Pp73septoria - Crisantemo
Pp73septoria - Crisantemo
Pp73septoria - Crisantemo
S. A. Alfieri, Jr.
Septoria leaf spot disease of Chrysanthemum spp. has a wide geographical dis-
tribution, including the Asian and European continents as well as the western
hemisphere. It has been known in the United States since 1891 and has been re-
ported from most chrysanthemum-growing areas of this country. Chrysanthemum is one
of the most important ornamental flower crops grown. It is used and enjoyed for
the most part as cut flowers. The spotting of the foliage detracts from the
quality and salability of the cut flowers and tends to reduce the quantity and
quality of the blooms (3).
SYMPTOMS. Leaf spots caused by Septoria are irregular, dark brown to black,
sometimes surrounded by a narrow yellow halo (Fig. 1). The spots are usually
initiated on the lower leaves and the disease progresses upward on the plant. The
leaf spots vary in size from very small to large, covering one-third of the leaf
surface. As the spots increase in size and become more abundant, the affected
leaves turn yellow, die and persist on the plant (1).
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