Eldo Tutorial

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Eldo Tutorial - Analog IC Design

Lab setup

You may use the FPGA lab to run your Eldo simulations for this course. This simulation softwares are installed on all machines in this lab. The machine ip addresses are to 80, and you can run simulations remotely on these through an ssh -X MACHINE-IPADDRESS command. You may also install and run Eldo on your personal computers.


Setting up your terminal session to run Eldo

Your default login to the FPGA lab machines uses the Z-shell (zsh). Add the following lines to the .zshrc le in your home directory: export LM_LICENSE_FILE=1717@ export MGC_AMS_HOME=/tools/Mentor/AMS_2008_2_IXL export PATH=\$PATH:\$MGC_AMS_HOME/bin:/tools/asitic If you dont have a .zshrc le, create one in your home directory (you could use vim editor) and add these lines to it. These are sourced everytime you login, but for the rst time alone you will have to source it manually with a source .zshrc command (unless you want to log out and log back in). You are now ready to run Eldo.


Eldo Documentation

Eldo documentation is available on the FPGA lab machines in the following locations. HTML: /tools/Mentor/AMS_2008_2_IXL/docs/htmldocs/eldo_ur/eldo_ur.htm PDF: /tools/Mentor/AMS_2008_2_IXL/docs/pdfdocs/eldo_ur.pdf


Example circuit and simulation

Download the netlist le csamp.cir from the class website. The netlist le is also given below: *~~~~~~~~~~~~ CS amplifier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~* .include ibm013.lib .option compat tuning=accurate .param LMN0=0.13u WMN0=1u LMN1=0.13u WMN1=50u .param VIN=10m FIN=10k *~~~~~~~~~~~~ Power Supply, Current biasing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Vdd N1 0 1.2 Ibias N1 N2 100u MN0 N2 N2 0 0 MODEL=CMOSN L={LMN0} W={WMN0} R1 N2 N3 500k

C1 N3 Nin 100u MN1 Nout N3 0 0 MODEL=CMOSN L={LMN1} W={WMN1} Rload N1 Nout 200 Vin Nin 0 DC=0 AC=1 sin (0 {VIN} {FIN}) *~~~~~~~~~~~~ Analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~* .op .tran 0 400u .ac dec 1k 1 10G .noise v(Nout) Vin 1k *~~~~~~~~~~~~ Measurement and results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~* .plot tran v(Nout) v(Nin) .plot ac vdb(Nout) vdb(Nin) .plot noise input_PSD=PAR(db(inoise)+db(inoise)) .end This simulates the common source amplier with resistive load. The circuit of the amplier is shown below:

N1 Ibias N2 Vdd + MN0 R1 N3 Nin C1 Vin Nout MN1 Rload

NOTE: Observe the connectivity (nodes) of the circuit and the SPICE netlist above.


Explanation of the netlist (SPICE Netlist

To run eldo, cd into the directory where you have the csamp.cir le (If you do not understand this line, then you got to learn Linux basics rst) and the in the shell type eldo csamp.cir. In SPICE syntax, anything that starts with * is a comment and is ignored by the simulator. 2

The rst line in SPICE netlist le is always taken as a comment no matter whether you put * at the start or not. .include - anything in spice starting with . is a SPICE command. By .include ibm013.lib we are saying SPICE to include the ibm013.lib le. The le ibm013.lib must be present in the directory where you are executing the eldo command. ibm013.lib le contains the required SPICE models for the transistors. Open the le and just explore a bit. See if you can understand it (partially is also ok). A simulator can be thought of a complex calculator which can solve complex equations. The simulator needs a mathematical model (equation) for every circuit elements. Models for most of the ideal circuit elements like, Resistor (R), Capacitor (C), Inductor (L), Voltage source (V) are inbuilt with in the simulator. We could use them directly from the simulator itself. For practical circuit elements as in MOS, BJT, Practical Non linear resistor etc, we need to provide the corresponding mathematical device model to the simulator. The mathematical model for the MOS transistors (from IBM Process) are captured into ibm013.lib le. This is called the model les for the transistors. As we intend to use these thansistors in the circuit, we include the ibm013.lib le into the simulator. If you open the ibm013.lib le you can see what type of mathematical modelling is done. You will see T55R SPICE BSIM3 VERSION 3.1 PARAMETERS. This tells you that it is a BSIM3 VERSION 3.1 model. BSIM stands for Barkley Simulation Model. This mathematical model to capture a transistor behaviour was given by UCB hence the name BSIM. The square law mathematical model for MOS transistors that you are fameliar with is the simplest model possible. Its inaccurate (in a sense it doesnt caplure all MOS device eects). BSIM is more accurate model for the same. This is one of standard model used across simulators. .MODEL CMOSN NMOS ... in the ibm013.lib le tells you that the model name for the NMOS device is CMOSN. Hence, when you would like to use NMOS, you need to use the model name CMOSN. .option compat tuning=accurate - these are the options used by the simulator (to decide the simulation accuracy). For details look into the eldo manual. .param LMN0=0.13u WMN0=1u LM ... - Using .param we could set parameter values (LMN0 holds a value 0.13u). Once dened, these parameters could be used as variables in any other part of the netlist by using {parameter name} (e.g. L={LMN0}). Vdd N1 0 1.2 - Any line starting with V will represent a voltage source. Here voltage source Vdd is connected between N1 and ground (0). Its value is 1.2 volts. 3

