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17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

17: Transmission Lines

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 1 / 13

Transmission Lines
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Previously assume that any change in vS (t) appears instantly at vR (t).

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Lines
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Previously assume that any change in vS (t) appears instantly at vR (t). This is not true.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 2 / 13

Transmission Lines
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Previously assume that any change in vS (t) appears instantly at vR (t). This is not true. If fact signals travel at around half the speed of light (c = 30 cm/ns).

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Lines
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Previously assume that any change in vS (t) appears instantly at vR (t). This is not true. If fact signals travel at around half the speed of light (c = 30 cm/ns). Reason: all wires have capacitance to ground and to neighbouring conductors and also self-inductance. It takes time to change the current through an inductor or voltage across a capacitor.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Lines
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Previously assume that any change in vS (t) appears instantly at vR (t). This is not true. If fact signals travel at around half the speed of light (c = 30 cm/ns). Reason: all wires have capacitance to ground and to neighbouring conductors and also self-inductance. It takes time to change the current through an inductor or voltage across a capacitor. A transmission line is a wire with a uniform goemetry along its length: the capacitance and inductance of any segment is proportional to its length.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Lines
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Previously assume that any change in vS (t) appears instantly at vR (t). This is not true. If fact signals travel at around half the speed of light (c = 30 cm/ns). Reason: all wires have capacitance to ground and to neighbouring conductors and also self-inductance. It takes time to change the current through an inductor or voltage across a capacitor. A transmission line is a wire with a uniform goemetry along its length: the capacitance and inductance of any segment is proportional to its length. We represent as a large number of small inductors and capacitors spaced along the line.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Lines
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Previously assume that any change in vS (t) appears instantly at vR (t). This is not true. If fact signals travel at around half the speed of light (c = 30 cm/ns). Reason: all wires have capacitance to ground and to neighbouring conductors and also self-inductance. It takes time to change the current through an inductor or voltage across a capacitor. A transmission line is a wire with a uniform goemetry along its length: the capacitance and inductance of any segment is proportional to its length. We represent as a large number of small inductors and capacitors spaced along the line. The signal speed along a transmisison line is predictable.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Line Equations

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Short section of line x long. v (x, t) and i(x, t) depend on both position and time.

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Line Equations

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Short section of line x long. v (x, t) and i(x, t) depend on both position and time. Small x ignore 2nd order derivatives:
v (x,t) t

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

v (x+x,t) t

v t .

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Line Equations

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Short section of line x long. v (x, t) and i(x, t) depend on both position and time. Small x ignore 2nd order derivatives:
v (x,t) t

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

v (x+x,t) t

v t .

i Capacitor equation: C v t = i(x, t) i(x + x, t) = x x

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Line Equations

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Short section of line x long. v (x, t) and i(x, t) depend on both position and time. Small x ignore 2nd order derivatives:
v (x,t) t

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

v (x+x,t) t

v t .

i Capacitor equation: C v t = i(x, t) i(x + x, t) = x x i v Inductor equation: L t = v (x, t) v (x + x, t) = x x

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Line Equations

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Short section of line x long. v (x, t) and i(x, t) depend on both position and time. Small x ignore 2nd order derivatives:
v (x,t) t

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

v (x+x,t) t

v t .

i Capacitor equation: C v t = i(x, t) i(x + x, t) = x x i v Inductor equation: L t = v (x, t) v (x + x, t) = x x

Transmission Line Equations

L C and L0 = x Substitute C0 = x where C0 and L0 are capacitance and inductance per unit length.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Line Equations

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Short section of line x long. v (x, t) and i(x, t) depend on both position and time. Small x ignore 2nd order derivatives:
v (x,t) t

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

v (x+x,t) t

v t .

i Capacitor equation: C v t = i(x, t) i(x + x, t) = x x i v Inductor equation: L t = v (x, t) v (x + x, t) = x x

