Venture Capital
Venture Capital
Venture Capital
To find out opportunity and threats those hinder and encourage Venture Capital
Industry in India.
A study of this type cannot be without limitations. It has been observed that venture
capitals are very secretive about their performance as well as about their investments.
This attitude has been a major hurdle in data collection. However venture capital
funds/companies that are members of Indian venture capital association are included in
the study. Financial analysis has been restricted by and large to members of IVCA.
In India neither venture capital theory has been developed nor are there many
comprehensive books on the subject. Even the number of research papers available is
very limited. The research design used is descriptive in nature. (The attempt has been
made to collect maximum facts and figures available on the availability of venture capital
in India, nature of assistance granted, future projected demand for this financing, analysis
of the problems faced by the entrepreneurs in getting venture capital, analysis of the
venture capitalists and social and environmental impact on the existing framework.)
The research is based on secondary data collected from the published material. The data
was also collected from the publications and press releases of venture capital associations
in India.
Scanning the business papers filled the gaps in information. The Economic times,
Financial Express and Business Standards were scanned for any article or news item
related to venture capital. Sufficient amount of data about the venture capital has been
derived from these reports.
The scope of the research includes all type of venture capital firms whether setup as a
company or a trust fund. Venture capital companies and funds irrespective of the fact that
they are registered with SEBI of India or not are part of this study. Angel investors have
been kept out of the study as it was not feasible to collect authenticated information about
The term venture capital comprises of two words that is, “Venture” and “Capital”. Venture
is a course of processing, the outcome of which is uncertain but to which is attended the
risk or danger of “loss”. “Capital” means recourses to start an enterprise. To connote the
risk and adventure of such a fund, the generic name Venture Capital was coined.
Venture capital is considered as financing of high and new technology based enterprises.
It is said that Venture capital involves investment in new or relatively untried technology,
initiated by relatively new and professionally or technically qualified entrepreneurs with
inadequate funds. The conventional financiers, unlike Venture capitals, mainly finance
proven technologies and established markets. However, high technology need not be pre-
requisite for venture capital.
Venture capital has also been described as ‘unsecured risk financing’. The relatively high
risk of venture capital is compensated by the possibility of high returns usually through
substantial capital gains in the medium term. Venture capital in broader sense is not solely
an injection of funds into a new firm, it is also an input of skills needed to set up the firm,
design its marketing strategy, organize and manage it. Thus it is a long term association
with successive stages of company’s development under highly risk investment
conditions, with distinctive type of financing appropriate to each stage of development.
Investors join the entrepreneurs as co-partners and support the project with finance and
business skills to exploit the market opportunities.
Venture capital commonly describes not only the provision of start up finance or ‘seed
corn’ capital but also development capital for later stages of business. A long term
commitment of funds is involved in the form of equity investments, with the aim of
eventual capital gains rather than income and active involvement in the management of
customer’s business.
By definition the Venture capital financing is highly risky and chances of failure are high
as it provides long term start up capital to high risk-high reward ventures. Venture capital
assumes four types of risks, these are:
As opportunities in the low technology area tend to be few of lower order, and hi-tech
projects generally offer higher returns than projects in more traditional areas, venture
capital investments are made in high tech. areas using new technologies or producing
innovative goods by using new technology. Not just high technology, any high risk
ventures where the entrepreneur has conviction but little capital gets venture finance.
Venture capital is available for expansion of existing business or diversification to a high
risk area. Thus technology financing had never been the primary objective but incidental
to venture capital.
Investments are generally in equity and quasi equity participation through direct purchase
of shares, options, convertible debentures where the debt holder has the option to convert
the loan instruments into stock of the borrower or a debt with warrants to equity
investment. The funds in the form of equity help to raise term loans that are cheaper
source of funds. In the early stage of business, because dividends can be delayed, equity
investment implies that investors bear the risk of venture and would earn a return
commensurate with success in the form of capital gains.
Venture capital provides value addition by managerial support, monitoring and follow up
assistance. It monitors physical and financial progress as well as market development
initiative. It helps by identifying key resource person. They want one seat on the
company’s board of directors and involvement, for better or worse, in the major decision
affecting the direction of company. This is a unique philosophy of “hands on
management” where Venture capitalist acts as complementary to the entrepreneurs. Based
upon the experience other companies, a venture capitalist advise the promoters on project
planning, monitoring, financial management, including working capital and public issue.
Venture capital investor cannot interfere in day today management of the enterprise but
keeps a close contact with the promoters or entrepreneurs to protect his investment.
Venture capitalist help companies grow, but they eventually seek to exit the investment in
three to seven years. An early stage investment may take seven to ten years to mature,
while most of the later stage investment takes only a few years. The process of having
significant returns takes several years and calls on the capacity and talent of venture
capitalist and entrepreneurs to reach fruition.
Venture capital investments are illiquid, that is, not subject to repayment on demand or
following a repayment schedule. Investors seek return ultimately by means of capital
gains when the investment is sold at market place. The investment is realized only on
enlistment of security or it is lost if enterprise is liquidated for unsuccessful working. It
may take several years before the first investment starts to locked for seven to ten years.
Venture capitalist understands this illiquidity and factors this in his investment decisions.
Venture capital differs from Development funds as latter means putting up of industries
without much consideration of use of new technology or new entrepreneurial venture but
having a focus on underdeveloped areas (locations). In majority of cases it is in the form
of loan capital and proportion of equity is very thin. Development finance is security
oriented and liquidity prone. The criteria for investment are proven track record of
company and its promoters, and sufficient cash generation to provide for returns
(principal and interest). The development bank safeguards its interest through collateral.
They have no say in working of the enterprise except safeguarding their interest by
having a nominee director. They do not play any active role in the enterprise except
ensuring flow of information and proper management information system, regular board
meetings, adherence to statutory requirements for effective management control where as
Venture capitalist remain interested if the overall management of the project o account of
high risk involved I the project till its completion, entering into production and making
available proper exit route for liquidation of the investment. As against this fixed
payments in the form of installment of principal and interest are to be made to
development banks.
It is difficult to make a distinction between venture capital, seed capital, and risk capital
as the latter two form part of broader meaning of Venture capital. Difference between
them arises on account of application of funds and terms and conditions applicable. The
seed capital and risk funds in India are being provided basically to arrange promoter’s
contribution to the project. The objective is to provide finance and encourage
Risk capital is also provided to established companies for adapting new technologies.
Herein the approach is not business oriented but developmental. As a result on one hand
the success rate of units assisted by Seed capital/Risk
Finance has been lower than those provided with venture capital. On the other hand the
return to the seed/risk capital financier had been very low as compared to venture
Table 2.1: Difference between Seed Capital Scheme and Venture capital Scheme
The important difference between the Venture capital and bought out deals is that bought-
outs are not based upon high risk- high reward principal. Further unlike Venture capital
they do not provide equity finance at different stages of the enterprise. However both
have a common expectation of capital gains yet their objectives and intents are totally
The growth of an enterprise follows a life cycle as shown in the diagram below. The
requirements of funds vary with the life cycle stage of the enterprise. Even before a
business plan is prepared the entrepreneur invests his time and resources in surveying the
market, finding and understanding the target customers and their needs. At the seed stage
the entrepreneur continue to fund the venture with his own or family funds. At this stage
the funds are needed to solicit the consultant’s services in formulation of business plans,
meeting potential customers and technology partners. Next the funds would be required
for development of the product/process and producing prototypes, hiring key people and
building up the managerial team. This is followed by funds for assembling the
manufacturing and marketing facilities in that order. Finally the funds are needed to
expand the business and attaint the critical mass for profit generation. Venture capitalists
cater to the needs of the entrepreneurs at different stages of their enterprises. Depending
upon the stage they finance, venture capitalists are called angel investors, venture
capitalist or private equity supplier/investor.
Start up
Concept Time
Venture capital was started as early stage financing of relatively small but rapidly growing
companies. However various reasons forced venture capitalists to be more and more
involved in expansion financing to support the development of existing portfolio
companies. With increasing demand of capital from newer business, Venture capitalists
Different venture capital firms have different attributes and aptitudes for different types of
Venture capital investments. Hence there are different stages of entry for different Venture
capitalists and they can identify and differentiate between types of Venture capital
investments, each appropriate for the given stage of the investee company, These are:-
Seed Capital
Start up Capital
Early/First Stage Capital
Later/Third Stage Capital
Not all business firms pass through each of these stages in a sequential manner. For
instance seed capital is normally not required by service based ventures. It applies largely
to manufacturing or research based activities. Similarly second round finance does not
always follow early stage finance. If the business grows successfully it is likely to
develop sufficient cash to fund its own growth, so does not require venture capital for
The table below shows risk perception and time orientation for different stages of venture
capital financing.
making company
Buy out-in 1-3 Medium Acquisition financing
Broadly speaking seed capital investment may take 7 to 10 years to achieve realization. It
is the earliest and therefore riskiest stage of Venture capital investment. The new
technology and innovations being attempted have equal chance of success and failure.
Such projects, particularly hi-tech, projects sink a lot of cash and need a strong financial
support for their adaptation, commencement and eventual success. However, while the
earliest stage of financing is fraught with risk, it also provides greater potential for
realizing significant gains in long term. Typically seed enterprises lack asset base or track
record to obtain finance from conventional sources and are largely dependent upon
entrepreneur’s personal resources. Seed capital is provided after being satisfied that the
entrepreneur has used up his own resources and carried out his idea to a stage of
acceptance and has initiated research. The asset underlying the seed capital is often
technology or an idea as opposed to human assets (a good management team) so often
sought by venture capitalists.
It has been observed that Venture capitalist seldom make seed capital investment and
these are relatively small by comparison to other forms of venture finance. The absence of
interest in providing a significant amount of seed capital can be attributed to the following
three factors: -
a) Seed capital projects by their very nature require a relatively small amount of capital.
The success or failure of an individual seed capital investment will have little impact
on the performance of all but the smallest venture capitalist’s portfolio. Larger venture
capitalists avoid seed capital investments. This is because the small investments are
seen to be cost inefficient in terms of time required to analyze, structure and manage
b) The time horizon to realization for most seed capital investments is typically 7-10 years
which is longer than all but most long-term oriented investors will desire.
c) The risk of product and technology obsolescence increases as the time to realization is
extended. These types of obsolescence are particularly likely to occur with high
technology investments particularly in the fields related to Information Technology.
It is stage 2 in the venture capital cycle and is distinguishable from seed capital
investments. An entrepreneur often needs finance when the business is just starting. The
start up stage involves starting a new business. Here in the entrepreneur has moved closer
towards establishment of a going concern. Here in the business concept has been fully
investigated and the business risk now becomes that of turning the concept into product.
Start up capital is defined as: “Capital needed to finance the product development, initial
marketing and establishment of product facility. “
ii. Establishment of most but not all the members of the team. The skills and fitness to
the job and situation of the entrepreneur’s team is an important factor for start up finance.
iii. Development of business plan or idea. The business plan should be fully developed
yet the acceptability of the product by the market is uncertain. The company has not yet
started trading.
In the start up preposition venture capitalists’ investment criteria shifts from idea to
people involved in the venture and the market opportunity. Before committing any
finance at this stage, Venture capitalist however, assesses the managerial ability and the
capacity of the entrepreneur, besides the skills, suitability and competence of the
managerial team are also evaluated. If required they supply managerial skills and
supervision for implementation. The time horizon for start up capital will be typically 6 or
8 years. Failure rate for start up is 2 out of 3. Start up needs funds by way of both first
round investment and subsequent follow-up investments. The risk tends t be lower
relative to seed capital situation. The risk is controlled by initially investing a smaller
amount of capital in start-ups. The decision on additional financing is based upon the
successful performance of the company. However, the term to realization of a start up
investment remains longer than the term of finance normally provided by the majority of
financial institutions. Longer time scale for using exit route demands continued watch on
start up projects.
Despite potential for specular returns most venture firms avoid investing in start-ups. One
reason for the paucity of start up financing may be high discount rate that venture
capitalist applies to venture proposals at this level of risk and maturity. They often prefer
to spread their risk by sharing the financing. Thus syndicates of investor’s often
participate in start up finance.
It is also called first stage capital is provided to entrepreneur who has a proven product, to
start commercial production and marketing, not covering market expansion, de-risking
and acquisition costs.
At this stage the company passed into early success stage of its life cycle. A proven
management team is put into this stage, a product is established and an identifiable market
is being targeted.
British Venture Capital Association has vividly defined early stage finance as: “Finance
provided to companies that have completed the product development stage and require
further funds to initiate commercial manufacturing and sales but may not be generating
The early stage finance usually takes 4 to 6 years time horizon to realization. Early stage
finance is the earliest in which two of the fundamentals of business are in place i.e. fully
assembled management team and a marketable product. A company needs this round of
finance because of any of the following reasons: -
The firm needs additional equity funds, which are not available from other sources thus
prompting venture capitalist that, have financed the start up stage to provide further
financing. The management risk is shifted from factors internal to the firm (lack of
management, lack of product etc.) to factors external to the firm (competitive pressures,
in sufficient will of financial institutions to provide adequate capital, risk of product
obsolescence etc.)
At this stage, capital needs, both fixed and working capital needs are greatest. Further,
since firms do not have foundation of a trading record, finance will be difficult to obtain
and so Venture capital particularly equity investment without associated debt burden is
key to survival of the business.
a) The early stage firms may have drawn the attention of and
incurred the challenge of a larger competition.
It is the capital provided for marketing and meeting the growing working capital needs of
an enterprise that has commenced the production but does not have positive cash flows
sufficient to take care of its growing needs. Second stage finance, the second trench of
Early State Finance is also referred to as follow on finance and can be defined as the
provision of capital to the firm which has previously been in receipt of external capital but
whose financial needs have subsequently exploded. This may be second or even third
injection of capital.
Second round financing typically comes in after start up and early stage funding and so
have shorter time to maturity, generally ranging from 3 to 7 years. This stage of financing
has both positive and negative reasons.
I Sales appear to be exceeding forecasts and the enterprise needs to acquire assets to
gear up for production volumes greater than forecasts.
II High growth enterprises expand faster than their working capital permit, thus
needing additional finance. Aim is to provide working capital for initial expansion of
an enterprise to meet needs of increasing stocks and receivables.
It is called third stage capital is provided to an enterprise that has established commercial
production and basic marketing set-up, typically for market expansion, acquisition,
product development etc. It is provided for market expansion of the enterprise. The
enterprises eligible for this round of finance have following characteristics.
“Funds are utilized for further plant expansion, marketing, working capital or
development of improved products.” Third stage financing is a mix of equity with debt or
subordinate debt. As it is half way between equity and debt in US it is called “mezzanine”
finance. It is also called last round of finance in run up to the trade sale or public offer.
Venture capitalist s prefer later stage investment vis a vis early stage investments, as the
rate of failure in later stage financing is low. It is because firms at this stage have a past
performance data, track record of management, established procedures of financial
control. The time horizon for realization is shorter, ranging from 3 to 5 years. This helps
the venture capitalists to balance their own portfolio of investment as it provides a
running yield to venture capitalists. Further the loan component in third stage finance
provides tax advantage and superior return to the investors.
