University Cat Holic Center: Close To Close To

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C at h o l i c
2010 University Ave. | Austin, TX 78705
Phone: 512.476.7351 | Fax: 512.476.7377

Close to Campus, Close to Christ

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday Mass
9:00 am

11:30 am

5:00 pm

8:00 pm

Daily Mass

MWF 12:05 pm TTh 12:30 pm

In the Holy Spirit Chapel

For alternative Mass times at St. Austins see page 3 


Monday 12:30 pm Tuesday 1:00 pm

Or by appointment

Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

In the Blessed Sacrament Chapel


Other sacraments
Baptism or Marriage
Fr. Ed |
Fr. Jamie |


Come, Holy Spirit, come! Sequence for Pentecost

Your Ministry Team

A ministry of the Paulist Fathers

Fr. Ed Nowak, CSP


Fr. Jamie Baca, CSP

Associate Director

Marti Salas
Campus Minister

Br. Rob Clark, FMS

Campus Minister

Elizabeth Bertrand
Director of Development

Carol Filip
Development Associate

Danielle Castillo
Business Manager

Matthew Anderson
Administrative Assistant

Joseph Gonzales
Sunday Sacristan

Natalie Ross
Sunday Sacristan

Marti Salas |
Becoming Catholic
Marti Salas |
Marriage Prep Workshop
Brandon Kraft |
Religious Education
Julie Ulrich |

Monthly e-newsletter

Christina Sanchez
Team Leader
Margaret Beasley

In fellowship with

Erin Scanlan

Geoffrey Calvert
David Driskill

Our mission is to provide pastoral care to the Roman Catholic community at The University of Texas at Austin
and to advance the spiritual, intellectual, and social life of the students, faculty, staff, and administration.

May 15, 2016

Pentecost Sunday
Weekly Readings

UCC News & Events

May is the month of Paulist ordinations! Happy anniversary! Thank
you all for your years of service to the Paulist Fathers and to our
Rev. Bruce Nieli, CSP
Rev. Charles Kullmann, CSP
Rev. Richard Sparks, CSP
Very Rev. Ruben Patino, CSP
Rev. Edward Nowak, CSP
Rev. Jamie Baca, CSP
Rev. Rene Constanza, CSP

May 5, 1973
May 13, 1978
May 13, 1978
May 19, 1979
May 13, 1989
May 20, 2006
May 19, 2012

Weekly Readings

Congratulations to our Paulists!


Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9:14-29

Jas 4:1-10; Mk 9:30-37
Jas 4:13-17; Mk 9:38-40
Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:41-50
Jas 5:9-12; Mk 10:1-12
Jas 5:13-20; Mk 10:13-16
Prv 8:22-31; Rom 5:1-5;
Jn 16:12-15

Upcoming Summer schedule at the UCC

Starting NEXT Sunday, May 22 the UCC will switch to its

summer schedule. Look below for the new Mass and building
hours, as well as notices regarding dates on which the UCC will be
fully closed.
Sunday Masses
10:30 am & 8:00 pm

Our Gifts to God

Sunday, May 1: $3,563.01
Sunday, May 8: $2,132.70

12:35 pm Mon & Tue


Living Faith Society: $8,866.00
$20 for $20k:
Black Bag:

Building Hours
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon-Thu - CLOSED ON FRIDAYS

Weekly Expenses approx. $11,000;

Building Debt: $34,682.17

Daily Masses
12:05 pm Mon-Thu - NO MASS FRIDAYS

UCC CLOSED May 23-28

The UCC will be closed the week of May 23-28. There will not
be Mass, Confession, or other activities on those days.
UCC Closed Memorial Day, May 30
The UCC will be closed on Memorial Day, May 30. There will not
be Mass, Confession, or other activities on that day.
Our usual school-year schedule will resume in full on
Friday, August 19.
mens vocation discernment pilgrimage

This Wednesday five of our students: Enrique

Amaya, Miguel Capilla, Luke Heffernan, Joe
Langas, and Anthony Quinn, will be traveling to
NY and NJ for a 10 day pilgrimage led by Br. Rob
Clark. The pilgrimage will include living with and
serving alongside the Paulist Fathers, Benedictine
Monks, and Marist Brothers. Let us keep these
students and their discernments in our prayers!

Consider volunteer service

UCC Graduates: If you don't have finalized plans

after graduation consider volunteer service. There
are programs for all sorts of interests, backgrounds,
locations, and lengths of service. Contact Brother
Rob at if you would like
more information. Or check out the Catholic Volunteer Network
website at:

UCCs Wish List

Want to contribute to a specific need?

