Nazarene Messenger - August 27, 1908

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.. The Bloo4 of Chrht ir;. Son Clea,..eth ru From All Sin .,
Vol. XIII.
l.os AuPst 27, 1908 No.9
My soul breaks out in strong desire.
The perfect bliss to prove;
My longing heart is all on fire dissolved-in love.
Heaven Upon the Earth.
ANYTHING that despoils God's work and hinders His
pu,rpose, should find no place in the heart or life of
people; but they should g)adly s_eek to kn?w and to do H1s
will, not only for His glory, but for the1r own
tion and bles!'}ing. The high purpose of God for H1s_
ancient people is in this clear statement, "Ag
days of heaven upon earth." This was not only in respect
to their perpetual occupation of Canaan, but also as to the
blessings God would put upon them; and it was fo be
brought about by their obedience to His commandments
and by their teaching of them to their children. God
must have had in His purpose .... a very happy life for- His_
people_; "as the days of upon .the earth." u that
WE should keep in contact with sinners, but never in
fellowship with them.
The .. Only "Righteous Ones.
JoHN sa}'fl that "E-very one tha doeth righteousness.
is borri of God.'' These words inferentially speak the
and lost condition of all the human race. If
all that do righteousness are born of God, then it is also-
lutely necessary to be born of God to d9 righteousness.
This is a that cannot lfe, and it would be
well if we would put it alongside our lives, to see if our
thoughts, desires, plans, words and acts were righteous.
Notice that it does not say being righteous, but "doeth
yet it implies an inward righteous
condition necessary to an outward integrity. Is it
not here where the Church needs to measure up-to bring
its doing up to the level of its professing? How this
would remove the reproach that is upon the Church, and
take away the stumbling-block that lies in the way of the
unsaved. There is only one law of righteousness-God's
law artd no one ii.eed make a mistake, for hehas a double
, . .
monitor, the perfect revealed will of God and a nature in
harmony with it. My brother, are you. "doing righteous-
ness''? Are you "born of God".? R. P.
GoD will take care of your reputation if you will tak'e
care of your ch11.racter.
. were possible under the old dispensation, how much more
possible should it be in this day of light and Holy Ghost
power? There is a sense in which we can o.ur own
heaven or hell ; but God's purpose and provision are so
arranged that we can have the heavenly life of h.oliness,
victory and power right now and here, by obedience to
his commands and by walking 'with Him in white. Such
a man is not getting happy on the prospects of a future We Must Have God.
heaven, but he sings now: . HOWEVER much Church machinery and organization
Heaven comes down my sourto greet, we may have; however numerous our good deeds may be;
And glory crowns the inercy-seat. R. P. h
X however high our intellectual attainments may reac , or
however high our riches, unless the individual and Church
Sm and Its Results. . . . ---hasGoo abiding with it, it will be a failure sofat as
WHAT a rebellious, monster sm Is. How purpose is concerned. This is the teaching of the ScriP-
it makes people turn even agamst those who done tures, the will of God, and the need of the world-the
them nothing but good, and makes a man have

regard heart of man as the temple of God. We must have God
for the most sacred-vows. . How fB:ithful. to do the divine work in the soul that makes us His child,
with and warned the people of God m the1r rebelhous sm- and transforms and purifies our nature, and then we must
fulness, but iri return "they the of have God to dwell in us to perpetuate inits completeness
God, and despised His words, and that which He has done. But beside this, having now
until the wrath of the Lord arose agamst H1s people, till . cut off from fellowship with the world, we enter into a
there was no remedy. " can e:ven come to new fellowship, "and truly our fellowship, is the
an end with God, and warmngs neglected brmg de- Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." It is this holy
struction, and so the childre.n of lsra.el were mto communion with an .unseen but real Lord is the de-
captivity. It is an awful thmg to reJect God.' for light and strength of His holy people. It is this "fellow-
the soul at the mercy of the enemy, the dev1l. Sm IS a ship divine" that deals the death-blow to -all the siren
destroyer, for it robs a man of all the that God voices of the world. 0 brother, if you do not enjoy .this
bestows upon the soul; . and not only all ''communion sweet," get temple cleansed, and your
things, but at last destr.oysthe temple. wh1ch G?,d desires Lord will come in to dwell, so that you will be able ,to
for Himself.. That thmg that makes a man mock the
messengers of God" and despise His words, and misuse
.His prophets," ought to find no place in the heart of a
Christian. Brother, have you got rid of sin? If not,
hasten to the blood. . R. "P.
sing: .
" 'Tis a kingdom of it is reigning within,
It shall ever increase in my Roul;
We possess it right here wlien He saves from all sin,
And 'twlll last while the ages shall roll."
