Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Manual

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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is a recent tool in corrosion laboratories that is slowly making its way into the service environment as units are decreased in size and become portable. Impedance Spectroscopy is also called AC Impedance or just Impedance Spectroscopy. The usefulness of impedance spectroscopy lies in the ability to distinguish the individual contributions of components under investigation. For example, if the behavior of a coating on a metal when in salt water is required, by the appropriate use of impedance spectroscopy, a value of resistance and capacitance for the coating can be determined through modeling of the electrochemical data. The modeling procedure uses electrical circuits built from components such as resistors and capacitors to represent the electrochemical behavior of the coating and the metal substrate. Changes in the values for the individual components indicate their behavior and performance. Impedance spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique and so can provide time dependent information about the ongoing processes. Below is a listing of the advantages and disadvantages of the technique. Advantages. 1. Useful on high resistance materials such as paints and coatings. 2. Time dependent data is available 3. Non- destructive. 4. Quantitative data available. 5. Use service environments. Disadvantages. 1. Expensive. 2. Complex data analysis for quantification. Impedance Spectroscopy Technique. In impedance spectroscopy, a small sinusoidal voltage is placed on the sample over 5 -3 a wide frequency range, from 10 to 10 Hz. It is therefore and alternating current (AC) technique. The controlling computer system measures the magnitude of the current induced by the potential and in addition the phase angle between the potential and current maxima. A modified Ohms law is applied:

For DC conditions:V=iR For AC conditions:V=iZ where Z is the IMPEDANCE of the system. From this modified Ohms Law for AC conditions the impedance can be calculated by setting the input potential and measuring the induced current. When the phase angle, , between the voltage applied and the current induced is zero, then a pure resistance is o present. When a phase angle of 90 is measured between the voltage and current at the same frequency, a pure capacitance is present. Angles between these values can mean a combination of a capacitor and resistor are present. It is therefore important to plot the impedance, usually the log of the impedance magnitude, as a function of frequency and in addition the phase angle as a function of frequency. These are known as Bode plots. log Z Rt+Rs 90 Rs Phase Angle 0 Frequency An example of a Bode plot is shown above for a simple electrical circuit called a Randles circuit. It consists of a resistor and a capacitor in parallel. This circuit simulates the type of data found for a simple corroding interface, such as steel in seawater. When the circuit has a maxima in the phase angle as shown in this case, it is caused by a combination of a resistance and a capacitor in parallel and is called an RC circuit. It also leads to models of electrochemical interfaces. One simple model is called the double layer model. In this the interface for a metal in electrolyte is envisioned as a layer of ions adjacent to the electrode surface with a further layer of solvated ions further away from the surface. The two layers of ions leads to a capacitor as they store charge, called the double layer capacitance, Cdl. It also leads to a resistor as charge leaks across the capacitor, called the charge transfer resistance, Rs. Therefore the models of electrochemical interfaces are represented as a capacitor and resistor in parallel. In series with this is a resistor representing the solution resistance, Rs. A typical interface is shown below along with its

electrical analogs. By using the electrical circuit analog approach, the data can be modeled to provide quantitative values for Rs, Cdl and most importantly Rt. Rt is proportional to corrosion resistance of the electrode. The higher this value the more resistant to corrosion. Typical 4 2 6 values for Rt are 10 .cm for steel in seawater and 10 for titanium. Metals which will 5 tend to pit are in the 10 region. A more complex analysis is available for paints on steel and other coated samples. In this case the circuit involves two parallel capacitors and resistors in series along with a solution resistance. In this case the parameter of importance is the pore resistance or Rp in 10 the figure below. This value extracted from models is often around 10 , but if it decreases 6 below 10 it implies that corrosion is occurring below the paint film and the paint system is generally non-protective. This is commonly used in paint and coatings development to determine the most effective protection scheme. Electrode

+ e e + e e + e Solvated ions Cdl electrons

Adsobed ions

Rs Rt Simple Randles circuit for an electrochemical interface

Cdl Cc Rs Rp Rt

Electrochemical model of a coated metal electrode, for example epoxy paint on a steel. Rp - pore resistance of coating, Cc - capacitance of coating Rt - charge transfer resistance of the coating substrate interface, Cdl capacitance of interface. Impedance Testing The experimental setup for impedance spectroscopy testing is shown below. A glass tube is clamped above the sample using half a spherical glass joint. Different surface areas can be exposed by using different diameter glass joints. An O ring separates the glass tube from the surface of the sample.




Test Stand

Saturated Calomel Reference Electrode Counter Electrode Connector

Test Tube Filled with 0.5 Normal NaCl Platinum Counter Electrode Clamp Aluminum Test Specimen Conductive Copper Tape O-Ring coated with RTV sealer Plastic Isolator

A stainless steel clamp holds the sample onto the joint, however an insulating pieces is required between the clamp and the underside of the sample. The sample is the working electrode and so electrical connection is made to it either directly or by placing a wire underneath it. A reference electrode and a counter electrode are placed in the electrolyte. The connections from these electrodes firstly go into a frequency response analyzer. This has the capability to impose on a voltage signal a small sinusoidal potential over a wide frequency range. It also can detect the phase angle and magnitude of the induced current in the sample. The impedance is directly calculated in the frequency response analyzer. This data is transmitted back through the potentiostat to the controlling computer and can be stored and plotted. The setup is simple and allows for multiple samples. Coated samples can be tested in same manner. Solution conditions can be varied to include high resistance solutions such as simulated concrete environments.

The data below is for a steel placed in salt water. The experimental data as well as a model fit using a Randles circuit is shown. For this simple case the model is very good at fitting and predicting the data.

Generally a 10mV potential is imposed on the sample and the current measured.

However for very resistive samples such as thick paints and very low resistive solutions a higher potential amplitude is used. Values up to 100 mV were reported in the literature. The reason for increasing the potential is to produce a reasonable signal to noise ratio so that the data is meaningful, especially for highly resistive coatings. It should be noted that the potential cannot be too high otherwise the sample is polarized and anodic and cathodic reactions are initiated. The idea of the small potential it to avoid major current flow and so maintain the technique as non destructive. Long term studies can be done by this technique to determine the behavior of coatings for example. In addition, quantitative information is available which cannot be determined by salt spray (ASTM B117) or other techniques. For example if several coatings pass the salt spray test, the best one is still not known. However impedance testing can determine the best coating. In addition the long term measurement capability along with the non destructive and quantitative nature of the test will sometimes indicated important information, such as the coating with the highest resistance at the initiation of a test will degrade very quickly and not last as long as a coating which started at a lower value and did not decrease as much. Using commercial software the data can be modeled and values extracted.

Rsoln + Roxide + Rmetal Rsoln + Roxide

Modified Mansfeld Model Rsoln: 2.877 ohms Rmetal: 33.49 Kohms Roxide: 13.80 Kohms Rsoln:

The data above is for aluminum foil in seawater. The individual points are the data and the continuous line is the model fit for a two RC circuit model. Shown on the figure are the resistance values used by the model when fitted to the data. Different models can be applied when different mechanisms are operating. For example a phase angle horizontal arrest at 45o indicates that diffusion control is operating and a Warburg impedance component would be placed in the circuit to account for this.In addition to the horizontal arrest at 45 the slope of the impedance magnitude as a function of frequency should be 0.5 when a Warburg impedance is operating.

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