Note, the syntax is Vxx node1 node2 voltage value - see manual for more details. Ibias N1 N2 100u - Any line starting with I will represent a current source. Here current source Ibias is connected between N1 and N2. Note, the syntax is Ixx node1 node2 current value - see manual for more details. Engineering notations can be used in SPICE. m=milli (1e-3), u=micro (1e-6), G=gig (1e+9) etc. NOTE: Spice is case insensitive. Hence M and m are same to SPICE. So, to represent Mega (1e+6), one should use Meg and not M. MN0 N2 N2 0 0 MODEL=CMOSN L=LMN0 W=WMN0 - Line starting with M is taken a MOS transistor. Now a MOS transistor is a 4-terminal device. The order for four terminals go as Drain Gate Source Bulk Note, the syntax is Mxx drain node gate node source node bulk node MODEL=model name L=length of the gate W=width of the transistor - see manual for more details. R1 N2 N3 500k - A line starting with R represents a resistor. Here a resistor R1 of value 500k is connected between node N2 and N3. C1 N3 Nin 100u - A line starting with C represents a capacitor. Here a capacitor C1 of value 100u is connected between node N3 and Nin. Vin Nin 0 DC=0 AC=1 sin (0 VIN FIN) - as said earlier a line starting with V represent a voltage source. By default it is taken as a DC voltage source. But, with a little more syntax we can get any type of source (as in Sin source, Pulse source etc.). Here the source is a Sin wave source. Vin is connected between Nin 0. DC=0 means its DC voltage value is zero (means zero oset). AC=1 means, for AC analysis (small signal model analysis, to be discussed below), the input voltage will be taken as 1v. sin (0 VIN FIN) - means the source will have sinusoidal output (along with the DC output). The oset of the SIN wave is 0, amplitude is {VIN} (a parameter dened earlier), and frequency is {FIN} (a parameter dened earlier). .op - This commands simulator to run Operating Point simulation (as in bias point calculation). The output goes into a .chi le (csamp.chi). Below is a snapshot of dierent operating points for the given example. 0**** SMALL SIGNAL BIAS SOLUTION TEMPERATURE = 25.000 DEG C



VOLTAGE 1.2000E+00 0.0


VOLTAGE NODE 6.7537E-01 N3 3.3800E-01

VOLTAGE 6.7537E-01

VOLTAGE SOURCE CURRENT NAME VDD IBIAS CURRENT -4.4100E-03 1.0000E-04 VOLTAGE 1.2000E+00 5.2463E-01 POWER -5.2920E-03 5.2463E-05




25.000 DEG C

0***************************************************************** MN0 MODEL ID Ibd Ibs VGS VDS VBS VTH VDSAT GM GDS RON GMB Cdd Cdg Cds Cdb Cgd Cgg Cgs Cgb Csd Csg Css Csb Cbd Cbg Cbs CMOSN 1.0000E-04 -1.6270E-30 0.0 6.7537E-01 6.7537E-01 0.0 4.2274E-01 1.3186E-01 5.5263E-04 3.2823E-05 3.0467E+04 6.8003E-05 4.7874E-16 -8.5306E-16 4.2053E-16 -4.6205E-17 -4.7835E-16 1.9338E-15 -1.3842E-15 -7.1293E-17 1.2987E-19 -8.5306E-16 8.9913E-16 -4.6205E-17 -5.2013E-19 -2.2770E-16 6.4520E-17 MN1 CMOSN 4.3100E-03 -3.6238E-30 0.0 6.7537E-01 3.3800E-01 0.0 4.3030E-01 1.3360E-01 2.5106E-02 2.7180E-03 3.6792E+02 3.5951E-03 2.4523E-14 -4.3636E-14 2.1831E-14 -2.7179E-15 -2.4411E-14 9.7658E-14 -7.0214E-14 -3.0335E-15 1.3286E-16 -4.3636E-14 4.6221E-14 -2.7179E-15 -2.4541E-16 -1.0386E-14 2.1624E-15 5

Cbb PHI VBI Region VTH_D

1.6370E-16 8.5885E-01 1.0154E+00 saturation 2.5263E-01 R1 6.7537E-01 6.7537E-01 0.0 C1 6.7537E-01 0.0

8.4693E-15 8.5885E-01 1.0154E+00 saturation 2.4507E-01 RLOAD 1.2000E+00 3.3800E-01 4.3100E-03


V+ V-

As it can be seen that all the operating point values are listed. .tran 0 400u - This tells simulation to run a transient simulation for 400u Sec. and save the data from 0 Sec to 400u Sec. A transient simulation means, for every value of the input signal the simulator will solve KCL and KVL and will give node voltages and branch currents. .ac dec 1k 1 10G - This tells simulation to run an ac analysis and store the output from 1Hz to 10GHz with 1k data points every decayed. An ac analysis is a small signal analysis. The simulator linearises the circuit around its operating point and then nd the over all transfer function of the small signal system. Once it has the transfer function it calculates the frequency response and phase response. .noise v(Nout) Vin 1k - puts in the noise model for every device and nds out the input referred and output referred noise. inoise parameter gives the input referred noise and onoise gives the output referred noise. .plot tran v(Nout) v(Nin) - tells the simulator to plot the results of transient simulation for node voltage of Nout and node voltage of Nin. This writes into .wdb and .swd les. ezwave is the viewer for these .wdb and .swd les. ezwave le name.wdb - will open the waveform viewer (ezwave csamp.wdb). .plot ac vdb(Nout) vdb(Nin) - tells the simulator to plot the results of ac simulation for node voltage of Nout and node voltage of Nin in db format. This writes into .wdb and .swd les. .plot noise input PSD=PAR(db(inoise)+db(inoise)) - tells the simulator to plot the results of noise simulation. This writes into .wdb and .swd les. NOTE: PSD is square of the input referred voltage/current noise spectral density. 6

input PSD=PAR(db(inoise)+db(inoise)) - PAR tells simulator to consider llowing item within bracket as parameter. Hence, inoise in db gets added with inoise in db and the result is stored into input PSD. Finally input PSD gets plotted. .end - ends the simulation.


Simulation Results

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