Manual ENG SerDia2010 V1.8 Level1 310512 PDF
Manual ENG SerDia2010 V1.8 Level1 310512 PDF
Manual ENG SerDia2010 V1.8 Level1 310512 PDF
Manual SerDia2010
Manual SerDia2010
Copyright 2012 Deutz AG
Note: All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of the publisher.
Table of contents
1 Introduction 2 Safety instructions 3 General preferences 1 2 4
......................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2.1 Order procedure ................................................................................................................................... 7 Access and communication ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3.2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.3.3 Minimal equipment .................................................................................................................................................. 10 Hardware ........................................................................................................................................... 10 HS-Light ........................................................................................................................................... 11 DeCom ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Ordering DeCom .................................................................................................................................................. 15 PC/Notebook 16 .................................................................................................................................................. Diagnostic plug ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.3.4 Software installation .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Installation of SerDia2010 ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.3.5 Access level
4 Program handling
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8
................................................................................................................................... 20 General communication access ................................................................................................................................... 21 Programstart and home screen ................................................................................................................................... 24 Main menu ................................................................................................................................... 26 Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 27 Error memory ................................................................................................................................... 29 Dataset management ................................................................................................................................... 29 Offline Viewer ................................................................................................................................... 31 Usecases EMR4
......................................................................................................................................................... 31 4.8.1 Assembly Inspection and Initialisation Tests ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 4.8.2 Graphic dipslay ......................................................................................................................................................... 36 4.8.3 Output test ......................................................................................................................................................... 36 4.8.4 Input test ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 4.8.5 Analogue speed setpoint ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 4.8.6 Constant Speed setpoint ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 4.8.7 Low Idle adjustment ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 4.8.8 Droop adjustment ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 4.8.9 Set limp home RPM ......................................................................................................................................................... 38 4.8.10 Trip Recorder ......................................................................................................................................................... 38 4.8.11 Sensors ......................................................................................................................................................... 39 4.8.12 EGR, Throttle ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 4.8.13 Calibration of injectors (IQA-Code) ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 4.8.14 Injector switch off ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 4.8.15 Compression test ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 4.8.16 Engine hours
......................................................................................................................................................... 40 4.8.17 SCR-Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 42 SCR Test function .................................................................................................................................................. 42 SCR End Of Line test ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 4.8.18 Main page diesel particulate filter DPF .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Values DPF .................................................................................................................................................. 46 Demo modus .................................................................................................................................................. 47 Diesel particulate filter (DPF) and burner .................................................................................................................................................. 50 DPF End of Line Test .................................................................................................................................................. 51 Supply Module DPF, burner .................................................................................................................................................. 52 Air pump .................................................................................................................................................. 53 Spark plug ................................................................................................................................... 53 Usecases EMR3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 53 4.9.1 Graphic display EMR3 .................................................................................................................................................. 57 Engine start ........................................................................................................................................... 58 Engine start problem I ........................................................................................................................................... 59 Engine start problem II ........................................................................................................................................... 60 Engine start problem III .................................................................................................................................................. 60 Performance test ........................................................................................................................................... 61 Performance test I ........................................................................................................................................... 62 Performance test II .................................................................................................................................................. 62 rail pressure error ........................................................................................................................................... 63 Rail pressure error I ........................................................................................................................................... 64 Rail pressure error II ........................................................................................................................................... 65 Rail pressure error III .................................................................................................................................................. 65 CAN error ........................................................................................................................................... 66 CAN error:125 TSC1 ........................................................................................................................................... 67 CAN error:106 eng prt .................................................................................................................................................. 68 EDC 7: Main relay 68 .................................................................................................................................................. EDC 16 ........................................................................................................................................... 69 EDC 16: Main relay 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 70 EDC 16: Main relay 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 70 Torque curve switch ........................................................................................................................................... 71 Torque curve switch I ........................................................................................................................................... 72 Torque curve switch II .................................................................................................................................................. 73 Controller I 73 .................................................................................................................................................. Engine speed ........................................................................................................................................... 74 Engine speed adjustment by buttons ........................................................................................................................................... 75 Engine speed sensing I and II. ........................................................................................................................................... 76 Engine speed switch .................................................................................................................................................. 76 Reference voltage ........................................................................................................................................... 77 Reference voltage I ........................................................................................................................................... 78 Reference voltage II .................................................................................................................................................. 79 Graphic display offline .................................................................................................................................................. 79 Graphic display load .................................................................................................................................................. 80 Control of in-and outputs .................................................................................................................................................. 81 Smoke limitation .................................................................................................................................................. 82 Switchover function error 95 .................................................................................................................................................. 83 Water in fuel .................................................................................................................................................. 84 Preheating (flange, spark plug) .................................................................................................................................................. 85 Combustion noise .................................................................................................................................................. 86 Engine brake .................................................................................................................................................. 87 Coolant level 2015 .................................................................................................................................................. 88 Start relay ......................................................................................................................................................... 88 4.9.2 Analogue speed setpoint EMR3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 94 4.9.3 Constant speed adjustment EMR3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 96 4.9.4 Limp home adjustment EMR3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 97 4.9.5 EEPROM error reset EMR3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 97 4.9.6 Fan control EMR3
100 Parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 101 Characteristics 103 Maps ......................................................................................................................................................... 103 4.9.7 Input test EMR3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 105 4.9.8 Low idle adjustment EMR3
Our aim is to continuously optimise the contents of this document, whereby practical experience from the circle of readers is very valuable.
So, if you want any changes, extensions or improvements made, please notify us accordingly (E-mail: We will examine all messages carefully and publish new editions of this document as soon as its content is changed. Thank you in advance for your kind support.
Manual SerDia2010
With the introduction of the new engine generation, which fulfill the new emission standard EU stage III B, US Tier4i, beginning 2011, the new diagnostics software SerDia2010 for this engines is launched, too. All engines of this emission level are equipped with electronic control unit EMR4, which has many new diagnostic features, because of it's new software concept and additional interfaces. SerDia2010 is a must for engine diagnostic purposes at engines according stage III B / Tier4i and above.
This manual was created for user with SerDia access level 1.
