Repowering of Ukrainian Power Plants With CFB Boilers: Babcock & Wilcox 1

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Repowering of Ukrainian Power Plants With CFB Boilers

F. Belin Babcock & Wilcox Barberton, Ohio J.Yu. Shang U.S. Department of Energy Washington D.C. M.M. Levin S.V. Yatskevich Ministry of Energy Ukraine A.Yu. Maystrenko National Academy of Science Ukraine

Presented to: Power-Gen Americas 95 December 5-7, 1995 Anaheim, California, U.S.A.


Upgrading of power plants is one of the most urgent needs for the Ukrainian economy in the post-Soviet era. Nearly 28% of power supplied by the Ukrainian utilities is generated from coal of which Ukraine has vast reserves. The most important type of coal used by Ukrainian power plants is high-ash anthracite (schtib). The calorific value of this fuel has considerably decreased over time from the value used as a basis for power plant boiler design. This, together with poor mechanical condition of the aged boiler equipment, necessitates supplemental firing of natural gas or fuel oil at about 20 to 25% of the heat input. Import of these fuels, used to generate about 34% of electric power, is extremely burdensome for the economy of Ukraine. The existing coal-fired boilers, having no SOx or NO x emissions controls, are the major source of air pollution that is very high in the industrial regions. The power plant upgrade program developed by the Ukraine Ministry of Energy considers repowering of the existing coal-fired units with circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) boilers as the optimal long term solution. CFB technology can utilize low-grade fuels while meeting stringent emission requirements without the use of back-end SOx and NOx scrubbing equipment. Babcock & Wilcoxs (B&Ws) CFB boilers, due to their compactness, are especially suitable for the repowering application. They fit into the footprint of the existing pulverized coal (PC) units without major building modifications. B&W has teamed up with the Ukraine concern Kotloprominvest in a joint CFB development program. Ukrainian high-ash anthracite was tested at the 2.5 MWt CFB facility at B&Ws Alliance Research Center as part of a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The tests have demonstrated efficient combustion and low SOx and NO x emissions within the load

range of 50 to 100%, without the use of supplemental fuel. The design data are presented for the 550,000 lb/hr and 1,400,000 lb/hr CFB boilers currently being developed to replace typical 50 MWe and 200 MWe PC-fired boilers at the Ukraine power plants.

One of the most urgent tasks for the new independent state of Ukraine is upgrading of its thermal power plants. Babcock & Wilcox is cooperating with the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine to apply B&Ws CFB boiler technology to repowering of aging power plants utilizing lowgrade indigenous coals. This paper discusses the energy situation in Ukraine and the reasons for using the CFB technology as a longterm solution. It describes the results of the DOE-sponsored testing of Ukrainian high-ash anthracite at B&Ws pilot CFB facility. The design of B&Ws CFB boilers, developed for repowering of power plants burning this fuel, is also discussed.

Ukrainian Power Industry

The Ukraine power industry is in a crisis situation. When the country was a part of the Soviet Union, the addition of power generation capacity over the last 20 years was mainly with gas/oil-fired units and nuclear power. Two major changes have occurred since then. The first was a grave accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 which froze the nuclear power program and disabled 2000 MWe of generating capacity. The second was the breakdown of the Soviet Union in 1991 which made Ukraine independent, but forced it to import most of its natural gas and oil from Russia and Turkmenistan at prices approaching the world market level. This exerted a heavy burden on the Ukrainian economy and caused a chronic budget deficit.

