(Company Title and Logo Go Here) : Test Plan For (Project Name)

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[Company title and logo go here]

Test Plan for (Project name)

Confidential and Proprietary Information of Datacard Worldwide

1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................3
1.1. Objective..................................................................................................................................................3 1.2. Project Description..................................................................................................................................3 1.3. Process Tailoring.....................................................................................................................................3

2.0 ASSUMPTIONS/DEPENDENCIES..................................................................3 3.0 TEST REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................3 4.0 TEST TOOLS...................................................................................................3 5.0 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS........................................................................4 6.0 TEST SCHEDULE............................................................................................4 7.0 RISKS/MITIGATION.........................................................................................4 8.0 METRICS..........................................................................................................4 APPENDIX A DETAILED RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS................................5 APPENDIX B DETAILED TEST SCHEDULE....................................................6

1.0 Introduction
1.1. Objective
The Test Plan is an aggregation of information, which describes the entire test activity for this project. It covers the entire testing effort (unit, development test, system verification test, and Beta). It identifies the product requirements, schedules, resource requirements (people, effort and equipment), quality, assumptions, exclusions, and risks. A preliminary Test Plan is prepared for the Project Team during the System Phase of PEAQ Process. This Test Plan will be updated in the earliest possible time of the Implementation Phase, so that progress can be tracked during implementation.


Project Description
[A short product description]


Process Tailoring
[This project will use software development and management processes as a guideline. Some tailoring of the process based upon the unique project requirements will be discussed here. Rationale for eliminating certain process steps will be given. Specify also what types of tests are planned for the project. Types of testing include specification, functional, limits, stress, destructive, compatibility, performance, documentation, network and system. Referenced Documents [All references used to produce this document should be listed here. Examples are Software Requirements Specification, Product Definition Document, Software Development Plan. These references should be listed with part numbers.]


[All assumptions for carrying out this test effort successfully are listed here. Some requirements assumptions might be necessary in order to scope the test activities. Also, assumption of responsibility to conduct unit, integration, SVT, regression, and beta tests. Also listed here are the external dependencies, such as code completion by a certain date in order to meet the test schedule. Other dependencies might include prototype available and functional by a certain date.]


Test Requirements
[Itemize a list of system test requirements as extracted from Software Requirements Spec, Product Definition Document, and possibly Software Design Document. Every requirement should be listed as an item. This list will be used to trace test cases and procedures that verify/validate the requirements.


Test Tools
[Itemize a list of test tools needed to conduct the test activities. Identify existing tools as well as any tobe-developed or purchased tools. If some software tools need to be developed, describe the process to be

used. The schedule and resource requirements must be identified and included in the sections that follow.]


Resource Requirements
[Based upon the test requirements identified in Section 3.0 and the tools development identified in Section 4.0, an estimate of resource required to accomplish the tests are performed. See Appendix A for details.]


Test Schedule
[Based upon the resource requirements identified in Section 5.0, a test schedule can be planned. The test schedule must be compatible with the project overall schedule. Coordination with the Project Manager and Development Lead Engineers is essential in planning a realistic and workable schedule. See Appendix B for details. ]


[List all potential risks in this section. There still might be risks even in a good plan. These should be identified and a mitigation plan developed.]


The following metrics data will be collected. Some will be collected prior to, and some after product shipment. Prior to shipment: Effort expended during DVT, SVT and Regression # of defects uncovered during DVT, SVT and Regression, and development phase each defect is attributable to Test tracking S-Curve PTR S-Curve After shipment: # of defects uncovered and development phase each defect is attributable to Size of software

Appendix A Detailed Resource Requirements

[To estimate the resource, all test activities must be identified and resources needed to accomplish the activities estimated. Detailed estimates will be shown here. This consists of identifying all project test activities by the Test Group and the number of hours estimated to accomplish these activities. Be specific. Show specific responsible test engineers names, if possible. A grand total of the effort must be shown here, as well as in Section 5.0.]

Appendix B Detailed Test Schedule

[Attach two charts, viz. Gantt and PERT. In Gantt, main activities are shown as a list on the Y-column with bars parallel to the X-axis, showing the timeframe to perform activities. In PERT, dependencies of each activity must be identified.]

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