At this stage the real market feedback is used to analyze competition. It may be found that
the entrepreneur needs to develop his managerial team for handling growth and managing
a larger business.
Funds are needed for new or larger factories and warehouses, production capacities,
developing improved or new products, developing new markets or entering exports by
enterprise with established business that has already achieved break even and has started
making profits.
Replacement Finance
It means substituting one shareholder for another, rather than raising new capital resulting
in the change of ownership pattern. Venture capitalist purchase shares from the
entrepreneurs and their associates enabling them to reduce their shareholding in unlisted
companies. They also buy ordinary shares from non-promoters and convert them to
preference shares with fixed dividend coupon. Later, on sale of the company or its listing
on stock exchange, these are re-converted to ordinary shares. Thus Venture capitalist
makes a capital gain in a period of 1 to 5 years.
It is a recent development and a new form of investment by venture capitalist. The funds
provided to the current operating management to acquire or purchase a significant share
holding in the business they manage are called management buyout.
It is the most popular form of venture capital amongst later stage financing. It is less risky
as venture capitalist in invests in solid, ongoing and more mature business. The funds are
provided for acquiring and revitalizing an existing product line or division of a major
business. MBO (Management buyout) has low risk as enterprise to be bought have
existed for some time besides having positive cash flow to provide regular returns to the
venture capitalist, who structure their investment by judicious combination of debt and
equity. Of late there has been a gradual shift away from start up and early finance to
wards MBO opportunities. This shift is because of lower risk than start up investments.
Turnaround Finance
It is rare form later stage finance which most of the venture capitalist avoid because of
higher degree of risk. When an established enterprise becomes sick, it needs finance as
well as management assistance foe a major restructuring to revitalize growth of profits.
Unquoted company at an early stage of development often has higher debt than equity; its
cash flows are slowing down due to lack of managerial skill and inability to exploit the
market potential. The sick companies at the later stages of development do not normally
have high debt burden but lack competent staff at various levels. Such enterprises are
compelled to relinquish control to new management. The venture capitalist has to carry
out the recovery process using hands on management in 2 to 5 years. The risk profile and
anticipated rewards are akin to early stage investment.
Bridge Finance
Venture capital investment process is different from normal project financing. In order to
understand the investment process a review of the available literature on venture capital
finance is carried out. Tyebjee and Bruno in 1984 gave a model of venture capital
investment activity which with some variations is commonly used presently.
1. Deal Organization
2. Screening
3. Evaluation or due Diligence
4. Deal Structuring
5. Post Investment Activity and Exit
Deal origination:
VCFs, before going for an in-depth analysis, carry out initial screening of all projects on
the basis of some broad criteria. For example, the screening process may limit projects to
areas in which the venture capitalist is familiar in terms of technology, or product, or
market scope. The size of investment, geographical location and stage of financing could
also be used as the broad screening criteria.
Due Diligence:
Due diligence is the industry jargon for all the activities that are associated with
evaluating an investment proposal. The venture capitalists evaluate the quality of
entrepreneur before appraising the characteristics of the product, market or technology.
Most venture capitalists ask for a business plan to make an assessment of the possible risk
and return on the venture. Business plan contains detailed information about the proposed
venture. The evaluation of ventures by VCFs in India includes;
Preliminary evaluation: The applicant required to provide a brief profile of the proposed
venture to establish prima facie eligibility.
Detailed evaluation: Once the preliminary evaluation is over, the proposal is evaluated in
greater detail. VCFs in India expect the entrepreneur to have:- Integrity, long-term vision,
urge to grow, managerial skills, commercial orientation.
VCFs in India also make the risk analysis of the proposed projects which includes:
Product risk, Market risk, Technological risk and Entrepreneurial risk. The final decision
is taken in terms of the expected risk-return trade-off as shown in Figure.
Deal Structuring:
In this process, the venture capitalist and the venture company negotiate the terms of the
deals, that is, the amount, form and price of the investment. This process is termed as deal
structuring. The agreement also include the venture capitalist's right to control the venture
company and to change its management if needed, buyback arrangements, acquisition,
making initial public offerings (IPOs), etc. Earned out arrangements specify the
entrepreneur's equity share and the objectives to be achieved.
Once the deal has been structured and agreement finalised, the venture capitalist generally
assumes the role of a partner and collaborator. He also gets involved in shaping of the
direction of the venture. The degree of the venture capitalist's involvement depends on his
policy. It may not, however, be desirable for a venture capitalist to get involved in the
day-to-day operation of the venture. If a financial or managerial crisis occurs, the venture
capitalist may intervene, and even install a new management team.
Venture capitalists generally want to cash-out their gains in five to ten years after the
initial investment. They play a positive role in directing the company towards particular
exit routes. A venture may exit in one of the following ways:
There are four ways for a venture capitalist to exit its investment:
Promoter’s Buy-back
The most popular disinvestments route in India is promoter’s buy-back. This route is
suited to Indian conditions because it keeps the ownership and control of the promoter
intact. The obvious limitation, however, is that in a majority of cases the market value of
the shares of the venture firm would have appreciated so much after some years that the
promoter would not be in a financial position to buy them back.
In India, the promoters are invariably given the first option to buy back equity of their
enterprises. For example, RCTC participates in the assisted firm’s equity with suitable
agreement for the promoter to repurchase it. Similarly, Canfina-VCF offers an
opportunity to the promoters to buy back the shares of the assisted firm within an agreed
period at a predetermined price. If the promoter fails to buy back the shares within the
stipulated period, Canfina-VCF would have the discretion to divest them in any manner it
deemed appropriate. SBI capital Markets ensures through examining the personal assets
of the promoters and their associates, which buy back, would be a feasible option. GVFL
would make disinvestments, in consultation with the promoter, usually after the project
has settled down, to a profitable level and the entrepreneur is in a position to avail of
finance under conventional schemes of assistance from banks or other financial
The benefits of disinvestments via the public issue route are, improved marketability and
liquidity, better prospects for capital gains and widely known status of the venture as well
as market control through public share participation. This option has certain limitations in
the Indian context. The promotion of the public issue would be difficult and expensive
since the first generation entrepreneurs are not known in the capital markets. Further,
An active secondary capital market provides the necessary impetus to the success of the
venture capital. VCFs should be able to sell their holdings, and investors should be able to
trade shares conveniently and freely. In the USA, there exist well-developed OTC
markets where dealers trade in shares on telephone/terminal and not on an exchange floor.
This mechanism enables new, small companies which are not otherwise eligible to be
listed on the stock exchange, to enlist on the OTC markets and provides liquidity to
investors. The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
(NASDAQ) in the USA daily quotes over 8000 stock prices of companies backed by
venture capital.
The OTC Exchange in India was established in June 1992. The Government of India had
approved the creation for the Exchange under the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act
in 1989. It has been promoted jointly by UTI, ICICI, SBI Capital Markets, Can bank
Financial Services, GIC, LIC and IDBI. Since this list of market-makers (who will decide
daily prices and appoint dealers for trading) includes most of the public sector venture
financiers, it should pick up fast, and it should be possible for investors to trade in the
securities of new small and medium size enterprises.
The other disinvestments mechanisms such as the management buyouts or sale to other
venture funds are not considered to be appropriate by VCFs in India.
The growth of an enterprise follows a life cycle as shown in the diagram below. The
requirements of funds vary with the life cycle stage of the enterprise. Even before a
business plan is prepared the entrepreneur invests his time and resources in surveying the
market, finding and understanding the target customers and their needs. At the seed stage
the entrepreneur continue to fund the venture with his own or family funds. At this stage
the funds are needed to solicit the consultant’s services in formulation of business plans,
meeting potential customers and technology partners. Next the funds would be required
for development of the product/process and producing prototypes, hiring key people and
building up the managerial team. This is followed by funds for assembling the
manufacturing and marketing facilities in that order. Finally the funds are needed to
expand the business and attaint the critical mass for profit generation. Venture capitalists
cater to the needs of the entrepreneurs at different stages of their enterprises. Depending
upon the stage they finance, venture capitalists are called angel investors, venture
capitalist or private equity supplier/investor.
The players:
Angels are wealthy individuals who invest directly into companies. They can form
angel clubs to coordinate and bundle their activities. Besides the money, angels
often provide their personal knowledge, experience and contacts to support their
investees. With average deals sizes from USD 100,000 to USD 500,000 they
finance companies in their early stages. Examples for angel clubs are · Media
Club, Dinner Club ,· Angel's Forum
These are smaller Venture Capital Companies that mostly provide seed and start-up
capital. The so called "Boutique firms" are often specialised in certain industries or
market segments. Their capitalization is about USD 20 to USD 50 million (is this
deals size or total money under management or money under management per
fund?). As for the small and medium Venture Capital funds strong competition
will clear the marketplace. There will be mergers and acquisitions leading to a
concentration of capital. Funds specialised in different business areas will form
strategic partnerships. Only the more successful funds will be able to attract new
money. Examples are:
· Artemis Comaford
· Abbell Venture Fund
· Acacia Venture Partners
Examples are:
· AIG American International Group
· Cap Vest Man
· 3i
Financial funds:
3.1 Overview
Over the last 18 months, the venture capital industry around the globe has
experienced a welcome acceleration in the mature investment hotbeds – United
States, Europe and Israel – and in the emerging venture capital hotbeds China and
India. Global venture capital investment last year reached US $ 35.2 billion, the
highest level since 2001, and is maintaining a robust pace in year 2007. The
acceleration has been bolstered by the increasing globalization of both venture
capital funds and venture backed companies and a substantial investor focus on
emerging sectors.
As the dotcom market of the late 1990 has gathered the momentum, venture capital
stood at the nexus of hype and hope. In 2000 , they poured nearly $95 billion into
mostly young , untested companies , some no more than ideas, expecting to reap
rich rewards by later selling of these outfits to public .But the bubble burst the
market for the new stock issues tanked --- and by 2003 , venture capital funding
had dwindled to $19 billion.
The VC showed the signs of stabilizing as the industry were bolstered by the
2005’s strong 4th quarter, the financing exceeded the $ 21.5 billion invested in
venture-backed companies in 2004, reaching $22.1billion .While that was far
below 2000’s peak, it represents a more sustainable pace of funding for both
entrepreneurs and investors. In another sign of the industry firming, pension funds,
foundations, and other investors are again getting interested to invest their money
in venture funds, which provided seed money for young companies to grow on.
Prior to World War Two, the source of capital for entrepreneurs everywhere was
either the government, government-sponsored institutions meant to invest in such
ventures, or informal investors (today, termed "angels") that usually had some
prior relationship to the entrepreneur. In general, throughout history private banks,
quite reasonably, have been unwilling to lend money to a newly established firm,
because of the high risk and lack of collateral. After World War Two, in the U.S. a
set of intermediaries emerged who specialized in investing in fledgling firms
having the potential for extremely rapid growth.
From its earliest beginnings on the U.S. East Coast, venture capital gradually
expanded and became an increasingly professionalized institution. During this
period, the locus of the venture capital industry shifted from New York and Boston
on the East Coast to Silicon Valley on the West Coast. By the mid 1980s, the ideal-
typical venture capital firm was based in Silicon Valley and invested largely in
electronics with lesser sums devoted to biomedical technologies. Until the present,
in addition to Silicon Valley, the two other major concentrations have been Boston
and New York City.
In both Europe and Asia, there are significant concentrations of venture capital in
London, Israel, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Tokyo. In the U.S., the government has
played a role in the development of venture capital, though, for the most part, it
was indirect. The indirect role, i.e., the general policies that also benefited the
development of the venture capital industry, was probably the most significant.
Some of the most important of these were:
The U.S. government generally practiced sound monetary and fiscal policies
ensuring relatively low inflation with a stable financial environment and
U.S. tax policy, though it evolved, has been favorable to capital gains, and a
number of decreases in capital gains taxes may have had some positive effect
on the availability of venture capital.
With the exception of a short period in the 1970s, U.S. pension funds have been
allowed to invest prudent amounts in venture capital funds.
The NASDAQ stock market, which has been the exit strategy of choice for
venture capitalists, was strictly regulated and characterized by increasing
openness thus limiting investor's fears of fraud and deception.
Another important policy has been a willingness to invest heavily and continuously
in university research. This investment funded generations of graduate students in
the sciences and engineering. From this research has come trained personnel and
innovations; some of who formed firms that have been funded by venture
capitalists. U.S. universities particularly, MIT, Stanford, and UC Berkeley played a
particularly salient role.
It permitted individuals to form SBICs with private funds as paid-in capital and
then they could borrow money on a two – to – one ratio initially up to
$300,000, i.e., they could use up to $300,000 of SBA-guaranteed money for
their investment of $150,000 in private capital.
There were also tax and other benefits, such as income and a capital gains pass-
through and the allowance of a carried interest as compensation.
The SBIC program became one that many other nations either learned from or
emulated. The SBIC program also provided a vehicle for banks to circumvent the
Depression-Era laws prohibiting commercial banks from owning more than 5
percent of industrial firms. The banks' SBIC subsidiaries allowed them to acquire
equity in small firms. This made even more capital available to fledgling firms,
and was a significant source of capital in the 1960s and 1970s. The final
investment format permitted SBICs to raise money in the public market. For the
most part, these public SBICs failed and/or were liquidated by the mid 1970s.
After the mid 1970s, with the exception of the bank SBICs, the SBIC program was
no longer significant for the venture capital industry
The SBIC program experienced serious problems from its inception. One problem
was that as a government agency it was very bureaucratic having many rules and
regulations that were constantly changing. Despite the corruption, something
valuable also occurred. Namely, and especially, in Silicon Valley, a number of
individuals used their SBICs to leverage their personal capital, and some were so
successful that they were able to reimburse the program and raise institutional
money to become formal venture capitalists. The SBIC program accelerated their
capital accumulation, and as important, government regulations made these new
venture capitalists professionalize their investment activity, which had been
informal prior to entering the program. Now-illustrious firms such as Sutter Hill
Ventures, Institutional Venture Partners, Bank of America Ventures, and Menlo
Ventures began as SBICs
The historical record also indicates that government action can harm venture
capital. The most salient example came in 1973 when the U.S. Congress, in
response to widespread corruption in pension funds, changed Federal pension fund
regulations. In their haste to prohibit pension fund abuses, Congress passed the
Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) making pension fund
managers criminally liable for losses incurred in high-risk investments. This was
interpreted to include venture capital funds; as a result pension managers shunned
venture capital nearly destroying the entire industry.
This was only reversed after active lobbying by the newly created National
Venture Capital Association (NVCA). In 1977, it succeeded in starting a gradual
loosening process that was completed in 1982. The new interpretation of these
pension fund guidelines contributed to first a trickle then a flood of new money
into venture capital funds. The most successful case of the export of Silicon
Valley-style venture capital practice is Israel where the government played an
important role in encouraging the growth of venture capital.
For example, the well-known U.S. venture capitalist, Fred Adler, began investing
in Israeli startups in the early 1970s, and in 1985 was involved in forming the first
Israeli venture capital fund. Still, the creation of an Israeli venture capital industry
would wait until the 1990s, when the government funded an organization, Yozma,
to encourage venture capital in Israel.
