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How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2

1. Introduction to Eurocodes
R S Narayanan FREng O Brooker BEng, CEng, MICE, MIStructE

The Eurocode family

This chapter shows how to use Eurocode 21 with the other Eurocodes. In particular it introduces Eurocode: Basis of structural design2 and Eurocode 1: Actions on structures3 and guides the designer through the process of determining the design values for actions on a structure. It also gives a brief overview of the significant differences between the Eurocodes and BS 81104, (which will be superseded) and includes a glossary of Eurocode terminology. The development of the Eurocodes started in 1975; since then they have evolved significantly and are now claimed to be the most technically advanced structural codes in the world. The many benefits of using Eurocode 2 are summarised below. There are ten Eurocodes covering all the main structural materials (see Figure 1). They are produced by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and will replace existing national standards in 28 countries. Each country is required to publish a Eurocode with a national title page and forward but the original text of the Eurocode must appear as produced by CEN as the main body of the document. A National Annex (NA) can be included at the back of the document (see Figure 2). Throughout this publication it is assumed that the UK National Annexes will be used. Table 1 details which existing standards relating to concrete design will be replaced by the new Eurocodes. During the implementation period it is recommended that existing standards are considered for use where the European standards have not yet been issued.

Benefits of using Eurocode 2


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A J Bond F:FL\=B<Ia=FB<><>g` O Brooker ;>g`<>g`FB<>FBLmkn\m> A J Harris ;L\FL\=B<FB<><>g`?@L T Harrison ;L\Ia=<>g`FB<>?B<M R M Moss;L\Ia==B<<>g`FB<>FBLmkn\m> R S Narayanan?K>g` R Webster<>g`?BLmkn\m>

This chapter is taken from The Concrete Centres publication, How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2 (Ref. CCIP006)

Learning to use the new Eurocodes will require time and effort on behalf of the designer, so what benefits will there be? 1. The new Eurocodes are claimed to be the most technically advanced codes in the world. 2. Eurocode 2 should result in more economic structures than BS 8110. 3. The Eurocodes are logical and organised to avoid repetition. 4. Eurocode 2 is less restrictive than existing codes. 5. Eurocode 2 is more extensive than existing codes. 6. Use of the Eurocodes will provide more opportunity for designers to work throughout Europe. 7. In Europe all public works must allow the Eurocodes to be used.

How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2

Figure 1
The Eurocodes
BS EN 1990, Eurocode: Basis of structural design BS EN 1991, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures Structural safety, serviceability and durability

Eurocode: Basis of structural design

This Eurocode underpins all structural design irrespective of the material of construction. It establishes principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of structures. (Note, the correct title is Eurocode not Eurocode 0.) The Eurocode uses a statistical approach to determine realistic values for actions that occur in combination with each other. There is no equivalent British Standard for Eurocode: Basis of structural design and the corresponding information has traditionally been replicated in each of the material Eurocodes. It also introduces new definitions (see Glossary) and symbols (see Tables 2a and 2b), which will be used throughout this publication to assist familiarity. Partial factors for actions are given in this Eurocode, whilst partial factors for materials are prescribed in their relevant Eurocode.

Actions on structures

BS EN 1992, Eurocode 2: Concrete BS EN 1993, Eurocode 3: Steel BS EN 1994, Eurocode 4: Composite BS EN 1995, Eurocode 5: Timber BS EN 1996, Eurocode 6: Masonry BS EN 1999, Eurocode 9: Aluminium BS EN 1997, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design

Design and detailing

BS EN 1998, Eurocode 8: Seismic design

Geotechnical and seismic design

Figure 2
Typical Eurocode layout

Representative values
For each variable action there are four representative values. The principal representative value is the characteristic value and this can be determined statistically or, where there is insufficient data, a nominal value may be used. The other representative values are combination, frequent and quasi-permanent; these are obtained by applying to the characteristic value the factors c 0 , c 1 and c 2 respectively (see Figure 3). A semi-probabilistic method is used to derive the c factors, which vary depending on the type of imposed load (see Table 3). Further information on derivation of the c factors can be found in Appendix C of the Eurocode. The combination value ( c 0 Qk) of an action is intended to take account of the reduced probability of the simultaneous occurrence of two or more variable actions. The frequent value ( c 1 Qk) is such that it should be exceeded only for a short period of time and is used primarily for the serviceability limit states (SLS) and also the accidental ultimate limit state (ULS). The quasi-permanent value ( c 2 Qk) may be exceeded for a considerable period of time; alternatively it may be considered as an average loading over time. It is used for the long-term affects at the SLS and also accidental and seismic ULS.

