CE - 1253 Applie Hydraulic Engineering

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CE 2253 -APPLIED HYDRAULICS ENGINEERING Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A-(102 = 20 marks) 1. Write the Froudes number for different states of flow in an open channel. 2. The specific energy for a 3 m wide rectangular channel is 3 m .What would be the maximum possible discharge? 3. Enlist the geometrical properties of open channel flow section. 4. What is the state of flow after the formation of a hydraulic jump? 5. Write the various types of hydraulic jump with the Froude numbers for each. 6. How do you classify flow profiles? 7. Write the expression to determine the length of backwater curve. 8. Define a) Manometric Efficiency b) Mechanical Efficiency of centrifugal pump. 9. What are the advantages of fitting an air vessel in reciprocating pump? 10. Draw an indicator diagram of single acting reciprocating pump. PART B (516=80 marks) 11. (a) Derive an expression for critical depth in terms of alternate depths and specific energy for a rectangular channel. (6) 3 (b) Calculate the critical depth and the corresponding specific energy for a discharge of 6 m /s in the following channels. (i) Rectangular channel , B= 2.5 (ii)Triangular channel , m= 0.5 (iii) Trapezoidal channel ,bottom width ,B= 2.0 m , m= 0.5 (6) 3 (c) A rectangular channel 1.4 m wide and depth 3.15 m ,discharges 20 m /s. calculate the specific Energy and the depth alternate to the given depth. (4) (Or) 12. (a)With a neat diagram explain the features of specific energy curve. (5) (b) A trapezoidal channel has a bottom with 5 m and side slope 1.5 H: 1 V .if the depth of flow is 1.2 m for a discharge of m3/s , compute the specific energy and critical depth . (5) (c) In a rectangular channel 3.5 m wide, flow depth of 2 m, find how high can be raised without causing afflux? If the upstream depth of flow raised to 2.5 m ,what should be the height of the hump ? flow in the channel is 26.67 m3/s. (6) 13. (a) Derive an expression for the discharge through a channel by chezys formula? (6) (b) Find the discharge through a trapezoidal channel of width 8 m and side slope of 1 H:3 V .the depth of flow of water is 2.4 m and value of chezys constant= 50 the slope of the bed of the channel is given 1 in 4000. (6) (c) Derive the condition for most economical section through a rectangular channel section. (4) (Or) 14. (a) Derive the condition for the maximum discharge through a circular channel section. (8) (b) A trapezoidal channel has side slope of 3 horizontal to 4 vertical and slope of its bed is 1 in 2000. Determine the optimum dimensions of the channel, if it is to carry water at 0.5 m3/s. Take chezys constant as 80. (8)

15. (a) write the gradually varied flow equation in an open channel flow. Deduce the equation for a wide rectangular channel using mannings and chezys equations. (8) (b) A trapezoidal channel 10 m wide laid and side slope 2 H: 1 V at a bed slope 1 in 10000 carries a discharge of 30 m3/s. The manning,s n= 0.015 .the normal and critical depth are 2.97 m and 0.970 m respectively .find length of water surface profile from the depth of 1.4 m to 2.0 m in 3 steps (8) (Or) 16. (a) The Froude number before the jump is 10.0 m in a hydraulic jump occurring in a rectangular channel and energy loss is 3.20 m .Estimate (i) Sequent depth (ii) the discharge (4) (b)During an experiment conducted on a hydraulic jump , in a rectangular open channel 0.5 m wide ,the depth of water changes from 0.2 m to 0.5 m .Determine the discharge in the channel and loss of head due to the formation of hydraulic jump. (6) 3 (c) A sluice gate discharge 2.5 m /s into a wide horizontal rectangular channel .the depth at the vena contracta is 0.2 m .the tail water depth is 2.0 m .Assuming the channel to have a mannings n =0.015 ,determine the location of the hydraulic jump. (6) 17. (a) With neat diagram explain the working principle of centrifugal pump. (6) (b)The centrifugal pump has the following characteristics .Outer diameter of impeller = 800 mm width of the impeller vane at outlet = 100 mm : angle of the impeller vanes at outlet =40 .the impeller runs at 550 rpm and delivers 0.98 m3/s . Under an effective head of 35 m.A 500 kW motor is used to drive the pump. Determine the manometric,Mechanical and overall efficiencies of the pump .Assume water enters the impeller vanes radially at inlet. (10) (Or) 18. (a) Derive an expression for the minimum starting speed of a centrifugal pump if the outer diameter of the impeller is two times the inner diameter. (6) (b) A centrifugal pump is running at 100 r.p.m The outlet vane angle of the impeller is 30 and velocity of
flow at outlet is 3 m/s . The pump working against a total head of 30 m and discharge through the pump is 0.3 m3/s. if the manometric efficiency of the pump is 75 %, determine (i) the diameter of the impeller (ii) The width of the impeller at outlet. (10)

19. (a)With a neat diagram explain the working principal and work done of reciprocating pump (8) (b) Calculate the slip,percentage of slip ,coefficient of discharge and input power of double acting reciprocating pump with piston diameter =15 cm,stroke length =35 cm ,speed = 50 rpm ,total head = 25 m,discharge = 500 lpm of water and overall efficiency = 80 %. (8) (Or) 20. (a)A single acting reciprocating pump running at 30 rpm has a stroke length of 40 cm and piston diameter of 20 cm .The suction head is 3 m and length and diameter of suction pipe are 6m and 10 cm respectively .Take atmospheric pressure 10.3 m of water. Find absolute pressure head the cylinder at the beginning, middle and end of suction stroke . (10) (b) Derive an expression for the power saved by fitting an air vessel to a single acting reciprocating pump. (6) -------------------------------

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