Cebu2You April 2013
Cebu2You April 2013
Cebu2You April 2013
April 2013
Greetings from the city known as "The Seat of Christianity" in the Philippines. Pray that we can be a part of bringing that statement to fruition in the city of Cebu. We are blessed and excited to be working for the Lord here where in reality, less than 5% of the population in Cebu are true Christians. It is now summer in Cebu and school is out for 2 months. The temperatures will be 90-100 and about 95% humidity. EASTER/SONRISE SERVICE
We left our house at 2:30am to pick up people needing a ride to our meeting place where over 130 men, women and children departed for the beach at 3am. We started the service at 4:30am with praise and worship as we celebrated Resurrection Sunday reading the story of Edith Burns, AKA Edith Easter, shared a message entitled "Celebrate" and baptized 12 new believers. (Was to be 13 but 1 could not make it). Later in the day we found out that a dear friend of our church, a former worship leader for our Young Adults, one of my youth members when I was leading youth at Calvary Chapel Cebu City in Talamban and my friend, had gone to be with the Lord after over 3 years with MS earlier that morning. We shared a time of prayer for her and her family and celebrated her life the rest of our time there.
We are now settled in and back in the swing of things as we continue to serve the Lord in Cebu. Pastor Bong, Pastor Eddie and I have resumed our monthly Pastor's prayer meeting, we have been reunited with our dogs and receive much love from them daily, our ministry involvements have resumed, I have been teaching now for 4 weeks and we are moving forward as the Lord directs.
April 2013
It is now time again to consider sponsoring a child for a year of education. Our goal this year is to sponsor 75 children if the resources are available. Read the attached flyer for more information.
WOUNDCARE PROGRESS Icontinuetohavemy legwoundsdressed andexaminedevery weekandthey continuetoimprove. Thewoundcare doctorwantstodoa skingrafttoexpedite thehealingbutmy cardiologisthasto agreetothatfirstand Imeetwithhertoday. Ithasalsobeen suggestedthatI undergo2030 hyperbaricchamber treatmentsbutthey arequiteexpensiveso prayforGod's provisionandwisdom asmydoctorsandI makethisdecision together
Oursummer bootcamp beginsApril2nd, for5dayswhere ourITperson willteachthose withadesireto learnWebPage Design.When theyleavethey willbeableto createand maintain/update webpages.
Our intern Mila has completed her 1 year internship with us and completed all of her requirements and on March 23 was commissioned as a Bible College Graduate. Congratulations Mila. Also our intern from last year has completed her 2nd year with us and they will both now be testing to go to college in Cebu to get a degree in education. When they pass they will continue to live at the church and help with ministry on week-ends. I am very proud of both of them and blessed to have had them serve their internships with us.
On April 12th, we will leave the Senior Pastor's and Wives conference with a new intern who will help us in ministry for a year as we develop and teach her ministry skills and leadership. Her name is Grace Eli.
April 2013
Calvary Chapel of Downey, 12808 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, CA 90242 ATTN: Missions Support for Tom Maxwell
SUMMER TEAM 2013 We are already preparing for our summer team in August where our women will learn the Woman2Woman- Titus 2 program as we build our discipleship for women program. We are also working on our summer team 1 day VBS program for over 1000 children.
If your donation is for a specific purpose in Cebu, please designate the purpose, ie: sponsorship for HS/Elementary, etc. All donations are tax deductible Contact us at
look at
Call us from the USA @ 011-63-32-268-6280 or text us @ +639164233620. (Magic Jack number: +1 562-398-
Please return this coupon with your donation and thanks for
being our partner in fulfilling Gods purpose in Cebu. (Please send support to reach CC Downey by the 10 of the month.) Thank you.
On April 8 and 9 the Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors and their wives will descend on Dumaguete for our annual conference. It is a time of refreshing and refilling as we get fed from some great teachers and we have sweet fellowship with others that we only see once a year. We are planning to drive our car this year so pray for traveling mercies.
Prayer Requests
Prayfor: Wisdomanddiscernmentinallthings. Forfinances ControlledgrowthastheLordleads Healthforthechurchandthefamily Spiritualgrowth Newhomeforthechurch Childrensministries 4feedingministriesforover1,400children Salvationforthelost MypersonaltimewiththeLord OurMarriage Continuedrecoveryfromheartattack SalvationforAustin(myGrandson) SalvationforKrysta(mydaughter) Additionalsupporters Godsprovision Prayformedicaltestsandtreatments PrayforJamesKaddiscontinuedrecoveryfromsurgery