Wireless FM Transmitter

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Wireless FM Transmitter

Keywords: FM transmitter, wireless microphone, single transistor,

The photo shows a wireless FM transmitter, pocket

radio and yellow disk for size comparisons. Speak
into the transmitter and others hear you on any FM
radio. The transmitter can be built in an afternoon
with simple, affordable and widely available parts.
Construction is fun and much can be learned
although performance is modest; for example, your
voice gets difficult to hear at distances greater than
25 feet.

Motivation and Audience

Our long-term goals with such circuits are in remote control and data acquisition. Touch
tones could be transmitted to wirelessly turn on/off a robot's actuators. Sensor data could
be converted into morse-code like sounds and deciphered by a microcontroller to
wirelessly monitor environments. This tutorial's audience would be also motivated by
such applications. Building a simple FM transmitter would be a first-step towards such

Not to give you false expectations, this FM transmitter is far from perfect offering only
modest performance. First, tuning the transmitter can be frustrating. Even slight turns in
the variable capacitor can result in large frequency changes. Second, transmitter tuning
often resulted in a harmonic frequency. Instead of the intended 108 MHz for example,
capacitor tuning yielded a 216 MHz transmitter frequency. In addition to hearing your
voice one could slightly hear radio station broadcasts.

If performance is modest, why would I build this transmitter?

One answer is that much can be learned and this tutorial is is appendixed with the
underlying mathematics to calculate parameters like (1) tranmitter frequency, power
output and range (2) antenna length and (3) required coil winding. Often on the web, one
just finds a schematic. By adding the analysis (with high school level math), one can
conceive improvements on transmitter performance.

This tutorial's audience is thus electronics enthusiasts who:

• don't have much FM or radio-frequency (RF) experience

• want to build an FM transmitter
• want to learn how such transmitters work
• want to learn how components are selected e.g. calculating the number of turns
when building an air coil, antenna length etc.
Again this tutorial emphasizes that the transmitter's performance is modest, but is learned
in its construction. The tutorial breakdown is as follows:

• Parts List and Sources

• Construction/Schematic
• Theory
• Operation
• Where To Go From Here
• Author Information

Parts List and Sources

US-based vendors include Jameco, Digikey, JDR and Radio Shack. Note: Boondog has
no association with these vendors. Attempts were acquire all parts from a single vendor.
Part numbers for common resistors are not given.
2N2222 (TO-18 CAN CASE) NPN
JAMECO 38236 0.39 1
JAMECO 136573 0.75 1
BR2325 3V COIN CELL JAMECO 11789 1.95 2
JAMECO 38543 0.66 1
0.01 UF CERAMIC CAP JAMECO 15229 0.05 1
JAMECO 105099 4.95 1
4.7 PF CERAMIC CAP RADIO SHACK 272-120 0.49 1
(OPTIONAL) 34.75 INCH 270-
GAUGE 1345
An effort was made to find a single source supplier of all parts. Jameco has almost every
part cited in the tables. Details construction your air core inductor using a McDonald's
soda straw will be described in the next section.

A combination of wirewrapping and soldering was used to construct the FM transmitter.
Jameco's prototyping card provides enough room for (non-critical) part placement. You
should try to keep all parts close together and keep wire leads short. The photos below
illustrate possible part placement (left) and the solder side (right).

fmTx031402a.pdf is the Acrobat file of the same schematic. You will need Adobe's free
Acrobat reader to view it.

The schematic and constructing the circuit are relatively straight-forward. Some
highlights and clarifications towards circuit construction are given next.

Electret Microphone

An electret microphone has two pins which connect to the positive and negative leads of
a battery. As shown in the drawing below, one looks at the bottom of the electret
microphone. The pad that physically touches the microphone's casing connects to the
battery's negative lead.


You can replace the coin cells, typically found in calculators and watches, with regular
1.5V AA, C or D-cells. The coin cells however take less room and can solder onto the

2N2222A Transistor

The 2N2222A is a very common NPN transistor. The one used here (Jameco #38236) is
the metal can type (TO-18 casing). Its three pins are for the transistor's base (B), collector
(C) and emitter (E). There is no standard pinout for transistors. As such, request the
transistor's spec sheet when ordering it to identify the pinout, or if you own a multimeter
with a transistor tester, use it.

