S Genitive PDF
S Genitive PDF
S Genitive PDF
NAME: Mocanu Madalina FORM: 5th LESSON: s Genitive BOOK: English G 2000 DATE: TIME OF LESSON: 50 minutes LESSON AIMS: 1. enriching vocabulary 2. saying whose thing is 3. using the s Genitive correctly 4. talking about possessions
SKILLS: speaking, writing, reading, listening MATERIALS: textbook, chalk, blackboard, notebook BIBLIOGRAPHY: English G 2000 , ed All, 2005 INTERACTION: whole class, T-Ss, Ss-Ss. METHODS: conversation observation practice specific vocabulary ASSESSMENT: formative, oral, homework check
Activity 1. Warmer and check previous lesson AIMS: to check the previous lesson Procedure: 1. the verb have got and the possesive adjectives 2. homework check Interaction: T Ss; Ss T Timing: 5 minutes Activity 2. Introducing the new lesson - speaking AIMS: to make Ss understand what the genitive is Procedure: T will write the title on the Bb. Teacher will ask a few whose questions picking up things on Ss desks. Teacher will help them answer the questions. Interction: Ss Ss; Ss T Timing: 5minutes Activity 3 reading
AIMS: identifying the s genitive Procedure: T gives Ss some sheets with a text containing the sgenitive, Then places a CD in a computer. Ss have to listen to the CD and repeat. Teacher will write the new words on the blackboard, translating them for the Ss. Interaction: T Ss; Ss T; Timing: 10 minutes Activity 4 writing
AIMS: understanding the s genitive Procedure: Teacher will explain the rules of s genitive to Ss, writting examples on the blackboard. Interaction: T-Ss Timing: 10 minutes Activity 5 writting
AIMS: to see if Ss understood the lesson Procedure: T give Ss worksheets with s genitive exercises. Ss have to complete the gaps with the correct information, watching some images related to the questions. T will translate the new words. Ss complete the worksheet. Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss Timing: 15 minutes Activity 6 assigning homework Ex. 10, page 34 Evaluating some Ss Timing: 5 minutes
1. Is this
your neighbours house? Yes or no? Betty: __________________________ house. Its ________________house. Its _______________.
2. Is this
your teddy bear? Yes or no? Betty: ___________________________teddy bear. Its ________________. Its _________________.
3. Is this
your mothers dress? Yes or no? Betty: ________________________ dress. Its ______________________. Its _______________.
4. Is this
your brothers backpack ? Yes or no? Betty: ___________________________ backpack. Its __________________. Its______________.
5. Is this
your sisters car? Yes or no? Betty: _______________________ car. Its _____________________. Its ___________________.
6. Is this
your dogs collar? Yes or no? Betty: _______________________collar. Its ______________________. Its _________________.
7. Is this
your uncles vegetable garden? Yes or no? Betty: ____________________________vegetable garden. Its __________________. Its ________.
8. Is this
your sisters guitar? Yes or no? Betty: __________________________ guitar. Its ___________________. Its __________________.
9. Is this
your familys swimming pool? Yes or no? Betty: ____________________________swimming pool. Its ___________________. Its _________.
10. Is this
Answer key:
1. No, its not their house. Its the Browns. Its ours. 2. Yes, its my teddy bear. Its Bettys. Its mine. 3. No, it isnt her dress. Its Karens. Its hers. 4. Yes, its his backpack. Its Charles. Its his. 5. Yes, its her car. Its Karens. Its hers. 6. Yes its its collar. Its Jonas. Its its. 7. No, it isnt his vegetable garden. Its the Browns. Its ours. 8. Yes, its her guitar. Its Karens. Its hers. 9. Yes, its our swimming pool. Its the Browns. Its ours. 10. Yes, its their TV. Its my/the parents TV. Its theirs.