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Research Academic Report (Role Plays)

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Ruzana Binti Hamzah

1.0 INTRODUCTION On the 5th February 2013, teacher trainees of PISMP TESL January 2013 intake of IPG Kent had conducted a musical sketch on theme Oh My English. When I watching the musical sketch performed by the participants, I was surprised when they act and speak English confidently without thinking about their pronunciation. From that, I think by acting, someone can speak English confidently without being subconscious about himself or herself.

I have been thinking that musical sketch can help students to improve their pronunciation skill. Because of musical sketch is not easy and took more time to practice and do it in English language classroom, so I narrow the ways by choosing the role plays as an effective way in improving pronunciation skill in English language learning.

1.1 Statement of The Problem

As a language learner, I always wonder why students did not want to speak English in their daily life even though they were learned the language in the school. Because of my curiosity, I was conducted a brief survey to study why students did not want to speak English among themselves. From my observation, students refuse to speak English in daily life because they were not confident to pronounce the words, they did not know whether their pronunciation is correct or not.

From that, I had conducted a test to study their pronunciation skill level. The result from the test show that the level of pronunciation skill of students is around moderate level. Therefore, I always been thinking what is the good way to help the students to improve their pronunciation skill so that they are want and confident to speak English in daily life. If musical sketch can aid students to speak English confidently, I wondered whether role plays could help students to improve their pronunciation skill.

1.2 Objectives of the study

With reference to the statement of problem, this study focuses on determining the effectiveness of role plays in improving the

pronunciation skill of students in English Language. This study also determine the role of role plays to create an active le arning session in English class.

1.3 Research Questions

Based on the objectives above, this study addresses these research questions :
1) What are the perception of teachers trainees of IPG Kent


role plays in improving pronunciation skill in the English Language?

2) Does role plays can create an active learning session in English

Language classroom?

1.4 Limitation of the study

There are limitations to my research. The first one is the location of the research. This study was only conducted in IPG Kampus Kent. So, the respondents of this study are only among teachers trainee and English lecturers in IPG Kampus Kent. I took 30 respondents among teacher

trainees from PISMP January 2012 intake and 1 lecturer from Language department. Besides that, the duration for this study was made only in four weeks and there is holiday time in this duration which is not enough to provide strong justifications for the findings. Due to this limitation, there might be flaws in the results. Therefore, the findings are only applicable to the teacher trainees of PISMP January 2012 intake.


Although all the students who enrol into college especially who are enrol into Teacher Training Institutes have been taught English in primary and secondary schools, many of them are still hesitant and cautious about using this language for communication. Many learners often worry about making mistakes or they fear that those listening to them might not be able to comprehend what they are trying to say. All these worries have posed obstacles to students progress in the language. It is perceived that one of the main reason why students are reluctant to use English extensively is because they did not know whether they pronounce the words correctly or not. As a result, they are not confident and feel shy to use English for communication. Therefore, it is very necessary to help students to overcome their problem when use English language. So, it has been thinking that one of the best way to help students to overcome their problem is by involving themselves in role plays. Many researchers believe that the activity play a role (Role Play) capable of improving students' ability to communicate in English. Stern (1980), states that the role plays playing an important role in foreign language teaching. Role playing is a methodology derived from sociodrama that may be used to help students understand the more subtle aspects of literature, social studies, and even some aspects of science or mathematics. Role playing is the best way to develop the skills of initiative, communication, problem-solving, self-awareness, and working cooperatively in teams (Adam Blatner, 2009).


This research employs a mixed method approach in collecting data. 3.1 Population Sample

The population consists of 30 teacher trainees from PISMP January 2012 intake. I choose these respondents because they had been involved in musical sketch recently.

3.2 Location of The Study

This research was conducted in IPG Kent, Tuaran, Sabah.

3.3 Instrumentation

Data were collected using both quantitative and qualitative procedures. Two instruments were used in the research, namely : a) One set of questionnaire with 8 close-ended items in which respondents perceptions were assessed using a 4 point Likert S cale with 1 being Strongly disagree and 4 Strongly agree.

b) Two sets of interview session. First interview was done with a lecturer from Language Department. Second interview was done with a group of students consists of three teacher trainees from PISMP January 2012 intake who were involved in musical sketch.

3.4 Data Collection Procedure A set of questionnaire was administered before the interview sessions conducted to find out the perception of the students towards the role of role plays in improving students pronunciation skill.

After a questionnaire is distributed to the respondents, one interview sessions was conducted with one lecturer from Language Department. An interview session with students was conducted two days after interview session with lecturer conducted.

