Portfolio 2012 TonyHW
Portfolio 2012 TonyHW
Portfolio 2012 TonyHW
Full Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Marital Status Religion Nationality Address : Tony Hartanto Widjarnarso : 9th of July, 1988 : Jakarta, Indonesia : Single : Christian : Indonesian : Jakarta, Indonesia Taman Kedoya Baru F/34 11520. Jakarta
Architecture, and design. Art in general, including music and performing arts. Particularly interested in social, cultural, political, and historical issues. Had been active in architectural students forum and organizations. Urban design, and any literature concerning the reason behind a project development. Also interested in philosophical literature, and traveling. Hold a certain amount of interest in digital - media based design, used to be quite active on writing tutorials for the student organization.
Personal Profile..............01 Introduction..................02 Professional Works.........03 Poly Yang Jiang..............04 Wuhan WJD...................11 Academic Works.............15 Sport Center..................16 Musical Complex............19 Conservatorium.............23 Freelance Work..............26 Bank Indonesia..............27 BCCF Container..............30
2006 - 2010 ITB, (Institut Teknologi Bandung / Bandung Institute of Technology), School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development. Department of Architecture 2004 - 2006 SMUK 1, BPK Penabur Jakarta, Christian High School
AECOM ( Intern ) Junior Urban Designer. June 2010 - August 2010 DOT ( Design Oriented Territory ) ( Freelance ) Junior Architect September 2010 - January 2011 DP ARCHITECTS Architectural Assistant February 2011 - March 2012
2009 KENMI (National Indonesian Student Conference on Energy), Department of architecture representative and speaker FIMA Jabar ( West Java Architectural Student Forum) Goes to School, featured work ITB - ITS - FHE Collaboration Studio, selected as a representative from Bandung Institute of Technology
English Indonesian ; TOEFL IBT 111 out of 120 ; native language
As someone who was architecturally educated, my work had always focused around buildings and space, a common object to many of Indonesias planner, as many of them came from either the same architecture background, or planning background which puts a heavy emphasis on land use and zoning regula ons, both considered an engineering study eld in Indonesia. These two studies cons tuted most of the theore cal frameworks which forms the base of urban planning policies in Indonesia. Having prac ced the profession for a couple of years though, I have come to the conclusion that the urban structure of ci es are not formed just by architecture and urban design / planning related policies. Certainly the planning and building of city structures are implemented through such means, but the formula on of these policies itself were o en driven more by economic, social, and poli cal condi ons -- all disciplines of social science -- as opposed to engineering or physical science. Urban, architectural, and other forms of designs -- all having a physical manifestaon -- would s ll have to comply with the very ra onal laws of physics in order to be built, but the concep on of such design proposals itself are derived from a very human interests, and thus are some mes -- if not o en -- irra onal by nature. In accordance to my opinion on the nature of the subjects planning deals with, I have since then grown a keen interests on issues I feel related to planning such as : contemporary art, history, economic development, poli cal environment, philosophy and even market trends, as I think it relates closely to the public (crowd) psychology. Progressive planners, whose research, recommenda ons and decisions amalgamates both the ra onal and irra onal aspects of planning are key to solve todays increasingly more complex problems. Being more complex and increasingly mul - dimensional, many of the issues we are facing presents itself in myriads of ways. The amount of these issues are numerous, and just an individual issue alone is o en pervasive, but I believe this also means that there are just as much possibili es and entry points to these issues, and thus they are manageable, if approached in a cross disciplinary manner. It is then up to the urban planners to organize people from dierent and yet relevant professional backgrounds in the eorts to comprehensively analyze issues and synthesize a solu on aimed to address the larger problems of the society, even through micro level policies. Ensuring that socie es are learning from its past mistakes, and con nuously direc ng us towards the be erment of all. I believe that this, above all, should be the primary concerns and responsibili es of contemporary planners.
A - A B - B D - D C - C E - E
West Entrance
Master plan of Poly Yang Jiang
POLY YANG JIANG MASTERPLAN Located in the Yang Jiang district in the south east part of Peoples Republic of China ( PRC ), DPA had been appointed as the master planner of this area, together with a few other consultants, RTKL among one of them, in 2009. The design had entered the construction stage when I joined DPA. Most of the basic designs had been agreed upon my arrival, as such, I was involved in mainly refining the designs, throughout my involvement in the design of the Plot A apartments. The project includes residential condos, row, and landed houses, SOHOs, Office buildings, and other public amenities, such as schools. However the plot I was put in charge in mostly serves the residential function of the masterplan.