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Currently nearly 32% of the power supplied by the Ukrainian utilities is generated from coal while about 35% is generated from natural gas and oil, despite the economic pressure to reduce consumption of the imported fuel. Ukraine has vast reserves of coal, but only low-grade coals are available for power generation. The most important type of coal, for which many of the power plant coal-fired boilers were designed, is high-ash anthracite (called schtib). The quality of this fuel has deteriorated considerably over time. Its calorific value has decreased from 10,800-11,700 Btu/lb (the design values) to 72008100 Btu/lb, mainly due to a high ash content. The change of the calorific value was accompanied by a decrease of the volatile matter content and increase of sulfur content. These changes have made high-ash schtib very difficult to burn and more polluting. Due to this deterioration, combined with the poor condition of aging coal-fired boilers, supplemental firing with natural gas and fuel oil of 20 to 25% of the heat input is used to carry the load even though most of the coal-fired units have been derated. While replacement of gas/oil power generation by coalbased power is the economic necessity for Ukraine, the current production of coal can not meet the need of increasing generation. At the same time Ukraine has huge resources of coal cleaning wastes, mostly tailings (called schlamm). About 180 million tons of schlamm have been accumulated and about 6 million tons are added every year, creating a huge disposal problem and causing environmental damage. These coal wastes have a potential of utilization for power production with the use of appropriate technology. Another problem is the age of coal-fired boilers. Most of the installed 200 MWe units (36 out of the total 43) were constructed from 1961 to 1969, and 60% of all 300 MWe units (total 42) will reach 30 years of operation by the year 2000. Many of these boilers, as a result of aging and, in many cases, years of inadequate maintenance, require replacement or complete overhaul for their continuing operation. None of the existing power plant boilers has means of SOx and NOx emissions control. Most of Ukrainian generating capacity is installed in industrial regions where the air pollution level is very high. This makes reduction of SOx and NOx emissions from power plants an acute problem, aggravated by the lack of pollution control manufacturing and technology expertise. The existing problems are exacerbated by the need to close two currently operated 1000 MWe nuclear generating units at Chernobyl. Ukraine committed to do this by the year 2000 under the popular pressure and demands of Western countries concerned with the safety of these units. This loss of generation is to be replaced by adding fossilfueled plants. The use of natural gas to produce this additional power is economically unbearable, especially considering anticipated escalation of gas prices. This would also increase Ukraines energy dependence which is politically unacceptable. For these reasons, addition of power capacity utilizing Ukrainian coal is the only economically and politically justifiable solution for replacement of the Chernobyl plant.

The challenges that the Ukraine power industry face can be summarized as follows: Maximize power generation from coal to reduce consumption of natural gas and fuel oil, while providing additional power production to replace the generation loss due to shut-down of Chernobyl. Improve efficiency of coal utilization and put in use available resources of coal wastes to reduce the deficit of coal production and improve economics of coal power plants. Improve reliability and maintainability of existing generating units by replacing the most worn-out coalfired boilers and extending the useful life of other boilers until they can be replaced by modern equipment. Reduce air pollution from coal-fired power plants by adhering to stringent emissions limits for the replacement coal-fired boilers and improving the environmental performance of rehabilitated units. With a considerable under-utilized capacity of existing power plants, new fossil power plant construction is not expected in Ukraine in the foreseeable future. The addition of new coal-based generation capacity will be done mainly through repowering and rehabilitation of the existing power plants.

CFB Solution
The CFB boiler technology provides the answer to the problems of upgrading the Ukrainian power industry for the following reasons: CFB boilers have a proven ability to efficiently utilize low-grade fuels, including those with high ash (up to 60%) and high sulfur contents, without the use of supplemental fuel within a wide load range. Ukrainian highash schtib has been successfully burned in pilot CFB units. The conditions for its efficient combustion have been determined suitable for CFB boiler design. There is a potential for utilization of schlamm and other coal wastes in CFB boilers by adding them to the main fuel. The Ukrainian organizations have developed a technology of schlamm preparation for fluidized bed combustion which includes drying and pelletizing. The addition of schlamm would considerably improve economics of power generation from coal and help reduce the coal production deficit. CFB boilers provide SOx and NOx emission control meeting stringent pollution limits without the use of back-end gas scrubbing equipment. This has a special importance for Ukraine which does not make this equipment. In addition, the layout of existing power plants makes installation of the scrubbing equipment exceedingly costly. Many coal-fired boilers are so worn-out that their rehabilitation, including installation of pollution control equipment, does not make economic sense. These boilers require replacement using a modern clean coal technology like CFB. While the CFB technology is a long-term solution for upgrading of Ukrainian power plants, PC-fired boilers will continue to produce most of coal-based power for years to come. Therefore, their life extension and economically justifiable improvements in combustion and emissions