A: National title page B: National Foreword C: CEN title page

D: Main text E: Main Annex(es) F: National Annex

Table 1
Concrete related Eurocodes and their equivalent current standards Eurocode BS EN 1990 BS EN 199111 BS EN 199112 BS EN 199113 BS EN 199114 BS EN 199115 BS EN 199116 BS EN 199117 BS EN 19912 BS EN 19913 BS EN 19914 BS EN 199211 BS EN 199212 BS EN 19922 BS EN 19923 BS EN 19971 BS EN 19972 BS EN 1998 Title Basis of structural design Densities, self-weight and imposed loads Actions on structures exposed to fire Snow loads Wind actions Thermal actions Actions during execution Accidental actions Traffic loads on bridges Actions induced by cranes and machinery Silos and tanks General rules for buildings Fire resistance of concrete structures Bridges Liquid-retaining and containment structures Geotechnical design General rules Superseded standards BS 8110: Part 1 section 2 BS 6399: Part 1 and BS 648 BS 6399: Part 2 BS 6399: Part 3 BD 37/88 BS 8110: Parts 1, 2 and 3 BS 8110: Part 1,Table 3.2 and BS 8110: Part 2, section 4 BS 5400: Part 4 BS 8007 BS 6031, BS 8002, BS 8004, BS 8006, BS 8008 & BS 8081

Combinations of actions
In the Eurocodes the term combination of actions is specifically used for the definition of the magnitude of actions to be used when a limit state is under the influence of different actions. It should not be confused with load cases, which are concerned with the arrangement of the variable actions to give the most unfavourable conditions and are given in the material Eurocodes. The following process can be used to determine the value of actions used for analysis: 1. Identify the design situation (e.g. persistent, transient, accidental). 2. Identify all realistic actions. 3. Determine the partial factors (see below) for each applicable combination of actions. 4. Arrange the actions to produce the most critical conditions.

Geotechnical design Ground BS 5930 investigation and testing Design of structures for earthquake resistance (6 parts)


1. Introduction to Eurocodes
Table 2a
Selected symbols for Eurocode Symbol Gk Qk gG gQ c0 c1 c2 j Definition Characteristic value of permanent action Characteristic value of single variable action Partial factor for permanent action Partial factor for variable action Factor for combination value of a variable action Factor for frequent value of a variable action Factor for quasi-permanent value of a variable action Combination factor for permanent actions

Where there is only one variable action (e.g. imposed load) in a combination, the magnitude of the actions can be obtained by multiplying them by the appropriate partial factors. Where there is more than one variable action in a combination, it is necessary to identify the leading action (Qk,1) and other accompanying actions (Qk,i). The accompanying action is always taken as the combination value.

Ultimate limit state

The ultimate limit states are divided into the following categories: EQU Loss of equilibrium of the structure. STR Internal failure or excessive deformation of the structure or structural member. GEO Failure due to excessive deformation of the ground. FAT Fatigue failure of the structure or structural members. The Eurocode gives different combinations for each of these ultimate limit states. For the purpose of this publication only the STR ultimate limit state will be considered. For persistent and transient design situations under the STR limit state, the Eurocode defines three possible combinations, which are given in Expressions (6.10), (6.10a) and (6.10b) of the Eurocode (see Tables 4 and 5). The designer (for UK buildings) may use either (6.10) or the less favourable of (6.10a) and (6.10b). At first sight it appears that there is considerably more calculation required to determine the appropriate load combination; however, with experience the designer will be able to determine this by inspection. Expression (6.10) is always equal to or more conservative than the less favourable of Expressions (6.10a) and (6.10b). Expression (6.10b) will normally apply when the permanent actions are not greater than 4.5 times the variable actions (except for storage loads (category E, Table 3) where Expression (6.10a) always applies). Therefore, for a typical concrete frame building, Expression (6.10b) will give the most structurally economical combination of actions. For members supporting one variable action the combination 1.25 Gk + 1.5 Qk (derived from (Exp 6.10b)) can be used provided the permanent actions are not greater than 4.5 times the variable actions (except for storage loads).

