Guidelines For Anti-Virus Exclusions

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Guidelines for Anti-Virus Exclusions

Monday, 18 March 2013

Version 1.1


Revision and Signoff Sheet

Change Record
Date 11/17/08 Author Version 1.1 Change reference Added Windows client exclusions. Replaced SMS exclusions Configuration Manager exclusions.

Name Version approved Position Date

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 3 Why Exclude .................................................................................................................................. 1 Document Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 1 Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Document Scope ........................................................................................................................... 2

Exclusion Guidelines .................................................................................................................... 1 Appendix A Best Practices for Determining Files to Exclude from Scanning ..................... 8 3.1 Types of Files................................................................................................................................. 8

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Why Exclude
It is important to achieve a balance between ensuring a secure and virus free server environment while also not interfering with reliability and performance of each server. A lack of exclusions with regards to virus scanning has traditionally been one of the main causes of outages with regards to applications and services. In addition, virus scanning is often a cause of performance issues.


Document Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for anti-virus configuration parameters, depending on the software installed on a server. These guidelines are based on Microsoft Knowledge Base, Microsoft Premier Support as well as collective field experience from Microsoft Services. These guidelines apply to both memory resident Real-time scanning as well as on-demand Local Scanning.



Implementing the exclusion guidelines described in this document may make your computer or your network more vulnerable to attack by malicious users or by malicious software such as viruses. Before making these changes, it is recommended that the risks that are associated with implementing this workaround be evaluated. It is noted that in some cases, additional settings may be required in addition to those contained in the document to prevent reliability and/or performance issues. It is at the discretion of the reader with regards to interpretation and implementation of the guidelines contained in this document.

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Document Scope

This document covers anti-virus scanner settings for the following Microsoft Technologies running on Windows Client applications and Windows Server applications (and services): 1. Windows Client a. WSUS client b. Configuration Manager 2007 Clients c. Offline Folders d. Print Spooler e. Softgrid Client f. Windows Search 2. Microsoft Applications a. ADAM b. BizTalk 2004 c. Exchange Server 2003 d. Hyper-V e. Live Communications Server (LCS) 2005 f. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) 2.x g. Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) 2003 h. Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 i. SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) 200x j. SQL Server 2005 k. Systems Center Configuration Manager 2007 l. Systems Center Configuration Manager Clients m. Virtual Server (VS) 2005 (Host) n. Virtual PC (VPC) 2007 (Host) o. Visual SourceSafe 4 / 5 / 6 p. Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) q. Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) r. Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM) s. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 3. Core Windows Server 2003 Services a. Active Directory b. ASP.NET applications c. Cluster Service d. DHCP Service e. File Replication Service (FRS) f. Internet Information Services (IIS) 5 / 6 g. Index Service h. MSMQ i. Pagefile j. Print Service k. SMTP Service l. Terminal Server Licensing Service m. WINS Service This document does not cover scanning of data within applications themselves. For example, it is possible to scan data within Exchange and SharePoint databases.

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Process File, Extension or TCP/IP port Default Folder Comments

Service / Application
Windows Client WSUS client

Multiple symptoms occur if an antivirus scan occurs while the file or the file is copied Package cache folder

Configuration Manager 2007 Client

*.* /s


Offline Folders Print Spooler spoolsv.exe *.spl *.shd Softgrid Client *.* /s

c:\windows\CSC C:\WIndows\system32\spool\PRINTERS Print Spool service

C:\Users\Public\Documents\SoftGrid Client

Potentially also exclude sequencer files. The sequencer uses the %TEMP% and its own Scratch directory for temporary files. Example: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp

Windows Search

Searchfilterho st.exe Searchindexe r.exe Searchprotoc olhost.exe

Windows Server Applications BizTalk 2004 (dependant on SQL Server, ASP.NET, . may be dependant on MSMQ) *.config Global.asax Exchange Server 200x (dependent on SMTP, IIS) mad.exe store.exe *.edb *.stm *.chk *.log %ProgramFiles%\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA Exchange database logs %ProgramFiles%\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA Exchange databases As required Exclude any BizTalk file receive queue folders IIS virtual directories used by BizTalk server (MessagingManager, BizTalkServerRepository) Exclude any file extensions used, i.e. if you are consuming xml messages exclude scanning of .xml files. .config files containing application execution options. BizTalk File Receive

Potentially also exclude sequencer files. The sequencer uses the %TEMP% and its own Scratch directory for temporary files. Example: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp Page 1
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Confidential *.dat *.* /s *.stf M: %ProgramFiles%\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA (or wherever database log files are stored) *.* %ProgramFiles%\Exchsrvr\Mtadata Installable File System (IFS) drive (drive M). This applies to an Exchange 2000 server and only if M: drive is enabled. Temporary files are used during the content conversion process. These files are only specific to Exchange 2000 Server. Exchange MTA files