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performance remain an important direction of the power plant upgrading effort. One more advantage of CFB technology is the possibility of increasing coal cleaning for its use as a fuel for PC boilers while adding the cleaning wastes to a fuel for CFB boilers. This would result in better overall utilization of coal for power generation. The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, with participation of Ukrainian engineering/consultant organizations, has developed plans for repowering of Ukrainian power plants with the CFB boilers utilizing high-ash schtib. The first step in this program will be repowering of decommissioned coal-fired power plants that were constructed in the late 40s and 50s as the first construction phase of six currently operating plants in Eastern Ukraine. A typical generating unit will consist of two CFB boilers with 550,000 lb/hr capacity and one 125 MWe turbine. The total of 32 boilers of this type are to be installed with the start-up of the first unit planned for 1997. The second step of the program will be CFB repowering of 200 MW e units with 1,400,000 lb/hr capacity CFB boilers. The first boiler of this type is to be started up in the year 2000. It is planned that the CFB boilers for this program will be supplied by the Ukrainian concern Kotloprominvest (KPI). B&W and KPI have signed a license agreement on B&Ws CFB technology. A joint CFB development program for Ukraine is currently underway. The program includes technology transfer, joint research and boiler design/engineering activities and B&Ws participation in commissioning and testing of the demonstration units. This approach emphasizes maximum utilization of Ukraines engineering and manufacturing resources.

prone external recycle devices like L-valves or loop-seals. Another advantage of the IR-CFB design is the wide turndown ratio and responsive load control achieved by controllable furnace inventory, low refractory mass and proper selection of gas velocity and solids circulation rate. CFB Testing of Ukrainian Anthracite The test program on CFB evaluation of Ukrainian high-ash anthracite, sponsored by the DOE in the framework of the U.S./Ukraine Joint Power Plant Upgrade Project, consisted of two phases. The Phase I tests were conducted at a small-scale 0.05 MWt CFB combustor at the Division of High Temperature Energy Conversion (DHTEC), NAS of Ukraine, Kiev. The results of the tests were used to select coal sizing for the Phase II testing and to evaluate Ukrainian limestones for their use in a CFB process. The Phase II tests were conducted at the pilot 2.5 MWt combustor at B&Ws Alliance Research Center (ARC). This unique test facility sized 0.7 x 0.7 x 24 m emulates B&Ws CFB boiler. The previous test work has demonstrated that this facility provides results closely approximating performance of commercial size CFB boilers.[3] The objective of the tests was to evaluate combustion and emissions performance of a CFB firing Ukrainian high-ash schtib during full load and partial load operation. Coal used during the tests represented the worst quality end of this type of coal. Based on the results of tests at DHTEC, coal was crushed to the size of 3 x 0 mm. Limestone used during the tests was supplied by Mississippi Lime Co., Alton, Illinois. This limestone was selected as the one having properties close to Ukrainian limestones (Komsomolsk and Novotroitsk) which were identified as the best performers during testing at DHTEC. The test data for full load and partial (about 50%) load operation are shown in Table 1.

B&W CFB Technology for Ukraine

B&W CFB Boiler B&Ws CFB boiler design employs a distinctive twostage solids separation system. An impact primary solids separator (U-beam separator) is installed at the furnace exit and a secondary multi-cyclone separator is located in the lower gas temperature region (500 to 700F) of the boiler convection pass. The U-beam separator is integral with the boiler enclosure, thus making B&Ws CFB boiler more compact than conventional hot cyclone-type CFB boilers. The two-stage solids separation system provides overall collection efficiency higher than that of cyclonetype CFBs. The development of this technology, its advantages and successful operating experience have been previously described.[1,2] It culminated in the patented third-generation CFB boiler (IR-CFB) featuring a primary separator with entirely internal solids recirculation and control of the solids inventory in the furnace via controlled solids recirculation from the secondary separator. B&Ws IR-CFB boilers compactness makes it especially suitable for repowering applications. The IR-CFB boiler fits within the plan area occupied by existing PC boilers which minimizes changes to the power plant building. This design has significantly reduced the complexity of a CFB system. It does not use expensive, high-maintenance refractory-lined hot cyclone separator nor trouble-

Table 1 Test Data Testing of High-Ash Anthracite at 2.5 MWt CFB Facility Parameter Operation Coal Analysis Moisture Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon Ash Sulfur Coal Gross Heating Value Temperature in Lower Furnace Excess Air Primary-to-Total Air Ratio, lb/lb Ca/S Ratio, lb mole/lb mole Carbon Conversion Efficiency Sulfur Capture Gaseous Emissions, (g/nm3) CO SO 2 NOx Test 1 Test 2 Full Load Part Load 3.68% 5.38% 49.84% 41.10% 2.68% 7518 Btu/lb 1615F 1621F 24% 38% 0.68 0.65 1.6 1.6 96.5% 96.1% 88% 88% 0.26 1.00 0.34 0.29 0.96 0.25

