CC 406 - Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machinery Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL Questions. PART A - (10 X 2 20 Marks)

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Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. What is the use of a pitot–tube?

2. Briefly write a note on anemometers.
3. Define the terms Afflux and Back water curve.
4. Explain the term hydraulic jump.
5. Define the terms : hydraulic gradient line and total energy line.
6. What do you understand by turbulent flow?
7. What is the basis of selection of a turbine?
8. What is a draft tube? Why is it used in a reaction turbine?
9. Define cavitation. What are the effects of cavitation?
10. Explain indicator diagram.

PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11. (i) Explain any two formulae for estimation of velocity in open channels? (6)
(ii) A trapezoidal channel has side slopes of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical and the slope of the bed is 1
in 2000. The area of the section is 42 m2. Find the dimensions of the section if it is to be most
economical. Determine the discharge of the most economical section of C = 60. (10)

12. (a) (i) Derive the expression to estimate the discharge through a
venturimeter. (10)
(ii) A horizontal venturimeter with inlet diameter 20 cm and throat diameter 10 cm is used to
measure flow of water. The pressure at inlet is 14.715 N/cm2 and vacuum pressure at the throat is
40 cm of mercury. Find the discharge of water through venturimeter. Assume the as 0.92. (6)
(b) (i) Derive the expression to estimate the discharge over a rectangular weir. (10)
(ii) Water flows through a triangular right–angled weir first and then over a rectangular weir of 1 m
width. The discharge co–efficients of the triangular and rectangular weirs are 0.6 and 0.7
respectively. If the depth of water over the triangular weir is 360 mm, find the depth of water over
the rectangular weir. (6)

13. (a) (i) Write a short note on water hammer in pipes? (6)
(ii) A horizontal pipe–line 50 m long is connected to a water tank at one end and discharges freely
into the atmosphere at the other end. For the first 30 m of its length from the tank, the pipe is 200
mm diameter and its diameter is suddenly enlarged to 400 mm. The height of water level in the
tank is 10 m above the centre of the pipe. Considering all minor losses, determine the rate of flow.
Take f = 0.01 for both sections of the pipe. (10)
(b) Three pipes of lengths 800 m, 600 m and 300 m and of diameters
400 mm, 300 mm and 200 mm respectively are connected in series. The ends of the compound
pipe is connected to two tanks, whose water surface levels are maintained at a difference of 15 m.
Determine the rate of flow of water through the pipes if f = 0.005. What will be diameter of a
single pipes of length 1700 m and f = 0.005, which replaces the three pipes.

14. (a) (i) How will you classify the turbines? (5)
(ii) What do you understand by the characteristic curves of a turbine? Draw the characteristic
curves for Pelton wheel and franus turbine.
(b) (i) What are unit quantities? Define the unit quantities for a turbine. Why are they important?
(ii) Define the term ‘‘Governing of a turbine’. Describe with a neat sketch the working of an oil
pressure governor. (10)

15. (a) (i) What is an air vessel? Describe the function of the air vessel for
reciprocating pumps. (6)
(ii) Describe the principle and working of a reciprocating pump with a neat sketch. (6)
(iii) Explain the occurrence of negative slip. (4)
(b) (i) Explain : Priming, specific speed of a centrifugal pump. (6)
(ii) What is the difference between single–stage and multistage centrifugal pumps? (4)
(iii) Describe multistage pump with (1) impellers in parallel and
(2) impellers in series. (6)

Third Semester



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. Distinguish between ideal and real fluids.

2. Express 3 m of water head in cm of mercury and pressure in KPa.
3. List out the properties of a velocity potential function.
4. Can the path line and a streamline cross each other at right angles? Why?
5. Why is it necessary to assume that the flow is steady before integrating Euler’s equation to
derive Bernoulli’s equation?
6. What is the meaning of the term momentum flux? What are its units?
7. What is meant by the term ‘‘Piezometric head’’?
8. A pipe has D = 40 cm, L = 100 m, f = 0.005. Compute the length of an equivalent pipe which
has D = 20 cm and f = 0.008.
9. State three demerits of a distorted model.
10. Define momentum thickness.

PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11. A trapezoidal plate of top width 5 m, bottom width 4 m and height 3 m is immersed vertically
in water with its parallel sides parallel to the water level and its top edge at a depth of 2 m below
the water level. Find the water thrust on one side of the plate and the depth of center of pressure.

12. (a) A mercury U–tube monometer shown in the fig. is used to measure the pressure above
atmospheric of water in a pipe, the water being in contact with the mercury in the left–hand limb.
(i) Explain its action.
(ii) If the mercury is 30 cm below A in the left–hand limb and 20 cm
above A in the right–hand limb, what may be gauge pressure at A?
Specific gravity of mercury is = 13.6.
(iii) If the pressure at A is reduced by 40 kN/m2 what will be the new
difference in level of the mercury?
(b) List out the various methods of construction of flow nets and Explain the graphical method in

13. (a) Derive Euler’s equations for a three–dimensional fluid flow.

(b) A jet propelled boat moves at 32 km/hr in a fresh water lake. There are two jets each of
diameter 20 cm. The absolute velocity of the discharged jets is 25 km/hr. Calculate the pump
discharge, force of propulsion, power input and efficiency of propulsion if the inlet orifices are
located at amid–ships and in bow.

14. (a) Two reservoirs whose water surface elevations differ by 12 m are connected by the
following horizontal compound pipe system starting from the high level reservoir. = 200 m, = 0.2
m, and
= 500 m, = 0.3 m, = 0.006. Considering all head losses and assuming that all changes of section
are abrupt, compute the discharge through the system. Determine the equivalent length of a 0.25
m diameter pipe if minor losses are neglected and friction factors are assumed to be the same.
Sketch HGL and TEL.
(b) Water flows through a 10 cm diameter, 30 m long pipe at a rate of
1400 lpm. What percent of head would be gained by replacing the central one third length of pipe
by another pipe of 20 cm diameter. Assume that the changes in section are abrupt and f = 0.008
for all pipes. Neglect entrance and exit losses but consider all other losses.

15. (a) Using Buckingham’s ??theorem, show that the drag of a supersonic aircraft is given by :
Where = Reynolds number, = Mach number,
? = fluid density, V = velocity of aircraft, c = sonic velocity =
K = bulk modulus of fluid, L = chord length, = wing area =
chord x span, ? = a functional notation.
(b) It is desired to obtain the dynamic similarity between a 30 cm diameter pipe carrying linseed
oil at 0.5 m3/s and a 5 m diameter pipe carrying water. What should be the rate of flow of water in
lps? If the pressure loss in the model is 196 N/m2, what is the pressure loss in the prototype pipe?
Kinematic viscosities of linseed oil and water are 0.457 and 0.0113 stokes respectively. Specific
gravity of linseed oil = 0.82.

PART – A (10 x 2 = 20Marks)

1. Define Mass density and relative density of fluids. State their dimensions and units.
2. Define: Kinematics and Dynamic viscosity of a fluid.
3. Define centre of pressure and centre of buoyancy.
4. State the properties of stream function.
5. State Bernoulli’s theorem.
6. Differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow in pipes.
7. Define displacement thickness.
8. The velocity of water in a pipe 200mm diameter is 5m/s. The length of the pipe is
500m. Find the loss of head due to friction, assuming friction factor as 0.02.
9. State Buckingham’s π theorem.
10. What are distorted modes?

11(a) (i) State Newton’s aw of viscosity. What are capillary rise and capillary depression?
(4 Marks)

(ii) A piece of pipe 0.5m long weighing 9.81N and having internal diameter of 5.25cm is
sipped over a vertical shaft 5.0cm in diameter and allowed to fall. Calculate the velocity
attained by the pipe if a film of oil of viscosity 0.196Ns/m2 is maintained between the pipe
and the shaft. (12 Marks)

(b) (i) A Newtonian fluid is filled in the clearance between a shaft and a concentric sleeve,
The sleeve attains a speed of 50cm/s, when a force of 40N is applied to the sleeve parallel
to the shaft. Determine the speed of the shaft, if a force of 200N is applied.
(8 Marks)

