Important, Important!: Critical That Each and Every One of You Respond To This. You May

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JUNE, 2009

IMPORTANT, IMPORTANT! 4) Do you want to end your

Last month a letter and form were membership and/or support, or do
sent to all UP members and your prefer to move from a
supporters. I called it a “re-up,” or designated hour to a support role
a re-enlisting. We have now or vice versa? It is absolutely
completed seven years of the critical that each and every one
existence of the Uninterrupted of you respond to this. You may
Prayer Team, and God has indeed call me, Bob Burton, at (417) 331-
blessed the members/supporters 1028 or Anita Prochnow at (417)
and many prayers have truly been 336-7056. You may e-mail me at
answered. But now it is time to or Anita at
reassess commitment. Only a
small percentage of you have You may drop a note to me at
responded to the request. So, here 1582 Talking Rocks Road,
it is again, with a strong statement: Branson West, MO, 65737, or
For people who do not respond, we Anita at the SDC Foundation,
will assume that you no longer 7347 W. State Hwy 76, Branson,
wish to continue your involvement MO 65616. Please do not delay;
with the UP Team. That would be respond, one way or another,
a tragedy, if your commitment right away. This is critical!
continues to be fresh. You do not Thank you for your faithfulness
have to respond with the form. to the UP Team!
We simply need to know: 1) Do
you want to continue your REFLECTION
involvement, and if so, as a We are in the great season of Pentecost,
celebrated annually fifty days after the
member with an hour a week or
Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
more or as a supporter who prays Interestingly, the time originally
for the UP Team and its members? corresponded with the Jewish Feast of
2) Do you want to change your day Pentecost, or Weeks. It was one of the
and/or hour(s); if so, what? 3) Are feasts celebrating harvest and occurs
you not sure what your day and fifty days (Pentecost refers to fifty) after
the great Feast of the Passover. Thus,
hour are and want clarification?
once again we see how perfect is God’s
Plan of Salvation, how Christianity is the “Abba,” or “Dad,” thereby describing
true fulfillment of Judaism, and how the incredible privilege of intimate union
Christianity is fittingly called a Judaeo- with God, of sharing in His Divine
Christian religion. Jesus’ death and Family life; 3) only those who have the
Resurrection occurred during Passover – Spirit of God are truly sons and
the commemoration of the Jews in Egypt daughters of God. So, what does this
placing blood from a lamb on their mean for us as people of prayer? There
doorposts so that the angel of death is a tremendous truth here, folks.
would “pass over” them. The typology Because of our decision to accept Jesus
pointing to the Blood of the Lamb is as our Lord and Savior, resulting in the
magnificent. So, too, it is so fitting that outpouring of the Holy Spirit within us,
the birthday of the Christian Church the prayer of a Christian is powerful
should be on the day of the Jewish Feast way, way beyond our own power. When
of Pentecost, when the harvest of souls we pray in accordance with God’s will,
for the Kingdom of God begins in the we are truly guided by the Spirit in that
New Covenant. For Christians, prayer, and the prayer becomes joined
Pentecost is now indelibly connected with Jesus the Great High Priest,
with the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of becomes His prayer, and the Father
the Blessed Trinity. For the coming of always listens to His Son! So, when we
the Holy Spirit in power, as promised by engage in praise and worship, in
Jesus, utterly transformed the Apostles thanksgiving, in genuine repentance, in
and the others obediently waiting in intercession, and in talking with and
prayer in the Upper Room and the listening to God in our own way, there is
spreading of the Church began. We read an awesome spiritual reality going on, a
in Acts that the Holy Spirit appeared supernatural power beyond our human
with tongues of fire and as a mighty, ability to perceive. Brothers and sisters,
rushing wind; but make no mistake: Satan absolutely wants to blind us to this
This was the arrival of a Person, not a reality, He wants us to believe that we
wind or an expression of fire. Jesus are little and insignificant. He is
promised the coming of the Holy Spirit; terrified by genuine prayer and it causes
on the night before He died, He told the him to flee. This is why the UP Team
Apostles, and us, that the Comforter and re-up is so important. Satan knows how
Counselor would come and that He powerful the prayer of people joined
would remind them, and us, of together in this way is, how it can bring
everything that Jesus taught. One of the about spiritual transformation and the
titles of the Holy Spirit is the salvation of souls by God’s grace
“Paraclete,” which means Advocate, or working through such prayer. He wants
Counselor. Paul later, under the us to give up, change our priorities by
inspiration of the same Holy Spirit, gave putting life emphasis on tasks and
us the theology of the Spirit with regard responsibilities other than prayer,
to the dynamic Christian life, when he especially extended prayer. Now is the
wrote such magnificent truths as 1) the time to renew and recommit ourselves –
presence of the Holy Spirit within for victory is truly in sight.