Contributed Arlicies
bread that bringeth strength I want to
The water pure that biqs 1;he
I wa.nt to help the fainting day by. day;
l ; m sure I shall not pass' again thjs way.
[AugmJt 2'l, 1908
' \
sermons on Christian perfection."...:.. preached every Christian lloctrine
Journal; Nov.; 1761. which I now preach. "-Journal, Sept.
"A large congregation attended . at 1778.
five in the morning," and seemed just "About ten, I .preached at New
ripe for the exhortation, 'Let us go on . Mills, to as simple a people as those
unto p.erfection.' I had, indeed; the at the Chapel. ' Perceiving they had
. . . satisfaction of finding most of the sufferedby NOT having the doctrine
believers here athirst for full redemp- _of perfection clearly and
tion.''-Jour.nal, April, 1764. strongly upon them, r
I want to giye the oiiof joy for tears, "' "Hence we rode to Grimsby, once preached expressly on thehead; and
The faith to conquer crowding doubts and t. h d 1' 1 k
fears, . e most ead, now the most 1ve y spo e with the effect in meeting
Beauty for .ashes may I g ive alway; place. j_p ali the coul)ty. Here has the society. The spirits of ma:ri'f
I'm sure I not pass again"this ,way. been a large increase both of the Soci- greatly revived; and they are now
I want to give good meastire running o'er, ety and hearers, so that the house, 'going on unto perfection.' I found
And into angry hearts I want to pour though galleries were added, is still it needful to press the same thing at
The answer soft that turn.eth wrath away; too small. In the morning, Wednes- Stockport, _inthe evening. "-Journal,
I'm sure I shall not pass again this way. d 4 I 1 d t 1 th t A ' I 1782
ay, , exp a1ne a arge e na ure , prJ, .
. . I want to give to others hope and f aith; of Christian perfection. Many who ''Friday, 6, being the quarterly day
l want to do all that the Master saith; had doubted of it before were fully for meeting the local preachers,
f want to live aright from day to day;
I'm sure I shall not pass again this way. -satisfied . . It remains only to experi- between twenty and thirty of them
- :Oaily Bible. ence what we believe." - Journal, met at West Street, and opened their
.- . .JI .JI April, 1764. hearts to each other. Taking the
JOI;IN WESLEY FREQUENTLY "At seven I clearly and strongly opportunity of having them all
PREACH ON CHRISTIAN described the heighth and depth of together, at the : watch night, I
PERFECTION? Christian holiness; . and (what is strongly insisted on St . .-Paul's advice
REv . . c. E. coRNELL. strange) t could not afterward find to Timothy, 'Keep that which is com-
We often hear it said in certain any person who was "-Jour- mitted to thy trust;' particularly the
quarters that Mr. Wesley did not nal, Nov., 1764. doctrine of Christian perfection,
:tfreach very much on . the theme that "Atfive in the morning I began a which God has peculjarly entrusted
was very near his heart. is course of sermon.s on Christian per- to the Methodists." - Journal,. Feb.
especially true .of young preachers !ection; if haply that thirst after it 1789. . . ' . .
who come out of !'lOme of our Method- might return which was so general "At nine I preached in t he new
ist . universities, tinctured with the a few years ago. Since that tiine_how chapel, at Tunstal; the most elegant I
infidelity of higher criticism, and who deeply have we grieved the Holy have seen since I left Bath. My text
have not read Mr. Wesley's sermons Sp!rit of G<id! Yet two or three have was, 'Let us go on unto perfection, '
carefully. We desire to give the lately received His pure love; and a and the people seemed to devour the
readers of this periodical a few few more were brought to the birth." Word. "-Journal, April, 1790.
extracts from. Mr. Wesley's Journal .-Journal, Dec. 1761. . . "We went to for many
to show how strongly he emphasized Sarah Crosby writes to Miss Bosan- years proverbially called wicked
the great doctrine of holiness. quet, in 1770: "Mr. Wesley left' Leeds. Wigan . . But it is not now what if
"My .br9ther and I set out for Tiv- yesterday. I never htard him preach was. The inhabitants in general
erton. About eleven I preached at better, if so well. In every sermo.n have taken oii a . softer mould. The
Burford. On Saturday evening I he set forth 'Christian perfection' house, in t.he evening, was more than
explained, at the-nature and in the most beautiful light."--Tyer- filled; and all that could get in seemed
extent .. of Christian perfection.' ' - man's Hist., Vol. III, page 68. to be greatly affected, while I strongly
Jonrnal, Nov., 1739. "In the eveningthe house at Swin- applied our Lord's words, 'I will ; be
"We had an uncommon blessil}g at fleet not being able to contain a third thou clean.' "-Journal, May, 1790.
