Tut Essay - Complete
Tut Essay - Complete
Tut Essay - Complete
In 1922, archeologist named Howard Carter was looking for royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. What he found would change the way anybody thinks about ancient Egypt. He had found the tomb of King Tutankhamen. In the tomb. Carter found treasures, games, chariots and King Tuts Mummy. When Carter and his team looked around more they found clues of who Tut was. Tut was a young boy Pharaoh, he was apparently ill, Tuts birth name meant living image of Aten, and there was evidence in the tomb that Tut loved to hunt. Tut was about eight or nine when he became pharaoh and he ruled for ten years. This happened because Tuts father, Akhenaten, changed the belief system to monotheism and changed the capital from Thebes to Armana. This caused the people to get angry and when Akhenaten died, he left Tut to take care of the mess he started. Tut changed the belief system back to polytheism, he changed his name and his wifes name, and he moved the capital back to Thebes, which made the people happy. However, when Tut was about 19, he died mysteriously. How did Tut die at such a young age and why? There are only two theories that could explain this Kings death. Those theories are that he could of died by natural causes or it could have been murder. In the 1960s, a scientist named Dr. R.G. Harrison x-rayed Tuts leg and found that it was broken. If Tut broke his leg, he could have gotten an infection. Could this young king die of a broken leg? According to Dr. Zahi Hawass, the leg was jagged, which indicates that Tut may have had an accident. Plus, there
Connor Lane 2.15.12 Stickel werent any antibiotics back then. In a recent article, Dr. Hawass claims the Tut died of natural causes. 1 In 1969, Dr. R.G. Harrison x-rayed the skull of Tut and found something curious. He found that there is severe trauma where the cranium meets the neck. With more examination, doctors everywhere also found this blood clot. Is it possible Tut have been struck on the back of the head with a hard object and murdered? In his book2 The Murder of Tutankhamen, Bob Brier makes a claim that Tut was murdered. Tut was the Son of the pharaoh Akhenaten. Tuts major accomplishments mainly consisted of fixing what his father messed up. Now Tut being murdered sounds like it could be true. However, not just anybody could have just snuck into Tuts temple. Someone in Tuts inner circle would have to have done it. It could have been Ay because he became pharaoh right after Tut died and Ay was in charge of the mummification of Tut. Sadly, there is no evidence that Ay foul played Tut. Both theories are interesting, however, recent factual analysis proves that the young pharaoh died of natural causes. Scientists found that Tuts femur was severely damaged and got infected with gangrene. Since there were no antibiotics 3000 years ago, he would have died from this infection. Tut being murdered is
Hawass, Z., Y. Z. Gad, S. Ismail, R. Khairat, D. Fathalla, N. Hasan, A. Ahmed, H. Elleithy, M. Ball, F. Gaballah, S. Wasef, M. Fateen, H. Amer, P. Gostner, A. Selim, A. Zink, and C. M. Pusch. "Ancestry and Pathology in King Tutankhamun's Family." JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 303.7 (2010): 638-47. Print.
Brier, Bob. The Murder of Tutankhamen : A True Story. New York: Putnam, 1998. Print.
Connor Lane 2.15.12 Stickel illogical because only one of Tuts followers could have done it and Aye is the one who taught Tut pretty much everything so it could not have been him. In the CT scan these many scientists found that the femur was indeed broken. When Dr. Howard Carter tried to remove Tuts mummy, he couldnt get it out, but he saw that the femur had several fractures. In the final analysis, it is clear that Tut died of a broken femur because historians have gathered evidence hinting that his rule was cut short due to a broken femur and severe illness. In recent years, Tut being murdered is illogical because almost nobody can sneak into the Kings temple and then there was the broken femur and deadly bacteria like gangrene and malaria, which lead to his untimely death. It is true, King Tuts life was a short one and we dont know everything about his life, but the finding of Tuts tomb has given us a look at the past, almost like were going back and time and seeing his passions and desires. I have learned a large amount of Tutankhamens life, but the most important things about him is that he was the youngest of all pharaohs and his life and death is the most intriguing ancient story known to mankind.