May 2013 Newsletter

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Deweys Diary

Draper Elementary PTA Newsletter

Vol. 8 No. 9
Program title is 'Holiday Magic'.

7 9 14-16 27 29 PTA Meeting, 11 a.m. BYU Kinnect Day Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m. Kindergarten assessment days No School Memorial Day Recess Third Grade Patriotic Program, 2 p.m.

aper Elementary PTA Newsletter draper

May 2013

Our New Playground is a Huge Hit With Students

Draper Elementarys new playground opened earlier in April and has been a wonderful addition to our school. This summer the school will receive several renovations inside, including a more secure office area and entry into the school. .

3 7 End-of-Year Awards Assembly Last day of school

Stay Informed
Like Draper Elementary on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and visit our PTA blog at

Final Dads & Donuts of the Year is May 9

Our final Dads & Donuts of the school year will be held Thursday, May 9. Join us in the gym from 8 to 8:30 a.m. and read with your student(s). The PTA provides milk and donuts.

PTA Volunteers Needed Meet Our New Principal

Piper Riddle has been appointed as Draper Elementarys new principal for the 2013-14 school year. Principal Kenna Sorensen is being transferred to East Sandy Elementary School. Mrs. Riddle is currently a curriculum and instruction specialist at the district and a specialist for literacy, mathematics and dual immersion. She has taught fourth and fifth grade, served as a private tutor, education consultant and instructional coach. She holds bachelors and masters degrees in elementary education and is a Ph.D. candidate in curriculum and instruction. She and her husband, Rod, are the parents of three children (ages 11, 14, 16) and reside in Heber City. We would love for more parents to be involved at school. If you would like to help with a PTA-sponsored activity this next school year, please contact President-Elect Kerri Brown, We still need volunteers for the following positions next year:

EML Commissioner: Organize Mix-it-Up lunches and put of the library diversity displays. Dads & Donuts Chair (held first Thursday of each month) Red Ribbon Week Chair (drug safety organize a week of activities in October)

2013-14 Reflections Theme Announced

The theme for PTAs 201314 Reflections program is Believe, Dream, Inspire. Students can submit entries in the following categories: Visual Art, Music, Dance, Theater, Film, and 3-D Art, and Photography. The Reflections program fosters self-exploration, encourages creative thinking and problem-solving, and promotes the exploration of arts and culture in the home, school and community. For more information visit the Utah PTA website at

Principals Message
My Dear Draper Friends, It is with heartfelt words that I write this final message to you. As most of you have heard, I will be leaving Draper Elementary at the end of this year and moving to East Sandy Elementary. Although I will miss my work with our school family, I am looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities this new position has to offer. It has been a pleasure to serve as the principal at this school and the last several years have been an incredibly rewarding journey with numerous successes and challenges. It has been my good fortune to experience a wonderful partnership with the students, staff and families in our community. I will miss the many smiles that greet me in the halls of our building. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve you, your children and this outstanding school community and hope you know I am especially proud of our students. They have a bright future ahead of them and I wish them all success as they continue to grow and find their own paths. I look forward to hearing great things about their future accomplishments. I am grateful for the amazing team I work with at the school. Your teachers and staff work endlessly to do what is best for students. They continually strive to improve their teaching to support the many needs of our students. Students always come first and I am grateful for their passion.

Local Businesses Support Our School

We express appreciation to the following businesses who provided donations this year to Draper Elementarys PTA: Harmons, Fresh Market, Chick-fil-A, U-Swirl, Corner Bakery, Classic Skating, Famous Daves, Del Taco, Brick Oven, Applebees, Wendys, Barbacoa Mexican Grill, Planet Play, Papa Johns, Living Planet Aquarium, Sees Candies, Cummings Chocolates, Noodles, Arctic Circle, Golden Spoon, Rock Creek Pizza, Jamba Juice, Roxberry Juice, Christophers Prime Steakhouse and Grill, Zupas, Caf Rio, Pier 49 Pizza, Little Dutch Boy Bakery, and Airbourne.

PTA Presidents Message

Wow, the end of this school year is quickly approaching. I have so enjoyed being your PTA President and I am so grateful to you for sharing your children with me! I am so grateful for the support of my wonderful board, the faculty and staff, and especially all of you! With warm weather quickly coming upon us it brings to my mind many summer activities. Baseball, hiking, rafting and planting flowers are a few that my family richly enjoys. Wholesome recreational activities can refresh and renew families just as they do individuals. The time we spend together in family vacations, games, outings, hobbies, and the like, is generally time well spent. Families that play together cannot only have fun, but also draw closer together. In addition, enjoyable family activities create memories that parents and children will cherish forever. I once heard a speech about the disastrous family vacation that the speaker had planned and the fun memories made despite it. Im sure most of us have similar stories to share. As catastrophic or hilarious as the situation may be, they are memories of family time that we will remember all our lives. One of my familys favorite stories involves monsoon rains as we tried to navigate Disneyworld, bound and determined to make the kids enjoy the day we had so desperately tried to make perfect. Pictures of drenched family members in Mickey Mouse ponchos, with grimaces on our faces, flood our scrapbooks. Yet another time, we found ourselves in a Paris subway station, surrounded by bullet-laden armed guards as we tried to explain ourselves in a made-up version of broken French. Despite these moments when we felt frazzled, the family time spent together and memories made will dance happily through our thoughts forever. No matter what form your family takes -- be it traditional, single-parent, grandparents, or siblings, cousins and extended families -- the bonds we form can last a lifetime. Some ideas that might help you get started on making cherished family memories and binding our families together are: Set aside a weekly family only night Take family outings Participate in your childrens activities Adopt a family hobby May we not squander this very short time that we have with our families, but enjoy every possible moment with laughter, happiness and love. Keep your families close together, love and honor your children and help them be successful in life! Happy Summer! Ashley Boyle, 2012-13 PTA President,

Working at Draper has been an unforgettable experience and I will cherish those memories. Thank you for your continued support of me and I wish you success in your future endeavors. Ms. Kenna Sorensen, Principal

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