If you use a higher access level with SerDia2010 it is possible, that some functions, which are visible or useable for you, are not described in this script.
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
WARNING: The use and the application of SerDia2010 can be dangerous! It is critical that you carefully read and follow the instructions and warnings below and in the associated installation manuals:
Serdia2010 enables a user to influence or control the electronic system in a vehicle or machine. SerDia2010 is specially designed for the exclusive use by personnel, who have special experience and training.
Improper use or unskilled application may alter the machine performance or system performance in a manner, that results in death, serious personal injury or property damage.
Do not use SerDia2010, if you do not have the proper experience and training.
It is recommended, that in-vehicle use of SerDia2010 shall be conducted on enclosed test tracks, or ensured machine surroundings. Use of SerDia2010 on a public road should not occur unless the specific calibration and settings have been preciously tested and verified as safe. When using SerDia2010 with machine systems, that influence vehicle behaviour and can affect the safe operation of the machine, you have to ensure, that the machine can be transitioned to a safe condition, if a hazardous incident should occur. All legal requirements, including regulations and statutes regarding vehicles and machines must be strictly followed when using this product.
If you fail to follow these instructions, there might be a risk of death, serious injury or property damage.
Any data acquired through the use of SerDia2010 must be verified for reliability, quality and accuracy prior to use or distribution. This applies both to calibration and to measurements, that are used as a basis for calibration work. The DEUTZ AG and it's representatives, agents and affiliated companies deny any liability for the functional impairment of DEUTZ products in terms of fitness, performance and safety, if non-DEUTZ software, parameter settings or model components are used with or deployed to access DEUTZ products. The DEUTZ AG and it's representatives, agents and affiliated companies shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused by improper use of SerDia2010.
Manual SerDia2010
Before using SerDia2010 it is required to verify, that the software is up to date and all updates are installed. The DEUTZ AG and it's representatives deny any liability for any injury caused by the use of a non up to date software version of SerDia2010. If necessary the software can be updated from It is recommended to make an access to the ECU while engine is running only, if it is guaranteed, that a change of programming cannot lead to hazardous effects in engine behavior. If this is not ensured, a faulty programming can cause undefined engine reactions, that results in death, serious personal injury or property damage. A faulty programming of the ECU can activate a sleep mode of the ECU because of safety reasons. In this case the ECU is switched off, a communication to the ECU is not possible any more. A repair or reprogramming of the ECU is not possible. The ECU has to be replaced. If supply voltage of the ECU is switched off or the connection between the SerDia interface and the ECU is interrupted while changing parameters of the dataset, a sleep mode of the ECU, because of safety reasons, can be activated. In this case the ECU is switched off, a communication to the ECU is not possible any more. A repair or reprogramming of the ECU is not possible. The ECU has to be replaced..
If you cannot agree with these limitations, you are excluded from using SerDia2010. If you cannot agree with these limitations, you are excluded from using SerDia2010. In this case send an email to including your interface serial number in order to disable your licence. The purchase price and the not used licence fee will be refunded within one month after receipt.
General preferences
General preferences
Subject of the present documentation is the use of SerDia2010 at DEUTZ engines with electronic injection equipment. This document shows the functionality of SerDia2010 and it's use to communicate with and parameterize of DEUTZ ECU's. The information contained herein only correspond to the state of the art at the time of setting and are not subject to an immediate revision service. In case of problems with SerDia2010 please contact the DEUTZ AG via Before contacting please collect information about the individual circumstances of the problem you have, as much as possible. The following information has to be given as a minimum: PC-hardware Windows operating system SerDia2010 version Type of interface DEUTZ ECU part number Engine number
To allow the access to the ECU it is recommended to install a diagnostic socket according DEUTZ wiring diagram for the respective engine. SerDia2010 will be delivered with access level 2 in general. The access level is not depending on the hardware interface level. If a different access level is needed, it is necessary to make a request per email to Within 5 working days you will get an email with confirmation / negation of the request. If confirmed the licence update has to be downloaded from and installed on the computer, in order to activate the new level.
Following information has to be given in order to get a change of the access level: Complete details as name and address of applicant (if different to the licence user).
Complete details as name, address and qualification of the prospective licence user.
Detailed description because of the reasons for changing the access level. It is not permitted to resell or transfer the licence and within also the interface for SerDia2010 without knowledge and agreement of DEUTZ AG! Is a transfer needed, please apply via to get a confirmation. Without a written confirmation (email feedback) from DEUTZ a resell or transfer is strictly forbidden!
Manual SerDia2010
SerDia2010, documentation, updates and information is is available at the following locations:
Licence purchasing
To use SerDia2010 it is recommended to purchase a software licence for each interface used. Not before successful registration and confirmation of the licence (by DEUTZ) for the individual interface serial number, a communication between software, interface and ECU is possible in order to have a diagnostic access to the new DEUTZ engines.
Responsible for delivery, assistance, maintenance and service of the second dealer distribution net is the service partner or OEM, who is directly connected to the DEUTZ service network. He is also responsible for classification of his sub dealers regarding access level. If interfaces are sold via second dealer stage the final user has to be mentioned directly while ordering, respectively, if reselling is later, it has to be communicated to and confirmed of DEUTZ AG via
Order procedure
The licence can only be purchased through the official DEUTZ dealer net respectively the central OEM. Each licence is linked to one specific interface serial-no. To enable parallel diagnostics for e.g. 5 service technicians, five licences will be required. For ordering please use the DIWI-system only! It is currently not possible to place an order via SAP or file transfer. A physical dispatch of goods doesn't take place if no interface hardware is ordered. If only the software SerDia2010 is ordered the registration / release of the interface serial no. is completed usually within 5 working days. After tis delay the software can be downloaded from You can check the registration easily: All registered serial no. are mentioned in the licences overview file licence.txt also available on the website.
General preferences Procedere Allways enter the consignee (e.g.2nd dealer stage, OEM dealer, customer)!
Ordering in DIWI
Manual SerDia2010
Download of actual SerDia2010 software 5 days after release of the order. Install SerDia2010 on all required PC's.