Manchester, both morning and after- of the congregation, I preached on a ''If I . were convinced that none in
noon. In the evening I met the smooth, green place, sheltered from Engiand 1tad attained what has been
believers, and strongly exhorted them the wind, on He b. 7:25. . Many . so sttongly and clearly preached by
to 'go on unto perfection.' To many rejoiced to hear of being 'saved to such a number of preachers, in so
of them it seemed a new doctrine. the uttermost,' the very thing which many places, and for so long a time,
However, they all received it in love; their souls longed for." -JO'Urnal, I should be clearly convinced that we
and a flame was kindled, which I trust July, 1770. had all mistaken the meaning of those
neither' men nor devils may able to "The next evening (at Maccles- Scriptures.-Plain Account, p. 88.
quench. "-Journal, April; 1761.' field) I preached on Heb. 12:14, 'With- The above .quotations are' only a
"i preached at_'seven on, 'Lqrd, if out holiness no man shall see the specimen of what runs through all of
Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. ' Lord. ' I was enabled to make a close his- journals. A carefuJ reading of
And oh, what a flame did God kindle! application, chiefly to those who his sermons will convince -any reader
Many were 'on fire, to be dissolved in expect to be saved by faith. . I hope that Mr. preached both justi-
love.' "-Journal, July, 1761. none of them will hereafter dream of and entite sanctification in . .
"I came to London. I found _the going_to heaven by any faith which large pu,mbers of them, especially
same spirit which I left here, both in does not produce holiness. "-Journal, . emphalsizingthe doQtrine of hoiiness. ,
morning and evening service. Mon- April, 1777. ' Did the entire Methodist ministry
2, at five, I a oourse of ''Forty years ago I fnew ... and follow Mr. Wesley's example,
August 27; 1908]
. the church would be filled with hun-
dreds of giants and old.;time
revivals of religion would break out
. eve,ryw:Qere. This is _not only true of
the Methodist but it is true of
every other church. A few of us
lcnow that the plain preaching: of .
Christian perfection in the spirit of
perfect love, will bring about a revi.-
v'al of religion in any. church. When
will the ministry learn this lesson?
"If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and
there rememberest that thy brother hath
aught against thee; leave there thy gift
before the altar, and go thy way; first be
reconciled to brother,. and then come and
offer thy gift" (Matt. 5: 23, 24).
If every professor of Christianity
would obey the foregoing command,
this world would see the greatest
revival ever known. Probably more
. Christians fail at this point than-at-
any other. You will notice that.the
text says if ''thy brother hath aught
against thee," and not if thou hast
aught against him. Of course we
should pay our debts.'. So much will
the heathen do, or the infidel. We
should return fourfold, as. did
Zaccheus, what })as been wrongfully
obtained; for genuinely conVieted sin-
ners will do.that before conversion, as
a matter of repentance. .-How then
may the words "hath aught against
thee" apply to seeing that
the Holy Spirit leads even repentant
sinners to make straight paths for
their feet and right the they
have committed, sometimes in advance
of their conversion? Shakespeare
says, "He who steals my purse steals
trash, but he that robs me of my_good
name, takes that which enriches him
not, but makes me poor indeed."
People cim wrong one another much
more with their tongues, ' by speaking .
.evil, than any other W11Y. See Wes-
ley's sermon on Evil Speaking, also
read James, third chapter. But sup-
pose we have done or said nothing
amiss and our is "void of
offence toward God and man," and
yet our brother appears to have a
grievance against us. Have we gone
to him in humil}ty and love and sought
to remove this impression from his
mind? Have we done all in our power
to keep in the spirit of unity with our
brethren and ' ' in the bonds of peace;'?
our acts have had the stamp
and approval of God,, and He has sub.:
sequently vindicated us by gracious
outpourings of His Spirit upon us,
Nazarene Messenger
while our .brother would appear by a
lack of the same evidence to have Advlc. to Berry; ot
incurred the- displeasure of God. The drinking of rum is the most fruitful .
Should it be our purpose to gloat over misery. . .
our brother's trouble? Should we not Tho Saloon is .. the 'I! death-tfap,
1 G . ...1 b: the center of diabolism on tho earth.
the rather show our ove to Ou, Y Admitted, .. __ . . . . . . .
our magnanimity to our. unfortunate . 'i'ho existence of this . death-trap has been
brother? Remember. David's . treat- authori.zea by municipal, state and . federal
laws, the _ruinous business is .as legal.
ment of. his en'erriy Saul, arid .his ribble as any other business in tho land . .
. reference to' God. 's words, ''Touch not -Admitted.
Tho number of communicanis in the Chris
In iDe anointed and dO ffiY prophets nO tian 'churches . of this country approximat('S
Ah, but you say, "He should 28,000,000. Counting bnt one member in five
of the Protestant Churclies, and one in six
apologize to me. He is the one to of the . Roman _ CathO'lic. ,church, . as voters, a
make confession." Brother, does not co'bservative estimate places the Christian
I '11 vote of the nation at not less than $5,200,000.