(ii) Derive an expression between the surface tension in a liquid bubble and the pressure
difference between the inside and outside of the bubble. If the pressure difference
between the inside and outside of the air bubble of diameter 3mm is 29.2 kPa, what will
be the surface tension of air water interface? (8 Marks)

12 (a) (i) A simple manometer is used of measure e pressure of oil (sp. gr. = 0.8) flowing
in a pipe line. Its right limb is open to the atmosphere and left limb is connected to the
pipe. The centre of the pipe is 9cm below the level of mercury ( in the right
limb is 15cm; determine the pressure of the pipe. (8 Marks)

(ii) A triangular plate of 1m base and 1.5m altitude is immersed in water. The plane of the
plate is inclined at 30° with free water surface and base is parallel to and at a depth of 2m
from water surface. Find the total pressure on e plate and position of centre of pressure.
(8 Marks)

(b) (i) The two dimensional stream function for a flow is Ψ = 9 +6x-4y+7xy. Find the
velocity potential function. (8 Marks)
(ii) Explain the method of measurement of discharge in an open channel using current
meter. (8 Marks)

13(a) (i) state the practical application of Bernoulli’ theorem. Explain its application in a
pitot tube. (6 Marks)

(ii) A 2m long conical tube is fixed vertically with its smaller end upwards. It carries
liquid in downward direction. The flow velocities at the smaller and larger end are 5m/s
and 2m/s respectively. The pressure head at the smear end is 2.5m of liquid. If the loss of
head in the tube is 0.35 (V1 – V2)2/2g where V1 and V2 being the velocities at the smaller
and larger end respectively. Determine the pressure head at the larger end.
(10 Marks)


(b) (i) Derive the Hagen – Poiseuille equation. Deduce the condition for maximum
velocity in the circular pipe. (10 Marks)

(ii) A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameter 300mm and 100mm
respectively is used o measure the flow of water. The pressure intensity at inlet is
130kN/m2 while the vacuum pressure head at throat I 350mm of mercury. Determine the
rate of flow. Take Cd = 0.96. (6 Marks)

14(a) (i) for the laminar boundary layer, the velocity distribution is given by
u/U = 2(y/δ) – 2(y/δ)3 + (y/δ)4. Compute the displacement thickness. (8 Marks)

(ii) A plate 450mm x 150mm has been placed longitudinally in a stream of crude oil
(specific gravity 0.925 and kinematics viscosity of 0.9 stoke) which flows with velocity of
6m/s. calculate the friction drag on the plate, thickness of the boundary layer at the
trailing edge and the shear stress at the trailing edge. (8 Marks)


(b) (i) two pipe of diameter 400mm and 200mm are 300mm long. Where the pipe are
connected in series, the discharge through the pipe line is 0.10m3/s.Find the loss in head.
What would the loss of pipeline is 0.10m3/s. Find the loss in head. What would the loss of
head in the system to pass the same total discharge when the pipes are connected in
parallel? Assume Darcy’s friction factor a 0.03. (10 Marks)

(ii) The diameter of a horizontal pipe which I 300mm is suddenly enlarged to 600mm. the
rate of flow of water through this pipe is 0.4m3/s. If the intensity of pressure in the smaller
pipe I 125kN/m2, determine the loss of head, due to sudden enlargement and the power
lost due to enlargement. (6 Marks)

15(a) the resisting fore (R) of a supersonic flight an be considered a dependent upon the
length of the air craft ‘l’ velocity ‘v’, air viscosity ‘ μ’, air density ‘ρ’ and bulk modulus of
air ‘k’. Express the functional relationship between these variables and the resisting fore.
(16 Marks)

(i) Explain Reyond’s law of similitude and Froude’s law of similitude. (8 Marks)

(ii) In an aero plane model of size (1/10) of its prototype, the pressure drop is 7.5kN/m2.
The mode is tested in water. Find the corresponding pressure drop in the prototype.
Assume density of air = 1.24kg/m3 density of water = 1000kg/m3: viscosity of air =
0.00018 Poise; viscosity of water = 0.01 Poise. (8 Marks)

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