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The conclusions from testing at ARC are as follows: Stable combustion of high-ash schtib without supplemental fuel was achieved within the load range of 50% to 100% of maximum capacity rating. Combustion efficiency was satisfactory for this type of fuel within the load range tested. It is expected that the combustion performance will be even better in a commercial unit for which the furnace height will be increased from the test unit height of 75 ft. Good sulfur capture performance was achieved for full-load and part-load with the use of limestone similar in properties to Ukrainian limestones available from existing mining sources. Within the 50-100% load range, emissions of NO x were well below the limit of 470 mg/nm3 specified for Ukrainian CFB boilers. The data obtained from the test program has confirmed that B&Ws CFB technology is suitable for efficient combustion of high-ash schtib while meeting stringent emissions requirements. CFB Boiler Design for Ukrainian Power Plants As part of a joint CFB development program for Ukraine, B&W and KPI are designing typical CFB boilers of 550,000 lb/hr and 1,400,000 lb/hr capacity for Ukrainian power plants. The design fuel for these boilers is high-ash schtib with properties shown in Table 2.

of the PC boiler and auxiliary equipment is shown in Figure 1. A layout drawing showing the arrangement of the new CFB boiler and its auxiliary equipment is shown in Figure 2. The CFB boiler has higher capacity and higher steam parameters. The predicted boiler performance at full load is shown in Table 3. The boiler fits within the plan area of the existing boiler cell, but the furnace height required for efficient combustion of high-ash schtib makes it necessary to increase the building height approximately 24 ft. New boiler columns and top grid steel would need to be installed to top-support the CFB unit.

Table 2 Fuel Properties Ukrainian High Ash Anthracite Proximate Analysis (% Moisture Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon Ash Weight) 10 4 40 36 Figure 1 Existing 507,000 lb/hr anthracite-fired boiler (TP-230).

Ultimate Analysis (% Weight) C 49.6 H 1.0 O 1.5 N 0.5 S 1.4 Ash 36.0 Moisture 10.0 Higher Heating Value 7307 Btu/lb

The boiler design work is in different stages of development: close to completion for the 550,000 lb/hr unit and in conceptual stage for the 1,400,000 lb/hr unit. The design features of these boilers are described below. Some design adjustments are expected when the analysis of data from recent testing at the ARC 2.5 MW t CFB facility is completed. 550,000 lb/hr CFB Boiler This CFB boiler is designed to replace a typical PCfired boiler TP-230 (507,000 lb/hr, 1420 psig, 950F) manufactured by Taganrog Boiler Works. The arrangement

Figure 2 firing.

New 550,000 lb/hr CFB boiler for high-ash anthracite

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Table 3 Predicted Performance for 550,000 lb/hr CFB Boiler Fuel Type Fuel HHV Steam Flow Steam Temperature Steam Pressure Feedwater Temperature Flue Gas Temp Leaving Air Heater Coal Flow Ca/S Molar Ratio Sulfur Capture Limestone Flow Boiler Efficiency High-Ash Anthracite 7307 Btu/lb 550,000 lb/hr 1040F 1990 psig 446F 298F 94,650 lb/hr 2.1 90% 9650 lb/hr* 86.4%

A baghouse or electrostatic precipitator (to be decided) will be installed for particulate control. A new dry ash system will be installed in place of the plants existing wet sludge system that can not be used due to the presence of unreacted lime in the bed solids. Expected emissions levels from the CFB boiler are shown in Table 4. The emissions will meet or fall below the values specified for Ukrainian CFB boilers. 1,400,000 lb/hr CFB Boiler This CFB boiler is designed to replace a typical PCfired boiler TP-100 with steam reheat (1,400,000 lb/hr, 1990 psig, 1013F/1013F) manufactured by Taganrog Boiler Works to supply steam for a 200 MWe generating unit. The arrangement of the existing boiler and auxiliary equipment is shown in Figure 3. The TP-100 boiler layout is distinctive in that it has one furnace with two exits on opposite walls (side walls) and two convection passes (so-called T-Shaped arrangement). The boiler has one drum oriented parallel to the side walls.

