Rafal Psik
Foster Wheeler Energia Polska, Poland
Presented at
Power Gen International
Orlando, Florida
December 2 - 4, 2008
Rafał Psik,
Foster Wheeler Energia Polska,
Target for high efficiency in modern power plants is set not only because of
economical reasons but also for enhanced environmental performance in terms of reduced fuel
needs, quantity of ash generated and pollutants emitted. Cutting CO2 -emission has become
increasingly important after the Kyoto Protocol. As coal will remain an important source of energy
the focus has been set to improve the efficiency of coal fired power plants. To achieve this goal,
supercritical steam parameters have been applied. Most large European thermal power plants built
for fossil fuels such as coal and brown coal over the last decade have had supercritical steam
parameters and have been based on pulverized coal (PC) fired once-through boiler technology.
Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology has emerged as a growing challenger to
conventional pulverized coal-fired boilers in energy generation. Over the last decade, CFB boiler
technology based on natural circulation has reached utility scale. There are several CFB boilers in
operation with sizes between 200 – 300 MWe. The largest units in operation are two 300 MWe CFB
boilers at Jacksonville Energy Authority in Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A delivered by Foster
Wheeler. These boilers burn either 100% coal or 100% petroleum coke or any combination of the
two. The largest units in terms of physical dimensions are two 262 MWe CFB boilers at Turow
power plant in Poland (units 4 and 5, unit 6 under construction). The fuel for these boilers is brown
coal with 45 % moisture content, which increases the flue gas flow considerably.
Foster Wheeler is now taking CFB technology a step further, to larger sizes with
supercritical steam parameters and once-through technology. The construction works for a 460
MWe supercritical CFB boiler for Południowy Koncern Energetyczny SA (PKE) in Poland are
about to be finalized. This is a result of continuous and determined development work conducted by
Foster Wheeler including an experience database of over 200 reference boilers in operation.
Emphasis has been given to mechanical design issues and understanding the process conditions
affecting heat transfer, flow dynamics, combustion characteristics, gaseous emission control and
thermohydraulics among others. Understanding these processes has been gained by the work done
in bench-scale test rigs, pilot plants, field testing of operating units, model development, and
simulation using developed semi-empirical models or more theoretical models. Design criterias for
larger units have been developed and successfully implemented on the basis of data collected,
model development work, and correlations with conventional boiler design.
PKE (Part of TAURON GROUP) is located in southern Poland in Katowice and it is the largest
utility in Poland, operating eight power plants within a 50 km radius from Katowice. The company
has installed capacity of over 5055 MWe, which is approximately 17 % of Poland’s total generating
capacity. In addition, the company has over 2541 MWth of district heating capacity, which accounts
for 16 % of the local heat generating requirements of the Katowice area. In year 2001, PKE
announced a bidding process for supercritical once-through boiler delivery for 460 MWe unit in
their Łagisza plant, with two alternative combustion technologies: pulverized combustion and
circulating fluidized bed combustion. Foster Wheeler submitted proposals for both combustion
alternatives. Both boiler proposals were based on BENSON technology with vertical tubing and low
mass flux. Foster Wheeler was selected as the boiler supplier on December 30, 2002, with both
combustion technologies. Finally CFB technology was chosen by PKE for Łagisza OTU boiler after
additional two months of detailed technical comparisons, as well as economical studies with
following conclusions:
− Total plant investment cost is lower for CFB alternative. The installation of wet
desulfurization and SCR systems that are essential for a PC-based solution can be
eliminated, and all emissions requirement are still fulfilled.
− Overall plant performance is better. Net plant efficiency using CFB technology and an
advanced flue gas heat recovery system is approximately 0.3 %-unit better than with PC
solution with similar heat recovery system.
− Fuel flexibility provides a useful safety margin for the future. The unique multi-fuel
capability of the CFB boiler provides a wider fuel range and the additional possibility of
using opportunity fuels.
The Foster Wheeler’s delivery comprises turnkey boiler island including engineering
and design, civil works and foundations for the boiler, boiler house enclosure with steel structures,
boiler pressure parts, auxiliary equipment, main steam piping to turbine and reheated steam piping,
coal bunkers and fuel feeding equipment, electrostatic precipitator and cold end flue gas heat
recovery system, erection, construction, start-up, and commissioning. The time schedule of the
project is presented in Table 1
The plant net efficiency is naturally dictated by the selected steam parameters, steam
cycle configuration, cooling tower conditions and boiler efficiency. In Łagisza design the boiler
efficiency is improved by flue gas heat recovery system, which cools the flue gases down to 85 °C
thus improving the plant net efficiency. The calculated net plant efficiency for Łagisza is 43.3 %
and net power output is 439 MWe.
