.50 42.75 44.36 45.56 47.25 49.28 52.92
T 10.59 15.88 21.18 26.47 31.76 37.06 42.35 47.50 51.75 59.40
W 32.00 32.00 37.50 42.00 45.00 47.14 48.75 50.00 52.50 57.00
T 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00 55.00 64.00
W 36.00 36.00 45.00 50.40 54.00 56.57 38.50 60.00 63.00 68.40
T 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 60.00 72.00
W 42.00 42.00 47.25 54.60 59.50 63.00 65.63 67.67 70.40 77.52
T 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50.00 56.25 62.50 78.00
W 3.87 3.96 4.03 4.08 4.12 4.15 4.18 4.23 4.26 4.29 4.31
T 3.60 3.66 3.70 3.73 3.76 3.78 3.80 3.83 3.85 3.87 3.88
W 7.20 7.46 7.65 7.80 7.92 8.02 8.10 8.23 8.33 8.40 8.46
T 7.13 7.26 7.35 7.42 7.48 7.53 7.57 7.63 7.68 7.71 7.74
W 10.93 11.23 11.45 11.62 11.76 11.87 12.13 12.54 12.85 13.09 13.28
T 10.20 10.46 10.65 10.80 10.92 11.02 11.10 11.23 11.32 11.40 11.46
W 13.73 14.06 14.30 14.49 14.64 14.76 14.87 15.34 15.74 16.04 16.29
T 13.60 13.94 14.20 14.40 14.56 14.69 14.80 14.97 15.10 15.20 15.28
W 18.00 18.43 18.75 19.00 19.20 19.36 19.50 19.97 20.48 20.87 21.18
T 17.00 17.43 17.75 18.00 18.20 18.36 18.50 18.72 18.88 19.00 19.10
W 21.33 21.86 22.25 22.56 22.80 23.00 23.17 23.46 24.03 24.47 24.82
T 20.40 20.92 21.30 21.60 21.84 22.04 22.20 22.46 22.65 22.80 22.92
W 23.73 24.34 24.80 25.16 25.60 26.36 27.00 28.00 28.75 29.33 29.80
T 24.50 25.28 25.88 26.33 26.70 27.00 27.25 27.64 27.94 28.17 28.35
W 28.93 30.51 31.70 32.62 33.36 34.42 35.47 37.11 38.35 39.31 40.08
T 32.00 33.14 34.00 34.67 35.20 35.64 36.00 36.57 37.00 37.33 37.60
W 34.67 36.86 38.50 40.31 42.08 43.53 44.73 46.63 48.05 49.16 50.04
T 39.17 40.72 41.88 42.78 43.50 44.09 44.58 45.36 45.94 46.39 46.75
W 39.93 42.09 45.45 47.29 48.76 49.96 51.43 54.09 56.08 57.62 58.86
T 46.00 48.00 49.50 50.67 51.60 52.36 53.00 54.00 54.75 55.33 55.60
W 45.97 49.40 51.98 53.98 55.58 56.89 58.22 61.40 63.79 65.64 67.13
T 52.50 55.00 56.88 58.33 59.50 60.46 61.25 62.50 63.44 64.17 64.75
W 49.20 53.26 56.60 59.20 61.28 62.98 64.40 66.63 69.70 72.18 74.16
T 58.67 61.72 64.00 65.78 67.20 68.36 69.33 70.86 72.00 72.89 73.60
W 55.35 59.91 63.68 66.60 68.94 70.85 72.45 74.96 78.41 81.20 83.43
T 64.50 68.14 70.88 73.00 74.70 76.09 77.25 79.07 80.44 81.50 82.35
W 60.02 64.57 69.00 72.44 75.20 77.45 79.33 82.29 84.69 88.06 90.75
T 70.00 74.28 77.50 80.00 82.00 83.64 85.00 87.14 88.75 90.00 91.00
W 72.02 77.49 82.80 86.93 90.24 92.94 95.20 98.74 101.60 105.70 108.90
T 80.00 85.71 90.00 93.33 96.00 98.18 100.00 102.90 105.00 106.70 108.00
W 82.98 85.66 89.45 95.76 101.20 105.40 109.00 114.70 121.60 127.00 131.30
T 90.00 98.57 105.00 110.00 114.00 117.30 120.00 124.30 127.50 130.00 132.00
W 4.33 4.52 4.83 5.13 5.39 5.61 5.81 5.99 6.15 6.29
T 3.94 4.27 4.56 4.80 5.01 5.20 5.36 5.51 5.64 5.76
W 8.51 8.75 9.28 9.90 10.44 10.91 11.33 11.70 12.03 12.33
T 7.83 8.47 9.05 9.54 9.97 10.35 10.68 10.98 11.24 11.48
W 13.44 13.57 13.77 14.21 15.13 16.04 16.86 17.59 18.24 18.83
T 11.52 12.20 13.10 13.89 14.56 15.15 15.67 16.13 16.55 16.92
W 16.50 16.65 16.89 17.41 18.55 19.67 20.69 21.59 22.41 23.14
T 15.35 16.27 17.48 18.51 19.41 20.20 20.89 21.51 22.06 22.56
W 21.44 21.65 21.95 22.63 24.12 25.58 26.89 28.07 29.12 30.06
T 19.19 20.33 21.85 23.14 24.27 25.25 26.12 26.89 27.58 28.20
W 25.11 25.35 25.71 26.51 28.28 29.98 31.51 32.87 33.67 35.18
T 23.03 24.40 26.22 27.77 29.12 30.30 31.34 32.27 33.09 33.84
W 30.18 30.50 30.95 31.91 33.92 35.98 37.36 39.53 41.03 42.38
T 28.50 29.55 31.85 33.86 35.60 37.13 38.47 39.67 40.74 41.70
W 40.71 41.23 41.68 42.86 44.24 46.75 49.36 51.84 54.06 56.06
T 37.82 38.89 41.85 44.57 46.93 49.00 50.82 52.44 53.89 55.20
W 50.76 51.37 51.88 53.46 55.29 58.40 61.60 64.62 67.33 69.76
T 47.04 48.08 51.54 55.00 58.00 60.63 62.94 65.00 66.84 68.50
W 59.87 60.71 61.43 62.41 63.57 67.18 70.99 74.74 78.17 81.26
T 56.18 57.14 60.92 65.14 68.80 72.00 74.82 77.33 79.58 81.60
W 68.35 69.36 70.22 71.35 73.88 76.65 80.99 85.31 89.31 92.89
T 65.23 66.11 70.00 75.00 79.33 83.13 86.47 89.44 92.10 94.50
W 75.78 77.13 78.28 79.26 81.71 84.35 87.95 92.62 97.43 101.80
T 74.18 75.00 78.85 84.57 89.60 93.89 97.77 101.20 104.30 107.10
W 85.25 86.77 88.06 89.16 91.92 94.89 98.85 104.20 109.60 114.50
T 83.04 83.82 87.56 93.86 99.60 104.60 109.10 113.00 116.50 119.70
W 92.95 94.79 96.35 97.68 100.00 103.50 106.90 112.20 117.90 123.50
T 91.82 92.59 96.15 102.90 109.30 115.00 120.00 124.40 128.40 132.00
W 111.50 113.80 115.60 117.20 120.00 124.20 128.20 134.60 141.50 148.20
T 109.10 110.00 113.10 120.00 128.00 135.00 141.20 146.70 151.60 156.00
W 134.80 137.70 140.20 142.30 144.80 149.80 154.80 160.30 168.20 176.30
T 133.60 135.00 137.00 142.90 152.00 161.30 169.40 176.70 183.20 189.00
W 6.42 6.54 6.70 6.96 7.22 7.47 7.69 7.90 8.09 8.27
T 5.87 6.05 6.31 6.55 6.77 6.97 7.16 7.33 7.49 7.64
W 12.60 12.84 13.10 13.53 14.04 14.54 15.00 15.43 15.83 16.20
T 11.70 12.03 12.55 13.02 13.46 13.87 14.24 14.59 14.92 15.22
W 19.36 19.85 20.29 20.69 21.06 21.50 22.15 22.91 23.67 24.38
T 17.26 17.58 18.23 18.97 19.66 20.28 20.87 21.41 21.91 22.38
W 23.80 24.40 24.94 25.45 25.91 26.43 27.22 28.16 29.10 29.98
T 23.01 23.43 24.31 25.30 26.21 27.05 27.82 28.54 29.21 29.84
W 30.91 31.69 32.40 33.05 33.65 34.32 35.36 36.58 37.80 38.94
T 28.76 29.29 30.39 31.62 32.76 33.81 34.78 35.68 36.52 37.30
W 36.17 37.07 37.90 38.65 39.34 40.14 41.36 42.79 44.21 45.54
T 34.51 35.15 36.47 37.95 39.31 40.57 41.73 42.81 43.82 44.76
W 43.60 44.71 45.72 46.65 47.50 48.48 49.91 51.60 53.34 54.96
T 42.57 43.36 44.47 46.31 48.06 49.67 51.17 52.55 53.84 55.05
W 57.87 59.51 61.01 62.38 63.65 64.82 66.21 67.70 69.81 72.04
T 56.38 57.45 58.70 61.00 63.36 65.54 67.56 69.43 71.17 72.80
W 71.96 73.96 75.79 77.47 79.01 80.43 82.19 84.11 86.73 89.48
T 70.00 71.36 72.74 75.31 78.30 81.06 83.61 85.98 88.19 90.25
W 84.06 86.60 88.92 91.05 93.01 94.82 96.49 98.60 100.92 103.87
T 83.43 85.09 86.65 89.29 92.88 96.23 99.33 102.20 104.90 107.40
W 96.13 99.08 101.80 104.20 106.50 108.60 110.60 113.00 115.60 118.90
T 96.67 98.64 100.40 103.10 107.10 111.10 114.70 118.10 121.30 124.30
W 105.70 109.20 112.50 115.50 118.20 120.70 123.10 125.30 128.10 131.00
T 109.60 112.00 114.10 116.70 121.00 125.50 129.80 133.70 137.40 140.80
W 118.90 122.90 126.60 129.90 133.00 135.80 138.50 140.90 144.10 147.40
T 122.60 125.20 127.60 130.10 134.50 139.70 144.50 149.00 153.20 157.10
W 128.60 133.20 137.40 141.30 144.80 148.10 151.10 153.90 156.80 160.60
T 135.20 138.20 140.90 143.50 147.70 153.50 158.90 163.90 168.60 173.00
W 154.30 159.80 164.90 169.50 173.80 177.70 181.40 184.70 188.20 192.70
T 160.00 163.60 167.00 170.00 174.00 180.00 186.70 192.90 198.60 204.00
W 184.10 191.20 197.77 203.60 209.10 214.40 218.80 223.10 227.10 231.50
T 194.30 199.10 203.50 207.50 211.30 216.30 223.40 231.40 239.00 246.00
B-6. As a wheeled vehicle moves over a span, the wheel loads are fixed in
position relative to each other (they travel over the span as a group). For this
type of loading, determine which position produces the largest moment. For
maximum moment, the vehicle’s center of gravity and the wheel nearest the
center of gravity must be equal distances from the center of the span. Follow
these steps to classify a given vehicle:
Step 1. Compute the maximum moment (in kip-feet) produced by the vehicle
on each of five or six simple spans of different lengths between 10 and 300
Step 2. Use Figure B-1, page B-15, to plot the moment and span length of a
wheeled vehicle, and use Figure B-2, page B-16, to plot the moment and span
length of a tracked vehicle. Assign a class number by interpolating between
the curves at the point where the class number is the largest.
Step 3. Compute and plot the shear points on the curves in Figure B-3,
page B-17, or Figure B-4. Assign a new class number if the class is higher
because of the shear.
Step 4. Use Table B-1, pages B-2 through B-5, to compute the hypothetical
width by linear interpolation between standard hypothetical vehicles.
Step 5. Compare the actual and the hypothetical widths. Then increase or
decrease the class number by the percentage given in Figure B-5.
Rotate 180°
Wider vehicle
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Width deviation (inches)
B-9. Vehicles are divided into two categories for classification purposes–single
and combination.
B-10. A single vehicle has only one frame or chassis (Figure B-6). Examples
are trucks, tanks, trailers, and gun carriages. Single vehicles are assigned a
class number that is rounded up to the nearest whole number. All vehicles
except trailers have front signs to show their classifications when loaded to
the rated capacity. For unloaded or overloaded vehicles, adjust the front sign
to show the actual load classification.
9″ diameter 9″ diameter
6″ diameter
B-11. A combination vehicle is two or more single vehicles operating as one
unit (such as prime movers pulling semitrailers). One vehicle towing another
less than 100 feet behind is also a combination vehicle (nonstandard). The
sign on the front of the combination vehicle (towing vehicle or prime mover)
has the letter “C” above the classification number of the combination
(Figure B-7).
B-13. Place or paint the front sign on or above the bumper, below the driver’s
line of vision. When possible, place it on the right front (passenger side) of the
vehicle. Place or paint the side signs on the right side of the vehicle facing
outward (Figure B-7).
Timber Properties
Timber properties include the timber’s strength and grade. Timber
remains an important material because it is readily available in much of
the world. Also, it is relatively easy to work with when using common
tools. As an organic material, the strength properties of timber are
influenced by factors such as the species of the tree, the direction of a load,
and the size and grade of the lumber. These factors are considered in
Tables C-1 through C-7, pages C-3 through C-11. Other factors that could
influence the strength of timber are not covered in this manual.
C-1. Table C-1 lists recommended civilian-design stresses based on the
species, the size, and the grade of the timber members. Use this table for all
semipermanent and permanent designs. Use it anytime a significant safety
factor is wanted or when conditions allow the accomplishment of the mission
using these conservative stress values.
C-2. Table C-2 lists allowable loads for expedient and temporary bridges
based on timber sizes. Field experience has validated these higher stress
values for temporary bridges that are not expected to have a heavy traffic
load. Bridges designed or classified using these values should be watched
closely for any signs of reduced carrying capacity. These bridges will have
much higher maintenance requirements than those designed or classified
with more conservative stress values. The data in Table C-2 is based on the
assumption that the beam and stringer members are of select structural
grade. Do not use this table if there are any doubts about the grade of timber.
C-3. Any bridge that meets the criteria in Table C-2 (but is of an unknown
species of timber) can be classified based on the allowable stresses
recommended in paragraph 3-47.
C-4. The allowable stresses depend on the direction of loading of the timber
member. Figure C-1, page C-11, shows the radial, tangential, and longitudinal
directions for the cross section of a log. The radial direction proceeds from
what was the center of the tree out to the edge. The tangential direction is
parallel (or tangent) to the growth rings of the tree at any particular point.
The longitudinal direction represents the direction of growth for the tree. For
example, the longitudinal direction of a tree trunk is up and down. The
longitudinal direction is said to be parallel to the grain. The radial and the
tangential directions are perpendicular to the grain.
C-5. Another factor that influences the allowable stress is the grade of
lumber. Grading of a particular species is done according to the rules of the
agency responsible for inspecting commercial timber for that species. Select a
structural grade timber that generally has no knots and very few other
imperfections, which can reduce strength. Grade No. 1 has no knots, but has
slightly more imperfections than select structural grades. Higher grade
numbers allow a greater number of knots and imperfections. The higher the
grade number the lower the timber quality.
C-6. The grades listed in Table C-1, pages C-3 through C-6, are commercial
grades common in the US. Timber members obtained through the AFCS
should match one of these specifications. If using native timber, try to locate
similar civilian specifications or use the values in Chapter 3 for timbers of an
unknown species. Another alternative is to compare a foreign species to a
similar species listed in Table C-1. Such a comparison requires extensive
experience to ensure that any crucial differences are not overlooked.
Decking — 1,500 — — — — 1,400
commercial dex
1. The allowable unit stresses shown are for selected species and commercial grades. For stresses of other species and commercial
grades not shown, the designer is referred to the grading rules of the appropriate grading agency or the National Design Specification
for Wood Construction (NDS).
2. The recommended design values given are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered
structures. For 2- to 4-inch-thick lumber, the surfaced-dry size should be used. In calculating design values, the natural gain in
strength and stiffness that occurs as lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the reduction in size that occurs when
unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in load-carrying capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more
than offsets the design effect of size reduction due to shrinkage. For 5-inch and thicker lumber, the surfaced sizes also may be used
because design values have been adjusted to compensate for any loss in size by shrinkage, which may occur.
3. Tabulated tension-parallel-to-the-grain values are for all species cut to a width of 5 inches or wider. The 2- to 4-inch-thick size clas-
sification applies to 5- and 6-inch widths only for grades of select structural No. 1 through 3 (including dense grades). For lumber
wider than 6 inches in these grades, the tabulated Ft values should be multiplied by the following factors:
4. The values in the table are based on edgewise use. For thicknesses of 2 to 4 inches, when used flatwise, the recommended design
values for fiber stress in bending may be multiplied by the following factors:
2 Inches 3 Inches 4 Inches
2 to 4 inches 1.10 1.04 1.00
5 inches or wider 1.22 1.16 1.11
5. When 2- to 4-inch-thick lumber is manufactured at a maximum moisture content of 15 percent and used in a condition where the
moisture content does not exceed 15 percent, the design values given in the table may be multiplied by the following factors (for
southern pine, use tabulated design values without adjustment):
6. When 2- to 4-inch-thick lumber is designed for use where the moisture content will exceed 19 percent for an extended period, mul-
tiply the design values by the factors given in the following table:
7. When lumber 5 inches and thicker is designed for use where the moisture content will exceed 19 percent for an extended period,
multiply the values in the table (except those for southern pine) by the following factors:
Extreme Fiber in Tension Parallel to Horizontal Compression Perpendicular Compression Parallel Modulus of
Bending (Fb) the Grain (Ft) Shear (Fv) to the Grain (Fc ⊥) to the Grain (Fc ||)
|| Elasticity (E)
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.91 1.00
8. When lumber 4 inches and thinner is manufactured unseasoned, multiply the tabulated values by a factor of 0.92 (except southern
9. Stress-rated boards of nominal thickness (1, 1 1/4, and 1 1/2 inch) and wider dimensions of most species are permitted the recom-
mended design values given for select structural No. 1 through 3 grades as shown for 2- to 4-inch-thick categories when graded
according to the stress-board provisions applicable grading rules. Information on stress-rated board grades applicable to the vari-
ous species is available from the respective grading standards.
1. To determine the moment capacity for a stringer not listed, compute as follows:
Rectangular: m = ------
Round: m = 0.02D
2. To determine the shear capacity for a stringer not listed, compute as follows:
Rectangular: v = -------
Round: v = 0.09D
3. To determine the maximum length for a stringer not listed, compute as follows:
L = 1.19d
b = stringer width, in inches L = maximum span length
d = stringer depth, in inches m = moment capacity
D = diameter v = shear capacity
Post Size Post Capacity Maximum Pile Size Pile Capacity Maximum
(in) (kips)1 Height (ft) (in) (kips)2 Height (ft)
6x6 18 15 8 25 18
6x8 24 15 9 32 20
8x8 32 20 10 47 25
8x10 40 20 11 47 25
10x10 50 25 12 56 27
10x12 60 25 13 66 29
12x12 72 30 14 76 31
D = pile diameter
108 192 300 432 588 768 972 1,200 1,452 1,728
72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288
A v = --- bd in square inches
S = section modulus of the member
b = beam width
d = beam depth
Av = effective shear area of the stringer
Effective shear
area (Av):
2 21.00 29.00 38.00 48.00 59.00 71.00 85.00 100.00 116.00 151.00 191.00 236.00 285.00 359.00
A v = --------------
Area (ft2):
2 0.20 0.27 0.35 0.44 0.55 0.66 0.79 0.92 1.07 1.40 1.77 2.18 2.65 3.14
A = ----------
Column shape
(buckled shape shown
by dashed line)
*When ideal conditions are approximate. For riveted and bolted truss members (partially
restrained), K = 0.75. For pinned connections in truss members, K = 0.875 (pin friction).