Transmission Line Equations

L C and L0 = x Substitute C0 = x where C0 and L0 are capacitance and inductance per unit length. i C0 v = t x v i L0 t = x

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Transmission Line Equations

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Short section of line x long. v (x, t) and i(x, t) depend on both position and time. Small x ignore 2nd order derivatives:
v (x,t) t

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

v (x+x,t) t

v t .

i Capacitor equation: C v t = i(x, t) i(x + x, t) = x x i v Inductor equation: L t = v (x, t) v (x + x, t) = x x

Transmission Line Equations

L C and L0 = x Substitute C0 = x where C0 and L0 are capacitance and inductance per unit length. i C0 v = t x v i L0 t = x

General solution to two simultaneous partial differential equations will include two arbitrary functions (instead of the arbitrary constants that you get with ordinary differential equations).

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Solution to TL Equations
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


TL Equations:

i C0 v t = x

i v L0 t = x

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Solution to TL Equations
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


TL Equations:

i C0 v t = x

i v L0 t = x

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


General solution:

x x v (t, x) = f (t u ) + g (t + u )

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

i(t, x) =
where u =

x x )g (t+ u ) f (t u Z0

1 L0 C0

and Z0 =

L0 C0

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Solution to TL Equations
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


TL Equations:

i C0 v t = x

i v L0 t = x

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


General solution:

x x v (t, x) = f (t u ) + g (t + u )

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

i(t, x) =
where u =

x x )g (t+ u ) f (t u Z0

1 L0 C0

and Z0 =

L0 C0

u is the propagation velocity and Z0 is the characteristic impedance.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Solution to TL Equations
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


TL Equations:

i C0 v t = x

i v L0 t = x

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


General solution:

x x v (t, x) = f (t u ) + g (t + u )

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

i(t, x) =
where u =

x x )g (t+ u ) f (t u Z0

1 L0 C0

and Z0 =

L0 C0

u is the propagation velocity and Z0 is the characteristic impedance. f () and g () can be any differentiable functions.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Solution to TL Equations
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


TL Equations:

i C0 v t = x

i v L0 t = x

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


General solution:

x x v (t, x) = f (t u ) + g (t + u )

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

i(t, x) =
where u =

x x )g (t+ u ) f (t u Z0

1 L0 C0

and Z0 =

L0 C0

u is the propagation velocity and Z0 is the characteristic impedance. f () and g () can be any differentiable functions.
Verify by substitution:
i x
x x )g (t+ u ) f (t u Z0

1 u

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Solution to TL Equations
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


TL Equations:

i C0 v t = x

i v L0 t = x

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


General solution:

x x v (t, x) = f (t u ) + g (t + u )

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

i(t, x) =
where u =

x x )g (t+ u ) f (t u Z0

1 L0 C0

and Z0 =

L0 C0

u is the propagation velocity and Z0 is the characteristic impedance. f () and g () can be any differentiable functions.
Verify by substitution:
i x
x x )g (t+ u ) f (t u Z0

1 u

x x ) + g (t + u ) = C0 v = C0 f ( t u t

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )


Time (ns)


E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )



At x = 45 cm,

v (45, t) = f (t

45 u )

Time (ns)


E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )



At x = 45 cm,

v (45, t) = f (t f (t
45 u )

45 u )

Time (ns)


is the same as f (t) but delayed by 45 u = 3 ns.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

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Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )



At x = 45 cm,

v (45, t) = f (t f (t
45 u )

45 u )

Time (ns)


is the same as f (t) but delayed by 45 u = 3 ns. Waveform at x = 0 completely determines the waveform everywhere else.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )




At x = 45 cm,

v (45, t) = f (t f (t
45 u )

45 u )

Time (ns)


is the same as f (t) but delayed by 45 u = 3 ns. Waveform at x = 0 completely determines the waveform everywhere else. At x = 90 cm, vR (t) = f (t 90 u ).