The emission requirements for Łagisza boiler are according to European Union
directive for Large Combustion Plants. The emissions for sulfur dioxide are controlled with
limestone feeding into the furnace. The nitrogen oxide emissions are controlled with low
combustion temperature and staged combustion. There are also provisions made for a simple
ammonia injection system (SNCR), however that is not required on design coals. Particulate
emissions are controlled by electrostatic precipitator.
Table 4. Emission limits
Emission (6% O2, dry) mg/m3n
SO2 200
NOx 200
Particulates 30
3.1 General
The boiler design for Łagisza design is based on well proven Foster Wheeler CFB –
technology. It utilizes the experience of over 200 reference units starting from the first generation
CFB boilers with conventional cyclone design which typically had a thick multi-layer refractory
linings. These heavy refractory linings are known to cause high maintenance, decreased availability
and limiting operational flexibility, such as long start-up times. Few of these first generation units
have been made with a steam or water cooled structure, however the manufacturing of such
construction is laborious and some sections with thick refractory linings remained together with few
expansion joints.
The second generation CFB technology was developed to integrate solids separator
with combustion chamber and to get rid of heavy multi-layer refractory linings. This was achieved
with water or steam cooled panel wall construction that allowed the whole solids separator
construction including the solids return channels to be made of panel walls with thin refractory
linings. Also the number and size of expansion joints could be minimized, with water cooled
separator construction no expansion joints are needed. The first of the second generation CFB
boilers was started already 1992 and thereafter the number and size of this advanced technology
grown steadily. The largest of the second generation CFB boiler are the units delivered to Turow
power plant in Poland for units 4, 5 and 6. The power output of these units is 262 MWe.
3.2 Water and Steam circuitry
In Łagisza CFB boiler the feed water enters the boiler at a temperature of 290 °C for
preheating in a bare tube economizer. Thereafter water is divided to the enclosure walls of the
INTREX™ fluidized bed heat exchangers and further to distribution headers of the evaporator
(furnace) walls. The water is heated in the evaporator wall tubes and eventually converted to
superheated steam before the evaporator outlet. Therefore there is dry-out occurring (as in all once
through designs) at a certain elevation of the evaporator causing a decrease internal heat transfer
coefficient and locally increased tube and fin temperatures. In CFB boilers the furnace heat flux is
considerably lower than in PC boilers and the highest heat flux occurs in the lower furnace where
water is always sub cooled. Detail studies have proved that in CFB conditions proper cooling of the
evaporator wall tubes is achieved at wide load range using normal smooth tubes with mass flux of
550 – 650 kg/m2s at full load.
Figure 1. Steam circuitry.
During boiler start-up and shut down a circulation pump is used to secure minimum
water flow through the evaporator. The two-phase flow from the outlet headers of the evaporator
walls is collected to vertical water/steam separators where the water is separated from the steam and
led to a single the water-collecting vessel, see figure 1.
When the boiler load exceeds the so called BENSON -point at approximately 32 %
load the steam exiting the evaporator walls is slightly superheated. Hence the circulation system can
be closed and the boiler has achieved once-through operation mode.
Dry steam from the water/steam separators is led to the furnace roof which is the first
part of superheating system. After the furnace roof steam is taken to superheater support tubes,
walls of the convection pass and tube coils of the convective superheater I. Superheater II is located
in the upper furnace in areas where the solids densities are low and its lower ends are protected
against any possible erosion.
After superheater II the steam is divided to eight parallel solids separators that form
the superheater III. The separator walls are formed of the gas tight membrane walls and they are
covered with a thin refractory lining with high heat conductivity.
Final superheating is performed in superheater IV located in four INTREX
superheaters at the one side of the furnace. The INTREX superheater is a fluidized bed heat
exchanger that is integrated to the lower part of the furnace. The main steam temperature is
controlled with a two stage feed water spray as well as by adjusting fuel feeding.
Steam after the high pressure turbine is brought back to the boiler for reheating. The
first stage reheater is located in the convection pass. The reheater I (RH I) is equipped with a steam
side bypass which is used for reheat steam temperature control. At higher loads part of the reheat
steam is bypassed the RH I which reduces the heat pick-up and hence the inlet steam temperature to
RH II is decreased. This patented reheat steam control method avoids using a spray control for
reheat side and therefore do not cause a decrease in plant efficiency. There are over 20 CFB boilers
utilizing this control method, e.g. Turow CFB boilers in Poland. In Łagisza the final reheater stage
is located in INTREX heat exchanger similar to the final superheater.