C:\Exchsrvr\%servername%.log (where %servername% is the name of the server running Exchange Server)

Exchange message tracking log files (if enabled)

*.* /s


Virtual server folders



Site Replication Service (SRS)

*.* Live Communications Server (LCS) 2005 (may be dependant on SQL server or MSDE) *.ldf *.mdf *.ldf Hyper-V host Vmms.exe Vmswp.exe Vmwp.exe *.vhd *.vsv *.vud *.vfd *.iso *.xml *.avhd *.bin Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) 2.x Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) 2003 MicrosoftIdentityIntegr ationServer.mdf MicrosoftIdentityIntegr ationServer_log.LDF *.mdf

Any folders used when running offline maintenance utilities such as Eseutil.exe. C:\LC Archiving Data Archive databases

C:\LC Archiving Log C:\LC Data C:\LC Log Exclude these extensions for all Hype-V related folders containing these files.

Archive logs User and Configuration databases User and Configuration logs Excludes virtual machines, floppies, save states, snapshots, ISOs and configuration xml files.

C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\MBSA\2.0\Cache

Because the file contains several nested cabinet files, excluding the file itself is not typically sufficient to combat the high CPU use unless you can also specify to exclude its contents. MIIS database and log

%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Identity Integration Server\data

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Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 (MOM Management server dependent on SQL Server. MOM Reporting dependant on IIS and SQL Server Reporting Services, MOM Web Console dependent on IIS) web.config SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) 200x *.* *.* owstimer.exe Port 25 %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Storage System %SystemRoot%\Temp\FrontPageTempDir N/A File cache for uploading user files to the document library. Alerts relating to Adding, Modifying, and Deleting information from the Site. SharePoint Portal server sends out alerts to an SMTP service on port 25. Some anti-virus applications have an option to "Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail" in port 25. Ensure that the OWSTIMER.EXE is added to the exception list to allow it to communicate with SMTP. SQL Server 2005 mssql.exe sqlagent.exe *.mdf *.ldf *.ndf Microsoft Configuration Manager site servers %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Configuration Manager Prevents contention for data file. SQL database and logs *.* %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Operations Manager 2005\WebConsole %ProgramFiles%\SharePoint Portal Server Web Console .config file contains application configuration options. MOMHost.exe.config %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 .config file contains application configuration options.


%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Inboxes (exclude file types or all files for all sub folders under this folder).

Site Server inboxes (only applies to servers providing Site Server services)


%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs H:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Logs

SMS Logs


%Drive%\SMSPKG folder (this is typically the drive that contains the most available disk space) (exclude file types or all files for all sub folders under this folder).

Distribution manager stores compressed copy of package.

*.msg *.que *.xml Virtual Server 2005 Host (dependent on IIS) vssrvc.exe vmh.exe *.vhd *.vmc


Management Point (MP) (only applies to SMS 2003 Management Points)

Exclude these extensions for all folders on the server.

Virtual machines, floppies and save state.

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Confidential *.vsv *.vud *.vfd Virtual PC 2007 Host virtualpc.exe *.iso *.vhd *.vmc *.vsv *.vud *.vfd *.iso Visual SourceSafe 4 / 5 / 6 Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) Windows SharePoint Services (dependent on SQL Server or MSDE) *.config Global.asax owstimer.exe Port 25 N/A Alerts relating to Adding, Modifying, and Deleting information from the Site. SharePoint Portal server sends out alerts to an SMTP service on port 25. Some anti-virus applications have an option to "Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail" in port 25. Ensure that the OWSTIMER.EXE is added to the exception list to allow it to communicate with SMTP. WSRM WSUS (dependent on SQL Server or MSDE) Windows Server 2003 Services .NET Framework Active Directory lsass.exe *.* /s ntds.dit ntds.pat edb*.log ntds.pat res1.log res2.log temp.edb edb.chk *.* /s *.* /s %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\sysvol %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\staging areas SYSVOL This exclusion may not be necessary, please refer to TechNet article for details) SYSVOL This exclusion may not be necessary, please refer to %SystemRoot%\ntds NTDS Working folder %SystemRoot%\ntds NTDS Logs %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework %SystemRoot%\ntds NTDS Database *.* /s Wsrm.edb *.mdf *.ldf %SystemRoot%\Temp\FrontPageTempDir %SystemRoot%\system32\Windows System Resource Manager\JetDB C:\WSUS\MSSQL$WSUS\Data File cache for uploading user files to the document library. Accounting Database WSUS MSDE database and logs (present if MSDE is used for WSUS database) Disable any realtime scanning on the server. Manually scan SourceSafe server periodically. .config files containing application execution options. Exclude this extension for all folders on the server. Exclude these extensions for all folders on the server. ISO Image files Virtual machines, floppies and save state. Virtual machines run very slowly in Virtual PC 2004 or in Virtual Server 2005