Yozma received $100 million from the Israeli government. It invested $8 million in
ten funds that were required to raise another $12 million each from "a significant
foreign partner," presumably an overseas venture capital firm. Yozma also retained
$20 million to invest itself. These “sibling” funds were the backbone of a now
vibrant community that invested in excess of $1 billion in Israel in 1999
(Pricewaterhouse 2000). In the U.S., venture capital emerged through an organic
trial-and-error process, and the role of the government was limited and
contradictory. In Israel the government played a vital role in a supportive
environment in which private-sector venture capital had already emerged.
The role of government differs. In the U.S. the most important role of the
government was indirect, in Israel it was largely positive in assisting the growth of
venture capital, in India the role of the government has had to be proactive in
removing barriers (Dossani and Kenney 2001).
In every nation, the state has played some role in the development of venture
capital. Venture capital is a very sensitive institutional form due to the high-risk
nature of its investments, so the state must be careful to ensure its policies do not
adversely affect its venture capitalists. Put differently, capricious governmental
action injects extra risk into the investment equation. However, judicious, well-
planned government policies to create incentives for private sector involvement
have in the appropriate lead to the establishment of what became an independent
self-sustaining venture capital industry.
Industry shifts
The information and technology pool has declined by just 6% since 2002;
particularly due to increasing Interest in WEB 2.0 innovations.
Since 2003, the IT pool has decreased by 27% in Europe and since 2004 17%
in Israel. Cumulative investment has declined in similar amounts.
The business, consumer and retail category has faced the steepest declines
across the board. In US the number had fallen 54% since 2002 and 54% in
Europe since 2003 .In Israel; it dropped 67% since 2004.
The number of healthcare companies has grown in U.S. since 2002 by 27% and
the capital risen 30% in last five years. Capital investment to the pool of
healthcare companies in Europe and Israel has also climbed, although the
number of companies dropped by 9%in Europe since 2003 and 9% in Israel
since 2004.
Clean technology is a small but increasing element of the pool. There were 262
clean technology companies with a cumulative invested venture capital of US
$38 billion in 2007.
Mega trends
Several global mega trends will likely have an impact on venture capital in the
next decade:-
Beyond the BRICs: - A new wave of fast growing economies is joining the
global growth leaders like Brazil, China, India, and Russia. The beginning of
venture capital activity has been seen in others countries such as Indonesia,
Korea, Turkey and Vietnam.
Transformation of the CFO’s role and function:- With the globalization and
increasingly complex regulatory environment, CFOs have a wider range of
responsibilities and finance function has been transformed to face broader
The 2007 Global Venture Capital Survey was sponsored by Deloitte & Touche LLP
in conjunction with the National Venture Capital Association and other venture
capital associations* throughout the world. It was administered in April and May
2007 to venture capitalists (VCs) in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle
East, and Africa.
There were 528 responses from general partners, with 45 percent of respondents
from the United States and 31 percent from Europe. A complete geographic
breakdown of respondents is as follows:
The breadth of assets under management by these respondents was varied. The
highest number of respondents—42 percent—had managed assets totaling less
than $100 million; 35 percent managed assets between $100 million and $499
million; 12 percent managed assets between $500 million to $1 billion; and 11
percent more than $1 billion in assets under management
There are 13 % respondents from APAC in which China, India, Japan, South
Korea, other Asia. 45% respondents from Middle East include Israel and other area
of Middle East.
We may live in a global economy, but the venture capital community is not broadly
embracing global investment. Rather, roughly half of the venture community has
made a commitment to a global investment strategy and those firms are
implementing that strategy slowly and cautiously. The intentions for growth of
foreign investment, as demonstrated by this year’s survey data, are modest at best.
Figure: 3.2 Percentage of venture capitalist currently investing outside home country
(U.S. respondents)
Figure: 3.3 Percentage of venture capitalist currently investing outside home country
(Non U.S. respondents)
Among U.S. investors, 54 percent indicated that they would be expanding their
investment focus outside of their home country or region in the next five years.
Adequate deal flow in their home country was the reason indicated most for not
wanting to expand globally.
dipping a toe in with one or two deals. This cautious approach allows the venture
firms to further assess the investment environment, evaluate how their strategy
may need to be adjusted and how critical challenges, such as tax and intellectual
property issues impact overall performance.
70 63
58 58
60 55
50 51 52
50 44
40 40 41 41
40 34 36
33 33
20 14
11 12
7 7 8 6 8 6
strategic invest only acquire require require relocate HQ open new hire im vest in
alliances w ith other foreign partners to partners to of portfolio offices in investm ent local
w ith foreign investors based firm s travel m ore transfer to be foreign staff w ith portfolio co.
firm s that have a foreign near our location expertise in w ith
local location firm target significant
presence countries operations
Figure: 3.4 Current business practices used by venture capitalist to manage foreign investment
3.6 China, India, Israel and Canada are primary target countries for
1-2 investment
3-5 investment
6-10 investment
23% 16+ investment
Allocations by U.S. and non-U.S. firms alike for the most part represent less than 5
percent of capital invested overseas in fewer than three to five deals. Survey results
indicate that there will not be significant change during the next five years.
other Asia
other Europe
11% others
Here from the above chart we can see that the highest percent of respondents are
interested in China for setting up their businesses. India is the second choice for
the global investors.
3 3
37 U.S.
While China, India, Israel, and Canada are by far the most seductive target markets
for investment by U.S. firms, venture capitalists in non-US countries have a
different focus. By far the greatest contrast is among European respondents, who
indicated a strong preference for investing in other parts of Europe (67 percent)
and the United States (17 percent), with the remainder focused on Asia. Asian
respondents had a similar level of interest in the United States (18 percent), but
looked primarily inward to other Asian countries (78 percent), with the remainder
focused on the Middle East. This data shows that while non-U.S. investors are
interested in making deals outside of their home countries, there’s still a desire to
remain somewhat close to home and do business with cultures close to theirs. Most
of APAC respondents like to investment china and other Asia. There is 3% ready to
invest in South Korea, Japan and South Korea.
The survey findings indicate that global investing will broaden among U.S. VC firms at a
slow pace for the foreseeable future. Of those VCs who indicated they currently have
capital deployed abroad, more than half of U.S. respondents (54 percent) expect to
expand their global investment focus over the next five years, and 61 percent of non-U.S.
firms also see a future in investing outside of their home country. Not surprising, larger
VC firms are most likely to be investing outside the United States and plan to increase
their overseas investment. In fact, 85 percent of U.S. firms and 92 percent of non-U.S.
firms with capital management over $1 billion indicated plans to increase their foreign
investments. Interestingly, among mid-size firms, 47 percent of the VCs with $100 to
$499 million capital under management are investing outside the U.S. This underscores
100 92
86 85
80 65 68 69 65
55 58
60 48 47
40 34
Less than $100 $100-$499 $500-$1 billion Greater than $1
million million billion
Among the primary reasons VCs around the world are interested in investing
globally is to take advantage of higher quality deal flow—particularly in the
United States, China, parts of Europe, and Israel. This is especially true for non-
U.S. firms. A second reason is the emergence of an entrepreneurial environment,
again and notably in China, but also India. Among U.S. firms, this latter rationale
is the most significant motivation for investing globally. Other motivators include
access to quality entrepreneurs, diversification of industry and geographic risk and
access to foreign markets.
diversification of
geographic risk
Above chart reveals that 19% U.S respondents are expand globally for generating high
quality deal flow. And 31% believe that they expand globally for getting benefit of
emergence of entrepreneurial environment. While 17% respondents of non U.S are
expand globally for diversification of industry and geographic risk. All respondents are
least concerned about low cost of locations.
Figure: 3.10 Percentage of venture capital firms portfolio companies that give significant
operation outside the country
Globally and among U.S. respondents, China has become the primary choice for
relocating manufacturing operations, while India is the primary choice for R&D
operations. Engineering operations tend to land in India as well, but China is also a
popular location. For back office activities, again, the choice is India. However, for
non-U.S. respondents, the United States is the primary choice for R&D and
engineering while European respondents preferred Central and Eastern Europe for
manufacturing, R&D, and Engineering.
One reason why this approach is taking off is that investors are concerned about
intellectual property and liquidity events—and, in general, they feel a need to be
closer to top management. This also reflects a new reality—that VCs are now
investing in companies that operate globally from day one— companies that reflect
a larger global entrepreneurial sector. This strategy allows the portfolio companies
(and investors) to take advantage of cost savings and access to talent in foreign
markets while protecting intellectual property. There are, however, concerns that
such a trend could result in the U.S. losing its R&D edge.
UK & Ireland
Figure: 3.11 Top markets where the cost of complying with corporate governance
regulation too high
From the above chart we can see that most of the respondents believe that U.S. has
high cost of complying with Corporate Governance regulation and china, india
,Israel and Canada cost of complying with corporate governance regulation too
The first major analysis on risk capital for India was reported in 1983. It indicated that
new companies often confront serious barriers to entry into capital market for raising
equity finance which undermines their future prospects of expansion and diversification.
It also indicated that on the whole there is a need to revive the equity cult among the
masses by ensuring competitive return on equity investment. This brought out the
institutional inadequacies with respect to the evolution of venture capital.
In India, the Industrial finance Corporation of India (IFCI) initiated the idea of VC when
it established the Risk Capital Foundation in 1975 to provide seed capital to small and
risky projects. However the concept of VC financing got statutory recognition for the first
time in the fiscal budget for the year 1986-87.
The Venture Capital companies operating at present can be divided into four groups:
• Promoted by All – India Development Financial Institutions
• Promoted by State Level Financial Institutions
• Promoted by Commercial banks
• Private venture Capitalists.
The IDBI started a VC fund in 19876 as per the long term fiscal policy of government of
India, with an initial capital of Rs. 10 cr which raised by imposing a cess of 5% on all
payments made for the import of technology know- how projects requiring funds from
rs.5 lacs to rs 2.5 cr were considered for financing. Promoter’s contribution ranged from
this fund was available at a concessional interest rate of 9% ( during gestation period)
which could be increased at later stages.
The ICICI provided the required impetus to VC activities in India, 1986, it started
providing VC finance in 1998 it promoted, along with the Unit Trust of India (UTI)
Technology Development and Information Company of India (TDICI) as the first VC
company registered under the companies act, 1956. The TDICI may provide financial
assistance to venture capital undertakings which are set up by technocrat entrepreneurs, or
technology information and guidance services.
The risk capital foundation established by the industrial finance corporation of India
(IFCI) in 1975, was converted in 1988 into the Risk Capital and Technology Finance
company (RCTC) as a subsidiary company of the ifci the rctc provides assistance in the
form of conventional loans, interest –free conditional loans on profit and risk sharing
basis or equity participation in extends financial supoort to high technology projects for
technological upgradations. The RCTC has been renamed as IFCI Venture Capital Funds
In India, the State Level financial institutions in some states such as Madhya Pradesh,
Gujarat, Uttar Prades, etc., have done an excellent job and have provided VC to a small
scale enterprises. Several successful entrepreneurs have been the beneficiaries of the
The government of Andhra Pradesh has also promoted the Andhra Pradesh Industrial
Development Corporation (APIDC) venture capital ltd. To provide VC financing in
Andhra Pradesh.
Canbank Venture Capital Fund, State Bank Venture Capital Fund and Grindlays bank
Venture Capital Fund have been set up by the respective commercial banks to undertake
vc activities.
The State Bank Venture Capital Funds provides financial assistance for bought –out deal
as well as new companies in the form of equity which it disinvests after the
commercialization of the project.
Canbank Venture Capital Fund provides financial assistance for proven but yet to b
commercially exploited technologies. It provides assistance both in the form of equity and
conditional loans.
Several private sector venture capital funds have been established in India such as the 20 th
Centure Venture Capital Company, Indus Venture Capital Fund, Infrastructure Leasing
and Financial Services Ltd.
Some of the companies that have received funding through this route include:
• Mastek, on of the oldest softwear house in India
• Ruskan software, Pune based software consultancy
• SQL Star, Hyderabad-based training and software development consultancy
• Satyam infoway, the first private ISP in India
• Hinditron, makers of embedded software
• Selectia, provider of interactive software selectior
• Yantra, ITLInfosy’s US subsidiary, solution for supply chain management
• Rediff on the Net, Indian website featuring electronic shopping, news,chat etc.
From the industry life cyle we can know in which stage we are standing. On the
basis of this management can make future strategies of their business.
4.2.1 Phase I - Formation of TDICI in the 80’s and regional funds as GVFL & APIDC in
the early 90s.
The first origins of modern venture capital in India can be traced to the setting up of a
Technology Development Fund in the year 1987-88, through the levy of access on all
technology import payments. Technology Development Fund was started to provide
financial support to innovative and high risk technological programmes through the
Industrial Development Bank of India.
The first phase was the initial phase in which the concept of VC got wider acceptance.
The first period did not really experience any substantial growth of VCs’. The 1980’s
were marked by an increasing disillusionment with the trajectory of the economic system
and a belief that liberalization was needed. The liberalization process started in 1985 in a
limited way. The concept of venture capital received official recognition in 1988 with the
announcement of the venture capital guidelines.
corporate rate. The 1988 guidelines stipulated that VC funding firms should meet the
following criteria:
Technology involved should be new, relatively untried, very closely held, in the
process of being taken from pilot to commercial stage or incorporate some significant
improvement over the existing ones in India
Between 1988 and 1994 about 11 VC funds became operational either through
reorganizing the businesses or through new entities.
All these followed the Government of India guidelines for venture capital activities and
have primarily supported technology oriented innovative businesses started by first
generation entrepreneurs. Most of these were operated more like a financing operation.
The main feature of this phase was that the concept got accepted. VCs became operational
in India before the liberalization process started. The context was not fully ripe for the
growth of VCs. Till 1995; the VCs operated like any bank but provided funds without
collateral. The first stage of the venture capital industry in India was plagued by in
experienced management, mandates to invest in certain states and sectors and general
regulatory problems. Many public issues by small and medium companies have shown
that the Indian investor is becoming increasingly wary of investing in the projects of new
and unknown promoters.
The liberation of the economy and toning up of the capital market changed the economic
landscape. The decisions relating to issue of stocks and shares was handled by an office
namely: Controller of Capital Issues (CCI). According to 1988 VC guideline, any
organization requiring to start venture funds have to forward an application to CCI.
Subsequent to the liberalization of the economy in 1991, the office of CCI was abolished
in May 1992 and the powers were vested in Securities and Exchange Board of India. The
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 empowers SEBI under section 11(2)
thereof to register and regulate the working of venture capital funds. This was done in
1996, through a government notification. The power to control venture funds has been
given to SEBI only in 1995 and the notification came out in 1996. Till this time, venture
funds were dominated by Indian firms. The new regulations became the harbinger of the
second phase of the VC growth.