General preferences
SerDia2010 is working with DEUTZ controller family EMR4. It is possible to use this software to communicate with different ECU's. The software can be downloaded via the internet access If necessary,a new version of SerDia2010 is launched here. Also updates can be available, which have to be installed per hand by user. These updates will be included in the next SerDia2010 version, too. Changes in the ECU-software concerning adjustment, parameterization, calibration or deleting error memory are possible only with SerDia2010. The access to the several functions is depending on the access level of the user. SerDia2010 is running with operating systems MS-Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista and Windows 7. During installation of the software you can chose different languages. After installation it is also possible to change the language to another one. Functions are activated by clicking on command buttons on the screen. Following commands are available: Home Back to start screen.
Data set management Download - new operating SW - complete data set - partial data set UseCases
guided diagnostics
report documents
adjust - language - access level elevation - setting folders for file storage Information regarding SerDia2010
program exit
exit SerDia2010
previous page
rebuild connection
General preferences
Minimal equipment
To communicate with a DEUTZ engine controller the following equipment is necessary: PC or Notebook DeCom or HS light II USB Interface diagnostic plug correctly connected with the controller.
Hardware Software SerDia2010 is able to work with Interface HS-Light DEUTZ Communicator DeCom available from DEUTZ AG. HS-Light SerDia2010 is executable with HS-Light II Interface. Once SerDia2010 is compatible to EMR3 ECU's the compatibility with HS-Light will not be enhanced any more. So HS-Light will not be provided in the far future any more! If a new interface is needed for communication with SerDia2010 it is recommended to order a Deutz Communicator DeCom as soon as available.
The licence for SerDia2010 has to be ordered separately via DIWI (see Licence purchasing). You can find the HS-Light serial number on the back side of the interface:
Manual SerDia2010 DeCom SerDia2010 is executable with DEUTZ Communicator (DeCom). Once SerDia2010 is compatible to EMR3 ECU's the compatibility with HS-Light will not be enhanced any more. Beginning at this time, only the DEUTZ Communicator will show full functionality (including compatibility to EMR3 with SerDia2010)! If a new interface is needed for communication with SerDia2010, it is recommended to order a Deutz Communicator DeCom as soon as available.
General preferences
K-Line and L-Line interface according ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4. Baudrate up to 500 Kbaud. 2 Full Can with max. 1 Mbit/s adjustable, according CAN-specification 2.0A and 2.0B USB 2.0 full-speed Galvanic isolation of inputs and to the PC Power supply from PC, current max. 250 mA LEDs for showing state of interface communication:
Manual SerDia2010
working temperature range 20 C up to +60 C storing temperature range 40 C up to +85 C type of protection: IP50 Deutz standard diagnostic plug, 12 pole switchable termination resistor 1m wiring length: Interface <=> PC fixed on interface with bend protection and cord grip 2m wiring length: Interface <=> ECU fixed on interface with bend protection and cord grip power supply from PC voltage range: 8-32V EMC according DIN ISO 7637-2 DIN EN 61000-4-2, 61000-4-3, 61000-4-4, 61000-4-6, 61000-6-2, 61000-6-4
PIN 1 2 3 4
General preferences
14 Ordering DeCom The licence can only be purchased through the official DEUTZ dealer net respectively the central OEM. For ordering please use the DIWI-system only! It is currently not possible to place an order via SAP or file transfer. The registration / release of the interface serial no. is completed usually within 5 working days. After tis delay the software can be downloaded from You can check the registration easily: All registered serial no. are mentioned in the licences overview file licence.txt also available on the website. Procedere
Manual SerDia2010
Allways enter the consignee (e.g.2nd dealer stage, OEM dealer, customer)!
Ordering in DIWI
Download of actual SerDia2010 software 5 days after release of the order. Install SerDia2010 on all required PC's.
Minimum hardware
Notebook or PC (IBM-AT compatible) USB interface graphic board VGA/SVGA with a resolution of 1024 x 768 Pixel frequency 1,5 GHz main memory 1 MB RAM hard disk 500 MB (free memory) CD-driver internet access for SerDia2010 updates administrator status for installation
General preferences
Diagnostic plug A connection plug has to be installed in the machine to connect the engine ECU with the SerDia2010 hardware interface. The plug has to be easily accessible (for example in cabin). While doing the wiring of the plug and connecting it to the control unit, please use the right wiring diagram. The plug is available from DEUTZ: Diagnostic plug TN 0419 9615 Serial according to ISO 9141 and SAE J1587
Function CAN High diagnostic CAN CAN Low diagnostic CAN CAN High customer CAN CAN Low customer CAN K-Line L-Line J1708a J1708b power supply ground reference
Assignment H G F M K L D E A B
Manual SerDia2010
Software installation
Newest SerDia2010 setup files are available at: Before installation of the software, please download the new Setup data first. The new updates due to the change in control unit software, program extension and improvements, can always be found at above mentioned website. Please do not connect the SerDia2010 USB interface to the PC, until program installation is finished! To use SerDia2010 you need a released licence (see chapter Order procedure and Ordering DeCom). Release is done for each interface separately.
Installation of SerDia2010 For all following actions admin rights are necessary!
General preferences - Search of the connected interface with activate "Find VCI" After installation SerDia2010 can be launched via SerDia2010 icon on the desktop.
For all administrators who configure the PC's for other users: The path C:\Deutz\SerDia\*.* must be entirely accessible. Via internet , the so called "Bugfixes" can be provided also. This bug fixes are files the user can manually copy to SerDia-directory. These data can solve problems as a short time solution in the actual SerDia program. In the next SerDia version this will be automatically included.
Access level
SerDia2010 will be delivered with access level 2 in general. The access level is not depending on the hardware interface level. If a different access level is needed, it is necessary to make a request per email to Within 5 working days you will get an email with confirmation / negation of the request. If confirmed the licence update has to be downloaded from and installed on the computer, in order to activate the new level.
