Irene Ferguson Laing
Irene Ferguson Laing
Irene Ferguson Laing
A Thesis submitted to the Institute of Distance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
June, 2009
DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work towards the CEMBA and that, to the best of my knowledge, it contains no material previously published by another person nor material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree of the university, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.
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DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my mother Miss Margaret Yankson for her love and encouragement.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I am grateful to God for seeing me through my years of University education. I dedicate this work to God Almighty. He has been the wind beneath my wings. His Grace and Mercy has brought me thus far and I am grateful.
My deepest appreciation and thanks go to my supervisor, Mr. Jude T. Adjoe for his guidance and constructive criticisms that helped me stay focused from the beginning of this work to the end.
I am highly indebted to Mr. Stanislaus Friday Keh, Director of Friskeh Company Ltd. for his unwavering support and also for his material and financial support throughout my education and research work. Thank you for believing in me.
I also want to thank the Management and staff of Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority for their help and contribution towards the success of this project.
Finally, I am grateful to Mr. Adolph Lokko of Central University College for proof reading my work.
ABSRACT The quality of Human Resource is an asset to any organization and as a result Training has become an issue that has to be faced by every organization. The amount, and quality of training carried out varies enormously from organization to organization due to factors such as the degree of external change, for instance, new markets or new processes, the adaptability of existing workforce and importantly the extent to which the organization supports the idea of internal career development. Most organizations meet their needs for training in an ad hoc and haphazard way whiles others set about identifying their training needs, then design training activities in a rational manner and finally assess the results of training. This study, therefore, sought to determine the impact of Training and Development on public sector organizations using Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority (GPHA) as a case study. The research was intended to determine the role and impact of training on employees with emphasis on the lower, middle level staff and the administrators of GPHA, who were randomly selected. The study assessed the training and development process of GPHA and whether training has improved employee performance. A questionnaire was designed using structured questions to collect primary data from employees of GPHA. Personal interviews were held with some management staff of the organization. The results indicated that GPHAs employees were not well informed about training and development programmes in the organization. Most of the employees were of the view that training and development were effective tools for both personal and organizational success. The findings revealed that training practices, methods and activities at GPHA are not in line with the best practices regarding the planned and systematic nature of the training process as is generally known. It was
recommended among other things, that the processes involved in training be duly followed, GPHA should help its staff identify their career paths and to guide them in the pursuit of higher education.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Declaration Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background information 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.4 Hypotheses of the study 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Scope of the study 1.7 Limitation 1.8 Organization of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Overview of Training 2.2 Human Resource Management 2.3 Human Resource Management and Training 2.4 Training 2.5 Benefits of Training 2.6 Principles of Training 2.7 The Training Process 2.7.1 Training Policies and Resources 2.7.2 Determination of Training needs 2.7.3 Determining Training Objectives and Training Plan 2.7.4 Presenting the Training 2.7.5 Evaluation of Training 2.7.6 Methods of Evaluation 2.8 Training, Performance and Productivity 2.9 Career Development 2.9.1 Career Development Advantages CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design 3.2 Target Population 3.3 Sampling size and Sampling procedure 3.4 Source of data collection 3.5 Research Instrument i ii iii iv v vi x xi xii
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CHAPTER 4: PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS 4.1 Overview of GPHA 4.2 History of GPHA 4.1.2 Administration of GPHA 4.1.3 Role of GPHA 4.2. Involvement of GPHA in training and development activities for 10 years (1999 2008) 4.3 Purpose of training and development at GPHA 4.4 Training and development policy at GPHA 4.5 Training and development practices and methods at GPHA 4.5.1 Age of respondents 4.5.2 Gender of respondents 4.5.3 Educational background 4.5.4 Job position of respondents 4.5.5 Years of service in the organization 4.5.6 Participation in training 4.5.7 Selection for training 4.5.8 Objectives of training 4.5.9 Types of training 4.5.10 Methods of training 4.5.11 Training evaluation 4.5.12 Sponsorship for further studies 4.5.13 Career progression projections for employees 4.5.14 Training and development projections for employees 4.5.15 Assessment of the nature of training at GPHA 4.6 Effects of training and development on worker performance and Productivity 4.6.1 Motivation through Training 4.6.2 Employee potential for development through training 4.6.3 Training and employee performance CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.1 General Summary 5.2 Summary of findings 5.3 Recommendations 5.4 Conclusion Appendix 1: Questionnaire for Employees of GPHA Appendix 2: Interview Schedule for Management of GPHA
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LIST OF TABLES 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 Educational background of respondents Position of respondents Years of service in the organization Respondents participation in training at GPHA Selection for training Response to participation in training Type of training received Accessibility of training at GPHA to respondents Self-sponsorship for further studies Respondents opinion on planned and systematic nature of training and development activities at GPHA Motivation through training Opportunity for personal development Respondents opinion of training effect on employee performance Training impact on higher skills
LIST OF FIGURES 4.1 4.2 4.3 Employee awareness of existence of training policy at GPHA Age distribution of respondents Gender composition of respondents
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS GPHA - Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority SKAC - Skills, Knowledge, Attributes and Competencies GIMPA- Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration HRM Human Resource Management
The provision of secondary and technical schools, vocational training institutes and colleges, professional and tertiary institutions, as well as the educational reforms currently taking place in the country, are all geared towards the acquisition of skills and knowledge to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in our workplaces. (Professor Mike Ocquaye, former Minister of the Ministry of Education at the 5th Congregation of Central University College, August 2004.)
With these efforts by the government, it has become necessary for organizations to provide long and systematic training and development programs for its employees. This is because every aspect and activity of an organization involves people. For instance, a manager in an organization will not be successful until he has subordinates beneath him who are well equipped with skills, talent and knowledge.
To manage an organization both large and small requires staffing them with competent personnel. The formal educational system does not adequately teach specific job skills for a position in a particular organization. Few employees have the requisite skills, knowledge, abilities and competencies (SKAC) needed to work. As a result, many require extensive training to acquire the necessary SKAC to be able to make substantive contribution towards the organizations growth, (Barron and Hagerty 2001).
If employees are to experience flexibility and effectiveness on the job, they need to acquire and develop knowledge and skills, and if they are to believe that they are valued by the organization they work for, then they need to see visible signs of managements commitment to the their training and career needs. Training and development are the processes of investing in people so that they are equipped to perform. These processes are part of an overall human resource management approach that hopefully will result in people being motivated to perform. (Barron and Hagerty 2001).
It goes without saying therefore that the training and development of employees is an issue that has to be faced by every organization. However, the amount, quality and quantity of training carried out vary enormously from organization to organization. According to Cole (2002:329), factors influencing the quantity and quality of training and development activities include; the degree of change in the external environment, the degree of internal change, the availability of suitable skills within the existing work-force and the extent to which management see training as a motivating factor in work.
Many organizations meet their needs for training in an ad hoc and haphazard way. Training in these organizations is more or less unplanned and unsystematic. Other organizations however set about identifying their training needs, then design and implement training activities in a rational manner, and finally assess results of training. It is worth noting that Ghana has a huge public sector, employing the highest number of human resources with varied skills. One such organization in the public sector is the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA). The study intends to investigate the impact of training and development on employee performance and productivity at the Ghana Ports Harbours Authority.
1.2 Statement of the problem It is a well known fact that training enhances SKAC and ultimately worker performance and productivity in organizations (G.A Cole, 2002). Many organizations in Ghana and indeed the public sector engage in training and development of staff and have departments, units and sectors in charge of training and development. GPHA is one such organization that has been practicing training and development since its beginning and particularly for the past ten (10) years.
However, for some years now it appears training in Ghana Ports Harbours Authority is haphazard, unplanned and unsystematic, and several of its employees such as machine operators, junior and middle level engineers, accounts clerks, computer operators, secretaries, drivers and many other category of workers, have not qualified for any form of training nor is there any systematic process of staff development in place. A brief interaction with some employees did show that Management of Ghana Ports Harbours Authority see the cost incurred in the
acquisition and maintenance of plant and equipment as more relevant than that expense on training and development of its staff.
In the absence of training and development of employees by Management of Ghana Ports Harbors Authority, the employees sponsored themselves in furtherance of their education to obtain professional or higher level certificates. Employees who expressed the desire to pursue university education were not given any form of assistance like study leave with pay. Their applications for study leave were turned down with those who were persistent being advised to resign. Those who sought for part-time programs were disengaged after their studies as management claimed their programs were not relevant to the job. The few ones who were retained had no promotion to match their added skills and competencies. This it is believed to have led to high labor turnover in the organization. The study was therefore to assess the role of training on the human resource and how this affects worker performance.
1.3 Objectives of the study The objectives of this study are to:1. Identify the major purposes of training and development, as well as the key internal and external influences on training. 2. Ascertain the training and development policy in operation at GPHA. 3. Outline and explain the training and development practices and processes including the assessment of training needs, an outline of training methods, and the processes of monitoring and evaluating the plan. 4. Find out whether training and development schemes have positive effect on the performance of workers and productivity.
Accordingly, the key research questions investigated were: 1. How did the training and development practice develop in GPHA? 2. What are the major purposes of training and development, and what key internal and external influences impact on training? 3. What are the training and development policies and practices in GPHA? 4. Does training and development have an effect on worker performance and productivity at GPHA?
1.4 Arguments of the study Based on the research problem outlined and the related questions posed, the following arguments were formulated to guide the study: 1. GPHA has, over the past 10 years (1999-2008), been involved in training and development activities. 2. The purpose of the training and development activities at GPHA is to achieve individual and organizational performance. 3. The policy fashioned to achieve the purpose of training and development is the provision of a coherently structured document for guidance and an improvement in access to training that is consistent with the purpose. 4. Training and development activities at GPHA are however unplanned and unsystematic. 5. Training and development activities at GPHA have largely failed to positively impact worker performance and productivity.
1.5 Significance of the study It is expected that the study will inform the Management of GPHA and other organizations that to increase productivity, there is the need to have and retain well trained and motivated employees. It is also to help develop and maintain a quality work life, which will provide an opportunity for employees job satisfaction and selfactualization. Finally, it is to aid management of GPHA to introduce modern schemes for training and development, to be able to meet the challenges of change in the future.