G:od say, "Vengeance is mme, Wl Admitted;
.repay"? Can we not 'leave the case .. The drink eV'il stan'ds squarely in .the way,
n His hands rely on Him to vin- as. DO other obstacle does, .. of the progress of
. the church and the evangelization of the
dicate us? world . .
We are ,prone to speak of the oppo-
sition of fighters, but are we
presentinga united front to our com-
mon foe? Has everything been done
that could ' be done, on both sides, in
every controversy that may . now. or-
has been transpiring in the holiness
ranks.? Can .we hope to see sinners
converted, backsliders reclaimed and
believers sanctified, in any great mea-
sure, as long as is any division
in the-ranks of the holiness people? .
attention! Close ranks;
mark time; forward. march! The
enemy is ours. Our Captain never
lost a battle. Shall we present a
united front? Then let us "confess
our faults one to another," and in
humility each ''esteem others better
than himself," and the victory shall
be ''The weapons of our war-
fare," thank God, "are not . carnal,
but mighty through God, to the pull-
ing down of strongholds."
Admitted. . . .
Then in the name of our God of holiness
and for the sake of ruined souls and their
weeping, despairing kindred, why .do we not
o arouse ourselves, seek to put . a stop to thil!
'work of. destruction f .
What a strange paralysis has t11oken hold
upon the Christian citizenship of the republic!
While we sleep in what hall"
the cneiny not donef
He has subjected. us to a tyranny worse
than that which any other page of history
He has bo.und us in bondage worse
than any other human slaves have endnred.
we have licensed hell. For :1. price we have
given the devil pe'rmission to produce pov
crty, prodiga'<y, cruelty, de_atli.-
We submit while .he ._transforms heir.s . : of .
heaven into felons, harlots, paupers,
men and murd.ercrs . . : we permit an .organ-
ized, devilish to . be. reared at our which possesses money w.ithout
and audacity w'ithout bounds. _This giant oli-
garchy"moves forwar<l with, strides,
inflames society with all the passions of the
pit, robs its victims, tears out their manhood,
crushes out hope, and finally pushes them
downward to an awful doom. This institn
tion is the school of anar!;hy, . the prolific
breeding-place of cril:{le, the nursery of every
human woe, the irreconeiled and irreconcil
able enemy of the Christian church! .
How long is thill sleep of indifference to
go onf Who will sound a trumpet call lon<i
enough to arouse the drowsy disciples of our
Shall not the Church of God get ready to
fight the whisky she has . never
fought beforef
Shall not bishops and editors and seere
and see if we have been at fault with taries and pastors and infiuentiallaynien who
. . stand high in the councils of political parties,
Let us all, then, as God's dear chil-
dren, from the highest to the -lowest,
search our hearts before Him in love
our brother In ever so small a and the young men and women who will
and then humbly acknowledge our soon.- be upon the firing-line of the --battle
d h d against unrighteousness, gird theml!_elves for
fault to him, an avmg one our part, a war determined and terrific agains.t our
leave the rest with God. God will satanic foet
d. f In theory we arc against the saloon. That
answer Y graciOUS own-pourmgs 0 is what our conference and convention reso
divine' love and power, that will shake lotions say. This is the doctrine with whieh
. 1-' f t t f our pulpits ring. But the rum people grow
wor u cen er o Circum. er- sleek and fat, ana arc :incre!lscd in money
ence an9 USher In the greatest reVIVal and goods, while W<l do . almost D?thing.
of holy:..reiigi6n tnuf w orld has ever The gre!it :y:earns . to save . world.
. . _ . . And he w1ll do 1t JUst as soon as h1s church
known. Who Will be the first to will lend its. co-operation.
hasten it and join in triumphant song? But we .not .look .for I!' s'!_eeping,
allc.onquenng revtval of rehg1on 1n th1s coun-
"Like a mighty army', moves the Church of try until the Christian church shall ari'e in
G d its might and to its utmost smite, hip and
' .thigh, the monstrous, murdcrQus, legalized '
Brothers, we are -treading where the saints liquor traffic.
have trod; If we really mean to help crush the rum
We are not divided. All one power, it mcans war.
One in hope; in doctrine, one in charity. Speeches are good. Prayers are good.
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to . Resolutions . are good. Denunciations are
war, .