PC Access authorization
For installation the administrator mode is necessary. For all others PC-User modes, the path C:\Deutz\SerDia\*.*needs entirely full access. No. 1 Version Interface Level I (1) Application Control, regular maintenance work according to maintenance schedules Note
For end customer, only for respective engine in OEM machine Repair work within the Inspection, test and adjustment work, scope of warranty only with repair work also within the scope of worldwide service the warranty, engine exchange agreement. For OEM with (incl.EAT) regional For OEM without Selfservice working in the scope of the warranty, mechanical reworking of extensive diagnosis, test & engine components and adjustment work on whole engine, major overhaul usually major overhaul, intermediate provided for OEM by the overhaul, mechanical reworking of DEUTZ service organization engine components replacement program (only by only for DEUTZ) DEUTZ-OEM- or Development-Engineer, Employees of DEUTZService organization
Manual SerDia2010
Program handling
Program handling
General communication access
By the use of SerDia2010, in order to communicate with a DEUTZ control unit, the following instructions during connection, are recommended: Start the computer Connect the interface to the Computer via USB Interface. Switch on power supply of the control unit. Connect the interface to the diagnostic plug of control unit. Start SerDia2010 on the Computer.
Now the available interface for SerDia will be searched automatically and the connection will be created. The setting for the hard- and software of the ECU will be adjusted automatically. During program start the following information window is shown.
Information window
Manual SerDia2010
Start screen
From all screens in program you can go back to home while pressing
in the button bar Using button "display for supported ECU software" a page with an overview regarding in SerDia2010 implemented software versions of ECU-software and assisted ECU hardware is shown..
Program handling
Overview SW-versions
- Visualization of connection status If communication between Notebook and ECU is ok, indicator is green. If communication is not possible or interrupted, indicator is red.
Manual SerDia2010 - Access level The access level is shown which is a result of interface identification.
Access level - ECU software The ECU software of the connected control unit is shown in the lower right window.
ECU software
Engine number
Program handling
Main menu
For navigation in SerDia2010 a button bar is used called main menu. This main menu is shown at all screens in program.
Manual SerDia2010
Error memory
Access to memory 1
Access to memory 2
Data set management Download - new operating SW - complete data set - partial data set UseCases
guided diagnostics
report documents
adjust - language - access level elevation - setting folders for file storage Information regarding SerDia2010
program exit
exit SerDia2010
rebuild connection
Program handling Depending on the mode of the program and the shown screen it is possible, that some of the shown buttons are different or not visible. If the cursor went's over the button, a short function description is shown as information.
Program settings like language, setting folders for file storage and access level elevation can be configured by pressing
configuration, setting
Save settings
Manual SerDia2010
Error memory
By pressing
error memory
Error memory 1
SerDia2010 is collecting all errors and it's environment data out of the ECU. The errors will be shown together with KWP-code, DTC-code, number of occurrence and a short error description. Possible interactions: Button "Actualize error memory":
Reads out the error memory out of the ECU. Button "Clear error memory":
Delete of all passive errors. Active errors can also be deleted but come up again directly.
Shows some details about the chosen error and some hints to solve it (available with SW ...580.. and higher).
Manual SerDia2010
Error environment
Dataset management
This function is only available with access level 2 or higher!
Offline Viewer
The Offline Viewer is available after installation of SerDia2010 with its own icon on the desktop Advantage: If only measurements have to be considered, it is not necessary to start SerDia2010 completely but the Offline Viewer can be loaded very fast.
Program handling
Possible interactions
Open measurement:
Click and select file from hard disk.
Zoom function:
If a measurement has been loaded, the screen can be zoomed in and out with the highlighted slider.
Manual SerDia2010
Usecases EMR4
starts screen with the overview of the available use cases. Depending on the actual access level different use cases can be started here. For all changes of parameters while using the use cases, the following is obligatory: The user has to check all changes and make plausible all influence and risk of the changes. The user is bearing the responsibility for all expected and unexpected effects because of the parameter changes. After changing parameters the effects regarding functionality of the engine / machine hast to be checked under ensured machine surroundings.
Program handling
First enter the relevant value then set the hook otherwise exists danger of uncontrolled engine switch off! In the input field several values can be entered to check the warning limits. After entering the values the hook will be set next to the description to confirm the respective value. This value will be shown next to the input field.
In the lower part of the screen checks for cooling water level switch and water in fuel switch are possible.
Manual SerDia2010 By setting the hook for the respective inspection the warning systems can be checked. The engine will be specified in such border states.
Graphic dipslay
The summary page gives an overview about the available measurements. Several predefined measurements or graphical displays can be chosen by the user.
Program handling
Possible interactions:
scaling y-axis:
double click onto the values of the axis. Above shown window will pop up and a new value can be given.
=> Start of measurement record (before starting measurement a file name for storing data has to be defined). => Start of measurement. => Stop of measurement. => Interrupt measurement (pause) => delete measurement
Manual SerDia2010
=> spreadsheet window separating / docking for placing on the screen => switch to bosch acronyms instead of normal parameter labels
spreadsheet window
measured values:
list of values
Program handling
Back Button:
back to overview screen. Similarly is the setting for measurements of engine start, measurement configuration of EAT and applications
Output test
This function is only available with access level 2 or higher!
Input test
Manual SerDia2010 The actual switching status of the ECU inputs are shown as a lamp. The active switching status (depending on the input configuration high or low) is shown as a switched on lamp (yellow). So it is easy to check, if inputs are wired correct and change their state if hardware switch is actuated.
Droop adjustment
This function is only available with access level 3 or higher!
Program handling The emergency speed can be pretended in the right text box: Possible interactions: Store emergency speed in ECU by entering:
The emergency speed range is limited from low idle up to 1200 rpm!
4.8.11 Sensors
The UseCase sensors provides an overview of various measurements. For 4 of these measurements the upper and lower limits are displayed in the bar graph with corresponding measured value.
Manual SerDia2010
Screen sensors
Following values can be viewed if they are sent by ECU: Boost pressure Ambient pressure Fuel delivery pressure Engine oil pressure Boost temperature Ambient temperature Cooling temperature Battery voltage Vehicle speed
Program handling
4.8.17 SCR-Overview
Provided for a correct use of the UseCases is an engine, equipped with a system of SCR exhaust after treatment.
