Final Motion For SFVCOG March PP 2013

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Planning & Programming Committee March 20th, 2013

MOTION Directors Antonovich, Yaroslavsky, Najarian, and Wilson

San Fernando Valley Council of Governments Transportation Priorities
The San Fernando Valley Council of Governments (SFVCOG) is a regional agency comprising the County of Los Angeles and Cities of Burbank, Glendale, Los Angeles, San Fernando and Santa Clarita. Working in partnership through the SFVCOG, these jurisdictions address issues of regional interest, including transportation. At its March 14th meeting, the SFVCOG Board unanimously adopted an initial set of multimodal transportation priorities and projects. These priorities and projects are as follows: Connect Bob Hope Airport with Transit Construct a new Metrolink station on the Antelope Valley Line at Hollywood Way to provide direct access to the airport Link the airport to the North Hollywood Red Line/Orange Line stations Link the airport through Burbank, Glendale and Eagle Rock to the Gold Line in Pasadena Implement an express bus pilot program to link the North Hollywood Red Line/Orange Line stations to the Pasadena Gold Line Upgrade Metrolink and LOSSAN Corridors Double-track the Metrolink Antelope Valley and Ventura Lines to eliminate chokepoints and potential for train collisions Construct grade separations to eliminate dangerous crossings Straighten railroad tracks where possible to increase travel speeds Construct the run-through tracks at Union Station (i.e., Southern California Regional Interconnector Project)

Develop the I-405/Sepulveda Pass + East San Fernando Valley North-South Transit Corridors

Include project interconnectivity Development of potential public-private partnership

Complete the High Occupancy Vehicle Lane System Construct the HOV Lane Direct Connector from I-5 to SR-134 Construct the HOV Lane Direct Connector from I-5 to I-405 Complete the HOV Lanes on I-5 through the Santa Clarita Valley Connect and Coordinate Transit Systems Serving the San Fernando Valley Synchronize transit schedules among our local transit agencies, Metrolink and Amtrak to ensure that our buses and trains meet each other in a timely manner to encourage and improve our regional transit system connectivity Work with Bob Hope Airport to create a plan to link local transit into the Bob Hope Airport Regional Intermodal Transit Center upon completion WE THEREFORE MOVE that the MTA Board direct the CEO to recognize formally these priorities of the San Fernando Valley Council of Governments (SFVCOG) and return within 90 days with a presentation to the Board that includes the following for each of the SFVCOG transportation priorities:

Current project status Current placement in the Long Range Transportation Plan Estimated costs Strategies for implementation Current and potential funding opportunities Recommended legislative initiatives as well as outreach plan to work with other jurisdictions and agencies Coordination with and integration into other MTA initiatives such as the Bus Rapid Transit Study

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