Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Suited for a broad spectrum of signal conditioning and data acquisition applications. UGB=50MHz Slew rate=350 V/s
Tuned amplifier:
Tuned amplifiers are the circuits used to amplify signals in a narrow frequency band with a certain center frequency. Applications: Communications (radio ,TV) Similar to band pass filter
Single-tuned amplifier with the parallel tuned RLC circuit at the output stage.
vo vo AV = = = 1 vi vs = Ceq[s 2 + s
gm s ReqCeq LCeq
AV =
AV ( j ) =
Av ( j ) 1 = Av ( jo ) 1 + jQ[ o ]
o =
1 LCeq
AV ( j ) = =
Ceq (
g m ReqCeq )
AV ( j ) = = g m Req
AV = g m Req
1 BW = = H L = Q ReqCeq where :
o = H L
9The normalized magnitude versus normalized frequency curve is symmetric about resonant frequency.
It is required to design a tuned amplifier of type shown in fig. having f0=1 MHz, 3-db bandwidth = 10 KHz and centre frequency gain =-10V/V. The FET available has at the bias point gm=5mA/V and ro=10K. The output capacitance is negligibly small. Determine RL, CL and L.
1 o = 2 10 = LC L = 3.18 H
C = 7958 pF
L = 3.18 H
These values are not practical, i.e. required inductance might not be available with required high values of Q(L). Rp o L or Q( L ) = Q( L ) = o L rS Note: 9Coil quality factor Q(L) poses an upper limit on the value of Q achieved by the tuned circuit. 9Because Rp of coil will reduce the Req which increase the bandwidth (undesirable). If a tapped coil (autotransformer) of ratio n is used thenC ' C C = = 884 pF 2 = n 9 L' = Ln 2 = 9 L = 28.6 H
Tapped coils: 9Autotransformer is used to obtain a large value of L and small value of C. The smaller C is needed to improve input capacitance of amplifier as explained in next slide. n2 = n (n >> 1) n1
L' = n 2 L C C' = 2 n
9In application that involve coupling the output of a tuned amplifier to the input of another amplifier, the tapped coil raises the effective input resistance. Hence avoid the reduction of the overall Q of tuned amplifier.
Q = o ReqCeq
(n >> 1) R p = oQo L Qo =
9Does not change the value of L. 9Keeps a large resistance with Rp, therefore Q of coil improves. 9A small capacitance improves the input impedance of CE amplifier.
o L
R p Qo
Disadvantage: 9A parallel resistance changes the Req. 9A capacitance of small value appears in parallel with Ceq, therefore gets added with Ceq.
Drawback: 9Suffers from miller effect 9At some frequency, phase shift of the feedback signal may become equal to that of input signal. The circuit then becomes an oscillator instead of tuned amplifier.
Two tuned-amplifier configurations that do not suffer from the Miller effect: (a) cascode (CE-CB)
Two tuned-amplifier configurations that do not suffer from the Miller effect: (b) Cascade (CC-CB)
Multiple Tuned amplifier: (A) Synchronous Tuned amplifier: 9Amplifier having more than one tuned circuit having the same centre frequency and bandwidth are known as synchronously tuned amplifiers. 9The relationship for overall bandwidth of N number of synchronously tuned amplifiers. N Av ( j ) 1 1 1 = = 2 Av ( jo ) 1 + jQ[ o ] 2 o 2 o 1 + Q ( ) ( ) o 9(Note: This N is different from ratio n of auto transformer.
2Q = BW SN
2 1
1 N
9Provides better selectivity. 9Selectivity is the ratio of 30 db bandwidth to 3 db bandwidth 9Drawback: The bandwidth shrinks.
9Avoids the bandwidth shrinkage, much flatter response 9Staggered tuned amplifier provide better selectivity.