Excerpted from the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, by The American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC., Copyright 1996. Note that some of this
material may have been superseded by more recent material. Used by permission.
L = longitudinal direction
R = radial direction
T = tangential direction
Steel Properties
Steel is a high-strength material made of a combination of iron (with a
small percentage [usually less than 1 percent] of carbon) and trace
percentages of some other elements. Steel has been made for thousands of
years, but an economical process for mass production was not developed
until the 1800s. Steel’s high strength and relatively low weight makes it
extremely desirable as a construction material.
D-1. Different grades of steel are available for constructing bridges and
buildings. Each has advantages and disadvantages when compared to the
type of construction desired. A36 steel is an all-purpose carbon-grade steel. It
is widely used in building and bridge construction.
D-4. If the type of steel is unknown, use A36 specifications with a minimum
yield strength of 36 ksi. If in doubt about the strength of the steel, always use
the weakest-strength steel for classification and design purposes.
D-5. Table D-1 lists the standard steel-plate thicknesses, and Tables D-2
through D-10, pages D-3 through D-11, list the section properties for the most
common structural shapes available in the US. I-beams come in two different
shapes—wide-flange (W-shaped) and American-standard (S-shaped).
W-shaped beams have essentially parallel flange surfaces and are the most
common shape used in bridge construction. W-shaped beams are most
economical when moment controls the design of a span. S-shaped beams have
flanges that are sloped toward the edges and have a larger web area than
W-shaped beams. S-shaped beams are more economical when shear controls
the design of a span. Steel channels (C-shaped beams) have the same
characteristics as the S-shaped beams and are usually used for lateral bracing
and as truss-chord components. Equal-leg and unequal-leg angles (L-shaped
beams) are also used as lightweight bracing materials. Bearing piles
(HP-shaped beams) are used in substructures to provide support for the
Mi = moment of inertia
S = section modulus
r = radius of gyration
1. Bar numbers are based on the number of eighths of an inch included in the nominal diameter
of the bars. The nominal diameter of a deformed bar is equivalent to the diameter of a plain bar
having the same weight per foot as the deformed bar.
2. Plain, round 1/4-inch No. 2 bars only.
3. These figures correspond to the former 1-, 1 1/8-, and 1 1/4-inch-square sizes and are
equivalent to those former standard bar sizes in weight and nominal cross-sectional area.
D = diameter
As = cross-sectional area of bar, in square inches
L4x31/2x1/2 11.9 3.50 5.3 1.90 1.23 1.25 3.8 1.50 1.04 1.00 0.72 0.750
L4x31/2x3/8 9.1 2.67 4.2 1.50 1.25 1.21 3.0 1.20 1.06 0.96 0.73 0.755
L4x31/2x1/4 6.2 1.81 2.9 1.00 1.27 1.16 2.1 0.81 1.07 0.91 0.73 0.759
L4x3x1/2 11.1 3.25 5.1 1.90 1.25 1.33 2.4 1.10 0.86 0.83 0.64 0.543
L4x3x3/8 8.5 2.48 4.0 1.50 1.26 1.28 1.9 0.87 0.88 0.78 0.64 0.551
L4x3x1/4 5.8 1.69 2.8 1.00 1.28 1.24 1.4 0.60 0.90 0.74 0.65 0.558
L31/2x3x1/2 10.2 3.00 3.5 1.50 1.07 1.13 2.3 1.10 0.88 0.88 0.62 0.714
L31/2x3x3/8 7.9 2.30 2.7 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.9 0.85 0.90 0.83 0.62 0.721
L31/2x3x1/4 5.4 1.56 1.9 0.78 1.11 1.04 1.3 0.59 0.91 0.79 0.63 0.727
Nominal d b S3 S3 S3 S3 S3
Size (in) (in) (in) (td = 3 in) (td = 4 in) (td = 5 in) (td = 6 in) (td = 8 in)
b = width
d = depth
S = section modulus
td = deck thickness
*When ideal conditions are approximate. For riveted and bolted truss members (partially restrained), K= 0.75. For
pinned connections in truss members, K = 0.875 (pin friction).
Excerpted from the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, by The American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, Copyright 1996. Note that some of this material may have been superseded by
more recent material. Used by permission.
Nominal d b tf tw m v Lm Sb
Size (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (kip-feet) (kips) (ft) (ft)
W39x211* 39.250 11.750 1.438 0.75 1,901 335 93 19.9
W37x206* 37.250 11.750 1.438 0.75 1,779 335 89 21.0
W36x300 36.750 16.625 1.688 0.94 2,670 410 87 35.3
W36x194 36.500 12.125 1.250 0.81 1,602 340 87 19.2
W36x182 36.375 12.125 1.187 0.75 1,500 320 87 18.3
W36x170 36.125 12.000 1.125 1.06 1,398 300 86 17.3
W36x160 36.000 12.000 1.000 1.06 1,307 288 86 15.4
W36x230 35.875 16.500 1.250 0.75 2,018 332 85 26.6
W36x150 35.875 12.000 0.937 0.62 1,215 276 85 14.5
W36x201* 35.375 11.750 1.438 0.75 1,659 317 84 22.1
Table D-10. Properties of Steel Stringers (Fy is 36 ksi and fb is 29 ksi) (continued)
Nominal d b tf tw m v Lm Sb
Size (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (kip-feet) (kips) (ft) (ft)
W33x196* 33.375 11.750 1.438 0.75 1,539 297 79 23.4
W33x220* 33.250 15.750 1.250 0.81 1,784 309 79 27.4
W33x141 33.250 11.500 0.937 0.62 1,079 247 79 15.0
W33x200 33.000 15.750 1.125 0.56 978 236 79 14.1
W31x180 31.500 11.750 1.312 0.75 1,618 285 79 24.9
W30x124 30.125 10.500 0.937 0.68 1,425 258 75 22.7
W30x116 30.000 10.500 0.875 0.62 856 215 72 15.1
W30x108 29.875 10.500 0.750 0.56 793 207 71 14.2
W30x175* 29.500 11.750 1.312 0.56 723 201 71 12.2
W27x171* 27.500 11.750 1.312 0.68 1,242 240 70 24.2
W27x102 27.125 10.000 0.812 0.68 1,137 222 65 26.0
W27x94 26.875 10.000 0.750 0.50 643 171 65 13.9
W26x157* 25.500 11.750 1.250 0.50 586 162 64 12.9
W24x94 24.250 9.000 0.875 0.62 983 187 61 26.7
W24x84 24.125 9.000 0.750 0.50 534 150 58 15.0
W24x100 24.000 12.000 0.750 0.50 475 137 57 12.4
S24x120 24.000 8.000 1.125 0.50 601 136 57 17.4
S24x106 24.000 7.875 1.125 1.18 606 225 57 17.4
S24x80 24.000 7.000 0.875 0.62 566 176 57 17.1
W24x76 23.875 9.000 0.687 0.50 420 144 57 11.8
W24x153* 23.625 11.750 0.250 0.43 423 128 57 12.0
S24x134* 23.625 8.500 1.250 0.62 889 171 26 28.8
S22x75* 22.000 7.000 0.812 0.81 681 223 26 20.8
W21x139* 21.625 11.750 1.187 0.50 331 132 52 12.0
S21x112* 21.625 7.875 1.187 0.62 751 156 52 30.0
W21x73 21.250 8.250 0.750 0.75 532 188 52 20.0
W21x68 21.125 8.250 0.687 0.50 363 117 51 13.5
W21x62 21.000 8.250 0.625 0.43 338 110 50 12.4
S20x85 20.000 7.125 0.937 0.37 305 102 50 11.4
S21x65* 20.000 6.500 0.812 0.68 362 154 48 15.5
W20x134* 19.625 11.750 1.187 0.43 263 104 48 12.2
W18x60 18.250 7.500 0.687 0.62 667 139 47 32.9
S18x86* 18.250 7.000 1.000 0.43 261 91 43 13.1
S18x55 18.125 7.500 0.625 0.37 236 85 43 12.0
S18x80* 18.000 8.000 0.937 0.50 314 104 43 19.3
W18x50 18.000 7.500 0.562 0.37 215 78 43 10.9
S18x55 18.000 6.000 0.687 0.50 214 99 43 10.6
S18x122* 17.750 11.750 1.062 0.56 696 114 42 32.6
S18x62* 17.750 6.875 0.750 0.37 256 79 42 3.4
S18x77* 17.750 6.625 0.937 0.62 302 128 42 16.2
W16x112* 16.750 11.750 1.000 0.56 483 107 40 32.5
S16x70* 16.750 6.500 0.937 0.62 256 115 40 16.8
W16x50 16.250 7.125 0.625 0.37 194 74 39 12.7
W16x45 16.125 7.000 0.562 0.37 175 67 38 1.3
Table D-10. Properties of Steel Stringers (Fy is 36 ksi and fb is 29 ksi) (continued)
Nominal d b tf tw m v Lm Sb
Size (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (kip-feet) (kips) (ft) (ft)
W16x64 16.000 8.500 0.687 0.43 251 84 38 16.9
W16x40 16.000 7.000 0.500 0.31 156 59 38 10.1
S16x50* 16.000 6.000 0.687 0.43 166 83 38 11.9
W16x36 15.875 7.000 0.437 0.31 136 58 38 8.9
W16x110* 15.750 11.750 1.000 0.56 371 100 37 34.5
S16x62* 15.750 6.125 0.875 0.56 215 101 37 15.8
S16x45* 15.750 5.375 0.625 0.43 161 82 37 9.9
W15x103* 15.000 11.750 0.937 0.56 396 95 36 34.0
S15x56 15.000 5.875 0.812 0.50 186 87 36 14.7
S15x43 15.000 5.500 0.625 0.43 142 73 36 0.6
W14x101* 14.250 11.750 0.937 0.56 369 90 34 35.8
S14x40* 14.250 5.375 0.375 0.37 128 65 34 6.5
S14x51* 14.125 5.625 0.750 0.50 161 82 34 13.8
S14x70* 14.000 8.000 0.937 0.43 219 69 33 24.8
S14x57* 14.000 6.000 0.875 0.50 164 80 33 17.4
W14x34 14.000 6.750 0.437 0.31 117 48 33 9.8
W14x30 13.875 6.750 0.375 0.25 101 46 33 8.4
W14x92* 13.375 11.750 0.875 0.50 319 76 32 35.6
S14x46* 13.375 5.375 0.687 0.50 135 78 32 12.8
S13x35* 13.000 5.000 0.625 0.37 91 57 31 11.1
S13x41* 12.625 5.125 0.687 0.56 116 82 30 12.9
W12x36 12.250 6.625 0.562 0.31 111 44 29 14.1
S12x65* 12.000 8.000 0.937 0.43 195 58 29 28.9
W12x57 12.000 6.500 0.375 1.25 82 35 29 9.4
S12x50 12.000 5.500 0.687 0.68 121 96 29 14.6
S12x32 12.000 5.000 0.562 0.37 87 49 29 10.9
S12x34* 11.250 4.750 0.625 0.43 87 57 27 13.5
W11x76* 11.000 11.000 0.812 0.50 217 61 26 37.6
S10x29* 10.625 4.750 0.562 0.31 72 38 25 10.4
W10x25 10.125 5.750 0.437 0.25 63 30 24 10.5
S10x40 10.000 6.000 0.687 0.37 99 42 24 19.1
S10x35 10.000 5.000 0.500 0.62 70 69 24 11.6
b = width
d = depth
Lm = maximum span length
m = moment capacity
Sb = brace spacing
tf = flange thickness
tw = web thickness
v = shear capacity
A v = t w di (D-1)
D-8. The neutral axis is the plane that splits the area of a shape in half. The
beam is unaffected by compression or tension along this axis. There is no
stress in the beam along this axis. Determine the location of the neutral axis
as follows:
• Simple shapes (squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles).
Divide the depth of the shape by two or three, as appropriate
(Figure D-1).
• Symmetrical, complex shapes. Divide the depth of the member by
two (Figure D-2).
• Unsymmetrical, complex shapes. Use the following procedure:
■ Divide the complex shape into simple shapes and determine the
location of the neutral axes in these sections (Figure D-3,
page D-14).
■ Find the distance from an arbitrary baseline (normally the bottom
of the complex shape) to the neutral axis of each of the simple
shapes (Figure D-4, page D-14).
■ Determine the area of each of the simple shapes (Figure D-5,
page D-14).
■ Determine the distance from the baseline to the neutral axis of the
complex shape by using Figure D-6, page D-15, and the following
Σ Ay
y = ---------- (D-2)
y = distance from the baseline to the neutral axis of the complex shape,
in inches
A = area of the simple shape, in square inches
y = distance from the baseline to the neutral axis of the simple shape,
in inches
d d
d d
na na
d na
d d
--- ---
2 2 1 1
------- -------
3d 3d
d = depth of the stringer
d = depth of the stringer
Shape 1 Shape 1
Shape 2
Shape 3
Shape 4 Shape 2
y = distance from the
baseline to the neutral axis
A = area
y = distance from the baseline to
the neutral axis of the complex
y = distance from the baseline to
the neutral axis of the simple
D-9. Compute the moment of inertia of a shape (with respect to the axis)
using Figure D-6 and the following equation:
∫0 y
d 2
Mi = dA (D-3)
M iC = ΣM iS + ΣAy (D-4)
MiC = moment of inertia of the complex shape about its neutral axis, in
MiS = moment of inertia for each simple shape about its neutral axis,
in inches4
A = area for each simple shape, in square inches
y = distance of the neutral axis of each simple shape to the neutral
axis of the complex shape, in inches
P na
P = force
b b
d d
d na d
I = 1/12bd3 I = 1/36bd3 I = 1/12bd3
Baseline axis b b Baseline axis
LEGEND: 3.14 r
I = -----------------
b = width 4
d = depth r na
I = inertia
r = radius
Section A y Ay2 Io
A1 y1 A1y12 Io1
A2 y2 A2y22 Io2
A3 y3 A3y32 Io3
A4 y4 A4y42 Io4
ΣAy = A1y1 + A2y22 + A3y32 + A4y42 ΣIo = Io1 + Io2 + Io3 + Io4
2 2
A = area for each simple shape
y = distance of the neutral axis of each simple shape to the neutral axis of the complex shape
Io = moment of inertia
D-11. Compute the stress induced in the extreme fiber of a given shape as
follows. The value of Mi/ye is defined as the section modulus of the shape. It is
a measure of the ability of the shape to resist bending moments about a given
Mi M
F b = M ------ = ----- (D-5)
ye S
Fb = induced stress in the extreme fiber of the shape, in ksi
M = moment force applied to the shape, in kip-inches
Mi = moment of inertia of the shape, in inches4
ye = distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the shape, in inches
S = section modulus of the shape, in cubic inches
tw di tw
tPL = thickness of the plate tf = flange thickness
di = interior depth of the beam b = width
tw = web thickness bpl = width of the cover plate
di dw
Afa = net area of one set of
flange angles
Af(1) = area of one flange
di = interior depth of the beam
dw = web depth measured
from angle to angle
tw = web thickness
D-15. The radius of gyration for a shape is the distance from a given axis
(usually the neutral axis) where the concentrated mass of the shape would
have the same moment of inertia as the actual shape. This value is a measure
of how the shape reacts to rotational forces. The purpose of computing the
radius of gyration is to determine the capacity of the shape to resist buckling
that is induced from compressive and bending forces. Compute the radius of
gyration as follows:
r = ------i (D-8)
Structural Mechanics
Engineers working with design analysis encounter mathematical problems
on a daily basis. This appendix supports calculations used in this manual
and consolidates some of the most often used mathematical concepts that
are needed by engineers. Any force that causes an object to rotate is said to
contribute a moment to the object. This and other concepts about loads,
forces, reactions, and how to keep a body in equilibrium are discussed.
E-4. Stress is an internal force, or reaction, that results within a member
when an external load acts on it. The loading condition (the position and
movement of the load) may create in a member one or more of the stresses
discussed below. Based on the material of the member, a limiting value can be
placed on the magnitude of these internal stresses. For design and analysis,
use the values in Appendixes C and D.
E-5. The tension member in Figure E-1 could be a suspension bridge cable or
a truss component. As the member is being pulled, internal tensile stresses
are formed as a reaction to the external loads. Compute the tensile stress as
f T = --- (E-1)
f T = ----
Cross-sectional area
A = cross-sectional area of the member
fT = tensile stress in the member
T = tension
E-6. If a bridge member is loaded compressively (as in the top chord of a truss
bridge), internal compressive stresses are formed as a reaction to the external
loads (Figure E-2). Compute the compressive stress as follows:
f a = ---- (E-2)
C lbs C
f a = ---- = --------
A 2
C Cross-
LEGEND: sectional
C area
A = cross-sectional area
of the member
C = compression C
fa = axial compressive C
stress in the member
E-7. When stringers rest on a cap or sill, bearing stresses are introduced into
both members at the point of contact (Figure E-3). Because of the large
difference in allowable stresses between steel and timber, use bearing plates
to increase the contact area and lower the bearing stress in timber. Compute
the bearing stress as follows:
f B = --- (E-3)
F lbs
f B = ---- = --------
A 2
in Contact area
A = cross-sectional area of the
member resisting shear
F = total bearing load F
fB = bearing stress in the member
E-8. Shear forces act very much like a pair of scissors cutting a piece of paper.
When forces of equal magnitude and opposite direction act on a member,
internal shear forces are generated as a reaction to the external loads
(Figure E-4). Shear failures in stringers usually occur close to the supports in
members that are less than 20 feet long. Compute shear stress as follows:
f v = --- (E-4)
V kips
f v = ---- = -----------
A 2
E-9. Moment is the tendency of a body to rotate about an axis as a result of a
force acting over a lever arm. Using a wrench to turn a bolt is a good example
of moment. The longer the wrench, the less effort that is required to turn the
bolt. Internal moment stresses are generated when members bend (such as
when a stringer bends under the load of a vehicle). As shown in Figure E-5,
compressive and tensile forces are generated inside the stringer as a result of
an applied moment.
E-10. Section modulous is the property that measures the beam’s ability to
resist bending. Although expressed in units of volume, section modulus
functions as an index of the member’s size, shape, and orientation with
Moment arm
F = force
C = compression
T = tension
respect to the load. For example, of the two timber orientations shown in
Figure E-6, page E-6, the one to the left results in less deflection. This
orientation is stronger and distributes the stress better because the
compressive and tensile stresses generated by the moment in the beam are
farther away from each other. Consequently, the section modulus of the
stringer to the left is greater than the section modulus of the stringerto the
• Compute the bending stress as follows:
f b = ----- (E-5)
R d d
F = force R
b = width
d = depth Strong orientation Weak orientation
R = reaction
E-11. If a body is at rest under the action of forces, it is said to be in
equilibrium. To keep a body in equilibrium, the following three conditions
must be met:
• The algebraic sum of all forces in a horizontal direction must equal
zero (Σ FH = 0). The forces acting to the right are considered positive
and the forces acting to the left are considered negative.
