Transistor And: FET Curve Tracer

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and Transistor Tracer FETCurve

Design of an adapter that permits you to display the characteristic curves of any transistor or FET on conventional scope.
Technology Asst.Prof.for Electronics Michigan Community College, County Monroe


Curve tracer adaptor being used to > produce family of curves on scope.

N IOTHING provides more information about a transistor | \ tna" its family of collector characteristic curves. Typical characteristic curves are often given in manufacturers' data sheets, but these are of limited value because transistor characteristics may vary by as much as a factor cf three or four either way from.unit to unit. Temperature variations also cause considerable change in transistor characteristics, especially with germanium types. The adapter to be described will allow you to obtain an
Rl-330ohm,% Wres. R 2 - 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 o h mp o t ( " S t a b i l i t y "c o n t r o l ) R 3 .R 2 1 - 1 0 , 0 0 0o h m ,% W r e s . R 4 - 1 0 0 o h m t r i m m e r( " 1 - VS t e p A d j . " ) R5-33ohm,%Wres. R 6 - 1 0 , 0 0 0o h m t r i m m e r( " N o .o f S t e p s " ) R 7 ,R l 8 - 1 0 0 0 o h m ,% W r e s . R8-1 800 ohm. % W res. R9-1 000 ohm trimmer ("Step-Position" control) Rl 0-47 ohm, % W res. R 11 - 4 7 0 o h m ,1 W r e s . W R 12 - 2 7 0 0 o h m, 1 / z r e s . R l 3 - 1 0 0 o h m ,1 0 W r e s . R 14 . R l 6 . R l 7 , R 2 4 - 1 0 0 , 0 0 0o h m , % W r e s . R l 5 - 2 5 . 0 0 0 o h m .% W r e s . (selected,see text) z R 19 - 2 0 0 0 o h m , 1 / W r e s .( s e l e c t e d ) R20-5000 ohm, % W res. (selected) ohm, % W res. (selected) R22-2O,OOO R 2 3 - 5 0 , 0 0 0 o h m ,% W r e s .i s e l e c t e d ) R 2 5 - 2 0 0 . 0 0 0 o h m .% W r e s .( s e l e c t e d ) R 2 6 - 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 o h m ,% W r e s .( s e l e c t e d ) R27-500ohm.2Wpot ("Ect-.*.)" control) C 1- 0 . 0 5 p F , 2 0 0 V c e r a m i cc a P a c i t o r C 2 - 0 . 2 p F , 2 0 0 V M y l a rc a p a c i t o r C 3 . C 4 - 3 0 0 ; r F , 2 5 V e l e c .c a p a c i t o r C 5 - 5 0 0 y F , 2 5 V e l e c .c a P a c i t o r S1-2-deck, 4-pole,5-pos.selector sw. ( 3 p o l e s , 4p o s .u s e d ) P 0 C e n t r a l a b A - 1 13 o r e q u i v . selectorsw. S2-S.p. 3-pos. (Centralab 461 or equiv.) 1 s . S 3 - 2 d e c k ,1 1 - p o ss e l e c t o r w . ( C e n t r a lab PA-1 005 or equiv.) S 4 , S 5 - S . p . s . t .t o g g l es w . 52

immediate display of the characteristic curves of any transistor or FET on a conventional oscilloscope. The following are some of the uses to which the curve tracer can be put: O Determine the a.c. and d.c. beta, collector-to-emitter satrrration voltage, collector broakdown voltage (up to 35 volts), and dynamic collector output resistance of a transistor. O Observe the effects of temperature on transistor cha acteristics, either by applying heat externally or overbia

Fig. 1. Schematic of tracer. 01, 02, and Q3 comprise staircase genorator, while 04 and 05 form Darlington emitter-followr providing current to driv tho base of th tosttransistor. Collector sw6p voltagecomes from D7-D1O full-wave bridge.

