Professional Goal # 2
Professional Goal # 2
Professional Goal # 2
Inclusive learning and helping all students to thrive is very important to me. Specifically during my PSI, I will learn
ways to incorporate helpful learning strategies for visually impaired students into literacy/numeracy/drama lessons.
This might include incorporating braille into literacy and numeracy and getting comfortable with differentiating.
Observing and asking to be apart for any IPP meetings that are appropriate. I will reflect after these meetings and
take note of what I learned by writing my own reflective thoughts down on paper when appropriate.
Related TQS(s)
TQS # 4:
Establishes Inclusive Learning Environments
A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and
every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.
(4a) fosters in the school community equality and respect with regard to rights as provided for in the Alberta Human
Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
(4b) uses appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’ strengths, learning
challenges and areas for growth;
(4c) communicates a philosophy of education affirming that every student can learn and be successful;
(4d) is aware of and facilitates responses to the emotional and mental health needs of students;
(4e) recognizes and responds to specific learning needs of individual or small groups of students and, when needed,
collaborates with service providers and other specialists to design and provide targeted and specialized supports to
enable achievement of the learning outcomes;
(4g) incorporates students’ personal and cultural strengths into teaching and learning
Indicators of Success
Successfully teaching a lesson plan that our visually impaired (fully blind) student can participate in and be included
socially with his peers.
Observing during ISP meetings with Conversations with TA, writing November 23rd
TA; reflecting and asking questions reflections
when appropriate
● SLP, OT, learning support teacher, classroom teacher, psychologist, school-family liaison worker will
each talk about their specific goals for the child (if applicable).
December 3, 2021
Today we had an amazing literacy lesson where our visually impaired student was completely included socially and
academically the entire time. I translated the letters that we were working on into braille and put them onto pages
using gems from the dollar store. This allowed for our visually impaired student to feel the braille letters as we were
saying and looking at the letters and letter sounds. What was amazing about today was how regulated all the students
stayed – even our students who normally have a hard time staying emotionally regulated. What was also great about
the nature of this lesson was how all students wanted to feel the braille letters on the pages. I believe that this gave
the students more empathy, and social acceptance toward our visually impaired child.