Solid Modeling Through Reverse Engineering
Solid Modeling Through Reverse Engineering
Solid Modeling Through Reverse Engineering
DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,AnandInstituteofHigherTechnology,Chennai. ABSTRACT In many areas of industries, it is desirable to construct a 3D model of an existing object or device. This paper reviews the process of reverse engineering those objects to model its features over the softwares available. After identifying the process of Reverse Engineering, various methods and algorithmic steps in data acquiring and modeling strategies based on those data are presented. Pros and cons of various data acquisition techniques are described with related problems of boundary representation model construction. Specific issues addressed include characterization of geometric models and related form shapes, multiple view combination. Limitations of the currently known solutions are described and areas in which further work is required before reverse engineering are also pointed out.
Reverse Engineering is a rapidly evolving technique, covering multitude of activities. It is widely used in many fields of engineering, although we will only be concerned with reverse engineering of shape to reconstruct its features within many CAD systems. Through this way, it can be analyzed within analyzing systems and further changes can be made to its shape without changing it in real time while testing. While the conventional engineering transforms engineering concepts and designs to real parts, in reverse engineering real parts are transformed into engineering models and concepts. The advantages of extensive use of CAD/CAM need not be reiterated here. The existence of a computer model provides enormous gains in improving the quality and efficiency of the design, analysis and manufacture. Reverse Engineering typically starts with measuring an existing object so that a solid model can be deduced so that the advantages of CAD/CAM technologies are exploited. A 2D scanner, not only inputs a page to the computer, but it also recognizes the text, shapes and the structures in the page (acting as an OCR), thus allowing to modify it. Likewise, a 3D scanner not only scans the raw data from the object, but also interprets the data to a form that the computer can understand and reconstruct its model. Now, not only a single copy is created, but knowledge about the shape is obtained, and thus we can derive new shapes, analyze properties, make variations and determine characteristic quantities such as volume or surface area. The ultimate goal of reverse engineering is to realize an intelligent 3D scanner. However, there is a long way to go. Even capturing shape and converting it to a CAD model is a complex problem. Despite many encouraging partial results in partial areas, a fully automatic solution to build a complete model of an object is still a goal. This paper briefs the most important elements of reverse engineering.
The basic workflow of reverse engineering is shown in Fig. 1: 1.DATACAPTURE 2.PREPROCESSING 3.SEGMENTATIONANDSURFACEFITTING 4.CADMODELCREATION Fig.1: Basic phases of reverse engineering These phases are often overlapping and instead of sequential process shown, several iterations are required. A crucial part of reverse engineering is data acquisition. Often, methods for reverse engineering are developed based on simulated data acquisition only. The main topic of this paper is the geometric part of reverse engineering. Data structures for representing shape can vary from point clouds to complete boundary representation models. The representation chosen fundamentally determines the computational algorithms applied to the data sets [1]. The most critical part of reverse engineering is segmentation and surface fitting. By means of these processes, data points are grouped into sets to which an appropriate single surface can be fitted. Segmentation and surface fitting must be carefully matched to each other. Data acquisition is constrained by physical considerations to acquire data from a limited region of objects surface. This is discussed under multiple views. For CAD purposes, a consistent and complete model is required, which is acceptable by commercial CAD/CAM systems. Identifying sharp edges, adding blends, providing proper continuity where smooth connections are needed, tidying up the model and enforcing constraints are all part of the problem.
There are many different methods for acquiring shape data, as shown in fig. 2. Essentially, each method uses some mechanism or phenomena for interacting with the surface or volume of the object of interest. In each case, an appropriate analysis must be performed to determine positions of points on the objects surface from physical readings obtained. For example, in laser range finders timeof-flight is used to determine the distance travelled, and in image analysis the relative locations of landmarks in
multiple images are related to position. Each method has strengths and weaknesses which require that the data acquisition system be carefully selected for the shape capture functionality desired. [2] There are non-contact methods, where light, sound or magnetic fields are used, while in others the surface is touched by using mechanical probes at the end of an arm (tactile methods). Optical methods of shape capture are the broadest and most popular with relatively fast acquisition rates. There are five important categories of optical methods we discuss here: triangulation, ranging, interferometry, structured lighting and image analysis.