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )




At x = 45 cm,

v (45, t) = f (t f (t
45 u )

45 u )

Time (ns)


is the same as f (t) but delayed by 45 u = 3 ns. Waveform at x = 0 completely determines the waveform everywhere else. At x = 90 cm, vR (t) = f (t 90 u ). At t0 = 4 ns, the waveform has just reached x = ut0 = 60 cm.
t = 4 ns f(4-x/u)




80 Position (cm)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )




At x = 45 cm,

v (45, t) = f (t f (t
45 u )

45 u )

Time (ns)


is the same as f (t) but delayed by 45 u = 3 ns. Waveform at x = 0 completely determines the waveform everywhere else. At x = 90 cm, vR (t) = f (t 90 u ). At t0 = 4 ns, the waveform has just reached x = ut0 = 60 cm.
t = 4 ns f(4-x/u)




80 Position (cm)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward Wave
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


u = 15 cm/ns

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

At x = 0 cm,
0 vS (t) = f (t u )




At x = 45 cm,

v (45, t) = f (t f (t
45 u )

45 u )

Time (ns)


is the same as f (t) but delayed by 45 u = 3 ns. Waveform at x = 0 completely determines the waveform everywhere else. At x = 90 cm, vR (t) = f (t 90 u ). At t0 = 4 ns, the waveform has just reached x = ut0 = 60 cm.
t = 4 ns f(4-x/u)




80 Position (cm)

x f (t u ) a wave travelling forward (i.e. towards +x) along the line.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560) Transmission Lines: 17 5 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


v (x, t) = x x f (t u ) + g (t + u )

f(t-0/u) x=0


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

8 Time (ns) 10

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


v (x, t) = x x f (t u ) + g (t + u )
At x = 0 cm,

f(t-0/u) x=0


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

vS (t) = f (t) + g (t)

8 Time (ns) 10

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


v (x, t) = x x f (t u ) + g (t + u )
At x = 0 cm,

f(t-0/u) x=0


x g(t+90/u) x=90 0 2 4 6 8 Time (ns) 10 f(t-90/u)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

vS (t) = f (t) + g (t)

At x = 90 cm, g starts at t = 1 and f starts at t = 6.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


v (x, t) = x x f (t u ) + g (t + u )
At x = 0 cm,

f(t-0/u) x=0 f(t-45/u)+g(t+45/u) x=45 g(t+90/u) x=90 0 2 4 6


f(t-90/u) 8 Time (ns) 10

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

vS (t) = f (t) + g (t)

At x = 90 cm, g starts at t = 1 and f starts at t = 6. At x = 45 cm, g is only 1 ns behind f and they add together.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


v (x, t) = x x f (t u ) + g (t + u )
At x = 0 cm,

f(t-0/u) x=0 f(t-45/u)+g(t+45/u) x=45 g(t+90/u) x=90 0 2 4 6


f(t-90/u) 8 Time (ns) 10

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

vS (t) = f (t) + g (t)

At x = 90 cm, g starts at t = 1 and f starts at t = 6. At x = 45 cm, g is only 1 ns behind f and they add together. At t = 2 ns f and g have not yet met.

t = 2 ns




80 Position (cm)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


v (x, t) = x x f (t u ) + g (t + u )
At x = 0 cm,

f(t-0/u) x=0 f(t-45/u)+g(t+45/u) x=45 g(t+90/u) x=90 0 2 4 6


f(t-90/u) 8 Time (ns) 10

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

vS (t) = f (t) + g (t)

At x = 90 cm, g starts at t = 1 and f starts at t = 6. At x = 45 cm, g is only 1 ns behind f and they add together. At t = 2 ns f and g have not yet met. By t = 5 ns, f and g have just crossed.

t = 2 ns




80 Position (cm)


t = 5 ns




80 Position (cm)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Forward + Backward Waves

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x ) is a wave travelling backwards, i.e. in the x direction. Similarly g (t + u

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


v (x, t) = x x f (t u ) + g (t + u )
At x = 0 cm,

f(t-0/u) x=0 f(t-45/u)+g(t+45/u) x=45 g(t+90/u) x=90 0 2 4 6


f(t-90/u) 8 Time (ns) 10

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

vS (t) = f (t) + g (t)

At x = 90 cm, g starts at t = 1 and f starts at t = 6. At x = 45 cm, g is only 1 ns behind f and they add together. At t = 2 ns f and g have not yet met. By t = 5 ns, f and g have just crossed. Magically, f and g pass through each other unaltered

t = 2 ns




80 Position (cm)


t = 5 ns




80 Position (cm)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 6 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)).

