DOJ Letter/Manning Case
DOJ Letter/Manning Case
DOJ Letter/Manning Case
Department of Justice
VIA E-MAIL May 4, 2013 Deforest R. Allgood, Esq. District Attorneys Office Oktibbeha County, P.O. Box 1044 Columbus, MS 39703
Re: Manning v. Mississippi, 2013-DR-00491-SCT Dear Mr. Allgood: We write to advise you of additional results of a review by the United States Department of Justice (the Department) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI and collectively with the Department DOJ) of laboratory reports and testimony by FBI Laboratory examiners in cases involving microscopic hair comparison analysis. Through this review, we previously determined that testimony containing erroneous statements regarding microscopic hair comparison analysis was used in this case. (See Letter dated May 2, 2013.) That error and the process through which it was identified were explained in more detail in our May 2, 2013 letter. I. Additional Error Identified in this Matter
We have determined that the microscopic hair comparison analysis testimony or laboratory report presented in this case included additional statements that exceeded the limits of science and was, therefore, invalid. In response to inquiries regarding whether the errors identified in the notification letter had any bearing on the examiners opinion regarding the racial classification of the hair, the FBI states the following: The scientific analysis of hair evidence permits an examiner to offer an opinion that a questioned hair possesses certain traits that are associated with a particular racial group. However, since a statistical probability cannot be determined for classification of hair into a particular racial group, it would be error for an examiner to testify that he can determine that the questioned hairs were from an individual of a particular racial group. Thus, an examiner cannot testify with any statement of probability
whether the hair is from a particular racial group, but can testify that a hair exhibits traits associated with a particular racial group. (A copy of the FBI Microscopic Hair Analysis Report, dated May 4, 2013, is attached.) II. Potential DNA Testing
In the event that your office determines that further testing is appropriate or necessary, we reiterate that the FBI is available to provide mitochondrial DNA testing of the relevant hair evidence or STR testing of related biological evidence if testing of hair evidence is no longer possible, if (1) the evidence to be tested is in the governments possession or control, and (2) the chain of custody for the evidence can be established. III. Report of Action Taken
To assist us in monitoring the status of cases involving microscopic hair analysis comparisons, we ask that you please advise us by May 6, 2013, if you intend to take any action based on the information that we are providing to you. Please send this information to, and let us know if we can be of any assistance. IV. Additional Notifications
You should be aware that we are also notifying the governors office and the defense, as well as the Innocence Project and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of the error. The Innocence Project and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers have expressed an interest in determining whether improper reports or testimony affected any convictions and, if so, to ensure appropriate remedial actions are taken. To assist them in their evaluation, we will provide them with information from our files, including copies of FBI Laboratory examiners reports and testimony, as well as our assessment of those reports and testimony.
If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact us at the email address provided above. Sincerely,
/s/ . John Crabb Jr. Special Counsel Encl. cc: David Voisin, Esq. (via e-mail) Jack Wilson, Deputy Counsel, Office of the Governor (via e-mail) Peter J. Neufeld, Esq., Co-Director, Innocence Project (via e-mail) Norman Reimer, Esq., Director, NADCL (via e-mail)