Triangulation is a method which uses location and angles between light sources and photo sensing devices to deduce position. A high energy light source is focused and projected at a prespecified angle at the surface of interest. A photosensitive device, usually a video camera, senses the reflection of the surface and then by using geometric triangulation from the known angle and distances, the position of a surface point relative to a reference plane can be calculated. The light source and the camera can be mounted on a traveling platform which then produces multiple scans of the surface. These scans are therefore relative measurements of the surface of interest. Various different high energy light sources are used, but lasers are the most common. Triangulation can acquire data at very fast rates [3]. The accuracy is determined by the resolution of the photo sensitive device and the distance between the surface and the scanner. Ranging methods measure distances by sensing timeof-flight of light beams; practical methods are usually based on lasers and pulsed beams. Interferometry methods measure distances in terms of wavelengths using interference patterns. This can be a very accurate method of measurement since visible light has a wavelength of the order of hundreds of nanometers, while most reverse engineering applications distances are in the centimeter to meter range. In principle, other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum could also be used [4]. In practice, a high energy light source is used to provide both a beam of monochromatic light to probe the object and a reference beam for comparison with the reflected light. Structured lighting involves projecting patterns of light upon a surface of interest and capturing an image of the resulting pattern as reflected by the surface. The image must then be analyzed to determine coordinates of data points on the surface. A popular method of structured lighting is shadow Moir, where an interference pattern is projected onto a surface producing lighted contour lines. These contour lines are captured in an image and are analyzed to determine distances between the lines. This distance is proportional to the height of the surface at the point of interest and so the coordinates of surface points can be deduced [5]. Structured lighting can acquire large amounts of data with a single image frame, but the analysis to determine positions of data can be rather complex. The final optical shape capture method of interest is image analysis. This is similar to structured lighting methods in that frames are analyzed to determine coordinate data. However, the analysis does not rely on projected patterns. Instead, typically, stereo pairs are used to provide enough information to determine height and coordinate position. This method is often referred to as a passive method since no structured lighting is used. Active methods are distinguished from passive methods in that artificial light is used in the acquisition of data. Correlation of image pairs and landmarks within the images are big difficulties with this method and this is why active methods are preferred. Tactile methods represent another popular approach to shape capture. Tactile methods touch a surface using mechanical arms. Sensing devices in the joints of the arm determine the relative coordinate locations. These methods
are mostly limited by the measuring device limitations. For example, a 3-axis milling machine can be fitted with a touch probe and used as a tactile measuring system. However, it is not very effective for concave surfaces. There are many different robotic devices which are used for tactile measurement. These methods are among the most robust (i.e. less noise, more accurate, more repeatable, etc.), but they are also the slowest method for data acquisition. Probably the most popular method is the use of coordinate measuring machines (CMM). These machines can be programmed to follow paths along a surface and collect very accurate, nearly noise-free data [6]. The final type of data acquisition methods we will examine are acoustic, where sound is reflected from a surface, and magnetic, where a magnetic field touches the surface. Acoustic methods have been used for decades for distance measuring. Sonar is used extensively for this purpose. Automatic focus cameras often use acoustic methods to determine range. The method is essentially the same as time-of-fight, where a sound source is reflected off a surface and then distance between the source and surface is determined knowing the speed of sound. Acoustic interference or noise is often a problem as well as determining focused point locations. Dynamic imaging is used extensively in ultra-sound devices where a transducer can sweep a cross-section through an object to capture material data internal to an object. Magnetic field measurement involves sensing the strength of a magnetic field source. Magnetic touch probes are used which usually sense the location and orientation of a stylus within the field. A trigger allows the user to only record specific point data once the stylus is positioned at a point of interest. Magnetic resonance is used in similar applications to ultra-sound when internal material properties are to be measured. MRI (magnetic resonance) activates atoms in the material to be measured and then measures the response [7]. To sum up, all measuring methods must interact with the surface or internal material using some phenomenon, either light, sound, magnetism or physical contact. The speed with which the phenomenon operates as well as the speed of the sensor device determines the speed of the data acquisition.
