October PTA Newsletter
October PTA Newsletter
October PTA Newsletter
5 Picture Retake Day National Walk to School Day 13 Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m. 14 Reflections Entries Due 18 Mix It Up at Lunch Day 19 Early Out 20-21 No SchoolFall Recess 24-27 Red Ribbon Week 26 Red Ribbon Week Parent Education Night, 7 p.m. 27 Early Out 28 No SchoolEBL Day 31 Halloween Parade, 2:15 p.m.
October 2011
1 2 2-3 National Family Literacy Day ATTA Training, 9 a.m. Parent Conferences, Scholastic Book Fair 3 Early Out 4 No SchoolComp Day 10 Dads & Donuts, 8 a.m. 16 Hearing Screenings 17 Reflections Awards Night 23-25 No School Thanksgiving Recess
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Draper Elementary
1080 E. 12550 S. Draper, UT 84020 Ph: 801-826-8275 draper.canyonsdistrict.org draperelementary.blogspot.com
Principals Message
Hello Draper Family, Our first month of school is over and we are in full swing. Education is successful when parents, teachers, and students work together and we want to thank you for helping to get our year up and running so smoothly. Physical Education, Presidential Fitness This year you will notice that we are making a big effort in helping our students become more active in their daily lives. Our fabulous PTA Health and Safety commissioners have spent the last two weeks benchmarking all of our students in the Presidential Fitness program. Students participated in all five assessments and were given information on what they can be doing throughout the year to make progress and earn this individual award at the end of the year. We are also excited to be adding a PE Specialist to our staff this year. Ms. Britten will be teaching the state core curriculum to students in all grades. I know you will find this addition to be beneficial in many ways as our students learn new skills and learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Classroom Interruptions We have implemented a new procedure in our office in order to eliminate the number of classroom interruptions that come into our office daily. We want to inform you that all students messages will be delivered after 3 pm. Parking Lot Safety Please remember that our parking lot is an area of concern on a daily basis. Thank you for using the pick- up /drop-off lanes correctly and watching for students at all times. We have improved our procedures and usually have all students safely on their way home within about 10 minutes after school. The wait line moves quickly once the students are dismissed and even if you are in a hurry we want everyone to remember SAFETY OVER CONVENIENCE. -Ms. Kenna Sorensen, Principal