Table 2b
Selected subscripts Subscript A c d E fi k R w y Definition Accidental situation Concrete Design Effect of action Fire Characteristic Resistance Shear reinforcement Yield strength

Figure 3
Representative values of variable actions
Characteristic value of QK

Instantaneous value of Q

Combination value of c0 QK Frequent value of c1 QK Quasipermanent value of c2 QK


Table 3
Recommended values of c factors for buildings (from UK National Annex) Action Imposed loads in buildings (see BS EN 199111) Category A: domestic, residential areas Category B: office areas Category C: congregation areas Category D: shopping areas Category E: storage areas Category F: traffic area, vehicle weight < 30 kN Category H: roofs* Snow loads on buildings (see BS EN 19913) For sites located at altitude H > 1000 m above sea level For sites located at altitude H < 1000 m above sea level Wind loads on buildings (see BS EN 199114)
Key *See also 199111: Clause 3.3.2

c0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5

c1 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.5 0 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5

c2 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.3 0 0.2 0 0 0

Serviceability limit state

There are three combinations of actions that can be used to check the serviceability limit states (see Tables 6 and 7). Eurocode 2 indicates which combination should be used for which phenomenon (e.g. deflection is checked using the quasi-permanent combination). Care should be taken not to confuse the SLS combinations of characteristic, frequent and quasi-permanent, with the representative values that have the same titles.

Category G: traffic area, 30 kN < vehicle weight < 160 kN 0.7

Temperature (non-fire) in buildings (see BS EN 199115) 0.6


How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2

Table 4
Design values of actions, ultimate limit state persistent and transient design situations (table A1.2 (B) Eurocode) Combination Expression reference Permanent actions Unfavourable Exp. (6.10) Exp. (6.10a) Exp. (6.10b) Favourable Leading variable action Accompanying variable actions Main (if any) Others

g G, j, sup Gk , j , sup g G, j, sup Gk , j , sup jg G, j, sup Gk , j , sup

g G , j, inf G k , j , inf g G , j, inf G k , j , inf g G , j, inf G k , j , inf

g Q,1 Qk,1 g Q,1 c 0 ,1 Qk,1 g Q,1 Qk,1

g Q,1 c 0 ,1 Q k,i g Q,1 c 0 ,1 Q k,i g Q,1 c 0 ,1 Q k,i

Note 1 Design for either Expression (6.10) or the less favourable of Expressions (6.10a) and (6.10b).

Table 5
Design values of actions, derived for UK design, ultimate limit state persistent and transient design situations Combination Expression reference Permanent actions Unfavourable Combination of permanent and variable actions Exp. (6.10) Exp. (6.10a) Exp. (6.10b) 1.35 Gk a 1.35 Gk a 0.925 d x 1.35 Gk

Leading variable action Favourable

Accompanying variable actions Main (if any) Others

1.0 Gk a 1.0 Gk a 1.0 Gk


1.5c Qk 1.5 c 0,1b Qk 1.5c

1.5 c c 0,i b Q k,i 1.5 c 0,1b Qk 1.5 c c 0,i b Q k,i 1.5 c c 0,i b Q k,i
c Where the accompanying load is favourable, g Q,i = 0 d The value of j in the UK National Annex is 0.925

Combination of permanent, variable and accompanying variable actions Exp. (6.10) Exp. (6.10a) Exp. (6.10b) 1.35 Gk a 1.35 Gk a 0.925 d x 1.35 Gk a 1.0 Gk a 1.0 Gk a 1.0 Gk a 1.5c Qk,1 1.5c Qk,1

