Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc.: Rev. Daniel Bossidy Barbara Prahm Carol Bossidy

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Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc.

624 Torringford West St., PO Box 1201, Torrington, CT 06790-1201

Phone: 1-(860)-489-4137
Pastor: Rev. Daniel Bossidy
March 2009
Dear Friend,
Greetings once again in the name of our Lord Jesus
Rev. Daniel Bossidy Christ, from everyone at the Full Gospel Lighthouse
Pastor&President Church in Torrington, CT. Some amazing things have
Barbara Prahm been happening at our church lately. God is moving by
Vice-President His Spirit, and it’s wonderful to be a part of it all!
Carol Bossidy There is nothing more important for you and me
Treasurer than to know we are saved through the sacrifice Jesus
Christ made for us. When I repented of my sins and
asked Jesus Christ into my life, He came in and changed
Card Ministry my whole life. You can have the most supportive family
Convalescent Home in the world, love one another, and excel in all types of
Ministry activities, but if you don’t have a personal, daily
Evangelistic relationship with the Lord Jesus, all of that lacks
Ministry something. The Bible says we all have sinned and come
Fasting Ministry short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We know that
Foreign Missions there will be no sin or anything that will defile heaven
Foundation Studies one day. The Bible even says that one day we all will
Hands of Hospitality stand before the Lord and give an account of ourselves
Home Missions before Him, whether we received Jesus Christ and all He
Newsletter did to save us, or we rejected Him. Deep down in our
Prayer Services hearts we all know whether we will make heaven our
Sunday School home or not. If there is a question, then we need to
Vacation Bible become serious and turn to the One who died for our
School sins. Only Jesus Christ can save you and me. Only He
Visiting Ministry can take away our sins and make us ready to make
Youth Activities heaven our home. That’s why He came: to save sinners.
He loves us and He deals with our hearts, sometimes in
the middle of the night, sometimes as we drive down
the highway or go about our daily tasks. We think we
should come to Him someday and settle once and for all
the nagging question in our souls: am I ready to face the
In continued recognition of
Dr. Philip P. Saunders Lord? Why wait? Turn from your sinful ways today and
give Christ the reins of your life now, for He will abundantly pardon
you and save you. His hand is not short that it cannot save and His
ear is not heavy that He cannot hear. But the Bible tells us our sins
and iniquities have hid His face from us. He does this so we will
seek Him with all our hearts and souls.
There is a Christian lady who came to church one day asking
for prayer. Her doctor told her she has a degenerative eye
condition that will only get worse, eventually leading to blindness.
She was due to have more intensive tests to show them what
course of action to take. Before any treatments or more tests were
done, she came to church for prayer. We all gathered around her
one Sunday night, calling on the name of the Lord for her. Later
that week she went to the doctor who tested her. He was amazed
to discover that there was nothing wrong with her eyes! He asked
her what happened and she told him she received prayer and the
Lord healed her! There is one thing about this woman that I need to
tell you. She became a Christian many years ago, repented of her
sins, was water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and she
received the Holy Ghost, just as the Bible teaches us all to do. She
comes to all the church services and is an active member, not just
of our assembly, but a part of the kingdom of God itself. The reason
I say this is because the Bible says faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the Word of God. Her priority is to hear what the Word
of God says to her each church service. And she diligently applies
that to her life every day. Some think she is a little fanatic, but
wouldn’t you be, too, if the Lord healed you like that? Sure you
would. Too many people say the church is no longer relevant today.
But not to her! Let me encourage you to take another look at the
church. The Lord is still moving by His Spirit!
We are so glad to be able to come to your home and bring you the Word of
God. I pray this newsletter will brighten your day and give you hope and renewed
faith in God. If you are in need of prayer, please feel free to contact us at 860-489-
4137. We will pray and believe God with you for the answer! We are the Full Gospel
Lighthouse Church, located at 624 Torringford West St. in Torrington, CT. Our
schedule of services is Sunday at 10 am and 7 pm and Wednesday at 7:30 pm. May
God richly bless you and your family this month. Please remember, our church is
praying for you!
Rev. Daniel Bossidy

P.S. Please remember to tune in to the “Word Of Light” television broadcast,

hosted by my dear friend, Rev. Eleanor Kalinsky, pastor of the Full Gospel
Interdenominational Church of Manchester, CT. It airs on your local ION-TV station
Sundays from 9 to 9:30 am and Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:00 am.

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