• The algebraic sum of all forces in a vertical direction must equal zero
(ΣFv= 0). The forces acting upward are considered positive and the
forces acting downward are considered negative.
• The algebraic sum of all moments about any point must equal zero
(Σ M = 0). The moments acting clockwise are considered positive the
moments acting counterclockwise are considered negative.
E-12. These three conditions of static equilibrium are useful in analyzing the
loading of structural members in a fixed bridge. For example, Figure E-7
shows a simply supported stringer in equilibrium with a 10-kip load acting
vertically at midspan. To design the supports, use the three conditions for
equilibrium to determine the reactions at Points A and B. For this example,
ignore the dead-load effects of the stringer.
E-13. There are no horizontal forces, so the value for ∑FH is zero. Since the
stringer is in equilibrium, the value for ∑Fv is also zero. The values for the
reactions at Points A and B are unknown. However, even with two unknowns,
the following equation must be true:
Σ 10Fv = R A – P + R B = 0 (E-7)
= R A – 10 + R B = 0
10′ P = 10 kips
Point A Point B
P = force (applied load)
RA = reaction at Point A
RB = reaction at Point B
E-14. The moments about any point must also equal zero. The first step in
summing the moments is to choose the point around which to sum the
moments (the assumed point of rotation). The point of rotation can be
anywhere on or off the beam, but it should eliminate one of the unknowns
from the summation of moments equation.
E-15. Start at the left support (Point A) and sum all the moments caused by
all the forces acting on the beam. The moment caused by a force equals the
load multiplied by the perpendicular distance from the force’s line of action to
the point of rotation. Since all the forces acting on the beam are vertical, find
the horizontal distance from the point at which the load acts to Point A. Sum
all of the forces about Point A as follows:
Σ M A = R A ( 0 ) + Px + R B L = R A ( 0 ) + 10 ( 10 ) + [ -R B ( 20 ) ] (E-8)
E-16. Every force that acts on the beam must be included in the summation.
The value for RA(0) equals zero, so the unknown RA drops out of the equation
and only one unknown is left. With only one unknown, compute the reaction
at Point B as follows:
10 ( 10 ) – R B 20 = 0 (E-9)
10 ( 10 )
R B = ----------------- = 5
R A – 10 + 5 = 0 (E-10)
R A = 10 – 5 = 5
Σ F v = R A – P + RB = 5 – 10 + 5 = 0 (E-11)
E-20. To span a gap, a beam must remain rigid to keep from bending and
falling into the gap (unlike a cable which bends and falls). The force that
prevents a beam from bending is called the internal moment force. The beam
must also have internal shear forces or it will not be able to resist cutting
forces acting on it. As the beam must be rigid enough to span a gap, it must be
in static equilibrium both internally and externally. The equilibrium
equations apply both to the beam as a whole or to any portion of the beam.
E-21. Internal shear and moment act as a couple—two equal forces acting in
opposite directions—as illustrated in the free-body diagrams in Figure E-8. In
shear and moment calculations, always assume a positive couple. Then, if the
assumptions are correct, the calculations will show positive shear or moment.
If the assumptions are incorrect, the calculations will show negative shear or
moment. If each shear-and-moment couple used the same negative and
positive designation as those for the forces in static equilibrium, each couple
would show both positive and negative forces. For this reason, use the sign
conventions shown in the legend for Figure E-8. To determine the internal
shear and moment values, analyze either of the free-body diagrams
(Figure E-8) as if each were a separate beam with two unknown forces acting
on the ends.
10 K
X 10 K
Vi Vi
5K 5K
X = perpendicular distance
K = kips
RA = reaction at Point A
RB = reaction at Point B
Vi = internal shear
Σ FV = RA – Vi = 5 – Vi = 0 (E-12)
Σ F V = 5 kips – V i = 0 → V i = 5 kips
FV = total shear
5 kips Vi = internal shear
E-23. To find the internal moment, sum the moments of all the forces to the
left of the point of interest (Figure E-9). The best assumed point of rotation is
at the center of the point of interest. Begin at the far left of the diagram and
work to the moment at the point of interest (Figure E-10) using the following
Σ M = R A x + V i ( 0 ) – ( – Mi ) = 5x + 50 – M i = 0 (E-13)
Mi = 5x
K = kips 5K
Mi = internal moment in
the member
X = distance
E-26. For shear and moment diagrams, start with a diagram of the beam. For
this example, Figure E-11 shows a beam with two concentrated loads acting
on it.
10 K 20 K
RA = 17.5 K RB = 12.5 K
K = kips
RA = reaction at Point A
RB = reaction at Point B
Shear Diagram
E-27. A shear diagram always begins and ends with the shear value equal to
zero. The first step in drawing shear diagrams is to determine the support
reactions due to the applied loads (use the conditions of static equilibrium).
Next, draw a baseline directly below the beam diagram and to the same
horizontal scale (Figure E-12, page E-12). This line represents the horizontal
axis where the value of shear equals zero. Draw light vertical lines at the ends
of the baseline to mark the beginning and end of the diagram. The key
locations are to the immediate right and left of any load or reaction. Find the
internal shear of the key locations (listed in equation E-14) in the beam from
the reaction at Point A (RA).
V B1 = R A = 17.5 kips
V D = R A – 10 kips – 20 kips + R B = 0
10 K 20 K
RA = 17.5 K RB = 12.5 K
17.5 K
7.5 K
V=0 0K
E-28. Plot the shear values on the diagram as shown in Figure E-12. All
values above the line are positive and those values below the line are negative.
As the diagram shows, the internal shear remains constant between applied
loads. Internal shear only changes at points where the load is applied. The
shear value for the beam equals the reactions in the supports at the ends of
the beam.
Moment Diagram
E-29. Begin the moment diagram by drawing a baseline directly below the
shear diagram and to the same horizontal scale (Figure E-13). The baseline is
the reference line where the moment equals zero.
10 K 20 K
RA = 17.5 K RB = 12.5 K
17.5 K
7.5 K
V=0 0K
-12.5 K -12.5 K
Shear diagram
250 K
175 K
M=0 0 kip-feet
A = Point A
B = Point B
C = Point C
D = Point D
K = kips
M = moment
RA = reaction at Point A
RB = reaction at Point B
V = internal shear
E-30. The key points for moment are at the points of the applied loads (Points
A, B, C, and D in the diagram). To find the values for internal moment at the
key points, start at Point A and work to the right, summing all of the
moments (listed in equation E-15) to the left of the point of interest. A moment
is a force times the perpendicular distance between the line of action of the
force and the point at which moments are summed.
M A = 17.5 ( 0 ) = 0 (E-15)
M D = 17.5 ( 40 ) – 10 ( 30 ) – 20 ( 20 ) + 12.5 ( 0 ) = 0
MA = moment at Point A
MB = moment at Point B
MC = moment at Point C
MD = moment at Point D
E-31. Plot the values for internal moment as shown in Figure E-13,
page E-13. As the diagram shows, maximum shear is at the ends of the beam
and maximum moment is at the center of the beam. The shear and moment
anywhere along the beam can be determined from this diagram.
E-32. Figure E-14 shows a diagram for a uniformly loaded beam. A uniform
load includes the weights of the beam, bridge deck, and snow or ice loads that
are applied evenly along the length of a beam. Tracked vehicles also distribute
loads along the length of the span. Uniformly distributed loads are expressed
in an amount of loading per foot of span (in kips).
W = 2 kip-feet
RA = reaction at Point A
RB = reaction at Point B
W = uniform load on the span
External Forces
E-33. The first step in drawing shear and moment diagrams is finding the
external reactions at the supports. The total vertical forces and the total
moments will both equal zero. The vertical forces acting in an upward
direction are the unknown reactions at the supports. The vertical forces acting
in a downward direction are the uniformly distributed load. To determine the
total load acting downward on the span, multiply the uniformly distributed
load by the span length. Compute as follows:
Σ F V = R A + wL + RB = R A + [ – 2 ( 20 ) ] + R B = 0 (E-16)
2 x 20 = 40 kip-feet
W = 2 kip-feet
W= uniform load on the span
E-35. To get rid of one of the unknowns in equation E-8, sum the moments
about one of the supports (Point A or B). Compute as follows:
• For this example, start at the far left of the diagram for the
concentrated load and sum the moments about Point A.
Σ M A = R A ( 0 ) + Px + R B L = R A ( 0 ) + 40 ( 10 ) + [ – R B ( 20 ) ] = 0 (E-17)
400 – R B 20 = 0 (E-18)
R B = --------- = 20 kips
R A – 40 + 20 = 0 (E-19)
R A = 40 – 20 = 20 kips
Shear Diagram
E-36. Figure E-16 shows a uniformly loaded beam. Calculate for shear as
• To compute the internal shear of the beam, start at the far left and
sum all of the vertical forces to the point of interest (Figure E-17) as
ΣF V = R A – Wx – V i = 20 – 2x – V i = 0 (E-20)
V i = R A – Wx (E-21)
= 20 – 2 ( 5 ) = 10 kips
= 20 – 2 ( 10 ) = 0 kips
= 20 – 2 ( 15 ) = – 10 kips
= 20 – 2 ( 20 ) = – 20 kips
2 kip-feet
20 kips 20 kips
20 kip-feet 2 kip-feet
20 K X VX X 20 K
2 kip-feet
MX = moment 20 K X VX
VX = shear
X = perpendicular distance
K = kips
E-37. Analyzing the equation algebraically will show that internal shear is a
linear function of the distance from the support. Plotting the results of the
equation gives a straight line that starts at 20, for a length value equal to 0,
and ends at -20, for a length value equal to 20 (Figure E-18).
W = 2 kip-feet
V=0 V = 0 kips
V = shear Shear Diagram
W = uniform load
RA = reaction at Point A
RB = reaction at Point B
Moment Diagram
E-38. Begin the moment diagram by deriving a general equation for internal
moment at any point. To do this, pretend to cut the beam at an unknown
distance from the left support. Sum all of the moments about the cut point.
Then, convert the portion of the uniformly distributed load acting on the span
to the left of the cut into an equivalent concentrated load (Figure E-19).
• Compute the internal moment by summing the moments about
Point D for all the forces acting to the left:
Σ M d = R A x + –2 x --- + V i ( 0 ) + ( –M i ) = 20x – x – M i = 0
x 2
X VX X/2 X/2 VX
MX = moment
VX = shear
X = distance
W = 2 kip-feet
V=0 V = 0 kips
75 75
M=0 M = 0 kip-feet
Moment Diagram
M = moment
RA = reaction at Point A
RB = reaction at Point B
V = shear
W = uniform load on the span
R = V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ------
x wl
Vx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = w --- – x
R R 2
1/2 2
1/2 wl
M max (at center) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = --------
Shear V Mx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ------- ( l – x )
∆ max (at center). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5wl
= --------------
M max
∆ x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wx 3 2 3
= ---------- ( l – 2lx + x )
E = modulus of elasticity V = shear
l = span length w = uniform load on the span
M = moment x = distance
R = reaction
180E ( l )
E = modulus of elasticity V = shear
l = span length V1 = shear at Point 1
M = moment V2 = shear at Point 2
R1 = reaction at Point 1 W = applied load
R2 = reaction at Point 2 x = distance
E = modulus of elasticity V = shear
l = span length V1 = shear at Point 1
M = moment V2 = shear at Point 2
R1 = reaction at Point 1 W = applied load
R2 = reaction at Point 2 x = distance
x wb
wb R1 = V1 (max when a < c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -------- ( 2c + b )
R1 R2
R2 = V2 (max when a > c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -------- ( 2a + b )
b c
Vx (when x > a and < [a + b]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . = R 1 – w ( x – a )
V1 Shear
M max (at x = a + ------1- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = R 1 a + -------1-
R1 w 2w
a + -------
w Mx (when x < a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = R 1 x
M max w 2
Mx (when x > a and < [a + b]) . . . . . . . . . . = R 1 x – ---- ( x – a )
Mx (when x > [a + b]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = R 2 ( l – x )
a = distance R2 = reaction at Point 2
b = distance V1 = shear at Point 1
c = distance V2 = shear at Point 2
l = span length w = uniform load on the span
M = moment x = distance
R1 = reaction at Point 1
l P
P R = V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ----
x 2
R R Pl
M max (at point of load) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -----
1/2 1/2 1 Px
Mx (when x < --- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -------
2 2
Shear V
∆ max (at point of load). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pl
= ----------
∆ x (when x < --1- ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Px 2 2
---------- ( 31 – 4x )
M max 2 48E
E = modulus of elasticity R = reaction
l = span length V = shear
M = moment x = distance
P = concentrated load
x P R1 = V1 (max when a < b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -------
R2 = V2 (max when a > b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -------
M max (at point of load). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -----------
V1 l
V2 Pbx
Mx (when x < a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = -----------
Shear l
a ( a + 2b ) ( a + 2b ) 3a ( 2 + 2b )
M max
∆ max (at x = ------------------------- when a > b) . . . = Pab
2 2
Moment ∆ a (at point of load) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa b
= ----------------
E = modulus of elasticity R2 = reaction at Point 2
l = span length V1 = shear at Point 1
M = moment V2 = shear at Point 2
P = concentrated load x = distance
R1 = reaction at Point 1
x R=V .......................................... =P
Mx (when x < a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Px
Shear V ∆ max (at center) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ---------
Pa 2 2
- ( 3l – 4a )
a = distance P = concentrated load
E = modulus of elasticity R = reaction
l = span length V = shear
M = moment x = distance
l P
R1 = V1 (max when a < b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ---- ( l – a + b )
x P P l
R1 R2 P
R2 = V2 (max when a > b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ---- ( l – b + a )
a b P
Vx (when x > a and < [l - b]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = ---- ( b – a )
M1 (max when a > b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .= R1a
Shear V2
M2 (max when a < b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .= R2b
a = distance M1 = moment at Point 1 R2 = reaction at Point 2
b = distance M2 = moment at Point 2 V1 = shear at Point 1
l = span length P = concentrated load V2 = shear at Point 2
M = moment R1 = reaction at Point 1 x = distance
a = distance P1 = concentrated load at Point 1 V2 = shear at Point 2
b = distance P2 = concentrated load at Point 2 x = distance
l = span length R1 = reaction at Point 1
M1 = moment at Point 1 R2 = reaction at Point 2
M2 = moment at Point 2 V1 = shear at Point 1
∆ x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wx 3 2 3
= ---------- ( l – 3lx + 2x )
E = modulus of elasticity R2 = reaction at Point 2
l = span length V1 = shear at Point 1
M = moment V2 = shear at Point 2
M1 = moment at Point 1 w = uniform load on the span
R1 = reaction at Point 1 x = distance
Classification Examples
This appendix contains classification examples using the analytical
classification procedure. Refer to Chapter 3 for a detailed discussion of the
F-1. This appendix contains examples for classifying a bridge using the
analytical classification procedure. The following notations are used in this
Aps = total area of the prestressed steel in the bottom half of the beam
at midspan, in square inches
Arivets = rivet area
As = area of bearing plates, square inches
Ast = area of tension steel, in square inches
At = total area of the tension chord of one truss, in square inches
Av = effective shear area, in square inches
Aw = area of the web, in square inches
Aweb = web area
F-2. In this example, Table F-1, pages F-5 and F-6, shows the procedure for
classifying a timber-stringer bridge and Table F-2, page F-6, contains a
classification summary. Figure F-1, page F-7, shows a sample bridge-
reconnaissance report for a timber-stringer bridge. Information from an on-
site inspection is as follows:
• The bridge is in good condition.
• All members are in good condition.
• The piling and abutment end beams have been treated to reduce
deterioration. Therefore, substructure is not rated.
• The bridge is about two years old.
• Each of the three spans are constructed identically, so the longer
(17-foot) span will be classified as the weakest span.
• The timber species is dense, select-structural Douglas fir.
• The horizontal splits are no longer than 6 inches.
3 Equivalent span length para 3-42 Leff = (0.7)(17 ft) = 11.9 ft (interior span)
para 3-34, 3-49 S = 432 in3
FbS (eq 3-2)
4 m = ---------
12 ( 2.53 ) ( 432 )
Use Tables C-4 and m = ----------------------------- = 91.08 kip-feet
C-5 to find S.
8 × 18
W DL = ( 9 ) --------------- ( 32 ) + 6 × ------ ( 50 ) ( 24 )
144 12
para 3-29, 3-35
+ 2 × ------ ( 150 ) ( 24 ) + 100 = 1,588 lb/ft
Total dead-load weight of the bridge Compute for an 1
5 12
components average 1-ft length
of bridge span.
1,588 lb/ft
W DL = ------------------------- = 1.59 kpf
2 para 3-35 2
w DL L ( 0.176 ) ( 11.9 )
7 m DL = ------------------ (eq 3-3) m DL = ------------------------------------- = 3.12 kip-feet
8 8
L = Leff = 11.9 ft
para 3-51
13 v = Av Fv v = (96)(0.113) = 10.85 kips
(eq 3-6)
para 3-53
15 vLL = v - vDL vLL = 10.85 - 0.783 = 10.07 kips
(eq 3-8)
One lane:
V LL = ( 5.33 ) ( 10.07 ) ------------------------ = 44.71 kips
0.6 + ----------
1 para 3-54 3.33
16 V LL = 5.33v LL ------------------------------
0.6 + ----------
2 (eq 3-9) Two lanes:
V LL = ( 5.33 ) ( 10.07 ) ------------------------ = 41.07 kips
0.6 + ----------
Appendix B One lane: Two lanes:
Table B-2 or
17 Shear classification W43 W35
Figures B-3, B-4
T45 T41
L = 11.9 ft
S = (0.75)(3 ft) = 2.25 ft = 27 in
para 3-57, 3-58,
Deck classification
18 3-59 with t = 6 in
(laminated plank)
Figure 3-13 ∴ class 50-150
One lane: Two lanes:
para 3-61
19 Width classification W150 W60
Table 3-4
T150 T60
One lane: Two lanes:
20 Final classification N/A W43 W35
T45 T41
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
Final 43 35 45 41
NOTE: For one-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, and deck classifica-
tions. Post a width-restriction sign if the width classification is smaller than the final classification. For two-lane
bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, width, and deck classifications.
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
3′ 4′ Pile abutments
12″ X 12″ 6, 12″ φ
26′ Heavner 10 mi
2″ X 4″
r ma
2″ asphalt wearing surface
12″ X 6″ Rob’s
curbs Store
9 stringers
2″ X 6″ @ 100% deck
300′ AB123456
US 210
12″ 12″
Piles 12″
8″ Caps Jacksonville
15 mi
Stringers N
F-3. In this example, Table F-3 shows the procedure for classifying a steel-
stringer bridge and Table F-4 contains a classification summary. Figure F-2,
page F-10, shows a sample bridge-reconnaissance report for a steel-stringer
bridge. Information from an on-site inspection is as follows:
• The bridge is in excellent condition.
• The date built is unknown.
• The steel-stringer sections were identified by comparing dimensions
with the section properties found in Appendix D.