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TechNet article for details) *.* /s ASP.NET applications (.NET Framework) Certificate Server Domain.edb tmp.edb edb.chk res1.log res2.log Cluster Service *.* /s %QuorumDrive%\MSCS (where %QuorumDrive% is the shared Quorum disk resource) DFS The same resources that are excluded for a SYSVOL replica set must also be excluded when FRS is used to replicate shares that are mapped to the DFS root and link targets on Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003-based member computers or domain controllers. tmp.edb dhcp.mdb dhcp.pat j*.log res1.log res2.log Print Service spoolsv.exe *.spl *.shd File Replication Service (FRS) ntfrs.jdb %SystemRoot%\ntfrs\jet;en-us;815263 File Replication Service (FRS) database Needed for SYSVOL *.log %SystemRoot%\ntfrs\jet\log FRS logs Needed for SYSVOL %SystemRoot%\system32\spool\PRINTERS Print Spool service %SystemRoot%\system32\dhcp DHCP Jet database and logs Cluster Quorum disk *.* %SystemRoot%\Cluster %SystemRoot%\system32\CatRoot2 *.config Global.asax %SystemRoot%\Sysvol\staging Location will depend on where the application has been installed to. SYSVOL This exclusion may not be necessary, please refer to TechNet article for details) .config file contains application configuration options. Exclude these file types for all servers running ASP.NET applications. Note that this issue is resolved for both Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 with a hotfix (and possibly now a service pack). Please refer to and for details. Certificate Jet database and logs

DHCP Service

edb.chk Internet Information Services (IIS) 5 / 6 inetinfo.exe *.config Global.asax

%SystemRoot%\ntfrs\jet\sys Location will depend on where the application has been installed to.

File Replication Service (FRS) working folder Needed for SYSVOL .config files containing application execution options. Exclude these file types for all servers running IIS.

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metabase.bin MetaBase.xml MBSchema.xml *.* Index Service MSMQ *.* /s cisvc.exe cidaemon.exe catalog.wci %SystemRoot%\IIS Temporary Compressed Files C:\System Volume Information (in addition, exclude the catalog.wci in any other folders that contain an Index Catalog) %SystemRoot%\system32\MSMQ %SystemRoot%\system32\MSMQ\storage Pagefile (present on all Windows servers) SMTP Service Terminal Server Licensing Service lserver.exe *.* /s *.edb *.log *.tmp *.chk WINS Service wins.mdb winstmp.mdb j50.chk j50.log res1.log res2.log %SystemRoot%\system32\wins WINS Jet database and logs C:\Inetpub\mailroot %SystemRoot%\System32\LServer Default SMTP virtual Server License server database and logs Pagefile.sys C:\ Windows Pagefile MSMQ Queues IIS temporary compressed files System catalog. %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv IIS 5 metabase IIS 6 metabase

Notes 1. Any paths shown in this document are default installation paths only. Actual paths may vary (and may even be split across multiple drives as is often the case with SQL, Exchange and SMS). 2. %SystemRoot% is C:\Windows by default and %ProgramFiles% is C:\Program Files by default. 3. If the server was upgraded from Windows NT4.0 then the Windows folder will likely be C:\WINNT. 4. *.* designates that all files in the folder specified should be excluded. 5. *.* /s designates that all files in the folder specified and all sub-folders should be excluded. 6. Specific recommendations from antivirus software vendors may supersede the guidelines contained in this document. 7. Some of the guidelines may not be applicable with any future service packs, hotfixes or versions of any of the operating systems or applications listed in this document.
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8. The TechNet articles referenced generally contain a more detailed explanation with regards to potential issues and resolutions with regards to virus scanning software. It is strongly recommended that these articles be reviewed when planning an anti-virus strategy.

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Types of Files
The exclusion guidelines contained in Section 2 of this document are product specific. For other applications (not listed above), it is often necessary to determine exclusions on a case-by-case basis. The section below provides some guidance in this area. Files should typically be excluded based on the following criteria: Locked Files - The files are permanently locked open by a legitimate server process. Examples of these are databases such as DHCP and SQL Server, as well as files such as the Windows Pagefile. Large Files - The files are manipulated often by a legitimate server process and are typically large in size. Examples of these are copying CD/DVD images (.iso) and Virtual Machine Files (.vhd). In addition operations may also include the likes of offline maintenance on Virtual Machine Files and Exchange Server databases. Temporary Files - A large number of temporary files are written to disk by a legitimate server process. Examples of are the Spool folder and Exchange Server MTA queues.

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