With the cross of Jesus going on before. ;
good. But all tqese combined are powerleBB
to rout our altogotlior vicious enemy. We
must fight hard. We must fight with a
4 Nazarene
LAugust 2:7, 1908
strength born of desperation. . It is a war I b .h .
into which we proposfl&to go, young men and my on Y rqt <'ir, Frank, . who had plan keep every department on the
maidens, not a In the name of God been wandering from God for twenty move for God.
and righteousness and of besotted men and long years; It was the answer to Th" f h
suffering women and starving children, we .IS . part 0 t e COUntry is yet in
call upon you to get ready! . tears'' and the of the throes of the money panic, but
This means war! The distiller is against . many years. Help me praise God . our current expenses are w1'thout
us. The. brewer is against us. The saloonist "'
is -against us. The- citizen who a,jld give Him glory! It seems too or pledge, and the prom- .
rents his property for whisky purposes is .good to . be true, but .it is true. u hied account . s pledged on church debt
against us. The di"ve keeper is against us.
The politician is against us .. The seems like a dream, but . it is not a over and above a tenth are being paid
merchant and professional who thinks dream. My only. brother is at last quarterly with an enthus-iasm worthy
more of their thap. their princ.iples bo. rn of God and
n hi's . w a y to h
. are against U!!- . The time-stlrving Christian t at cause. .
who thinks more of his party than his fealty heaven. Glory to God! It was a ter- Our people are justly proud of their
to Christ is against us. A,ll the satanic forces ri"fic battle-demons . and darkness
which are operating to pull men and women new church home. The location in
down to hen are against us! . :conspired to defeat God's . pm;pose, the West End is ideal. The attend-
. This means. war! The day of ref[lolutions .. but som e half hun d. red pe ople "took h b d
1s past. What does the devil care ""for resolu- a-nee as een goo for the summer
tionsf While we have" resolved" and .. ar- the kingdom by violence," and at one months . . This will be. greatly' in- .
raigned" and "denounced," Q.e has laughtJd. o'clock M,Onday morning, after some. d h h
Our words have "made us a reproach to our crease W en t e heated season has
neighbors, a scorn .and a derision to them three or four hours of steady pull on passed. We thank God for the revival
that are round ' andut us, . a among the skies, the light broke in and the spirit that c. ontinues. The Lord of.
the heathen, and: shaking of the head among. ,
people." . . . load of gui:}t iu1d cortdenmation rolled Hosts is with us . . We like special
:.Enough of .this sort of campaign! . away and
in the good old-fashioned meetings and have arranged
The specific work, then, which the church
has upon its hands is to make trouble for way," this boy (now a man) of many Bro. Ruth to be with us again Octo-
the rum power. That will mean trouble for prayers"arose with a shining face and her 30 to Nov.:-- 8. He surprised us
some of us. Before we get through with the
crusade a good many of us may suffer. That said, "It is . done." Glory to Jesus! recently by dropping in on us prayer-
: is the soldier's lot. But is the cause not Help me praise God! We will never meeting evening a __ nd giving us one of
worthy of sacrifice!
If the young men who arc steadily march- . forget the "faithful ones who stood by his characteristic talks to the delight
. ing through_ the back door of the. saloon down and with . mighty faith helped bring of all.
to be rescued-the this soul through the birth -struggie. Bro. Bud Robinson has agreed to
If the. murderous business is ever to be out- . Hallelujah to the King! come to us for a mid-winter meeting.
lawed and pplverized the .Christian vote must . It 1 b
elect men who. will enact the laws. and see . my pnvi.ege to e a co- We will give notice of date later on.
that .tl;ley are The issue. is-clear. w worker;wrth. Bro .. James -M. Taylor .in The most of the Nazarenes are now
It is looking us squa:.:ely in the face. We . th' . . d f . th . . : . . h.. . t '
cannot avoid it. we cannot shirk. our re- . IS camp an or . . IS my ear gives camping at Silver Heights, New
God thanks. His words stirred to Albany, Ind. A good meeting is in
. Men women . :vho . profess loyalty. t_o deeper life in God all who heard . him progress. Brothers . HI' lls, WI'lli"ams
Jesus Chr1st, what.w11l y9u dof . . . . . . . . . .
. . I w1sh I had time to write of his m1s- arid Craig are preaching to large
tract form. $1.50per 1000 post dd. d h G d h'
paid, Nazarene Pub. co:;73o San Pedro St., Los Angeles, . SIOnary a ress an ow 0 set IS crowds and the Lord is honoring the
CaL seal op. this .Service. Bro. James V. whole truth. Omens of great things
Reid, who had chaJ;ge of the song on holiness lines are everywhere in
-services, made a place for -himself in -evidence. All .praise_ to the Lor:d of
. many hearts by his Christ-like spirit. Hosts. c. A. BROMLEY.
BAITLE AND VICTORY. This camp is beautifully situated in ,.,c ..11 $ .