There are many practical problems with acquiring useable data, the major ones being: Calibration Accuracy Accessibility Occlusion Fixturing Multiple views Noise and incomplete data Statistical distributions of parts Surface finish
Calibration is an essential part of setting up and operating a position measuring device. Systematic sensing errors can occur through lens distortions, non-linear electronics in cameras, and similar sources. Any sensing must be calibrated so as to (i) accurately determine parameters such as camera points and orientations, and (ii) to model and allow for as accurately as possible systematic sources of error. Optical scanners' accuracies typically depend largely on the resolution of the video system used. Distance from the measured surface and accuracy of the moving parts of the scanning system all contribute to the overall measurement error. Accessibility is the issue of scanning data that is not easily acquired due to the configuration or topology of the part. This usually requires multiple scans but can also make some data impossible to acquire with certain methods. Occlusion is the blocking of the scanning medium due to shadowing or obstruction. This is primarily a problem with optical scanners. However, acoustic and magnetic scanners may also have this problem. Multiple scanning devices are one approach to obviate this problem. Noise elimination in data samples is a difficult issue. Noise can be introduced in a multitude of ways, from extraneous vibrations, specular reflections, etc. There are many different filtering approaches that can be used. Noise filtering, though, is often an unavoidable step in reverse engineering, but note, that this also destroys the "sharpness" of the data i.e. typically sharp edges disappear and are replaced by smooth blends, which in some cases may be desirable, but in other cases may lead to serious problems in identifying features. Statistical distribution of parts deals with the fact that any given part which is scanned only represents one sample in a distributed population. When reverse engineering methods attempt to reproduce a given shape, the tolerance distribution of the scanned part must be considered. This gives rise to multiple part scans and the averaging of the resulting data. However, it may be somewhat impractical to attempt to sample many parts from a population, and indeed, often only one is available. The final issue we bring up is surface finish of the part being measured. Smoothness and material coatings can dramatically affect the data acquisition process. Tactile or optical methods will produce more noise with a rough surface than a smooth one. Reflective coatings also can affect optical methods.
As indicated earlier the main purpose of reverse engineering is to convert a discrete data set into a
piecewise smooth, continuous model. The discrete data set typically consists of (x; y; z) coordinate values of measured data points. Concerning the organization of data, we may classify the point set as either scattered or regular. In the former case the points come from random or manual point wise sampling. In the latter case the measurements may have taken place along contours or slicing planes, which results in a sequence of scan lines; within each scan line there is a sequence of points. Alternatively the measurement may provide regularly organized points in two dimensions, as for example does the grid structure of range finders. Triangulated models are particularly important in computer graphics and animation, which explains why research work in this area has obtained a large momentum recently [8]. In the majority of CAD/CAM applications, particularly in mechanical engineering, connectivities and continuity in the data structure are also very important. For example, many manufacturing methods depend strongly on surface type, which requires a perfect representation of the related data set. Thus it would not be sufficient to represent a plane or a cylindrical hole by approximating facets, since these may be functional faces presumably to be manufactured by grinding or drilling. Gaps larger then a given tolerance may also cause problems since small areas of superfluous material may remain on the surfaces of the machined object. Moreover, aesthetic parts such as car body panels require at least second order continuity between the constituent surface elements, which again must be assured by the constructed mathematical model. Our interest in this paper is mainly directed towards these higher-level geometric models. We assume an abstract boundary representation (B-rep) model, where the skin of the object is represented as a set of faces, each bounded by one or more loops of edges. Each edge separates two faces and the edges meet in vertices. (We ignore non-manifold data-structures, since we want to deal with objects which have been and can be physically realized.) Within B-reps we may distinguish between partial models and complete models. In the former case the result of the reverse engineering procedure will be a model of just some part of the object, for example the visible portion of a panel or a well-defined functional detail. In the latter case, which will generally need multiple views to be merged (see section later), a complete solid model is created which contains all boundary elements of the object. Although ideally we would like to have a fully automatic reverse engineering system which can make decisions and classifications without any user interaction, we believe that at the present state of the art, it is very
important to have as much a priori information about the object as possible. For a human carrying out reverse engineering, it is easy to recognize whether an object has planar faces or not, or whether the whole object is smooth everywhere. For the computer this sort of information is crucial, since it will determine the final model to be constructed and have a significant effect on the efficiency of the computations. The a priori information required here may specify what sorts of surface elements occur in the object - global characterization - and may provide certain threshold values. For example, suppose we are given a set of measured points from a cylindrical surface (this data is surfaces may be present, and set our measurement tolerances correctly, we will successfully try to fit a cylinder to the data before considering more general surface types. However, if we do not look for cylinders, or if we set our tolerances incorrectly, this feature is unlikely
to be recognized, and the area will be represented as some free-form surface element. The above reasoning explains that it is important to specify a hierarchy of surface types in order of geometric complexity (see fig. 3).