1.6 Scope of the study The study is limited as it looks at the role and impact that training and development policies and activities have played in the last ten years of GPHAs life using their Takoradi port as the focal point between the years 1999 to 2008. The Takoradi Port constitutes an important location of GPHA and holds a large population of employees. Accordingly the analysis and conclusions will be based on this time period.
1.7 Limitation Problems such as the swearing of an oath of secrecy and indifference on the part of interviewees and respondents were limitations to the study as some of the employees felt uncomfortable and other were simply not bothered. The absence or inaccessibility of reliable records and reports on GPHA activities within the past ten years also limited the research investigation. The unwillingness of Management to divulge strategic information in the name of confidentiality is a limitation to the study.
1.8 Organization of the study The study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one introduces the study by giving the background information on the research problem, objectives, hypothesis and scope of the study.
Chapter two deals with the review of relevant literature on the research problems and concepts with specific reference to how it applies to GPHA.
Chapter three discusses the research methodology adopted for the study and relevant justifications. It outlines the methodology for carrying out the secondary and primary data collections and how results were analyzed.
Chapter four presented the findings on the practices and impact of training and development in Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority. It will also lay out the researchers analysis on the organizations responses to the impact and role of such training on its employees in terms of performance and productivity.
Chapter five presents the conclusions drawn from the research findings and recommendations to enhance organizational effectiveness through training, and to ensure a stable and committed human resource.
In order to sustain economic growth and effective performance, it is important to optimize the contribution of employees to the aims and goals of the organizations. The importance of training as a central role of management has long been recognized by leading writers. For instance according to Drucker (1998), the one contribution a manager is uniquely expected to make is to give others vision and ability to perform.
The general movement towards downsizing, flexible structures of organizations and the nature of management moving towards the devolution of power to the workforce give increasing emphasis to an environment of coaching and support. Training is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of staff that are technically and socially competent and capable of career development into specialist departments or management positions. There is therefore a continual need for the process of staff development, and training fulfils an important part of this process. Training should be viewed therefore as an integral part of the process of total quality management.
2.2 Human Resource Management For any enterprise to function effectively, it must have money, materials, supplies, equipment, ideas about the services or products to offer those who might use its outputs and finally people, which is the human resource, to run the enterprise. The effective management of people at work is Human Resource Management, Armstrong (1996). Human Resource Management has emerged as a major function in most organizations and is the focus for a wide-ranging debate concerning the nature of the contemporary employment relationships. Managing human resources is one of the key elements in the coordination and management of work organizations.
Several new technologies are used to ensure the creation and delivery of services and goods in modern economies. Whatever means are used, the role of individuals and groups as employees and the ability of management to effectively deploy such a resource is vital to the interest of both the employee and organization. Traditionally, Human Resource concerns itself with recruitment, selection, placement, training, compensation and industrial relations among others, (Armstrong 1996).
Beer et al (1984) define Human Resource Management as the involvement of all management decisions and actions that affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and its employees-the human resources. According to Beer et al (1984), general management make important decisions daily that affect this relationship, and this leads to a map of Human Resource Management territory, the core of which they refer to as the four Cs and these are;
Competence of employees: High competence creates a positive attitude towards learning and development. Commitment of employees: High commitment means that employees will be motivated to hear, understand and respond to managements communication relating to the organization of work. Congruence between the goals of employees and those of the organization: Higher congruence is a reflection of policies and practices which bring about a higher coincidence of interest among management, shareholders and workers alike. Cost effectiveness of Human Resource Management practices: means that the organizations human resource cost, that is wages, benefits, training and indirect costs such as strikes, turnover and grievances, have been kept equal to or less than those of competitors.
2.3 Human Resource Management and Training Beardwell and Holden (1993) argue that the recognition of the importance of training in recent years has been heavily influenced by the intensification of competition and the relative success of organizations where investment in employee development is considerably emphasized. They add that technological developments and organizational change have gradually led some employers to the realization that success relies on the skills and abilities of their employees, and this means considerable and continuous investment in training and development.
It is the view of Beardwell and Holden (1993) that Human Resource Management concepts such as commitment to the company and the growth in the quality movement have led senior management teams to realize the increased importance of training, employee development and long-term education. Such
concepts require not only careful planning but a greater emphasis on employee development.
2.4 Training According Cole (2002:330), in his book Personnel and Human Resource Management, training is a learning activity directed towards the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills for the purpose of an occupation or task. The focus of training is the job or task for example, the need to have efficiency and safety in the operation of particular machines or equipment, or the need for an effective sales force to mention but a few.
Training is the planned and systematic modification of behavior through learning events, activities and programs which results in the participants achieving the levels of knowledge, skills, competencies and abilities to carry out their work effectively (Gordon 1992:235). Pheesey (1971:130) defines training as the
systematic process of altering the behavior and or attitudes of employees in a direction to increase the achievement of organizational goals. This means for any organization to succeed in achieving the objectives of its training program, the design and implementation must be planned and systematic, tailored towards enhancing performance and productivity.
The Manpower Services commission of the United Kingdom, which was set up by the 1973 Employment and Training Act defined training as a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behavior through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities. According to
them, the purpose of training in the work situation is to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the current and future of the organization.
Most organizations have long recognized the importance of training to its development. As new technology progresses, making certain jobs and skills redundant, an increasing emphasis is being placed on the need for a skilled and highly trained workforce. Many of the jobs being replaced by machines have been of an unskilled and semi-skilled nature, and this emphasizes the need for higher education and skills for those wishing to gain employment in the future.
According to Armstrong (1996:11), expressing an understanding of training emphasizes that training should be developed and operated within an organization by appreciating learning theories and approaches if the training is to be well understood.
This was also affirmed by Sherman et al (1996:13). They expressly indicated that the success of a training program depends more on the organizations ability to identify training needs and the care with which it prepares the program so that if the trainees do not learn what they are supposed to learn, the training has not been successful. They further indicated that training experts believe that if trainees do not learn, it is probably only because some important learning principle had been overlooked. What they are saying is that the success or failure of a training program is frequently related to the recognition and application of basic psychological principles of learning. This assertion is not necessarily right. If the trainees do not learn anything then of what benefit will they be for the organization. If trainees return
empty, with nothing to contribute, it can also mean that even though the organization might have done all that is necessary to ensure a successful training program, the wrong candidate might have been selected for the training program.
McGhee et al (1996:54) wrote on the nature of learning and said learning is a term used to describe the process by which behavioral changes results from experience. They also said the fact that learning has occurred could only be inferred from a comparison of an individuals behavior prior to the experiences of specific kinds of task.
This is not to say that there has been no learning if there is no overt behavioral change. Since training generally is intended to provide learning experiences that will help people perform more effectively in their jobs, organizational training should follow the learning principle.
Training therefore can be explained as a planned and systematic effort by management aimed at altering behavior of employees, in a direction that will achieve organizational goals. A formal training program is an effort by the employer to provide opportunities for the employee to acquire job-related skills, attitudes and knowledge, McGhee et al (1996:55)
2.5 Benefits of Training The purpose of training is mainly to improve knowledge and skills, and to change attitudes or behavior. It is one of the most important potential motivators which can lead to many possible benefits for both individuals and the organization. Changing
technology requires that employees possess the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to cope with new processes and production techniques. According to Cole (2002) training can achieve: 1) High morale - employees who receive training have increased confidence and motivation; 2) Lower cost of production training eliminates risks because trained personnel are able to make better and economic use of material and equipment thereby reducing and avoiding waste; 3) Lower turnover training brings a sense of security at the workplace which reduces labor turnover and absenteeism is avoided; 4) Change management- training helps to manage change by increasing the understanding and involvement of employees in the change process and also provides the skills and abilities needed to adjust to new situations; 5) Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion; 6) Give a feeling of personal satisfaction and achievement, and broaden opportunities for career progression; and 7) Help to improve the availability and quality of staff.
Derrick et al (2000:55) looked at the training environment and the structure of organizations, and emphasized on the effects of internal political and cultural factors on training and development. Sherman et al (1996:16) argues that many new employees can be equipped with most of the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to start work, but others may require extensive training to ensure their effective
contribution to the organization. A majority however, will require some type of training at one time or another to maintain an effective level of job performance.
According to Krietner (1995:8) in his book The Good Managers Guide, no matter how carefully job applicants are screened, typically a gap remains between what the employee does know and what they should know. An organization which desires to gain the competitive edge in its respective industry, needs among other things, extensive and effective training of its human resources.
Training is therefore a key element for improved organizational performance; it increases the level of individual and organizational competences. It helps to reconcile the gap between what should happen and what is happening between desired targets or standards and actual levels of work performance. Although many employers continue to have reservations about the cost and extent of tangible business returns from training, the development of skills has been identified as a key factor in sharpening competitiveness. Casio (1989:256) puts it this way The economic and technological trends, the pace of innovation, change and development are growing faster year-by-year and as a result, provide clear signals that training and development are so relevant that both organizations and individual stakeholders must give a serious attention to.
2.6 Principles of Training Since the object of training is to assist a learner acquire the behavior necessary for effective work performance, it is essential that a clear grasp of the ways in which learning theories are applied when designing training programs are laid
bare. According to Bryn Leslie (1990:19), there are four main requirements for learning to take place. The first is motivation. The old saying that a horse can be led to the river but cannot be made to drink cannot be over emphasized as it contains an important lesson for the trainer. People learn if they accept the need for training and commit to it. If their motivation is weak, for instance if they doubt their ability to learn, no matter how well their training is designed and implemented, its effectiveness will be limited.
Edwin Flippo (1976: 65), also came out with the fact that the more highly motivated the trainee, the more quickly and thoroughly a new skill or knowledge is learned. This means training must be related to something which the trainee desires. This could be money, job promotion, recognition and so on.
The second requirement is cue. Through training the learner recognizes relevant cues and associates them with desired responses. The third one is response. Training should be immediately followed with positive reinforcement to enable the learner feel the response. The reinforcement should be positive, timely and consistent. (Bryn Leslie 1990:91).
