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Application Report

SLAA478 December 2010

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

Daniel Torres ............................................................................................... MSP430 System Solutions ABSTRACT This application report explains the implementation of a multi-cell lithium-ion battery management system using an MSP430 microcontroller and the bq76PL536. The battery manager is implemented using the standard evaluation boards for the MSP430 MCU and the bq76PL536. The bq76PL536 can be stacked vertically to monitor up to 192 cells without additional isolation components between ICs. A high-speed serial peripheral interface (SPI) bus operates between each bq76PL536 and the MSP430 microcontroller to provide reliable communications through a high-voltage battery cell stack. The battery management system can communicate with an external host or battery charger using USB communication or asynchronous serial communication such as RS232 or RS485. This application report demonstrates the following features: passive cell balancing, cell undervoltage monitor, cell overvoltage monitor, safety cell overvoltage monitor, cell overtemperature monitor. It also detects whether the battery system is in charge or discharge mode by detecting changes of cell voltages. Sample application code and other information associated with this application report can be downloaded from http://www.ti.com/lit/zip/slaa478.
NOTE: This application note is applicable to all the MSP430 devices, the source code provided with this document can be used as is with the MSP430F5xx family.

Contents 1 Hardware ..................................................................................................................... 2 2 Software ...................................................................................................................... 4 3 References ................................................................................................................. 11 Appendix A Benefits of the Ultra-Low-Power MSP430-Based Solution ................................................. 12 List of Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 System Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 2 Battery Manager Flowchart ................................................................................................ 5

.......................................................................................... Cell Charging Profile ........................................................................................................ Battery Pack Threshold Values ........................................................................................... Cell Balancing Flowchart ...................................................................................................
Battery Manager State Machine List of Tables

6 7 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6

Connecting the EVMs ...................................................................................................... 3 EVM Power Connections USB Powered (USB1 Connector on MSP430 EVM) ............................... 3 EVMs Jumper Configuration USB Powered


EVMs Power Connections 5 V on Power Jack Connector J5 (BQ76PL536) ..................................... 3 EVM Jumper Configuration External Power 5 V on Power Jack Connector J5 (BQ76PL536) ................. 3 Asynchronous Serial Port (UART) Connections ........................................................................ 4

MSP430 is a trademark of Texas Instruments. SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536
2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

Hardware 7 8 9 10


Battery Management System Software Files .......................................................................... 10 Supply Currents in Active Mode ......................................................................................... 12 Supply Currents in Low-Power Mode ................................................................................... 12 Supply Currents in Ultra-Low-Power Mode ............................................................................ 12

The battery management system implemented in this application report is based on the existing evaluation modules for the MSP430F5529 and the bq76PL536. Figure 1 shows the system block diagram. For more information on these devices, see the device data sheets.[1][2] The evaluation modules' part numbers are MSP-TS430PN80USB and BQ76PL536EVM-3. These boards are available from the TI eStore (https://estore.ti.com/). For more details and information related to these evaluation modules (EVMs), see the specific EVM user's guide.[3][4]



RS232/RS485/ USB-CDC Class MSP430F5529 Host PC or Battery Charger MSP-TS430PN80USB Target Board





Figure 1. System Block Diagram


Connecting the Evaluation Modules

The EVMs are connected using standard wire jumpers; Table 1 shows the signal connections between the two EVMs. By default, the MSP430 MCU and isolation circuitry on the BQ76PL536EVM-3 are powered using the USB port on the host computer. Table 2 shows the power connections for powering the boards using the USB VBUS voltage (USB1 connector on the MSP430 EVM). Table 3 shows the jumpers' configuration when the system is powered using the USB VBUS. The EVMs can also be powered from an external power supply; Table 4 and Table 5 show this power configuration.
NOTE: Make sure that the pullup resistors R49, R53, and R60 are removed on the BQ76PL536EVM-3 board.

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback



Table 1. Connecting the EVMs

Connection Name SPI: Select Slave SPI: Slave Input/Master Output SPI: Slave Output/Master Input SPI: Clock Fault Alert Data Ready (DRDY) Conversion (CONV) BQ76PL536EVM-3 Connector Pin Number : Pin Name P5-9 : SPI SS/GPIO P5-8 : SPI MOSI/GPIO P5-5 : MISO/GPIO P5-7 : SCLK/GPIO P4-2 : FAULT P4-3 : ALERT P4-4 : DRDY P4-5 : CONV MSP-TS430PN80USB Connector Pin Number : Pin Name J2-36 : P2.7/USCB0STE J2-37 : P3.0/USCB0SIMO J2-38 : P3.1/USCB0SOMI J2-39 : P3.2/USCB0CLK J2-22 : P1.1 J2-23 : P1.2 J2-24 : P1.3 J2-25 : P1.4