Key a Where the variation in permanent action is not considered significant, Gk,j,sup and Gk,j,inf may be taken as Gk b The value of c 0 can be obtained from Table NA A1.1 of the UK National Annex (reproduced here as Table 3)

Table 6
Design values of actions, serviceability limit states Combination Permanent actions Unfavourable Characteristic Frequent Quasi-permanent Favourable Variable actions Leading Others Example of use in Eurocode 2

Gk,j,sup Gk,j,sup Gk,j,sup

Gk,j,inf Gk,j,inf Gk,j,inf

Qk,1 c 1,1 Qk,1 c 2,1 Qk,1

c 0 , i Qk,i c 2 , i Qk,i c 2 , i Qk,i

Cracking prestressed concrete Deflection
2 For values of c 0, c 1 and c 2 refer to Table 3

Notes 1 Where the variation in permanent action is not considered significant. Gk,j,sup and Gk,j,inf may be taken as Gk

Table 7
Example design combinations for deflection (quasi-permanent) derived for typical UK reinforced concrete design Combination Permanent actions Unfavourable Office Shopping area Storage Variable action Leading 0.3 b Q k,1 0.6b Q k,1 0.8b Q k,1
b Values of c 2 are taken from UK NA (see Table 3)

Gk a Gk

Gk a

Key a Where the variation in permanent action is not considered significant Gk,j,sup and Gk,j,inf may be taken as Gk


1. Introduction to Eurocodes

Eurocode 1
Eurocode 1 supersedes BS 6399: Loading for buildings6 and BS 648: Schedule of weights of building materials7. It contains within its ten parts (see Table 8) all the information required by the designer to assess the individual actions on a structure. It is generally self-explanatory and it is anticipated the actions to be used in the UK (as advised in the UK National Annex) will typically be the same as those in the current British Standards. The most notable exception is the bulk density of reinforced concrete, which has been increased to 25 kN/m3. Currently not all the parts of Eurocode 1 and their National Annexes are available, in which case it is advised that the loads recommended in the current British Standards are used.

Table 8
Eurocode 1, its parts and dates of publication Reference BS EN 199111 Title Densities, self-weight and imposed loads Actions on structures exposed to fire Snow loads Wind actions Publication date Eurocode July 2002 November 2002 July 2003 April 2005 March 2004 December 2005 September 2006 October 2003 September 2006 June 2006 National Annex December 2005 Due October 2006a December 2005 Due January 2007a Due December 2006a Due June 2007a Due October 2007a Due December 2006a Due January 2007a Due June 2007a

BS EN 199112

BS EN 199113 BS EN 199114

BS EN 199115

Thermal actions

Eurocode 2
There are four parts to Eurocode 2; Figure 4 indicates how they fit into the Eurocode system, which includes other European standards.

BS EN 199116

Actions during execution Accidental actions due to impact and explosions Traffic loads on bridges Actions induced by cranes and machinery Actions in silos and tanks

BS EN 199117

BS EN 19912

Part 11
Eurocode 2, Part 11: General rules and rules for buildings9 is the principal part which is referenced by the three other parts. For the UK designer there are a number of differences between Eurocode 2 and BS 8110, which will initially make the new Eurocode seem unfamiliar. The key differences are listed below to assist in the familiarisation process. 1. Eurocode 2 is generally laid out to give advice on the basis of phenomena (e.g. bending, shear etc) rather than by member types as in BS 8110 (e.g. beams, slabs, columns etc). 2. Design is based on characteristic cylinder strengths not cube strengths. 3. The Eurocode does not provide derived formulae (e.g. for bending, only the details of the stress block are expressed). This is the traditional European approach, where the application of a Eurocode is expected to be provided in a textbook or similar publication. The Eurocodes allow for this type of detail to be provided in Non-contradictory complementary information (NCCI) (See Glossary). 4. Units for stress are mega pascals, MPa (1 MPa = 1 N/mm2). 5. Eurocode 2 uses a comma for a decimal point. It is expected that UK designers will continue to use a decimal point. Therefore to avoid confusion, the comma should not be used for separating multiples of a thousand. 6. One thousandth is represented by . 7. The partial factor for steel reinforcement is 1.15. However, the characteristic yield strength of steel that meets the requirements of BS 4449 will be 500 MPa; so overall the effect is negligible. 8. Eurocode 2 is applicable for ribbed reinforcement with characteristic yield strengths of 400 to 600 MPa. There is no guidance on plain bar or mild steel reinforcement in the Eurocode, but guidance is given in the background paper to the UK National Annex10. 9. The effects of geometric imperfection (notional horizontal loads) are considered in addition to lateral loads.
BS EN 19913