From top to bottom ; transversal section of plot A entrance lobby ( 1 ) showing the staircase, ( 2 ) showing the pool detail, and rear elevation of the connecting structure
DRAWING TITLES Clockwise, from top left : perspective showing the rear view of the entrance lobby, entrance lobby column and pool detail, entrance lobby fence lighting detail, longitudinal section of the entrance lobby, and details of the feature light wall.
POLY YANG JIANG PLOT D, F, G The concept for these three plots were derived from the structure of a tree, it was approved by the client before I joining DPA. The plot consists of three housing typologies, with two types of condos, and two types of landed houses. The condo also accomodates the functions of a public amenities, such as kindergarten schools in its clubhouse. Other public amenities, such as a fitness centre, a health, and wellness spa, as well as bars and cafes, are accomodated inside the seventh floor of each condo in its skypark. My role in this part of the development involves a skyline study of the high-rises, and redesigning of the landed houses, dubbed the treehouse villa, and also toning of much of the buildings plans. Plot F consists of the eight high-rise condos, Plot D and G consists of landed house typology
DRAWING TITLES ( top ) Masterplan of the plot D, F, G ( below ), perspectives of the view from balcony, and the overall aerial view of the plot
( from left to right ), Transversal section of the Treehouse Villa, Longitudinal section of the Treehouse Villa showing the staircase, longitudinal section of the Treehouse Villa, cutting through the living room.
DRAWING TITLE -- clockwise, from top left, an evening perspective view of the Treehous Villa, various sections and elevations from the Treehouse Villa, Treehouse Villa as seen in context to its neighbouring building in site section, Treehouse Villa plans, from first to third floor. ( from left to right ) Rear Elevation, West Elevation, and Front Elevation of Treehouse Villa
( From left to right ), floorplans of treehouse villa, second floor plan, first floor plan, roof plan
DRAWING TITLE -- first column ; perspectives, from top to bottom; ( 1 ) Eyelevel view of the entrance icon, and guardhouse, ( 2 ) Aerial view of the west entrance, ( 3 ) Evening eyelevel view of the entrance. On center, an overall plan of the west side entrance.
The project is located in the city if Wuhan, the capital city of the Hubei province in the PRC. The city plays a vital role in the domestic transportation of central China, and is sometimes dubbed the Chicago of China. It is recognized to be center of political, cultural, economic, financial, education and transportation in central China. Being one of the emerging cities in China, the city had long planned the development of its CBD. The project itself is located right at the heart of its CBD, integrating itself to the existing masterplan, and to the Wuhan metro link, which were opened on September 2004. With its integration to the Wuhan metro link, and its location in the central of the Central Bussiness District, the project needs to house an array
of mixed - use function in order for itself to serve its role as a central-hub of the CBD. The targeted functions calls for four basic building typology to be covered in the project. The functions were distributed according to the zones pre-determined by the plots planned by the goverment. The northern plot were designed to accomodate a five-star hotel, the middle plot were designed to accomodate the furniture - mall, central park -- which houses the Wuhan metro link station -- , and apartments, and the southern plot were designed to accomodate the mega mall, and office complex. I myself were involved mostly in the design of the southern plot. Being the central hub of a CBD in an emerging metropolis, the design of the buildings and masterplan had always been intended to be monumental. Even more so
for the southern part, because its immediate borders on the south were the Wuhan Central Park, and to the east, it has the Wuhan Financial Center as its neighbour. I feel that I was put in charge of the southern mall mainly because of my 3D modeling skills which allowed the team to explore more on the design. We started off with the design by providing three distinct options in the initial presentation to the client. The first option, dubbed The Runway option were designed to celebrate the previous function of the site that was a runway for aircrafts, the second option, The Rivercity was to celebrate the citys historical connection with water transportation, and the third option, The DNA was intended to be a dichotomy between nature and technology, as well as to celebrate the birth of a new retail typology.
WUHAN WJD Masterplan -- after the first round of design, further design were derived from the River City option, based on the clients preferences. The design of the northern plot were altered so that the whole masterplan can integrate more smoothly into the its surrounding in terms of architectural style. The northern SOHO and hotels were designed to match the modern classic style, following the historical value of the majority of the buildings in the masterplan, while the retail and megamalls were designed to be more contemporary, following the prominent Wuhan Tower. Aside from the exploration of architectural forms , my duties in this project also involves the making of masterplan - walkthrough. Creating screenboards, and storylines, and also editing them. The Tree of Life is one particular feature where I played a key role in. The piece, located in front of the mega mall, and central parks were meant to be one of the distinctive feature of the site.