4.2.2 Phase II - Entry of Foreign Venture Capital funds (VCF) between 1995 -1999
The second phase of VC growth attracted many foreign institutional investors.During this
period overseas and private domestic venture capitalists began investing in VCF. The new
regulations in 1996 helped in this. Though the changes proposed in 1996 had a salutary
effect, the development of venture capital continued to be inhibited because of the
regulatory regime and restricted the FDI environment. To facilitate the growth of venture
funds, SEBI appointed a committee to recommend the changes needed in the VC funding
context. This coincided with the IT boom as well as the success of Silicon Valley start-
ups. In other words, VC growth and IT growth co-evolved in India
4.2.3 Phase III - (2000 onwards) - VC becomes risk averse and activity declines:
Not surprisingly, the investing in India came “crashing down” when NASDAQ lost 60%
of its value during the second quarter of 2000 and other public markets (including those in
India) also declined substantially. Consequently, during 2001-2003, the VCs started
investing less money and in more mature companies in an effort to minimize the risks.
This decline broadly continued until 2003.
4.2.4 Phase IV – 2004 onwards - Global VCs firms actively investing in India
Since India’s economy has been growing at 7%-8% a year, and since some sectors,
including the services sector and the high-end manufacturing sector, have been growing at
12%-14% a year, investors renewed their interest and started investing again in 2004. The
number of deals and the total dollars invested in India has been increasing substantially.
Growth of VC in India
USD Million No. of Deals
16000 450
14000 387 400
299 300
10000 280
8000 7500
6000 170
146 150
4000 110 71
78 2200
2000 1160 937 1650 50
591 470
0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1st half
of 2008
Value of deals No.of deals
The venture capital is growing 43% CAGR. However, in spite of the venture
capital scenario improving, several specific VC funds are setting up shop in India,
with the year 2006 having been a landmark year for VC funding in India. The total
deal value in 2007 is 14234 USD Million. The NO. of deals are increasing year by
S.V .Institute Of Management, Kadi 47
MRP on “venture capital industry in India”
year. The no. of deals in 2006 only 56 and now in 2007 it touch the 387 deals. The
introduction stage of venture capital industry in India is completed in 2003 after
that growing stage of Indian venture capital industry is started.
There are 160 venture capital firms/funds in India. In 2006 it is only but in 2007
the number of venture capital firms are 146. The reason is good position of capital
market. But in 2008 no. of venture capital firms increase by only 14. the reason is
crashdown of capital market by 51% from January to November 2008. The No. of
venture capital funds are increasing year by year.
Venture capital growth and industrial clustering have a strong positive correlation.
Foreign direct investment, starting of R&D centres, availability of venture capital
and growth of entrepreneurial firms are getting concentrated into five clusters. The
cost of monitoring and the cost of skill acquisition are lower in clusters, especially
for innovation. Entry costs are also lower in clusters. Creating entrepreneurship
and stimulating innovation in clusters have to become a major concern of public
policy makers. This is essential because only when the cultural context is
conducive for risk management venture capital will take-of. Clusters support
innovation and facilitates risk bearing. VCs prefer clusters because the information
costs are lower. Policies for promoting dispersion of industries are becoming
redundant after the economic liberalization.
The venture capital firm invest their money in most developing sectors like health
care, IT-ITes,, telecom, Bio-technology, Media& Entretainment, shipping &
ligistics etc.
IT&ITES Manufacturing
BFSI Eng & Construction
Healthcare & lifesciences Energy
Media&Entertinment Shipping&Logistics
Telecom Others
Now venture capital is nascent stage in india. Now due to growth of this sector, the
venture capital industry is also grow. The top most player in the industries are
ICICI venture capital fund, Avishhkar venture capital fund, IL&FS venture capital
fund, Canbank.
Venture Capital firms invested $274 million over 49 deals in India during the three
months ending September 2008. The VC investment activity during the period was
significantly higher compared to the same quarter last year (which had witnessed 36
investments worth $252 million) as well as the immediate previous quarter ($165 million
invested across 28 deals).
The latest numbers take the total VC investments in the first nine months of 2008 to $661
million (across 108 deals) as against the $648 million (across 97 deals) during the
corresponding period in 2007.
Information Technology and IT-Enabled Services (IT & ITES) industry retained its status
as the favorite among VC investors during Q3 ’08.
VC Investments by Industry
Industry Volume No. of Deals Value Q3’ (US $ M)
Q3 ‘ 08 08 YTD
IT & ITES 25 58 147 361
BFSI 5 8 34 54
Engg & Construction 3 4 23 33
Healthcare & Life 6 12 4 52
Education 2 3 17 23
Other Services 1 6 15 29
Manufacturing 2 2 13 13
Media 2 5 11 19
Energy 2 6 6 48
Travel & Transport 1 2 4 14
Retail - 1 - 10
Telecom - 1 - 5
Led by the $12 million investment by Bellwether and others into Chennai-based
microfinance firm Equitas, BFSI emerged as the second largest (in value terms) for VC
investments during the period. Other microfinance firms that attracted investments during
Q3 ’08 included Kolkata-based Arohan Financial Services (which raised funding from
Lok Capital and others) and Guwahati-based Asomi Finance (IFC and Aavishkaar
5% 4% 2%1%
2% 54%
Engg & Construction Healthcare & Life Sciences
Education Other Services
Manufacturing Media
Energy Travel & Transport
About 67% of VC investments during Q3 ‘08 were in the early stage segment.
VC Investments by Stage
Stage of Company Volume Value
Q3 '08 YTD Q3 '08 YTD
Early 33 67 172 339
Growth 16 41 102 322
Few reasons for which active Venture Capital Industry is important for India include:
Creating new industry clusters: Media, Retail, Call Centers and back office
processing, trickling down to organized effort of support services like office services,
catering, transportation
Definition of Venture Capital Fund : The Venture Capital Fund is now defined as a fund
established in the form of a Trust, a company including a body corporate and registered
with SEBI which:
Minimum contribution and fund size : the minimum investment in a Venture Capital
Fund from any investor will not be less than Rs. 5 lacs and the minimum corpus of the
fund before the fund can start activities shall be at least Rs. 5 crores.
Investment Criteria : The earlier investment criteria has been substituted by a new
investment criteria which has the following requirements :
It has also been provided that Venture Capital Fund seeking to avail benefit under the
relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act will be required to divest from the investment
within a period of one year from the listing of the Venture Capital Undertaking.
Disclosure and Information to Investors: In order to simplify and expedite the process
of fund raising, the requirement of filing the Placement memorandum with SEBI is
dispensed with and instead the fund will be required to submit a copy of Placement
Memorandum/ copy of contribution agreement entered with the investors along with the
details of the fund raised for information to SEBI. Further, the contents of the Placement
Memorandum are strengthened to provide adequate disclosure and information to
investors. SEBI will also prescribe suitable reporting requirement from the fund on their
investment activity.
QIB status for Venture Capital Funds: The venture capital funds will be eligible to
participate in the IPO through book building route as Qualified Institutional Buyer subject
to compliance with the SEBI (Venture Capital Fund) Regulations.
Relaxation in Takeover Code: The acquisition of shares by the company or any of the
promoters from the Venture Capital Fund under the terms of agreement shall be treated on
the same footing as that of acquisition of shares by promoters/companies from the state
level financial institutions and shall be exempt from making an open offer to other
The following will be the salient features of SEBI (Foreign Venture Capital
Investors) Regulations, 2000 :
Eligibility Criteria : Entity incorporated and established outside India in the form of
investment company, trust, partnership, pension fund, mutual fund, university fund,
endowment fund, asset management company, investment manager, investment
management company or other investment vehicle incorporated outside India would be
eligible for seeking registration from SEBI. SEBI for the purpose of registration shall
consider whether the applicant is regulated by an appropriate foreign regulatory authority;
or is an income tax payer; or submits a certificate from its banker of its or its promoters’
track record where the applicant is neither a regulated entity nor an income tax payer.
Investment Criteria:
Hassle Free Entry and Exit: The Foreign Venture Capital Investors proposing to make
venture capital investment under the Regulations would be granted registration by SEBI.
SEBI registered Foreign Venture Capital Investors shall be permitted to make investment
on an automatic route within the overall sectoral ceiling of foreign investment under
Annexure III of Statement of Industrial Policy without any approval from FIPB. Further,
SEBI registered FVCIs shall be granted a general permission from the exchange control
angle for inflow and outflow of funds and no prior approval of RBI would be required for
pricing, however, there would be ex-post reporting requirement for the amount transacted.
Trading in unlisted equity : The Board also approved the proposal to permit OTCEI to
develop a trading window for unlisted securities where Qualified Institutional Buyers
(QIB) would be permitted to participate.
Equity: All VCFs in India provide equity but generally their contribution does not exceed
49 percent of the total equity capital. Thus, the effective control and majority ownership
of the firm remains with the entrepreneur. They buy shares of an enterprise with an
intention to ultimately sell them off to make capital gains.
Conditional Loan: It is repayable in the form of a royalty after the venture is able to
generate sales. No interest is paid on such loans. In India, VCFs charge royalty ranging
between 2 to 15 percent; actual rate depends on other factors of the venture such as
gestation period, cost-flow patterns, riskiness and other factors of the enterprise.
Income Note : It is a hybrid security which combines the features of both conventional
loan and conditional loan. The entrepreneur has to pay both interest and royalty on sales,
but at substantially low rates.
Other Financing Methods: A few venture capitalists, particularly in the private sector,
have started introducing innovative financial securities like participating debentures,
introduced by TCFC is an example.
Ideal entrepreneur
A venture capital (VC) who is financing the firm would as the first necessity assess and
gauge the promoters. Because in the case of start-up where the product or the technology
is yet to be tested, the only thing they can trust and their investment on the people behind
it. While investing in a company what a VC is essentially looking for is a partnership and
therefore the first decision making criterion is the character and personality of the
Besides the ideal entrepreneur, the investor tries to ensure the following for himself.
Entrepreneurs who need VC financing for their enterprises should have sufficient
information to be able to choose a VC company or fund suitable for their requirement and
have a broad understanding of the procedures required to be followed for obtaining
financial assistance at different stages of implementation of their projects.Basically they
need to develop a business plan or prototype to get venture finance.
The business plan is document that conveys a company’s prospects and growth potential,
and thereby sells the business to potential backers. The process is to be managed just as
most other business task is managed. It requires advance preparation, delegation,
refinement, and disciplines do most important business functions.
Companies are increasingly being called on to provide written business plans, financial
backers, especially VCs and other private investors , have long sought business plans
before making investment decisions. In addition, organization and individuals considering
long term relationships with the companies, large customers, suppliers and distributors are
much more inclined to seek written plans.
The business plan process involves gathering accurate and convincing information as well
as carefully outlining the plan before writing. Executives should also determine what kind
of plan they need, ranging from a summary plan full plan or an operating plan.
Once all these considerations have been formulated, the plan is ready for final rewriting
and presentation. Extensive editing is recommended, along with careful attention to
presentation details like the cover and concerns of its likely reader’s .perhaps most
important, the plan should be used to guide the company. Thus it should be reviewed and
In project appraisal, feasibility of the project is assessed from different angels with stress
on production process and marketability, as the lending institutions are backed by the
security of movable and immovable assets of the borrower and chiefly concerned with the
return of the investment with interest. In venture capital financing the venture capitalist
has a different approach because of equity participation, risk sharing and involvement in
the management of project. Investment by a venture capitalist indifferent stage of
enterprise calls for an analysis of factors related to each stage.
1. Analysis of management.
2. Analysis of organization pattern.
3. Analysis of production process.
4. Analysis of marketing & sales.
5. Financial analysis and projections.
6. Analysis of reference information.
Low High
Level of Risk
If we’ are struggling to find success in our quest for venture capital, may be we are
looking in the wrong place. Venture capital is not for everybody. For starters,
venture capitalists tend to be very picky about where they invest. They are looking
for something to dump a lot of money into (usually no less than $1 million) that
will pour even more money right back at them in a short amount of time (typically
3-7 years). We may be planning for a steady growth rate as opposed to the
booming, overnight success that venture capitalists tend to gravitate toward. We
may not be able to turn around as large of a profit as they are looking for in quick
enough time. We may not need the amount of money that they offer or our
business may simply not be big enough.
Simply put, venture capital is not the right fit for our business and there are plenty
of other options available when it comes to finding capital.
1. Angels
Most venture capital funds will not consider investing in anything under $1 million
to $2 million. Angels, however, are wealthy individuals who will provide capital
for a startup business. These investors have usually earned their money as
entrepreneurs and business managers and can serve as a prime resource for advice
on top of capital. On the other hand, due to typically limited resources, angels
usually have a shorter investment horizon than venture capitalists and tend to have
less tolerance for losses.
2. Private Placement
An investment bank or agent may be able to raise equity for our company by
placing our unregistered securities with accredited investors. However, you should
be aware that the fees and expenses associated with this practice are generally
higher than those that come with venture and angel investors. We will likely
receive little or no business counsel from private investors who also tend to have
little tolerance for losses and under-performance.
If we are somehow able to gain access to public equity markets than an initial
public offering (IPO) can be an effective way to raise capital. Keep in mind that,
while the public market’s high valuations, abundant capital and liquidity
characteristics make it attractive, the transaction costs are high and there are
ongoing legal expenses associated with public disclosure requirements.
1. Bootstrap Financing
This method is intended to develop a foundation for your business from scratch.
Financial management is essential to make this work. With bootstrap financing
you’re building a business from nothing, which means there is little to no margin
for error in the finance department. Keep a rigid account of all transactions and
don’t stray from your budget.
Factoring, which generates cash flow through the sale of your accounts receivable
to a “factor” at a discounted price forscash.
Trade Credit is an option if you are able to find a vendor or supplier that will
allow you to order goods on net 30, 60 or 90 day terms. If you can sell the goods
before the bill comes due then you have generated cash flow without spending
anysmoney. Customers can pay you up front our services.
Look for ways to tweak your business in order to reduce the cash flowing out and
increase the cash flowing in. Funding found in business operations come free of
finance charges, can reduce future financing charges and can increase the value of
your business. Month-by-month operating and cash projections will show how
well we have planned, how you can optimize the elements of your business that
generate cash and allow you to plan for new investments and contingencies.
3. Licensing
4. Vendor Financing
Similar to the trade credit related to bootstrap financing, vendors can play a big
role in financing your new business. Establish vendor relationships through our
trade association and strike deals to offer their product and pay for it at a date in
the near future. Selling the product in time is up to us. In hopes of keeping you as a
customer, vendors may also be willing to work out an arrangement if we need to
finance equipment or supplies. Just make sure to look for stability when you
research a vendor’s credentials and reputation before you sign any kind of
agreement. And keep in mind that many major suppliers (GE Small Business
Solutions, IBM Global Financing) own financial companies that can help you.
5. Self Funding
Search between the couch cushions and in old jacket pockets for whatever extra
money you might have lying around and invest it into your business. Obviously
loose change will not be enough for extra business funding, but take a look at your
savings, investment portfolio, retirement funds and employee buyout options from
your previous employer. You won’t have to deal with any creditors or interest and
the return on your investment could be much higher.
However, make sure that you consider the risks involved with using your own
resources. How competitive is the market that you are about to enter into? How
long will it take to pay yourself back? Will you be able to pay yourself back? Can
you afford to lose everything that you are investing if your business were to fail?
It’s important that your projected returns are more than enough to cover the risk
that you will be taking.