Table 2. EVM Power Connections USB Powered (USB1 Connector on MSP430 EVM)
Connection Name Power : 5 V from USB bus Power : Ground BQ76PL536EVM-3 Connector Pin Number : Pin Name P5-6 : SPI+5V P5-2 : GND2 MSP-TS430PN80USB Connector Pin Number : Pin Name J4-65 : VBUS J5-3 : GND

Table 3. EVMs Jumper Configuration USB Powered

BQ76PL536EVM-3 Jumper : Pin Selection JP1 : INT USB JP5 : 3.3VDC MSP-TS430PN80USB Jumper : Pin Selection JP1 : 1-2 JP3 : 2-3 JP4 : 1-2 JP2 : 1-2 JP5 through JP10 : 2-3

Table 4. EVMs Power Connections 5 V on Power Jack Connector J5 (BQ76PL536)

Connection Name Power : 3.3 V Power : Ground BQ76PL536EVM-3 Connector Pin Number : Pin Name JP5 : PIN 2 P5-2 : GND2 MSP-TS430PN80USB Connector Pin Number : Pin Name J5-1 : VCC J5-3 : GND

Table 5. EVM Jumper Configuration External Power 5 V on Power Jack Connector J5 (BQ76PL536)
BQ76PL536EVM-3 Jumper : Pin Selection JP1 : EXT PWR JP5 : 3.3VDC MSP-TS430PN80USB Jumper : Pin Selection JP1 : 1-2 JP3 : 2-3 JP4 : OPEN JP2 : 1-2 JP5-10 : 2-3

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated




Communication Ports
The battery management system described in this application report is able to communicate to a host device over USB or asynchronous serial port (UART). To use the USB communication, it is required to connect to the host device using a standard male 4-pin USB-A to USB-B cable between the slave and the master attached to the connector USB1 on the MSP-TS430PN80USB EVM. It is required to use an external dongle to provide the physical layer for the asynchronous serial port (UART). The user must build or provide an interface for such purpose. A simple RS232 or RS485 interface can be used. The RX and TX should be connected as shown in Table 6. Table 6. Asynchronous Serial Port (UART) Connections
Connection Name Transmit Receive MSP-TS430PN80USB Connector Pin Number : Pin Name J2-40 : P3.3/USCA0TXD J3-41 : P3.4/USCA0RXD External Physical Layer TX RX

The battery management system described in this application report is created by configuring, monitoring, and controlling multiple daisy-chained BQ76PL536 devices. These daisy-chained devices create a battery pack that could be built up to 192 Li-Ion cells. The demonstration software created for the application report has the following features: Configuring the a multi-stacked battery pack Monitoring the multi-cell battery pack voltage and temperature Monitoring the individual cell voltage Passive cell balancing Cell overvoltage and undervoltage protection Overtemperature protection Charge and discharge mode detection Communication to a host device using USB or UART


Battery Manager
The first task of the battery management software is to initialize the MSP430 MCU peripherals.[5] Then it builds the battery stack by detecting and configuring the existing BQ76PL536. The next tasks are to identify the status of the cells and the battery pack by reading the voltages, temperatures, fault, and alert conditions. The battery management software is continuously checking for a fail conditions on the battery pack; it samples the cell voltages and the integrity of the battery pack every second. The system goes to low-power mode if there are not any corrective actions or pending tasks. A brief description of this process is shown in Figure 2.

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback



MSP430 init, Communication ports Init, 1-s timer init, SPI init, Battery pack init

WAKEUP Has 1-s timer expired?


Service async WAKEUP event

Yes Start voltage measurement Sleep

Read each cell data

Check cell status and battery pack status

Action required?


Update battery status and send status to host or charger signals

No 1-s sleep

Figure 2. Battery Manager Flowchart

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated



The battery manager software goes into different states depending on the status of the battery pack. Figure 3 shows all of the possible states.

COV or POT condition detected. Send notification to host.

SOV condition detected. Send notification to host.

CUV or PUT condition detected. Send notification to host.

End of charge Any cell voltage below the discharge delta voltage > charge/discharge time? Pack voltage reaches the value in end of charge voltage and the time in charge taper time has been exceeded

Discharge mode

Charge mode Battery pack voltage < full? Charge clear volts. Battery stack voltage > full? Discharge clear volts.

Discharge mode

Charge mode

Pack voltage drops to the value in end of discharge voltage for more than the time in end of discharge qual time

Any cell voltage < charge delta for more than the charge/discharge time?