The plant is operated with sliding steam pressure so the boiler pressure is following
the turbine load. Hence at lower loads (below 75 %) the main steam pressure below critical pressure
(221 bar) and at higher loads the boiler is operating at supercritical pressures.
3.3 Furnace design
The flue gas side furnace design for Łagisza CFB boiler is based on extensive analysis
of the fuels and limestones that are going to be used. These have given the required data for the
design models to make predictions for circulating material particle size distribution, solids densities
and finally the heat transfer with gas temperatures. The design resulted with a furnace cross section
of 27.6 x 10.6 m and height of 48.0 m. The furnace dimensions are only slightly larger than the
experience from the operating units, see comparison to the key reference boilers shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Comparison of furnace dimensions
Łagisza Turow 4-6 JEA Turow 1-3
- Width m 27.6 22.0 26.0 21.2
- Depth m 10.6 10.1 6.7 9.9
- Height m 48.0 42.0 35.1 43.5
The furnace has one single fluidizing grid under which there are four separate air
plenums introducing primary air to furnace. The primary air flow for these four air plenums is
measured and controlled separately to insure equal air flow to all sections of the grid and uniform
fluidization. The single continuous fluidizing grid ensures simple control as well as a stable and
uniform operation of the furnace.
Fuel feeding is arranged on the long walls of the furnace. The grid area per one fuel
feed point is the same as used in other boilers. Secondary air is introduced also on long furnace
walls at three elevations to provide staged combustion for minimizing the NOx emissions. Figure 2
is presenting general 3D view of Łagisza CFB boiler
Figure 2. View of the Łagisza CFB boiler.
Figure 4. Łagisza CFB boiler under construction, April 2007(left) and April 2008(right).
Today, second half of September 2008 cold commissioning of boiler island and
turbine island is ongoing. Control room and DCS system is already in operation, loops checking
done. Fists starts of motors are ongoing, as a first was started one of the ID fans. As a next are
planed cold starts of following auxiliary equipment, as other fans and coal sieving and crushing
station. Crushing station is required to be ready to operation end of September 2008, because boiler
steam blowing is planned to be performed also with solid fuel to reduce cost of light oil. Following
big commissioning activity to be done in September, before steam blowing is boiler chemical
cleaning. According to original schedule steam to turbine will be supplied begging of December
2008 and boiler take over will take place in March 2009.
Now when the design for Łagisza 460 MWe CFB boiler is almost completed, the next step is
to reach for even larger boiler sizes and higher plant efficiencies. To accomplish this goal Foster
Wheeler together with few European partners has launched a development program to develop a
CFB boiler design for 800 MWe. The design for the 800 MWe boiler will be based on the Łagisza
design with the necessary scale-up modifications.
In this project the steam parameters are selected to represent the state-of-the-art
material technology to maximize the plant efficiency. Using bituminous coal as a fuel and direct sea
water cooling (18 °C), a net efficiency exceeding 45 % is estimated.
CFB technology has been considered a technology for niche applications. Today,
however, the technology is challenging the conventional technology, with enhancements in terms of
both scale and efficiency. CFB technology offers a number of advantages for refurbishment old
power plants, such as fuel flexibility, multi-fuel capability, and emission control without the use of
secondary systems. CFB boiler usally well fits to retrofited boiler room lay out allowing in many
casest to increase power otput of block from the same avilable space. Integration of supercritical
once-through boiler technology with CFB technology provides the best combination of features for
efficient, cost effective, and environmentally safe power production.
With supercritical once through technology CFB boilers are able to provide a basis for
high efficiency power plant with reduced emissions including CO2 together with high fuel
flexibility. The CFB boiler for Łagisza power plant utilizes a wide range of coals. The boiler design
for 460 MWe Łagisza power plant is based on proven solutions that are already used in other large
CFB boilers delivered by Foster Wheeler. Only a modest scale-up has been required. It can be
concluded that CFB technology is today commercial to boiler sizes of 500 MWe and programs
exist to scale-up the technology up to 800 MWe. Next supercritical once through CFB boiler was
sold by Foster Wheeler in January 2008 in Russia (Novocherkavskaya Power Plant) with capacity
of 330MWe.