Coordinated by the SBA, SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) and STTR
(Small business Technology Transfer) programs offer competitive federal funding
awards to stimulate technological innovation and provide opportunities for small
businesses. You can learn more about these programs at
7. State Funding
If you’re not having any luck finding funding from the federal government take a
look at what your state has to offer. There is a list of links to state development
agencies that offer an array of grants and financial assistance for small
8. Community Banks
These smaller banks may have fewer products than their financial institution
counterparts but they offer a great opportunity to build banking relationships and
are generally more flexible with payment plans and interest rates.
9. Microloans
These types of loans can range from hundreds of dollars to low six-figure amounts.
Although some lenders regard microloans to be a waste of time because the
amount is so low, these can be a real boon for a startup business or one that just
needs to add some extra cash flow.
It may be more expensive in the long run than purchasing, but financing your
equipment, facilities and receivables can free up cash in the short term or reduce
the amount of money that you need to raise.
11. Friends
Ask your friends if they have any extra money that they would like to invest.
Assure them that you will pay them back with interest or offer them stock options
or a share of the profits in return.
12. Family
Maybe you have a rich uncle or a wealthy cousin that would be willing to lend you
some money get your business running or send it to the next level. Again, make it
worth their while by offering interest, stocks or a share of the profits.
Aligning your business with a corporation can produce funding from upfront or
access fees to your service, milestone payments and royalties. In addition,
corporate partners may be able to provide research funding, loans and equity
Find an interested party to buy some of your assets (computers, equipment, real
estate, etc…) and then lease them back to you. This provides an instant source of
cash and you will still be able to use whatever assets you need.
If your business has positive cash flow and has proven that it will cover its debts
then you may be eligible for a business line of credit. This type of financing is a
common service offered by most business banks and serves as business capital, up
to an agreed upon amount, that you can access at any time.
Using personal credit cards to finance a business can be risky but, if you take the
right approach, they can also give your business a lift. You should only consider
using this type of financing for acquiring assets and working capital. Never
consider this to be a long-term option. Once your company breaks even or moves
into the black, ditch the credit cards and move toward traditional bank financing or
lease agreements.
Business credit cards carry similar risks as personal credit cards but tend to be a
safer alternative. While the activity on this card goes toward your credit report, a
business credit card can help you to build business credit, keep your business
expenses separate from your personal expenses and can make tax season easier to
• The Indian Trust Act, 1882 or the company Act,1956 depending on whether
the fund is set up as a trust or a company.
• The foreign investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and the RBI in case of an
offshore fund. These funds have to secure the permission of the FIPB while
setting up in India and need a clearance from the RBI for any repatriation of
• The Central Board of Direct Taxation(CBDT) governs the issues pertaining
to income tax on the proceed from VC funding activity. The long term
capital gain tax is at around 10% in India and the relevant clauses to VC
may be found in Section 10(sub section 23)
• SEBI (VCF) Reg. 1996 • FEMA, 1999 • FDI policy • IT Act, 1961
• SEBI(FVCI) Reg.2000 • Transfer or issue • Investment • DTAA
• SCR Act.1956 of security by a approvals Singapore
• SEBI(SAST) Reg.1997 person resident • Press Notes Mauritius
• SEBI(DIP)Guidelines,20 outside India Others
00 regulation 2000
• SEBI Act,1992
Short term capital gain: Rate of tax on short term capital gains under
Section 111A & Section 115AD increased to 15 per cent from earlier 10%
It has also been provided that Venture Capital Fund seeking to avail benefit under
the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act will be required to divest from the
investment within a period of one year from the listing of the Venture Capital
QIB status for Venture Capital Funds: The venture capital funds will be
eligible to participate in the IPO through book building route as Qualified
Institutional Buyer subject to compliance with the SEBI (Venture Capital Fund)
With a view to augment the availability of Venture Capital, the Government has
decided to allow overseas venture capital investments in India subject to suitable
guidelines as outlined below :
c. Once the initial FIPB approval has been obtained, the subsequent
investment b y the domestic venture capital company/fund in Indian
companies will not require FIPB approval. Such investments will be limited
only by the general restriction applicable to venture capital companies viz.-
i. A minimum lock-in period of three years will apply to all such
ii. VCFs and VCCs shall invest only in unlisted companies and their
investment shall be limited to 40% of the paid up capital of the
company. The ceiling will be subject to relevant equity investment
limits that may be in force from time to time in relation to areas
reserved for the Small Scale Sector.
iii. Investment in any single company by a VCF/VCC shall not exceed
20% of the paid-up corpus of the domestic VCF/VCC.
d. The tax exemption available to domestic VCFs and VCCs under Section
10(23F) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, will also be extended to domestic
VCFs and VCCs which attract overseas venture capital investments
provided these VCFs/VCCs conform to the guidelines applicable for
domestic VCFs/VCCs. However, if the VCF/VCC is willing to forego the
tax exemptions available under Section 10(23F) of the Income Tax Act, it
would be within its rights to invest in any sector.
f. Offshore investors may also invest directly in the equity of unlisted Indian
companies without going through the route of a domestic VCF/VCC.
However, in such cases each investment will be treated as a separate act of
foreign investment and will require separate approval as required under the
general policy for foreign investment proposals.
Foreign funds investing in India directly into Indian portfolio companies will not
be affected by the proposed amendment. As most of these funds have been set up
in tax neutral jurisdictions like Mauritius, they will continue to enjoy tax
exemption on capital gains tax under the Double Tax Avoidance Agreements,
effectively getting the equivalent of a “pass through” notwithstanding which sector
they invest in.
The exist route available to the venture capitalist were restricted to the IPO route.
Pricing of the issue was dependent on Controller of Capital Issues (CCI)
regulations before deregulations. Many of the issues were underpriced. Failure of
OTCEOI so small companies could not hope for BSE/NSE listing.
The SEBI norms for an IPO by a Venture Capital company / fund be relaxed. The
requirement of three years track record should be waived off for a Venture Capital
company / fund registered with SEBI. This will help the Venture Capital company /
fund to generate resources locally.
SEBI registered VCFs have been permitted to invest in equity and equity
linked instruments of offshore venture capital undertakings, subject to overall
limit of USD 500 million and with prior SEBI approval. Investment can be
made only in those companies which have an Indian connection and the
investment can not exceed 10% of the VCFs investible funds.
As per Union Budget 2007 and its broad guidelines, Government proposed to limit
pass-through status to venture capital funds (VCFs) making investment in nine
areas. These nine areas are biotechnology, information technology,
nanotechnology, seed research and development, R&D for pharma sectors, dairy
industry, poultry industry and production of bio-fuels. Pass-through status means
that the incomes earned by funds are taxable now.
With the advent of liberalization, India has been showing remarkable growth in the
economy in the past 10 - 12 years. The government is promoting growth in
capacity utilization of available and acquired resources and hence entrepreneurship
development, by liberalizing norms regarding venture capital. In the year 2000, the
finance ministry announced the liberalization of tax treatment for venture capital
funds to promote them & to increase job creation. This is expected to give a strong
boost to the non resident Indians located in the Silicon valley and elsewhere to
invest some of their capital, knowledge and enterprise in these ventures.
Table: 5.1 Venture backed liquidity events by year 2001-2008 through M&A
6000 120
5000 100
4000 80
3000 60
2000 40
1000 20
0 0
2007 2008
($M) ($M)
2002 22 2,109.10 95.9
2003 29 2,022.70 69.8
2004 93 11,014.90 118.4
2005-1 10 720.7 72.1
2005-2 10 714.1 71.4
2005-3 19 1,458.10 76.7
2005-4 18 1,592.10 92.2
2005 57 4,485.00 78.7
2006-1 10 540.8 54.1
2006-2 19 2,011.00 105.8
2006-3 8 934.2 116.8
2006-4 20 1,631.10 81.6
2006 57 5,117.10 89.8
2007-1 18 2,190.60 121.7
2007-2 25 4,146.80 165.9
2007-3 12 945.2 78.8
2007-4 31 3,043.80 98.2
2007 86 10,326.30 120.1
2008-1 5 282.7 56.5
2008-2 0 0 n/a
2008 5 282.7 56.5
Here the No. of IPO is decreased in first two quarter of 2008 as compared to first
two quarter of previous two years. The no. of IPO in 1st two quarter of 2007 are 43
and in first two quarter of 2008 are only 5 IPO. Because due to crash down of IPO
nobody like to bring IPO. IPO is the exist route for venture capital company. It
comes a barrier for venture capital to exist from a venture capital.
251.06 250
6 240.91
5 4.5
4 150
1 33.33
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007
In above chart the inflation rate is decreased to 4.5 in 2005 from 7.4 in 2004. At
same time the growth of VC is also declining to 33.33% in 2005 from 251.06% in
2004. From the above chart we can conclude that inflation and VC has positive
relationship. Now in June 2008 the inflation rate was 11.9 and the NO. of deal in
first two quarter in 2008 was 170 and value of deal was 6390 US$mn and in third
quarter of 2008 there was only four deals. And in October the inflation touch the
13.01%. Due to increase in inflation rate the people will going to spend more.
Thus, their savings will decrease. So more money will come into the market and
demand of the products will increase continuously. now due to growth of any
sector will attract new entrepreneur to enter in the industry. For that they must need
funds. So there is a great opportunity for venture capital industry to attract this new
12 300
251.06 9.4 9.6
10 8.5 240.91 250
8 200
6 150
4 89.79 100
2 33.33 50
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007
In above chart there was a positive relation ship there was between GDP growth
rate. But in 2007 the growth of VC was decline to 89.79% from 240.91% in 2006
but here the value of deal was increasing. In 2008 the growth rate is 9% and
project the next year GDP 8% to 9%. So there is a hope, the growth of VC industry
can be increased.
India is the 4th largest economy in terms of PPP. GDP of India is US$ 3787.3
billion in PPP terms.
Taking Indian Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) into consideration, this would be
equivalent to $22 billion worth of investment in the US. Since about $1.75 billion
(or approximately 40% of $4.4 billion) has been already raised, even if only $2.2
billion is raised by December 2006.
In Indian GDP growth rate the contribution of service and manufacturing sectors
are increasing. In 1991 the contribution of service and industry sectors are 41%
and 27% and now in 2008 it is 54% and 27% respectively.
Most of the venture capital industry invest their money in IT companies, hotels,
transport, communication, bio-technology, BIFS etc. This shows an impressive
growth year by year. This are emerging sectors for venture capital industry.
17578.72 17287.31
16000 17648.71 16415.57 14355.75
14000 15644.44 12860.43
12000 13461.6 14564.53
8000 9788.06
Figure: 5.7 SENSEX in 2008
The SENSEX is down by 51% from January 2008 to Nov 2008. So one company
is try to come up with IPO. IPO in first two quarter of 2007 is 43 and value of IPO
is 6337.4 and in first two quarter of 2008 there is only 5 IPO and value is only
282.7 through VC company go for exit. Because IPO is one of the exit route for
Venture capitalist from the company. It is also favorable for venture capital
company because no one try to come up with IPO so they must go to the venture
capital for money
VC, to be able to contribute to developing entrepreneurship in India, needs to
concentrate its investment in small and medium enterprises. A “Package for
Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises” was announced in February 2007.
This includes measures addressing concerns of credit, fiscal support, cluster-based
development, infrastructure, technology, and marketing. Capacity building of
MSME Associations and support to women entrepreneurs are the other important
features of this package. SMEs have been allowed to manage their direct/indirect
exposure to foreign exchange risk by booking/canceling/roll over of forward
contracts without prior permission of RBI.
To boost the micro and small enterprise sector, the bank has decided to refinance
an amount of 7000 crore to the Small Industries Development Bank of India,
which will be available up to March 31, 2010. The Central Bank said that it is also
working on a similar refinance facility for the National Housing Bank (NHB) of an
amount of Rs 4, 000 crore.
10 8.73 9.11
8 7.23
RCH--06 RCH--07 RCH--08 08 08
Sources:- The Macro economic and monetary development annual statement on monetary
policy, First Quarter Review 2008-09
The interest rate increase year by year. It is 6.11% in March-2006 and now in July
2008 it is 9.11%. venture capital firms generally borrow from banks now if
interest rates are increasing interest cost of venture capital firms will also increase
which led reduce the profitability of Venture Capital firms. Because if anyone is
investing in any option he will look for good return, so here if they will maintain
their own profits they will have to give less return to investors then investors will
go for other options. Here increase in bank rates affect Venture Capital firms in
both ways from the suppliers as well as buyers side.
Exchange Rate(INR/US$)
From the above chart we can see that exchange rate is highly fluctuated. Nowadays
the exchange rate touches to 50 Rs. Per dollar. Now due to globalization venture
capital firms are entering at global level. Nowa for a particular country currency
risk can be defined in two ways.
140 126.4
120 111.5
100 83.6
80 61.4 63.8
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
The value of Import and export are increasing year by year. In 2002-03 the value
of import and export are 52.7 and 61.4 US$bn respectively and in 2007-08 the
value of import and export are 155.7 and 185.7 US$bn. It means industry need
more money for import and export. So it is an opportunity for venture capital. On
the other side when company going to export the company must have good contact
with other country’s company. So for that venture capital industry is useful because
they have good contact and affiliation network with other country’s company.
The Repo Rate is now reduced to 6.5 from 8.5 in july 2008. It is directly affect the
home loan rate. The rate of home loan is reduced so it is very helpful for real estate
sector. And most of the Venture Capital companies invest their money in real estate
sector. There is an improve the flow of credit to productive sectors of the economy.
Again, partly because the Indian economy was a “socialistic and closed”
economy and partly because Indian entrepreneurs are not as proficient at
business development as their counterparts in the US, Indian start-ups lack
financial transparency and often have limited experience in implementing
effective financial processes. This usually makes the task of the Venture Capital
much more difficult not only during the due-diligence phase, but also in helping
the start-up grow rapidly.
Demographic factor:
Population Demographic Shift
Age % of population 1997 2002 2007
Under 15 years 37.20% 33.50% 30.00%
Between 15-59 years 56.10% 59.30% 62.30%
Above 60 years 06.60% 06.90% 07.50%
60 59.3
1997 2002 2007
S.V .Institute Of Management, Kadi 84
MRP on “venture capital industry in India”
9.5 9.2
10 8.8 8.8 8.9
8 7.2
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Figure: 5.13 Unemployment rate
In India the unemployment rate is very high. No doubt it is decreasing year by
year. It is 9.5% in 2004 and now it is 7.2% in 2008. Here there is a great
opportunity for Venture capital firm because there is a huge untapped market and
they require amount fr strting the business.
According to one survey by National Entrepreneurship Development Board
(NEBD), Ministry of SSI & ARI, Govt. of India, on ‘Entry barriers to
entrepreneurship as perceived by youth’. In this survey out of 1625 respondents
19.2% people have future plan to become entrepreneur for starting the business
and 80.8% persons are not ready for business. But out of this 80.8% persons 58.3%
person are ready for becoming entrepreneurship if they get help in finance, project
idea, and training for business and management. So here there is a great
opportunity for venture capital firms.
