Storm Water Harvesting Guideline
Storm Water Harvesting Guideline
Storm Water Harvesting Guideline
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In addition to providing an alternative source of water, well designed stormwater harvesting systems can result in many positive benefits such as improving stormwater quality, providing habitat, creating recreational opportunities, improving visual amenity and providing educational opportunities.
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Stormwater harvesting can provide a sustainable alternative water source for organisations and developments with the potential to capture or temporarily store sufficient volumes of water for use on their premises, and, for those with the capacity to regularly use large volumes of water on their premises. The groups most likely to benefit from exploring stormwater harvesting include: schools, universities and other institutions organisations with large sporting fields (e.g. football fields, golf courses) property developers of large urban developments business and industry with high water needs of nondrinking water quality. Follow the information in Step 1 to better understand your sites suitability for stormwater harvesting.
WATER SUPPLY How much water do I need? What sources of water can I potentially use?
Mains (town) water
Water efficiency
Healthy ecosystem
DEMAND / USE What do I need water for? How much water do I need for each use? Irrigation
Stormwater harvesting
Water supply
Demand / Use
% megalitres
In this example, a more secure backup water supply should be available when demand cannot be met from the harvested stormwater. For irrigation purposes, 60 to 80% reliability is usually sufficient. The most efficient stormwater harvesting projects typically have a close match between the amount of water required (demand) and the total amount of water to be provided by stormwater (supply) or other sources. See the Water balance calculator above. Both of these factors need to be considered before you look at how you will collect, store, treat and distribute the stormwater.
environment. The potential risks of each stormwater harvesting project must be identified and assessed during the projects planning phase. This will enable any potential risks to be managed during the projects design, rather than being left to the operational phase of a project, where the costs of effective mitigation may be considerably higher. An important requirement of a stormwater harvesting system is that the operator accepts complete liability for all risks and impacts associated with the system. To fully understand the implications of this liability, a comprehensive risk assessment needs to be undertaken. Legal advice may also need to be sought for complex or large-scale projects. Risks fall into three main categories - public health and community safety, environmental protection and operations. Information on the types of risks associated with each are listed below. More comprehensive information relating to likely causes and potential impacts of these risks can be found on Councils website
unsafe storages and infrastructure (e.g. open water storages, embankment failure, storage overflow) water stagnation over time breeding mosquitoes and other vector populations. Stormwater harvesting is a relatively new concept, however, rules and regulations for use are evolving as further insights into best practice principles and risks are gained. The overarching principles that guide the sustainable use of stormwater (at the time of printing) are: The protection of public and environmental health is paramount and should never be compromised. Ongoing protection of public and environmental health depends of the implementation of a preventive risk management approach. Application of control measures and water quality requirements should be commensurate with the source of recycled water and the intended uses. Existing legislation that governs water quality and water recycling practices applies to all stormwater harvesting scenarios. Visit Councils website for links to relevant legislation and guidelines.
Case Study
Brisbane Botanic Gardens (Qld)
The Brisbane Botanic Gardens at Mt Coot-tha are Queenslands premier subtropical botanic gardens. These 52 hectare gardens are situated seven kilometres from the City and are a major tourist attraction in Brisbane offering walking trails and school and community education programs. The recent drought conditions have presented significant challenges, with approximately 59 megalitres of water required annually to keep the gardens alive and fit for public enjoyment. The annual cost of having water externally sourced and trucked in is close to $0.5 million. Brisbane City Council (as owners and operators of the gardens) undertook a feasibility exercise and determined that the water catchment capacity of the gardens is 50 megalitres annually, which is almost sufficient to meet the gardens required water demand. The existing onsite storage capacity of 12 megalitres (made up of a dam, four shallow ornamental ponds and eight water tanks) is insufficient to service all of the gardens water needs. Council developed a strategy that involved the implementation of a stormwater harvesting facility, and a solar powered desalination plant. The stormwater harvesting facility has the capacity to supplement the gardens water supply with 18 megalitres of water, and will cost approximately $850,000 to build. Runoff will be captured in the pond, and will undergo several stages of treatment: firstly being sedimentary and bio-filtration (natural process in storage pond) and ultimately through ultra violet membrane technology. This will result in high-grade water suitable for irrigation of public gardens. To ensure the reliability of water supply, Council is also building a solar powered desalination plant to treat bore water for irrigation purposes. The desalinated water will be pumped into the stormwater storage pond, supplementing the capacity by 10 megalitres of water annually. This type of innovation is a first in Brisbane, and is an example of how stormwater harvesting can provide a great alternative supply of water.
Environmental risks
Environmental risks from a well-designed and operated stormwater reuse scheme are generally low. However there are risks that require appropriate management and monitoring including: stormwater contamination (from nutrients, pesticides and oils) maintenance of environmental flow (e.g. overextraction of stormwater) loss of natural habitat and vegetation. To manage environmental risks, all stormwater harvesting systems, independent of size and complexity, need adequate design, operation, monitoring and maintenance.