End of discharge

Figure 3. Battery Manager State Machine

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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Protection and Safety Conditions The battery manager software protects the battery pack and the cells from undesired operating conditions. To do so, it has some predefined values stored in flash memory to be compared at runtime. These threshold values are located in the data_flash.h file. They are defined based on the Li-Ion cell characteristics as shown in Figure 4. The battery pack threshold values are defined accordingly to the cell threshold values; Figure 5 shows the correlation.
Vsov Vcov


Battery Short Circuit Condition

Precharge tcuv

Fast Charge

Constant Voltage Mode tcov

Figure 4. Cell Charging Profile

Voltage, V

Pack End Of Charge Voltage Full Charge Clear Volts

Pack End Of Discharge Voltage



Capacity, Ah

Figure 5. Battery Pack Threshold Values

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536
2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated




Cell Balancing A common problem of multi-cell battery packs is cell imbalance. Cell imbalance is a detriment to the runtime and life span of the whole battery system. To solve this problem, cells with similar state of charge level (SOC) are usually arranged together.[6] However, an imbalance in the state of charge may develop between cells and reduce the overall capacity of the pack. Cell balancing is method that minimizes this problem by equalizing the cells, allowing the battery pack to operate longer.[7] A difference in cell voltages is the most common manifestation of unbalance, which can be corrected either instantaneously or gradually through bypassing cells with higher voltage. This application report describes a simple method of passive cell balancing based on the differences between the cell voltages. If the difference exceeds the predefined threshold (defined in file data_flash.h), bypass is activated.[8] This algorithm is active only when the battery pack is in charging mode. It can simultaneously perform multi-cell balancing by determining which cells have to be bypassed based on the voltage difference between the cell with the highest voltage (in the whole pack) and the voltage existing on the cell to be balanced. Figure 6 shows the cell balancing flowchart.


Is Cell Balancing Active?


Has the Max Balancing Timer Expired? True Go to SOV mode Pack is now in SOV mode False True False


Has the Cell Balancing Timer Expired?

Is the Battery Pack in Charge Mode? False True

Are there any imbalanced cells? False True Stop cell balancing timers Reset all cell balancing timers Disable all bypass resistors False True

Are the unbalanced cells voltages higher than the balancing threshold ? True


Is the cell voltage higher than CUV threshold?

Reset balancing timer and continue balancing

Start cell balancing timer Reset cell balancing timers Find Imbalanced cells on each BQ76PL536 device Enable bypass resistors of the cells with higher voltages than the balancing threshold


Figure 6. Cell Balancing Flowchart

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback




Communication Ports The battery management system is capable of reporting the battery pack status by sending data to a host or charger using USB or asynchronous serial protocol (UART). To select any of these communication methods, the user must define it in the main.h file. The USB module on the MSP430 MCU is configured to act as a USB-CDC device. For more information on the API functions and the structure of the USB stack, see the Programmer's Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID.[9] The UART API functions are defined in the UART.h, UART.c, and TI_UART_Regs.h. For more information on the specifics of these functions, see INDEX_OPEN_THIS_FILE.html in the folder located in the folder that contains this application report software /MSP430_BMS_BQ76PL536/docs. The valid commands accepted by the communication ports are: "ch" letters + Car Return key sets the battery management system in charge mode "di" letters + Car Return Key sets the battery management system in discharge mode "p" letter + Car Return key shows the battery pack status "c" letter + Car Return Key shows the specific BQ76PL536 device status and cell voltages, entering this command multiple times cycles through the stacked BQ76PL536 devices.

Instructions for Interfacing the USB Device to a Windows PC

For each example, open the IAR/CCE workspace, download the project, and run it. Attach the hardware to a PC. If this is the first time attaching hardware equipped with the USB CDC API, you'll probably be prompted for a driver when you attach it. In Windows, direct it to the INF file MSP430_CDC.inf that is located in the root directory of the API. Note that the driver *.sys files are already in Windows; but an INF file must be supplied in order for the device to associated with it. When the installation is completed, start Hyperterminal or another terminal application. Select the appropriate COM port. (After an installation, this is usually the one with the highest number. If necessary, use the Windows Device Manager to identify which COM port is associated with the MSP430 MCU.) The baud rate and other COM port configuration settings do not matter. When working with terminal applications, it will soon be noticed that they weren't written to be tolerant of the COM port disappearing. Whenever the device program is reset while the port is open, or if the cable is removed, and then a re-connect is attempted, the terminal application must close and re-open the port. However, there's an order in which this must be done: 1. Close the terminal's connection to the port. 2. Connect the USB device to the PC; if the PC volume is set to an audible level, an alert can be heard indicating that a new device has been attached. 3. Re-open the terminal's connection to the port. In short, the port should not be open while the device enumerates. Once learned, this becomes an easy habit. This is merely a symptom of using an old software mechanism (COM ports) over a new medium (USB); terminal applications assume the device is always connected.
NOTE: Sometimes when first attaching the FET tool to the target board, the device can't make a connection. Remove the JTAG connector and USB cable to remove power from the board for a few seconds, then re-connect. Usually it is able to make a connection after this procedure.