BS EN 19914

Key a Planned publication date (correct at time of publication) Source: BSI8

Figure 4
Relationship between Eurocode 2 and other Eurocodes
BS EN 1997 EUROCODE 7 Geotechnical design BS EN 1990 EUROCODE Basis of structural design BS EN 1998 EUROCODE 8 Seismic design

BS EN 206 Specifying concrete

BS EN 1991 EUROCODE 1 Actions on structures

BS EN 10080 Reinforcing steels

BS 8500 Specifying concrete

BS EN 1992 EUROCODE 2 Design of concrete structures Part 11: General rules for structures

BS 4449 Reinforcing steels

BS EN 13670 Execution of structures

Part 12: Structural fire design

BS EN 13369 Precast concrete

BS EN 1992 EUROCODE 2 Part 2: Bridges

BS EN 1992 Part 3: EUROCODE 2 Liquid-retaining structures

Precast concrete product standards


How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2

10. Minimum concrete cover is related to bond strength, durability and fire resistance. In addition to the minimum cover an allowance for deviations due to variations in execution (construction) should be included. Eurocode 2 recommends that, for concrete cast against formwork, this is taken as 10 mm, unless the construction is subject to a quality assurance system in which case it could be reduced to 5 mm or even 0 mm where non-conforming members are rejected (e.g. in a precast yard). It is recommended that the nominal cover is stated on the drawings and construction tolerances are given in the specification. 11. Higher strengths of concrete are covered by Eurocode 2, up to class C90/105. However, because the characteristics of higher strength concrete are different, some Expressions in the Eurocode are adjusted for classes above C50/60. 12. The variable strut inclination method is used in Eurocode 2 for the assessment of the shear capacity of a section. In practice, design values for actual structures can be compared with tabulated values. Further advice can be found in Chapter 4, originally published as Beams11. 13. The punching shear checks are carried out at 2d from the face of the column and for a rectangular column, the perimeter is rounded at the corners. 14. Serviceability checks can still be carried out using deemed to satisfy span to effective depth rules similar to BS 8110. However, if a more detailed check is required, Eurocode 2 guidance varies from the rules in BS 8110 Part 2. 15. The rules for determining the anchorage and lap lengths are more complex than the simple tables in BS 8110. Eurocode 2 considers the effects of, amongst other things, the position of bars during concreting, the shape of the bar and cover.

Eurocode 7
Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design17 is in two parts and gives guidance on geotechnical design, ground investigation and testing. It has a broad scope and includes the geotechnical design of spread foundations, piled foundations, retaining walls, deep basements and embankments. Like all the Eurocodes it is based on limit state design principles, which is a significant variation for most geotechnical design. Further guidance related to simple foundations is given in Chapter 6, originally ppublished as Foundations18.

Eurocode 8
Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance19 is divided into six parts and gives guidance on all aspects of design for earthquake resistance and covers guidance for the various structural materials for all types of structures. It also includes guidance for strengthening and repair of buildings. In areas of low seismicity it is anticipated that detailing structures to Eurocode 2 will ensure compliance with Eurocode 8.

Related Standards
BS 8500/BS EN 206
BS 8500: Concrete Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206120 replaced BS 5328 in December 2003 and designers should currently be using this to specify concrete. Further guidance can found in Chapter 11, originally published as How to use BS 8500 with BS 811021.