believers makes us living temples of
God; 2) the presence of the Holy Spirit
makes us adopted children, crying out
FUND RAISER that anyone who encountered the love of
The SDC Foundation is benefitting from God face-to-face would never be the
a family-fun event at White Water on same. He knew that His kingdom grows
Saturday, June 20, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. one heart at a time. It is exactly how He
All proceeds will go to meet the physical designed it to be – one life loving
needs of kids through the Foundation’s another life, in His name. The heart that
Care for Kids program, serving all the suffers is oftentimes a heart that is open,
school districts in Stone and Taney and suffering hearts surround us. There
Counties. The $15 admission includes are so many opportunities to show His
the rides, a barbecue meal, games and love. A bag of groceries, a safe home, a
music. This is a 417 Magazine event, ride to the doctor, a caring mentor, a
and your participation can specifically warm coat. And that’s what Love in the
help Care for Kids. For more Name of Christ is about. Each need is
information, please contact Cally Ross at an opportunity to fulfill our purpose – to
(417) 336-7058 or 7056, or go to love our neighbor as He loved us.”


The following is a message from the There was a pastor who wanted to add
National Love, INC President, Robert some drama to his Pentecost Sunday
Odom: “One life. Through the life and sermon. So, he trained one of his youth
death of Jesus Christ – one man, Son of to position himself in the rafters with a
God – the course of history was changed dove. When the pastor raised his arms
forever. His one life changed each of and shouted, “Come, Holy Spirit!” the
ours. Every life is precious to Him; He boy was supposed to let the dove loose,
knows and loves each one of us to soar among the congregation. On the
personally. This is how God chooses to big day the church was packed. Then
work in our world – one life at a time. the moment came. The pastor raised his
The encounters Jesus had with voice, looked heavenward, and shouted,
individuals in His earthly ministry were “Come, Holy Spirit!”…Nothing. So, the
deeply personal. Again and again, He pastor shouted even more loudly,
quietly reached out and touched lives in “Come, Holy Spirit!”…Nothing. All of
ways that few would ever see. When a sudden there was a squeaky voice from
Jesus walked along in a crowd and heard the rafters: “This is God. I can’t send
a single cry for help, He was moved with down the Holy Spirit. But would you
compassion. Each need was important like me to throw down the cat that ate
to Him, and each life was of the Holy Spirit?”
immeasurable worth – the lonely and
despised, the outcast whom no one else MORE ON THE LIGHTER
would touch, the hurting and the sick. SIDE
He loved and cared for each one. How Two in honor of Fathers’ Day: 1) A
can we not do the same? How can we father passing by his son’s bedroom was
ignore or reject anyone who is broken, astonished to see the bed was nicely
hurting, lonely, or lacking? Jesus knew made and everything was picked up.