• The concrete deck does not act to increase the moment capability of
the stringers. Therefore, it is noncomposite.
2 2
w DL L para 3-35 ( 1.22 ) ( 72 )
5 m DL = ------------------ m DL = ----------------------------- = 790.56 kip-feet
8 (eq 3-3) 8
One lane:
para 3-38 M LL = ( 1.79 ) ( 1,122.12 ) = 2,008.59 kip-feet
8 MLL = N1,2mLL
(eq 3-5) Two lanes:
M LL = ( 1.40 ) ( 1,122.12 ) = 1,570.97 kip-feet
Appendix B One lane: Two lanes:
Table B-2 or
9 Moment classification W65 W50
Figures B-1, B-2
L = 72 ft T60 T45
Seldom critical
10 Deck classification N/A
(para 3-65)
One lane: Two lanes:
11 Width classification Table 3-4 W150 W100
T150 T100
One lane: Two lanes:
12 Final classification para 3-66 W65 W50
T60 T45
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
Moment (step 9) 65 50 60 45
Final 65 50 60 45
NOTE: For one-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, and deck
classifications. Post a width-restriction sign if the width classification is smaller than the final classification. For
two-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, width, and deck classifications.
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
15.5′ abutments
US Highway 212
Looking northwest
1′ 1′ 1.6 mi
3′ 3′ i
7″ Concrete slab 2
12″ hn
2′ 4″ Howard’s House Ha
of Snakes
Large e Ro
tobacco at
7′ 10″ barn
31.33′ “Ring
5 lateral braces between
5 stringers (no
cover plates) each pair of stringers AB123456
MEMBER 1 SQUARE = None Wiederich
10 mi
1 5/8″ 5/8″
18″ braces (16)
1/2″ US 212
36 3/4″ (4 lanes undivided)
Bearing plates
41″ N
16 5/8″
Palmerton 12 mi
Stringers (5)
15″ 45″
4 Equivalent span length para 3-42 Leff = (0.7)(80) = 56 ft (for interior span)
2 para 3-35 2
w DL L (eq 3-3) ( 1.0375 ) ( 56 )
m DL = ------------------ m DL = ----------------------------------- = 406.7 kip-feet
8 L = Leff = 56 ft 8
Table F-5. Classification Procedure for a Composite Steel-Concrete Stringer Bridge (continued)
Section A y Ay
Σ= 47.25 — 825.51
Section modulus: y c = ---------------- = 17.47 in
S steel = ---- 3
ys ( 12 ) ( 0.5625 )
I o top flange = ----------------------------------- = 0.1780
The values for y
ΣAy 3
y c = ---------- are given. ( 0.375 ) ( 48 )
7 ΣA I o web = -------------------------------- = 3,456
2 para 3-72
I s = ΣI o + ΣAy ( 12 ) ( 1.875 )
I o bottom flange = -------------------------------- = 6.59
I o = ---------
Section A y Ay Io
Σ= — — 14,652.32 3,462.7700
Table F-5. Classification Procedure for a Composite Steel-Concrete Stringer Bridge (continued)
Section A y Ay
Σ= 120.75 — 4,790.10
I o = --------- 2
12 Section A y Ay Io
Σ= — — 52,883.03 3,762.8980
para 3-77
( F b – F DL )S composite ( 27 – 4.71 ) ( 1,427.93 )
12 m LL = ----------------------------------------------------- (eq 3-14) m LL = ----------------------------------------------------- = 2,306.42 kip-feet
( 1 + x )12 ( 1 + 0.15 ) ( 12 )
x = 0.15 (steel)
Table F-5. Classification Procedure for a Composite Steel-Concrete Stringer Bridge (continued)
Appendix B
One lane: Two lanes:
Table B-2 or
14 Moment classification W150 W150
Figures B-1, B-2
L = Leff = 56 ft T150 T150
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
NOTE: For one-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, and deck classifica-
tions. Post a width-restriction sign if the width classification is smaller than the final classification. For two-lane
bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, width, and deck classifications.
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
16′ 16′
28′ 2′8″
7″ iv e
Nagel and Son Dr
10″ l er
Hardware Store w
8′4″ 2′
25′ 4′2″
3 mi
26 mi Interstate 100
(4 lanes divided)
0.5625″ (9/16″)
0.375″ (3/8″)
1.875″ (1 7/8″)
n = modular ratio between concrete and steel
yc = centroid of the composite section
ys = centroid of the steel section alone
F-5. In this example, Table F-7, pages F-17 through F-20, shows the
procedure for classifying a steel-girder bridge, and Table F-8, page F-21,
contains a classification summary for a steel-girder bridge. Figure F-5,
page F-22, shows a sample bridge-reconnaissance report for a steel-girder
bridge. Figures F-6 and F-7, page F-23, show details of the girder. According to
civilian authorities, the deck is a concrete slab constructed of noncomposite
A f ( 1 ) = ( 15 ) ( 3 ) + ( 2 ) ( 6 × 0.75 ) + ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 3.75 )
Deduct cross- 2
sectional area of = 61.5 in
rivet holes. Use 2
Aw A w = ( 60 ) ( 1 ) – ( 10 ) ( 1 ) ( 1 ) = 50 in
3 S girder = d w A f ( 1 ) + ------- + d i A fa approximate
6 section modulus 2
equation. A fa = ( 2 ) ( 7.25 ) ( 0.75 ) – ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 2.5 ) = 5.88 in
(eq D-7)
S girder = 61 46.5 + ------ + ( 45 ) ( 5.88 ) = 3,609.41 in
50 3
A flanges = ( 6 ) ( 15 ) ( 1 ) = 90 in
A angles = ( 4 ) ( 9.94 ) = 39.76 in
5 Area girder para 3-87
A web = ( 60 ) ( 1 ) = 60 in
A girder = ( 90 + 39.76 + 60 ) = 189.7 in
490 ) ( 88.3 ) ( 30 ) ( 33.3 ) ( 4 – 1 )
- × -------------------------------------------- = 1.56 kpf
( 12 ) ( 33.3 ) ( 12,000 ) ( 2 ) ( 100 )
para 3-87
6 Dead load per girder (eq 3-19 through ( 490 ) ( 189.76 )
w g = ----------------------------------- = 0.646 kpf
3-22) 144,000
2 2
7 w DL L para 3-88 ( 2.241 ) ( 100 )
m DL = ------------------ (eq 3-23) m DL = ----------------------------------- = 2,801.25 kip-feet
8 8
One lane:
Appendix C
para 3-91 One lane: Two lanes:
10 Girder moment classification Table B-2 or W100 W75
Figures B-1, B-2 T100 T75
L = 100 ft
( 490 ) ( 24.7 ) 1
w DL = ( 7 ) ( 4 ) ( 150 ) + ----------------------------- × ----------------
11 Dead load per stringer para 3-29, 3-35 12 12,000
= 0.434 kpf
Ss = 4 ft:
One lane:
14 14
para 3-32, 3-92 N 1 = ------ = ------ = 3.5
12 Effective number of stringers Ss 4
Table 3-3
Two lanes:
11 11
N 2 = ------ = ------ = 2.75
Ss 4
para 3-64
Fb S (eq 3-2) ( 22.5 ) ( 196 )
13 m = --------- m = ----------------------------- = 367.5 kip-feet
12 Use Table D-2 to 12
find S.
2 para 3-29, 3-35 2
w DL L (eq 3-3, 3-26) ( 0.434 kpf ) ( 33.3 ft )
14 m DL = ------------------ m DL = -------------------------------------------------- = 60.16 kip-feet
8 L = Sf = 33.3 ft 8
Appendix B
One lane: Two lanes:
Table B-2 or
17 Stringer moment classification W100 W80
Figures B-1, B-2
T75 T55
L = 33.3 ft
para 3-63, 3-93
18 Allowable shear stress Fv = 0.45Fy = (0.45)(30) = 13.5 ksi
Table 3-6
para 3-93
(eq 3-27)
19 v = Av Fv
Obtain Av from
v = (10.60 in2)(13.5 ksi) = 143.1 kips
Table D-2.
w DL S f para 3-93 ( 0.434 ) ( 33.3 )
20 v DL = ---------------- v DL = ---------------------------------- = 7.23 kips
2 (eq 3-28) 2
para 3-93
21 vLL = v - vDL vLL = 143.1 - 7.23 = 135.87 kips
(eq 3-29)
2v LL para 3-93 ( 2 ) ( 135.85 )
22 V LL = ------------ V LL = ----------------------------- = 236.26 kips
1.15 (eq 3-30) 1.15
Appendix B
One lane: Two lanes:
Table B-3 or
23 Stringer shear classification W150 W150
Figures B-3, B-4
T150 T150
L = 33.3 ft
para 3-95
Fb S (eq 3-31) ( 22.5 ) ( 1,110 )
24 m = --------- for floor beams m = ---------------------------------- = 2,081.25 kip-feet
12 Use Table D-2 to 12
find S.
( 490 ) ( 24.7 ) ( 7 )
w DL = ( 7 ) ( 26 ) ( 150 ) + -------------------------------------- +
para 3-96
25 Dead load per floor beam
(eq 3-32)
( 490 ) ( 88.3 ) ( 30 )
---------------------------------------- 33.3
- × ----------------------------------- = 1.04 kpf
( 12 ) ( 33.3 ) ( 12,000 ) ( 100 )
2 2
w DL S g para 3-96 ( 1.04 ) ( 30 )
m DL = -------------------- m DL = ----------------------------- = 117.0 kip-feet
8 (eq 3-33) 8
para 3-97
m – m DL 2,081.25 – 117.0
27 m LL = ---------------------- (eq 3-34) m LL = ---------------------------------------- = 1,708.04 kip-feet
1+x 1 + 0.15
x = 0.15 (steel)
One-way traffic: para 3-98
P e = ( 2 ) ( 1,708.04 ) --------------- = 148.53 kips
(eq 3-35) 1
P e = 2m LL -----------------
28 1
30 – 7
S –S g e Se = 7 ft
para 3-103
v – v DL ( 425.25 – 15.6 )
33 v LL = ------------------ (eq 3-39) v LL = ------------------------------------- = 356.22 kips
1+x 1 + 0.15
x = 0.15 (steel)
P e = ( 356.22 ) ( 30 ) ------------------------------------
One-way traffic: 30 + 24 – 3 – 7
para 3-104
P e = v LL S g ------------------------------------------ ≥ v LL
34 1
S + b – 3.0 – S
(eq 3-40) = 242.88 kips < 425.25 kips
g r e
∴ P e = 425.25 kips
Two-way traffic:
( 356.22 ) ( 30 )
P e = -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
v LL S g 2 30 + 24 – 3 – 27 – 7
P e = --------------- para 3-104
35 2 (eq 3-41) = 314.31 kips < 850.5 kips
S + b – 3.0 – 2S – C ≥ 2v LL ∴ P e = 850.5 kips
g r e v
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
Final 100 60 75 55
NOTE: For one-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, and deck
classifications. Post a width-restriction sign if the width classification is smaller than the final classification. For
two-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, width, and deck
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
Floor beams
(inside girders) 33.3′
Main 26″
girder Southern Railway
Concrete Freight Yard Concrete
abutment abutment
Looking south
12″ 24′
61″ Kenneth Street
To Jostville
4′ 3 braces between
each stringer Johnnie Street
Floor Isidro Railway Yard
30′ To Fiscueberg
3/4″ 3″ James
1/4″ Braces (27)
24″ 1/2″
I-75 2.3 mi
16 5/8″
36 3/4″ 1″ Floor
Stringers (7)
beams N
1 5/8″ (4 total)
60″ x 1″ plate
61″ 5@
0.50″ gap 2.56″
Area y Ay
3″ 15 31.625 15,002
3″ 2.5″
5 27.500 3,781
3″ 2 24.500 3,001
4.5″ 2 20.000 800
8″ 2 12.000 288
2 4.000 32
— — 22,904 in4
F-6. In this example, Table F-9, pages F-24 through F-28, shows the
procedure for classifying a truss bridge. Table F-10, page F-28, contains a
classification summary. Figure F-8, page F-29, shows a sample bridge-
reconnaissance report for a truss bridge. Figures F-9 and F-10, page F-30,
show details of the bridge.
π ( 0.75 ) 2
A rivets = --------------------- × 4 = 1.77 in
2 2
w DL L para 3-118 ( 4.19 ) ( 160 )
4 m DL = ------------------ m DL = -------------------------------- = 13,408 kip-feet
8 (eq 3-47) 8
A angles = 8.44 – ( 4 ) ( 0.375 ) ( 0.75 ) = 7.32 in
Deduct cross-
6 Net-area tension chord sectional area of A plates = 36 – ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 0.75 ) = 33 in
rivet holes. net
A n = 7.32 + 33 = 40.32 in
para 3-119
7 T = Ft An T = ( 22.5 ) ( 40.32 ) = 907.2 kips
(eq 3-48)
para 3-120 L x = L y = 20 ft
KL x (eq 3-49, 3-50)
---------- KL x
rx Use K = 0.88 (for ( 0.88 ) ( 20 ) ( 12 )
---------- = -------------------------------------- = 30.09
8 unknown type). rx ( 0.39 ) ( 18 )
and— Determine rx and
ry from para D-15 KL y ( 0.88 ) ( 20 ) ( 12 )
KL y ---------- = -------------------------------------- = 30.72
---------- and eq D-8. ry ( 0.55 ) ( 12.5 )
St 43
N 2 = ---------------------------------------- N 2 = ------------------------------------------ = 1.0
S t + b r – 17 – C v 43 + 38 – 17 – 21
One lane:
para 3-125 MLL = (1.21)(6,960.07) = 8,421.68 kip-feet
15 MLL = N1,2mLL
(eq 3-57) Two lanes:
MLL = (1.0)(6,960.07) = 6960.07 kip-feet
para 3-126
Appendix B One lane: Two lanes:
16 Truss moment classification Table B-2 or W100 W85
Figures B-1, B-2 T110 T90
L = 160 ft
para 3-63, 3-127
17 Yield stress Fy = 30 ksi (unknown type and date)
Tables 3-5, 3-6
Allowable stress Fb = 0.75Fy = (0.75)(30) = 22.5 ksi
para 3-64
Fb S (eq 3-2) ( 22.5 ) ( 222 )
20 m = --------- m = ----------------------------- = 416.25 kip-feet
12 Use Table D-2 to 12
find S (W24x94).
2 para 3-29, 3-35 2
w DL L (eq 3-3, 3-26) ( 0.569 ) ( 20 )
m DL = ------------------ m DL = -------------------------------- = 28.45 kip-feet
8 L = Sf = 20 ft 8
m – m DL para 3-36
416.25 – 28.45
22 m LL = ---------------------- (eq 3-4) m LL = ------------------------------------ = 337.25 kip-feet
1+x 1 + 0.15
x = 0.15 (steel)
One lane:
para 3-38 MLL = (2.21)(337.22) = 745.25 kip-feet
23 MLL = N1,2 mLL
(eq 3-5) Two lanes:
MLL = (1.74)(337.22) = 586.76 kip-feet
Appendix B One lane: Two lanes:
Table B-2 or
24 Stringer moment classification W150 W150
Figures B-1, B-2
L = 20 ft T150 T110
para 3-93
28 v LL = v – v DL v LL = 157.14 – 5.69 = 151.45 kips
(eq 3-29)
2v LL para 3-93 ( 2 ) ( 151.45 )
29 V LL = ------------ V LL = ----------------------------- = 263.39 kips
1.15 (eq 3-30) 1.15
( 490 ) ( 27.7 ) ( 7 )
w DL = ( 6 ) ( 40 ) ( 150 ) + -------------------------------------- +
para 3-96 12
32 Dead load per floor beam
(eq 3-32)
( 490 ) ( 82.4 ) ( 43 ) 20
----------------------------------------- × ----------------------------------- = 0.533 kpf
( 12 ) ( 20 ) ( 12,000 ) ( 160 )
2 2
w DL S f para 3-96 ( 0.533 ) ( 30 )
33 m DL = ------------------- m DL = -------------------------------- = 59.96 kip-feet
8 (eq 3-33) 8
para 3-97
m – m DL ( 1,931.25 – 59.96 )
34 m LL = ---------------------- (eq 3-34) m LL = --------------------------------------------- = 1,627.21 kip-feet
1+x 1 + 0.15
x = 0.15 (steel)
One-way traffic:
P e = ( 2 ) ( 1,627.21 ) --------------- = 90.40 kips
para 3-98 1
P e = 2m LL ----------------- 43 – 7
1 (eq 3-35)
Sg – Se
para 3-98
Two-way traffic:
(eq 3-36)
P e = ( 2 ) ( 1,627.23 ) --------------------------- = 216.96 kips
36 Use Cv as
P e = 2m LL ----------------------------- 43 – 7 – 21
S –S –C g e v
computed in
step 14.
para 3-99 One lane: Two lanes:
Figures 3-21
37 Floor-beam moment classification W150 W150
through 3-24
L = 20 ft T150 T150
para 3-101
(eq 3-37)
38 v = A v Fv
Obtain Av from
v = (29.6 in2)(13.5 ksi) = 399.6 kips
Table D-2.
w DL S g para 3-102 ( 0.533 ) ( 43 )
39 v DL = ----------------- v DL = ----------------------------- = 11.46 kips
2 (eq 3-38) 2
v – v DL para 3-103
399.6 – 11.46
40 v LL = ------------------ (eq 3-39) v LL = --------------------------------- = 337.51 kips
1+x 1 + 0.15
x = 0.15 (steel)
P e = ( 337.51 ) ( 43 ) ------------------------------------
One-way traffic: 43 + 38 – 3 – 7
para 3-104
P e = v LL S g ------------------------------------------ ≥ v LL
41 1
S + b – 3.0 – S (eq 3-40) = 204.41 kips < 399.6 kips
g r e
∴ P e = 399.6 kips
( 337.51 ) ( 43 ) 1
Two-way traffic: P e = -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
2 43 + 38 – 3 – 2 ( 7 ) – 21
v LL S g para 3-104
Pe = --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ≥ 2v LL
2 S g + b r – 3.0 – 2S e – C v
(eq 3-41) = 168.78 kips < 799.2 kips
∴ P e = 799.2 kips
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
NOTE: For one-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, and deck
classifications. Post a width-restriction sign if the width classification is smaller than the final classification. For two-
lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment, shear, width, and deck classifications.
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
Top chord
30 mi
6.33′ Kasper’s
spacing Spook AB 123456
43′ House
21″ 3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ x 3/8″
3″ x 3″ x 3/8″
a rk
3/4″ N
18″ 1″ 18″
w ay
3 1/2″
1/2″ Thomasville 5 mi
Top chord Bottom chord
24. Computation of Bridge Class
Stringers identified as 2 each W21x62 and 5 each W24x94. Additional details on attached sheets.
Floor beams identified as W36x280.