. To the glory of God let us report a Kentucky's famous' blue-grass coun- NORTHWEST DISTRICT.
great victory at our Wilmore, Ky., . trY. near Wilmore. Plans are now We reached Garfield, Wash., on
. camp,-:tJle_e_ting.. ;E'_!ayer had gone up being laid to make the camp of 1909 Friday, July 31, and found the pastor,
from many,,hearts for we eKs- arid-God far-reaching for the glory- of. God. . Brother Little, and the church expect-
answered" in a marvelous way. Three God has many faithful men and ing us and glad to greet-us ih Chris-
daily saints wept and prayed women back of this. work, and their tian love. We remained until the
through to victory at the altar, yes, names are in the Book of Life. Bro. next Tuesday and found the church
and more in the six o'clock and nine Jones, pastor of our church at Wil- in an improved condition. Congre-
o'clock services as well as in the cot- more, is the president of the Associa- gations were improved, the_ pastor
tages and group prayer meetings. In tion, and how he has laid himself out and church have a good hold on the
some ways it leaped the bounds even for souls and God's glory! community and general is
of out fondest expectations. It is Time up. I,am en route to Marietta, being made. At,. the Board meeting
hard to put it on paper, and we will Ill., via Camp Sychar, where we begin it was decided to secure a new lot and
not try . . It was indeed one of the a meeting next week. Pray on, be- proceed with the work of building a
"hardest places to preach" we ever loved, for your unsaved loved ones. new church with a view of selling the
. found-! mean hard to get a chance. Help me sing the chorus, "Yes, God old property. We were encouraged
Service after service the glory of God Answers Prayer." Hallelujah! with the outlook for our church at
rested on His''people, joy flowed like . RosE PO:FTE-R CRIST. Garfield.
a river, halleluja:hs rolled, and shouts $ From Garfield we went to Spokan.e,
echoed over the grounds, sending LOUISVILLE, KY. where Bro. Davis met us and we had
conviction to the souls of the unsaved. The good work here abides. Souls delightful associations with him and
Scores and scores found God in par,;. are saved or sanctified at every the church at Sp_okane. Bro. Davis
don and cleansing. Praise God! comitlg together. --Desirable additions has a large and enthusiastic class in
The crownfng joy qf the meeting to to our membership are not infrequent. Binney's Theological Compend, which
my own soul was the conversion of Substantial returns from the tithing is doing fine work. At the prayer
August 27,1908] Nazarene Messenge-,.
5 '
. . "
meeting' service .on Wednesday enjoying. the experiences. Amen DENVER, COL.
ing we had a good congregation, and Glory! . In keeping.witharrangements made
we .. were perm.itted to preach September 5, 6 and 7 we shall hold with Rev. A. M. Bowes, Secretary of
liberty and the blessing of God. Our a Home camp-meeting service, begin- the Colorado Holinoss Association and
plan. had been to spend Sunday with ning Saturday njght, the 5th. Sunday Superintendent of the Association
this church, but wefelt that we were will a,s be like a Sunday at work in Denver, , the writer held two
rriore needed at Medical Lake and so camp. Monday, Labor Day, we will services In the Association headquar-
hastened on to this place. .. The__ continue to . ,strive to get men -saved ters, 1820 Cha-:npa Denver,
chur-ch at Spokane is a spiritual body .and sanctified. We ask yoqr prayers. _August 11. Owing to a heavy rain
of peopie, Bro. Davis is very .. much .- .JJ ._. the attendance \ras light in the after-
beloved by his people, and. a ; good . FROM .BROTHER c. E. CORNELL. . noon; the ministerial representation,
work is being done. Brother :-.c. E. Cornell sends us a however, was good. Revs .. L. E; Bur-
_ At Medical Lake Bro. Valjean is; letter from. the Rock Island Railroad ger .Qf-'Greeley, T. J. O'Neal of Pilot
heroically going forward in his work . . with regard -:to special rates to the Point, Tex., Rev. James Bowes and
We organized a church with twenty- Assemb}y. Bro. Cornell says Lhey . Secretary .JJowes being present ' and
six members. Of these two were will have a hirge delegation frorii 'Chi- - assisting in the The attend-
new members, the others coming by cago and' vicinity. Friends who wish ance at night was much better, as the
transfer from our church in Spokane. to join this . party at Chicago or St. rain storm was less severe.