*Based on 90% CaCO 3 Content in Limestone

Coal and limestone will be crushed in a central location and transported to the boiler using existing conveyors. Crushed coal will be stored in the existing coal bunkers, previously used for raw coal. The coal will be fed to the boiler in four points through the front furnace wall using gravity feed chutes. Limestone will be stored in a bunker, previously used for pulverized coal, and fed pneumatically through the front and rear furnace walls. Solids collected by a multi-cyclone secondary separator will be recirculated to the furnace via an air-assisted gravity system and injected at eight points through the rear wall. Bed ash will be purged from the furnace via three water-cooled screws.

Table 4 Predicted CFB Boiler Emissions Fuel: High Ash Anthracite Emissions, mg/nm3 at 6% O2 Specified Limit Predicted Value NO x 470 350 SO2 600 508 * Particulate 50 50 Pollutant *At 90% Sulfur Capture

Figure 3 Existing 1,400,000 lb/hr anthracite-fired boiler (TP-100).

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This layout is very amenable to repowering with B&Ws CFB boiler, whose arrangement is shown in Figure 4. The capacity and steam parameters of the CFB boiler are the same as these of the TP-100 boiler that it replaces. The predicted boiler performance at full load is shown in Table 5. The expected emission performance is the same as that shown in Table 4. The CFB boiler fits within the plan area of the existing boiler cell. The furnace is taller than that of the TP-100 boiler, but it fits under the upper trusses of the existing building. The existing overhead crane is to be removed.

Table 5 Predicted Performance for 1,400,000 lb/hr CFB Boiler Fuel Type Fuel HHV Steam Flow Steam Temperatures Superheater Outlet Reheater Outlet Reheater Inlet Steam Pressure Superheater Outlet Reheater Outlet Feedwater Temperature Flue Gas Temp Leaving Air Heater Coal Flow Ca/S Molar Ratio Sulfur Capture Limestone Flow Boiler Efficiency High-Ash Anthracite 7307 Btu/lb 1,400,000 lb/hr 1013F 1013F 644F 1990 psig 536 psig 446F 298F 277,000 lb/hr 2.1 90% 28,240 lb/hr* 86.4%

The CFB furnace arrangement with exits at two opposite walls allows to increase the furnace depth to 30 ft while keeping the U-beam height the same as that in B&Ws CFB boilers with a standard 15 ft deep furnace. The lower part of the furnace is pantlegged. Coal is pneumatically fed to the furnace through its two side walls. The limestone is also pneumatically fed through the sidewalls at both sides of each leg. Similarly, the secondary air nozzles are installed at both sidewalls of each leg to provide adequate penetration. Solids collected by multicyclone secondary separators under each convection pass are returned to the furnace through sidewalls via an airassisted gravity system. Each convection pass is followed by a tubular air heater, baghouse and ID fan. Combustion air is supplied to each side by separate FD fans. The design of the 1,400,000 lb/hr CFB will be refined based on experience obtained from 550,000 lb/hr CFB boilers. The two-step approach will reduce the risk associated with mastering and scaling-up of the CFB technology applied to utilization of high-ash schtib.

CFB technology can be successfully applied to utilize high-ash Ukrainian anthracite while minimizing emissions of air pollutants. Repowering with CFB boilers offers a long-term solution for upgrading of Ukrainian power plants and reducing their consumption of imported natural gas and fuel oil. B&Ws CFB boiler design offers a clear advantage for repowering with its compact arrangement as compared with conventional cyclone-type CFBs. Pilot CFB testing of high-ash anthracite has demonstrated its efficient combustion and low emissions performance. B&W and Ukrainian organizations are cooperating to develop the CFB technology for repowering Ukrainian power plants.

*Based on 90% CaCO3 Content in Limestone

Figure 4 New 1,400,000 lb/hr CFB boiler for high-ash anthracite firing.

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1. Belin, F., CFB Boilers With An Impact Particle Separator - Design and Operating Experience, 4th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1-5, 1993. 2. Belin, F., et. al., CFB Combustor with Internal Solids Recirculation - Pilot Testing and Applications, 13th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Orlando, Florida, May 7-10, 1995. 3. Belin, F., Flynn, T.J., and Morris, T.A., Performance Comparison of Babcock & Wilcox Commercial Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers, 2nd International Symposium on Coal, Beijing, China, October 1991.

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