Animal Farm 2.14.13
Animal Farm 2.14.13
Animal Farm 2.14.13
will answer the question: Is it possible to have a society in which all members are equal? Students will also begin working on their claim/counter-claim paper to argue whether: Communism is good for society, or whether Communism is bad for society. Subject: AP Language Arts Instruction time: 50 minutes Students level by grade: 8th Grade Standard(s) to be addressed: RL 3 c. Support thinking with specific information from the text RL 5 b. Analyze the role of a particular sentence within a paragraph to develop or refine a key concept RL 10 c. Apply techniques for making meaning from difficult texts W 10 a. Complete various pieces writing over varying lengths of time Learning Objectives for this lesson (Written using verbs from Blooms Taxonomy): Present a claim and analyze certain passages in the text to argue your claim. Specific resources needed for this lesson: Animalism worksheet, Animal Farm texts, and elements of Communism sheet to compare elements of Animalism. Instructional method(s) used in this lesson: TPS, Graphic organizers. Lesson Sequence: Hook (How will you get students excited about learning/Introduce students to your objectives?) Inform students that they are going to be assigned a unique task of figuring out if it is possible to create a Utopian society. Direct instruction/Modeling: Begin by reviewing what a fable is. Inform students that the purpose of a Fable is to teach us moral lessons in life. What the Tortoise and the Hare. Discuss with students about what purpose the Tortoise and the Hare could teach us. Explain that George Orwell is attempting to teach us a lesson in life. Explain to students that this is the purpose of a Fable; to inform us about a moral dilemma.
Inform students that they will fill in the Animalism worksheet that compares Communism to parts in Animal Farm. Inform students that they need to find direct examples from the book that relate the principles of Animalism to Communism. Inform students that they will write an argument paper and will be required to use examples from the book. The question is for the argument paper is: Can we live in a society that is equal? Have students find a claim, and then argue that claim with examples from the book. It must be in MLA format. Begin by asking the students if they believe that if they did much better in school than their peers, should they get rewarded the same? Have students do a quick write. Discuss the quick write with the class. While the students discuss the quick write, begin passing out the Animalism graphic organizer. Guided practice: Students will do a TPS (Think Pare Share) to complete the Animalism graphic organizer. Students will work first for five minutes filling the worksheet out on their own, and then they will have five minutes to work on comparing answers of the worksheet. Share out the answers for the Animalism worksheet with the class. Inform the class that they will analyze what Communism attempts to accomplish. Inform the class that the goal of Communism is to reach utopia in a society. Place in small groups, have students come up with a response to: Is it possible to have a utopian society? Instruct students to share with the class. After the class discussion, inform the class that they will now take their knowledge of analyzing Communism with comparing it to Animalism in Animal Farm, and they will write a 2 page paper analyzing whether Communism, and a Utopian society is possible. Inform students about a claim, and counter-claim. Inform students that a claim is the argument that you are arguing for. A counter-claim is the opposite of that argument. In other words what the other side is arguing for. Explain to students that they will need to refute the other argument. Explain to students that when you refute the other side of the arguments evidence, you first show the evidence of the other side, and then you come up with evidence to counter that evidence, or refute it. Independent practice: Inform students that they will get the rest of the class to work on the paper. Inform students that they will have to have a claim, and counter-claim in their paper. Inform the students that they will also need to have the paper in MLA format. Students will also be required to use twothree examples from the text. Check(s) for understanding and scaffolding of student learning: Ask students questions during the discussion.
Assessment of/for learning: Collect students paper. Make sure that they have a paper that has a claim, and counter-claim. The paper will also be in MLA format.
Closure of the lesson: Inform students that the paper will be due: 2/19/13 on a Tuesday.