In this section we consider the related problems of segmentation and surface fitting. We assume here that the initial data is in the form of a dense set of points sampled from the surface of the object; rather different methods will be required if for example points have only been digitized along certain key curves on the surface of the object. (A fully automatic method is likely to produce dense data, as human interaction would be required to choose key curves.) The aim is to produce a higher level representation of the shape of the object, in the form of a set of surfaces. We also assume that the surface of the object can be naturally broken down into various component surfaces, which meet along sharp or smooth edges. The tasks to be solved at this stage of shape reconstruction are segmentation to logically divide the original point set into subsets, one for each natural surface, so that each subset contains just those points sampled from a particular natural surface, classification to decide to what type of surface each subset of points belongs (e.g. planar, cylindrical), and fitting to find that surface of the given type which is the best fit to those points in the given subset. It should be clearly noted that these tasks cannot in practice be carried out in the sequential order given above. Two basically different approaches to segmentation may be considered, namely edge-based and face-based methods. The first technique attempts to find edge curves in the data, and infers the surfaces from the implicit segmentation provided by the edge curves. In this approach, several, user specified seed loops are inflated to obtain edge-loops of faces [9]. The second technique goes in the opposite order, and tries to infer connected regions of points with similar properties as belonging to the same surface (e.g. groups of points all having the same normal belong to the same plane), with edges then being derived by intersection or other computations from the surfaces [10]. Edge-based techniques suffer from the following problems. Sensor data, particularly from laser based scanners, is often unreliable near sharp edges, because of specular reflections there. The number of points used for segmenting the data is small. On the other hand face-based
techniques have the following advantages. They work on a larger number of points, in principle using all available data. Deciding which points belong to which surface is a natural by-product of such methods, whereas with edgebased methods, it may not be entirely clear to which surface a given point belongs even after we have found a set of edges (3D edges do not surround a region of space). Typically, this type of approach also provides the best-fit surface to the points as a by-product. Let us assume that we adopt a face-based approach to segmentation. It is distinguished into bottom-up and topdown methods. The class of bottom-up methods initially starts from seed points. Small initial neighborhoods of points around them, which are deemed to consistently belong to a single surface, are constructed. Local differential geometric or other techniques are then used to add further points which are classified as belonging to the same surface. Growing stops when there are no more consistent points in the vicinity of the current region. The class of top-down methods starts with the premise that all the points belong to a single surface, and then tests this hypothesis for validity. If the points are in agreement, the method is done, otherwise the points are subdivided into two (or more) new sets, and the single-surface hypothesis is applied recursively to these subsets, the process continuing until all generated subsets satisfy the hypothesis. In the bottom-up case, they include the following: choosing good seed points to start growing the surface from can be difficult - obviously, a seed point lying on an edge will not be suitable. We need to decide whether to distribute the seed points uniformly, or in some more sophisticated way. Deciding whether to add points to the region can be difficult, as again, the decision is generally based only on local geometry, which is susceptible to noise. A major problem associated with the top-down approach is choosing where and how to subdivide. Often, the subdivision will be done along a straight line rather than a natural boundary, and so in practice, merging steps are also required to re-combine pieces. This leads to edges which are rather jagged in nature. When surfaces
slowly and smoothly blend into one another, the subdivisions chosen may be quite some way from the real boundary, and so a lot of extra work may be done subdividing in the wrong place.
include: coping with noise, merging views, coping with gaps in the data, reliable segmentation, recognizing the structure of the geometry of the object, and ensuring that the consistent models are built.
