5th Sunday of Lent

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University C at h o l i c Center

2010 University Ave. | Austin, TX 78705 P: 512.476.7351 | F: 512.476.7377 www.utcatholic.org

Close to Campus, Close to Christ

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

Sunday Mass

Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her. - John 8:7 Your Ministry Team

March 17, 2013 | 5th Sunday of Lent

9am 11:30am 5pm 8pm Spanish 2pm Every first Sunday MWF 12:05pm TTh 12:30pm
Reconciliation Daily Mass

A ministry of the Paulist Fathers

For alternative Mass times at St. Austins see page 3

Fr. Jamie Baca, CSP Associate Director frjamie@utcatholic.org Meghan Vail Business Manager meghan@utcatholic.org Fr. Ed Nowak, CSP Director frednowak@utcatholic.org Elizabeth Lange Development Director elizabeth@utcatholic.org

Lindsay Wilcox Campus Minister lindsay@utcatholic.org Matthew Anderson Administrative Assistant matthewa@utcatholic.org Rosa Marroquin Asst. Development rosa@utcatholic.org

Monday 12:30 pm Tuesday 1pm Or by appointment Tuesday & Wednesday 1pm-4pm Thursday 8:00 pm
__________________________ Other sacraments Baptism or Marriage Fr. Ed | frednowak@utcatholic.org Fr. Jamie | frjamie@utcatholic.org Confirmation Michael Flahive | mflahive@staustin.org Becoming Catholic Lindsay Wilcox | lindsay@utcatholic.org Marriage Prep Workshop Brandon Kraft | kraft@utcatholic.org Religious Education Julie Ulrich | re@utcatholic.org universitycatholiccenter Adoration

In partnership with
Fellowship Of Catholic University Students Lauren Garcia Team Leader lauren@utcatholic.org Matt Melcher Missionary matt@utcatholic.org Sam Kelley Missionary sam@utcatholic.org Jacob Ardoin Missionary jacob@utcatholic.org

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Monthly e-newsletter

Our mission is to provide pastoral care to the Roman Catholic community at The University of Texas at Austin and to advance the spiritual, intellectual, and social life of the students, faculty, staff, and administration.

UCC Events

March 17, 2013 5th Sunday of lent

Reection & Weekly Readings

In what concrete ways are you living your faith through service to others?

All events open to UT and UCC community.

Communal Reconciliation service March 20

The UCC will hold a communal Reconciliation service on Wednesday, March 20, at 7pm in the Holy Spirit Chapel.
Paulist pilgrimage April 20-27 Follow the footsteps of Fr. Isaac Hecker! Come spend a week with the Paulist Fathers exploring the spiritual gifts of Rome, including highlights from the Paulist founders time there. For more information or to register, visit www.paulist.org/pilgrimage or call 202-269-2521.

Jesus refuses to condemn the adulterous woman while challenging the scribes and Pharisees. Where do you see Gods mercy working in your life? How can you be more merciful with others?

Readings for the week

Monday Tuesday

Dn 13:41C-62; Jn 8:12-20 2 Sm 7:4-5a,12-14a,16 Rom 4:13,16-18,22; Lk 2:41-51a Dn 3:14-20,91-92,95; Jn 8:31-42 Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59 Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42 Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56 Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14-23:56

News and Announcements

Triduum Schedule

Here is a schedule of our Triduum Weekend services occurring March 28-31.

March 28 March 29 Meet at Littlefield Fountain March 30 Holy Thursday Good Friday Stations of the Cross Easter Vigil 7:00pm 12:05pm 2:00pm 8:30pm 9:00am 11:30am 5:00pm 8:00pm

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

March 31

Easter Sunday

Our Gifts to God

On Sunday, March 3, 2013 You donated: $1,815.84 at the 9:00am Mass $766.28 at the 11:30am Mass $502.67 at the 5:00pm Mass $598.77 at the 8:00pm Mass The total Collection was $3,683.56 More on contributing to the UCC? Contact Elizabeth Lange

The Triduum is a three-day prayer period consisting of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil. We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, greeters, choir members, and assistance with set-up and clean-up during this time. You can sign up using the Triduum boards found in the atrium. Contact Daniel at daniel@utcatholic.org if you have any questions.
Donate Lilies for Easter!

Help out with triduum!