Finally, feedback the information the learner receives indicating the quality of his response is the feedback. It should be made available as quickly as possible to ensure possible effective learning.
Even though these learning principles are good, they fail to talk about practice where the learner actively participates in using the skills and knowledge
acquired. Furthermore, it also fails to mention that the level of aptitude and intelligence of individuals are different and that could affect the methods of training.
2.7 The Training Process Scores of Literature available on training (Cuming 1968, Italsey 1949, Dole 1985) indicate that traditionally, training in an organization involves systematic approach which generally follows a sequence of activities involving the establishment of a training policy, followed by training needs identification, training plans and programs design and implementation, evaluation and training feedback for further action.
2.7.1 Training Policies and Resources Kenney et al (1992:3) makes a point that companies should have different policies for training depending on the class or level of employment or level of employees to be trained. They pointed out that training policies are necessary for the following reasons: 1) To provide guidelines for those responsible for planning and implementing training; 2) To ensure that a companys training resources are allocated to pre-determined requirements; 3) To provide for equality of opportunity for training throughout the company; and 4) To inform employees of training and development opportunities
As much as these policies seem to be accurate, they are silent on the elements of budgetary provision and top management support for training. According to Michael Armstrong in his book A Handbook for Personnel Management Practice (1996:55), training policies are expressions of the training philosophy of the organization. He also affirms the assertion of Kenny et al (1992), but even further stated that training policy shows the proportion of turnover that should be allocated to training.
He again advocated that a training philosophy is imperative to indicate the degree of importance the organization attaches to training. This will if not eliminate entirely, reduce the laissez-faire approach to training. Notwithstanding the essence and the benefits of training, policies can prove to be a difficult task for Directors especially it they are doing so for the first time, and if they do not have the advice of a training officer with previous experience at the level.
2.7.2 Determination of training needs The first step in managing training is to determine training needs and set objectives for these needs. According to G.A Cole (2002:339) if an organization has to justify its training expenditure, it must surely do so on the basis of organizational need. Organizations adopting a systematic approach to training and development will usually set about defining their need for training in accordance with a well organized procedure. Such a procedure will entail looking at training needs from a number of different perspectives.
These perspectives are; organizational, departmental or functional, job and employee. Organizational need the organizational analysis happens in a situation where effectiveness of the organization and its success in meeting its goals are analyzed to determine where deviation or differences exist. This makes it easy to know what program to be implemented. According to Kaufman (1974:80), organization analysis looks at the variances between their success and failure to ascertain which ones training could help remedy. Functional need at this level, training managers analyze the specific ability needs determined by job descriptions and job specifications of the jobs in the work area or work unit.
The need can also be determined by observing the job performance of work groups and survey job holders, supervisors, and training committees. Any lapses in their efficiency and effectiveness help determine the training need. Individual need Kaufman continues that employees training needs could be measured by the individual performances of the employees. He stated that the effectiveness and efficiency is measured against the required standards through interviews, observations, attitude surveys, or objective records of their performance.
The researcher thinks that these three levels organizational, functional and individual gaps between expected results and actual results can suggest training needs, for the researcher, active solicitation of suggestions from employees, supervisors, managers and training committees can also provide training needs ideas. The particular perspective chosen will depend on the circumstances. For example, if changes in the external environment of the organization are exerting pressures for change internally, then a corporate or organizational perspective needs to be taken.
If, however, the issue is one of improving skills in a particular category of employees, then occupational or job group will provide the focus of efforts.
Training need is any shortfall in employee performance, or potential performance which can be remedied by appropriate training. There are many ways of overcoming deficiencies in human performance at work, and training is only one of them. It is important to recognize this fact since sometimes training staff are asked to meet needs which ought to be dealt with in some other way, such as improving pay, replacing machinery or simplifying procedures. Armstrong (1996:17) however, argues that training needs analysis should cover problems to be solved, as well as future demands based on whether the organization must acquire new skills or knowledge or must improve existing competencies.
2.7.3 Determining training objectives and training plan After these analyses have been done, it is easier for the training objectives to be established and also to know what the learners must be able to do after the training program. According to McKenna and Beech (2002:110) in their book Human Resource Management-A Concise Analysis, it is stated that It is important that a sound basis is established for other associated elements of Human Resource Management practice such as performance management(appraisal), reward management(motivation) combined with training and development. What this means is that training and development itself cannot help in total employee development without the complement of employee appraisal and motivation.
One of the things to consider in designing a training program is what the program is to accomplish, that is the objectives. In other words a training program cannot be designed until what that program is to accomplish is known. It is imperative for organizations to realize that in designing a training program it is equally important to consider what the trainees should know or be able to do after the training is complete. Training objectives should however be attainable and measurable. A training program is successful if the objectives are achieved. Zaccarelli (1997) outlines the process of planning training as;
i) Develop a training plan Once attainable and measurable training objectives have been considered, a training plan can be developed. This planning tool provides a step-by-step written document for others to follow. A training plan can be either a complete training program or just one task. The training plan details the course content, resources required, method of training, who should do the training and who should be trained.
ii) Design a training lesson Once a training plan outlining general program requirements has been developed, the organization will need to concentrate on specific segments of that plan. This is done with the use of a training lesson. Generally, there is one training lesson for each training session. This means if ten sessions are planned, ten training lessons must be developed. A training lesson serves the following purpose; a) It provides a content outline for the lesson b) It suggests activities/specific instructions which will help to make training easier
iii) Select the trainer(s) Who is going to train? Who is a good communicator and has the necessary knowledge/skill to train? What should the trainer do to get the trainees ready for the training? These are the questions to be addressed when selecting a trainer.
iv) Prepare the trainer (s) Training is one of the most important things any organization does. As a result, the personnel responsible for training must be given adequate training themselves, as well as equip them with the necessary logistics. Remotely linked to this, trainees must also be concerned and prepared for the learning experience
2.7.4 Presenting the Training a) Kinds of Training There are various types of training that an organization may adopt depending on the main objectives of training and these are outlined below; i. Refresher Training
Here the employees are made to attend refresher courses at specific training institutions such as Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Institute of Management Studies, Polytechnics and the like, sponsored by the employer. This exposes the employee to modern trends in his field of business. That is, it involves updating skills to meet the job requirement of employees.
Orientation Training
This is mainly concerned with acquainting new employees with the organization. This training is aimed at getting all new entrants familiarize with the organizations goals, structure, culture, work standard and other conditions of employment.
This type of training aims at preparing employees for the future. This enables employees to take up higher responsibilities.
Job Training
This involves teaching the employee now to perform the job for which he or she was hired or employed for. This is to help employees to acquire the necessary skills and experience for specific jobs.
b) Methods of Training The selection of method for training need to be based on identified training needs, training objectives, an understanding on the part of the trainees, the resources available and an awareness of learning principles. DeCauza et al (1996:70) explained that the most popular training and development method used by organizations can be classified as either on-the-job or off-the-job. Looking at the sophistication of the equipment in GPHA, the on-the-job training would be very ideal. According to DeCauza et al, there are a variety of training approaches that managers can use and these include:
On-the-job Training This is the most widely used training method, as in comparison, on-the-job
method of training is simple and less costly to operate. Observing this method critically, the training places the employee in actual work situations and makes them appear to be immediately productive. Here, there is a close collaboration between trainer and learner. There are three common methods that are used in on-the-job training and these are; learning by doing, mentoring and shadowing and job rotation.
Learning by doing: this is a very popular method of teaching new skills and methods to employees. Here the now employee observes a senior experienced worker and learns what to do. The advantage here is that this method is tried and tested and fit the requirements of the organization. The disadvantages are that the senior worker is not usually trained in the skills and methods of training therefore it can be a process that may be time consuming as a new comer struggles to cope with the senior workers explanations. Far more successful is to use a senior or experienced worker who has been trained in instruction or training method and whose teaching skills are coordinated with a developed program linked to off-the-job courses.
Mentoring: this is another version of the system whereby a senior or experienced employee takes charge of the training and development of a new employee. This suggests a much closer association than master/apprentice and elements of a father/son relationship can exist whereby the mentor acts as an advisor and protector to the trainee.
Shadowing and job rotation: this usually aims to give trainee managers a feel for the organization by giving them the experience of working in different departments. Trainees must be encouraged to feel it is not time wasting and people in the various departments in which they are temporarily working must feel a commitment and involvement in the training if it is to work. Unfortunately, trainees are not usually welcomed and are seen by supervisors and workers in the department as obstacles to the daily routines. If well structured and planned with the cooperation of all departmental supervisors, this method can be a worthwhile learning experience.
Job rotation is another version of training that became popular in the 1970s to help relieve boredom and thereby raise the productivity of shop floor workers. It is a management technique used to rotate incumbents from job to job or from department to department or from one plant to another in different geographical areas. The rotation is done on co-ordinate basis with a view to exposing the executives and trainees to new challenges and problems. It is also aimed at giving executives broad outlook and diversified skills.
If appropriately implemented this can be an excellent learning experience for workers and suitably fits with Human Resource Management concepts of team-work and empowerment whereby people are encouraged to greater responsibility for their work and that of the team. On the negative side, there have been criticisms that not enough structured training is given to enable workers to do these jobs well. However, the researcher believes that on-the-job method of training has a setback. A critical review of the method reveals that, although employees learn doing the job, their productivity tends to be low because they do not have the skills and knowledge
needed to be effective and efficient. In an on-the-job training method, the emphasis is more on the acquisition of specific, local knowledge in a real situation. Unlike onthe-job method, off-the-job method emphasizes developing an understanding of general principles providing background knowledge and generating an awareness of comparative ideas and practices.
Vestibule Training This method of training is where the worker is trained to use machine or
perform a task similar to the ones in the real work situation. Under this method of training, the training program is conducted out of the job in an area separate from the work place under the supervision of a skilled instructor. After going through the vestibule training for a specified time period, the trainees are expected to apply their newly acquired skills when they are assigned to their real job.
Behavior Modeling Here, some of the methods used in the assessment centers include business
games, in-basket, simulation, problem-centered cases, and many others, to enable the trainee learn the behaviors appropriate for the job through role-playing. The use of behavior modeling is based on social theory, and it is in particular an effective method for interpersonal or social skills training. This method of training incorporates the use of videos to clearly demonstrate the way things ought to be done, what behaviors are to be avoided.
