Adult Classes Held in The School:: Abbath Chool Lasses
Adult Classes Held in The School:: Abbath Chool Lasses
Adult Classes Held in The School:: Abbath Chool Lasses
The Lord is in His Holy Temple #692 Elder Steve Schefka Praise Team Jean Engel
First Reading ~ Membership Transfers David Ferguson to Marietta SDA Matthew & Leah Kohls to Collegedale SDA First Reading ~ Nominating Committee Report SUNSET TONIGHT 9:03PM TODAY 7pm Sunday, 9am 9:30am Monday, 5pm Wednesday, 9-3pm 7pm Thursday, 7pm Friday, 6:30pm Sabbath 8:45am 2:30pm 7pm Religious Liberty Vespers THIS WEEK Int/Adv Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC Beginner Kettlebell Fitness Class @ CSC Naturally Healthy Food Co-Op Orders Due CSC Open Prayer Meeting Biblical Principles for Singles & Married Couples 8th Grade Blessing Childrens Choir Practice Pastor Justing Ringstaff Prayer Time in the Sanctuary Lansing Chorale Rehearsal Childrens Choir Concert NEXT FRIDAY 9:09PM
What I like about GLAS ~ I like Sports Day, recess and PE. ~ Aliah Lounds, 2nd Grade RELIGIOUS LIBERTY VESPERS, tonight at 6:00pm. Please come and support this event as we embrace Religious Liberty through worship, praise and warm fellowship. Join us as we commemorate Memorial Day with Lansing veterans. INFORMATION REGARDING DONATIONS: Donations given for students DIRECTLY IN THEIR NAME are not tax deductible. If you would like to give for a specific student please contact Jeff Allen and he will work with you to set something up. BABY SHOWER Please mark your calendar for June 2nd! There will be a shower to celebrate with Doug & Abbey Brunner as they await the arrival of their baby. It will be at 11am in the Fellowship Hall. The new parents are registered at Babies R Us and Target. If you have any questions please call Nancy Hansen at 269-876-7218. GETTING READY TO TRAIN FOR A RACE? There will be a runner/walker meeting on June 2nd at 1:30pm at the Lansing Church. If you are preparing for a race, whether 5K or a Marathon, please come to the informational meeting in the Primary Room there will be lots of resources for you! If you have any questions please contact Kim Bane. WEDDING SHOWER There will be a wedding shower for Adislen Varela Perez in the Fellowship Hall at 3pm on Sunday, June 9. The couple is registered at Macys and Bed Bath & Beyond. IMPACT NEWS: On Memorial Day Weekend serve supper (May 25) & breakfast (May 26) to homeless veterans at Volunteers of America. A large number of homeless people in the Lansing area are forgotten veterans who are sad and discouraged. If you can give two hours to offer encouragement and help distribute inspirational books call Impact Coordinator: Linda Cabose (517) 321-2019 or add your name and phone number to the volunteer sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board near the restrooms.
CAMP AU SABLE NEEDS YOU! We are gearing up for the summer crowd and we have lots of big and small projects that need to be done. Come be a part of Camp Au Sable Family Volunteers October 13-18, 2013. We have all kinds of projects and needs for skilled professionals too. Come be a "missionary" for a week, right here in your own state. Bed, food, fun and work will be provided; all you need is your personal stuff and a willing spirit. Thank you for spending your time serving God at His campCall Julia at 989344-1450 to register. Everyone Bring One Please remember this program. Everyone bring one food item each Sabbath for the Community Service Center and Greater Lansing Food Bank. Thank you your continued support is appreciated. Requesting health and healing: Francoise Abilhomme, Jacob Ashburn, Rachel Ashburn, Molly Evans, Beth Keirnan, Damas Manderson, Evelyn Melton, Noah Nettrouer, Don Rebedew, Felipe Rodriguez, Suzie Ruiz, Emily Sanchez, Diane Stephan, Lorna Weisner (Eileen Campbells sister) and Jimi Wilcox. Prayer requests for Prayer Warriors: Call Jean Engel at 517321-1172 or Nola Collins at 517-669-5173. You may also email Jean at or Nola at
CHURCH OFFICE Office Telephone Number...(517) 321-1963 Email **online giving is available on the church website Bulletin deadline .Wednesday @ 3pm COMBINED BUDGET Received 7-1-12 to 4-30-13 Expenses Ending Balance