Resident Community Online Giving for February: $3,930.00 Would you like to help us make our Church look beautiful for Easter? Then you should consider donating some lilies! If you would like to donate, we ask that you please have the flowers at the UCC no later than Holy Thursday (March 28). You can turn them in at the front desk. Thank you for your generosity!
Get Well Cards for Fr. Pat Hensey

UCCs Wish List

Want to contribute to a specific need? Please take a look at our wish list. Essential Technology Upgrades Carpet & Installation



Fr. Pat Hensey, former UCC director, is currently undergoing treatment for osteomyelitis and is in need of your prayers and support. He will be in the rehab center for a couple of months and get well cards can be sent to: Fr. Pat Hensey Santa Monica Rehab Center 1338 20th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404

Volunteer to organize the UCC library

The ministry of the University Catholic Center is made possible in part by support from our generous benefactors. If you wish to contribute the mission of the University Catholic Center, please contact our Director of Development, Elizabeth Lange, or visit www.utcatholic.org/support. Thank you!

Week At A Glance
6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 5:30pm
Monday March 18| Weekday of Lent

March 17, 2013 5th Sunday of lent

Mother Teresa Room Catacombs (basement) Holy Spirit Chapel Mother Teresa Room Blessed Sacrament Chapel St. Thomas More Library

St. Austins Parish

SJ Team RCIA Triduum Music Rehearsal CLFL Meeting Chaplet of Divine Mercy Leadership Dinner

2026 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 512.477.9471

Mass Times Saturday 5pm Sunday 7:30am | 9am | 11:30 am| 5:30 pm Daily Monday Thursday 5:20 pm| Friday 8:15am Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment

Tuesday March 19| St. Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary

Wednesday March 20| Weekday of Lent

12:35 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm

Carbos Reconciliation Service Triduum Music Rehearsal STRONG Meeting

Atrium Holy Spirit Chapel Holy Spirit Chapel St. Francis Room Holy Spirit Chapel Mother Teresa Room Mother Teresa Room St. Matthew Room

Stations & soup supper

6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm

Thursday March 21| Weekday of Lent

Join St. Austin Parish every Friday during Lent for Stations of the Cross at 6 p.m. and meat-free soup suppers at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome!
Podcast: the Lenten challenge

Triduum Music Rehearsal KACM Meeting Via Meeting ICC Meeting

Friday March 22| Weekday of Lent

Daily (Monday - Friday) podcast series focusing Lent and what this time of year means for us. It can be found at utcath.us/challenge or on iTunes.

Choir Rehearsal Schedule Sundays at 8am, 10:30 am, 4pm, and 7pm | Holy Spirit Chapel

Spiritual Discernment
Dinners are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month for college-aged men and older at the Borromeo House, 905 Duncan Lane, Austin. For more information, contact Fr. Brian McMaster at (512) 450-4073.
Signs of a Vocation (1 of 9) Mens Discernment Dinners

Communal reconciliation service March 23

St. Austin will hold a communal Reconciliation service on Saturday, March 23, at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. Individual Confessions will be available following the prayer service.

A Word from our Ministry Team

Have you ever wondered how it would feel to hand out the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass? Or maybe you have a great speaking voice and would like to spread the Word of God? With such a high turnover rate due to students graduating and moving away, the UCC is always looking for more Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors to help us out with on Sundays, and we would love it if YOU could be one of our Liturgical Ministers! The be a minister at the UCC, there are only three requirements: be Confirmed in the Catholic Church, get trained as a minister, and get the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) certification from the Diocese of Austin. If youve done the first and would like to do the next two steps, all you need to do is contact me, Daniel Gonzalez, at daniel@utcatholic.org. From there, we can set up a time for you to be trained as a minister and we can also help you find an EIM course to attend. Thank you for all that you do and have a wonderful week! - Daniel Gonzalez Student Intern

Have a DESIRE for it. Some people choose a way of life because they feel an obligation. They feel an obligation to marry or enter seminary or Religious Life. God gives us the desire. A vocation is not meant to mean Bite the Bullet until you get to heaven. Any way of life will have its undesirable moments, but they should not be the basic movement of your affectivity. You should not feel, I am only doing this because God wants me to. For the complete list, please visit utcatholic.org/vocations/signs/

Prayer Intentions
Please pray for: Jeri Grushkowsky

Richard Gravois Fr. Pat Hensey

Prayer intentions can be submitted at bulletin@utcatholic.org Please note if you would like to remain anonymous.

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