KAIST International Student Association: March 5, 2010

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KAIST International Student Association

March 5, 2010

Mr. Im Koo Bae Student Affairs Team

Dear Mr. Bae,

In order to get funding for KISA Sport Festival 2010, I am submitting this proposal to clarify the necessity of financial support from the school. KAIST International Student Association hopes that after consideration the funds will be given to assure seamless carrying out of the tournament.


Andrii Omelianovych, President

KAIST, Spring Semester 2010

KAIST International Student Association (KISA)

Spring Semester 2010

KISA Sport Festival 2010

I. Summary
KISA has been continuously organizing Winter Sport festival since 2007 fall semester. Last year, however, the festival was cancelled due to Influenza virus. As KISA strives to promote healthy lifestyle among students and faculty (especially from abroad), we propose a Sport Festival this semester. It is proposed to organize a competition in 9 different sports among KAIST students. The official language of the festival will be English to encourage participation of both foreigners and Koreans. The proposed event will be conducted over a weekend on April 3-4, 2010. The estimated projects budget is 3,274,000 Korean Won for 100 students.



After a long fight against Influenza virus and coldest winter in years, less people are sick and the weather is getting warmer. As the proverb says, From a healthy body, comes a healthy mind, students should strengthen their immune system. To encourage students, especially foreigners, to pursue healthy lifestyle KISA is planning to organize a sport competition. Big gatherings of people usually create suitable environment for communication and cultural exchange, especially when guided by some purpose. Moreover, spirit of competition brings the best out of people. In order to unite these two concepts KISA has created sport festival. Over the years the number of participants has been growing steadily and the tournament got a lot of attention and positive feedback. We did our best to organize sport competitions in different disciplines interesting to KAIST students and faculty every year since the beginning of the Sport Festival. It has become a tradition to conduct sport competition annually to keep KAISTians healthy and fit. This year wed like to continue the tradition while introducing some new kinds of sport (e.g. athletics and tug of war).


Purpose of Event
To promote a healthy lifestyle among students and faculty through participation in sports. To provide an opportunity for international and Korean students and faculty to engage in various sport activities. To encourage interaction between foreign and Korean students and faculty through sport competition.


Work plan

In order to organize a competition, we have to accomplish several tasks. Before the competition, we plan to distribute posters and register participants. After the competition, the closing ceremony will be held where prizes will be given to winners. Below is the schedule of task execution. KISA Sport Festival 2010 Proposal Page 2

KAIST International Student Association (KISA) Date March 14-28, 2010 March 28-April 2, 2010 April 3-4, 2010 April 4, 2010 Task Posters preparation and distribution Registration of participants Competition Closing Ceremony

Spring Semester 2010



Person in charge of the event: Ruhul Kabir Sharif (email: sharif.kaist@gmail.com, phone: 010 2349 9144) Sport Discipline Managers: Responsibility Name Athletics Mina Azhar Billiard Nayan Kalita Badminton Huong Basketball Qiang Fei Cricket Hashim Iqbal Football Yerbol Absalyamov Table tennis Tsogtbilguun Demberelnyamba Tugofwar Juan Pablo Duarte Volleyball Harvey Rosas


Event Description

The official language of the festival is English encouraging all KAIST people, Korean or foreigners, to participate in the event. There wont be any constraints on the participants other than being a KAIST student or member of staff or faculty. We plan to organize competition in 9 different sport disciplines. Some disciplines will have several competitions; others will have a single competition; some competitions will be individual, in others participants will compete in teams. Each sport discipline has a person in charge and a group of volunteers who will organize a competition or several competitions in the discipline. There are no limits on the number of competitions a person may participate, except for female/male teams in some sports. For each competition, a participant will have to register in advance for better organization. During the event days, we plan to distribute competitions in different sports in time, to make it easier for participants to enjoy different sports. After the competition is finished, we will hold a closing ceremony of the festival. The winners of the competitions will be awarded some prizes. Below we described each competition and a closing ceremony in detail with budget estimation.