18″ x 1″ plate
3/4″ rivets
3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ x 3/8″ angle
6″ concrete block
3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ x 3/8″ 3/4″ rivets
h = 18″
5″ x 3 1/2″ x 1/2″
Arivets = (3/8″ + 1″)(3/4″) = 1.03125″2
18″ x 3/4″
b = 14″
h = height
b = arch-rib length
m = ( 0.075 ) ( 1.6 ) ( 50 ) 12.25 – ---------- = 65.67 kip-feet
para 3-136 2.61
5 m = 0.075A st F y d′ – ----- (eq 3-61) 2
2 2
W DL L para 3-137 ( 6.67 ) ( 20 )
7 m DL = ------------------ m DL = ----------------------------- = 10.72 kip-feet
8b s (eq 3-62) ( 8 ) ( 31.125 )
para 3-139
9 b e = 8 + 0.12L ≤ 14 ft b e = 8 + ( 0.12 ) ( 20 ) = 10.4 ft
(eq 3-65)
para 3-140
10 M LL = b e m LL M LL = ( 10.4 ) ( 34.49 ) = 358.69 kip-feet
(eq 3-66)
para 3-141
Appendix B One lane: Two lanes:
11 Moment classification Table B-2 or W75 W75
Figures B-1, B-2 T50 T50
L = 20 ft
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
Final 75 75 50 50
NOTE: For one-lane bridges, use the moment classification and post a width restriction sign if required. For two-
lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment and width restrictions.
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
Concrete-lined channel Looking northeast
SPAN 1 SQUARE = None 1 SQUARE = None
7″ 28′
2″ asphalt Sachsendorf
31′ - 1 1/2″
el l
12 1/4″ 14″
0.85 f′c
1 1/2″ do c
d′ = 12 1/4″ na
D = 14″
12 2
A s = -------- ( 1 ) = 1.6 in T = Asfy
b = 12″
As = total area of the reinforcing steel
b = width
c = compression
d′ = distance from the top of the beam to the center of the tension steel
D = depth
do = depth of concrete compression zone
f′c = concrete compressive strength
fy = yield strength for reinforcing steel
T = tension
A st = A b × total number of bars A st = ( 1.56 ) ( 10 ) = 15.6 in
para 3-146
4 in bottom of T-beam
(eq 3-67, 3-68)
T = AstFy T = ( 15.6 ) ( 40 ) = 624 kips
m = ( 0.075 ) ( 15.6 ) ( 40 ) 41 – ---------- = 1,853.73 kip-feet
para 3-148 2.78
6 m = 0.075A st F y d′ – ----- (eq 3-70) 2
5,304.38 lb/ft
W ′ DL = -------------------------------- = 5.30 kpf
2 2
w DL L para 3-150 ( 1.32 ) ( 50 )
m DL = ------------------ (eq 3-75) m DL = ----------------------------- = 412.5 kip-feet
8 8
Table F-13. Classification Procedure for a Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Bridge (continued)
One lane:
para 3-153
Appendix B One lane: Two lanes:
13 Moment classification Table B-2 or W120 W85
Figures B-1, B-2 T90 T65
L = 50 ft
One lane: Two lanes:
para 3-154
14 Width classification W150 W60
Table 3-4
T150 T60
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
Final 120 60 90 60
NOTE: For one- and two-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment and width
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
State Road 294
(Both lanes have
identical bridges.) Looking northwest
1.6 mi Thompson
4 mi
2′ 24′
13 mrong
2″ Asphalt
A rm
88″ te R
294 oad
16″ Bayless
Goetz Gas Potoky
8 mi 3 mi
MEMBER 1 SQUARE = None AB123456
H ig
Malherek 15 mi
Bishop 8 mi
24. Computation of Bridge Class Details of steel reinforcing on
attached sheet.
Figure F-13. Sample Bridge-Reconnaissance Report for a Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Bridge
100 No. 5 bars @ 6″
(deck reinforcement)
2 1/2″
10 No. 11 bars
(main reinforcing steel)
bf para 3-157 ( 21 ) ( 12 )
3 b ″ = ------ b ″ = ---------------------
- = 84 in
N (eq 3-79) 3
para 3-146 Three stems, thus divide Ast by 3.
(eq 3-67, 3-68)
A A × total number of bars ( 1.56 ) ( 34 )
st = b Assume one-third A = -------------------------
- = 17.68 in
4 st 3
in bottom of T-beam of the bars act
with the stem to
T = A st F y resist tension. T = ( 17.68 ) ( 50 ) = 884.0 kips
st y -
d o = -----------------------
para 3-147 ( 17.68 ) ( 50 )
5 d o = ----------------------------------- = 3.09 in
0.85f ′ cb ″ (eq 3-69) ( 0.85 ) ( 4 ) ( 84 )
do para 3-148
m = ( 0.075 ) ( 17.68 ) ( 50 ) 85 – ---------- = 5,533.40 kip-feet
6 m = 0.075A st F y d ′ – ------
2 (eq 3-70) 2
W ′ DL = ( 71 × 8 × 3 ) --------- ( 150 ) +
1.5 × -----
( 150 ) ( 24 ) = 6,912.5 lb/ft
6,912.5 lb/ft
W ′ DL = ----------------------------- = 6.91 kpf
W′ para 3-29
DL 6.91
8 w DL = --------------- W ′ DL = ---------- = 2.30 kpf
Ns (eq 3-1) 3
2 2
w DL L para 3-150 ( 2.30 ) ( 50 )
m DL = ------------------- (eq 3-75) m DL = ----------------------------- = 718.75 kip-feet
8 8
Ss = 10.17 ft:
One lane:
16 16
N 1 = ------ = ------------- = 1.57
para 3-32 Ss 10.17
11 Number of effective stringers
Table 3-3
Two lanes:
= 14
N ------ = ------------- = 1.37
2 Ss 10.17
One lane:
para 3-152 MLL = (1.57)(3,066.02) = 4,813.65 kip-feet
12 M LL = N 1, 2 m LL
(eq 3-78) Two lanes:
MLL = (1.37)(3,066.02) = 4,200.45 kip-feet
para 3-153
Appendix B One lane: Two lanes:
13 Moment classification Table B-2 or W150 W150
Figures B-1, B-2 T150 T150
L = 50 ft
One lane: Two lanes:
14 Width classification Table 3-4 W150 W60
T150 T60
One lane: Two lanes:
15 Final classification N/A W150 W60
T150 T60
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
NOTE: For one- and two-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment and width
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
Looking north
Old railroad
1.5″ asphalt
7.5″ 10″
Seaboard Coastline RR
6′ 6.5″ and
(See attached
3 mi
24′ 2′ 6″
7.5″ 200 No. 5 bars
1.5″ asphalt @ 6.0″
10′ 2″
71″ 7′ 2″
8″ 8″ 8″
5 concrete
diaphragms, 8″ thick,
25′ center-to-center
spacing 1″
34 No. 11 bars
R ps f pu R s d s f sy
R r = ----------------- + -------------------
para 3-167 ( 0.0013 ) ( 240 )
6 R r = ----------------------------------- + 0 = 0.0624
f ′c d ps f ′c (eq 3-83) 5
para 3-171 2
10 A f = t f b″ A f = ( 7 ) ( 90 ) = 630 in
(eq 3-87)
For Rr ≤ 0.3 and Af > Ac:
R r d ps ( 0.0624 ) ( 57 )
d o = -------------- d o = -------------------------------- = 4.45 in
xr 0.8
para 3-172
and— (eq 3-88, 3-89)
m = ( 0.075 ) ( 1,584 ) 57 – ---------- = 6,507.51 kip-feet
m = 0.075T d ps – -----
7 × -----
- ( 150 ) ( 34 ) + 2 × ------ ( 150 ) ( 30 )
Total dead-load weight of the bridge
N/A 12 12
= 9,422.92 lb/ft
9,422.92 lb/ft
W DL = -------------------------------- = 9.42 kpf
2 2
w DL L para 3-173 ( 1.88 ) ( 75 )
m DL = ------------------ (eq 3-95) m DL = ----------------------------- = 1,321.88 kpf
8 8
Two lanes:
11 11
N 2 = ------ = ------- = 1.47
Ss 7.5
One lane:
para 3-175 MLL = (1.87)(3,192.72) = 5,970.38 kip-feet
17 M LL = N 1,2 m LL
(eq 3-98) Two lanes:
MLL = (1.47)(3,192.72) = 4,693.29 kip-feet
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
NOTE: For one- and two-lane bridges, the final classification is the smallest value of the moment and width
b″ = 90″
d = 57″
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
2″ asphalt Flow
7′ 6″
F-11. In this example, Table F-19 shows the measured bridge dimensions,
Table F-20 shows the classification procedures, and Table F-21 shows a
classification summary for a masonry-arch bridge. Figure F-19, page F-50,
shows a sample bridge-reconnaissance report. Tests show that the arch is
made of blue engineering brick. The ring is in good condition with well-
mortared joints (about 3/8-inch wide). A small transverse crack was noted
within 2 feet of the edge of the ring and there is a slight vertical settlement at
one of the abutments.
Classification W1 W2 T1 T2
Moment (step 3) 52 48 33 29
Final 52 30 33 29
NOTE: For one-lane bridges, the controlling classification is always the strength classification. Post
a width-restriction sign if the width classification is smaller than the strength classification. For
two-lane bridges, the controlling classification is the smaller value of the strength and width
23. Sketches
1 SQUARE = None
approach on
this side
Looking northwest
SPAN 1 SQUARE = None 1 SQUARE = None
along Flow
ring/ Ford
parapet site Steep
25 mi
Concrete Properties
Concrete is a mixture of aggregates (sand and gravel), entrained air,
cement, and water. A chemical reaction between the cement and the water
causes concrete to harden. This reaction is known as hydration. Concrete
is, at first, a plastic mass that can be cast or molded into nearly any size or
shape. When hydrated, concrete becomes stonelike in strength, durability,
and hardness. The strength of concrete depends on the water-to-cement
ratio used in the concrete mixture. Generally, the less water in the mix,
the stronger, more durable, and watertight the concrete. Too much water
dilutes the cement paste and results in weak concrete.
G-1. A sack of cement requires about 2 1/2 gallons of water for hydration.
However, more water will improve the workability of plastic concrete.
Normally, concrete mixtures will use 4 to 7 gallons of water per sack of
G-2. Table G-1 shows the approximate compressive strengths of concrete for
various water-to-cement ratios. To classify bridges with unknown concrete
strength, assume a compressive strength of 3,000 psi.
G-3. Concrete is among the best and most important building materials.
Concrete is fireproof, watertight, comparatively economical, and easy to
prepare. It offers surface continuity and solidity and bonds with other
materials. Concrete is used in bridging to make abutments, intermediate
supports, columns, beams, slabs, decks, curbs, and handrails. Concrete offers
good compressive strength and has a long service life. Certain limitations of
concrete cause cracking and other structural weaknesses that detract from its
appearance, serviceability, and useful life. Some limitations of concrete are
discussed below.
G-5. During setting and hardening (curing), the heat of hydration raises the
concrete temperature and then gradually cools. The temperature changes can
cause severe thermal strain and early cracking. Also, hardened concrete
expands and contracts with changes in temperature at roughly the same rate
as steel. Therefore, provide expansion and contraction joints in concrete
G-7. Concrete gradually deforms (creeps) under load. The concrete does not
recover completely when the load is removed. Over time, creep may reduce the
structural soundness of the bridge.
G-8. Concrete is not entirely impervious to moisture. It contains soluble
compounds that may be leached out by water.
G-9. To hydrate concrete properly, keep the temperature of the concrete above
50oF during the early curing process of the concrete. Trying to maintain the
minimum required temperature causes some additional problems when
placing concrete in cold weather.
G-10. Different types of cement have been developed to offset some of the
limitations of using concrete in structures. The ASTM specifications cover five
types of portland cements.
G-11. Type I is a general-purpose cement for concrete work that does not
require any of the special properties of the other types. In general, it is used
when concrete structures are not subject to sulfate attack or when the heat of
hydration will not cause too great a temperature rise. Type-I cement is used in
pavement and sidewalk construction, reinforced concrete buildings and
bridges, railways, culverts, and soil-cement mixtures. Do not use Type-I
cement where it will come into contact with sea water. Type-I cement reaches
its design strength in 28 days.
G-12. Modified to resist moderate sulfate attack, Type-II cement generally
generates less heat of hydration and cures at a slower rate than Type-I
cement. In general, it is used in drainage structures where the sulfate
concentrations in either the soil or the groundwater are higher than normal,
but not severe, and in large structures when the moderate heat of hydration
produces only a slight temperature rise in the concrete. However, temperature
rise can be a problem when Type-II cement is placed during warm weather.
Type-II cement reaches its design strength in 45 days.
G-13. Type-III cement achieves a high design strength very quickly in the
curing process (usually 7 days or less). It has a higher heat of hydration and is
more finely ground than Type-I cement. Type-III cement permits fast form
removal and, in cold weather construction, reduces the period of protection
against low temperatures. Although richer mixtures of Type I can obtain high
design strength at an early stage, Type-III cement produces this early
strength more satisfactorily and economically. Use Type-III cement cautiously
in concrete structures having a minimum spacing of 2 1/2 feet or more because
the high heat of hydration can cause shrinkage cracking.
G-14. Type-IV cement has a low heat of hydration and is intended for
applications requiring a minimal rate and amount of heat of hydration. Its
strength also develops at a slower rate than other types of cement. Use
Type-IV cement primarily in very large concrete structures, such as gravity
dams, where the temperature rise from the heat of hydration could damage
the structure. Type-IV cement reaches its design strength in 90 days.
G-15. Type V is a sulfate-resistant cement and is used mainly for applications
where the concrete is subject to severe sulfate action, such as when the soil or
groundwater in contact with the concrete has high concentrations of sulfate.
Type-V cement reaches its design strength in 60 days.
G-16. Types IA, IIA, and IIIA correspond in composition to Types I, II, and
III, respectively, with the addition of small quantities of air-entraining
G-17. Masonry cements (sometimes called mortar cements) are typically
mixtures of portland cement, hydrated lime, and other materials. This
mixture improves the workability, plasticity, and water retention of the
G-18. Some structural members are made of solid concrete (little or no steel
reinforcement). Generally, these concrete structures are in compression only
and require massive weight to be effective. Examples of members that may be
solid concrete are abutments, suspension-bridge cable anchors, masonry
arches, and gravity dams. Concrete structures (even those in complete
compression) will normally have some reinforcing steel to provide internal
G-19. Steel-reinforced concrete is used in almost all concrete structures. Since
concrete has poor tensile strength (it breaks easily when pulled apart), steel
has to be added to structural members to accommodate the tensile forces. On
the other hand, while steel is better at carrying tensile force, it has the
tendency to buckle when compressed. Therefore, when the two materials are
combined, one makes up for the deficiency of the other. When steel
reinforcement in concrete helps carry loads, the combination is called
reinforced concrete. A reinforced concrete structure takes many forms—
beams, columns, girders, walls, footings, slabs, and so forth. See FM 5-428 for
more specific information on steel reinforcement.
center of a continuous span, the top of the beam is in compression and the
bottom is in tension (similar to a simply supported beam). The tension-
reinforcing steel is located in the bottom portion of the beam. Over the
intermediate support(s) of a continuous beam, the top of the beam receives
tensile stresses, so the reinforcing steel is located in the top portion of the
beam over the intermediate support(s).
Straight bar
G-23. Slab decks are usually continuous over each of the stringers on a
bridge. Tension exists in the top and bottom portions of the slab as a load is
applied. Steel reinforcement is necessary in the top and bottom portions of
slab decks, perpendicular to the stringers (Figure G-2, page G-6). Besides the
main reinforcement of concrete slabs, reinforcement comes from the
distribution steel that is placed perpendicular to the main reinforcing steel.
Distribution steel—
• Carries tensile forces caused by changes and stresses induced by
G-24. A column is a slender, vertical member that carries a superimposed
load. When the structure’s height is less than three times its least lateral
dimension, this structure is known as a pier or pedestal. Concrete columns
must always have steel reinforcement because they are subject to bending.
Figure G-3 shows two types of column reinforcement. Vertical reinforcement
is the main type. Lateral reinforcement consists of individual ties or a
continuous spiral that surrounds the column.
G-25. Steel reinforcement in footings and slabs that rest on the ground is
located in the bottom portion of the footing since the bottom portion receives
the tensile forces. The steel is placed so it runs in two directions, forming a
series of squares or a grid (Figure G-4).
Lateral tie T1
reinforcing bars
Lateral ties T1
P = force P
2.0 0.052 0.045 0.037 0.037 0.030 0.030 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.015
2.5 0.067 0.060 0.045 0.045 0.037 0.037 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.022
3.0 0.082 0.067 0.060 0.052 0.045 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.030 0.030
3.5 0.097 0.082 0.067 0.060 0.052 0.045 0.045 0.037 0.037 0.030
4.0 0.105 0.090 0.075 0.067 0.060 0.052 0.052 0.045 0.045 0.037
4.5 0.120 0.105 0.090 0.075 0.067 0.060 0.052 0.052 0.045 0.037
5.0 0.135 0.112 0.097 0.082 0.075 0.067 0.060 0.060 0.052 0.045
5.5 0.150 0.127 0.105 0.090 0.082 0.075 0.067 0.060 0.060 0.052
6.0 0.165 0.135 0.112 0.105 0.090 0.082 0.075 0.067 0.067 0.052
f′c (ksi) = compressive strength
Tension Tension Tension
(Exaggerated view)
Tension Tension
Tension Tension
(Exaggerated view)
Bearing seat b2
End dam
ha = abutment height
Toe bh
bt hf = footing height (1′ to 2′)
C D Heel b1 = minimum of 12′
b2 = bearing seat width (minimum 0.75′)
bt = toe width (0.75′ to 1.5′ and 0.75 hf)
C D ba = footing width (0.4) ha to 0.6 ha)
bh = heel width (0.75′ to 1.5′ and 0.75 hf)
Soil Properties
Bridges ultimately transfer all of their loads to the earth. Unless the
foundation is on bedrock, the bridge will transfer loads through the soil.
This appendix provides approximate values for several key soil
characteristics (Table H-1; Tables H-2 and H-3, page H-2; and Figure H-1,
page H-3). Due to the large degree of variance in these characteristics, the
actual values from field tests should be obtained whenever possible.
Friction Coefficient
Allowable Friction
Soil Type Characteristics
Mud 0.0125 ± 0.100
Silt 0.1500 ± 0.100
Soft clay 0.2000 ± 0.100
Silty clay 0.3000 ± 0.100
Effective length factor (K)
30 4″
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
I-1. This appendix contains superstructure design examples for a bridge
using the analytical procedure. The following notations are used in this
ts 4
L c = S s – ------ para 6-11 L c = 6 – ------ = 5.67 ft
12 12
3 (eq 6-3, 6-4)
ts ts = 4 in 4
S eff = L c + ------ S eff = 5.67 + ------ = 5.83 ft = 70 in
24 24
para 6-16
Figure 6-3 td = 8.3 in > 6 in
4 Required deck thickness
Seff = 70 in
∴ use a laminated deck.