Hence, finding the appropriate marketing, sales and business development people
is one area where Indian start-ups need help. This problem is further exacerbated
because the Indian economy has been growing at 8% and most start-ups have to
compete for talent not only with other companies who are exporting similar or
dissimilar products and services but also with many Indian domestic companies.
In fact, finding and retaining the ‘right talent’ has become an issue not only in
marketing, sales and business development but also in research, technical and
S.V .Institute Of Management, Kadi 85
MRP on “venture capital industry in India”
Consequently, the Venture Capital will have to provide a very clear value
proposition to the start-ups and cannot simply state that they bring value to the
table just because they are well connected, etc. In fact, we believe that in some
cases the Venture Capital may even have to go to the extreme of closing contracts
and bringing in the revenue on behalf of a start-up rather than simply “opening
doors” by providing the contacts in their “Rolodex.”
Salaries of skilled people are rising 15-20% annually in India and China. Skilled
immigrants have contributed to greatly to US industrial growth but there is a huge
immigration backlog:
Cities Sectors
Mumbai Software services, BPO, Media, Computer
Graphics, Animation, Finance and Banking
Bangalore All IP-led companies; IT and IT-enabled
services, Biotechnology
Delhi Software services, IT enabled services,
Chennai IT and Telecom
Hyderabad IT and IT enabled services, Pharma
Pune Biotech, IT, BPO
Source: IVCA
In Venture Capital industry most of the deals are made in emerging city like
Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata. In this industry Venture Capital
firms invest their money in most highly risk and emerging sector like bio-
technology, IT-ITES, real estate, healthcare and this sectors are highly developed
in this emerging city. So there is a great opportunity for Venture Capital to invest
their money in this city.
Threats from
new entrants
1. Capital requirement:
Here if any investor want to invest in venture capital firm, the investment
should not be less than Rs. 5 lac, while for the venture capital firms minimum
requirement for starting the investment is Rs. 5 crore. So being a venture
capital firm one must fulfill these types of conditions. Here the fund
requirement for starting up the venture capital firm is so high that an ordinary
persons can not start this business. And in addition the venture capitalists must
have good industrial contacts and large network also to obtain funds as well as
to sell their services.
we can see from the chart that generally more deals are taking place at early
stage. But at the early stage it is difficult to predict the success of the business
so there is a high risk of getting failure in these types of investments. So the
investors of venture capital also found high risk in investing in venture capital
firms. And generally it is known that when there is high risk in investment the
bargaining power of supplier is high. It is clear that when company is in its later
stage the risk associated with it is lower compared to the early stage and at later
stage there are many options with the companies to borrow the funds so the
investment is less risky.
300 282 90
81 80
250 226
211 70
200 176 62 53 60
53 153 144 51 50
150 151 51
100 30
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007
From the above table we can see the success ratio of the venture capital investment.
40% of the investments are getting failure and only 10% of them are able to give
100% return. And the average return by the venture capitalists is only 24.5% which is
not extra ordinary. This type of returns can be found in many other investment
options. So there isn’t any special reason to invest in venture capital. So if there is not
any extra advantage of investment or special feature to attract investors bargaining
power of suppliers is high and entry barrier for new entrants are high. So threat from
new entrants from this point of view is low.
Here the venture capital company can exit through IPO or through merger and
acquisition with other companies. Now-a-days, from the below given table and
current crash in stock market we can see that the comparison between M&A deals and
IPO in the year 2007 and 2008 (first two quarters of both years). Now in the year
2007 there were 189 M&A deals while in 2008 number of M&A deals are 120 only. In
addition in 2007 number of IPO were 43 which are 5 only in the year 2008. So there
is a crucial problem for the Venture Capital firms to get their funds back from the
companies in which they have invested. Now if new player will enter he will have to
collect more funds and will also have to wait for the return. The risk is also high in
current market for the Venture Capital firms. So entry barrier is high for new entrants.
4. Learning and experience curve effect: Venture capital funds, before going for
an in-depth analysis, carry out initial screening of all projects on the basis of
some broad criteria. Main screening criteria are……
Size of investment
Geographical location
Stage of financing
Knowledge about product and market
So the existing firms can have the benefit of experience in the industry, so on the basis
of their capabilities they can use that experience for the shake of the firm. But new
firms don’t have the experience in the industry so they may have a loss from this side.
So threat from new entrants is low from this point of view also. Experience person
can become competitive advantage.
5. Time constraint:
As we have discussed above risk associated with early stage of financing is very
high compared to other stages because of uncertainty attached with early stage.
But from the below given table we can say that the business can’t satisfy the
From the above we can say that threat from new entrants are low to moderate.
Because there are high entry barriers.
1. Fragmented industry:
Here the venture capital industry is highly fragmented no one is market leader. The
market for industry’s product or service is becoming more global, putting
companies in more and more countries in the same competitive arena. The industry
is young and crowded with aspiring contenders. As in the year of 2006 and 2007
the stock market of India was booming like anything thus more venture capital
investors and players were attracted towards industry, which can be seen from the
chart given below. But in the year 2008 because of sub-prime crisis the stock
market has crashed and it affect adversely the venture capital industry because the
IPO is the main exit route for the venture capital industry and because of current
crash no one is coming with IPO. As there was high growth of stock market in the
year 2006 and 2007 most of the VCs have entered in the market so now in crashed
market every one is eager to sell their services in small market of buyers. So the
competition is very high at current stage.
120 105
100 86 89
81 77 78 81
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Top VC Investments
Company Sector Amount Investors
(US$ M)
Investment pattern:
In venture capital industry, firms are investing on some basic criteria which they
have decided by their own requirements. Here some companies are investing in
some particular industries and some of them have also decided the stage of
financing the company. So Venture Capital firm investing in early seed stage does
not directly compete with the firm investing in the later stage, one investing in
LBO, MBO and MBI deals. So the competition between stages is moderate while
It is high within the stages. So the overall competition is moderate to high.
3. Effect of Globalization:
16000 14234
8000 43%
2000 1160
2000 2007
We can see from the chart that the market is growing at 43% CAGR. As we know
market will grow only if the demand for services is increasing which will attract
new entrants to the market and will also led the existing players think on the matter
how to handle new entrants and how to compete with other existing players. So the
growth rate will increase the competition among rivalry.
5. Emerging sectors:
In today’s world new entrepreneurs are entering in businesses which lead to increase in
competition and also give arise to new emerging businesses which will need finance
which can increase the scope of venture capital. From the below given chart we can see
that there is a huge investment opportunities for the money suppliers. This can raise funds
in market and will also increase the competition among existing players.
IT&ITES Manufacturing
BFSI Eng & Construction
Healthcare & lifesciences Energy
Media&Entertinment Shipping&Logistics
Telecom Others
From the above we can say that competition among rivalry is moderate to high.
Substitute at early stage financing: Here the substitute are angle investors,
friends, family and here the level of investment is very low, so no one is ready to
take the money from venture capital firm. Threat from substitute is high.
Here the venture capital is the only option providing management support to the
business while the financial burden are very low. It also have the control over the
business. Thus, the mind set of Indian entrepreneur can not accept the entry of
venture capital funds in his business. So at early stage threats from substitute is
so high.
Substitute at start up stage: Here the company requires huge capital for starting
the business and that time there is lot of risk. So the company collects the money
through IPO rather than through Venture Capial. Threat from substitute is
Here also the venture capital only is providing management support while the
other options (IPO, Debenture, Bank loan, Preference shares) can provide more
management safety then VCs. Moreover it also handover some management
S.V .Institute Of Management, Kadi 98
MRP on “venture capital industry in India”
control to venture capitalist while other options except IPO provide full freedom.
Thus, venture capital doesn’t fit according to Indian entrepreneur mindset. So
threat from substitute is moderate to high.
At this stage the biggest substitute for the Venture Capital. is FDI.because at this
stage firm requires a huge capital for expansion and here the Venture Capital
having only one competitive advantage over FDI is management support provided
by them. In all other sectors Venture capital firm and FDI are mostly similar like
control, financial burden and risk associated with them.
Vendor finance
Parent company
Short term loan
If the company is going to borrow money from Venture Capitalists it will increase
their interest cost while company can get the funds from the above options at low
interest rates. So the threat from substitute is high at this stage.
Here suppliers are the investors who provide funds to venture capitalist. The
investors are corporations, individual, banks, pension funds, insurance companies.
So here from the interest taken by the investors we can define their bargaining
power. If they will take interest it will create high impact on performance of the
firm. With the expected globalisation and development of capital markets investors
have a wider choice of investments. . A good track record and good investor
relationships will become even more important. Personal contacts are essential. So,
high returns are the most powerful means for attracting and maintaining investors.
With a rising competition for the really qualified people across all industries we
expect salaries levels to rise. Due to this bargaining power of supplier is high.
2. Switching cost: Here this is the list of money supplier for the venture capital
firms. These suppliers are in large number and every contributor is so much
important for the Venture Capital firm. Now all of them are having many other
options of investment and the risk associated with other options is low compared
to investment in Venture Capital firms. Thus, the bargaining power of supplier
is high.
On the basis of above we can say that the bargaining power of suppliers are high
The "buyers" are the companies in which we invest. The venture capital firms
select them on the basis of their criteria and after evaluating them they limit the
As the investment made by the Venture Capital firms are generally in risky
projects, because if any firm is getting firm at lower interest rates it will not
go to the Venture Capital firms, but if their projects are more risky other
investors won’t be ready to invest in their projects. At that time they will go
to the venture capitalists for borrowing the funds. On the basis of this
discussion we can decide that the bargaining power of buyers is moderate.
Sensex crash:
9788.06 6
5 5
10000 4 4
3 3 3
5000 2 2
1 1
0 0 0
Figure: 5.21 SENSEX vis-à-vis IPO movement
The bargaining power of buyers is very low, because of current crash in market no
one can come with IPO. So for getting fund company must go to the venture
capital firm. So here the bargaining power of buyer is very low.
300 282 90
81 80
250 226
211 70
200 176 62 53 60
53 153 144 51 50
150 151 51
100 30
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007
• It injects long term equity finance which provides a solid capital base for
future growth.
• The venture capitalist is a business partner, sharing both the risks and
rewards. Venture capitalists are rewarded by business success and the
capital gain.
• The venture capitalist is able to provide practical advice and assistance to
the company based on past experience with other companies which were in
similar situations.
• The venture capitalist also has a network of contacts in many areas that can
add value to the company, such as in recruiting key personnel, providing
contacts in international markets, introductions to strategic partners, and if
No. of units ( lakhs)
120 123.42
115 118.59
110 113.95
2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
Figure: 5.23 Growth of small scall and medium scale industry
To boost the micro and small enterprise sector, the bank has decided to refinance an
amount of 7000 crore to the Small Industries Development Bank of India, which will be
available up to March 31, 2010. The Central Bank said that it is also working on a similar
refinance facility for the National Housing Bank (NHB) of an amount of Rs 4, 000 crore.
State of the Business cycles, economic up- and downturns influence the
economy Venture
Capital companies and all industries in which they invest
Economic upturn:
• Fuels growth and the number of start-ups – need for
Venture Capital
• High returns seek for re-investment – willingness to invest
in Venture Capital -funds will rise
Economic downturn:
• investors preferences will slide from high returns to stable
returns – investments in Venture Capital funds loose
• companies need money for restructuring / recovering
Development of Global deregulation of capital markets provides new
political climate opportunities
for the economy,
Knowledge become the key factor for a competitive advantage for company. Venture
Capital firms need more expert knowledge in various fields. The various key success
factor for venture capital industry are as follow:
Investment, management and exit should provide flexibility to suit the business
requirements and should also be driven by global trends. Venture capital investments have
typically come from high net worth individuals who have risk taking capacity. Since high
risk is involved in venture financing, venture investors globally seek investment and exit
on very flexible terms which provides them with certain levels of protection. Such exit
should be possible through IPOs and mergers/acquisitions on a global basis and not just
within India. In this context the judgement of the judiciary raising doubts on
treatment of tax on capital gains made by firms registered in Mauritius gains
significance - changing policies with a retrospective effect is undoubtedly acting as a
dampener to fresh fund raising by Venture capital firms.
The company have flat organization structure results in quicker decision making. The
entrepreneur is relieved of the trauma that one normally goes through in an interface with
a funding institution or a development agency. They follow a clearly defined decision
making process that works with clock like precision, which means that if they agree on a
funding schedule entrepreneur can count on them to stick it.
With increasing global integration and mobility of capital it is important that Indian
venture capital firms as well as venture financed enterprises be able to have opportunities
for investment abroad. This would not only enhance their ability to generate better
returns but also add to their experience and expertise to function successfully in a
global environment.
Venture Capital backed companies can provide high returns. However, despite of success
stories like Apple, FedEx of Microsoft, a lot of these deals fail. It is said that only one
out of ten companies succeed. That's why every deal has an element of potential profit
and an element of risk, depending on the deals size. To be successful, a Venture Capital
Company must manage the balance between these three factors.
Knowledge is key, to get the balance in this "Magic Triangle". With knowledge we mean
knowledge about the financial markets and the industries to invest in, risk
management skills and contacts to investors, possible investees and external
expertise. High profits, achievable by larger deals, are not only important for the financial
performance of the Venture Capital company. As a good track record they are also a vital
argument to attract funds which are the basis for larger deals. However, larger deals imply
higher risks of losses. Many Venture Capital companies try to share and limit their risks.
Solutions could be alliances and careful portfolio management. There are Venture Capital
firms that refuse to invest in e-start-up's because they perceive it as too risky to follow
today's type.
Business strength :
1 1 2
en 6.7
2 3
Att Moderate UTI
2 3 3
I 3.3
10 6.7 3.3 0
High Moderate Low
Business Strength
Figure: 5.25 GE 9 cell matrix
Implication :
The First Zone consists of the three cells in the upper left corner. The ICICI venture
capital firms falls in this zone that it is in a favorable position with relatively attractive
growth opportunities. This indicates to invest in this service.
The Second Zone consists of the three diagonal cells from the lower left to the upper
right. The APIDC, Aviskar, VCF, UTI fall in this phase. A position in this zone is viewed
as having medium attractiveness. Management must therefore exercise caution when
making additional investments in this service. The suggested strategy is to seek to
maintain share rather than growing or reducing share.
The ICICI venture capital fund will try to go in upward line and try to increase their
strength and must allocate their source on his strength like affiliation & network
Management support and Intellectual assets. For this company make Strategic Business
Unit(SBU) for each deal. Company can make network with other global companies . So it
is useful when company make deal in Merger& Acquisition deals and company must have
knowledge about global culture. Due to large network it may become useful in generation
a flow of deals The company must hire experienced professional person. Because it can
become competitive advantage for company in Venture Capital Industry. The company
can increase its strength by providing better post investment services like strategic
planning, better portfolio management services and helpful in financing from other
Industrial attractiveness
S.V .Institute Of Management, Kadi 113
MRP on “venture capital industry in India”
16000 14234
8000 43%
2000 1160
2000 2007
Figure: 5.26 CAGR of venture capital industry
From the above graph we can say that Venture capital industry is growing at the CAGR of
43%. And the value of deals in 2000 was 1160 which increased to 14234 in the year of
2007. which shows substantial increase in the number of deals. This attract the new
entrepreneur to enter in the industry.