The 2N2222A also comes in a black plastic casing (TO-92 style) which you can use if
you want. The T0-18 is preferred because the can has a small tab that typically represents
the emitter pin.

Make sure you correctly identify the 2N2222A's pinout and correctly wire the base,
collector and emitter in the schematic. Often, circuit malfunctions because the pins were

Variable Capacitor
The leads for the variable capacitor do not fit in normal 0.1 inch protoboards. You can
dremel-drill into the protoboard to make the leads fit. Alternatively you can solder wire to
the leads, but if you do, keep wires as short as possible in order to avoid stray


An inductor is just a coil of wire and you need to wind one for this circuit. An inductor is
characterized by its length, radius and the number of turns of wire in the coil. Magnet
wire (Radio Shack part 278-1345) was used to build the inductor but you can use
standard solid strand 22 AWG gauge copper wire.

Some on-line and printed articles describe winding the wire around a pencil.
Unfortunately, pencils come in different diameters and hence a McDonald's soda straw
was used; the yellow-red-white striped straw, found in every McDonalds in the world, is
the same size. The straw's radius is exactly 0.1325 inches (diameter = 0.2650 inches) and
1/4 inches was snipped off the straw.

Next, a straight piece wire was wound around this 1/4 inch snippet six times and then
soldered on the prototyping board. The end result is an inductor (also known as an air
core coil) with an 0.1325 inch radius. If you wish, you can apply some womens' clear
fingernail polish to permanently keep the wire on the straw snippet.

A 30 inch long piece of 22 gauge solid stramd copper wire is a suitable antenna. However
when carrying the transmitter, you risk tangling the wire. As such you can screw a
telescopic antenna, like ones found a radios, into the prototyping board.

Theory: How does the FM Transmitter Work?

The variable capacitor and your self-made inductor will vibrate at frequencies in the FM
radio band (88 to 108 MHz). The electret microphone has a resistance that depends on
how loudly you speak into it. This microphone is battery powered and according to the
V=IR Ohm's Law, changes in resistance for fixed voltage will result in proportional
changes in current. This current feeds into the base of the 2N2222 NPN transistor which
is connected to your variable capacitor, inductor and antenna. The net effect is that
depending on your variable capacitor's value, your voice will be modulated to transmit at
a frequency between 88 and 108 MHz. If a nearby pocket FM radio is tuned to this
frequency, you'll be heard when speaking into your transmitter.

The component values in the circuit are derived to better understand how this FM
transmitter will work. The underlying math is rather simple and can be found in most
undergraduate university physics textbooks.

Inductance of an Air Core Coil

Your self-made inductor has a value determined by its radius r, length x and number of
wire turns n.
For your McDonald's soda straw inductor, r = 0.1325 inches, x = 0.25 inches and n = 6
turns and results in L = 0.171 microHenry or 0.000000171 Henry.

The specific frequency f generated is now determined by the capacitance C and

inductance L measured in Farads and Henry respectively:

Resonant Frequency of a Parallel LC Circuit

FM radio stations operate on frequencies between 88 and 108 MHz. The variable
capacitor and your self-made inductor constitute a parallel LC circuit. It is also called a
tank circuit and will vibrate at a resonant frequency which will be picked up your pocket
FM radio.

In tank circuits, the underlying physics is that a capacitor stores electrical energy in the
electric field between its plates and an inductor stores energy in the magnetic field
induced by the coil winding. The mechanical equivalent is the energy balance in a
flywheel; angular momentum (kinetic energy) is balanced by the spring (potential
energy). Another example is a pendulum where there's a kinetic versus potential energy
balance that dictates the period (or frequency) of oscillations.