KISA Sport Festival 2010 Proposal

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KAIST International Student Association (KISA)

Spring Semester 2010

1. Athletics
Number of participants Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition 45 Estimated budget 205000 KRW Sports Stadium in KAIST (E4) 1 stopwatch, 1 whistle, 5 relay sticks 2 hours This competition will only include running in tracks. There are three categories, 100m girls sprint, 100m boys sprint and relay race for 4 people per group. The two fastest people/group in each category will win the prize. If there are a lot of participants, it will be divided into several matches consisting of 5 people or teams at a time. Girls and Boys sprinter (separate races) = 1st place : 30,000 Won, 2nd place : 20,000 Won; Relay Race = 1st place : 50,000 won, 2nd place : 30,000 won To cover prizes an amount of 180,000 won will be needed. Considering 50 water bottles with a 300 won price for each, an amount of 15,000 won will be needed for consumption. An additional 10,000 won will be needed for poster and promotion. Summing all of these necessities, a total of 205,000 won will be needed for the athletics section of the sports festival.

Prizes Budget Justification

2. Billiard
Number of participants Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition Prizes Budget Justification 30 Estimated budget 166000 KRW Billiards room in the Post Office building in rent Available at the billiards room. 6 hours The tournament applies single-elimination rule. If the numbers of people are not even a round robin will be conducted. 1st Place: 50.000, 2nd Place: 30.000, 3rd Place: 20.000 Prize= 50,000+30,000+20,000= 100,000 won, rent= 6hrs*6000= 36,000, refreshment=30,000, Total= 166,000 kr won

3. Badminton
Number of participants Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition 35 Estimated budget 428 000 KRW W2 playground 10 shuttlecock tubes, net and 10 water bottles 6 hours There are 4 categories: Men Single-Women Single-Men Double-Men Women. The team winning 2 sets of a game first is considered as the winner. The two best teams who win in the semi-final match will compete with each other in the final match. There will be no match for getting the third prize. Men single and women single: First prize 30 000Won, Second prize: 15 000Won Men-double and Men-women: First prize 40 000Won, Second prize: 20 000Won Prize: 210 000Won Page 4


Budget Justification

KISA Sport Festival 2010 Proposal

KAIST International Student Association (KISA)

Spring Semester 2010

Net: can be borrowed from Vietnamese badminton club Shuttlecock: 10 tubes (20 000Won/tube) Beverage: 10 bottles (1800Won/bottle)

4. Basketball
Number of participants 46 Estimated budget 290000 KRW Facilities required basketball playground Equipment required calculagraph*1, basketball*1, team suits*12 (borrow from KAIST), whistle*1; refreshments(1L)*25 Time required 6 hours Description of the For men: 6 teams are divided into 2 groups and play with each other. The top 2 competition of each group will be in the final. 4 teams play with each other. Higher win rate team will be the champion. For women: all teams play with each other and highest win rate team will be the champion. Prizes For men, 1st place, 80000won; 2nd place, 40000won; 3rd place 30000won. MVP:20000won (highest point player).For women, 1st place 30000 Budget Justification Prize: 200000won; refreshments: 1600won*25 = 40000won; basketball: 50000won; whistle: 5000won. Total : 295000won

5. Cricket (limited Overs)

Number of participants 40 Estimated budget 215000 KRW Facilities required Tennis court ground in front of W1 Equipment required 6 tennis Balls, 2 wooden Bats, Tapes (12 white or 30 black), 30 bottles for refreshment. Time required 8 hours Description of the 4 teams, two groups A & B, 1st & 2nd match with in Group, 3rd and 4th match competition cross group (Winner vs. losers), final match of first two positions. Prizes 1st Place 60000 won, 2nd 40000 won Budget Justification 6 balls = 15000, 2 bats = 25000, Tapes = 15000, Refreshment bottles = 30 * 2000 = 60000