3.5 Data Analysis Procedure

An analysis was carried out to show the responses of respondents towards role plays from questionnaire and interviews. Responses from questionnaire will then tabulated using SPSS software whereby the mean score and standard deviation are derived. Responses from interviews will be carefully examined and analysed. These responses will be instrumental in reporting the findings of the study.


Table 1 : Mean and Standard deviation for students perception towards role plays in improving their pronunciation skill. Statements Mean Standard deviation

I am interested to learn the English Language.



I have problems when speaking English.



The problems I face hinders me to speak English with my




I enjoy role play in English.



If there is a chance, I want to be involved in English Role Plays.



Role play helps me to improve my pronunciation skill.



During role play, I feel confident to speak in English.



I think role play can create an active English Language




4.1 Research question 1 What are the perception of teachers trainees of IPG Kent on the role of role plays in improving pronunciation in English Language?

From the table 1, it can be seen that students are interested to learn the English language (mean=3.20). But, when they speak English, they face the problem (mean=3.00). As a result, the problem they face hinder them to speak English among themselves (mean=3.05). However, they feel confident to speak English during role play (mean=3.20). They also believe that role play helps them to improve their pronunciation skill (mean 3.20).

This finding is also supported by the finding from interview sessions. From the interviews, both students and lecturer think that students of IPG Kent do not use English frequently in their daily life. They also think that most students of IPG Kent cannot pronounce English words correctly even though they are able to do basic pronunciation. In line with that, they believe that role play can help students to enhance their pronunciation skill.

4.2 Research question 2 Does role plays can create active learning sessions in English Language classroom?

From the table 1, it is interesting to note that almost students perceive that role play can create an active English Language Classroom (mean=3.40). This is proven when they confess that they are enjoying role play in English (mean=3.10). It is also supported when they are excited to be involved in English role play if there is a chance (mean=3.07).

From the interview sessions, it is glad to hear that both lecturer and students are truly agree and believe that role plays can create an English language classroom.

5.0 Discussion, Implication and Conclusion

5.1 Research question 1 What are the perception of teachers trainees of IPG Kent on the role of role plays in improving pronunciation in English Language?

Students of IPG Kent are interested to learn English language because English language is considered to be one of the most important languages in the world. As a teacher in future, teacher trainees might be need to use

English frequently because the school nowadays are likely to have English as a second language.

But, teacher trainees of IPG Kent refuse to use English in their daily conversation because they are not confident with their pronunciation. Most students feel not confident when speak English because they do not know whether the pronunciation of the words they pronounced are correct or not. As a result, they are refuse to speak English with their friends because they will feel shy when their pronunciation is not correct. Therefore, they are truly believe by involving themselves in role play, they can improve their pronunciation skill. They want to be involved in role play because they think that role play is the best medium to help them

improving their pronunciation. This is because, during role play, they pronounce the words and they heard their friends also pronounce the words. So, they are learn to correct their pronunciation indirectly without being subconscious by themselves. Both lecturer and students truly believe that role plays can boost students pronunciation because role plays give students space to speak in English. It also allows and trains students to be able use the language confidently. In addition, it gives students a chance to know their level of pronunciation skill From that, students will learn how to pronounce the words correctly.

5.2 Research question 2 Does role plays can create active learning sessions in English Language classroom?

The students believe that role plays can promote an active English language classroom because it gives fun to them. In a role playing situation, students get the opportunity to practice skills they might not use on a regular basis. Skills such as debating, acting, reasoning and negotiating can be flexed in hypothetical situations when they cannot normally be used in a classic classroom situation. Students are also able

to adapt to situations they might not normally find themselves in, forcing the creativity of the students to be exerted. Besides that, role play is an activity which involves movement. During role play, students do not only make a movement, but at the same time, they can have English. fun and can learn to improve their communication skill in


This study of role play in improving pronunciation skill of students help to raise teacher trainees awareness towards the importance of role play to enhance their pronunciation. In line with that, role play should be carried out in the learning and teaching process in the class so that students can improve their English language proficiency especially in terms of pronunciation. These findings are only applicable to the teacher trainees of IPG Kent.

5.4 Conclusion This study is to know the effectiveness of role play in improving pronunciation skill of teacher trainees of IPG Kent. So, it is proven that role play can improve the pronunciation skill of students of IPG Kent. In addition, role play can also promote an active English language classroom. This study is only applicable to the teacher trainees of IPG Kent.

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