Manual SerDia2010
This overview page provides a quick overview about values of different sensors and the whole EAT system.
Push on opens the page of measurements for the SCR-System.(see also Measurements).
the user gets to the SCR-test functions (Access only with Level 2 or higher). Entering
42 SCR Test function This function is only available with access level 3 or higher!
DPF-main page
Besides the entire overview of the DPF-system on the left side, the most important values of the DPF equipment is shown on the right side. The user switches over to a component specific page by selecting the individual relevant diagnostic components of the DPF-system using the PC-mouse.
Manual SerDia2010
Turn to page diesel particulate filter and burner => click on the filter
Turn to page diesel particulate filter and burner => click on the burner
For each single summary page the possibility to turn back to the main page exists. Burner testing is the only exception. Button "measuring data acquisition":
Pushing the button Measuring Data Acquisition , the user will be skipped back to the diagnostic page "Measuring Data Acquisition", that will allow to record and trace the measurements of the main page.
Program handling To verify, that the engine is running, so that the DPF-System is able to work, the engine speed will be checked. If the engine doesn't run, the user is called to start the engine.
Important values of the DPF-burner system are shown in various labels in the upper half of the functional area. For example the combustion chamber temperature at the top, the burner air mass flow reference value, the burner air mass flow actual value in the left labels, such as the secondary fuel injection mass of the burner in the right label. In the middle the status display of the burner is placed.
In the lower half of the functional area important values of the DPF in various labels are shown. These are: the exhaust gas temperature at the entry of the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) in the left label, the exhaust gas temperature reference value and the actual value in the right label. In the middle the status display of the DPF is placed.
In the picture on the upper left hand side the time since last successful regeneration is shown.
Manual SerDia2010 Values DPF The overview page for the measurement Measuring Data Acquisition shows the indicated values from the DPF main page as a graphical tool.
Screen: measurement
Within the diagnostic application of the Deutz DPF-system, there is a DEMO-modus integrated, that can be activated while pushing the DEMO button on the DPF main page. In the demo-modus a real DPF-burner system will be simulated and the values appropriate notified.
Manual SerDia2010 Diesel particulate filter (DPF) and burner Here the system component Diesel particle filter and burner will be shown. .
the burner can be switched on and by pushing it again, it will be switched off. The button "Measuring Data Acquisition" traces the indicated values from the DPF main page for measurement into a graphical tool.
The actual status of the burner is shown during regeneration at the status display.
Click on the symbol to change the burner conditions: Possible burner conditions:
Manual SerDia2010
state 32 of burner: on
state 64 of burner: glowing off For changing DPF-conditions, press onto the symbol:
state 4 DPF: cat-warm up (start burner) state 8 DPF: warm up phase (HC-injection)
state 16 DPF: regeneration At the same time the temperatures before and after DPF (or DOC), and the DPF differential pressure, can be checked in the lower half of the screen.
an EOL-test of DPF burner system can be started.(only level access 2 or higher!) The EOL (End of line) Test is available with software P_802_592_XXX or higher. The tests are running fully automatic. At the end a result for the complete test is shown (Test successful / not successful). The individual test functions can be activated only above a minimum coolant temperature of 70 C.
Manual SerDia2010 Supply Module DPF, burner The overview page allows to control each valve for fuel injection of the burner and for HC-injection.
Supply Module
On the left side the component view of the supply module is placed, on the right side a simplified representation of the circuit is shown. Above a functional area is available. It contains control elements, which, if activated, indicate actual values like pressure or temperatures directly into the simplified representation circuit. Additionally the position of each component will be shown by a color labeling in the component view. Further function is only available with access level 3 or higher!
Program handling Air pump The system component air pump is described on the overview page as well.
Air pump
For the air pump functional test, a setpoint can be given manually. The manual air pump functional test is only available for some versions of the ECU-software.
With the linear regulator an air mass flow can be chosen for setpoint of the air pump. The label above the linear regulator shows the actual setpoint.
Manual SerDia2010 After that the setpoint has to be confirmed by pressing the button "ok"
Following values will be shown in the left picture above the air pump: At the top on the left: At the top in the middle: In the middle: At the bottom on the right: Spark plug This function is only available for development! Air pump rotation speed Air mass flow(reference value) Air mass flow (actual value) Air pump pressure
Usecases EMR3
Further function is only available with access level 2 or higher!
Program handling Adjacently tree structure contains all experiments. By selection of a branch and confirm the "ok-button" the respective experiment will be opened.
the favorites list on the right side can be edited. Following window opens for editing the favorites list:
Manual SerDia2010
The favorites list can consist of only 10 favorites! Favorites can be removed or added to the list by using following arrows:
The vertical arrows are used to sort within the favorites list.
scaling y-axis:
double click onto the values of the axis. Above shown window will pop up and a new value can be given.
Functions of diagrams:
Button Function Description Measurements will be displayed in a diagram. After stopping the measurement temporary data can be saved. Before starting recording the data name of the recording must be entered.
Start of measurement
Start of measurement record (before starting measurement a file name for storing data has to be defined). Interrupt measurement (Pause)
The measurement will be interrupted until renewed entering the button. After stopping the measurement, the displayed data
Manual SerDia2010
This button opens a saved measurement. With this button the measurement can be discarded. This buttons stores the measurements data in a measurement file.If the data name is not entered yet,the dialogue appears to save the measurement file. The directory can be selected and the filename has to entered. Hereby a correlation can be created between measured values and trigger . The table of measurement names and the actual measurements can be separated or renewed docked.
Save measurement
By default measurement names will be shown in the selected language. By pushing this button the Bosch acronyms will be displayed. By renewed entering the button the selected language will be displayed renewed.
Engine start
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Performance test
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
CAN error
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary. Engine speed Next state of main relay 3 state machine State of main relay 3 Next state of main relay 1 state machine
EDC 16
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary. Next state of main relay 2 State cold start help Preheating lamp
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Screen controller I
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Engine speed
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
Program handling By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
It should be noted that a maximum of 5 values can be selected and displayed. Control of in-and outputs
Possible interactions:
Manual SerDia2010 By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
It should be noted that a maximum of 5 values can be selected and displayed. Smoke limitation
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Program handling
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Possible interactions:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible. Specifically here is the sub item:
Select readings:
In this dialogue the user can choose a selection of displayed signals. By default, all signals are activated. Depending on the respective experiment the measured values of the measurement vary.