Behavior modeling is often based on the demonstration of the right and effective way to behave and as a result, trainees are provided with facilities to
practice this. Bryn (1990:17) puts it this way, that behavior modeling is where target behaviors are selected and videos on each of the behaviors produced, showing competent persons achieving success by following specific guidelines. Key points are displayed on screen and are backed by trainer-led discussions. Learning here is trainer enforced through role play.
date, the duties and responsibilities of the position currently occupied by the person he or she in understudying. An individual or group is assigned to assist a superior officer in the performance of his duties related to the position and at times left to grapple with the day-to-day problems which confront the superior in the performance of duty. They are allowed to solve them with or without the help of the superior. When the understudy shows promise of talent, he takes over when the superior is transferred, retired or is promoted to a higher position, Decauza et al (1996:70).
Case Study Here, trainees are given case studies of real or imagined events in an
organization to study, analyze and give an opinion. After analyzing several cases under the guidance of instructors, the trainees are exposed to certain concepts, problems, techniques and experiences, which they will later face on the job. The object of this method is to help the trainees think logically and develop the ability to analyze alternative courses of action systematically and objectively.
Business Exercise In this type of training exercise, the work situation is stimulated and the
trainees are presented with reports, correspondence and memoranda, as in a real work situation, to handle. Business exercise training helps employees to develop decision-making, time management, planning and communication skills. It also helps them to develop a feel for the work situation before they apart the real job.
Group Training Group training method includes group discussions, seminar and sensitivity
training. Here, trainees having different or similar backgrounds and experiences meet to share ideas on specific topics decided by the trainer. If organized properly, it offers trainees from different backgrounds an opportunity to share valuable information and learn from each others experience. An example is the T-group which is an approach to human relations; the original emphasis is that it is a form of group therapy. The seminars have the benefit of encouraging participants whiles providing opportunities fro trainees to learn from each other. The T-group is however, leaderless, unstructured groups designed to encourage learning room experience and group dynamics, and also provide a forum for the giving and receiving of personal feedback.
2.7.5 Evaluation of Training Upon checking the effectiveness of training, Kenney et al (1992:11) stated that the training program is reviewed during and after its completion by the training officer, the line manager, and if necessary, by the trainees themselves. Evaluation differs from validation in that it attempts to measure the overall cost benefit of the
training program and not just the achievement of its laid down objectives. Hamlin (1974) advocated that until control measures are taken to correct any deficiencies after the training, evaluation has not been completed and thereby ineffective. Evaluation is an integral feature of training, but it could be difficult because it is often hard to set measurable objectives.
2.7.6 Methods of Evaluation There are several methods for evaluating training. Beardwell and Holden (1993) have cited some of these methods as follows; 1. Questionnaires (feedback forms): this is a common way of eliciting trainee responses to courses and programs. 2. Tests or examinations: these are common on formal courses, especially those that result in certification for instance a diploma in word processing skills. End-of-course tests can also be employed after non-certificate short courses to check the progress of trainees. 3. Projects are initially seen as learning methods but they can also provide valuable information to instructor about the participants understanding of subject matter. 4. Structured exercises and case studies also provide opportunities to apply learned skills and techniques under the observation of tutors and evaluators. 5. Interviews of trainees after the course or instruction period are another technique for gathering information directly from the learners. These can be formal or informal, individual or group, face-to-face or by telephone.
2.8 Training, Performance and Productivity The quality of employees and their development through training are major factors in determining log-term profitability and optimum performance of organizations. To hire and keep quality employees, it is good policy to invest in the development of their skills, knowledge and abilities so that individual and ultimately organizational productivity can increase. Traditionally, training is given to new employees only. This is a mistake as ongoing training for existing employees helps them adjust rapidly to changing job requirements.
Organizations that are committed to quality invest in training and development of its employees (Evans and Lindsay 19999). According to Evans and Lindsay (19999), Xerox Business Products and Systems invest over $125 million in quality training. Motorola & Texas Instruments provide at least 40 hours of training to every employee quarterly. Training and development have become an essential responsibility of HRM departments in organizations particularly as employees require new skills, knowledge and abilities, which should not be cost-justified as most public sector organizations engage in.
Neo et al. (2000) bemoaned the lack of training and development by employers in the United States when they stated that statistics suggests that only 16% of United States employees have never received any training from their employers. Now organizations are beginning to realize the important role that training and development play in enhancing performance and increasing productivity, and ultimately stay in competition. They reiterated that as a result of this realization, General Electric, Texas Instruments and Federal Express have all made substantial
investments in training. They now invest between 3% and 5% of their payroll in training.
In a study in America on the impact of human capital investments such as employer-provided training and development, Black and Lynch (1996) citing Bishop (1994) indicated that employer-provided training and development raises subjective productivity and performance measure by almost 16%. Again Black and Lynch (1996) citing Bartel (1989) stated that returns on training and development investments increase productivity by 16%.
2.9 Human Resource Development One of a managers most important jobs is to manage the employee development of an employee which includes his/her personal growth and career development Linda Maund (2001). In previous business environments, career planning was handled in the main by the organization which employed an individual, who was likely to be in that organizations employment for life. However, nowadays the work environment is rapidly changing with increasing work mobility bringing about alternatives and potential for almost any worker, (Linda Maund 2001).
Sandra Kerka (1998) defines Career Development as an organized approach used to achieve employee goals with the business needs of the agency workforce development initiatives. According to the author, the purpose of Career Development is to; a) Enhance each employees current job performance b) Enable individuals to take advantage of future job opportunities
Stressing on the importance of career development, Evans and Lindsay (1999) reported that the massive career development program embarked upon at the Coors Brewing Company in Golden, Colorado, resulted in improved employee passion for the job and pride in their jobs, which translated into measurable improvements in productivity, a remarkably low turnover rate, and the delivery of quality product and service. In the past there was a failure to provide avenues for career change which produced great losses in social productivity and in human satisfaction. Employers now realize that they do not benefit by locking their employees into careers that long ago ceased to be rewarding and challenging to them.
2.9.1 Human Resource Development Advantages Nowadays the necessity for dedicated professionals has increased with the rising demands of business and the level of competency. It is significant to have professional knowledge on how to handle complicated situations. Career development schools make certain that people take advantage in the training given to them. The advantages are based on the quality, standardization and methodology applied. It assists in building confidence, promotion of personal development and is a focus for quality staff. Superiority is a major concern in any business and career development. It is not limited to the products but the performance of the professionals as well. Lack of quality affects standard of performance, however career development takes the chance to develop on the defects and bring quality products.
The review has so far revealed the importance and purpose of training in an organization, and how it contributes to productivity. The essence of training needs has also been explained. How and why training needs should be assessed was not overlooked. The fundamental bases for which personnel may be chosen or selected for training, the kinds of training methods are identified. In summary, this study is designed descriptively to find out whether there exists any setback in the training and development schemes in Ghana Ports and Harbors and Authority, and thus offer recommendations as to how these setbacks may be reduced if not entirely eliminated.
Training is seen as a key instrument in the implementation of Human Resource Management policies and practices, particularly those involving cultural change and the necessity of introducing new working practices. First of all the organization will need a training policy that specifies what training means to the organization, who qualifies for training, how training should be conducted and so on. The next step is to analyze the training needs of the organization in relation to the organizations strategy and equate it with the needs of the individuals within it.
A variety of methods could be adopted to carry out a training needs analysis. Job analysis, interview with managers and supervisors and performance appraisal are few methods commonly used. Despite the available variety of methods, an organization has to be cautious when selecting training methods for its use. A careful use of training methods can be a very cost-effective investment. Although one of the most important stages in the training process, evaluation and monitoring is often the most neglected or least adequately carried out part.
CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design The study is a survey in the form of cross sectional study in which data was collected once across a population through sampling. Nine departments were used based on the relative number of departments at the Takoradi Port of GPHA. One hundred employees were selected using convenience sampling technique, to which questionnaires were administered. The questionnaires were administered personally by the researcher to the respondents, selecting every 5th employee counted from the various departments.
An interview schedule to gather information on the subject from the Management of GPHA was also used to ascertain Managements view on how GPHA has traditionally dealt with issues of training and development. The Group Training Manager and the group Human Resource Manager provided the information needed. Documents on training from GPHA were also reviewed. This was to help the researcher ascertain whether GPHA has a training policy in place, whether GPHA has career progressions projection for each employee, and also to check whether the processes of training were being duly followed.
3.2 Target Population All employees of Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority comprising engineers, office clerks, account clerks, computer operators, secretaries, drivers, machine operators, security officers and messengers of GPHA constituted the target population, spread over the Takoradi and Tema Ports of GPHA. The focus however,
was on the Takoradi Port because it employs 1755 of the total of 3000 employees of Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority with the Tema Port employing the remaining 1245 employees.
3.3 Sampling Size and Sampling Procedure The sample size was 100, made up of 21 engineers, 16 office clerks, 17 account clerks, 20 computer operators, 9 secretaries, 17 drivers, security officer and machine operators. The sample size of 100 was small for the kind of study intended but time and financial resource constraints made it imperative to restrict the sample to that size.
Sampling procedure employed was: i. All the staff of the Takoradi Port was included in the study to allow for adequate representation of the various views expressed. ii. Convenience sampling selection method was used. In all 100 employees were administered with the questionnaire even though only 80 filled and returned their questionnaire.
3.4 Source of Data Collection The data for this research work was obtained essentially from primary and secondary sources. The researcher traces the history of GPHA and its role of training and development over the last ten years from secondary sources. The purpose of the questionnaires was to investigate the awareness of training program and the role GPHA plays in the training and development of its employees. It was also to
investigate why employees self-sponsored themselves to acquire new skills, knowledge and abilities, and how this affected employee performance.