Intensity of competition :
120 105
100 86 89
81 77 78 81
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Here the number of venture capital firms is increasing year by year. In 2001 it is only 77
now it has been increased to 160 in the year of 2008. the reason behind that is there is
over all growth in the GDP and also substantial growth position in sectors
likebiotechnology, ITes, retailing, telecom etc. due to this more players are eager to
establish their foothold in the industry.
Regulatory policy
Minimum contribution and fund size : the minimum investment in a Venture Capital Fund
from any investor will not be less than Rs. 5 lacs and the minimum corpus of the fund
before the fund can start activities shall be at least Rs. 5 crores. And the foreign players
can easily enter in the venture capital industry of India. An offshore venture capital
company may contribute 100% of the capital of domestic venture capital fund. There are
other hurdles to enter in the industry so there is favorable condition for them to enter in to
venture capital industry in India.
12 300
251.06 9.4 9.6
10 8.5 240.91 250
8 200
6 150
4 89.79 100
2 33.33 50
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007
In above chart there was a positive relation ship there was between GDP growth rate. But
in 2007 the growth of Venture Capital was decline to 89.79% from 240.91% in 2006 but
here the value of deal was increasing. In 2008 the growth rate is 9% and project the next
year GDP 8% to 9%. So here we can conclude that there is good growth prospect for the
venture capital players to enter in the horizon of India.
251.06 250
6 240.91
5 4.5
4 150
1 33.33
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007
In above chart the inflation rate is decreased to 4.5 in 2005 from 7.4 in 2004. At same
time the growth of Venture Capial is also declining to 33.33% in 2005 from 251.06% in
2004. From the above chart we can conclude that inflation and Venture Capital has
positive relationship. Now in June 2008 the inflation rate was 11.9 and the NO. of deal in
first two quarter in 2008 was 170 and value of deal was 6390 US$mn and in third quarter
of 2008 there was only four deals. And in October the inflation touch the 13.01%. Due to
increase in inflation rate the people will going to spend more. Thus, their savings will
decrease. So more money will come into the market and demand of the products will
increase continuously. now due to growth of any sector will attract new entrepreneur to
enter in the industry. For that they must need funds. So there is a great opportunity for
venture capital industry to attract this new entrepreneur.
No. of units ( lakhs)
120 123.42
115 118.59
110 113.95
2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
To boost the micro and small enterprise sector, the bank has decided to refinance an
amount of 7000 crore to the Small Industries Development Bank of India, which will be
available up to March 31, 2010. The Central Bank said that it is also working on a similar
refinance facility for the National Housing Bank (NHB) of an amount of Rs 4, 000 crore.
140 126.4
120 111.5
100 83.6
80 61.4 63.8
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
The value of Import and export are increasing year by year. In 2002-03 the value of
import and export are 52.7 and 61.4 US$bn respectively and in 2007-08 the value of
import and export are 155.7 and 185.7 US$bn. It means industry need more money for
import and export. So it is an opportunity for venture capital. On the other side when
company going to export the company must have good contact with other country’s
company. So for that venture capital industry is useful because they have good contact
and affiliation network with other country’s company.
The venture capital firms invest their money in most emerging sectors like biotechnology,
ITes, retailing, infrastructure which gives higher return but also they all involved risk in
substantial amount.
From the above table we can see the success ratio of the venture capital investment. 40%
of the investments are getting failure and only 10% of them are able to give 100% return.
And the average return by the venture capitalists is only 24.5% which is not extra
ordinary. This type of returns can be found in many other investment options. So there
isn’t any special reason to invest in venture capital.
Product innovation:
Venture capital firms are coming with new ideas of investment to attract the buyers to
their firms. For this purpose they are introducing new types of funds and schemes.
For example, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Limited (IVCF) has launched three new funds
in emerging sectors of the economy namely :
ii) India Enterprise Development Fund (IEDF) ,a Venture Capital fund set up with target
corpus of Rs.250 crores to invest in knowledge based projects in key sectors of Indian
economy with outstanding growth prospects.
iii) Green India Venture Fund (GIVF), a Venture Capital fund setup with a target corpus
of Euro 50 million (approx. Rs.330 crores) with the objective to invest in commercially
viable Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), energy efficient and other commercially
viable projects with an aim to reduce negative ecological impact, efficient usage of
resources such as energy, power etc and other related sectors/projects. The summary of
the Funds :
The SICOM venture capital firm introduce SME opportunity fund for small scale
Quick Response time :the company have flat organization structure results in quicker
decision making. The entrepreneur is relieved of the trauma that one normally goes
through in an interface with a funding institution or a development agency. They follow a
clearly defined decision making process that works with clock like precision, which
means that if they agree on a funding schedule entrepreneur can count on them to stick it.
in today’s era, the company must have a good network with financial institution for
getting finance and must have a good network with global companies because Venture
capital industry concentrate on global level.
For e.g. Andhra Pradesh industrial development corporation (APIDC), a state owned
institution promoting industrial development , has an excellent track record of promoting
and nurturing industrial development. The fund can draw on APIDC’s rich and varied
experience and government connectivity to assist start-up venture as well as those with
expansion plans. APIDC, a state- owned institution promoting industrial development has
an excellent track record of promoting and nurturing industrial development.
IVCF has provided finance to over 350 ventures since inception and has supported
commercialization of over 50 new technologies. IVCF has pioneered effort for widening
entrepreneurial base in the country.
Avishkar venture capital concentrate on Micro & small enterprise. But the response they
have received from this sector is not supportive. Their main concentrated areas are rural
and semi urban.
3. Entrepreneurial edge
APIDC-VCL has honed to fine skill, the ability to recognize the potential of a great
entrepreneurial idea, understand it, and gauge its true worth. An uncanny feel for projects
based on the strength of their fundamentals.
Asset managers
It is one of less than handful of asset managers, which are owner – manager driven. Most
of other asset managers and large hierarchical structures are dominated by a big
institution. Unlike the “effective” model successful in the developed market. The asset
management team has impressive credentials, strengths in business building,
entrepreneurship and strong overseas capabilities that are essential In today’s liberalized
markets, rather than pure financial skills. This allows APIDC-VCL to better relate and
assess provide value- addition to investee companies.
4. Intellectual Assets :
The company must have good intellectual assts for screening and evaluating the business
plan and must take care while pricing the deals. The venture capitalists evaluate project’s
risk in isolation and thus effect of risk on total portfolio investment are rarely assessed. So
company must have good intellectual assets for minimizing the risk.
The UTI venture capital firm has experienced local team they have proactive team with
unmatched local insight. With over 75 years of collective experience in Indian capital
markets, the skill sets of each team member are both diverse and complimentary. Our
knowledge of domestic regulatory frameworks and cultural sensitivities gives us a
distinctive edge among private equity firms in India.
The ICICI Venture capital funds possess for skills assessing promoters, deal structuring
and in depth evaluation of ventures including future commercial feasibility study while
carrying out due diligence of businesses and investments _ Network for interaction with
financial institutions, banks, industry association etc. Experience in all the phases of
investment cycle viz. from deal sourcing to exit from investment.
The IVCF evaluate the business plan by 360 degree. The evaluation include financial
feasibility, risk measurement and compensation factors.
The IVCF can provide independent, fair and informed assessment for undertaking
investment in business in India which will help Managers vigoroursly pursue focus areas,
identify growth impediments and draw-out plan to overcome them.
5. Management support :
Following two are examples of management support services provided by venture capital
firms to the investee company.
ICICI Venture endeavours to ensure that the Portfolio Companies are governed effectively
and that there is active involvement and timely intervention by the team once the
investment is made. The team creates value in the Portfolio Companies by taking
strategic, operational and financial initiatives aimed at strengthening their competitive
position vis-à-vis competitors and industry benchmarks.
The Investment team works with management teams to identify opportunities for
enhancing value through cost reduction and internal rationalization. They also work
together to implement growth strategies based on market definitions, customer
segmentation, price management, focused marketing and sales plans, strategic capital
investments and /or the introduction of proven technologies. The Investment teams also
help in further strengthening the management teams. ICICI Venture works actively with
management teams to identify and execute acquisitions.
Provide Value addition to invested business by guiding raise funds/ working capital,
listing of securities, undertake strategic moves, plan organizational strategy & solving
problems, it faces.
Analyze trends and identification of upside potential for the investee cos.
• Enhance globally
• Concentrate on project
• Strategic alliance
• Sector wise
investment Firm strategy,
structure and
rivalry • Number of Venture
capital firms
• Increase in small scale
Factor Demand
Conditions Conditions
• Labor force
• Increasing literacy rate
• Infrastructure
Related and
• Public, insurance companies,
corporate funds, banks,
pension funds, FIIs, FDIs
Factor conditions:
The situation in a country regarding production factors, like skilled labor, infrastructure,
etc., which are relevant for competition in particular industries.
Labour Literacy
year force Year (%)
2002 40.6 2002 37.7
2003 40.6 2003 48.3
2004 47.2 2004 48.3
2005 48.22 2005 48.3
2006 49.64 2006 48.3
2007 50.93 2007 47.8
2008 51.64 2008 47.8
Table: 5.22 Labour and Literacy rate from 2002 to 2008
Here we can see that year by year literacy rate is increasing, only in the year 2007 it has
been decreased by 0.5%. during the year 2003 it has registered tremendous growth of
10.6%. Now we can say that condition of availability of skilled labor is good enough to
survive in any industry. As a venture capitalist one will look for experienced people to
appoint in his firm. Venture capital firms will have to evaluate the proposals of
entrepreneurs and will provide them funds. they also provide management support
because of which buyers are ready to pay their high interest rates. If they will have good
skilled labor they can use them in beneficial way of the firm by using their skills in
evaluation process and for providing management support.
Describes the state of home demand for products and services produced in a country.
We can see from the above chart that year by year numbers of venture capital firms are
increasing. Now it is known that whenever in any industry demand is increasing number
of competitors will increase. As growing demand attract new entrants, competition among
firms will increase.
Because of some level of unemployment youth is attracting towards entering into new
businesses. and in the below given chart we can see that number of SMEs are also
increasing continuously, which shows increase in demand of funds. Thus scopes for
venture capital firms are increasing.
The conditions in a country that determine how companies are established, are organized
and are managed, and that determine the characteristics of domestic competition.
Firm Strategies:
currently venture capital firms are facing recession because of sudden crash in stock
market exit rout has been closed for them. No one can come with IPO so investment of
the firm is getting blocked. As players in this industry has been increased tremendously
during last few years because of constant growth in stock market. So now at this stage if
they will found a single opportunity all will try to catch it, so everyone will find severe
competition. Presently venture capital firms are using following strategies to compete in
current market conditions.
They go global for expanding their contacts with other firms at global level. As
they also provide management support to the firms borrow from them, if they
have global contacts they can also attract the firms which want to expand their
business at global level. these types of firms will also like to borrow from venture
capital firms as they will get ready contacts at global level through venture
capitalist’s network.
Industry structure
The players and the market segments can be differentiated by a number of criteria,
including time of investment (in the investees lifecycle), deals size and ownership of the
Venture Capital companies. There are different group of player like angel player, small,
medium and large venture fund, corporate venture fund and financial venture fund. They
are investing at different stage of funds like at seed stage, start-up stage, expansion stage,
turnaround stage.
Here firms are borrowing money from many industrial suppliers which themselves are
also substitute for them. The list of those suppliers are given below.
All the above given suppliers are having their own industry and rules and regulations
from government. Total funds coming to India is Rs. 25,595.17 mn. The rules and
regulations for these industries also affect the performance of venture capital firms.
In primary activities there are four activities which supporting the venture capital’s
service. The primary activities that are foremost in creating value for customers and
requisite support activities that enhance the performance of primary activities.
Primary activities:
1. Deal organization
2. Screening
3. Deal structuring
4. evaluation or Due Diligence
5. Post investment Activities
Primary Activities
1. Deal origination:
In generating a deal flow, the Venture capital investor creates a pipeline of deals or
investment opportunities that he would consider for investing in. Deal may originate in
various ways. Referral system active search system and intermediaries. Referral system is
an important source of deals. Deals may be referred to VCFs by their parent
organizations, trade partners, industry associations, friends etc. Another deal flow is
active search through networks, trade fairs, conferences, seminars, foreign visits etc.
Intermediaries is used by venture capitalists in developed countries like USA, is certain
intermediaries who match VCFs and the potential entrepreneurs. . A continuous flow of
deals is necessary for the venture capital business.Yet another important source of deals
flows is the active search through networks, trade fairs, conferences, seminars, etc.
For e.g. APIDC-VCL deal generation strategy will produce a relatively higher level of
quality deals than a general promotional approach and will generate sufficient deals to
invest the monies raised by it. Their focused approach to canvassing entrepreneurs will be
more efficient in finding qualified entrepreneurs and project ideas that meet their criteria
of ‘Key Differentials’. APIDC-VCL has set up a flow of investment opportunities with its
existing network in India and with its associates in the USA. APIDC-VCL also plans to
promote through focused seminars, a public relations, campaign to institutions and
industry associations, to heighten the awareness of its activities.
2. Screening:
VCFs, before going for an in-depth analysis, carry out initial screening of all projects on
the basis of some broad criteria. For example, the screening process may limit projects to
areas in which the venture capitalist is familiar in terms of technology, or product, or
market scope. The size of investment, geographical location and stage of financing could
also be used as the broad screening criteria.
Here the company must identifying the market and company must have knowledge about
how large the market, where is the market headed, what is the competition, how is the
market segmented, how will the product or service be positioned in the market. And
company must have knowledge about the product.
3. Due Diligence:
Due diligence is the industry jargon for all the activities that are associated with
evaluating an investment proposal. The venture capitalists evaluate the quality of
entrepreneur before appraising the characteristics of the product, market or technology.
Most venture capitalists ask for a business plan to make an assessment of the possible risk
and return on the venture. Business plan contains detailed information about the proposed
venture. The evaluation of ventures by Venture Captal Funds in India includes; For the
venture capital investment process, due diligence means a rigorous investigation and
evaluation of an investment opportunity before committing funds. This investigation is
conducted by the parties involved in preparing a registration statement to form a basis for
believing the statements contained therein are true and that no material facts are omitted.
This process includes review of its management team, business conditions, projections,
philosophy, and investment terms and conditions.
Absolutely vital to making a sound investment, due diligence verifies any business
opportunities that survive the initial screening stage. For venture capital investments, as
few as 10-15% of proposals make it past the initial screening stage to the full due-
diligence process, and only 10% of those receive funding. This verification process
consists of checking the accuracy of business plans, audited accounts, and management
accounts; getting replies to warranty and other standard questionnaires; patent searches;
and technical studies. Unpublished accounting information and subjective information are
equally important; these data are collected by calling customers, suppliers, lawyers, and
bankers, and by checking trade journals.
Preliminary evaluation: The applicant required to provide a brief profile of the proposed
venture to establish prima facie eligibility.
Detailed evaluation: Once the preliminary evaluation is over, the proposal is evaluated in
greater detail. Venture Capital funds in India expect the entrepreneur to have:- Integrity,
long-term vision, urge to grow, managerial skills, commercial orientation.
