Steve An Xue
School of Hearing and Speech Sciences,
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA
Dimitar Deliyski
Kay Elemetrics Corp., Lincoln Park, New Jersey, USA
The study reported in this article attempted to obtain normative acoustic data
of voice for elderly male and female speakers and to explore the educational
implications of the effects of aging on those selected acoustic parameters. Voice
samples from 21 male and 23 female elderly speakers aged 70 to 80 years were
obtained on measures of 15 selected Multi-Dimensional Voice Program acoustic
parameters. These data then were compared with the published norms for young
and middle-aged adults. The results showed that, compared with young and
middle-aged adults, elderly speakers had signicantly different (usually poorer)
vocal output on all of the selected acoustic parameters of voice. These ndings
illustrate the importance of establishing acoustic norms and thresholds for elderly
men and women and stress the necessity of using discretion in making dragnostic
measurements of elderly speakers’ acoustic parameters of voice. This article also
highlights the educational implications of such aging voice changes.
Address correspondence to Steve An Xue, Lindley Hall 201, School of Hearing &
Speech Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701-2979, USA. E-mail:
160 S. A. Xue and D. Deliyski
Participants were 21 white elderly men (mean age D 75.43 years,
SD D 2.96) and 23 white elderly women (mean age D 74.83 years,
SD D 4.06). All participants were free of perceived speech or voice
disorders and passed a hearing screening of 35 dB HL in at least
one ear at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz. All participants used English as
their primary language and were from the same dialectal regions. All
participants were in good health, were free of neurological disease, and
were nonsmokers in the previous 5 years.
Aging and Voice Parameters 161
The norms of the 15 selected MDVP acoustic parameters of voice
computed from the voice samples of young and middle-aged adults
(Deliyski & Gress, 1998) and the norms of the elderly speakers obtained
from this study are presented in Table 1. SPSS (1994) multivariate
analysis of variance was performed with the two age groups as the
independent variable and the 15 selected MDVP acoustic parameters
as the dependent variables. The results showed that, as a group, the
elderly male and female speakers had signicantly lower (p < .01) Fo
(159 Hz) than the young and middle-aged speakers (204.85 Hz). For
the other 14 acoustic parameters of voice (APQ %, Jita ms, Jitt %, PFR
semitones, PPQ %, RAP %, sPPQ %, STD Hz, vFo %, ShdB dB, Shim
%, SPI, NHR, and VTI), the elderly speakers had signicantly higher
measurements (p < .01) than the young and middle-aged speakers. In
other words, the elderly speakers over age 70 had signicantly higher
frequency variations of voice (Jita ms, Jitt %, PFR semitones, PPQ %,
RAP %, sPPQ %, STD Hz, and vFo %), higher intensity variations of
voice (APQ %, ShdB dB, and Shim %), and greater noise levels in the
harmonic structures of vowels (NHR, SPI, and VTI) than the young
and middle-aged speakers (see Table 2).
In this study, elderly speakers demonstrated different (or poorer)
measurements on all of the selected acoustic parameters of voice
compared with young and middle-aged adults. The natural process
of aging has a signicant impact on the acoustic measurements of
speakers’ vocal output. Thus, it is very important that voice clinicians
be aware of such effects and use discretion when making acoustic
diagnoses and clinical judgments of elderly clients’ voices.
TABLE 1 Means and Standard Deviations of Norms of 15 Selected Acoustic Parameters From the Sustained /a/
Productions of Elderly and Young and Middle-Aged Speakers
All elderly All young Elderly men Young men Elderly women Young women
(n D 44) (n D 53) (n D 21) (n D 20) (n D 23) (n D 33)
parameter M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD
Fo Hz 159.02 47.09 204.85 54.82 127.62 29.18 145.22 23.41 187.70 42.15 243.97 27.46
APQ % 4.04 2.78 1.63 0.71 4.20 2.28 1.99 0.81 3.89 3.22 1.40 0.53
Jita ms 143.71 130.24 32.77 27.33 170.11 127.78 41.66 36.48 119.61 130.53 26.93 16.65
Jitt % 2.06 1.81 0.62 0.43 2.10 1.55 0.59 0.54 2.02 2.03 0.63 0.33
NHR 0.19 0.10 0.12 0.01 0.18 0.08 0.12 0.01 0.20 0.11 0.11 0.01
PFR st 4.11 3.19 2.19 1.07 3.52 1.63 2.10 1.07 4.65 4.11 2.25 1.06
PPQ % 1.25 1.17 0.36 0.24 1.24 0.98 0.34 0.29 1.26 1.35 0.37 0.21
RAP % 1.22 1.07 0.37 0.27 1.24 0.92 0.35 0.33 1.20 1.21 0.38 0.21
ShdB dB 0.48 0.37 0.19 0.08 0.49 0.31 0.22 0.09 0.48 0.42 0.18 0.07
Shim % 5.43 4.02 2.21 0.92 5.54 3.51 2.52 1.00 5.34 4.51 2.00 0.79
SPI 14.50 10.50 7.23 4.02 19.24 12.47 6.77 3.78 10.18 5.76 7.53 4.13
S. A. Xue and D. Deliyski
sPPQ % 2.11 2.71 0.54 0.26 1.74 0.98 0.56 0.30 2.45 3.64 0.53 0.22
STD Hz 5.44 8.27 2.18 1.83 3.12 1.56 1.35 0.68 7.57 11.02 2.72 2.12
vFO % 3.53 5.59 1.07 0.83 2.45 1.20 0.94 0.43 4.51 7.59 1.15 1.01
VTI 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.01 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.01
Note. Norms for young and middle-aged participants taken from Deliyski & Gress (1988). Age ranges: elderly D 70 –80 years; young and
middle-aged D 20 –55 years. Young D young and middle-aged; Fo Hz D average fundamental frequency; APQ% D amplitude perturbation
quotient; Jita ms D absolute jitter; Jitta% D jitter percent; NHR D noise-to-harmonic ratio; PFR of D phonatory fundamental Frequency
range semitones; PPQ % D Pitch period perturbation quotient; RAP % D relative average perturbation; ShdB dB = Shimmer in decibels;
Shim % D shimmer percent; SPI D soft phonation index; sPPQ D smoothed pitch perturbation quotient; STD Hz D standard deviation of the
fundamental frequency; vFo% D fundamental frequency variation; VTI D voice turbulence index.
Aging and Voice Parameters 165
educators who train speech and hearing clinicians, and for practicing
speech and hearing clinicians. For example, acoustic voice analysis
programs (like MDVP) need norms for the elderly as well as for
the young and middle-aged because elderly speakers may have quite
different (usually signicantly poorer) acoustic outputs than young and
middle-aged speakers as a result of the natural aging process. Second,
educators who train speech and hearing clinicians should be aware
of the effects of aging on the vocal outputs of the elderly and try to
integrate such knowledge into their teaching so that their students
will have greater awareness of these signicant aging effects. Third,
if the acoustic analysis programs they use do not provide acoustic
voice norms for the elderly, practicing speech and hearing clinicians
must use caution and discretion when making diagnostic evaluations
and clinical judgments of the voices of elderly clients. As the elderly
population in the United States continues to increase rapidly, more
studies of this kind are needed for researchers, educators, and prac-
titioners to better understand the effects of aging on all aspects of
human speech-language communication.
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