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)). Note: Knowing the waveform fx (t) or gx (t) at any position x, tells you it at y x y x and gy (t) = gx t + u . any other position: fy (t) = fx t u

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)). Note: Knowing the waveform fx (t) or gx (t) at any position x, tells you it at y x y x and gy (t) = gx t + u . any other position: fy (t) = fx t u

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Power Flow The power transferred into the shaded region across the boundary at x is

Px (t) = vx (t)ix (t)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)). Note: Knowing the waveform fx (t) or gx (t) at any position x, tells you it at y x y x and gy (t) = gx t + u . any other position: fy (t) = fx t u

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Power Flow The power transferred into the shaded region across the boundary at x is
1 Px (t) = vx (t)ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) + gx (t)) (fx (t) gx (t))

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Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)). Note: Knowing the waveform fx (t) or gx (t) at any position x, tells you it at y x y x and gy (t) = gx t + u . any other position: fy (t) = fx t u

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Power Flow The power transferred into the shaded region across the boundary at x is
1 Px (t) = vx (t)ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) + gx (t)) (fx (t) gx (t)) 2 2 f (t) gx (t) = x Z0 Z0

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Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)). Note: Knowing the waveform fx (t) or gx (t) at any position x, tells you it at y x y x and gy (t) = gx t + u . any other position: fy (t) = fx t u

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Power Flow The power transferred into the shaded region across the boundary at x is
1 Px (t) = vx (t)ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) + gx (t)) (fx (t) gx (t)) 2 2 f (t) gx (t) = x Z0 Z0 fx carries power into shaded area and gx carries power out independently.

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Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)). Note: Knowing the waveform fx (t) or gx (t) at any position x, tells you it at y x y x and gy (t) = gx t + u . any other position: fy (t) = fx t u

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Power Flow The power transferred into the shaded region across the boundary at x is
1 Px (t) = vx (t)ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) + gx (t)) (fx (t) gx (t)) 2 2 f (t) gx (t) = x Z0 Z0 fx carries power into shaded area and gx carries power out independently.

Power travels in the same direction as the wave.

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Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

Power Flow
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


x x Dene fx (t) = f t u and gx (t) = g t + u to be the forward and backward waveforms at any point, x.

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


i is always
measured in the +ve x direction.
1 Then vx (t) = fx (t) + gx (t) and ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) gx (t)). Note: Knowing the waveform fx (t) or gx (t) at any position x, tells you it at y x y x and gy (t) = gx t + u . any other position: fy (t) = fx t u

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Power Flow The power transferred into the shaded region across the boundary at x is
1 Px (t) = vx (t)ix (t) = Z0 (fx (t) + gx (t)) (fx (t) gx (t)) 2 2 f (t) gx (t) = x Z0 Z0 fx carries power into shaded area and gx carries power out independently.