Operational risks
There are many operational considerations that will need to be factored in to ensure efficient and cost-effective system management. You will need to think about maintenance and system operation early in the process. Risks associated with operation and maintenance include: potential for failure of stormwater diversion mechanism or pump system equipment damage from high sediment loads, build-up and clogging increases in maintenance time and cost associated with poor system design and layout. Ensure that you are aware of all approvals, standards and guidelines that are required to be met for inclusion in your detailed design and subsequent application.
1.4 Investigate the likely costs of harvesting stormwater and funding options
The most significant costs associated with stormwater harvesting usually relate to storage and the level of treatment required to achieve the desired water quality and reliability necessary for the intended use. For this reason, treated stormwater can have a higher unit cost than town water and other alternatives such as recycled wastewater and rainwater tanks. Stormwater harvesting can be financially attractive when all benefits are combined, and current and future costs are considered. Opportunities for cost savings from a stormwater harvesting scheme include: reduction in volume of mains water used and associated metered water charge water transport costs may reduce by having an onsite water supply land developer capital costs for town water use and replacement of infrastructure security of supply in light of water restrictions in the future. The table on page 15 is provided to help you to prepare a preliminary cost estimate for your proposed stormwater harvesting facility.
Funding sources
To assist the implementation of water efficiency projects by community organisations, a number of grants programs are available from Council, and the State and Federal governments. Further information on initiatives can be found by visiting the websites listed: Brisbane City Council Department of Natural Resources & Water Department of Environment and Heritage Sport and Recreation, Queensland Environmental Protection Agency
Brisbane City Council approval for building works involving stormwater infrustructure.
A development application will need to be submitted if you intend to undertake: excavation works (greater than 1m2) or work in a waterway corridor.
A Council Stormwater drain can Any connection to the Council stormwater drainage network. be a stormwater gully, table drain, underground, drain or kerb and channel. This permit can be obtained once all other approvals have been granted. A legal agreement or contract between Council and the applicant, clarifying the issues of liability for water quality, infrastructure provision and maintenance. Approval by Councils Plumbing Services. Licence from State Government permitting extraction of water from waterways and aquifers. Permit from State Government to remove waterway vegetation. All third party access to the Council stormwater drainage.
Plumbing approval
Any connection to internal fixtures and fittings (e.g. toilet flushing). Any extraction of water from a waterway or underground aquifer. Any removal of vegetation in a waterway. Department of Natural Resources and Water phone 13 13 04 Department of Natural Resources and Water phone 13 13 04
By applying Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), you can achieve removal of many stormwater pollutants. Further treatment may not be necessary for some end uses.
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2.1 Identify key skills and expertise to help develop a concept design
It is highly recommended that you engage the services of suitably qualified professionals to support the preparation of the concept and detailed design for your project. Depending on the size and scale of the project, you are likely to require support from surveyors, engineers, ecologists, landscape architects and water quality experts. A concept design is required to outline: proposed stormwater harvesting site relative to the catchment / stormwater collection area (including any site features such as waterways and drainage paths) and the location of different land uses in the catchment area site characteristics such as the slope of the site, soil type and permeability, services (such as electricity, telecommunications, sewage), surrounding infrastructure (such as footpaths, carparks, gardens) stormwater collection and storage infrastructure, including details of infrastructure such as pumps, pipes, tanks, their location and general configuration process for moving water from storage to end point and preventing backflow (e.g. pumps, pipes and irrigation systems) application areas for reused stormwater such as sports fields to be irrigated (including approximate dimensions) key infrastructure and processes for maintenance (such as access pits) location of legal points of discharge or overflow points key landscaping features.
capturing rainwater tank overflow, and diverting overland stormwater flow into above-ground or belowground storages accessing stormwater from closed systems (piped networks) and pumping the water to above-ground or below-ground storage tanks accessing and pumping water from an underground aquifer that is replenished with treated stormwater (also known as aquifer reuse and recovery, or managed aquifer reuse).
storage duration and the timeframe for using stormwater following its collection land availability consider available space as some storage facilities require more space than others public safety open storages are inviting to children and pets and may require fencing and signage public health stored water that has potential for human or animal contact must be treated to an acceptable standard to avoid serious health issues management of water quality in storage facility design of storage devices to exclude insect vectors, small mammals and birds, as interaction may pose risks to public health.
Collected and treated stormwater can be stored in aboveground tanks or below-ground reservoirs.
Stormwater can be collected in the drainage network and then be directed to an underground storage area.
Some open water bodies such as this specifically designed sedimentation basin and constructed wetland can also be used to store stormwater before reuse.