Manual SerDia2010
SerDia is identifying the configuration of the analog speed set point facilities and shows, depending on the setting in the ECU, the values for foot pedal and / or handgas. Additional the measured values of the signals (in %) are shown on the screen. The resulting speed setpoint, depending on functional scope (mostly maximum of pedal, handgas wins), is shown, too.
Program handling
When pressing button "auto" the automatic mode for calibration is started, Button on the screen is marked yellow. On the left side of the page the values for minimum, maximum and the actual measured values are shown.
Manual SerDia2010
A second click onto the button "auto" stops the automatic mode. The values for pedal, low and high limit are calculated. After starting the automatic mode SerDia learns the new values for the limits while pushing the pedal several times. The threshold values and the pedal characteristic is calculated and shown on the screen. After calculation a validation is done. The values for 0% and 100% pedal have to differ 1V in minimum. The low and high limit have to have a gap of min. 200mV to the values 0V and 5V. If one of this checks is hurt, the respective value is marked red and the user is informed about the violation of the limit.
By repeatedly up and down moving the pedals SerDia learns the actual pedal limits and calculates the necessary pedal curves and error limits. The user has to make sure, that the mechanical limits are reached while pushing the pedal or throttle. After finishing calibration the new values can be stored into the ECU or rejected. The user is responsible for plausibility and check of the new values. The liability for parameter changes is taken by the user.
Program handling
When pressing button "hand mode" the actual values from dataset are collected and shown at the tables and text fields on the screen. The user is able to make changes by hand. The "hand mode" button has changed color to yellow.
Manual SerDia2010
Second click on "hand mode" starts the check and validation procedure in SerDia. The values for 0% and 100% pedal have to differ 1V in minimum. The low and high limit must have a gap of min. 200mV to the values 0V and 5V. If one of this checks is hurt, the respective value is red marked and the user is informed about the violation of the limit. It is recommended to use the hand mode function only if experienced.
The user is responsible for plausibility and check of the new values. The liability for parameter changes is taken by the user.
Storing data
Button "read data from ECU":
Program handling
The new values are transfered to the ECU and stored. Old values are gone.
It is recommended to use the automatic mode for calibration of the foot pedal. If the hand mode is used by the experienced user, the values for the throttle have to be prepared by user himself.
The actual setting for the fixspeed values are shown on the left upper part of the screen. The setting of the switch is marked, too. Left hand placed is the status for the constant speed position switch as marking point. Additionally the actual engine speed and the speed setpoint is shown as value and tachometer on the right side inclusive hysteresis to have a qualitative feedback.
The original stored values of the ECU were refreshed on the screen. Changes of the values are deleted. Button "write values to ECU":
Values shown on the screen for fixspeed 2 (first intermediate speed) and fixspeed 3 (2. intermediate speed) are flashed to the ECU. If the engine is still running while activation of this procedure, SerDia will ask to stop engine automatically. The values for fixspeed 1 (low idle) and fixspeed 4 (high idle) cannot be changed free because they are linked to low, respectively high idle. Text box "Constant Speed 2","Constant Speed 3":
Changes in these text boxes have to be confirmed with ENTER. After confirmation the new value will get active, if switched on (see marking point at fixspeed). It is not possible to install a speed below fixspeed one or above fixspeed four. The fixspeed 1 and 4 are not changeable in this screen (see hints above).
Program handling
The emergency speed can be pretended in the right text box. Possible interactions: Store emergency speed in ECU by entering:
The emergency speed range is limited from low idle up to 1200 rpm!
Manual SerDia2010
The lamp besides the button indicates whether the system is ready or not.
Program handling
Left side shows an overview about the possible adjustment values. On the right side is a graphical display placed which shows various fan parameters.
Manual SerDia2010
to reset to default values. If a parameter is selected, actual initial values will be displayed below the graphical display.
Actual measurements and initial values can be confirmed by entering following button:
By default the settings, as described in chapter measurements, are possible to adjust except adjusting the background color. scaling y-axis:
double click onto the values of the axis. Above shown window will pop up and a new value can be given.
Functions of diagrams:
Button Function Description Measurements will be displayed in a diagram. After stopping the measurement temporary data can be saved.
Start of measurement
Program handling
Start of measurement record (before starting measurement a file name for storing data has to be defined). Interrupt measurement (Pause)
Before starting recording the data name of the recording must be entered.
The measurement will be interrupted until renewed entering the button. After stopping the measurement, the displayed data
Stop of measurement can be stored. Open measurement Delete measurement This button opens a saved measurement. With this button the measurement can be discarded. This buttons stores the measurements data in a measurement file.If the data name is not entered yet,the dialogue appears to save the measurement file. The directory can be selected and the filename has to entered. Hereby a correlation can be created between measured values and trigger . The table of measurement names and the actual measurements can be separated or renewed docked.
Save measurement
By default measurement names will be shown in the selected language. By pushing this button the Bosch acronyms will be displayed. By renewed entering the button the selected language will be displayed renewed.
Parameters Actual measurements and initial values can be changed directly in following text bar:
Manual SerDia2010 Actual measurements and initial values can be confirmed by entering following button:
Following parameters can be changed: D-component of the amplitude ratio of fan speed Extended coolant temperature slope Fan speed I-component within range I-component fan speed for signals below limit I-component fan speed for signals above limit P-component fan speed for signals below limit Expansion of the coolant temperature P-component P-component fan speed for signals above limit
Characteristics Actual measurements are shown below the graphical display in tabular form with the x-value and the respective FNC.