Then he saw an envelope in the center of toothbrush. “When you finish cutting
the bed; it was addressed “Dad.” He the grass,” he said, “you might as well
opened the letter and read it with sweep the sidewalks.” The doctors say
trembling hands: Dear Dad: It is with he will probably walk again, but he will
great regret and sorrow that I’m writing always limp.
to you. I had to elope with my new
girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a PRAYER MOBILIZATION
scene with mom and you. I have been Please pray for: Sister Paula’s brother…
finding real passion with Joan and she is Jeanne Bensch, who will be taking an 11
so nice – even with her piercings and month mission trip in January, to 11
tattoos, and her tight motorcycle clothes. different countries, for funding and for
But, more, dad, she’s pregnant and Joan safety…Shannon, Reflection of Christ
said that we will be very happy. Even client…Charlie Engram, his business
though you wouldn’t care for her, as she ventures…Mary Engram, health…
is so much older than I am, she already KLFC, financial resources to continue
owns a trailer in the woods. Joan taught their ministry, as sponsors dwindle
me that marijuana doesn’t really hurt because of the economy…Catherine
anyone, and we’ll be growing it for us Evers’ mom, health…Zach, high school
and trading it for all the cocaine and student, still recovering from a severely
ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we’ll debilitating auto accident…Keith Lilly’s
pray that science will find a cure for wife and her friend, recovering from a
AIDS so Joan can get better. Don’t serious auto accident…IRM
worry, dad; I’m 15 years old now and I (International Renewal Ministries), for
know how to take care of myself. the upcoming National Pastors’ Prayer
Someday, I’m sure we’ll be back to visit Summit…Ozarks/Branson Christian
so you can get to know your News and John Sacoulis…All SDC
grandchildren. Your son, John…..P.S.: Foundation programs, that they have the
Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over staff, volunteers and funding to continue
at my neighbor’s house. I just wanted to with their community services…all
remind you that there are worse things in regional churches and ministries…Bott
life than my report card that’s in my Radio Network…area Food Pantries…
center desk drawer. I love you! Call all facing bankruptcy and foreclosures
when it is safe to come home. 2) The and struggling financially…all other
power mower was broken and wouldn’t needs, spoken and unspoken.
run and the wife kept hinting to her
husband that he should get it fixed. STORY
Somehow the message never sank in and “We use to fish together, he and I. We
the grass kept getting taller. Finally, she would laugh, get wet and examine each
thought of a clever way to make her new lake or fishing hole with an
point. When her husband arrived home explorer’s passion. I taught him well, all
one day, he found her seated in the tall that I knew about hooks, lures, baits and
grass, busily snipping away with a tiny about how different fish would feed or
pair of sewing scissors. He watched react to the taste of a sharp wire in their
silently for a short time and then went lip. He learned well. Matthew loved to
into the house. When he came back out fish. From pond to stream to lake and
a few minutes later, he handed her a river, from bluegills to bass, to catfish, to
trout, it didn’t matter what kind they course, the great blessing of eternity will
were. It was the enjoyment of fishing. be Jesus. To see Jesus, to serve Jesus, to
Many times as he was growing he would worship Jesus will be our everlasting
fall behind as we waded a river or a pursuit and joy. But along with that will
creek. ‘Dad, wait up,’ he would call out be the glad reunions that take place
with a grimace as he pulled off his tennis constantly in the courts of glory. Loved
shoes and dumped out sand and pebbles. ones, so painfully separated from in this
Or he would shout, ‘Just one more cast,’ life, will be ecstatically rejoined with
in order to get a few more minutes on there. Nevermore to roam, the circle
the water. We got good at fishing unbroken, no sad farewells, no tear-
together, Matthew and me. As he grew dimmed eyes, together once again. One
older he became more proficient at his day I envisioned entering glory. So
art, and at the art of living a life of grace. awesome was the sight that I could
Shortcomings – he had his own distinct hardly take it in. I entered the Holy City
ones, but he was never short on being a through a huge gate made of single
servant, expressing gratitude, showing gigantic pearl. The wall that the gate
kindness toward others, laughing so hard was in was shining with the brilliance of
that he would fall to the floor holding his precious stones. The whole city
sides, genuinely caring and praying for glistened with the radiance of purest
his lost friends, and loving others. He gold. The street that I walked upon was
believed in Jesus Christ, he knew God, transparent, so fine was the gold that it
and he was always learning the Word of was made from. To think that the riches
God. Then Matthew, who at thirteen of this earth had become the common
and a half years of age had never really building element of heaven! The street
been sick, died. Suddenly, without that I traveled upon became a huge
warning, he left us. No goodbye, just divided thoroughfare leading to the
gone. And our lives changed, changed throne of God the Father, the Holy Spirit
forever in a few short minutes. A and the Lamb. There was the Lord God,
searing blade of pain sliced through our high and lifted up! Spontaneously I fell
spirits. The sorrow was so intense that to my knees and praised the One who is
we thought we would never recover. most holy. Everywhere that I gazed
Even as we began to heal in the years there were beautiful dwelling places.