The problem is: ideally we would have the object floating in 3D space (in a fixed position with a fixed orientation), so that the scanner could move around the object from all sides to capture data in a single coordinate system. In practice, the object will have to rest on some surface, so part of it will be inaccessible to the scanner. Furthermore, if the scanner is fixed in position, at any one time, it will be able to capture data from an even more limited region of the object's surface. Thus, generally, it will be necessary to combine multiple views taken with the object placed in different orientations in front of the scanner [11]. There may also be other good reasons for combining views-for example, some parts of the object may have more details than others, and so a low-resolution scan may be taken of the whole object, while higher-resolution scans may also be taken of the detailed areas. Naturally, sufficient views must be taken so that every part of the object's surface is visible in at least one view. The major problem in combining multiple views is accurate registration, i.e. finding the transformation (rotation and translation) which relates information in one view with information in another view, so all sets of information can be combined. Various approaches exist for capturing multiple views in such a way that registration is possible. The simplest approach is to place the object on a turntable; this must have a high accuracy to infer registration reliably. When determining the registration directly from multiple views, it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient overlap of information between successive views. A rather more pragmatic approach to provide overlapping data for registration of multiple views, which has been adopted in commercial environments, is to clamp some reference objects (e.g. three spheres) to the object being scanned. This ensures that enough simple surfaces are present in each view, and a direct algorithm can then be applied to compute the registration once these surfaces have been found in each view. It is much easier and more reliable to use specific surfaces known to be present than to use a general algorithm. Unfortunately, clamping the reference objects to the object to be scanned will obscure part of the latter, so this trick does not directly solve the problem of producing a complete object model.
[1] Vrdy. T (1997), Reverse engineering of geometric models - An introduction, Computer-Aided Design 29 (4): 255268. [2] R. A. Jarvis, A Perspective on Range Finding Techniques for Computer Vision, IEEE PAMI, Vol. 5, No. 2, (1983) pp 122-139. [3] S. Motavalli, B. Bidanda, A Part Image Reconstruction System for Reverse Engineering of Design Modifications, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 10, No. 5, (1991) pp 383-395. [4] R. A. Jarvis, A Laser Time-of-Flight Range Scanner for Robotic Vision, IEEE PAMI, Vol. 5, No. 5, (1983), pp 505-512. [5] P. W. Will, K. S. Pennington, Grid Coding: A Novel Technique for Image Processing, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 60, No. 6, (1972), pp 669-680. [6] C. Butler, Investigation Into the Performance of Probes on Coordinate Measuring Machines, Industrial Metrology, Vol. 2, No. 1, (1991), pp 59-70. [7] S.Watanabe, M. Yoneyama, An Ultrasonic Visual Sensor for Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 8, No. 2, (1992), pp 240-249. [8] W.J. Schroeder, J. Zarge and W.E. Lorensen, Decimation of triangle meshes, Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH'92 Proceedings), Vol 26, (1992), pp 6570. [9] D. R. Smith, T. Kanade, Autonomous Scene Description with Range Imagery, CVGIP, Vol 31, No 3, (1985) pp 322-334. [10] M.J. Milroy, C. Bradley and G.W. Vickers, Segmentation of a Wrap-around Model Using an Active Contour, this special issue, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 28, (1996). [11] P. J. Besl, N. D. McKay, A Method for Registration of 3D Shapes, IEEE PAMI, Vol 14, No 2, (1992) pp 239-256.
Solid modeling through reverse engineering with the help of available CAD/CAM systems is a rapidly evolving discipline. Though many scanners and probes are available for acceptable data extraction, we still lag of a complete 3D scanner which enables to extract the overall data from the object. Some of the fields which require further research