Actual measurements and initial values can be confirmed by entering following button:
Following characteristics can be changed: Group characteristics of the fan speed addicted P-component in range
Program handling P-component group characteristics of the fan speed below the limit P-component group characteristics of the fan speed above the limit Actual P-component of the PID-controller coolant temperature Group characteristics of the fan speed addicted I-component in range I-component group characteristics of the fan speed below the limit I-component group characteristics of the fan speed above the limit Actual I-component of the PID-controller coolant temperature Group characteristics of the fan speed addicted D-component in range Group characteristics of the fan speed addicted to waiting time Group characteristics D-component of the coolant temperature Group characteristics D-component of the engine speed Actual D-component of the PID-controller coolant temperature Group characteristics of the coolant temperature addicted I-component in range Group characteristics of the engine speed addicted I-component in range I-component of the group characteristics of the coolant temperature below limit I-component of the group characteristics of the engine speed below limit I-component of the group characteristics of the coolant temperature above limit I-component of the group characteristics of the engine speed above limit Group characteristics of the coolant temperature addicted P-component in range P-component of the group characteristics of the engine speed above limit P-component of the group characteristics of the coolant temperature below limit P-component of the group characteristics of the engine speed below limit P-component of the group characteristics of the coolant temperature above limit ID 'P-component of the group characteristics of the engine speed above limit not found Actual relation of CAN adaptation Actual value of output fan speed adaptation
Manual SerDia2010 Maps Current and initial values of the map for fan speed are shown below graphical display and can be changed directly in the map.
The fan speed is divided into 5 steps. X (horizontal axis) represents engine speed [rpm], Y (vertical axis) represents the fan speed [rpm]. By double clicking on the FNC-value the respective speed can be changed. Current and initial values can be confirmed by entering button
Program handling
Manual SerDia2010
SerDia reads out the actual values of idle run and copies them into the labels in the sub array on the left hand side. This values will be saved further, too. In parallel a tachometer operates on the right hand. The actual setpoint value and the actual rotating speed are shown, each as a decimal value below the tachometer and also with indicator and hysteresis region. Button "read data from ECU":
went back to previous value of idling speed, which was acquired at the start of the UseCase. Button"store in ECU":
writes all variables for idle speed back into the ECU. If the engine is still running, SerDia will offer to stop the engine automatically, so that the programming of the ECU can take place.
Program handling
An input into this text box has to be confirmed by ENTER. After that, SerDia changes all variables for idle speed and switches over to working page, so all changes will be activated in realtime. The input is limited for a speed range of 600 1200 1/min.
Manual SerDia2010
Fault location
The most frequent reasons for problems in SerDia2010 are: Dead file bodies of previous SerDia-installations Power management of computer long low cost USB-cable (> 2m) Intermittent electrical contact in the diagnostic electric line
1. Error message: Java Virtual Machine Launcher
Action: To install the workarounds you unpack the ZIP archive (from Z_ into ZIP):C: \DEUTZ\SerDia\Lic and rename the R_data in .REG By double clicking on the REG file the workaround will be installed. 2. Error message: Program for executing could not be found Action: Open the .reg file, which can only runs on the target system. This can be seen in: C:\ \Windows\SysWOW64\ 3. Error message: Missing link to DAPS-file Action: Start registry-program for workaround (See error message 1).
4. Error message: Serdia2010.daps and default .daps find no ECU or no SW-Version. Data speed (baud-rate) error is shown. Action: Check termination resistors. CAN-High and CAN-Low exchange. With different baud rates on the Bus take an ECU with 250 KBaud-DS or repair the bus.
Action: Will be displayed when a new license file is replaced by an older one. Use newer license file! 6. Error message: ZIP-installation problem
Manual SerDia2010
Action: (Firewall problem) Solve the problem: a: By IT-department which "untreated" takes or b: new FTP-Link with the same file but "harmless" file ending adjust 7. Error message: device manager
Action: Install newest SerDia-Version (1.8.750) with newest licence file, because older databases contain old passwords.
burner air mass flow actual value 42 burner air mass flow reference value 42 burner conditions 47 burner functionality 50 burner test 50 button 24 button bar 21
-332bit 15
-CCalibration 40 Calibration of injectors 40 Calibration of injectors (IMA-Code) CAN error 65 change of parameter 31 changing parameters 31 changing the access level 4 Check of inputs 36 checkbox 36 circuit diagrams 7 Clear error memory 27 combustion chamber temperature command buttons 8 commands 8 communicate 20 compatibility to EMR3 11 competence level 18 compression test 40 Compression testing 40 configuration 26 connection plug 16 connection status 21 consignee 14 Constant speed adjustment EMR3 controller family 8 Controller I 73 converting rate 42 Counter 38 Counter level 1 38 cylinder 40 40
-664bit 15
-Aaccess level 4, 18, 21 access level 2 4 access level elevation 26 active error 27 active switching status 36 actual counters 40 actualization error memory 27 actualize error memory 27 AdBlue injection mass 42 adjustment of IMA-Codes 40 admin rights 17 administrators 17 air mass flow 52 air pump 42, 52 air pump functional test 52 air pump pressure 52 air pump setpoint 52 analog speed set point 37 Analogue speed setpoint EMR3 88 automatic calibration 37 automatic calibration of throttle 37 Automatic EGR test 39 Automatic throttle testing 39 automatische Kalibrierung 88
