Indeterminate Structures - Force Method

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CIVL 3121

Indeterminate Structures - Force Method


Indeterminate Structures
Advantages and disadvantages of indeterminate structures:
Smaller Stress Greater Stiffness Redundancies

Indeterminate Structures
Smaller Stresses

Stress due to support settlements Stresses due to temperature changes and fabrication errors

Indeterminate Structures
Greater Stiffness

Indeterminate Structures
Redundancies Statically indeterminate structures, if properly designed, have the capacity for redistributing loads when certain structural elements become overstressed or collapse ll in i cases of f over l loads d d due to earthquakes, h k tornadoes, impact, or other events

Indeterminate Structures

Indeterminate Structures
Stress due to support settlements

CIVL 3121

Indeterminate Structures - Force Method


Indeterminate Structures
Stress due to temperature change and fabrication errors

Indeterminate Structures
Methods of Analysis When analyzing any indeterminate structure, it is necessary to satisfy equilibrium, compatibility, and forcedisplacement requirements for the structure. Equilibrium is satisfied when the reactive forces hold the structure at rest. Compatibility is satisfied when the various segments of the structure fit together without intentional breaks or overlaps. Force-Displacement requirements depend upon the way the material responds (in our case linear-elastic)

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method The flexibility or force method is a procedure for analyzing linear elastic indeterminate structures. This method was one of the first methods available for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures. Since compatibility forms the basis for this method, is has also called the method of consistent deformations.

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method The method consists of writing equations that satisfy the compatibility requirements for the structure in order to determine redundant forces. Once these redundant forces are determined, the remaining reactive forces on the structure are determined by satisfying equilibrium requirements.

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method The flexibility or force method was originally developed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1874 and later refined by Otto Mohr and Heinrich Mller-Breslau.

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method All indeterminate analysis methods require that the solution satisfy equilibrium and compatibility requirements. By compatibility we mean that the structure must fit together no gaps can exist and the deflected shape must be consistent with the constraints imposed by the supports. A key step in this method is the analysis of an indeterminate structure as a stable determinate structure with selected restraints (supports for example) removed.

James Clerk Maxwell Christian Otto Mohr

Heinrich Mller-Breslau

CIVL 3121

Indeterminate Structures - Force Method


Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method While this method can be applied to any type of structure (beams, trusses, frames, etc.) the computational effort increases exponentially with the degree of indeterminacy Therefore this method is most applicable to structures with a low degree of indeterminacy

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Selection of the redundant restraint

The reaction at B is absolutely essential for the stability of the structure, it is termed redundant

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Selection of the redundant restraint

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Selection of the redundant restraint

To satisfy the original restraint at point B, we determine the deflection at B as a function of the redundant force RB and set that equation equal to zero.

The additional compatibility equation combined with the equations of equilibrium will account for all the indeterminate reactions.

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Consider the following indeterminate beam

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Consider the following indeterminate beam

+ One choice for the redundant in this problem is the reaction at point B. We know that the deflection at B is zero

B 0 BO BB 0

CIVL 3121

Indeterminate Structures - Force Method


Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Consider the following indeterminate beam The deflections at B can be evaluations with virtual work Another method would be to used tables for deflections of structures and the method of superposition.

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method A few tabulated values for deflections are given below:

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method A few tabulated values for deflections are given below:

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Returning to our original example indeterminate beam

As a sign convention, we will assume that displacements are positive (+) when they are in the direction of the redundant. You are free to choice the direction of the redundant.


wL4 XB L3 0 8EI 3EI


3wL 8

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Returning to our original example indeterminate beam

Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Compute the reactions and draw the shear and moment curves for the following beam

CIVL 3121

Indeterminate Structures - Force Method


Indeterminate Structures
Flexibility or Force Method Compute the reactions and draw the shear and moment curves for the following beam

End of Indeterminate Structures

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