Competency Based
Competency Based
Competency Based
COURSE OBJECTIVES: To enable to student to understand To introduce the basic concepts, functions and processes of Strategic Management How to make or prepare business plan its composition Strategy implementation How to do Human Resource planning How important is the recruitment strategy is How to strategize to get right people for right positions Assessment of prospective candidates
Importance of competencies in selection Importance and validity of psychometric tests Interview process Orientation of new joinees
Pedagogy: Pedagogy includes Video Clippings Brain storming Presentations Case studies Group discussion on presentation Complete involvement of each and every individual is ensured
Duration of the class: Duration of the class will be 3 hours continuously because whole course structure is based on Case studies, exercise and presentation method. Depending on the top one or two groups will make a presentation on same topic and it will take 2 hours and 45 minutes for summing up and last 15 minutes will be for queries and clarifications.
Evaluation: There is continuous evaluation of the students during class Based on their presentation skills, their initiative and ability to participate will earn those marks to the extent of 10. One quiz will be conducted for 10 marks Two assignments will be given to test their understanding of theoretical aspects of Human resource management which will earn them 40 marks.
Module 3: Rebuild your recruitment Strategy Making the Most on Online Recruitment Online Hiring? Do it right? Case Study : Jindi Enterprise
Teaching time: 6 hours Module4: Job Evaluation, Job Description, & Job specification Competencies & Competency Mapping Case Study : The very model of Modern Senior Manager
Teaching time: 6 hours Module 5: Strategic Importance of Hiring and Selection Finding A Fit between a Person and Position Case study : Bit Stream
Module 7: Interview Process ABCs Of Job Interviewing Competency Based Interviewing Exercise
READING MATERIAL: 1. 2. 3. 4. Handouts from various sources Human Resource management Gary Dressler Human Resource Management - Ivancevich War For Talent Ed Michaels