-DDachkurvenumschaltung 71, 72 damaged cylinder 40 DAPS-file 108 dataset management 29 DeCom 10, 11, 14 delete error memory 27
Manual SerDia2010 End Of Line Test 40 eng prt 67 engine hours 40 Engine speed 73 Engine start 57 ensured machine surroundings 31 environment data 27 EOL-Test 50 error 27 error description 27 error details 27 Error environment 27 error memory 27 error memory 1 27 error memory 2 27 EU Stufe III B 1 exchange of DPF-filter 50 exchange of injectors 40 exhaust aftertreatment 40 exhaust gas recirculation 39 exhaust gas temperature 42 exhaust gas temperature reference value Experimente 53
delete measurement 33 Demo modus 46 demo-mode 42 DEMO-Modus 46 DEUTZ Communicator 10, 11 DEUTZ control unit 20 DEUTZ dealer net 5, 14 DEUTZ service network 5 device manager 108 diagnostic plug 4, 10, 16 diesel oxidation catalyst 42 Diesel particle filter and burner 47 distribution 5 DIWI 10 DIWI-system 5, 14 DOC 42 documents 5 Dosing valve 51 DPF 42 DPF main page 42 DPF-conditions 47 Drehzahlerfassung 75 Drehzahlumschaltung 76 Drehzahlverstellung ber Tasten 74 droop 37 droop adjustment 37 droop switch 37 DTC-code 27
-FFahrpedal 88 Fahrpedaleinstellung 88 Fahrpedalkonfiguration 88 failure of the accelerator pedal 37 Fan control EMR3 97 fan speed 100 FAQ 108 fault location 107 favorites list 53 Fehlergrenzen 88 Festdrehzahl 94 Festdrehzahlreglermodus 94 File Transfer 5 Filter DPF 47 fixspeed mode 37 fixspeed setpoint 37 folder for file storage 26 foot pedal 37 functions 8 96
-EECU 8 ECU counters 21 ECU inputs 36 EDC 16 68 EDC 7: Main relay 68 EEPROM can be saved 40 EEPROM Fehler 97 EGR 39 EGR test 39 EGR valve 39 EGR, throttle 39 Eingabetest 103 Einstellen der Hintergrundfarbe 53 emergency speed 37 Emergency speed adjustment EMR3 EMR3 53 EMR4 training 7 End of line 50
Index Global SIS - Portal 5 grafische Anzeige Offline graphical display 33 graphical displays 33 Interrupt measurement 79 33
-Hhand mode calibration 37 hand throttle 37 Handgas 88 hardware incl. software-licence Hauptrelais 68, 69, 70 HC-injection 51 home 21 hotline 7 hotline SerDia-program 7 HS Light II 17 HS light II USB 18 HS light II USB Interface 10 HS-Light 10 HS-Light interface 10
-Llanguage 8, 26 Leerlaufdrehzahlwert 105 Leerlaufeinstellung 105 legal requirements 2 Leistungsprfung 61, 62 liability 2 licence 2, 4, 5, 10, 14 licence update 18 licence.txt 5 limitations 2 load cycle 38 logistic data 21 Low idle adjustment EMR3 105 Lftergeschwindigkeit 101, 103 Lfterregelung 97
-Iidentify defective injectors 40 idle speed adjustment 37 idling control 37 IMA-Code 40 improper use 2 individual test functions 50 information 5 information window 20 injection system 40 injector switch off 40 input 36 Input test EMR3 103 input testing 36 Installation 17 installation and commissioning test installation manual 2 Installation Manual Electronic 7 instructions and warnings 2 Interface 7, 14 interface access right 18 interface level 18 Interface serial number 5, 10 interface serial-no 5 intermittent electrical contact 107 internet 17
-Mmain menu 24 Maps 103 measurement 33 measurement SCR 40 Messwerte 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 minimum hardware 15 Missing link 108 Motorbremse 86 Motorleistung 61, 62 Motorleistung prfen 61, 62 Motorstartproblem 58, 59, 60 MS-Windows XP 8
Manual SerDia2010 Referenzspannung 77, 78 regeneration 42, 47 register 5 registration 5, 14 registration/release 14 Regler 73 regulations 2 release 5, 14 repair 2 request regeneration 47 resell licence 4 Reset engine hours 40 reset of filter load 50 responsibility 31
-OOffline Viewer 29 operating system 8, 15 output 36 output testing 36 Overview 8 oxi-catalyst 42 oxidation catalyst 42
-Pparameter access level 1 parameter changes 31 parametrization 2 passive error 27 PC 10 Pedalkennlinie 88 Performance test 60 physical dispatch of goods 5 pin assignment 11 plug 16 power management 107 predefined measurement 33 Preheating 84 pressure & temperature combination sensor pressure proportion valve 51 problems 4, 107 program handling 20 program setting 26 program start 20 programming 29 Programminstallation 17 proper experience 2
-Ssafe condition 2 SAP 5 scaling y-axis 33 SCR 40 SCR EOL-test 42 SCR exhaust after treatment system SCR overview 40 screen 24 SCR-EOL 42 SCR-pump 42 SCR-System 40 Second dealer stage 5 Serdia setup 17 4 4, 5 SerDia2010 1, 4, 7, 8, 17 serial number interface 21 serious personal 2 service bulletins 7 service regeneration 50 set engine hours 40 Set limp home RPM 37 setting 26 Setup-Dateien 17 Shut Off Valve 51 shut-off valve 51 Skalieren der Y-Achsen 53 Smoke limitation 81 software-licence 5, 14 speed setpoint 37 Start of measurement 33 start screen 21
-Rrail pressure error 62 Raildruck 63, 64, 65 Raildruck prfen 63, 64, 65 Raildruckfehler 63, 64, 65 Rauchbild 81 read from ECU 37 Reference voltage 76
Index Start SerDia2010 20 Startrelais 88 stationary operating point 42 status of the burner 47 Stop of measurement 33 Stufenschalter 94 summary page 33 Summary page measurement 33 supply module 51 supply-module 42 SW driver 17 Switch off injectors 40 switching status 36 Switchover function 82 Vorheizung 84
-WWater in fuel 83 Wilhelm Bcker GmbH & Co. KG Windows 7 8, 15 Windows VISTA 8 Windows XP 15 workarounds 108 write values to ECU 37 10
-Ttechnical bulletins 7 Testing output 36 throttle 39 TN 1000 2785 5 Torque curve switch 70 training 7 training center cologne 7 trainings 2 transfer the licence 4 Trip Recorder 38 TSC1 66 type of ECU 21
-Ubersichtsseite 53 unskilled application 2 updates 5 US EPA TIER 4i 1 USB interface 17 USB-cable 107 Usecases EMR3 53 Usecases EMR4 31 user level 18
-Vvalid password 108 values DPF 45 vent fuel lines 50 Verbrennungsgerusch VISTA 15
DEUTZ AG Application Engineering Ottostr. 1 51149 KLN Phone: +49 (0) 2 21 - 822 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 2 21 - 822 - 5358 Internet: Email: Printed in Germany All rights reserved 2. edition, 12/2011 Part-Nr. 00312 2025 en