Stormwater storages generally fall into three categories: below-ground tank or reservoir generally made to design with concrete, or pre-manufactured purposebuilt tank above-ground closed tank or reservoir generally these are pre-manufactured and purpose built above-ground open storage in a constructed wetland or ornamental water feature. Closed storages (above or below-ground) such as tanks similar to those used to collect and store rainwater are preferred by Council to open storages and are easier and more cost-effective to maintain. If open storages are planned, they should be designed using the principles for constructed stormwater wetlands. These principles can be viewed at
Regardless of the type of storage facility, stormwater should be used within 24 hours. This short timeframe allows for some fine sediment to settle out of the water, and avoids the potential for water to become rich in nutrients and potentially harmful to the environment and general public if discharged. Treatment of the harvested stormwater prior to storage may be required if it is intended to store the water for any length of time beyond 24 hours. Designs that include elements of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) such as gross pollutant traps (GPTs), sediment basins, rain gardens (bioretention systems), or constructed wetlands provide very effective pretreatment and can be applied to suit various treatments levels. For more information on WSUD, visit the SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership Water by Design web page at
Case Study
Kogarah Town Square (NSW)
Kogarah is a city of 50,000 residents, located 15 kilometres south of Sydney. Its village-like centre, Kogarah Town Square, has undergone a major redevelopment which includes residential, retail and commercial precincts. A stormwater recycling facility has been established that collects and treats rainwater and runoff for reuse in gardens, toilets and washing cars. The system has been designed to capture 85% of rainwater falling on site. This reduces the potable water demands of the Square by 42%. Following collection, stormwater is filtered via a gross pollutant trap, stored in underground storage tanks and filtered through sand and biologically engineered soil. The system supplies all water for irrigation and about 70% of the water used for toilet flushing. Utilising captured stormwater runoff to top-up roof water ensures a reliable alternative water supply. Further information can be found by visiting
Storage tip
Generally, the greater the level of nutrients and the higher the temperature, the shorter the storage time should be. All storages must have a legal point of discharge to ensure that overflows are managed and any nuisance to neighbours (such as flooding and odour) is avoided.
2.4 Identify the treatment requirements matched to the intended end use
The final intended use is the key driver to determining whether harvested stormwater is a suitable alternative water source. With appropriate treatment, stormwater has potential to be used for a wide range of uses, including irrigation of open spaces and sports fields, industrial uses, ornamental water features, and as a source of water for aquifer storage or groundwater recharge. Stormwater quality varies greatly between locations, and at different times it can be affected by rainfall, adjacent construction activities, use of fertilisers, pesticides, septic tanks, ageing sewerage systems and traffic volumes in the upstream catchments. Even when obvious solid material such as litter is removed from the stormwater, dissolved material, biological (e.g. bacteria and viruses) and chemical pollutants may still be present, but not visible. Careful consideration must be given to the desired end use of any captured stormwater, and to the risk these contaminants may have on the environment and public health. Uses that are satisfied with lower water quality include those where there is a low risk of contamination or exposure to humans. The water must be appropriately treated to ensure that the uses planned pose no risk to the environment or public health. The challenge to consider in doing this, is to ensure that you dont adversely affect the economic viability of stormwater harvesting by overtreating the water for the chosen end use. This is why stormwater harvesting is particularly well suited to low-quality end uses, as it reduces the treatment and associated costs significantly.
1 & 2. WSUD techniques such as natural channel design and constructed wetland systems provide excellent pretreatment of stormwater. 3 & 4: Disinfection through ultra violet treatment or chlorination will produce a very high quality water fit for most end uses such as surface irrigation in public areas. 10
Treatment options
Treatment options
Treatment options range from basic to advanced, depending on the quality of stormwater captured and the proposed end use. The following table provides some preliminary information regarding treatment types. Experts must be consulted to ensure an appropriate level of treatment is incorporated in the design of the stormwater harvesting system. Basic and/or intermediate treatment is suggested prior to storage and depending on final use, advanced treatment immediately before application or use.
Treatment tip
Essentially the greater the potential for human contact with the water, the higher the level of water quality required. Using stormwater for residential purposes is technically possible, however, it may require the availability of significant space for storage, and extensive and often cost-prohibitive levels of treatment. Other alternatives such as roofwater collection and treated greywater use are usually preferred.
3 3 3 3
Removes: Sediments Dirt, grit and some associated metals Nutrients Some pathogens Does not remove:
3 Membrane
technology 3 Electrolysis 3 Disinfection chlorination, UV or ozone
Draft for Consultation 11
Case Study
Docklands Park, Victoria
Docklands is a waterfront destination in Melbourne which houses approximately 20,000 people. It is also a major tourist destination, with a significant area dedicated to outdoor spaces. Docklands Park, within the Docklands precinct, is an ecologically sustainable parkland. The design of the parks stormwater collection and reuse system features three wetlands, which will capture and treat 90% of the stormwater generated from the seven-hectare Grand Plaza and Harbour Esplanade catchment area. The captured stormwater is initially treated using biofilters and the wetlands, and is further refined through ultra violet treatment prior to use. Treated stormwater is stored in sub-surface tanks for park irrigation. Eighty percent of the parks annual irrigation requirements will ultimately be met from treated stormwater, saving an estimated 10 million litres of Melbourne drinking water each year. Further information can be found by visiting
Private land: If you are a private landowner, ensure that you have addressed all of the elements in Step 2.
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Brisbane City Council Information GPO Box 1434 Brisbane Qld 4001
Brisbane City Council 2008