Barry's Project Objectives
Barry's Project Objectives
Barry's Project Objectives
Name of Unit: Weeks 3 and 4 - Assessment (use one table per terminal objective) Terminal Objective: Given that some art practices involve dangerous chemicals and tools, the learner will identify unsafe handling methods with every artwork produced in studio Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity Learners will Quiz (ApplicationReadings Guided Analysis identify unsafe Related using practices scenario) Virtual Gallery of Toxic Substances Learners presented with a (The Apothecary) Learners select and scene (online examine from a version) visual collection of depicting an art toxic substances to studio and they learn about the must click on harmful effects, the dangerous and the underlying items from a chemistry. collection of Instructions: Click items scattered on a toxic around the substance to learn room. more about it. Instructions: Tabs: About, Hover over Chemistry, Harms, items to reveal Substitutes their names. Click on those
you feel are harmful. 5 points for each correct identification (once and done test) Items with feedback: Turpentine (Yes, turpentine is harmful solvent used to thin oil paint. Allergic reactions may develop to breathing turps and skin exposure. Use only in well ventilated space). Toluene (Yes, extremely harmful substance used to thin oil paint. Prolonged exposure may cause nervous
system damage.) Linseed Oil (Sorry. A harmless substance used to add volume to oil paint, but dont eat it) Gum Arabic (Sorry. A harmless substance used to add volume to paint. It is also found in marshmallows, M and Ms and is the adhesive on the back of envelopes) Varnish (Sorry, varnish is a natural substance that poses little threat unless eaten. It is a sticky substance used to give
Learners will modify the use of dangerous tools and substances to conform with safe practices
sheen to paint or used as a outer protective layer.) Spray Fixative (Yes, the tiny molecules of the fixative can easily get into the lungs and stick there permanently, causing advanced respiratory problems) Test (Performance) In a simulation learners demonstrate the safe handling of a variety of substances safe handling earns health points and unsafe handling loses health points, visually represented by the degradation of an
Presentation A Compare and informational Contrast film/video presentation lasting 5-7 minutes follows an art student through a studio orientation. The film narrates a tour through a typical art studio with the camera following the guide through several studio
avatar. Instructions: Drag and drop the a series of chemicals and substances to their proper handling containers
stations: printmaking, oil painting, etc. Learners will have the ability to stop and start or re-start the video. Dangerous practices and safe alternatives are demonstrated, such as the proper time to use rubber gloves when printmaking. The video includes cut-aways to lists of dos and donts and lists of banned and toxic substances. To reduce production costs an animated video could be substituted. The instructional film could be uploaded to Youtube so that learners can access it on the mobile devices, or even
while they are in an actual studio setting. Learners will rank chemicals according to their potential health hazards Quiz (Sequence)
Terminal Objective: Given a desire to reduce accidents in the art studio by 90% and promote life-long health, the learner will select substances based on health-conscious criteria Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity List cumulative and late- Quiz (Matching List) Story by Teacher or Classify Items life health problems that Peer (Disaster result from exposure to Stories chemicals in the art demonstrating how studio an artist developed health problems by ignoring safe procedures) Stories may be told in text with image, or using video vignettes. Connect poor handling Test (pick-Multiple) Story by Teacher or Case Study methods of harmful Peer (Disaster substances with Stories cumulative and late-life demonstrating how health problems an artist developed health problems by ignoring safe procedures) Stories may be told in text with image, or using video vignettes.
Terminal Objective: Learners will promote studio safety standards given a variety of hazardous conditions Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity Slide Show Drill and Practice? Taking a leadership role, Compose short learners will call for help answer explaining Presentation when incidents occur what to do when Slides demonstrate you discover that the logical steps of you or another calling for help: student are in an assessing the emergency situation, calling situation. on-campus security, when to call 911 Quiz (Cloze) Software Drill and Practice? Learners will correctly complete an incident Demonstration report after safety Learners are accidents, as required by presented with a the safety manual demonstration showing how to complete a safety report form, using voice and text descriptions