BS 4449/BS EN 10080
BS 4449: Specification for carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete22 has been revised ready for implementation in January 2006. It is a complementary standard to BS EN 10080 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete23 and Normative Annex C of Eurocode 2. The most significant changes are that steel characteristic yield will change to 500 MPa. There are three classes of reinforcement, A, B and C, which indicate increasing ductility. Class A is not suitable for use where redistribution of 20% and above has been assumed in the design.

Part 12
Eurocode 2, Part 12: Structural fire design12, gives guidance on design for fire resistance of concrete structures. Although much of the Eurocode is devoted to fire engineering methods, the design for fire resistance may still be carried out by referring to tables for minimum cover and dimensions for various elements. These are given in section 5 of Part 12. Further advice on using the tabular method is given in Chapter 2, originally published as Getting started 13.

BS EN 13670 Part 2
Eurocode 2, Part 2: Bridges14 applies the general rules given in Part 11 to the design of concrete bridges. As a consequence both Part 11 and Part 2 will be required to carry out a design of a reinforced concrete bridge. BS 8110 Part 1 sections 6 and 7 specify the workmanship for concrete construction. There is no equivalent guidance in Eurocode 2, and it is intended that execution (construction) will be covered in a new standard BS EN 13670 Execution of concrete structures24. This is still in preparation and is not expected to be ready for publication until 2008 at the earliest. In the intervening period the draft background paper to the UK National Annex of Eurocode 2, Part 1-110 recommends that designers use the National structural concrete specification for building construction25, which refers to BS 8110 for workmanship.

Part 3
Eurocode 2, Part 3: Liquid-retaining and containment structures15 applies the general rules given in Part 11 to the liquid-retaining structures and supersedes BS 800716.


1. Introduction to Eurocodes

Glossary of Eurocode terminology

Term Principles Application Rules Nationally Determined Parameter (NDP) Definition Clauses that are general statements, definitions, requirements and analytical models for which no alternative is permitted. They are identified by (P) after the clause number. These are generally recognised rules, which comply with the principles and satisfy their requirements. Eurocodes may be used to satisfy national Building Regulations, which themselves will not be harmonized. NDPs are therefore used to allow a country to set its own levels of safety. NDPs also allow certain other parameters (generally influenced by climate, geography and geology) to be left open for selection nationally: NDPs are advised in the National Annex. A National Annex accompanies each Eurocode and it contains a) the values of NDPs b) the national decision regarding the use of Informative Annexes and c) references to NCCIs The term used for the text of Standards that forms the core requirements. Compliance with Eurocodes will generally be judged against the normative requirements. A term used only in relation to annexes, which seek to inform rather than require. Non-contradictory complementary information. References in a National Annex which contains further information or guidance which does not contradict the Eurocode. A value that may be derived statistically with a probability of not being exceeded during a reference period. The value corresponds to a specified fractile for a particular property of material or product. The characteristic values are denoted by subscript k (e.g. Qk etc). It is the principal representative value from which other representative values may be derived. Value used for verification of a limit state. It may be the characteristic value or an accompanying value, e.g. combination, frequent or quasi-permanent. These refer to representative values modified by partial factors. They are denoted by subscript d (e.g. f cd = f ck /g c ; Q d = g Q Q k). Set of forces, deformations or accelerations acting on the structure. Set of design values used for the verification of the structural reliability for a limit state under the simultaneous influence of different and statistically independent actions. Action that has a fixed distribution and position over the structure or structural member. Action that may have various spatial distributions over the structure. Actions that are likely to act throughout the life of the structure and whose variation in magnitude with time is negligible (e.g. permanent loads). Actions whose magnitude will vary with time (e.g. wind loads). Deformation or internal force caused by an action. Action, usually of short duration but of significant magnitude, that is unlikely to occur on a given structure during the design working life. An action in a combination that is not the leading variable action. Design situation that is relevant during a period much shorter than the design working life of the structure. Design situation that is relevant during a period of the same order as the design working life of the structure. Design situation involving exceptional conditions of the structure. Serviceability limit state where some consequences of actions will remain when the actions are removed. Serviceability limit state where no consequences of actions will remain when the actions are removed. Construction of the works.