Given your variable capacitor ranges from 4 to 34 pF, your tank circuit will resonant
between 66 and 192 MHz, well within the FM radio range. To compute these values for
different values of C, n, r and x a simple Excel spreadsheet, called calcFreq.xls was
created. Simply enter the values and the inductance and frequency are automatically

Antenna Length
You built your antenna either with a piece of solid strand 22 gauge wire 30 inches long or
used a telescopically extendable antenna. Its length should be approximately 1/4 the FM
wavelength; recall that multiplying frequency and wavelength equals the speed of light.
You'll most probably be operating your transmitter near 108 MHz, as such:

Fixed Capacitors

Referring to the schematic, C2 and C4 act as decoupling capacitors and typically 0.01 uF
(or 0.1 uF) are used. C4 attempts to maintain a constant voltage across the entire circuit
despite voltage fluctuations as the battery dies.

A capacitor can be thought of as a frequency-dependent resistor (called reactance).

Speech consists of different frequencies and the capacitor C1 impedes them. The net
effect is that C1 modulates the current going into the transistor. Using a large value for
C1 reinforces bass (low frequencies) while smaller values boost treble (high frequencies).

The C3 capacitor across the 2N2222A transistor serves to keep the tank circuit vibrating.
In theory, as long as there is a supply voltage across the parallel inductor and variable
capacitor, it should vibrate at the resonant frequency indefinetely. In reality however, the
frequency decays due to heating losses. C3 is used to prevent decay and the 2N2222A
spec sheet suggests a capacitance between 4 to 10 pF.

Resistor for Electret Mic

The spec sheet for the Jameco #136573 electret microphone says the maximum current is
0.5 mA. When battery powered at 6V, then the voltage drop across R1 is V1 = 1.92V. The
resulting current through the microphone is below the rated maximum since
I1 = (6-1.92)V / 10000 Ohms = 0.41 mA

Resistors and the 2N2222A

The 2N2222A transistor has rated maximums thus demanding a voltage divider made
with R2 and R3 and emitter current limiting with R4.

The 2N2222A's maximum rated power is Pmax = 0.5 W. This power ultimately affects
the distance you can transmit. Overpowering the transistor will heat and destroy it. To
avoid this, one can calculate that the FM transmitter outputs approximately 124 mW and
is well below the rated maximum. The mathematical details are given in rfMath.pdf.
The power is intimately related to the transmission range. At 124 mW and 30% radiation
efficiencies, the maximum distance between your FM transmitter and a battery-powered
radio will range betweem 35 to 112 feet. The calculations are given in rfDistance.pdf.

First, use a battery-powered pocket radio as a receiver. AC powered boom-boxes and
home stereos (110 or 220 V) are not recommended; battery-powered radios are much
better at receiving transmissions than AC-powered units.

1. Tune your radio to dead air, i.e. frequencies within the FM radio band that are
silent or only have some hiss. Frequencies near 108 MHz are typically dead air.
The Radio-Locator web page lists local radio stations in your area. This can help
you identify dead air frequencies.
2. Turn on your FM transmitter, extend its antenna and keep the transmitter
approximately 2 feet away from your FM radio. Speak into the mic while slowly
adjusting the variable cap. Use your fingernail or non-metallic screwdriver until
you hear yourself over the radio. This process is frustratingly tedious, requiring
careful capacitor tuning. You are tuned once you hear howling (also known as a
hot mic) which indicates transmitter-receiver feedback.
3. Increase the transmitter-to-radio distance. Congratulations - you have a wireless

Where To Go From Here

As stated earlier, performance is modest. The author's experience operating in a major
city (Philadelphia, USA) with the battery-powered radio tuned at 108 MHz yielded
approximately 25 feet indoors and 50 feet outdoors. Also, in addition to the author's
voice, radio station broadcasts could be slightly heard.

To tweak performance, a spectrum analyzer can be used. It's a device that visually
displays frequencies are most predominant. The author discovered the circuit was
transmitting at approximately 200 to 220 MHz, rather than the desired 108 MHz! 216
MHz is a harmonic, being twice the desired 108 MHz. Transmission range is thus
reduced and susceptible to noice (radio station broadcasts).