A total of 80 respondents out of a sample of 100 employees completed and returned their questionnaires. Primary data was also sourced from semi-structured personal interviews conducted. Here an extensive discussion was held with the Group Training Manager and the Group Human Resource Manager. These interviews were also intended to provide general perception on how GPHA has traditionally dealt with issues of training and development. A copy of the questionnaire is attached as Appendix 1, and an interview schedule attached as appendix 2
The secondary data, which constitutes the source of data, was gathered from the GPHA corporate plan, its Human Resource Management policy, industry magazines, bulletins, in-house newsletters, annual reports on training, books and journals on Human Resource Management, training and development.
3.5 Research Instrument Comprehensive research instruments were developed and tested before the real investigation started. A questionnaire for this research was administered to 100 employees; this questionnaire was developed after discussions with the supervisor. The items were subsequently edited and vigilantly selected bearing in mind the research questions. The questionnaire was in one part only, constituting the main items, which directly addressed the research questions. Items 1-3 was expected to
provide an answer to the number of years employees had worked with the organization, their gender as well as educational background.
Items 8-12 of the questionnaire were to elicit information on training programs available at GPHA, their benefits to employees in the various departments. Items 13-15 sought information on employees development and the role of management in assisting them. Items 16 and 17 were to provide insight into the perception of employees as to whether employees were aware of any career progressions that management had outlined for them.
The remaining items were basically to throw more light on GPHAs training policies, the importance they attach to it and employees awareness of any such policies. The questionnaire greatly helped the researcher in her data analysis. Other minor tools used were personal interviews, occasional conversations and direct observation.
The Group Training Manager and Human Resource Manager were also interviewed to ascertain whether Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority has been involved in training and development for employees over the last 10 years (19992008), whether there is a documented training policy in place, and whether there are career progression projections for all employees
3.6 Administration of the Instrument In the first technique, the Group Training and Development Manager as well as the Group Human Resource Manager were interviewed personally to ascertain the
training policies and programs available for staff, that is, non graduate employees of GPHA. The same procedure was used to determine the importance attached to employee training and development, and their associated obstacles, and how training programs are evaluated.
To support the data collected through these interviews, questionnaires were administered to the various groups of employees of GPHA. A total of 100 questionnaires constituting 22, specially designed questions were administered personally to employees in the various departments at convenience. Employees were given a couple of days to carefully fill out the questionnaires.
3.7 Analysis of Data In order to ensure logical completeness and consistency of responses, data editing was carried out each day by the researcher. Identified mistakes and data gaps were rectified as soon as possible. Once editing was done with, data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative data from interviews and secondary documents were analyzed using content analysis and logical analysis techniques.
Quantitative data analysis was done by the use of Microsoft word 2003integrated package on a personal computer and the SPSS software. The technique for quantitative data analysis was the frequency distribution and percentages, which were used to determine the proportion of respondents choosing the various responses. This was done for each group of items relating to the research questions. The proportions showed the diverse views of employees on the various sub-issues.
Tables, charts and graphs were also used to ensure easy understanding of the analyses.
3.8 Limitations Collection of data in Ghana is very difficult. Problems such as the swearing of an oath of secrecy and indifference on the part of interviewees and respondents were limitations to the study. The absence or inaccessibility of reliable records and reports on GPHA activities within the past ten years also limited the research investigation.
CHAPTER FOUR PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS 4.1 Overview of GPHA 4.1.1 History of GPHA History has it that earlier contacts with the outside world took place through landing at various points along the coastline for trading purposes. However, it was not until the early part of this century that port operations commenced with the construction of a deepwater in Accra.
The construction of Tema Port coincided with proposals to develop hydroelectric power on the Volta River. Late in 1949, the colonial government commissioned Sir William Hoarcrow and Partners of the United Kingdom to investigate a proposal to establish an aluminum producing industry power by a hydroelectric station on the Volta River. In August 1951, Sir William Hoarcrow and Partners published their report on the development of the Volta River Basin and drew attention to the need for a deepwater port in the Southeastern part of Ghana.
The consultants recommended the need for a port and proposed that even if the Volta River project did not materialize, the increasing prosperity and trade of the country demanded a deep water port to cope with the increased traffic expected and to replace outmoded methods of cargo handling, as well as curtail the carriage of heavy cargo from Takoradi in the west over land to their destinations in the East.
The government accepted the recommendations of the Hoarcrows report and Dr. Nkrumah (then the leader of Government Business) gave instructions for the
preliminary works, consisting of access roads and railways, water supply and housing, to be started and for the plans to be prepared. Preliminary works began in 1952 and completed in 1954.
Works on the construction of the Ports started in 1954 and the first vessel entered with cargo in 1958. The Port was opened to regular traffic in January 1962 and ceremonially declared opened on 10th February 1962. At this time, the Ghana Port was operating in conjunction with Ghana Railways. However, the Ghana Ports was separated from Ghana Railways in 1972 into Ports Authority and Railway Corporation respectively.
Cargo handling, which was part of the Port operations, was operated by private agencies. Later on lighterage developed and so Ports Authority became Ports Authority, Cargo handling and lighterage. Cargo handling and lighterage were the two Port operators, whereas Ghana Ports was the landlord. The Ghana Ports was established as a statutory corporation in June 1986 under P.N.D.C law 160.
The Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority, thus, became the legal successor of the then Ghana Cargo Handling Company, Takoradi Lighterage Company and Ghana Ports now known as Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority. The P.N.D.C law 160 enjoined the Authority, however, to plan, build, develop, manage, maintain, operate and control Ports in Ghana and in particular to: 1) Provide for the Port such facilities as may be necessary for the efficient and proper operation of the Port 2) Maintain the facilities, extend and enlarge such facilities as it shall deem fit
3) Regulate the use of the Port and its facilities 4) Provide and maintain piloting services and, generally discharge any other functions necessary or incidental to the Ports operations
Administration of GPHA The Authority is administered by a Nine Member Board of Directors which
include the Director General, and the Directors of the Ports at Tema and Takoradi. The Board is reports to the Ministry of Transport and Communications for the formulation of policies relating to the Authoritys operations. The day-to-day administration of the Ports, however, devolves on the Director General and other principal officers of the Authority.
The Port is semi autonomous from the government, and the Directors report to the Director General, who co-ordinates their activities and formulates policy guidelines for the Ports. The Authority maintains a staff complement of about three thousand (3000) and is structured on four main divisions, each of which is headed by a Director. These divisions are the Personnel Administration, Finance, Engineering and Port Operations.
Role of GPHA Organizations are set up in response to the public or governments desire for
the provision of certain essential facilities or services. Thus, the reason or purpose for which an organization is set up is to perform vial functions desirable for society as a whole. GPHA plays an important role in the economic development of Ghana, which is enshrined in its corporate plan.
The Authority recognizes the need to support International Maritime Trade in Ghana, and aims at providing facilities for the administration of all Ports whiles developing new ones to back up both maritime trade and fisheries, and to achieve quick turn round of vessels in the Ports.
In other words, it aims at maintaining up to date Port operations. The Port also has the responsibility to generate enough income to support continued growth of the organization and to develop manpower and material resources. GPHA seeks to improve ways of ensuring efficiency, and offer the best services in the sub-region, at the most competitive tariff rates. GPHA is in a competitive business as it is not the sole operator of sea Ports in the sub-region. As a result, like any other business, it tries to capture a grater portion of the total market.
The point here is, whether the Authority will achieve this or not will depend, to a large extent on how efficient and effective their services are and how customer cargo is handled. To realize the above mission, it is imperative for GPHA to train and constantly update the skills of its employees, as well as the technical know how of workers to keep abreast with the rapidly changing trends in management, engineering and technology.
The aim of the study is therefore to verify whether there is in existence any established training and development scheme, and their impact on worker performance and productivity in GPHA. The presentation and discussion of the findings are done in a chronological order to enhance the readers understanding of
the results at a glance. This chapter presents the data, which have been collected and analyzed using tables and charts for its interpretation in relation to the research questions and interviews conducted.
4.2 Involvement of GPHA in Training and Development activities over the past 10 Years (1999 2008). In line with the first research question and hypothesis, the researcher wanted to ascertain whether GPHA has been involved in training and development for the past 10 years. An interview with the Group Training Manager and the Group Human Resource Manager did indicate that GPHA has been involved in training and development for well over the past 10 years. This was confirmed by the information contained in other related documents on training and development, that most employees have had some form of training or the other.
Most organizations have long recognized the importance of training to their development. As indicated earlier, the Ghana Port was operating in conjunction with the Ghana Railways since 1962. As an organization, it was clear to the managers of the then Ghana Ports that training could be used to induct new employees and improve performance of existing employees. From the interviews training was part of the early beginnings of GPHA and has continued since.
Purpose of Training and Development at GPHA The 2nd hypothesis of the study sought to establish the purpose of training in
GPHA. The hypothesis states that the purpose of training and development activities at GPHA is to achieve individual and organizational performance.
The fundamental purpose of training is to improve knowledge and skills and to change attitudes and behavior for the purpose of enhancing organizational effectiveness and performance. Training is one of the most potential motivators which can lead to many possible benefits for both individuals and the organization. Changing technology requires that employees possess the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to cope with new processes and production techniques. However, many organizations engage in training for different purposes and it was necessary to find out what major purpose underlies training at GPHA.
According to the Group Training Manager and the Group Human resource Manager, the training given to employees at GPHA is to help improve the skills, knowledge, abilities and competencies. The ultimate objective however is to help improve both individual and organizational performance. Clearly, the purpose of training at GPHA is in line with the general purpose of training. However, it is also known that good intentions are not always carried through. The concern therefore is about how GPHA carries through its training and what impact the training has had on its employees in terms of improved performance.
4.4 Training and Development Policy at GPHA The 3rd hypothesis of the study relates to the training policy of GPHA. The hypothesis sought to indicate that GPHA has a training policy which was fashioned to achieve the purpose of training and development and the policy provides a coherent structure for training and development activities that improves access to training meant to help attain organizational goals .
The interview with the Group Training and Human Resource Managers did indicate that GPHA has a training and development policy in place. The policy was thus obtained for analysis of the contents. Training policies are the expressions of the training philosophy of the organization (Armstrong, 1996) and training policies provide guidelines for training, and ensures a companys training resources are allocated to predetermined requirements (Kenney et al, 1972).