MLC = 50
S s = ------------ = 3.43 ft
td = 6.2 in
Appendix B
M LL Table B-2 M LL = 125 kip-feet
11 W L = 12 ft W
MLC = 50
Appendix B
M LL Table B-2 M LL = 138.5 kip-feet
12 T L = 12 ft T
MLC = 50
One lane:
para 6-51
(eq 6-24) ( 1.15 ) ( 138.5 )
m′ LL = ---------------------------------- = 54.54 kip-feet
1.15M′ LL Use the larger 2.92
14 m′ LL = ------------------------
N 1, 2 value of wheeled Two lanes:
and tracked
moment. ( 1.15 ) ( 138.5 )
m′ LL = ---------------------------------- = 64.22 kip-feet
para 6-52
15 M = m′DL + m′LL M = 6.80 + 64.22 = 71.02 kip-feet
(eq 6-25)
16 Allowable stress para 6-53 Fb = 1.9 ksi, Fv = 0.85 ksi, Fc = 0.455 ksi
17 Modulus of elasticity N/A E = 1,700 ksi
para 6-55 ( 12 ) ( 71.02 ) 3
12M S req = ----------------------------- = 448.55 in
18 S req = ----------- (eq 6-26) 1.9
Table C-4 Choose stringer size 12 in x 16 in.
2 2
331M′ LL L para 6-58 ( 331 ) ( 138.5 ) ( 12 )
19 d LL = ----------------------------- d LL = ------------------------------------------------------------------- = 0.218 in
N 1, 2 ESd s (eq 6-27) ( 2.48 ) ( 1,700 ) ( 16 ) ( 448.55 )
d max = --------- ( 12 ) = 0.72 in
d max = --------- 12
L 200
20 para 6-58
d LL < d max ∴ OK
1 1
L u = --- L = --- ( 12 ) = 4 ft
3 3
21 Unbraced length para 6-61
∴ use N b = 4
At Um Ns para 6-73 ( 12 × 16 ) ( 50 ) ( 8 )
26 w s = -------------------- w s = ------------------------------------------ = 0.533 kpf
144,000 (eq 6-37) 144,000
para 6-75
27 Accessories wacc = 0.1 kpf
(eq 6-39)
t ws
L b = ( 8 – 1 ) 3.43 – ------ = 17.01 ft
L b = ( N s – 1 ) S s – ------- para 6-76
12 (eq 6-42) 12
( N b – 2 )L b U m ( 4 – 2 ) ( 17.01 ) ( 0.1 )
w b = ------------------------------------ (eq 6-41) w b = ------------------------------------------------ = 0.284 kpf
L 12
W′ DL = w d + w w + w s + w acc + w b para 6-77 W′ DL = 0.723 + 0.6 + 0.533 + 0.1 + 0.284 = 2.24 kpf
(eq 6-43)
W′ DL para 6-78 2.24
30 w′ DL = -------------- w′ DL = ---------- = 0.28 kpf
Ns (eq 6-44) 8
W DL 3.02
W DL para 6-79 ------------ = ---------- = 0.378 kpf
31 w′ DL ≤ ------------ Ns 8
Ns (eq 6-45)
0.280 kpf < 0.378 kpf ∴ OK
Appendix B
V LL Table B-3 V LL = 50 kips
33 W L = 12 ft W
MLC = 50
Appendix B,
V LL Table B-3 V LL = 46.2 kips
34 T L = 12 ft T
MLC = 50
Appendix B
Table B-1,
35 VA VA = 20 kips
Column 4
MLC = 50
Ss V′ LL – V A
v LL = 0.5 + ---------- ( 20 ) + ------------------ = 22.42 kips
3.43 50 – 20
v LL = 0.5 + ------ V A + ------------------------- 32 2.92
32 N 1, 2
12 – 0.0833 ( 16 )
v ′ LL = --------------------------------------- ( 23.1 ) = 20.53 kips
L – 0.0833d s para 6-85
37 v′ LL = ------------------------------- v LL ≥ 0.75v LL
L (eq 6-51) ( 0.75 ) ( 23.1 ) = 17.33 kips
12L u ( 12 ) ( 4 )
------------ = ------------------- = 2 < 14.3
ds 24
L e = ( 19.6 ) ( 4 ) + ( 3 ) ( 24 ) = 150.4 in
( 150.4 ) ( 24 )
Cs = ----------------------------- = 3.34 ≤ 50
( 18 )
( 18 × 24 ) ( 50 ) ( 8 )
w s = ------------------------------------------ = 1.2 kpf
w′ DL = ---------- = 0.356 kpf
( 0.356 ) ( 12 )
v′ DL = ----------------------------- = 0.267 kips
12 – 0.0833 ( 24 )
v′ LL = --------------------------------------- ( 23.1 ) = 19.25 kips
( 3 ) ( 22.4 )
f ′ v = ------------------------------- = 0.0778 ksi
( 2 ) ( 18 × 24 )
bR para 6-9 24
2 S s = ------------ = 6 ft
S s = --------------- 5–1
Ns – 1 (eq 6-2)
bf 12
L e = S s – ------ (eq 6-5) L e = 6 – ------ = 5 ft
12 12
3 para 6-11
bf (eq 6-6) 12
S eff = L e + ------ S eff = 5 + ------ = 5.5 ft
24 24
2 2
w DL S eff para 6-26 ( 0.149 ) ( 5.5 )
M DL = ----------------------- (eq 6-8) M DL = ---------------------------------- = 0.449 kip-feet
10 10
para 6-28
(eq 6-9)
10 PLL = Pmax PLL = 25.5 kips
Appendix B
Table B-1
S eff + 2
M LL = ( 1.564 ) ---------------- ( 25.5 ) = 9.35 kip-feet
para 6-28 5.5 + 2
11 M LL = 1.564 ------------------ P LL 32
32 (eq 6-10)
( 10.89 ) ( 1,000 )
1,000m para 6-32 req h = ------------------------------------- + 1.125 = 5.81 in
16 req h = ----------------- + 1.125 495.39
Rn (eq 6-13)
∴ use ts = 6.5 in
para 6-33
(eq 6-14)
17 d′ =
----------------- + 0.5
Assume No. 6 ( 10.89 ) ( 1,000 )
Rn d′ = ------------------------------------- + 0.5 = 5.19 in
bars and a 495.39
3/4-in protective
Appendix B
M LL Table B-2 M LL = 2,460 kip-feet
30 W L = 80 ft W
MLC = 70
Appendix B
M LL Table B-2 M LL = 2,540 kip-feet
31 T L = 80 ft T
MLC = 70
For Ss = 6 ft:
One lane:
14 14
N 1 = ------ = ------ = 2.33
para 6-51 Ss 6
32 Effective number of stringers
Table 3-3
Two lanes:
11 11
N 2 = ------ = ------ = 1.83
Ss 6
One lane:
para 6-51
( 1.15 ) ( 2,540 )
(eq 6-24) m′ LL = ---------------------------------- = 1,253.65 kip-feet
1.15M′ LL 2.33
Use the larger
33 m′ LL = ------------------------
N 1, 2 value of wheeled Two lanes:
and tracked
( 1.15 ) ( 2,540 )
moment. m′ LL = ---------------------------------- = 1,596.17 kip-feet
M = m′ DL + m′ LL para 6-52
34 M = 694.4 + 1,596.17 = 2,290.57 kip-feet
(eq 6-25)
Fy = 36 ksi
para 6-55
35 Allowable stress Fb = 0.75Fy = (0.75)(36) = 27 ksi
Table 6-7
Fv = 0.45Fy = (0.45)(36) = 16.2 ksi
36 Modules of elasticity N/A E = 29 x 103 ksi
para 6-56 ( 12 ) ( 2,290.57 ) 3
12M S req = ------------------------------------- = 1,018.03 in
37 S req = ----------- (eq 6-26) 27
Table D-2 Choose W36x280.
2 2
331M′ LL L para 6-58 ( 331 ) ( 2,540 ) ( 80 )
38 d LL = ----------------------------- dLL = ------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 2.69 in
N 1, 2 ESd s (eq 6-27) ( 1.83 ) ( 29,000 ) ( 36.52 ) ( 1030 )
L para 6-65 N b = ------------- + 1 = 5.57
41 N b = ----- + 1 17.51
Lc (eq 6-33)
∴ use N b = 6
L u = ------------ = 16.0 ft
L para 6-66 6–1
42 L u = ---------------
Nb – 1 (eq 6-34) ∴ use 6 braces @ 16.0 ft along the bridge span.
Choose diaphragms W18x65.
bs Um ts para 6-71 ( 30 ) ( 150 ) ( 6.5 )
43 w d = ------------------ w d = -------------------------------------- = 2.44 kpf
12,000 (eq 6-35) 12,000
bR Um tw para 6-72
44 w w = -------------------- (eq 6-36) ww = 0
tw = 0
para 6-75
46 Accessories wS = wacc = 0.4 kpf
(eq 6-39)
t ws para 6-76
L b = ( N s – 1 ) S s – ------- L b = ( 5 – 1 ) 6 – ------------- = 23.71 ft
12 (eq 6-42) 12
( N b – 2 )L b U m para 6-76 ( 6 – 2 ) ( 23.71 ) ( 0.065 )
w b = ------------------------------------ w b = ------------------------------------------------------ = 0.077 kpf
L (eq 6-41) 80
W DL 4.34
W DL para 6-79 ------------ = ---------- = 0.868 kpf
50 w′ DL ≤ ------------ Ns 5
Ns (eq 6-45)
0.863 kpf < 0.868 kpf ∴ OK
w′ DL L para 6-82 ( 0.863 ) ( 80 )
51 v′ DL = ----------------- v′ DL = ----------------------------- = 6.90 kips
2N s (eq 6-46) 2( 5)
Appendix B
Table B-3
52 V LL V LL = 63.79 kips
W L = 80 ft W
MLC = 70
MLC = 70
Appendix B
Table B-1,
54 VA VA = 25.5 kips
Column 4
MLC = 70
Ss V′ LL – V A Choose the greater value of:
v LL = 0.5 + ------ V A + -------------------------
v LL = 0.5 + ------ ( 25.5 ) + ------------------------------ = 33.96 kips
32 N 6 63.79 – 25.5
32 2.33
S s – 2 V′ LL – V A
v LL = -------------- V A + -------------------------
v LL = ------------ ( 25.5 ) + ------------------------------ = 37.92 kips
6–2 63.79 – 25.5
s S N 1,2 para 6-84 6 1.83
55 (eq 6-47, 48,
V′ LL 63.44
v LL = ------------ 49, 50) v LL = ------------- = 31.72 kips
2 2
80 – ( 0.0833 × 36.52 )
v ′ LL = ----------------------------------------------------- ( 42.29 ) = 128.65 kips
L – 0.0833d s para 6-85
56 v′ LL = ------------------------------- v LL ≥ 0.75v LL
L (eq 6-51) ( 0.75 ) ( 42.29 ) = 31.72 kips
128.65 kips > 31.72 kips ∴ OK
para 6-86
57 v = v′ DL + v′ LL v = 6.90 + 128.65 = 135.55 kips
(eq 6-52)
( 3 ) ( 135.55 )
3v f ′ v = ----------------------------- = 2.47 ksi < 16.2 ksi
58 f ′ v = --------- ≤ F v para 6-86 ( 2 ) ( 82.4 )
2A s (eq 6-53)
∴ OK
para 6-92
v 135.55 2
59 A pl = ------- (eq 6-55) A pl = -------------------------- = 5.02 in
FB ( 0.75 ) ( 36 )
FB = 0.75Fy
min length = 6 in
60 Plate width and length para 6-93 min area = 6bf = (6)(16.595) = 99.57 in2
∴ set area = 99.52 in2
v para 6-94 135.55
61 f ′ B = ------------- f ′ B = ----------------------------- = 1.36 ksi
b pl b c (eq 6-56) ( 16.595 ) ( 6 )
( 3 ) ( 1.36 ) ---------------- – 1.57
b pl 2 2
3f ′ B ------- – t f para 6-94 t pl = ----------------------------------------------------------------- = 2.62 in
62 2 27
t pl = ------------------------------------- (eq 6-57)
∴ use 11 plates @ 1/4 in each, laminated and fully
welded up to reach the minimum thickness of 2.62 in.
v para 6-95 135.55
f ′ bw = -------------------------- ≤ f B f ′ bw = ---------------------------------------------- = 20.23 ksi < 32.4 ksi
63 tw ( bc + tf ) (eq 6-58) ( 0.885 ) ( 6 + 1.570 )
FB = 0.90Fy ∴ OK
64 End-bearing stiffeners para 6-96 Not needed.
∫ integral
FM 3-34.343
angle of repose the batter or slope angle at which a given soil will slide from a
higher to a lower elevation; the angle below which the particles of
earth are held in equilibrium by the forces of gravity and friction
angle of skew see skew angle
anisotropy the property of exhibiting different strengths in different directions
AO area of operation
approach slab a heavy, reinforced concrete slab placed on the approach roadway
adjacent to and resting on the abutment back wall to carry wheel
loads on the approaches directly to the abutment
approx approximately
apron a timber, concrete, riprap, paving, or other construction shield that
is placed adjacent to substructure abutments and piers to prevent
AR Army regulation
arch a bow-shaped, nonrigid structure that produces both vertical and
horizontal reactions at its supports
arch barrel an arch ring that extends the width of the structure
arched abutment see spill-through abutment
arch rib the curved members used in open-spandrel bridges. Ribs stretch the
length of the arch and are often parallel to each other with
spandrels running between them
arm the portion of a drawbridge that forms part or all of the span; the
rear or counterweight leaf of a bascule span; the overhanging part of
a cantilever bridge that supports the suspended span; the
perpendicular distance between the two parallel equal and opposite
forces of a moment
armor a secondary steel member that is installed to protect a vulnerable
part of another member (such as steel angles placed over the edges
of a joint)
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AVLB armored vehicle-launched bridge
axle load the load borne by one axle of a traffic vehicle, a movable bridge, or
other motive equipment or device and transmitted through a wheel
or wheels to a supporting structure. See also wheel concentration
backfill soil (usually granular) placed behind and within the abutment and
wing walls to fill the unoccupied part of the foundation excavation
backstay the part of the main suspension member of a suspension bridge that
extends between the tower and the anchorage to resist overturning
stresses exerted on the tower by the suspension span. When the
backstay extends over the towers, it no longer supports any portion
of the bridge’s floor system between the tower and the anchorage
back wall the topmost portion of an abutment above the elevation of the bridge
seat that functions as a retaining wall with a live-load surcharge or
as a support for the bridge deck and the approach slab
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
centering the support for formwork for any slab, beam, or other horizontal
concrete structure on which the arch ring is constructed. Centering
is usually timber or metal framework, with its top portion shaped to
conform with the arch intrados and covered with lagging or with
bolsters spaced to permit treatment of the mortared joints of stone
centering device the mechanical arrangement or device that guides the span of a
bascule or a vertical lift to its position on its supports when moving
from open to closed
center lock a locking device that transmits shear at the centerline of a
double-leaf bascule or double-swing span bridge. This device
eliminates deflection and vibration at the center of the span
center wedges the assembly of pedestals and wedges located upon the pivot pier
b e n e a t h t h e l o a d i n g g i r d e r o n a s w i n g b r i d g e . O p e ra t e d
mechanically, it receives the pivot-pier live loads and transmits
them directly to the substructure, thus relieving the pivot casting
from all (or nearly all) live-load stress
CH clay, high plasticity
channel profile the longitudinal section of a channel
chase a channel, groove, or elongated recess built into a structure surface
to receive a part of a joint or structure
check analysis see ladle analysis
chord the upper (top) and lower (bottom) longitudinal members of a truss
that extend the full length and carry the tensile and compressive
forces. The chords may be parallel (the upper one may be polygonal
or curved [arched] and the lower one horizontal) or both may be
polygonal [broken chords]). The panel points of polygonal top chords
are parabolic chords (they follow the arc of a parabola)
chord members the trusses that are commonly divided lengthwise into panels, the
length of each being termed a panel length. The corresponding
members of the chords are described as upper (top) chord members
and lower (bottom) chord members
circular arch an arch in which the intrados surface is a portion of the surface of a
right circular cylinder
CL clay, low plasticity
clearance the unobstructed space provided on or under a bridge
superstructure for the free passage of vehicular and pedestrian
traffic, a river or stream with its surface burden of floating debris, or
a navigation craft. Clearance is also provided for the free assembly
and adjustment of the elements or members of a structure and for
the variations in dimension due to workmanship, temperature
changes, and minor irregularities. Clearance is sometimes described
as go-and-come or play allowance. See also clear headway
clear headway the vertical clearance beneath a bridge structure for navigation. In
tidal waters, headway is measured above mean high-tide elevation.
See also clearance
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
compression the stress that occurrs when force is applied at the ends of a
member. The stress is inward toward the center of the member
concrete a composite material consisting of a binding medium (such as
cement and water) within which are embedded particles or
fragments of aggregate (a relatively inert mineral filler)
concrete box girder a large, reinforced or prestressed concrete, box-shaped beam,
usually multicelled with several interior webs. The bottom slab of
the girder serves as a flange only, while the top slab is both a flange
and a transverse deck slab
connection angle a piece or pieces of material shaped in an angle serving to connect
two elements of a member or two members of a structure
consolidated soil a foundation of soft soil made more resistant to its loads by
foundation consolidating natural material, adding material such as sand and
gravel into the soft material, and injecting cementing materials into
the soil mass that will produce consolidation by lapidification
consolidation the time-dependent change in the volume of a soil mass under
compressive load that occurs when water slowly escapes from the
pores or voids of the soil. The soil skeleton is unable to support the
load and changes structure, thereby reducing its volume and
producing vertical settlements
continuous girder any girder, span, or truss that extends without interruption over
one or more intermediate supports
continuous span see continuous girder
continuous truss see continuous girder
continuous weld a weld that extends the entire length of a joint
coping the top stone layer of a retaining wall, pier, abutment, wing wall,
and so forth that projects beyond the surface of the masonry below.
The top surface is usually battered (washed) to prevent the
accumulation of rain or other moisture
corbel a projecting part of a structure that supports a brace, a short beam,
or another member or that serves as part of the architectural
treatment of the structure. In stone and brick masonry construction,
this form of corbel is called a corbel course, implying greater length
than that of a simple corbel
corbel course see corbel
corrosion the general disintegration and wasting of surface material through
oxidation, temperature, decomposition, and other natural agents
cos cosine
cotter bolt a bolt with a head at one end and a round hole with a cotter pin or a
hexagonal slot with a tapered wedge near the opposite end. Cotter
bolts usually have one or two washers. A cotter bolt with a key is
sometimes called a key bolt
counter a diagonal truss member located at the midspan panel of the truss.