The congregation worships ip a Louis shou.19. arrange according to While we cannot report definite .
church building which is rented 'from schedule seekers, we do feel that it was a prof-
the B,aptist people. We trust the Chicago, June 25, 1908. itable time for the saints for the .
time will soon come when we can SUBJECT: Second General Assem- Lord was with us giving grace and
have a church of our own . . Bro. Val- bly, Pentecostal Church of the Naz- glory. .
jean has won the hearts of the peo- . arene, Pilot Point, Texas, October, TWO IMPORTANT EVENTS
ple, his work is growing and we 1908. The holy people in and about Den-
expect Medical Lake : to be a well Inreference to the Second General ver are looking forward with much
established Nazarene church. Assembly o_f the Pentecostal . Church prayer and grPat expectancy to two
. The next stop we made was at of the Nazarene, at Pilot Point, Tex., great events. The first is the fif-
North YakiiP_a, where we were pres- in the early part of October: teenth camp-meeting of the
ent on the night of their prayer Have to advise that the Rock Island, Cokfrado Holiness Association, Aug-
meeting and preached to the . people. Frisco, C . .& E. I. are in a posi- . ust 27'to September 6; 1908, at Lyons, .
The blessing of God was upon us . . to name y_ou a of $30.00 from Colo., forty miles north of Denver,
Bro. Creighton has been doing sue- Chicago to Pilot and ret),lr:Jl, for which the faithful and devout
. . $25.00 from St. Loms, tickets on sale
cessful work . m Northern Idaho, October 6 bearing final return lirriit president, Rev. F. D. Croo},{ is mak-
where he is Assistant Superintendent, , _ of 25 ing great efforts to rally the holinoss
and the demand for him in Idaho is As advised you, we can route -these forces for miles around. Rev. I. G.
such that he hardly knows. where he tickets C. I. via St .. Louis, Martin and . Rev. Will J. Harney are
is needed most. We trust the Lord and returmng via . Kansas City and the e-vangelists. . .
11 d" th b h I .. ' II b the Rock Island. Th .. d t . t k I
WI so .. 1rect at ot p aees w1 e For your information, the Pullman e secon even 1s o ta e p ace
well taken care of. tourist double berth rate Chicago to about tqree weeks later, which is a
We reached Seattle on Thursday, Pilot Point is $3.00, and from St. three Holiness Convention in
the 13th of August. We found Bro- Louis $2.25. Same rates will. apply Denver, when Rev. P. F. Bresee, D.
ther and Sister Wallace at. their post on -return movement on contmuous D., is_tobethechief preacher. Prep-
d h k II
. h . d w passage. . b . d k
an t e wor we m an . e Beg to show below suggested sched- . arations are emg rna e to rna e it a
observe an increase in the congrega- ule from Chicago vi1;1. St. Loui.s to great time in the Holy Ghost. is
tion both in the prayer meeting and Pilot Point. This schedule is made expected that in connection with this
at the Sunday service. Several seek- up on regular train service. How- eonvention Dr. Bresee will qrganize a
ers have been at the altar since the ever, as explained to you, should the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene,
return of the p'astor and some have movement assume sufficient propor- also organize a Ro.cky Mountain Dis-
tions we will be glad to arrange
prayed through to-< victory. At this special service and equipment for trict and appoint a District Superin-
time Bro. Aura . 'Smith is holding a you as desired. tendent. Indeed it also will be an
meeting iri'"this city for the Holiness Leave Chicago 10:37 a. m., October important event. Let all the readers
Association and our people are prom- 6; arrive St. Louis 6:37 P m. ' of the MESSENGER pray that our Lord
inent amoncr . the supporters of' this Lea've St. Louis lO:OO p. m.; arrive may be_glorified in the salvation of
!'? Denison 1:00 a. m.,. October 8.
meeting. Our work is making good Leave Denison 4:20 a. m.; arrive many sinners and the entire sanctifi-
progress in Seattle. We pray that Pilot Point 6:00 a. m. cation of mapybelievers.
more and the Lord may bless FLeavWe P
oint 2:30 BOULDER, COLO.
the work in this Northwest District. . p. m.; arrive ort or : p. m. Su. nday, August 16, was a '11igh da'y
Leave Ft. Worth 9:00 p. m.; arrive
Seattle Wash = H D BROWN Ch' 9 00 for the Pentecostal -Church of the
1cago : a. m .
.i1 .JI .i1 Assuring you of my appreciation of .Nazarene at Boulder. The holiness
SPOKAN-E, WASH. the opportunity of figuring on this _people of Boulder valley have made
The Pentecostal Church of the business. and trusting you will several attempts at organizing in the -
me if I can be of any further service
Nazarene is still at the 'bld to yourself or your orgartization, I past two years, but about nine
standing by the old paths, preaching beg tQ remain, _ months ago Rev. L. E. Burger and
and testifying to bo:th works of grace, A. B. ScHMIDT, G. A. P. D . .
, 6
Naziirene Messenger
P . F . Bresee, Editor
R. Pierce, - Office Editor
C . J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
E. A . Giroin P. G. Linaweaoer C. E. Cornell
J. P. Coleman J . B. Crei11hlon Iaiah Reid
' j H. D. Brown J . W. GoOdwi n W. C. Wit.on
Entered at the post-office, Aug. 7. 1900, at Los
Angeles, California, as second-class mat ter.