Venture Capital Funds in India also make the risk analysis of the proposed projects which
includes: Product risk, Market risk, Technological risk and Entrepreneurial risk. The final
decision is taken in terms of the expected risk-return trade-off.
For e.g. APIDC-VCL will evaluate each deal against the started ‘investment strategy’ and
whether the returns meet the target rates, and whether theriskd can be contained and are
appropriate, prior to proceeding further. Specifically, APIDC-VCL will evaluate.
APIDC-VCL in line with its proactive strategy of value addition follows an active mode
of monitoring and value addition. APIDC-VCL in collaboration with the investee
company sets up milestones that lead up to the eventual disinvestments from the investeee
company. These milestones are then monitored actively and the investee company is
urged to adopt a reporting system that facilitates the monitoring of the progress versus the
4. Deal Structuring:
In this process, the venture capitalist and the venture company negotiate the terms of the
deals, that is, the amount, form and price of the investment. This process is termed as deal
structuring. The agreement also include the venture capitalist's right to control the venture
company and to change its management if needed, buyback arrangements, acquisition,
making initial public offerings (IPOs), etc. Earned out arrangements specify the
entrepreneur's equity share and the objectives to be achieved.
1. The process involves the details of the financing instruments and the percentage
ownership of the venture capitalist. The structure should also consider various
commercial issues. The common instruments are equity, preferred shares, convertible
debt, conditional loans, conventional secured or unsecured loans and income notes, etc.
the instruments used by the venture capitalist to optimize venture capital’s return /
protection on one hand and to satisfy the entrepreneur’s requirement on the other.
Pricing is the most sensitive part of the negotiation process. Pricing involves valuation of
a company before and after financing based on an analysis of risk and return. In seed
capital and other early stage investment. VCC/VCFs expect a compounded annual return
of 50% or more, whereas in second stage investment VCC/VCF, may be satisfied with an
annual return of 30-40% and in later stage financing, 25-30%. Venture capitalist must take
care while pricing the deal as far as control over the ownership of the firm is concerned.
Company used various method for valuation of deals. They are as follow.
This is based on the expected increase in the initial investment that could be sold out to a
third party or through public offering via the exit route. Price –earning ratio(P/E) is
calculated on the maturing date, also known as liquidity date. Multiplying the earning
level post-tax effect by P/E ratio on the future maturity date arrives at valuation of
investment at a future date. This method does not take into account the stream of cash
flows beginning from the date of investment till the date of liquidity of investment.
2. Present-value-base method
This method takes into account the stream of earnings (or losses) generated during the
entire period of the investment from the date of initial investment till date of maturity at a
presumed discounted rate. The method was developed by Stanely Golder of the first
Chicago corporation and is popularly known as “first chicago method”. Three alternative
scenarios styled as “success; ‘survival’ and failure’ are assumed for the entire maturing
period of the project that are discounted by a uniform discount rate to arrive at the present
value of investment.
Each scenario is assigned a probability figure. Probability figures are based on many
factors, which affect the earning stream: prices of raw material ;prices of finished good;
marketing factors. The product is multiplied by respective probability figures to arrive at
expected value in each scenario. The total of these scenarios gives the expected present
value of the company. Based on such value the venture capitalist makes his investment.
The problem with this method is that it is based more on a value judgment by the venture
capitalist than empiricial consideration.
(1 + g ) n (e)( PE )
(1) + d n
Once the deal has been structured and agreement finalized, the venture capitalist generally
assumes the role of a partner and collaborator. He also gets involved in shaping of the
direction of the venture. The degree of the venture capitalist's involvement depends on his
policy. It may not, however, be desirable for a venture capitalist to get involved in the
day-to-day operation of the venture. If a financial or managerial crisis occurs, the venture
capitalist may intervene, and even install a new management team.
1. Strategic planning
2. Recruitment
3. Operational planning
4. Help in obtaining additional financing
5. introduction to potential customers and suppliers
6. international access
7. legal and other professional services
8. Negotiation and execution of M&A
The company must have good expertise person like engineers, professional etc. for the
evaluation and screening of the deal. Because this is the most important stage in the
venture capital investment process. On the basis of screening and evaluating of the
deal we can get idea about the success or failure in the deal.
2. Asset Manager :
It is one of less than handful of asset manger, which are owner manager driven. The
asset management team must have impressive credentials and strong overseas
capabilities are essential in today’s liberalized market. This allows to better relate and
assess provide value addition to investee companies.
3. MIS system
The company must have fully developed management information system for
screening the deal and for evaluating the deal. The MIS system is also useful in
pricing of the deal.
Being Acquired
Ideally, a company considering being acquired can first work with its corporate candidate
to sample the relationship. One way of accomplishing this is by accepting a strategic
investment. However, the benefits and the risks for both sides must be weighed carefully.
Relationships don't always develop into the merger or the acquisition.
Having a strategic investor is definitely a double-edged weapon. Before accepting
corporate investments, companies should be sure that the investing company's agenda is
consistent with theirs and be certain that they are prepared to manage conflicting agendas.
Start-up companies must be sure to consider the universe or potential investors and what
effect having one of those investors on their board will have on the others.
Winning is not necessary achieved without partners and parents. Expand your search to
the international marketplace. Prepare the team, as well as your investors, for the
possibility of acquisition as means to realize the full potential of the company's
entrepreneurial vision.
The emerging scenario of global competitiveness has put an immense pressure on the
industrial sector to improve the quality level with minimization of cost of products by
making use of latest technological skills. The implication is to obtain adequate financing
along with the necessary hi-tech equipments to produce an innovative product which can
succeed and grow in the present market condition. Unfortunately, our country lacks on
both fronts. The necessary capital can be obtained from the venture capital firms who
expect an above average rate of return on the investment. Government of India
understands this.
Also, The Government of India in an attempt to bring the nation at par and above the
developed nations has been promoting venture capital financing to new, innovative
concepts & ideas, liberalizing taxation norms providing tax incentives to venture firms,
giving an opportunity for the creation of local pools of capital and holding training
sessions for the emerging VC investors.
In the year 2000, the finance ministry announced the liberalization of tax treatment for
venture capital funds to promote them & to increase job creation. This is expected to give
a strong boost to the non resident Indians located in the Silicon Valley and elsewhere to
invest some of their capital, knowledge and enterprise in these ventures.
No. deals V/S No. of SMEs
To boost the micro and small enterprise sector, the bank has decided to refinance
an amount of 7000 crore to the Small Industries Development Bank of India,
which will be available up to March 31, 2010. The Central Bank said that it is also
working on a similar refinance facility for the National Housing Bank (NHB) of an
amount of Rs 4, 000 crore.
• All IP-led companies; IT and IT-enabled services
Delhi (NCR)
• Software services, IT enabled services, Telecom
• Software services, IT enabled services, Media,
Computer Graphics, Animation, Banking
As the venture industry continues to accelerate, a number of trends that cross geographies
can be seen. The industry is becoming even more globalized .As a result, innovation in
clean tech, IT, and healthcare, pharmaceutical are having a global impact. This changing
landscape is driving new approaches in how large corporations are interacting with the
venture community.
Clean technology.
Global climate changes, high oil prices, accelerated growth in emerging markets, energy
security concerns and the finite nature of resources are some of the key drivers of the
growing global demand for clean technologies in energy and water. In addition ,the
increased willingness of consumers and governments to pay for and use green
technologies ,combined with the positive exit environment of the last years ,has provided
venture capitalists with the confidence to invest in emerging companies around the globe.
According to the research from Dow Jones Venture One and Ernst &Young .US $1.28
billion was invested in 140financing rounds in 2006 in China , Europe Israel and United
States that compares to US $ 664.1 million invested in 103 financing rounds in
2005,showing the capital investment in the field has nearly doubled over the past year. It
is expected that investment in clean technologies will continue to increase not only in
developed markets but also in the developing markets, mainly in India and China.
Over last few years ,the story of the US biotech industry has been one of the remarkable
success .There are signs that this success story is now repeated in other parts of world
,with maturing pipelines, record breaking financing totals, strong deal activity and
impressive financial results. Industry is grew 31% for second year in raw in 2007.
Exemption of import duty on key R&D, Contract manufacturing/clinical trial equipment
and duty credit for R&D and consumer goods.
Re v e nue (US$ million)
2005-2006 2006-2007
10000 10821
8000 9263
6000 7445
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
The industry's growth rate is likely to touch 19 per cent from the current 13 per
cent, according to a projection released by the Confederation of Indian Industries
(CII), on September 1, 2008.
According to a McKinsey study, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is projected to
grow to US$ 25 billion by 2010 whereas the domestic market is likely to more
than triple to US$ 20 billion by 2015 from the current US$ 6 billion to become
one of the leading pharmaceutical markets in the next decade.
The Indian pharmaceutical industry has shown robust growth in terms of
infrastructure development, technology base creation and a wide range of products
with a determination to flourish in the rapidly changing environment, thereby
establishing its global presence. The Indian pharmaceutical industry has increased
IT/ITes Industry
2006-2007 15.9
2005-2006 13.2
2003-2004 8.3
2002-2003 6.3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
US$ billion
250000 245600
200000 190300
150000 152420
100000 97000
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
There is a high growth of software and solutions related to the consumer Internet,
software as a service (SAAS), open source, software-cum-services and
telecommunications (both wireless and wire-line) products and related services.
There is a great opportunity for venture capital industry to invest in this electronic
production industry.
In 11th five year plan investment estimate in telecommunication sector are 65.1
The industry has seen the following trends in growth rate in April-June 2008
(estimated) over same period in 2007 :-
Transformers – 4.1%
Motors & Starters – -14.58%
Boilers – 35%
5.9.2 Threats :
Venture Capital Market in India Getting Overheated
The Venture Capital market in India seems to be getting as hot as the country’s famous
summers. However, this potential over-exuberance may lead to some stormy days ahead,
based on sobering research compiled by global research and analytics services firm,
Evalueserve. Evalueserve research shows an interesting phenomenon is beginning to
Over 44 US-based Venture capital firms are now seeking to invest heavily in start-ups and
early-stage companies in India. These firms have raised, or are in the process of raising,
an average of US $100 million each. Indeed, if these 40-plus firms are successful in
raising money, they would garner approximately $4.4 billion to be invested during the
next 4 to 5 years. Taking Indian Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) into consideration, this
would be equivalent to $22 billion worth of investment in the US. Since about $1.75
billion (or approximately 40% of $4.4 billion) has been already raised, even if only $2.2
billion is raised by December 2006, Evalueserve cautions that there will be a glut of
Venture Capital money for early stage investments in India. This will be especially true if
the VCs continue to invest only in currently favorite sectors such as IT, BPO, software
and hardware products, telecom, and consumer Internet. Given that a typical start-up in
India would require $9 million during the first three years (i.e., $3 million per year) and
even assuming that the start-up survives for three years, investing $2.2 billion during
2007-2010 would imply investing in 150 to 180 start-ups every year during this period,
which simply does not seem practical if the VCs continue to focus only on their current
favorite sectors.
Unproductive workforce:
A global survey by McKinsey & Company revealed that Indian business leaders are much
more optimistic about the future than their international peers. So Indian employees are
tardy in their job so it will effect reversly on the economic condition of the country.
Because they are unproductive to the economy of the country.
As per Union Budget 2007 and its broad guidelines, Government proposed to limit
pass-through status to venture capital funds (VCFs) making investment in nine
areas. These nine areas are biotechnology, information technology,
nanotechnology, seed research and development, R&D for pharma sectors, dairy
Buoyed by the growing tribe of students wanting to go solo with their own
entrepreneurial venture, the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
(IIM-A) is looking to attract venture capital funds to the campus. The
premier management institute is also in talks with several corporates to
provide seed capital to budding entrepreneurs from its incubation lab.
“The number of students starting up their own venture is increasing in
every batch. In a batch of 250 students, at least 10-15 are starting their own
The study provides that the maturity if the still nascent Indian Venture Capital market is
Venture Capitalists in Indian have notice of newer avenues and regions to expand. VCs
have moved beyond IT service but are cautious in exploring the right business model, for
finding opportunities that generate better returns for their investors.
In spite of few non attracting factors, Indian opportunities are no doubt promising which
is evident by the large number of new entrants in past years as well in coming days.
Nonetheless the market is challenging for successful investment.
Therefore Venture capitalists responses are upbeat about the attractiveness of the India as
a place to do the business.
VC Player list
Name Type of company they Deal stage they Companies they fund
fund fund
Development Fund
Gujarat Information Technology
Technology Fund
Orissa Venture
Capital Fund
Uttar Pradesh
Venture Capital
Vortex Engineering
Pvt.Ltd .
Tide Technocrats
Alliance Venture
Capital Advisors
CDC Advisors
Private Limited
Dawn Consulting Technology Early Stage Change pond
- GA software services, Later Stage Mind tree
embedded Quest
Bio-Tech & Healthcare Woodlands
Manufacturing Sandisk
Global IT Consulting & Software All stages Mind tree
Technology Services Global edge
Ventures Intimae
Liqwik Krstal
Internet Infrastructure & Net magic
Bio tech
Reliance IT Yatra
Technology Media and Entertainment Seed fund
Ventures Ltd Telecommunications Yipes Holdings
Bank list
technology VC )
Canaan Partners Technology Jobdirect
Healthcare National medical
Silicon Optix
Vue Technologies
iYogi (India fund)
Bharat Matrimony
(India fund)
Clearstone Communication and Seed stage SyncVoice
Venture Partners Optical Early Stage Communications
Networking Later Stage for Aoptix
Enterprise and highly DigiBee
infrastructure Successful Phasebridge
software technology
Services companies
Business and
Consumer Internet
Draper Software Early Stage CMM ltd
International Media Start ups Yantra
Geometric software
Indus league clothing
Citigroup Global
Services India Tata Consultancy Shift India 505
Lavasa Corp. India Bank of India India 31.3
Audit Control &
Expertise Switzerland Financial Tech India 22.5
Prozone-Liberity India LTG International UK 12
ICSA India India sachs(asia)Finance Hong Kong 8.3
Alcon Cement Co. India ACC India 4.7
Rotate Black India India Rotate Black Inc. US 4.2
Mijobil Grenland Norway Tata Motors European UK 1.9
Bhuruka Gases India Bhuruka Gases Holdings India 1.9
Thai Union Frozen
Avanti Feeds India Products Thailand 900
Swan Telecom India Etisalat India 802.7
Axon Group UK HCL Technologies UAE 177.5
WinWind oy finland Masdar India 25.7
Aztecsoft india MindTree India 23.4
Gammon India india Warhol Singapore 22.1
New Millennium Capital
Corp. canada Tata Steel Global Minerals Mauritius 15.2
Deutshe Securities
Prakash Industries India Mauritious Cyprus 13.2
Sz Design Srl italy koderat investments Cyprus 13.2
Zagato Srl italy koderat investments India 4.3
3. Pandey I M, “Venture Capital – The Indian Experience”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt
Ltd, 1999, pg 95 – 97.
3. Acceleration – Global Venture Capital Insights Report by Ernst & Young, 2007