Rta Rt9 R20 7ol aNt67l R2l

5OtrA .5n A i2 mA .lmA

s3B tb/STEP


sl-FuNcrloN swlrcH
|-NPN 2-PtrP 3-N-Ch. 4-P-Ch.

s5-r5=o oR srEP

R23 R24 R25

2 o rA l O !A
5!A 2ya

T l - T r a n s f o r m e r : 1 1 7 V p r i . ;t h r e e ' l 2 - V s e c .a t 0 . 1 A e a c h ( S t a n c o rP - 8 3 5 1 ) . 0 D 1 - D 1 - S i l i c o n d i o d e , ' l0 0 . p . i . v( l N 6 2 8 or equiv.)


t 0 1 . O 3 - 2 N 1 6 7 1 u n i j u n c t i o nr a n s i s t o r t 0 2 - 2 N 3 6 3 8 " p - n - p "s i l i c o n r a n s i s t o r t 0 4 , 0 5 - 2 N 3 5 6 9 " n - p - n "s i l i c o n r a n s i s t o r


ing the transistor and allowing it to generate its own heat. o Observe the base-emitter input characteristics of a transistor. o Observe the E os I curves of diodes, zener regulators, and photocells. o Selectively match transistors on input or output characteristics. o Spot transistors with low breakdown or high saturation voltages as well as those with low beta or high leakage; the first two tests are usually not available on meter-type transistor testers. Circuit DescriPtion The basic function of the adapter is to supply a continuously sweeping voltage of the proper polarity to the collector of the transistor under test, while a staircase waveform is fed through a resistor to the base to produce the "steps" of base current. A different line in the family of curves is traced at each step of the staircase. For simplicity the sweeping voltage is an unfiltered, full-wave rectified 60-Hz sine wave obtained from 71 (Fig. 1). Fig. 3 shows the relationship of the collector sweeping voltage to the base driving voltage. Although they are shown in synchronism, there ^. io particular need to keep them in step, since the locus of points created by the two voltages will be the same for practically any staircase repetition rate. Bl, Q2, and B3 comprise the staircase generator, while B4 and B5 form a very high input impedance Darlington emitter-follower to provide the necessary current to drive the base of the test iransistor without loading and consequent distortion of the staircase-generator outPut. Ql is a conventional unijunction relaxation oscillator. Cl discharges through R2 and R3 until the emitter of Ql reaches approximately 8 to 10 volts. Bl then fires, conducting heavily from emitter to base I and passing a sharp negative spike through Cl to the base of 02 q2 is a constantcurrent source which is gated on by the negative spikes' C2 'eceives identical current pulses from the collector of B2 rr each negative spike produced by Ql, and therefore C2
o i g . 3 . R e l a t i o n s h i p f b a s e - d r i v i n gs t a i r case to collector voltage. Upper trace, 2 volts/division; lower trace 1O volts/div.


v c E( v ) Fig. 2. Readings obtainable from characteristic curve display. (1) A.c. beta : Atc/Alu - (15-7.5 mA)/(2OO-1OOpA) : 75 (at E":4V, 1":12mA). ( 2 ) D . c .b e t a : l c / l a - 1 6 m A / 2 O O p A - 8 0 ( a t E " - 1 0 V ' l " : 1 5 6 4 1 . (3) lceo leakage : 1 mA at 11 V. Collector cutoff current, lcBo is approximately equal to 1666/beta. (4) Collector-emitter breakdown voltage : 16 V (at lu - 2OO pA). (5) Coffector dynamic output resistance : AE/AI - 6 Y/2.5 mA : 2 4 O Oo h m s ( a t E c - 7 V , l c : 2 5 m A ) . T h e c o m m o n l y g i v e n p a r a meter h6g : AllA E - 2.5 mA/6 V : 416 micromhos. (6) Saturation voltage Vsslsa,T) : O.5 V at l" : 20 mA. charges by equal voltage steps at every spike. p3 resets the C2 when the voltage by discharging staircase generator across it reaches the firing voltage of the trnijunction. Dl and fI2 are clamping diodes which shift the d.c. level staircase voltage either positive or neE{aofthe base-driving by the test transistor. R9 provicles control tive as rcquired over the d.c. level shift so that one of the staircase steps may be adjusted to a level which will give zero base current (zero gate voltage in the case of an FET test). F i g . 5 . E x p a n d e dd e t a i l o f s a t u r a t i o n region of 2N3569. Scalesare O.1 V/div. horiz.,1 mA/div. vert.; lb - 1O pAlstep.