Power travels in the same direction as the wave. Same power that would be absorbed by a [cticious] resistor of value Z0 .
E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560) Transmission Lines: 17 7 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


vx = fx + gx 1 ix = Z0 (fx gx )

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = L, we have vL (t) = iL (t)RL

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Transmission Lines: 17 8 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


vx = fx + gx 1 ix = Z0 (fx gx )

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = L, we have vL (t) = iL (t)RL 1 (fL (t) gL (t)) RL Hence (fL (t) + gL (t)) = Z0

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Transmission Lines: 17 8 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


vx = fx + gx 1 ix = Z0 (fx gx )

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = L, we have vL (t) = iL (t)RL 1 (fL (t) gL (t)) RL Hence (fL (t) + gL (t)) = Z0 RL Z0 From this: gL (t) = R +Z fL (t)
L 0

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Transmission Lines: 17 8 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


vx = fx + gx 1 ix = Z0 (fx gx )

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = L, we have vL (t) = iL (t)RL 1 (fL (t) gL (t)) RL Hence (fL (t) + gL (t)) = Z0 RL Z0 From this: gL (t) = R +Z fL (t)
L 0 L Z0 We dene the reection coefcient : L = fL (t) = R RL +Z0 = +0.5 L

g (t)

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Transmission Lines: 17 8 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


vx = fx + gx 1 ix = Z0 (fx gx )

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = L, we have vL (t) = iL (t)RL 1 (fL (t) gL (t)) RL Hence (fL (t) + gL (t)) = Z0 RL Z0 From this: gL (t) = R +Z fL (t)
L 0 L Z0 We dene the reection coefcient : L = fL (t) = R RL +Z0 = +0.5 L Substituting gL (t) = L fL (t) gives 1 vL (t) = (1 + L ) fL (t) and iL (t) = (1 L ) Z0 fL (t)

g (t)

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Transmission Lines: 17 8 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


vx = fx + gx 1 ix = Z0 (fx gx )

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = L, we have vL (t) = iL (t)RL 1 (fL (t) gL (t)) RL Hence (fL (t) + gL (t)) = Z0 RL Z0 From this: gL (t) = R +Z fL (t)
L 0 L Z0 We dene the reection coefcient : L = fL (t) = R RL +Z0 = +0.5 L Substituting gL (t) = L fL (t) gives 1 vL (t) = (1 + L ) fL (t) and iL (t) = (1 L ) Z0 fL (t)

g (t)




16 18 Time (ns)

At source end:

g0 (t) = L f0 t

2L u

L = 12 ns. i.e. delayed by 2u

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Transmission Lines: 17 8 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


vx = fx + gx 1 ix = Z0 (fx gx )

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = L, we have vL (t) = iL (t)RL 1 (fL (t) gL (t)) RL Hence (fL (t) + gL (t)) = Z0 RL Z0 From this: gL (t) = R +Z fL (t)
L 0 L Z0 We dene the reection coefcient : L = fL (t) = R RL +Z0 = +0.5 L Substituting gL (t) = L fL (t) gives 1 vL (t) = (1 + L ) fL (t) and iL (t) = (1 L ) Z0 fL (t)
v0(t) i0(t)

g (t)




16 18 Time (ns)




16 18 Time (ns)

L L At source end: g0 (t) = L f0 t 2u = 12 ns. i.e. delayed by 2u Note that the reected current has been multiplied by .
E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560) Transmission Lines: 17 8 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


RZ0 R+Z0

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

R Z0 . iL (t)Z0 f (t)


vL (t) f (t)


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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 +

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

R Z0 . iL (t)Z0 f (t)


vL (t) f (t)



E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0


vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)




E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0


vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)




R > Z0 > 0

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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

+0.5 0.5

vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)


1 3

1.5 0.5

0.5 1.5

R > Z0 > 0 R < Z0 < 0

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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

+0.5 0 0.5

vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)


3 1
1 3

1.5 1 0.5

0.5 1 1.5

R > Z0 > 0
Matched: No reection at all

R < Z0 < 0

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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

3 1
1 3

+1 +0.5 0 0.5

vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)

Comment Open circuit: vL = 2f , iL 0

2 1.5 1 0.5

0 0.5 1 1.5

R > Z0 > 0
Matched: No reection at all

R < Z0 < 0

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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

3 1
1 3

+1 +0.5 0 0.5 1

vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)