Counters function only when the span is partially loaded. The dead
load of the truss does not stress the counter. See also web members
counterbalancing chains in a vertical-lift bridge that serve to counteract the varying
chain weight of the supporting cables incidental to the span movements
FM 3-34.343
counterfort a bracket-like wall that projects from another wall to resist tensile
and bending stresses. Counterforts are integrally built with or
otherwise securely attached to the side of and extend partially or
completely to the top of the wall they reinforce. See also buttress
counterforted an abutment that develops resistance to bending moment in the
abutment stem through counterforts. This permits the breast wall to be a
horizontal beam or slab spanning between counterforts rather than
a vertical cantilever slab
counterforted wall a retaining wall with projecting counterforts to provide strength and
stability. See also retaining wall
counterweight a weight used to counterbalance the weight of a movable part such
as a bascule leaf or a vertical-lift span
counterweight well an enclosed space beneath the approach end of a bridge floor that
accommodates the counterweight and its supporting frame during
span movement on certain types of bascule-bridge structures
course a layer made of either cut or uncut pieces of stone with horizontal or
slightly longitudinally inclined joints in stone masonry; a layer of
bricks in mortar (in brick masonry)
cover the clear thickness of concrete between a reinforcing bar and the
concrete surface
covered bridge a wooden bridge with an adaptable truss. To prevent or delay
deterioration of the timbers caused by moisture in the joints, a
housing of fastened materials covers the structure or its trusses. A
covered bridge may be a deck or a through structure that may use
pony trusses
cover plate a plate used with flange angles or other shapes to provide an
additional flange section on a girder, column, strut, or similar
cracking visible cracks in an overlay indicating cracks in the concrete below
cradle the lateral distance from the midpoint of one of the main cables to a
straight line drawn between its support points on the towers
creep an inelastic deformation that increases with time while the stress is
crib a structure with compartments or coffers full or partly full of
satisfactory material for supporting the structure. It may also serve
as a training wall averting changes in shore and bank locations. The
exterior portion may be planked or sheet-piled to protect the crib
against erosion or floating debris. See also dike
crimped stiffener a stiffener forged at its ends to fit on the web and web legs of the
flange angles of a plate girder
cross fall of roadway see crown of roadway
cross frames transverse bracings between two main longitudinal members. See
also bracing and diaphragm
cross girder large timber, metal, and reinforced concrete girder members placed
perpendicular to and connected on the main girders or trusses of a
bridge span, including intermediate and end floor beams
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
deck bridge a bridge with its floor elevation at or above the elevation of the
uppermost part of the superstructure
decking the flooring of bridges with wooden floors. Decking does not include
floor stringers, floor beams, or flooring-support members
deformation dimensional changes that occur when stress in a material is less
than the yield point. The material will return to its original shape if
the stress is removed
deformed bars see mechanical bond
deg degree(s)
depth of truss the vertical distance between the centerlines of action of the top and
bottom chords of trusses with parallel chords
design load the load of concentrations used to determine the stresses, stress
distributions, and the cross-sectional areas and compositions of a
bridge structure. The design’s fixed load or loadings are often
composite rather than actual, but are based on a study of vehicle
diagonal see web members
diagonal stay a cable support extending diagonally from the tower to the roadway
to add stiffness to the structure and to diminish the deformations
and undulations caused by traffic in a suspension bridge
diam diameter
diaphragm a reinforcing plate or member that is placed within a member or
deck system to distribute stresses and to improve strength and
rigidity. See also bracing and cross frames
diaphragm wall the walls of a reinforced concrete caisson or box-like structure that
divides its interior space into reinforcing compartments; a wall built
transversely to the longitudinal centerline of a spandrel arch to tie
together and reinforce the spandrel walls and to provide a support
for the floor system. The diaphragms of an arch span may have
manholes to allow inspection
dike a soil embankment constructed to prevent inundation by an
adjacent area. A dike prevents stream erosion and localized scour
and directs the current so that debris will not accumulate on
bottomland adjacent to approach embankments or portions of the
structure. This term is sometimes misapplied to crib construction.
See also crib
dimension stones stones quarried with the dimensions large enough to provide cut
stones with given finished dimensions (commonly called quarry face
or rock face)
distribution girder a beam or girder-like member forming a part of the frame that
transmits loads to the drum girder of a rim-bearing swing span
ditch see drain
diversion drain an open, top-paved drain for diverting and conveying water from a
roadway gutter down the inclined surface of a bridge-approach
embankment or causeway
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
drop inlet a box-like construction built integrally with the upstream end of a
culvert, which may include a grating. The inlet allows water to flow
in at its top and to center the culvert within its bottom portion. If
the base is constructed to form a sump below the inlet elevation of
the culvert, the inlet may retain material likely to become lodged in
the culvert
drum girder the circular-plate girder forming a part of a swing-bridge turntable
that transfers its loads to the rollers and the track on which they
travel. When the swing span is closed, the drum-girder track
receives the superstructure loads and transmits them to the
substructure bearing area beneath the track
ductility the ability to withstand nonelastic deformation without rupture
dyke see crib and dike
efflorescence a white deposit on concrete or brick that is caused by crystallization
of soluble salts brought to the surface by moisture in the masonry
el elevation
elastic see deformation
elastomer a natural or synthetic, rubber-like material
electrolytic corrosion corrosion resulting from galvanic action
element a piece of material forming a part of a structure
elliptic arch an arch (fitted to stone masonry arches) in which the intrados
surface is half the surface of an elliptical cylinder. This terminology
is sometimes incorrectly applied to a multicentered arch
end block the thickening of the web or an increase in the beam width at the
end to provide adequate anchorage bearing for the posttension
wires, rods, or strands on a prestressed concrete beam
end floor beam see floor beam
end hammer the hammering action of an end-lift device on its pedestal or bearing
plate. End hammer occurs when the lifting device is improperly
adjusted and traffic movements cause deflections and vibrations
end lift t h e m e c h a n i s m o f w e d g e s , t o g g l e s , l i n k -a n d -r o l l e r ,
rocker-and-eccentric, or other devices combined with shafts, gears,
or other needed parts to remove the camber (droop) of a swing span
end post the end compression member of a truss, either vertical or inclined in
position and extending from the top chord to the bottom chord. It
serves to transmit all of the truss shear loading to the
engr engineer
epoxy a synthetic resin that cures or hardens by a chemical reaction
between components that are mixed together shortly before use
eq equation(s)
equalizer a balance lever engaging the counterweight and the suspending
cables of a vertical-lift span to adjust and equalize the stresses in
the latter
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fixed bridge a bridge with supers tructure sp ans fixed in position. The
construction may allow for expansion and contraction from
temperature changes, loading, and so forth
fixed-end arch see voussoir arch
fixed span an immovable superstructure span anchored in its location on the
flange the part of a rolled I-shaped beam or built-up girder extending
transversely across the top and bottom edges of the web. Flanges
carry the forces of internal resisting moment and may consist of
angles, plates, or both
flange angle an angle used to form a flange element of a built-up girder, column,
strut, and so forth
flare the lateral distance from the cable support on the tower to the
flared wing wall a wall that forms an angle with the alignment of the abutment
breast wall by receding. It also deflects water and floating debris
into the waterway of the bridge, which protects the approach
embankment against erosion
floated face see mortar
floating bridge a bridge that is similar to a pontoon bridge except that its parts
providing buoyancy and supporting power may be logs or squared
timbers held in position under a plank floor with lashing pieces,
chains, or ropes or made of hollow cellular construction
floating foundation a soil-supported raft or mat foundation with low bearing pressures.
See also foundation
floodgate a gate installed in a culvert or bridge waterway to prevent the
ingress of floodwater or tidewater to the area drained by the
floor see deck
floor beam a beam or girder transverse to the general alignment of the bridge
with its ends framed on the columns of bents and towers or on the
trusses or girders of superstructure spans. A floor beam at the
extreme end of a girder or truss span is an end floor beam
floor system the complete framework of floor beams and stringers or other
members supporting the bridge floor and traffic loading, including
flow line the surface of a watercourse
flux a material that dissolves and removes oxides from metal during the
welding process and protects the weld from oxidation during the
fusion process. Flux may be in the coating on a metal-stick electrode
or a granular mass covering the arch in submerged arc welding
FM field manual
footbridge a bridge designed and constructed for pedestrian traffic
footer see footing
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grillage a frame that is rigidly connected and built into a masonry bridge
seat, a skewback, or another substructure support to ensure
satisfactory load distribution; a platform-like construction or
assemblage used to ensure distribution of loads on unconsolidated
soil material. See also foundation grillage
grout a mortar with enough water content to make it a free-flowing mass.
Grout is used to fill the spaces between stones or fragments (spalls)
in the backing part of stone masonry, to fix anchor bolts, or to fill
cored spaces in castings, masonry, or other spaces where water may
GTA graphic training aid
guard fence see railing
guard pier a concrete or stone-masonry fender that protects the supporting
center pier of the swing span from injury. The pier may or may not
be equipped with a rest pier upon which the swing span in its open
position may be latched
guard rail see railing
guide a member that holds a moving part in position and directs its
guide roller a fixed roller that serves as a friction roller and guide for a member
gusset a plate serving to connect or unite the elements of a member or the
members of a structure and to hold them in correct alignment or
position at a joint. A plate may function either as a gusset and splice
plate or as a gusset and stay plate. See also stay plate
gutter see drain
gutter grating a perforated or barred cover that is placed on an inlet to a drain to
prevent the entrance of debris
guy a cable, chain, rod, or rope that checks and controls movement or
holds a structure or part in fixed alignment or position
GW well-graded gravels; a gravel-sand mixture with 5 percent or less of
hacked anchor bolt see swedged anchor bolt
hand-drawn bridge see hand-operated span
hand hole holes provided in cover plates of built-up box sections to permit
access for maintenance and construction
hand-operated span a span that is operated manually by applying force on a capstan,
w inch, wind lass , o r w heel. Such swing spans are called a
hand-drawn bridge, a hand-swing bridge, or a lever-swing bridge
handrail railing presenting a latticed, a barred, a balustered, or another
open-web construction. See also railing
hand-swing bridge see hand-operated span
hanger a tension element or member that suspends or supports an attached
member such as the floor system of a truss, arch, or suspension
span. Suspension bridges use wire cable (termed suspender). See
also suspender
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in inch(es)
indeterminate bridge a bridge in which forces in the members cannot be determined by
static equations alone
indeterminate stress a stress induced by incorporating a redundant member in a truss or
by an additional reaction in a beam, making stress distributions
indeterminate. In redundant beams or trusses, stress distribution
depends on the relative stiffnesses or areas of the members
inelastic compression compression beyond the yield point
inspection ladder special devices or appliances that make a safe and efficient means
for making inspections and tests. They are rigidly fixed on the
structure to prevent displacement. However, some structures are
adapted for movable platform devices. See also catwalk
integral abutment a small abutment cast monolithically with the end diaphragm of the
intercepting ditch a ditch constructed to prevent surface water from flowing in contact
with the toe of an embankment or a causeway or down the slope of a
intergranular pressure between soil grains
intermittent weld a noncontinuous weld composed of a series of short welds and
intervening spaces with fixed length and spacing
intrados the curve defining the interior surface of the arch
IPS improved plow steel
ISBN International Standard Book Number
jack stringer the outermost stringer supporting the bridge floor in a panel or bay,
commonly weaker than a main stringer
joint the space between individual stones in stone masonry; the division
or end of continuity in concrete; a point at which members of a truss
or frame are connected
Jul July
key bolt see cotter bolt
keystone a stone of the crown string course of an arch; the final stone placed,
closing the arch; or symmetrically shaped, wedge-like stone in a
head-ring course at the crown of the arch, extending beyond the
extradosal and intradosal limits of the voussoirs of adjoining string
king post the post member in a king-post truss or in the king-post portion of
any other type of truss
king-post truss a truss adapted to either wooden or metal bridges. The king-post
truss has two triangular panels with a common vertical post and a
beam or chord extending the full truss. It is the simplest truss
king rod see king post
kip-feet a unit of measure used to express moment equal to 1,000 pounds of
force acting over a one-foot-long moment arm
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open-spandrel arch an arch with unfilled spandrel walls. The arch ring receives its
superimposed loads through these walls and, if necessary, through
interior spandrel walls, tie or transverse walls, or interior columns.
An open-spandrel arch is a structure in which bays or panels with
arches, lintel spans, or other construction supporting the deck
replace the spandrel walls. In turn, a cross wall or columns resting
on the arch ring support these bays or panels
open-spandrel, ribbed a structure in which two or more comparatively narrow arch rings
arch function in the place of an arch barrel. Arch rib struts located at
intervals along the length of the rings secure the ribs rigidly in
position. The arch rings support a column-type, open-spandrel
construction sustaining the floor system and its loads
operator’s house the building containing the power plant, operating machinery, and
devices required to open and close a bridge span. Also referred to as
an operator’s cabin
outer bearing those live-load bearings placed on swing-span and bascule-rest piers
overpass a separation of grades in which elevated traffic structures are
overpasses and lowered ones are underpasses. See also grade
packing ring see spreader
paddle boards striped, paddle-shaped signs or boards placed on the roadside in
front of a narrow bridge as a warning
panel the portion of a truss span located between adjacent web and
chord-member intersection points and applied to intersections on
the bottom chord. A truss panel divided into two equal or unequal
parts by an intermediate web member (such as a subdiagonal or a
hanger) forms subpanels
panel point the point where primary web and chord members of a truss intersect
para paragraph(s)
parabolic arch an arch in wh ich the intrad os ’s s urf ace is a s eg me n t of a
symmetrical parabolic surface (suited to concrete arches)
parabolic arched see parabolic truss
parabolic truss a polygonal truss with its top chord and end-post vertices similar to
the arc of a parabola, its bottom chord straight, and its web system
triangular or quadrangular
parapet a wall-like brick, stone, or reinforced concrete member on the
retaining wall of an approach cut, embankment, or causeway or
along the outer edge of the roadway or sidewalk of a bridge to
protect vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Although similar to a
balustrade, a parapet is usually a block barrier with no openings in
the body portion. See also mortar
parent metal see base metal
Parker truss an adaptation of the Pratt truss in which the top chord is polygonal
in shape. See also Pratt truss
PC personal computer
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pinion bracket the frame supporting the turning pinion with its shaft and bearings
on a swing-span drum girder or loading girder
pin joint a joint in a truss or another frame in which the members are
assembled on a cylindrical pin
pin packing an arrangement of truss members on a pin at a pinned joint
pin plate a metal sheet that is rigidly attached on the end of a member to
secure a desired bearing, to develop and distribute the stress of the
joint, and/or to secure additional strength and rigidity
pintle a small steel pin or stud that engages the rocker in an expansion
bearing, permitting rotation, transferring shear, and preventing
pitch the longitudinal spacing between rivets, studs, bolts, holes, and so
forth that are in a straight line
plate girder an I-shaped beam made of a solid plate web with flange plates or
angles bolted, riveted, or welded on its edges. Additional cover
plates may be attached to the flanges to provide greater flange area.
See also built-up column
plate span see girder span
platform see inspection ladder
play allowance see clearance
PLC provisional load classification
plinth see footing
plug weld a weld that connects two overlapping members by placing weld
material in a hole or slot drilled in one of the overlapping members
pointed arch see gothic arch
pointing the operations involved in compacting mortar in the outer part of a
joint and in troweling or otherwise treating its exposed surface to
secure watertightness, desired architectural effect, or both
polygonal truss any truss with an irregular (broken) straight top-chord alignment
that forms with the end posts and with the bottom chord forming
the perimeter of a polygon
pontoon a boat or another floating structure used as one of the supports for a
temporary bridge
pontoon bridge a bridge with boats, scows, or pontoons fixed in position on the deck
or floor to support vehicular and pedestrian traffic. A pontoon bridge
may have a removable part to ease navigation. Modern floating
bridges may have pontoons integrated with the deck. See also
portable bridge
pony truss a truss not high enough to permit an effective top-chord system of
lateral bracing above the bridge floor
pop-out conical fragment (about one inch in diameter) broken out of a
concrete surface; shattered aggregate particles usually found at the
bottom of a hole
portable bridge a bridge that may be readily erected for a temporary
communication/transport service, then disassembled and reused.
See also pontoon bridge
FM 3-34.343
portal the clear, unobstructed entry of a through bridge; the chord bracing
that fixes the top vertical clearance. The portal of a skew bridge is a
skew portal
post see column
posted a limiting dimension indicating a bridge cannot safely take larger
dimensions or loads or higher speeds
pot holes small, worn or disintegrated areas of a bridge floor or approach
surface caused by vehicle wheels
Pratt truss a truss with parallel chords and a web system of vertical posts with
diagonal ties inclined from the bottom-chord panel points toward
the ends of the truss except for the counters required in midlength
panels. See also Parker truss
prestressed bridge a bridge in which the main carrying members are prestressed
priming coat the first coat of paint applied to the metal or other material of a
bridge. For metal structures, it is often applied in the shop and is
termed the shop coat
protection railing see railing
psi pound(s) per square inch
PSP pierced, steel plank
QSTAG Quadripartite Standardization Agreement
quarry face see dimension stones
queen-post truss a parallel-chord truss adapted to either timber or metal bridges. The
queen-post truss has three panels. One of the chords occupies only
the length of the center panel. Unless center-panel diagonals are
provided, this is a trussed beam. See also trussed beam
rack a bar with teeth on one side to mesh with the gears of a pinion or
worm. It is usually attached to the moving portion of a movable
radial rod a radially located tie rod connecting the roller circle of a rim-bearing
swing span with the center pivot or center-bearing casting
radial strut a radially located brace member of the drum construction of a
rim-bearing wing span
ragged anchor bolt an anchor bolt cut with a chisel to produce fin-like projections that
hold the bolt in place
railing a fence-like barrier or protection built within the roadway shoulder
area to be a combined guide and guard for moving vehicular and
pedestrian traffic and to prevent or hinder the accidental passage of
such traffic beyond the berm line of the roadway
rake the slope, batter, or inclination of the sides of an embankment or
other earth construction or of a masonry surface. See also batter
ramp an inclined traffic way leading from one elevation to another (such
as an inclined, usually steep, approach to a bridge)
random stone a quarried stone block of any dimension
FM 3-34.343
range of stress the algebraic difference between the minimum and maximum
stresses in a member or any of its parts produced by a given
condition of loading or by its actual service loading
rebar a steel reinforcing bar placed in concrete to improve its tensile
redundant member a member of a truss or frame necessary only to reduce the stress
carried by the determinate structure, which would be stable without
reentrant corner a corner with more than 180 degrees of open space
reflection see cracking
reinforced concrete a beam in which the metal reinforcement carries the tensile
beam stresses. The concrete takes compression only, with some shear. It is
commonly rectangular or T-shaped, with its depth dimension
greater than its stem width
reinforced concrete a wall with a base section integral with its stem constructed
cantilever wall approximately at a right angle, giving its cross section an L- or an
inverted T-shape. The stem portion resists the forces producing
overturning by acting as a cantilever beam
reinforcing bar a steel bar, with a plain or deformed surface, that bonds to the
concrete and supplies tensile strength to it
retaining wall a structure designed to restrain and hold back a mass of earth
retractile drawbridge a bridge with a superstructure that can move horizontally (either
longitudinally or diagonally) from a closed to an open position. The
part acting in cantilever is counterweighted by that supported upon
rigid-frame bridge a bridge with rigid or moment-resistant connections between deck
slabs or beams and the substructure walls or columns that produce
an integral elastic structure. The structure may be steel or concrete
rim girder see drum girder
rim plate a toothed or plain segmental rim on a rolling-lift bridge
ringbolt a ringbolt is an eyebolt fitted with a ring for added articulation; See
also eyebolt
ring stone see voussoir
riprap protective covering material (such as blocks, brickbats, or stones)
deposited on water beds, banks, and shores to prevent erosion and
rise of an arch the vertical distance for a symmetrical arch (from the chord through
its springing lines to the intrados at its crown). For an
unsymmetrical arch, the rise is measured from the springing lines
to the crown
riveted joint a joint in which rivets or bolts unite the assembled elements and
members. Proper distribution of rivets or bolts allows the joint to
develop its various parts with relation to their stresses and
purposes. Bolted and riveted joints employ different allowable unit
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safe load the maximum load that a structure can hold. The maximum load is
determined by the magnitude and distribution of the wheel, the
axle, and so forth and is based on the physical condition of the
structure and its previous use
safety curb a narrow curb (between 9 and 24 inches wide) that serves as a
refuge or walkway for pedestrians crossing a bridge
safety factor a factor that engineers use to allow for the failure stress or stresses
assumed to exist in a structure or a member. It provides a margin of
error in the strength, rigidity, deformation, and endurance of a
structure or its component parts to compensate for irregularities in
structural materials and workmanship, uncertainties involved in
mathematical analysis and stress distribution, service deterioration,
and other unevaluated conditions
sag a deformation of an entire span (or one of its members or parts) from
its required position; the total deflection of the cable members of a
suspension bridge
sag ratio the relation between the sag and the span length
sag rod a rod with threads and nuts at its ends that restrains a structure
member from sagging due to its own weight or external forces
sash brace the horizontal member in a tier of bracing attached to a timber or a
reinforced concrete or metal trestle bent or tower to add rigidity to
the structure
sash stay see sash brace
SBC soil bearing capacity
SC clayey sands; sand-clay mixture
scab a plank that is spiked or bolted over the joint between two members
to hold them in correct adjustment and to strengthen the joint
scour an erosion of a water-bed area that is caused by moving water;
erosion that produces a deepening or widening of the water area
scow a flat-bottomed floating vessel with a rectangular hull, sloping ends,
and no means of propulsion; commonly used as a support in a
temporary bridge
screw jack and an adjustable mechanism consisting of a screw operated in a fixed
pedestal nut and joined on the bottom with a pedestal-like bearing,
permitting adjustment on a fixed-shoe plate or pedestal. Screw jacks
and pedestals installed at each outermost end of the girders or
trusses of a swing span lift them to allow the camber or droop to
remove the swing span and free the arms to act as simple spans
scupper an opening in a bridge floor (commonly located next to the curb or
wheel guard) to allow accumulated water to drain. On a reinforced
concrete bridge, the scupper may be in the curb-face surface
scupper block one of the short, wooden pieces fixed between the planks of a bridge
floor and the bottom side of the wheel guard to provide scuppers
seam weld a weld that joins the edges of two elements of a member or of two
members placed in contact. This weld forms a continuous surface
and prevents infiltration of moisture between the parts. This weld is
not a stress-carrying weld
FM 3-34.343
seat angle a steel section that is attached to the side of a column girder or
another member to provide support for a connecting member either
temporarily during its erection or permanently
segmental arch an arch in which the intrados surface is less than half the surface of
a cylinder or cylindroid. Any right section that shows a parabolic
curvature may include a segmental arch
segmental girder a girder that uses a curved bottom flange and tread coatings to join
the bridge span with the track girder on a movable bridge. See also
track girder
segmental rim the curved rim or circular segment of a rolling lift bridge
segmental roller a roller with two circular segments that are integrally joined by a
web-like portion
seizing a wrapping of wire or other material that is applied on
suspension-bridge cables to hold the individual wires in satisfactory
contact condition
semistub abutment a cantilever abutment that is found part way up the slope between a
shoulder abutment and a stub abutment and is intermediate in size
shafts pieces that are used in movable structures and that carry torsion
shear lock the mechanism at the heel of a bascule span that engages and holds
the leaves closed and prevents rotation
sheave a wheel with one or more grooves in its face surface
sheave hood a protective covering that is placed above a sheave to prevent
accumulations of moisture, sleet, and ice on the sheave face
sheet girder a girder or girder-like member that supports the operating-cable
sheaves at the top of a tower on a vertical-lift bridge
sheet pile a timber, reinforced concrete, or rolled-steel pile used in bulkheads,
cofferdams, and cribs to retain the earth and to prevent the inflow of
water, liquid mud, and sand
sheet pile cofferdam a wall-like, watertight barrier of driven timber or metal sheet piling.