National Annex (NA) Normative Informative NCCI Characteristic value

Representative value Design values Action (F) Combination of actions Fixed action Free action Permanent actions (G) Variable actions (Q) Effect of action (E) Accidental action (A) Accompanying action Transient design situation Persistent design situation Accidental design situation Irreversible serviceability limit state Reversible serviceability limit state Execution


1. Introduction to Eurocodes
1 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 1992, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. BSI (4 parts). 2 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 1990, Eurocode: Basis of structural design. BSI, 2002. 3 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 1991, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures. BSI (10 parts). 4 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 8110: The structural use of concrete. BSI (3 parts). M T. Designers guide to EN 1990. Thomas Telford, 2002. 5 GULVANESSIAN, H, CALGARO, J A & HOLICY, 6 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 6399: Loading for buildings. BSI (3 parts). 7 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 648: Schedule of weights of building materials. BSI, 1964. 8 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. Web page: BSI. 9 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 199211, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for buildings. BSI, 2004. 10 BRITISH STANDARD INSTITUTION. PD 6687. Background paper to the UK National Annex to BS EN 199211. BSI, 2006. 11 MOSS, R M & BROOKER, O. How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2: Beams (TCC/03/19). The Concrete Centre, 2006. 12 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 199212, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Structural fire design. BSI, 2004. 13 BROOKER, O. How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2: Getting started (TCC/03/17). The Concrete Centre, 2005. 14 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 19922, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Bridges. BSI, 2005. 15 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 19923, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Liquid-retaining and containment structures. BSI, due 2006. 16 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 8007: Code of practice for design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids. BSI, 1987. 17 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 1997, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design. BSI (2 parts). 18 WEBSTER, R & BROOKER, O. How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2: Foundations (TCC/03/21). The Concrete Centre, 2006. 19 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 1998, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. BSI (6 parts). 20 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 8500: Concrete Complementary British Standard to BS EN 2061, 2002 (2 parts). 21 HARRISON, T A & BROOKER, O. How to use BS 8500 with BS 8110 (TCC/03/11). The Concrete Centre, 2005. 22 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 4449: Specification for carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. BSI, 2005. 23 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS EN 10080: Steel for the reinforcement of concrete Weldable reinforcing steel General. BSI, 2005. 24 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. EN 13670: Execution of concrete structures Part 1: Common. BSI, due 2008. 25 THE CONCRETE SOCIETY. CS 152: National structural concrete specification for building construction, third edition. The Society, 2004.

The content of this publication was produced as part of the project Eurocode 2: transition from UK to European concrete design standards. This project was part funded by the DTI under the Partners in Innovation scheme. The lead partner was the British Cement Association. The work was carried out under the guidance of the Concrete Industry Eurocode 2 Group, which consists of representatives from: Alan Baxter and Associates Arup British Cement Association British Precast Building Research Establishment Clark Smith Partnership Concrete Innovation and Design Construct Department for Trade and Industry Office of the Deputy Prime Minister The Concrete Centre The Concrete Society Quarry Products Association.

For more information on Eurocode 2 and other questions relating to the design, use and performance of concrete contact the free National Helpline on: 0700 4 500 500 or 0700 4 CONCRETE

Published by The Concrete Centre Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park, Station Approach, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AB Tel: +44 (0)1276 606800 Fax: +44 (0)1276 606801

Ref: TCC/03/16 ISBN 1-904818-26-9  First published November 2005, revised December 2006 The Concrete Centre and British Cement Association

All advice or information from The Concrete Centre is intended for those who will evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and take responsibility for its use and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for any loss resulting from such advice or information is accepted by The Concrete Centre or its subcontractors, suppliers or advisors. Readers should note that publications from The Concrete Centre are subject to revision from time to time and they should therefore ensure that they are in possession of the latest version. This publication has been produced following a contract placed by the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI); the views expressed are not necessarily those of the DTI.

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