MGT 351 Human Resource Management Course Outlines
MGT 351 Human Resource Management Course Outlines
MGT 351 Human Resource Management Course Outlines
Department of Management
MGT 351 Human Resources Management
Course Name:
Human Resources Management
Course Code
MGT 351
& Section No:
Semester: Spring 2020
Upon the successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate effective written and oral communications skills (project)
2. The ability to appreciate a global perspective (Case Study)
3. Ability to apply terms and concepts into practicality
Other Resources:
Reference Text:
Human Resource Management, Lloyd L. Byars and Leslie Rue, 14th edition
Teaching Methods:
Extensive lectures will be given on every topic followed by real life examples using US and local MNCs.
Summary of the lectures will be available through lecture modules. Students are highly encouraged to take
notes carefully. The lectures will be highly interactive. Small cases will be analyzed in group setting using
workshop format. Students will be encourages to participate in discussion and share their ideas regarding
the case problem.
Grading tool
Midterm Exam 1 20%
Midterm Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 25%
Debate Sessions 10%
Class Attendance & Participation 5%
Case Analysis/Workshops)(2 unit) 5%
Report (Group of 4 max/min) 15%
Course Contents:
Course Plan:
Group Project:
Students will be assigned with a project where they have a to prepare an investigative report on
recruitment process and benefits offered by a firm based in Bangladesh. This detailed report will cover the
selection criteria, recruitment process, training offered, benefits offered with PF and Gratuity calculation
process. This project will require students to select a particular firm with consent from the course instructor
and to visit the firm to gather data/information to organize the report. A special workshop will be arranged
for the students to give them instructions on how to prepare the report. Students will be given project
guideline by the course instructor.
This will be in class assignment. Students will form groups of two where they will be assigned a case to
dissect, analyze, interpret, and give decision regarding a problem pertaining to the case. Limited time will
be given to complete this assignment and they have to produce a decision in written format within that
stipulated time. Students will be allowed to discuss the case with their peers and course instructor further
clarification. They need to demonstrate their learning into application in this exercise.
Small Report:
Students will form groups of three members and a special topic in HRM will be assigned to them. Students
will research the tropic heavily and prepare a small report.
Exam Formalities:
Students will be notified about the exam date in advance and points break down. It could be straight short
and broad questions or it can be of multiple choice questions or a combination of both. Instructor will make
those decisions in duly fashion and notify the students. Students are to take the exam in due date. There is
NO opportunity of makeup exam except for very serious causes for which student has to provide solid
proof. In additions special permission will be required from the Program Department signed by the Chair of
the Management program verifying the cause of makeup exam.
Every individual report, term paper, etc. are due on the exact due date that will be announced. Failure to
meet deadline will cause you lose significant points. Remember! This is an easy course where you can do
well if you just try and one of the pre conditions are handing out your assignments on time.
Grading Scale:
NSU standard grading scale will be followed.
North South University will provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate and reasonable
accommodation to students who have disabilities/special needs that may affect their ability to participate
in course activities or meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their
instructors to ensure that their needs are met. The University through its Special Need section will exert all
efforts to accommodate special needs.
Final Comments:
Please understand that your instructor is here to help you, to be with you, and to walk through the difficult
steps as long as you co-operate. Instructor of this course will be available for all of you. Feel free to stop by
when something bothers you and we will try our level best to help you out. You can always email me, write
me, or make an appointment with me when you need me. I will be there for you.
The instructor reserves the right to change the above outline at his discretion.