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated




File Structure
Table 7 shows a list describing the contents of each file used in this application report software. For more information on the specifics of these files see INDEX_OPEN_THIS_FILE.html in the folder that contains this application report software /MSP430_BMS_BQ76PL536/docs. Table 7. Battery Management System Software Files
File bq_pack.c [code] bq_pack.h [code] data_flash.c [code] data_flash.h [code] defMSP430USB.h [code] descriptors.c [code] descriptors.h [code] dma.c [code] hal_macros.h [code] hal_pmm.c [code] hal_pmm.h [code] hal_UCS.c [code] hal_UCS.h [code] main.c [code] main.h [code] spi_if.c [code] spi_if.h [code] TI_IO_Regs.h [code] TI_USCI_SPI_Regs.h [code] Description This file contains all of the functions of the BQ76PL536 devices This file contains all the definitions of the BQ76PL536 devices This file contains all the functions needed to access to the battery pack information stored in the MSP430 MCU flash memory This file contains all the definitions of the battery pack For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains the state machine functions and the console functions, It also contains the application functions and interrupt service routines This file contains all the definitions of the functions declared in main.c. It also contains the global variables used in other modules This file contains the SPI functions and the CRC calculation This file contains the SPI functions Generic I/O ports register definition Provides definitions for the SPI Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains definitions for the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) created for the MSP430 MCU This file contains all the required functions to send and receive data using the UART module This file contains all the required functions to send and receive data using the UART module For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285)

TI_USCI_UART_Regs.h [code] Generic UART register definition TLV.c [code] TLV_descriptors.h [code] types.h [code] UART.c [code] UART.h [code] usb.c [code] usb.h [code] usb_eventHandling.c [code] UsbCdc.c [code]


Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback



Table 7. Battery Management System Software Files (continued)

File UsbCdc.h [code] USBCDC_constructs.c [code] USBCDC_constructs.h [code] UsbIsr.c [code] UsbIsr.h [code] Description For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285) For more information on this file, see Programmers Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MSP430F552x data sheet (SLAS590) bq76PL536 data sheet (SLUSA08) BQ76PL536 EVM Quick Start Guide (SLUU437) MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide (SLAU278) MSP430x5xx/MSP430x6xx Family User's Guide (SLAU208) "Cell balancing buys extra run time and battery life" By Sihua Wen, Texas Instrument Inc. (SLYT322) "Battery Cell Balancing: What to Balance and How" By Yevgen Barsukov, Texas Instruments Inc. (http://focus.ti.com/download/trng/docs/seminar/Topic%202%20%20Battery%20Cell%20Balancing%20-%20What%20to%20Balance%20and%20How.pdf) 8. Cell Balancing With the bq77PL900 (SLUA463) 9. Programmer's Guide: MSP430 USB API Stack for CDC/HID (available in SLAC285)

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback

Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated



Appendix A Benefits of the Ultra-Low-Power MSP430-Based Solution

This appendix describes the benefits and power considerations of using the MSP430 microcontrollers in this multi-cell Li-Ion battery management system.


Power Modes
This application can run in three power modes. Table 8 through Table 10 show the multiple power schemes and the supply current on each scheme: Active Mode In this mode, the battery management system is reading the status of the cells and sampling the voltages present at the cells. The BQ76PL536 devices and the MSP430F5529 are in active mode during 25 ms when not sending data to the host; when the battery management system is exchanging information with the host, then the system is active during 100 ms. Table 8. Supply Currents in Active Mode
Device BQ76PL536 MSP430F5529 Supply Current Typical (mA) 10.5 10.1 Supply Current Maximum (mA) 15 11

Low-Power Mode In this mode, the BQ76PL536 devices are in protect mode, and the MSP430F5529 is in low-power mode 0. Table 9 shows the supply currents. Table 9. Supply Currents in Low-Power Mode
Device BQ76PL536 MSP430F5529

Supply Current (A) 45 83 (2)


Supply Current Maximum (1) (A) 60 92 (2)


These currents were measured at 25C. See the device-specific data sheet for more information. MSP430F5529 is in low-power mode 3 crystal mode. See the device-specific data sheet for more information

Ultra-Low-Power Mode In this mode, the BQ76PL536 devices are in protect mode and the MSP430F5529 is in low-power mode 3. Table 10 shows the supply currents. Note that USB cannot be used in this mode. Table 10. Supply Currents in Ultra-Low-Power Mode
Device BQ76PL536 MSP430F5529

Supply Current (A) 45 2.5 (2)


Supply Current Maximum (1) (A) 60 3.9 (2)


These currents were measured at 25C. See the device-specific data sheet for more information. MSP430F5529 is in low-power mode 3 crystal mode. See the device-specific data sheet for more information


Multi-Cell Li-Ion Battery Management System Using MSP430F5529 and bq76PL536

2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

SLAA478 December 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback

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