Comment Open circuit: vL = 2f , iL 0

2 1.5 1 0.5 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

R > Z0 > 0
Matched: No reection at all

R < Z0 < 0 Short circuit: vL 0, iL =

2f Z0

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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

3 1
1 3

+1 +0.5 0 0.5 1

vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)

Comment Open circuit: vL = 2f , iL 0

2 1.5 1 0.5 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

R > Z0 > 0
Matched: No reection at all

R < Z0 < 0 Short circuit: vL 0, iL =


2f Z0

L Note: Reverse mapping is R = v iL = 1 Z0

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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Reection Coefcients
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


RZ0 R+Z0 vL (t) f (t) = 1 + iL (t)Z0 f (t) = 1

R Z0 .

-1 0

2 RZ-1 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

depends on the ratio

R Z0

3 1
1 3

+1 +0.5 0 0.5 1

vL (t) f (t)

iL (t)Z0 f (t)

Comment Open circuit: vL = 2f , iL 0

2 1.5 1 0.5 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

R > Z0 > 0
Matched: No reection at all

R < Z0 < 0 Short circuit: vL 0, iL =


2f Z0

L Note: Reverse mapping is R = v iL = 1 Z0


{1, +1} and increases with R.

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Transmission Lines: 17 9 / 13

Driving a line
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = 0, we have v0 (t) = vS (t) i0 (t)RS where RS is the Thvenin resistance of the voltage source.

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Transmission Lines: 17 10 / 13

Driving a line
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


vx = fx + gx gx ix = fxZ 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = 0, we have v0 (t) = vS (t) i0 (t)RS where RS is the Thvenin resistance of the voltage source. Substituting v0 (t) = f0 + g0 and i0 (t) =
f0 g0 Z0

leads to:

f0 (t) =

Z0 RS +Z0 vS (t)

RS Z0 RS +Z0 g0 (t)

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Transmission Lines: 17 10 / 13

Driving a line
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


vx = fx + gx gx ix = fxZ 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = 0, we have v0 (t) = vS (t) i0 (t)RS where RS is the Thvenin resistance of the voltage source. Substituting v0 (t) = f0 + g0 and i0 (t) =
f0 g0 Z0

leads to:

f0 (t) =

Z0 RS +Z0 vS (t)

RS Z0 RS +Z0 g0 (t)=

0 vS (t) + 0 g0 (t)

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Transmission Lines: 17 10 / 13

Driving a line
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


vx = fx + gx gx ix = fxZ 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = 0, we have v0 (t) = vS (t) i0 (t)RS where RS is the Thvenin resistance of the voltage source. Substituting v0 (t) = f0 + g0 and i0 (t) =
f0 g0 Z0

leads to:

f0 (t) =

Z0 RS +Z0 vS (t)

RS Z0 RS +Z0 g0 (t)=

0 vS (t) + 0 g0 (t)

Superposition of two terms:

0 (1) Input vS (t) multiplied by 0 = R Z which is the same as a + S Z0 potential divider if you replace the line with a [cticious] resistor Z0 .

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Transmission Lines: 17 10 / 13

Driving a line
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


vx = fx + gx gx ix = fxZ 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = 0, we have v0 (t) = vS (t) i0 (t)RS where RS is the Thvenin resistance of the voltage source. Substituting v0 (t) = f0 + g0 and i0 (t) =
f0 g0 Z0

leads to:

f0 (t) =

Z0 RS +Z0 vS (t)

RS Z0 RS +Z0 g0 (t)=

0 vS (t) + 0 g0 (t)

Superposition of two terms:

0 (1) Input vS (t) multiplied by 0 = R Z which is the same as a + S Z0 potential divider if you replace the line with a [cticious] resistor Z0 . (2) The incoming backward wave, g0 (t), multiplied by a reection S Z0 coefcient: 0 = R R +Z . S 0

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Transmission Lines: 17 10 / 13