To transmit at the desired 108 MHz, the author considered the following:

• A hand-made coil that's 0.1 uH is difficult to test. Inductance meters to measure at

the micro Henry range are expensive.
• Capacitance meters measuring picoFarads are also expensive.
• A 0.111 uH air core coil was purchased from Coilcraft, an inductor manufacturer.
• Spectrum analyzers costs thousands of dollars. A viable alternative is an $130
USD Elenco F-2800 frequency counter. This is a nice unit to acquire if you plan
on building FM transmitters more seriously.
For the most part, the frequency counter displayed approximated 200 MHz even with the
Coilcraft inductor! Thus most probably the variable capacitor is not truly giving a 4-to-34
pF range. Since the transmission frequency stayed closed to 200 MHz, calcFreq.xls
reveal that variable capacitor actually stays close 4 pF rather than going up to the rated 34
pF. This should be expected since tolerances in capacitance are rarely precise. The net
effect is that without picoFarad resolution capacitance you'll be transmitting at a 216
MHz harmonic yielding reduced range and susceptible to noise.

Final Words

This tutorial along with appendixes detail fully a single transistor FM transmitter
construction and underlying math. The circuit can be built in an afternoon with less than
$10 USD of common parts, resulting in a 25 to 50 foot transmission range.

Like the author, readers might be excited about the prospects of building FM transmitters.
Many circuit designs and schematics exist on-line and in print but don't often provide
much analysis. This tutorial attempts to fill this gap, especially for first-time FM
transmitter builders. The analysis allows one to learn what roles and their values play in
the circuit. Such analysis provides a reader a stepping point towards improving or
customizing the circuit.

Illustrating the math and real-world operation is the tutorial's value. Some material
towards learning more might be acquired from the references below. Happy building!


• Braga, N., Pirate Radio and Video Newnes Butterworth-Heinemann Publishing,

2001. ISBN: 0-7506-7331-1. An excellently written book that provides a dozen or
so transmitter designs but gives little mathematical analysis
• The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, 79th Edition, The Americal Radio
Relay League, 2002. ISBN: 0872591891 This tome covers practically every
aspect of radio communications including the mathematics.
• alt.radio.pirate - a very helpful newsgroup
• Harry's Homebrew Homepage - the dozens of circuits are well documented for
do-it-yourself builders

Author Information
This tutorial was developed by Paul Y. Oh, a robotics professor in the mechanical
engineering department of Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Prof. Oh's
research interests include visual-servoing, robotics, mechatronics and 3D reconstruction
of urban areas from aerial photos. Prof. Oh's technical publications can be found in the
IEEE Robotics and Automation proceedings and transactions or downloaded.

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Discover the freedom of sending a wireless broadcast of any audio (music audio,
streaming audio, MP3 audio etc.) to any FM radio anywhere in your home, car or

The FM Transmitter uses FM radio waves to send sound from any device you choose (as
long as it has a headphone jack) to any nearby radio or stereo system. The only wire you
have to connect is from the FM Transmitter to your gear. Simple as that. And since the
Transmitter works with any device that has a headphone jack, you can use it with CD
players, satellite radios, and any other audio device with a headphone jack. One of the
unsung qualities of C. Crane’s Digital FM Transmitter is its extreme versatility. While
most people use it to send music from their computers or MP3 players to a nearby radio,
some customers have told us how they use it with their guitars, portable DVD players (a
lot of fun in cars), and even other radios. It is one of the only FM Transmitters to have an
adjustable audio input. It will handle virtually any level of audio input. The side mount
thumbwheel allows you to adjust the input for perfect quality. It also has an LED
indicator for overload. One customer uses the FM Transmitter as a brilliant solution to the
problem of turning the TV’s volume up too high. She simply plugs the FM Transmitter
into her TV, and sends the audio to a small radio she keeps by her ear. AC adapter
included, or use 2 optional “AA” batteries. Our FM Transmitter is one of the few
transmitting devices available that is FCC approved. Choose any FM frequency between
88.3 MHz and 107.7 MHz. Portable, fits in the palm of your hand. Weight: 5.8 oz. Size 3"
W x 3.5" H x 1" D. (Patent # US D483,024S)

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