6. Football (Soccer)
Number of participants Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition 70 Estimated budget 260 000 KRW

Prizes Budget Justification

East field Ball, refreshments= 2 per team, lineman flags, cards, whistle 7 hours in 2 days Expecting 6 teams- Kazakhstan FC, VN KAIST, KAIST Internationals, Azerbaijan FC, MSA KAIST, and KAIST ICC. One half 20 minutes, 2halfes. 2 groups by 3 teams, each of them play with each other (by groups). Then in final game 1st team in 1st group against 1st team in 2nd group. 1st 70 000 won+ball; 2rd 50 000 won 12 socks( 6man) + Refreshment (3man won)+ 1 ball ( 5man)+Prizes(12man)

KISA Sport Festival 2010 Proposal

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KAIST International Student Association (KISA)

Spring Semester 2010

7. Table tennis
Number of participants Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition Prizes Budget Justification 40 Estimated budget 150000KRW Tennis rooms in W2 building 6 rackets, box of balls 6 hours Table tennis tournament has 2 sections (Single men and Women). The traditional Ping-Pong game 21-point game. Players play 3 games each time. 2 out 3 wins keep play. 50000 won for first place both man and woman, total 100000 won 100000 won for prizes, 40 bottles of water for each player 12400, 6 rackets and box of balls 35000 won

8. Tugofwar
Number of participants Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition 60 Estimated budget 330000 KRW back of undergraduate field 1 rope 1 hour and a half The contest will be divided into 3 categories: SUPER MACHO, BEUATIFUL LADIES, and HORMONS MIX. SUPER MACHO category is for teams composed of 5 men, BEAUTIFUL LADIES category is for teams composed of 5 ladies, and HORMONS MIX category is for teams composed of 3 ladies and 2 men. 3 categories with 1st Place of 50.000, 2nd Place of 30.000, and 3rd Place of 20.000 The implementation necessary for the game are 1 rope, and the cost will be approximately 20.000 won. 10.000 won for poster copies about the contest. The prices will be given for position: 1st Place: 50.000 2nd Place: 30.000 3rd Place: 20.000 Therefore the total Budget will be: 330.000 won.

Prizes Budget Justification

9. Volleyball
Number of participants Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition Prizes Budget Justification 36 Estimated budget 230000 KRW Volleyball court Volley poles and net, balls, emergency aid kit 4 hours Volleyball tournament divided in male and female teams. Best two of three sets per match. Best two teams to the finals 10.000 for first prize players and 5.000 won for second prize players Since teams are of 6 players, the first prize male and female will be of 120.000 won. And for the second prize 60.000 won. The remaining will be to buy refreshments and emergency aid kits.


Closing Ceremony
300 Estimated budget 900 000 KRW Page 6

Number of participants

KISA Sport Festival 2010 Proposal

KAIST International Student Association (KISA) Facilities required Equipment required Time required Description of the competition Prizes Budget Justification

Spring Semester 2010

Mirae Hall Projector, slide clicker 2 hours Clothing ceremony for KISA Sports Festival 2010 to celebrate end of the festival, honor winners and conclude the event. ------Snacks and drinks for each participant(3000W per participant)


Budget Estimation

This sport festival is free of charge for all participants. However, we want to appreciate their involvement by giving prizes for the winners. In some sport disciplines, there are two or three categories, hence several winners. During the competition, we will serve limited refreshments to each participant. We will also need to buy some sports equipment as an investment for now and the next sports festivals. The budget outline is shown below. Type Budget Cricket 215000 330000 Tug-of-war 166000 Billiard 205000 Athletics 290000 Basketball 260000 Football 230000 Volleyball 428000 Badminton 150000 Table tennis Total sports budget 2274000 Closing ceremony 900000

Posters Total budget

100000 3274000

Therefore, the total budget is estimated at 3,274,000 KRW.

KISA Sport Festival 2010 Proposal

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