Initial Letter To Charged Party
Initial Letter To Charged Party
Initial Letter To Charged Party
Enclosed is a copy of a charge that has been filed in this case. This letter tells you how to
contact the Board agent who will be investigating the charge, explains your right to be
represented, discusses presenting your evidence, and provides a brief explanation of our
procedures, including how to submit documents to the NLRB.
If you are contacted by someone about representing you in this case, please be assured
that no organization or person seeking your business has any "inside knowledge" or favored
relationship with the National Labor Relations Board. Their knowledge regarding this
proceeding was only obtained through access to information that must be made available to any
member of the public under the Freedom of Information Act.
please include your position on the appropriateness of Section 10(j) relief when you submit your
evidence relevant to the investigation.
Full and complete cooperation includes providing witnesses to give sworn affidavits to a
Board agent, and providing all relevant documentary evidence requested by the Board
agent. Sending us your written account of the facts and a statement of your position is not
enough to be considered full and complete cooperation. A refusal to fully cooperate during the
investigation might cause a case to be litigated unnecessarily.
In addition, either you or your representative must complete the enclosed Commerce
Questionnaire to enable us to determine whether the NLRB has jurisdiction over this dispute. If
you recently submitted this information in another case, or if you need assistance completing the
form, please contact the Board agent.
We will not honor any request to place limitations on our use of position statements or
evidence beyond those prescribed by the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records
Act. Thus, we will not honor any claim of confidentiality except as provided by Exemption 4 of
FOIA, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552(b)(4), and any material you submit may be introduced as evidence at
any hearing before an administrative law judge. We are also required by the Federal Records
Act to keep copies of documents gathered in our investigation for some years after a case
closes. Further, the Freedom of Information Act may require that we disclose such records in
closed cases upon request, unless there is an applicable exemption. Examples of those
exemptions are those that protect confidential financial information or personal privacy interests.
Procedures: We strongly urge everyone to submit all documents and other materials by
E-Filing (not e-mailing) through our website, However, the Agency will
continue to accept timely filed paper documents. Please include the case name and number
indicated above on all your correspondence regarding the charge.
Information about the Agency, the procedures we follow in unfair labor practice cases
and our customer service standards is available on our website, or from an NLRB
office upon your request. NLRB Form 4541 offers information that is helpful to parties involved
in an investigation of an unfair labor practice charge.
We can provide assistance for persons with limited English proficiency or disability.
Please let us know if you or any of your witnesses would like such assistance.
Valerie Hardy-Mahoney
Regional Director
1. Copy of Charge
2. Commerce Questionnaire