A critical examination of the training policy indicates that it contains all the essential elements of training and development. It outlined the objectives of the policy, spelt out the measures for training and development needs identification, methods of training implementation, types of training, and methods of training and development evaluation. The policy made provision for career development and links it to career progression in the organization. The policy has indeed provided a coherent structure for training that should help improve employee access to training in a very organized way that could help the GPHA derive the benefits of training.
However, according to the Training Manager the processes involved in training are not duly followed because of the costs associated with it. He stated that training at GPHA is not as planned and systematic as they would have wanted to have it. He indicated that budgetary provisions for training are always below expectation. He however was not ready to disclose the true figures for examination.
Views sampled from a cross section of the employees through the questionnaire to know whether employees are even aware of the existence of a
training policy also indicated that a large majority (55%) seem not to be aware of the existence of the policy. The views are presented in the Figure 4.1 below:
The training policy gives the general direction, provides guidelines and informs employees of training and development opportunities available. Employees certainly can not take advantage of the opportunities offered by a policy whose existence they are not even aware of. What figure 4.1 indicates therefore is that employees at GPHA are not able to take advantage of training opportunities contained in the training policy.
4.5 Training and Development Practices and Methods at GPHA The 4th hypothesis of the study states that training and development at GPHA is unplanned and unsystematic. This hypothesis relates to the nature of the training practices, methods, and activities of GPHA, which it is thought are not in line with best practices regarding the planned and systematic nature of the training process as generally known. The training practices and methods of GPHA were therefore assessed using responses from questionnaires administered to the sample of employees, and interview granted by the Training Manager of GPHA.
The researcher needed to know the age distribution of respondents to help categorize the employees because the Takoradi port employs a lot of employees. Figure 4.2 below summarizes the data obtained on the ages of respondents.
Analyzing the data obtained from the questionnaire, figure 4.2 reveals that 30 respondents between 36-45 years representing 37.5% formed the majority with 20 respondents each between the ages of 18-25 representing 25% and 26-35 representing 25% respectively. 5 respondents aged between 46-55 representing 6.25% and between 56-59 representing 6.25%.
4.5.2 Gender of Respondents Figure 4.3 below presents data on gender of respondents. The figure shows that the male respondents formed majority of the target population with a total of 50 representing 62.5%, while 30 respondents representing 37.5% were females. Figure 4.3: Gender Composition
4.5.3 Educational Background It was also necessary for the study to determine the educational levels of the respondents as that could determine what kind of training may be most appropriate. Table 4.1 below presents the data of educational background of respondents:
Table 4.1: Educational Background of Respondents EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND SHS Ordinary Level Advance Level HND First Degree Masters Others TOTAL FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 15 15 20 18 6 6 0 80 18.75% 18.75% 25.0% 22.5% 7.5% 7.5% 0 100%
From table 4.1, it is can be seen that respondents hold a range of educational qualifications from SHS to Masters Level. Most of the employees constituting majority of the total respondents have no professional qualification. 20 of the respondents are Advance level holders. 15 out of the 80 respondents are Senior high School graduates and another 15 holding the Ordinary Level certificate. 18 of the respondents are HND holders with the degree holders representing only 15%. This suggests that people of different educational qualifications are present in the organization. This implies that different levels of training which is planned and systematic may be required to improve their quality.
4.5.4 Job Position of Respondents GPHA as an organization involved in port and harbors operations has over the years developed its own organizational structure that flows onto various job positions 50
that require various kinds of consistent, planned and systematic training to enhance their skills, attitudes, knowledge and competencies for improved worker performance. The table below captures the positions of the respondents:
Table 4.2: Job Position of respondents POSITION Junior Engineers Secretaries Accounts Officers/Clerks Computer Operators Security Officers Drivers Machine Operator TOTAL FREQUENCY 25 5 10 5 5 10 20 80 PERCENTAGE 31.25% 6.25% 12.5% 6.25% 6.25% 12.5% 25.0% 100%
Table 4.2 gives the various positions of employees who responded to the questionnaire. Junior engineers formed the majority with 25 representing 31.25%, 5 Secretaries representing 6.25%, 10 Accounts clerks with 12.5% representation, 5 Computer Operators representing 6.25%, 20 machine operator representing 25%, 5 security officer representing 6.25% and 10 drivers representing 12.5%. This analysis indicates GPHA employs various kinds of job holders who combine their efforts towards the growth and attainment of organizational goals.
4.5.5 Years of Service in the Organization The study also sought to find out the years of service the respondents have rendered to the organization to enable us put their responses into proper perspective. The table 3 below represents the categories of years of service as indicated by the respondents.
Table 4.3: Years of Service in the organization Years of Service 1 10 11 20 21 30 31 40 TOTAL Frequency 40 20 10 10 80 Percentage 50.0% 25.0% 12.5% 12.5% 100%
The respondents have served in GPHA from 1 to 40 years. This means the organization has a blend of experienced and young professionals who require constant refresher training and development to update their skills and perform on the job.
4.5.6 Participation in Training The importance and relevance of training to organizational performance is well known. It is a well known fact that develops skills, attitudes, and abilities. The study sought to know the proportion of respondents who have ever participated in any form of training program at GPHA. The table below presents their responses:
Table 4.4: Respondent participation in training at GPHA Response YES NO TOTAL Frequency 55 25 80 Percentage 68.75% 31.25% 100%
Table 4.4 shows that almost 69% of respondents have ever participated in training in one form or the other. Interestingly, as much as 31% have not participated in any form of training in spite of the known dividends of training and even when GPHA has a clear training policy. This picture is the more interesting in view of the fact that the respondents have been in the service of GPHA from one to forty years. Training benefits organizations in terms of improving morale of employees, lower costs of production, and facilitates change management among others. It is significant that out of eighty respondents, as many as 25 have not participated in any training.
4.5.7 Selection for Training It has been established that training has long been taking place at GPHA, and particularly for our study period (1999 2008). It is also clear from the responses from Table 4.4 above that almost 69% of respondents have participated in training in one form or the other at GPHA. Literature tells us training is a planned and systematic flow of activities involving determining training purpose and policy, and following through by determining training and development needs, planning the training, implementing the training, and evaluating the training.
Selecting participants through a careful process of training needs identification is therefore the proper process of initiating training. Subsequently, respondents were asked a series of questions to determine the flow, planned and systematic nature of the training and development process at GPHA. The starting point was to know how respondents were selected for inclusion in the training programs they participated in. Table 4.5 below summarizes the responses of the 55 respondents who ever participated in training;
Table 4.5: Selection for Training Selection criteria Supervisor recommendation Employee request Performance appraisal New technology Dont know Others Total Frequency 6 1 2 6 38 2 55 Percentage 10.91% 1.82% 3.64% 10.91% 69.10% 3.64% 100%
The table 4.5 indicates that many respondents (38 out of 55) do not know how they are selected for the training programs they participated in. When the Training Manager was asked about the criteria for selecting employees for training, his response indicates that participants are selected based on various criteria and he was not able to specify exactly how training needs are identified except to say that it depends on the circumstances.
4 .5.8 Objectives of Training In training practice, it is also good to have trainees know the objectives for each training program they participate in. The respondents were asked if they were always clear about the objectives of each training program they participated in. The table below captures the responses from the 55 respondents who have ever participated in training:
Table 4.6: Respondents awareness of training objectives RESPONSE Yes No Sometimes TOTAL FREQUENCY 4 41 10 55 PERCENTAGE 7.27% 74.55% 18.18% 100%
When the Training Manager was asked in the interview to indicate how training objectives were determined, he did say issues on the ground determine the objectives of the training but training has to be a planned process that takes care of issues on the ground.
4.5.9 Types of Training It was important for the study to determine the kinds of training that take place at GPHA. In the interview with the Training Manager, he indicated that they engage in job training, refresher training, development training, group training. The respondents were also asked what kind of training they have received over the period and the 55 respondents who have received one form of training or the other mentioned various programs with the key ones summarized below as a percentage of the total for each type:
Table4.7: Type of Training Received TYPE OF TRAINING Senior Management and Accounting package Computer Applications Clerical Skills Development Secretarial studies Induction/Maintenance Efficient Supervisory course Others PERCENTAGE 12% 64% 18% 6% 25% 18% 32%
These courses can generally be classified as job training and refresher training.
4.5.10 Methods of Training The selection of method for training has to be based on identified training needs, training objectives, an understanding on the part of the trainees, the resources available and an awareness of learning principles. DeCauza et al (1996:70) explained that the most popular training and development method used by organizations can be classified as either on-the-job or off-the-job. Looking at the sophistication of the equipments in GHAPOHA, both training methods would be very ideal with the right balance.
There are a variety of training approaches that managers can use and these include. Accordingly, the Training Manager was asked to identify the training types and methods used. Regarding the types of training, he indicated that GPHA engages in orientation training for new employee, refresher training for existing employees, job training, and career development training. Regarding training methods, he mentioned on the job training, mentoring, seminar etc as the methods of training. It was necessary to assess these methods from the point of view of the respondents. So the were asked a question regarding what training methods they had experienced.
On how the training plan, lessons, and trainers were determined, the Training Manager again indicated that it depended on the situation at hand. Training is a planned and systematic process that goes to develop employees and it is significant to note that the training process at GPHA seem to depend on contingency. No wonder when respondents were asked how easily accessible training is to them, majority, as shown in the table below believe training is not accessible
Table 4.8: Accessibility of training at GPHA to respondents Accessibility Yes No Others Total Frequency 50 30 0 80 Percentage 62.50% 37.50% 0 100
4.5.11 Training Evaluation Regarding training evaluation, the Training Manager of GPHA admitted that not much has been done in terms of training evaluation which is only limited to immediate assessment of trainers and training program after completion. The respondents also indicated that they are not aware of how training is evaluated.
4.5.12 Sponsorship for Further Studies It was also necessary for the study to assess GPHAs commitment to career development issues. Granting of sponsorships for further studies is one such opportunity to develop the capacity of staff to meet future challenges. Accordingly, respondents were asked Have you ever been sponsored for further studies or personal development programs? What kind of sponsorship were you offered?