Fig. 4. Display for 2N3569 silicon "n-p-n" transistor. Waveform scales are 2Y/div. horiz..2 mA/div. vert.; l6 : 1O pAlstep'

Fig. 6. Display for 2N4O4 germanium "p'n'p" transistor.Waveform scales are 2Y/div. horiz.,2 mA/div. vert.; lu : 1O pAlstep. August, 1971

Fig.7. Display for 2N3O53 silicon "n-p-n" power transistor. The scales are 2Y/div' horiz., 20 mA/div. vert.; 16 - O.5 mA/step'

Fig.8. Displayfor 2N3819 "n"-channel FET. Scales are 2Y/div.horiz.,2 mA,/div. vert; Esate : O.5 V/step; 2nd line from top Es : O. 53

megohms or more if a clean CRT display is to be obtained. The curve tracer is housed in a standard aluminum box with rnost of the electronic circuitry built on a 3" X5' piece of perforated breadboarding stock. Resistors R4 and R6 are miniature trimmers mounted directly on the board. All other variable resistors and switches are mounted on the front panel. Resistors Rl4 through R26 are connected directly between corresponding pins of the two decks of 53. In wiring the transformer secondaries, it is important that the two series windings be connected in-phase as shown in Fig. l. Reversal of one of the secondaries would result in the voltage canceling instead of adding as desired. Calibration and Test Once a thorough check of the wiring has been made, the adapter is ready for test and calibration. The power supply should be checked first; 14 volts should be measured across filter capacitor C5 and a drop of approximately 0.5 volt should appear across series resistor R10. Readings which differ significantly from these norms indicate a serious malfunction which should be located before further tests are conducted. Next, a calibrated oscilloscope should be connected to the emitter of p3. If all is well, a staircase waveform wil! . =observed. R4 is then adjusted so that each step of thr: r-;.rcase represents a l-volt increase. R6 is adjusted to provide the desired number of steps (this will be the same as the number of trace lines in the family of curves displayed or the screen). It is recommended that a low-power silicon n-p-n transistor be used as a test transistor to gain some familiarity with the curve tracer. Set the function switch Sl to position I (NPN), the power switch 52 to .l W, the Fc control R27 at midrange, the 1rlStep switch to 10 pA, the Position control fi9 full counterclockwise, the Stability control R2 near the center of its range, and the 1t - O-Step switch Sb to Step' It is a good idea to make these initial settings with the a.c. applying damagin switch (S4) off to avoid inadvertently voltages to the test transistor while switching ranges. The & output of the adapter is connected to the extern horizontal input of the scope and the 16 output is connect to the vertical amplifier. If the scope is calibrated, the hon' zontal scale can be read directly in volts, while on the vertical scale each volt represents l0-mA collector current. If the scope does not have both normal and inverting inputs, you may have to settle for a display which is either upsii down or backwards from the usual position, but the sanr. information can be obtained in any case. With 54 "on," a characteristic-curve display should be obtained on the scope. The stability control is then adjusted to minimize the flicker of the display. The step adjust is set so that the first display line corresponds to tbe single line obtained when 55 is set to /u : 0. A summary of the readings which can be taken from the display is given in Fig. 2. Junction and insulated-gate field-effect transistcrs may be tested by connecting the emitter, base, and collector leads to the source, gate, and drain, respectively, of the FET. If there is a fourth "substrate" lead, it should be connected with the source. 53 must be set to one of the last three positions to provide the necessary gate-voltage steps. Again, the step-position control must be adjusted so that one of the display lines corresponds to the single line obtained when ,$ is set to 1o : 9. Transistor base-emitter input characteristics, as well as characteristics for rectifier and zener diodes, photocells, and other twolead devices can be obtained by using the "emitter" and "collector" leads only to supply a sweeping voltage. 52 should be left on the .l-W position for such applications unless the device under test is capable of handling currents of 10 mA and above. Typical curves produced by the instrument are shown in r' Figs. 3 through 8.

Close-upof the front panel of the transistor curve tracer.

dotails. lnsideview of curvetracershowingtho construction Rll, Rl2, and Rl3 are provided in series with the collector of the test transistor to prevent damage due to excessive power dissipation. Rl3 also serves as a current-sensing resisior, providing 0.1 volt to the vertical amplifier of the oscilloscope for each milliampere of collector current. The parts for the adapter retail cost the author about $35' although few of them are critical and many substitutions can bJ made to take advantage of components already on hand. For example, nearly any unijunction transistor will do for Ql and Q3, since differences in parameters can be offset 6y adjustment of trimmer potentiometers R4 and R6. q2, 04, and @ should be small-signal silicon types, but there are undoubtedly hundreds of types which will work as well as the particular ones used in this unit. Similarly, diodes Dl through D10 may be nearly any silicon junction type. Resistors Rl4 through R26 are all standard-value components selectively picked from a junkbox for the values noted on the diagram (a high "4.7k" was used for the Sk-resistor, for example). Capacitors CB, C4, and C5 must be several hundred pF each, but there is nothing special about the particular values shown. Capacitor C2 is perhaps the most critical componen! it must have a leakage resistance of 10 54

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