Driving a line
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


vx = fx + gx gx ix = fxZ 0

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

From Ohms law at x = 0, we have v0 (t) = vS (t) i0 (t)RS where RS is the Thvenin resistance of the voltage source. Substituting v0 (t) = f0 + g0 and i0 (t) =
f0 g0 Z0

leads to:

f0 (t) =

Z0 RS +Z0 vS (t)

RS Z0 RS +Z0 g0 (t)=

0 vS (t) + 0 g0 (t)

Superposition of two terms:

0 (1) Input vS (t) multiplied by 0 = R Z which is the same as a + S Z0 potential divider if you replace the line with a [cticious] resistor Z0 . (2) The incoming backward wave, g0 (t), multiplied by a reection S Z0 coefcient: 0 = R R +Z . S 0

100 100 For RS = 20: 0 = 20+100 = 0.83 and 0 = 20 20+100 = 0.67.

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560) Transmission Lines: 17 10 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t

2Li u





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t

L u

2Li u





30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t

L u

2Li u





30 Time (ns)

L u

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t

L u

2Li u

5 v0(t)





30 Time (ns)

L u





30 Time (ns)

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Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t

L u

2Li u

5 v0(t)





30 Time (ns)

L u





30 Time (ns)

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Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t

L u

2Li u

5 v0(t)





30 Time (ns)

L u





30 Time (ns)

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Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t vL (t) = f0 t

L u L u

2Li u

5 v0(t)





30 Time (ns)

L u





30 Time (ns)

+ gL (t)

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Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t vL (t) = f0 t

L u L u

2Li u

5 v0(t)





30 Time (ns)

L u

0 vL(t)





30 Time (ns)

+ gL (t)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t vL (t) = f0 t

L u L u

2Li u

5 v0(t)





30 Time (ns)

L u

0 vL(t)





30 Time (ns)

+ gL (t)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Multiple Reections
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


0 = 2 3 1 L = 2 vx = fx + gx
Each extra bit of f0 is L delayed by 2u and multiplied by L 0 :
f 0(t)

Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

0 gL(t)





30 Time (ns)

f0 (t) = i i i=0 0 L 0 vS t gL (t) = L f0 t v0 (t) = f0 (t) + gL t vL (t) = f0 t

L u L u

2Li u

5 v0(t)





30 Time (ns)

L u

0 vL(t)





30 Time (ns)

+ gL (t)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (ns)

E1.1 Analysis of Circuits (2012-2560)

Transmission Lines: 17 11 / 13

Cable Characteristics
17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

Coaxial Cable (coax) Advantage: unaffected by external elds or conductors. Z0 proportional to log of outer to inner diameter ratio; commonly 50 or 75 . u 25 cm/ns. Used for antennae connections and instrumentation. Twisted Pairs Advantage: cheaper and thinner than coax and equally resistant to magnetic elds. Z0 commonly 100 . u 19 cm/ns. Used for computer network and telephone cabling. When do you have to bother? Answer: long cables or high frequencies. You can completely ignore transmission line effects if f L u. Audio (< 20 kHz) never matters. Computers (0.3 GHz) usually matters. Radio/TV usually matters.

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Transmission Lines: 17 12 / 13

17: Transmission Lines

Transmission Lines Transmission Line


Signals travel at around u 1 2 c = 15 cm/ns. Only matters for high frequencies or long cables. Forward and backward waves travel along the line: x x fx (t) = f0 t u and gx (t) = g0 t + u Knowing fx and gx for any x tells you everything Voltage and current are: vx = fx + gx and ix = Terminating line with R at x = L links the waves: Z0 gL = L fL where L = R R+Z0
fx gx Z0

Solution to TL Equations Forward Wave Forward + Backward


Power Flow Reections Reection Coefcients Driving a line Multiple Reections Cable Characteristics Summary

{1, +1} and increases with R R = Z0 avoids reections: matched termination. Reections go on for ever unless 1 ends are matched. f is innite sum of copies of the input signal delayed successively by 2L u and multiplied by L 0 .

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Transmission Lines: 17 13 / 13

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