Indeed, most of the respondents indicated that they have never been sponsored. In the absence of training and development of employees by Management of Ghana Ports Harbors Authority, the employees sponsored themselves in furtherance of their education to obtain professional or higher level certificates.
Employees who expressed the desire to pursue university education were not given any form of assistance like study leave with pay. Their application for study leave was turned down with those who were persistent being advised to resign. Those who sought for part-time programs were disengaged after their studies as Management claimed their programs were not relevant to the job. The few ones who were retained had no promotion to match their added skills and competencies.
What may happen under such circumstances is that employees desirous of developing their career through further studies but do not want to lose their jobs will resort to a hide and seek game (absenteeism) to enroll and complete study programs. Others may actually quit their job which could lead to high labor turnover in the organization with its attendant disadvantages. Accordingly, employees were whether they have ever self-sponsored themselves to acquire skills, knowledge and abilities. Table 4.9 bellow summarizes the responses;
Table 4.9: Self-Sponsorship for further studies Self-sponsorship Yes No TOTAL Frequency 35 45 80 Percentage 43.75% 56.25% 100%
Table 4.9 above indicates that even though majority of the respondents were sponsored by GPHA, yet quite a good number also sponsored themselves for further studies to acquire skills, knowledge and abilities.
4.5.13 Career Progression Projections for Employees Regarding whether respondents are aware of the existence of any career development projections for them, all respondents (100%) indicated that they are not aware of the existence of any such development program.
4.5.14 Training and Development Projections for Employees Respondents were also asked whether they are aware of the existence of any employee training and development projections for them. All respondents said they were not aware of any such projections. These responses are in accord with the
Training Managers assertions that GPHA is yet to fully develop career progression, and training and development projections for employees. For an organization that has been engaged in training for the past ten (10) years, these omissions are significant because they have far reaching consequences for worker performance and productivity as far as the training and development component is concerned.
4.5.15 Assessment of the Nature of Training at GPHA From the foregoing discussions, is clear that training in GPHA has not been following the known and standard training practices and methods. Indeed, when respondents were asked if in their opinion they consider training and development activities at GPHA as planned and systematic, table 4.10 below summarizes the case:
Table 4.10: Respondents opinion on planned and systematic nature of training and development activities at GPHA Response Planned & systematic Unplanned & unsystematic Not Sure Total Frequency 4 69 7 80 Percentage 5.00% 86.25% 8.75% 100%
These responses, together with the hesitation of the Training Manager in providing answers to similar questions add up to the conclusion that training and development at GPHA indeed might be unplanned and unsystematic as hypothesized.
4.6 Effects of Training and Development on Worker Performance and Productivity 4.6.1 Motivation through Training Training is a planned and systematic effort by which Managements of organizations aim at altering behavior, and encouraging employees in a direction that will achieve organizational goals. One of the key known benefits of training is the motivation it provides those who receive it. Indeed, according to Cole (2002), employees who receive training have increased confidence and motivation. That is, training can achieve high morale for an organization. Training is known to increase the availability and quality of staff. The study therefore sought the opinion of the respondents whether they feel motivated and satisfied with the training and how it is applied at GPHA. The table 4.11 below illustrates the responses:
Table 4.11: Motivation through training Response Yes No TOTAL Frequency 41 14 55 Percentage 74.55% 25.45% 100%
The table 4.11 shows that an overwhelming majority of respondents (74.55%) dont feel motivated by the training activities of GPHA. This is significant because motivation generally seeks to boost employees morale to work hard and thus increase productivity.
4.6.2 Employee Potential for Development through Training Similarly, the respondents were asked Has training offered you the opportunity to identify any potential you have for further development? The table below illustrates the responses:
Table 4.12: Opportunity for personal development Responses Yes No TOTAL Frequency 3 77 80 Percentage 3.75% 96.25% 100
In the opinion of the respondents, training has not offered any opportunity for personal development. As many as 77 out of 80 respondents said No to the question. This may not be surprising because it has been established in the earlier discussions that training at GPHA is generally unplanned and unsystematic.
4.6.3 Training and employee performance Productivity relates to output per unit of input, for instance, output per labor hour. It is measured in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of an effort. The sources of productivity gains include ( Schiller, 2002): 1) Higher skills an increase in labor skills 2) More capital an increase in the ratio of capital to labor 3) Improved management better use of available resources in the production process 4) Technological advancement the development and use of better capital equipment
It is difficult to isolate the various variables that contribute to productivity and measure their true effect and contribution to productivity. The focus of this study however, is the aspect of productivity which relates to employee training and development and the impact of such higher skills on the performance and productivity of the individual employees. This focus is founded on the basis that employees will not perform well at work no matter how hard they try and regardless of how much they want to until they know what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it (Zaccarelli, 1988).
Thus, it is the knowledge and skills acquired for the job that makes employees effective and efficient. Training is the means by which such skills, knowledge and attitudes are impacted to employees to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. In measuring the impact of training and development on worker performance and productivity, respondents were asked the key question In your opinion, do you think training has helped improve your performance since joining GPHA? The responses are summarized in table 12 below:
Table 4.13: Respondents opinion of training effect on employee performance. RESPONSE Yes No Not Sure TOTAL FREQUENCY 8 62 10 80 PERCENTAGE 10.00% 77.50% 12.50% 100%
Table 4.13 illustrates clearly that as many as 62 out of 80 respondents do not link their performance to training. In addition to the 10 who are not sure of any link, it can be concluded that a total of 72 out of 80 respondents do have the opinion that training had no effect on their performance. This is significant because the purpose of training at GPHA is to improve individual and organizational performance and if as many respondents think training does not impact their performance, then the whole process of training ought to be reviewed.
The respondents were further asked if the training and development activities in the organization have equipped them with higher skills for performance. The table below confirms the responses as contained in table 4.13 above.
Table 4.14: Training impact on higher skills Response Equipped me with higher skills No impact on my higher skills Not Sure TOTAL Frequency 8 65 7 80 Percentage 10.00% 81.25% 8.75% 100%
Higher skills are a key component of any productivity equation, and as many as 65 out of the 80 respondents do believe that training has nothing to do with their skills. This confirms the discussion on training impact on performance, because training affects productivity and performance through the higher skills it impacts to employees to enable them know their job better and perform it better. Clearly therefore, we can conclude that the hypothesis that Training and development activities at GPHA have largely failed to positively impact worker performance and productivity is largely supported.
This study looked at the impact of training and development on worker performance and productivity in public sector organizations, with a focus on Ghana Ports and Harbor Authority.
The entire study was structured into five chapters. Chapter One (1) which constitutes the introduction to the study contains the background information, problem statement with relevant research questions, objectives of the study, the hypotheses, scope and significance of the study.
Chapter Two (2) of the study was used to review relevant literature involving the examination of key concepts like human resource management, training, benefits of training, training process, career development and the relationship between training and development and worker productivity.
Chapter three (3) deals with the methodology of the study and contains the research design, population, sample of the study, sampling techniques, data collection methods, design and administration of research instruments, and data analysis procedures.
Chapter four (4) provided the profile of Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority (GPHA) in terms of a brief history, functions and administration. Subsequently, the
data collected from the primary and secondary sources were presented and analyzed with regards to the hypotheses of the study.
Accordingly, the results of the study are summarized below, and recommendations provided, and a conclusion provided for the study.
The study was conducted with a set of hypotheses which relate directly to the research questions. The fundamental hypothesis states that GPHA has, over the past ten (10) years (1999 2008), been involved in training and development activities. Data collected from interviews with the Group Human Resource Manager and Training Manager, and supported by secondary data indicates that indeed training and development activities in GPHA date back to the early sixties when the Authority was established. Thus training and development activities have long been human resource management tools at GPHA even over the past ten (10) years. The hypothesis was supported by evidence from data collected.
Data collected, presented and analyzed also indicated that the purpose of training and development activities at GPHA is to enhance the SKAC of employees and thereby achieve improved individual and organizational performance. The second hypothesis for the study which states that the purpose of training and development at GPHA is to achieve individual and organizational performance is also clearly supported.
Again, data and analysis supports the third hypothesis which states that the policy fashioned to achieve the purpose of training and development is the provision of a coherently structured document for guidance and improvement in access to
training and development. Training policy exists at GPHA and an examination of the contents of the policy indicates a clear structure for training and development which if implemented would improve access to training to all employees.
Data was then presented and analyzed regarding the actual training and development practices and methods on the ground in line with the fourth hypothesis which postulates that training and development activities at GPHA are however unplanned and unsystematic. The results reveal that even though respondents have had not less than one years service with the organization, only 55 out of the 80 have ever participated in training of any kind in the organization. 38 out of the 55 who have ever participated in training do not how they were selected for the training. 41 out of the 55 do not even usually know the objectives of the training.
The organization engages in job and refresher training and the training methods, plans, lessons, and trainers are selected as they situation demands. Training activities are largely not evaluated. Sponsorships for further studies (career development) is minimal and there is no career progression projection, nor training and development projections for individual employees. This led many of the respondents to conclude, and rightly so, that training in the organization is unplanned and unsystematic. All the findings support the 4th hypothesis.
Finally, the study attempted to establish a relationship between training and development and individual performance by postulating the hypothesis that Training and development activities at GPHA have largely failed to positively impact worker performance and productivity. This relationship was examined in terms of training contribution to respondents;
a) Motivation b) Opportunity to identify potentials for further development c) Performance and, d) Attainment of higher skills for performance.
The findings are that many of the respondents do not feel motivated by the training offered, and indeed many have even never participated in training and development activities. It was also established that the respondents do not feel training has offered them opportunity to identify potentials for further development. Clearly also, an overwhelming majority of respondents do believe training have had no impact on their performance and further indicted that training indeed had had no impact on their job skills. All the facts go to support the hypothesis that training and development activities have largely failed to positively impact on individual effectiveness and efficiency in the performance of their jobs.
The results also revealed that employees sponsored themselves to acquire new skills, knowledge and abilities through formal education programs. These employees are however not promoted or upgraded because most the time their programs are seen as being unapproved by Management and therefore irrelevant to GPHAs work.
This was contrary to the objectives stated in the staff training policy that opportunities will be given to employees as necessary for more training and development program to improve their role and performance to their duties.