This dam is adapted to construction in still or slow-flowing, shallow
water. Depositing earth material against the exterior side will
sometimes makes the dam more watertight
sheet piling a number of sheet piles placed together to form a crib, cofferdam,
bulkhead, and so forth
shelf angle see seat angle
shim a comparatively thin piece of wood, stone, or metal that is inserted
between two elements, pieces, or members to fix their relative
position and/or to transmit bearing stress
shoe a pedestal-shaped member at the end of a plate girder or truss that
transmits and distributes its loads to a supporting area or member.
A shoe may be a cast or a built-up member. See also expansion
shoe plate the base plate or plate-like part of a shoe that may take bearing
directly on a masonry plate or an intervening expansion device
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spandrel column a column that is superimposed on the ring or a rib of an arch span
and serving as a support for the deck construction of an
open-spandrel arch
spandrel fill the filling material placed in the spandrel space of an arch
spandrel tie wall one of the walls built at intervals above the arch ring to tie together
and reinforce the spandrel walls; any wall serving as a restraining
member to prevent bulging and distortion of two other connected
walls. See also diaphragm wall
spandrel wall a wall that is built on an arch as a retaining wall for the spandrel fill
and the roadway in a spandrel-filled arch or to support the floor
system and its loads when the spandrel is not filled. Wide structures
with unfilled spandrels may have one or more interior walls to
provide a cellular construction when combined with tie walls
specifications a detailed construction plan, including material quality and
handling, load conditions and application, stress, design, and
construction procedures
spider the collar-like plate that connects a spider frame to a pivot
spider frame the assemblage of struts, radial rods, spacer rings, and
roller-adjusting devices holding the conical roller ring of a
rim-bearing or a combined rim- and center-bearing swing span to
the pivot
spider rod see radial rod
spill-through two or more columns supporting A-grade beams. This abutment
abutment r e ta i n s t h e ap p ro a ch e m b an km e n t o n l y p ar t ly , s in ce t he
embankment’s sloped front and side portions extend with their
normal slope to envelop the columns
splay saddle a member at the anchorage ends of suspension-bridge cables that
permits the wires or strands to spread for connection to the
splice the joining or uniting of elements or members of a structure to
provide the desired conditions for transmitting stress and
developing rigidity and strength to fulfill service requirements in
design. All the parts used to unite elements of a member or
members of a structure
splice joint a joint in which the elements of a member or the members of a
structure are joined by a splice plate or by a piece securing a
required amount of strength and stability
spreader a cast or fabricated piece used to hold angles, beams, channels, or
fabricated parts in place to function as parts of a member or
structure; a ring-like or sleeve-like piece placed on a pin to hold
eyebars or other members in the correct position
springing line the line in the face surface of an abutment or pier at which the
intrados of an arch originates
spur dike a projecting construction that is placed downstream and/or
upstream and adjacent to a U- or T-shaped, blocked, or arched
abutment to secure a gradual contraction of the stream’s width and
to induce a free, even flow of water adjacent to and beneath a bridge.
Spur dikes may be constructed as an extension of the wing wall or as
a winged abutment
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stone facing a stone or brick surface covering or sheath laid to imitate stone or
brick masonry with a depth thickness equal to the width dimension
of one stone or brick for stretchers and equal to the length
dimension for headers
stone veneer see stone facing
straight abutment an abutment that has the stem and wings in the same plane or that
has the stem included within a length of the retaining wall. In
general, the stem wall is straight but will conform to the alignment
of the retaining wall
straight wing wall a wall in continuation of the breast wall of the abutment
strain the distortion of a body caused by one or more external forces and
measured in units of length. In common use, strain is the
proportional relation of the amount of distortion divided by the
original length
stream flow the water discharge that occurs in a natural channel. A more
general term than runoff, stream flow may be applied to discharge
whether or not it is affected by diversion or regulation
stress resistance of a body to strain when in a solid or plastic state and
which acts in an unconfined condition
stress sheet a drawing that shows a structure in skeletal form and clarifies the
general makeup, major dimensions, and the arrangement and
composition of its integral parts. The drawing should show
computed stresses (based on applying a system of loads) and the
design composition of individual members (based on applying
assumed unit stresses)
stringer a longitudinal beam supporting the bridge deck and, in large or
truss bridges, it is framed in or is on the floor beams
structural members ties, beams, columns or struts, or any combination of the three
structural shapes rolled iron and steel with various cross-sectional shapes adapted to
the construction of metal members
structural T a T-shaped, rolled member that is formed by cutting a wide flange
longitudinally along the centerline of the web
structure metal see base metal
strut a piece or member acting to resist compressive stress
strut sash see sash brace
stub abutment an abutment that is in the top portion of the end of an embankment
or slope and is quite short as a result. Often supported on piles
driven through the underlying embankment or in situ material,
stubs may be founded on gravel fill, the embankment, or natural
subpanel see panel
subpunched and structural steel shapes or assembled members or structures with
reamed work rivet holes that are punched a specified dimension less in diameter
than the nominal size of the rivets to be driven in and subsequently
reamed to a specified diameter greater than the rivet size
subsill see mud sill
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through bridge a bridge with its floor located between the two sides of the
superstructure, causing traffic to pass through the structural
through cut see cut
tide gate see floodgate
tie bar see tie rod
tie plate see stay plate
tie rod a rod or bar in a truss or other frame that transmits tensile stress
tie wall see spandrel tie wall
TM technical manual
TO theater of operation
toe of a slope the place where the sloped surface of an approach cut, an
embankment, a causeway, or another area intersects with natural
or artificial ground surface at a lower elevation
toe wall a low retaining wall placed near the toe of a slope to produce a fixed
end point, to protect against erosion and scour, or to prevent
water-debris accumulation
toggle joint a mechanical arrangement where two members are hinged together
at a central location and separately at their opposite ends. Their
alignment forms an obtuse angle, causing a force applied at the
common hinge to produce a lateral thrust at the end hinges directed
by the original force
tolerance a range or variation in physical or chemical properties that is
determined to be permissible for construction materials
top see pier cap
TOP land-force tactical doctrine and operational procedures
tower a pier or frame that supports the cables or chains of a suspension
bridge at the end of a span; a frame acting as an end support, guide
frame, and counterweight support for a vertical lift span during an
operating cycle; a three-dimensional substructure framework in a
viaduct with the vertical bents at its ends joined longitudinally by
struts and braces, enabling the structure to resist forces acting
longitudinally on the structure; a four-sided frame supporting the
ends of two spans or one complete span (tower span) and the ends of
two adjacent spans of a viaduct, with its column members strutted
and braced in the tiers and the planes of two or four sides battered
track girder one of the plate girders or trusses that is intended to provide
support for the movable span throughout a cycle. The tread casting
fitted on its top flange or chord forms the track on which the
segmental girder moves. See also segmental girder
track plate the plate on which the segmental girder of a rolling lift span rolls
track segment one of the pieces of the circular track that supports the balance
wheels of a center-bearing swing span or the drum-bearing wheels
of a drum or combined center- and drum-bearing spans
TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command
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FM 3-34.343
tubular truss a truss with chords and struts composed of pipes or cylindrical tubes
Tudor arch a modification of the gothic arch produced by adding shorter radius
cylinder segments at the haunches, thus making it a four-centered
form or type. See also gothic arch
turnbuckle a device used to connect the elements of adjustable rod and bar
two-hinged arch an arch with a pinned connection at each support
U-bolt a round or square bar that is bent in the shape a U and fitted with
threads and nuts at its ends
underpass see overpass
unit stress the stress per square inch (or another unit) of the surface or
cross-sectional area
uplift a negative reaction or force that lifts a beam, a truss, a pile, or other
bridge elements
upper track see tread plate
US United States
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USAES United States Army Engineer School
U-wing wall a wall placed parallel to the alignment of the approach roadway
vertical curve a curve in the profile location that defines the elevation
vertical hip the vertically placed tension member engaging the hip joint of a
truss and supporting the first panel floor beam in a through-truss
span or the bottom chord only of a deck-truss span
vertical-lift bridge a bridge with a superstructure that can be raised or lowered
vertically by cables, chains, or other mechanical devices, with its
ends seated on bridge-seat pedestals. See also movable bridge
viaduct a bridge structure consisting of beam, girder, truss, or arch spans
that are supported on abutments with towers and bents, piers, or
any combination of these supporting parts. Though a viaduct
generally seems to be higher than a trestle, this is not usually so. A
viaduct may be exactly like a multispan bridge
Vierendeel truss a rigid frame with an assemblage of rectangles and trapezoids but
no diagonal members
voided unit a precast concrete-deck unit with cylindrical voids to reduce dead
voussoir one of the truncated wedged stones composing a ring course in a
stone arch. The facing or head voussoirs are placed at the ends of a
ring course
voussoir arch a hingeless arch with both supports fixed against rotation.
Originally, built of voussoirs (wedge-shaped stone blocks), the
hingeless arch may also be concrete
W wheeled
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
weld layer a single thickness of weld metal composed of beads (runs) placed in
contact to form a p ad we ld or a portion of a weld made of
superimposed beads
weld metal the filler metal added to the fused structure metal to produce (by
coalescence and interdiffusion) a welded joint or a weld layer
weld penetration the depth beneath the original surface to which the structure metal
is fused in a fusion weld. See also penetration
weld sequence the order required in making the welds of a built-up piece or the
joints of a structure to avoid the residual stresses producing
individual joint distortions and deformations of the structure or its
wheel base the axle spacing or length of a vehicle. When applied to vehicles with
wheel concentrations at the ends of the front and rear axles, the
wheel base is the center-to-center length of the axles or the length
from the front to the rear wheels
wheel concentration the load carried by and transmitted to the supporting structure by
one wheel of a vehicle, a movable bridge, or other equipment or
device. See also axle load
wheel guard a timber piece that is placed longitudinally along the side limit of
the roadway to guide vehicle wheels and to safeguard trusses,
railings, and other structures outside the roadway limit from
wheel load see wheel concentration
white-way lighting the lighting provided for night illumination along a road or bridge,
as distinguished from sign lighting or colored regulatory and
warning lights
wide flange a rolled member with an H-shaped cross section with wider flanges
and a thinner web than an I-beam
wind bracing the bracing systems in girder and truss spans and in towers and
bents that resist the stresses of wind forces
wing wall the retaining-wall extension of an abutment that restrains and
holds t he s id e-slop e mat erial of an ap proach cause way o r
embankment in place
worked rubble see rubble
working stress the unit stress in a member under service or design load
W-shaped beam wide-flange beam
ACI Code 318-83. Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. American
Concrete Institute. Detroit, Michigan. 1986.
AR 415-16. Army Facilities Components System. 17 March 1989.
AR 415-28. Real Property Category Codes. 10 October 1996.
DA Form 1249. Bridge Reconnaissance Report. 1 July 1960.
DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms.
1 February 1974.
FM 3-19.40. Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operartions.
1 August 2001.
FM 5-125. Rigging Techniques, Procedures, and Applications. 3 October 1995.
FM 5-134. Pile Construction. 18 April 1985.
FM 5-170. Engineer Reconnaissance. 5 May 1998.
FM 5-233. Construction Surveying. 4 January 1985.
FM 5-250. Explosives and Demolitions. 30 July 1998.
FM 5-277. M2 Bailey Bridge. 9 May 1986.
FM 5-34. Engineer Field Data. 30 August 1999.
FM 5-410. Military Soils Engineering. 23 December 1992.
FM 5-412. Project Management. 13 June 1994.
FM 5-426. Carpentry. 3 October 1995.
FM 5-428. Concrete and Masonry. 18 June 1998.
FM 5-430-00-1. Planning and Design of Roads, Airfields, and Heliports in the
Theater of Operations - Road Design. 26 August 1994.
FM 5-430-00-2. Planning and Design of Roads, Airfields, and Heliports in the
Theater of Operations - Airfield and Heliport Design. 29 September 1994.
GTA 5-7-12. Track Commander’s Bridge Crossing Booklet. June 1991.
GTA 5-7-13. Bridge Classification Booklet. August 1993.
Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Geotechnic Engineering. Fourth
Edition. Macmillian. ISBN 0-02-413870-3. 1979.
QSTAG 180 (Edition 4). Civil Bridges (Computation of Bridge, Ferry, Raft, and
Vehicle Classifications). 27 May 1993.
FM 3-34.343
A ASTM, 4-14 continuous-span truss, 3-8
AASHTO, 1-3 AVLB, 1-3 curb, 3-12
AASHTO’s Standard deck, 3-9
Specifications for Highway B demolished, 1-1, 2-4
Bridges, 1-3, 3-1 backhoe, 1-5 expedient, 1-3
abutment, 2-1, 2-4, 7-1 backstay slope, 8-3, 8-4 fixed, 1-3
accessories, 1-1 Bailey bridge, 1-3 floating, 3-13
AFCS, 1-3, 10-2 balanced weld, 9-16 floor stringer, 3-8
A-frame, 4-10 beam foundations and
air photos, 2-3 failure, 6-1 substructures, 12-4
allowable load, 9-2, C-1 bearing, 6-1 girder, 3-13
maximum, 9-3 bending, 6-1 glue-laminated stringer, 3-21
parallel to the grain, 9-2 lateral deflection, 6-1 handrail, 3-12
perpendicular to the grain, 9-2 shear, 6-1 iron, 1-1
allowable pressure, 9-6 vertical deflection, 6-1 M2 Bailey, 4-1
allowable shear stress, 3-20 prestressed, 3-73 masonry, 4-20
allowable stress, 3-19, 3-23, 8-15, bearing, 9-10 masonry-arch, 3-74, 3-75,
9-7 capacity, 2-2, 12-3 4-17
steel, 3-25 failure, 9-7 masonry-arch deck, 4-27
timber, C-1 stress, E-3 movable, 3-81
allowable vehicle shear, 3-21 bending, 11-17 bascule, 3-81
American Association of State bending moment, 3-17 swing, 3-81
Highway and Transportation vertical-lift, 3-81
Officials, see AASHTO bents, 2-1, 3-20
bolt spacing, 9-9 multiple-span, 8-2
American Society for Testing and
Materials, see ASTM bracing, 3-12, 8-7 multispan, 3-16
analytical method, 1-4 knee, 8-7 multispan arch, 2-1
anchor, 8-16 sway, 8-7 nail, 3-12
anchorage, 8-1 bridge, 1-1, 8-1, 8-2 noncomposite steel-stringer,
AO, 1-5 approaches, 5-1
nonengineered, 3-19
approach, 2-1 Bailey, 1-3
reinforced concrete, 3-60
area of operation, see AO bolt, 3-12
reinforced concrete
Artic and Subartic Environments, box-girder, 3-65
box-girder, 3-64
12-1 bracing, 3-12
ribbon, 1-3
armored vehicle-launched bridge, cantilever truss span, 3-8
see AVLB semipermanent, 1-1
composite-stringer, 3-26
Army Facilities Components signs, 5-1
concrete, 1-1
System, see AFCS simple steel, 2-1
concrete-stringer, 2-1
assembly sites, 2-3 simply supported, 3-16
continuous span, 3-16, 3-17
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
FM 3-34.343
washers, 9-7
tactical bridging, 2-1
washers, bearing failure, 9-7
T-beam, concrete, 3-65
water forces, 7-6
TCMS, 1-4
wearing surface, 4-17
temperature forces, 7-6
welding process, 9-12
tensile strength, 9-12
electric-arc, 9-12
test pits, 2-5
oxyacetylene, 9-12
Theater Construction Management
System, see TCMS welds, 9-12
FM 3-34.343 (FM 5-44)
12 FEBRUARY 2002
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
Active Army, Army National Guard, and US Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the initial
distribution number 114374, requirements for FM 3-34.343.