Seduction Community Introduction
Seduction Community Introduction
Seduction Community Introduction
An Introduction
James (PsychoLogic) TantraLogic Group
2008 TantraLogic Group own your lovelife
TantraLogic Group
Romantic love
Great eroticists
Don Juan
Women could gain Casanova power (social influence) Men adopted the through sex feminine tools of Bathsheba Helen of Troy seduction Ordinary mate selection was based on proximity and social class
2008 TantraLogic Group
Take whatever I can get Beg, plead, cheat, and lie if thats what it takes
Like any skill seduction can be taught and learned Of course mastery requires practice
2008 TantraLogic Group
Ross Jeffries David DeAngelo Mystery (Erik von Markovik) Style (Neil Strauss) Mark Cunningham David Deida Juggler (Wayne Elise) Zan Perrion Tyler Durden Lance Mason BradP Mehow and many many more
This is no surprise
Modern seduction
Socially awkward people Technically smart Driven by the Internet Goal: Model success Experiential emphasis
Key Insights
Looks, money, possessions dont matter Personality, confidence, humor, independence are attractive Skills can be learned and taught Success with women can be modeled and emulated Your prejudices, biases, and assumptions are irrelevantevidence and results count
Field testing Sometimes they help Usually they hurt
Various Styles
Supplicating Behavior Frustrated Chump Inner Game Day Game Indirect Game Methods/Routines Attractive Behavior Pick Up Artist Outer Game Night Game Direct Game Natural Game
Supplicating Behavior Doing things to win her approval Lavishing her with money and trinkets Needing her
Attractive Behavior
Doing things that are interesting to you Guiding her with rewards and punishment Wanting her
Frustrated Chump
Tries to entertain her Cares about the outcome Pleads and whines Takes what he can get Worries what people think
2008 TantraLogic Group
Inner Game
Attitudes and beliefs Confidence Psychological Harder to see to measure Easier to fake, harder to attain
2008 TantraLogic Group
Outer Game
Actions and behaviors Competence Physiological Easier to see and measure Harder to fake, easier to attain
own your lovelife
Day Game
Everyday settings: stores, restaurants, parks, work Low key Verbal, vibing, comfort Less competitive
Night Game
Social venues: bars, clubs, socializing mixers High energy Physical, flashy, tension More competitive
Indirect Game
Covert intentions Avoids rejection Under the radar Reduces her defenses
Direct Game
Clear intentions Confronts rejection Over the top Challenges her to accept or defend
Conscious Rehearsed and prepared Proven/field tested Formal structure Black and white
Natural Game
Intuitive Spontaneous and improvised Unproven/hit or miss Unstructured or contextual Shades of grey
Choosing A Style
Consider the pros and cons of each approach for you, not right vs. wrong Progress is not linear
Use a style relevant to your interests and congruent with your skill level
One night stand (ONS) Same night lay (SNL) Hookup Long-term relationship (LTR) Multiple long-term relationships (MLTR) Girlfriend (GF) Wife (WTF)
How To Be Flexible
Be willing to try new things
Progress is about change and experimentation The greater exposure to variety, the greater your creativity and innovation Peacocking like Mystery at Starbucks makes you a desperate attention whore Context matters!
The more you practice the better you get You can always quit using a style or technique that doesnt suit you
Better to understand the good and the bad aspects of the community
What beliefs underlie community activities? How does the community help men? Women? How does the community harm men? Women? What practices are ethical? Unethical?
Take Aways
Seduction is a skill that can be practiced and learned Seduction is about attraction, not control Creating value for others increases your own value Independence and irreverence are highly attractive There is no best style and no one right way
Only more effective or less effective for you Soft sell beats brute force
TantraLogic Group