ITB ( Institut Teknologi Bandung ) / Bandung Institute of Technology
Studying from 2006 up until 2010 in the institute, I am confident in the basic designing skills, and I feel that I have built quite a solid foundation in terms of theoretical designs. However, as most students of architecture feel after graduating from their school, I still think that I lack the on-site general knowledge I feel every architect ought to have. Aside from the general knowledge, studying in the institute had given me a chance to collaborate with other people from different discipline of sciences.
(Top Image) The original sketch for the Karang Setra Sport Center project. (Side image, clockwise from the top-left), the exploded axonometry of the swimming pools structure system, the sites ground plan, perspective showing the constructed wetland on the southern part of the side, birds eye view of the site. The site is concealed by a formation of pine trees, the trees are responsible for keeping the soil stable despite its steep topographic condition. Excessive damage to the trees would mean risking landslide on to the site. Steps were taken to preserve the existing trees, the design occupies mostly the existing building area, where therere no trees. The trees also serves to conceal the parking space, and to be a forest walk, featuring wooden pedestrian paths among the trees.
PROJECT TITLE The design started out by combining the total area of each required programmes. As the programmes are fitted together, it became clear that the performance programme couldnt be compiled together with the rest because of contradicting requirements with other programmes, particularly the academic requirements. The academic building layering were done based on its programmatic requirements, a few more adjustments were made to the academic mass to better respond the climatic conditions of the site.
Natural acoustics, plywood finishes acting as a reflectors provides the ideal environment for classical music, whereas carpet or other fiber-based finishes, which functions as sound insulators would provide the ideal environment for digitally amplified sounds such as those produced by electrical instruments. Both materials were installed on a rotateable panels on the walls and ceilings of the conservatory, enabling the sound mens to adjust the acoustical condition of the auditorium in accordance with the current performers acoustic requirements in a more flexible manner, rather than just doing it digitally from a mixer. Adjustable ovation and wall panels were designed to create an acoustically flexible room to accomodate both classical, and contemporary music. Angles, and even physical materials can both be adjusted accordingly by the sound engineer from the room located on the back of the audience.
(From top to bottom, left to right) A view of the plaza between the auditorium and academic buildings, the lobby area of the auditorium, recital hall interior, western sidewalk, viewing towards the heroes monument on the north part of the complex, and an aerial night scene of the whole complex. The middle plaza were designed with dramatic lightings to both welcome, and see off guests coming in to watch the students performance in the auditorium.
04 - 2D & 3D CRAFTS
The 2D and 3D Crafts were both compulsory subjects for students of architecture in Institut Teknologi Bandung, the subject itself were meant to train the freshmens sense of scale, color, space, and proportion -- as first year students in my institute does not get to design up until the second year.
Page 24 -- Academic Works
DOT / Personal Works
The works in this chapter were done between the year of 2008 - 2010. At which I was quite active in doing competition projects and works for the organization I was involved in . Among them the West Java Architectural Student Forum, and Bandung Institute of Technologys architectural student organization. A little while just before my graduation, I had also worked as a freelance architect in a small design firm in Jakarta, DOT ( Design Oriented Territory ), and worked as an intern in AECOM Jakarta.
Page 26-- Freelance Works
(middle column, from top to bottom) view of the indoor sports field, view of the pedestrian plaza, interior view of the checkpoint area between the site and Bank of Indonesia complex. The structure of the indoor sports pitches were designed using a space truss system with triangular modules. The triangular modules were picked because of its structurally stable characteristics, and aesthetic considerations. These modules were then further integrated into the building to accomodate rain water harvesting, sun shadings and interior air conditioning. Skylights were designed to be on the green plazas, these skylights serve to provide access to light from the outside to the basement area of the complex, it also serves as an attraction to passer bies. Considering it's role as one of the gateway to Bank of Indonesia complex, security is a major issue in the design process. A checkpoint were then proposed at the entrance of BI complex to ensure security.
SAMPOERNA CONTAINER -Initially a project for an event of by the Bandung Creative City Foirum, called BAFFEST ( Bandung Architectural Forum Festival ), the project has had some difficulty regarding fundings. Due to the limited budget, the project had to be scrapped to make way for other projects. The original plan was to automate every mechanical functions inside this container, therefore, we invited a mechanical engineer to help us work with the mechanism. After several test-runs, and budget survey, the intended mechanism had prove too costly for us, and the sponsors, particularly on the Hydraulic pumps, and light steel structures. A more common approach, and manual - based operation was then considered more fit, but we had to simply the design more because of it.