Please take a look at our wish list!

50 New Monthly Donors ($50/month)

New Carpet & Installation ($11,500)
Carbos for Christ weekly spaghetti lunch ($100)
Semester of ministry activities for one student ($250)
Speaker Series event ($500)
Any gift you make to our ministry will help us bring the light of
Christ to more students at UT. Thank you!
Catholic services appeal (CSA) update

As of April 7, 2016, UCC

parishioners have pledged
$5,656.00 to the CSA, which is
97% of our goal of $5,800.
Parishioners have paid $5,236.00 to the CSA, which is about 92%
of the total amount pledged. Thank you all!
Forget your checkbook & have no cash?

You can securely donate to the UCC by

scanning the QR Code with your phone.
Thank you for your stewardship!

May 15, 2016

Pentecost Sunday

Week At A Glance
| Monday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time
Holy Spirit Chapel
St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel

Monday, MAY 16

12:05 pm
12:30 pm

| Tuesday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel
St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel

Tuesday, MAY 17

12:30 pm
1:00 pm

Wednesday, MAY 18

12:05 pm


Thursday, MAY 19

12:30 pm


Friday, MAY 20

12:05 pm


St. Austin Parish

2026 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 512.477.9471
Mass Times
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am | 9:00 am | 11:30 am| 5:30 pm
Daily MonFri 8:00 am | Mon-Thu 5:20 pm
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment

| Wednesday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time

Day retreat for women May 21, 9:30 am
Holy Spirit Chapel

| Thursday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel

| Friday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel

A Word from Our Ministry Team

Farewell note from fr. Jamie

Grace and peace to you from God our

Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

As many of you are aware, my time with

you is coming to an end. As I reflect upon
the last seven years, I am so delighted at all
the ways in which God has brought us
together through the Sacraments to share in
many of lifes events. With some of you I have shared great joys
and celebrations. With some I have shared great times of sorrow
and grief. It has been a great honor to share in these events along
with many other moments that we have shared in community and
fraternity, shared in the love of God and being the very Body of
Christ together.
I cannot say thank you enough for all that you have shared, given
to me, and what we have done together in sharing the good news
of the Gospel, which is to love like Jesus Christ. Thank you all for
your love, your prayers, your encouragement, and above all, your
willingness to go where God was calling us while I served as your
Associate Pastor.

Choosing Joy: Through Mary and Mercy into

Joy! is a day retreat for women of all ages
facilitated by Sally Robb. We cannot construct joy.
We can only receive it. But joy is not something
that happens to us. We must choose it every day,
and Mary gives us a model to follow in the world.
Tickets are $40 and include catered lunch. Event is
Saturday, May 21, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm at St. Austin Parish.
Get your tickets online at!
For more information visit

More UCC News & Events

Sponsor couples needed!

The UCC needs sponsor couples to help people planning to be

married in the Church. It only involves about 10 hours of time
spread out over a month or two. Training is provided. Sponsors
need to be practicing Catholics (interfaith couples are welcome
and encouraged, with the Catholic spouse practicing his/her
religion. Please help with this important ministry! To learn more,
please contact Kathy Hackett at
Marriage banns

We publish the banns of marriage between Adrian Rodriguez

Saldana and Cordelia Gutierrez Zambrano. If anyone knows
of any cause or just impediment why these persons should not be
joined together in Holy Matrimony, please contact Fr. Ed Nowak
at This is the third time of asking.

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, I leave knowing and

trusting that the CSP community will care for you and your needs.
Along with sharing with you the love that Christ has given to us all.
Know that I will continue to pray for you as you continue to be the
people that God is calling you to be.
Lastly, my hope and prayer is that the Holy Spirit will continue to
stir into flame the love of Christ that is in your hearts, that you
may grow in holiness and bear witness to the presence of God in
the world. All of us have been entrusted with a great gift: the gift
of faith. May that faith grow ever deeper through the Eucharist,
Reconciliation, prayer, service, and fellowship, that you may
always keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and help others to do
the same. Any may Gods abundant blessings be upon you always.
Faithfully in Christ,
Fr. Jamie D. Baca, CSP

Congratulations to our seniors!

Know that you make us proud and that you will always be in
our prayers! Blessings to everyone for successful finals and a
wonderful summer. We look forward to seeing our
returning students in Fall 2016!

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