Cruise Flight: 1 Equations of Motion

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Cruise Flight

1 Equations of Motion

Flying airplanes spend most of the time in cruise ight. It is therefore an important part of the ight. To learn more about the cruise ight, we look at the forces acting on the aircraft during a steady symmetrical ight. These forces, the thrust T , the drag D, the weight W and the lift L are shown in gure 1.

Figure 1: Forces acting on the aircraft. Per denition the weight points downward, the lift is perpendicular to the velocity vector and the drag is parallel to the velocity vector. We also assume that the thrust points in the direction of the velocity, so the thrust angle of attack t = 0. Other angles are the ight path angle , the angle of attack and the pitch angle . We now use Newtons second law, F = ma. Looking in the direction parallel to the velocity will give W dV = T D W sin . g dt Looking in the direction perpendicular to the velocity will give W d V = L W cos . g dt Furthermore, we have two kinematic equations, being ds = V cos dt and dH = V sin . dt (1.3) (1.2) (1.1)

A cruise ight is a quasi-stationary ight, meaning that at any given point you can assume the ight is stationary. However, you can not assume that the entire ight is stationary. In fact, the weight of the aircraft decreases during ight, according to dW = F (V, H, ), dt (1.4)

where F is the fuel ow, which depends on the velocity V , the height H and the engine setting . Cruise ights are usually steady horizontal ights. Steady ight implies that dV /dt = 0. Horizontal ight means that = 0. Combining this with the equations of motion gives T =D and L = W. (1.5)

Cruise Flight Strategy

During the cruise ight you want to use as few fuel as possible. If you want to stay as long in the air as possible, you should maximize the endurance. The endurance E is the time which you can stay in the air with a given amount of fuel. To maximize E you should minimize the fuel ow F . If, however, you want to go as far as possible, you should maximize the range. The range R is the distance you can cover with a given amount of fuel. So the distance ds per weight of fuel used dWf should be maximized. So we need to maximize ds/dt V ds = = . dWf dWf /dt F (2.1)

For jet engines we can assume that the fuel ow varies linearly with the thrust, so F = cT T = cT D, where the constant term cT is the specic fuel consumption. Also, from the denition of the lift and drag coecient follows that D/CD = L/CL = W/CL . Combining all this gives V V CL V = = = F cT D cT W CD 1 2 CL 2 . SW c2 T CD (2.2)

So to increase the range we should decrease . That is simple. We should y as high as possible. Now lets consider were ying at a given altitude (and thus constant density ). We need to maximize 2 CL 2 2 will show that CL /CD is minimal if CL /CD . Dierentiating this fraction by using CD = CD0 + Ae CL = 1 CD Ae. 3 0 (2.3)

So we now have sucient data to determine our strategy. We should y as high as possible and choose our V such that V /F is at a maximum. But what if the determined velocity V with which we need to y is beyond a speed limit of our aircraft? In that case we should y at the speed limit, so V = Vlim . It now is important to minimize the drag D. Minimum drag occurs if CL /CD is maximal, resulting in a lift coecient of CL = CD0 Ae. We also need to choose our height H (and thus the density ) such that the drag D is minimal. This occurs if opt = W 2 1 2 C . S Vlim L (2.4)

Finding the Range

Now we are curious, what will the range be if we y in this optimal condition? To nd an equation for the range, we rst express the distance traveled ds as a function of the change in weight dW according to dW dW ds dW V F = = = V ds = dW. (3.1) dt ds dt ds F The range can now be found by integration. To get a meaningful result, we make a change-of-variable according to the above relation. So the range is
s1 W1


ds =

V CL V dW = F cT CD

W1 W0

V CL 1 dW = ln W cT CD

W0 W1


where W0 is the initial mass of the aircraft and W1 the nal mass. The above equation is called the equation of Breguet. We will examine it more closely at the end of this chapter. 2

Optimum Cruise Condition

We have determined how to y as optimal as possible at a given point. But as we continue ying our weight W decreases and were not ying optimal anymore. What should we do? We can consider several ying strategies and then select the best. 1. Keep constant engine settings and height H . Although the velocity V will increase, the factor V /F will be far below optimal during the rest of the ight. 2. Keep constant velocity V and height H . This time the factor V /F will be better, but it will still be below optimal. 3. Keep constant angle of attack and height H . Doing this will result in the optimal V /F during ight. However, the velocity V will decrease, which is unwanted if we want to get somewhere fast. 4. Keep constant angle of attack and velocity V . The value of V /F will still remain optimal. The height at which we are ying increases during ight. This is usually considered the best strategy. So the conclusion is that it is best to y at a constant velocity V and angle of attack with a slightly positive ight path angle .

Propeller Aircrafts

The previous paragraphs were all about jet aircrafts. Now lets briey consider propeller aircrafts. There is a fundamental dierence between these two aircrafts. For jet aircrafts the fuel consumption is approximately proportional to the thrust. For propeller aircrafts the fuel consumption is more or less proportional to the power Pbr of the engine. So cp cp F = cp Pbr = Pa = T V, (5.1) p p where p is the propulsive eciency. The factor V /F , which is so important for the range, now becomes V p CL 1 = . F cp CD W Deriving the equation of Breguet for propeller aircrafts will then give R= p CL ln cp CD W0 W1 . (5.3) (5.2)

This looks rather similar to the equation of the range for jet aircrafts. This can be illustrated further if we look at the eciency of both engines. The total eciency of a propeller aircraft is tot = p g Pout TV = F = , Pin cp H Hg (5.4)

where H is the specic energy of the fuel in J/kg . The total eciency of a jet aircraft is tot = Pout TV V g = F = , Pin cT H Hg (5.5)

Filling this in in Breguets equation will give the same result for both types of aircraft, being R= H CL tot ln g CD W0 W1 . (5.6)

The factor H/g is a measure of the fuel quality. The factor tot indicates the quality of the propulsion system. The factor CL /CD shows the aerodynamic quality. And nally the fraction W0 /W1 indicates the quality of the structure of the aircraft. So the conclusion is simple: Well-designed aircrafts y further with less fuel. 3

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