5.3 Recommendations
It is an undeniable fact that in recent times many organizations have come to the realization of the importance of the role of training and development programs as
it increases the organizations staff efficiency, skills and productivity. In order to reap the full benefits of a training initiative, GPHA should ensure that the following are instituted at the work place.
i) Systematic Training
Identification of training needs should be done more professionally in conjunction with the line manager as well as the individuals involved together with the HR personnel. Everyone involved should agree exactly to what the trainees are lacking, for instance what skill is needed, and what attitudes need to be changed toward work performance.
The needs identified should emanate from GPHAs strategic plan, which also cover departmental/sectional/teams and individual plans. GPHA should see learning, training and development as well as trainings objectives, plan, implementation and evaluation as a continuous process for organizational development and survival.
Objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) and unambiguous, and should develop individual as well as meet the needs of the Ports. Objectives should also include performance targets, measures standards and should be seen as attainable by individuals. Also a basis for motivating through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards should be provided as this will lead to commitment and improved performance.
Performance appraisal information system which is used yearly at the GPHA to assess employees performance should provide specific information to employees about their performance problems and ways they can improve their performance.
This assessment should provide a clear understanding of the differences between current and expected performance, identifying the causes of the performance discrepancies and develop action plans to improve performance of employees through training and development programs.
Training needs should be considered on the basis of overall company objectives. The goals of the company should determine what training programs are to be organized for staff. Staff should be motivated to add value to themselves and to their lives.
Organizational career planning involves matching an individuals career aspirations with the opportunities available in the organization. Career pathing is the sequencing of the specific jobs that are associated with these opportunities. For career management to be successful in GPHA, both the Authority and employees must assume equal share of the responsibility for it.
Employees must identify their aspirations and abilities, and through counseling recognize what training and development are required for a particular career information and training to its employees. Development and succession planning will
also play a great role. Career progressions projection plans and training and development projections should be made available to each employee.
The GPHA could develop its employees through formal education which will give employees the opportunity to attend short courses offered by consultants or an executive MBA and university programs which normally involve lectures by experts, business games and simulations, adventure learning and meetings with customers.
Motivation generally seeks to boost employees morale to work hard and thus increase productivity. It is against this fact that the researcher wishes to recommend that in instituting proper training and development programs, GPHA should initiate a policy for motivation attached to training. Motivation include both extrinsic, such as more pay, allowance, fringe benefits, and intrinsic such as recognition, appreciation, acceptance by fellow workers, opportunities for promotion, career development and consultation for important matters.
Morale on the other hand increases productivity indirectly by reducing absenteeism, accidents, employee turnover and grievances. This means that the workforce can never develop in an organization where there is low morale and lack of motivation because motivation and morale leads to job satisfaction, which in turn leads to development.
Most employee development occurs through job experiences. Development is most likely to occur when there is a mismatch between the employees skills and past experiences, and the skills required for the job. To be successful in their job, employees in GPHA must stretch their skills. There are several ways that job experiences can be used for employee development in GPHA and these include the enlargement of current job, job rotation, transfers and promotion to positions with greater challenge.
An interpersonal relationship is another way for employees to develop skills, increase knowledge about the organization and its clients by interacting with a more experienced member. Interpersonal relationships can develop as part of a planned effort to bring together successful senior employees of the GPHA together with less experienced ones.
Some organizations use psychological method to measure employee skills, personality types and communication styles. An example of such psychological test for employees development is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The test consists of over 100 questions about how the person feels or prefers to behave in different situations. The MBTI identifies individual preferences for energy (introversion versus extroversion), information gathering (sensing versus intuition), decision making (thinking versus feeling), and life style (judging versus perceiving).
GPHA can use MBTI for the understanding of such things as communication, motivation, teamwork, work styles and leadership skills of its employees. However, it should be noted that MBTI can not be used to appraise employees performance because it does not measure how well employees perform their preferred functions.
It is vital to evaluate training in order to assess its effectiveness in producing the learning outcomes specified when the training intervention is planned, and to indicate where improvements or changes are required to make the training even more effective. The basis upon which each category of training is to be evaluated should be determined at the planning stage while considering how the information required to evaluate learning events would be obtained and analyzed.
5.4 Conclusion
On the whole, the study sought to investigate the impact of training and development on worker performance and productivity in public sector organizations using GPHA as a case study and findings and recommendations provided. GPHA will need to take action to correct its training and development activities, and make sure the processes involved are duly followed.
The findings of this research indicated that GPHAs nature of work depends mainly on high technological and sophisticated equipment. This makes continuous training and development of its human resource crucial and vital, taking into consideration the rapid technological advancement.
From the results of the study, it can be concluded that GPHA certainly had a well-established policy to invest in the training and development of employees, however the processes involved are not being duly followed.
It also organizes training programs from time to time for its employees to update their knowledge and skills and to ensure that maximum efficiency exist in GPHA. Employees who realized the need for change in attitude and want to develop themselves through formal education in order to be abreast with modern technological advances self-sponsored themselves to acquire these skills.
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Neo et al. (2000), Human Resource Management: Gaining Competitive Advantage, 3rd ed. Boston, McGraw-Hill Linda Maund (2001), An Introduction to Human Resource Management, theory and practice, New York: Pelgrave Macmillan Publishers Kelly, K. (1994), Motorola: Training for the Millenium. Business Week, March 2008 Pp 158-168
QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire has been designed to solicit information for purely academic purposes. This is to enable the researcher IRENE FERGUSON LAING a final year student of the Institute of Distance Learning of the Kwame NKRUMAH University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, complete her thesis on the topic; THE IMPACT OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON WORKER PERFORMANCE AND PRODUCTIVITY IN PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANISATIONS: A CASE STUDY OF GHANA PORTS AND HARBOURS AUTHORITY, in pursuance of Commonwealth Executive Master of Business Administration degree. NB. All information given would be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you.
SECTION A BASIC DEMOGRAPHIC DATA (PLEASE TICK WHERE APPROPRIATE) 1. How old are you? (Years) a) 18 25 ( ) b) 26 35 ( ) c) 36 45 ( ) d) 46 55 ( ) e) 56 59 ( ) 2. Gender; a) Male ( ) b) Female ( ) 3. Educational Background; a) Senior High School ( ) b) Ordinary Level ( ) c) Advance Level ( ) d) Higher National Diploma ( ) e) First Degree ( ) f) Masters Degree ( ) g) Other (please specify) ( )
SECTION B INFORMATION ON TRAINING AND WORKER PERFORMANCE 4. What is your position in GPHA? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Machine Operator Accounts Clerk Secretary Driver Office Clerk Computer Operator Junior Engineers Security Officer ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
a) b) c) d)
( ( ( (
) ) ) )
6. Are you aware of any training programme in GPHA? a) Yes b) No 7. Have you had any form of training since you joined GPHA? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 8. If you answered yes to question 6, how long ago? a) b) c) d) e) 1 6 months ( 7 12 months ( 1- 3 years ( Over 4 years ( Not applicable ( ) ) ) ) )
9. If you have been with GPHA for at least two years, how many times have you had any form of training? a) b) c) d) Only once ( Twice ( Several times ( Never ( ) ) ) )
10. How were you selected? Please specify. ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... 11. What were the objectives of the training? a) To help improve performance b) To acquire more skills c) Other please specify ( ) ( ) ( )
12. What kind of training did you participate in? Please specify 13. What methods were used for the facilitation? a) b) c) d) Seminar On-the-job training Understudy training Formal Lectures ( ( ( ( ) ) ) )
14. How was the training evaluated? Please specify. . 15. In your opinion, do you think training at GPHA is planned and systematic? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) Not sure ( ) 16. Are you motivated by and satisfied with the training program of GPHA? a) Yes b) No ( ) ( )
17. In your opinion, do you think training has helped improve your performance since you joined GPHA? a) Yes b) No ( ) ( )
18. Has training offered you the opportunity to identify any potential you have for further development? a) Yes b) No ( ) ( )
19. Have you ever been sponsored for further studies or personal development program? What kind of sponsorship please specify a) Yes b) No ( ) ( )
20. Are you aware of any career development projections for you? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 21. Are you aware of any training and development projections for you? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 22. Have you ever self sponsored yourself for further studies to acquire new skills, knowledge and abilities? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( )
Fill in the blank spaces and tick the appropriate check boxes.
Rank Department .
1. Has GPHA been involved in training and development for employees over the past 10 years (1999 2008)? .. .. .. .. 2. How long has GPHA been involved in training and development? ............................... ... ... 3. What are the major purposes of training and what key internal and external influences impact on training? ............ 4. Does GPHA have a training policy in place? Is the policy documented?
5. Briefly describe the training policy and procedures in GPHA. .. 6. Are the rank and file of GPHA aware of the training policy? ............................................................................................................. . . 7. Would you please make available to me documents on training policy and all other documents related to training and development? ... .. 8. How did training practice develop in GPHA? .. .. .. ... 9. What principles of training apply at the workplace? ... .. 10. The training process. a) How are individual and organizational needs determined? . .
. . ......................... b) How are staff selected for training? ............................................................................................................. . . . c) How are training objectives determined? ................... d) How is the training plan developed? . . . . ............................. 11. In presenting the training; a) What are the kinds of training used? ............................. .. .. .. b) What methods of training are used and why? .................................. ..
c) How is training evaluated? . . . . . 12. Is the implementation of the training policy monitored to ensure that it is practiced as prescribed? What is the monitoring mechanism used? . . . . 13. In your assessment, has Training impacted on staff motivation and performance? Could you please specify in terms of contribution to; a. Increased individual productivity. .. b. Training in terms of numbers. 14. Does training have an effect on worker performance and productivity? How do you measure training effect on worker performance and productivity? .. ........................................................................................................................... ..
... ........................................................................................................................... 15. Do you keep personal profile of each employee? 16. Do you have records on past training with dates on each worker? 17. Do you have career progression projections for each employee? .... 18. Do you have training and development projections for each employee? .. .. ...................................................................... 19. Please provide data on employees sponsored in the past 10 years in terms of; a) Number sponsored each year for the past 10 years b) Type of sponsorship offered c) Studies completed.