that followed, the enormity of his There were gardens and terraces, and
absence never left us. Oh, to see him buildings upon buildings. I looked up
again, to watch him smile, to hear him and out, and as far as I could see there
laugh and sing! And that is one reason were saints of all ages, angels, gardens,
why heaven has become so real to me. It parks, forests, lakes, lush vegetation,
always has been that magnificent abode golden streets, precious stones and
of God; it has never been less than God’s radiant colors. A river, awesome in its
best. But I guess that I never truly beauty and power, flowed from the
appreciated all that it is, never really throne of God. Saints of all the ages
grasped the satisfying blessing of all it were enjoying the serenity of its rippling
represents, until Matthew left us behind waters. Some were picking fruit from
for his new home over there. Then huge trees growing on each bank. As I
heaven truly became a much longed for traveled the Highway of Holiness, I was
city on which I have set my sight. Of conscious of constantly scanning the
banks of the river. I found myself span. Before long, there will be a book
calling out, ‘Matthew, Matthew published by AuthorHouse entitled
Hoffman – it’s me, your dad, your “Reflections,” and it is based on the
earthly father.’ Eventually I saw a KLFC reflections. I plan to donate to
young man (everyone there is mature) on KLFC for every book sold. If you have
the river bank with a pole in hand and any ideas for sponsors to keep this
line outstretched. He turned and with a program going on, please let me know; a
smile shouted, ‘Just one more cast.’ sponsor could be a company, an
Then he came running to me and we individual or a group of individuals.
hugged, and we wept and laughed all at Please contact me at .
the same time. Matthew told me some
heavenly jokes that so tickled him that FINAL THOUGHT
he had to hold his sides as he rolled on From an anonymous source: “We
the ground in glee. And I knew that I complain about the cross we bear but
was home!” (Written by Jack Hoffman don’t realize it is preparing us for the dip
for Tidbits) in the road that God can see and we
cannot. Whatever your cross, whatever
your pain, there will always be sunshine;
KLFC REFLECTIONS perhaps you will stumble, perhaps even
Some of you are aware that for the past fall, but God’s always ready to answer
few years I have had the privilege of your call. He knows every heartache,
hosting a three-minute program called sees every tear; a word from His lips can
“Reflections,” on KLFC radio, calm every fear. Your sorrows may
88.1 fm, at 1:30 pm, Monday through linger, throughout the night, but
Friday. I just found out that the suddenly vanish, by dawn’s early light.
corporate sponsor for this program has The Savior is waiting, somewhere
decided to end the sponsorship effective above, to give you His grace and send
the end of June. I primarily feel bad for you His love. May God fill your day
KLFC, as they have been losing with blessings! Be kinder than
sponsors because of the economy. But I necessary, for everyone you meet is
also regret not being able to continue fighting some kind of battle!”
with this, for two reasons: First, the
listeners are not large in number, but Peace to you and yours!
they are faithful. Second, this has been a
tremendous personal spiritual blessing
for me, taking a Scripture or a topic and Bob Burton
focusing thoughts in a three-minute time

“The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who
hears say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who is thirsty come. Let
anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift.”
(Revelation 22: 17)

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