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. . .
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To accomplish anything in this
world for righteousness courage is a .
necessity. "Where every foot of
ground is so contested, it takes a
courageous heart to undertake things,
and where the attacks are so frequent
and fierce, courage is a con'stant neces-
sity. To make the charge, to scale
the parapet, to storm the battery, are
courageous things; but to stand in the .
ranks and await the attack when the
leaden rain and iron hail are falling
or whizzing on every , demands
courage in a still greater degree.
Moral courage is much greater and of
much finer fiber than physical. Gen-
eral George Washington was pecu-
liarly endowed with physical courage.
It was this, together with his clear-
sighted common sense, which brought
him through his first great military
test-Braddock's defeat-with honor
and increased reputation. Writing of
this he is reported to have said:
''I heard the bullets whistle; and
believe me, there is music in the
sound. "
In after years being questioned
a pout it he said, ''If I did rnake such
a remark it was when I was young, "
But he was never kpown to mani-
.. fest physical fear. At one time mak-
ing an examination in the face of the
enemy's fire, one of his aides, fearing
for his safety, ventured to remark
that the position was very much
exposed. The General said:
Nazarene Messenge,. . [August ?:1., 1908
"If you think so you are at liberty to his rightful place of heroism. If
to step back." these things had been popular or if
His courage in the face Qf danger even friends generously .approved,
was always admirable. But under there would have. been little piace for
difficulties when the colonies were courage or heroism. The "popular
discouraged and Congress could find hero" is usually next to a n_o,.,thing.
no way to provide the necessary funds, Christian courage is not so much in
and the army near ly demoralized by daring or suffering in the way
their necessides; his courage shines that friends and that inen
out far brighter than any act of brav- applaud, but in 'doing right
ery on the field of battle. But the is right, ' when men cannot see and
crowning act of courage of his whole will not approve. . Such have been
life was probably after the war was . the prophets and martyrs of the past,
over, when . this country was deter- and will still continue to be.
mined to enter into war with France, The prize offered by the Sunday
when the nation was so sweeping on School. Times for the best illustration
towards it that it was very question- on the Sunday 'school lesson
able if even his name and. influence August 30th, Golden Text being,
could avoid it or st.ay the tide, andit "Love your enemies, do good to them
seemed as if the. only way to save his that hate you, " was awarded fot- the
hard-earned reputation was to bow following:
before the storm; his resolve to "Dr. Arthur T. Pierson told the
imperil all and if need be suffer the following story of General Robert E.
loss of all, to save his country from Lee: Hearing General Lee speak in
war was seemingly his supreme act of the highest terms to President Davis
courage. about a certain officer, another officer,
It may be courageous and beautiful greatly astonished, said. to him, 'Gen-
to enter upon a great undertaking, or eral, do you not know that the man
to stand true in hard and difficult of whom you spoke so highly to the
places, . even when friends approve . . President is one of your bitterest
and admire; bqt to stand because it is enemies; and misses no opportunity
. right and a man can do no other, to malign 'Yes, ' replied Gen-
wheii friends disapprove and it will eral Lee, ' but the Presid.ent asked my
bring condemnation from those whose opinion of him; he did not ask for
approbation is desired more than life his opinion of me. ' "
itself; then to stand and say with ..,c ..,c .$
Luther at Worms, "I can do no other, GENERAL ASSEMBLY.
so help me God, " is the supreme test As this meets at Pilot Point, Oct. 8,
of courage. the time draws nigh. There is much
Few men who have ever lived have interest and agenerallookingforward
shown greater courage than Abraham to a great and . auspicious meeting.
Lincoln. Not on the field of battle, Pilot Point itself is making large prep-
but amid trials and difficulties. arid aration for its . accommodation and
abuses and such heavy burdens as entertainment. A large tabernacle is
made him say he would gladly to be erected and extensive arrange-
exchange places with the humblest . ments made for the great gathering.
soldier that lay his head upon his The eastern part of the country is
knapsack on the field of battle. ' expecting to be well represented.
But everywhere daring to do that Special railroad rates have been made
which he believed best for his coun-:- Chicago, and a large delegation
tcy, until he came to that act which expect to go. As the Chicago Central'
for moral . heroism few things in District Assembly meets in Chicago .
human history equal, writing and immediately preceding-Oct. 1:--it ,is
signing the Emancipation Proclama- expected that a goodly number from
tion, in reference to which he said: the different parts of the Middle
' 'Sincerely believing it to. be an act States will go direct from the District
of justice, warranted by tlte constitu- Assembly. It now looks as if there
tion and upon military I would be a good representation from
invoke the considerate judgment of the Pacific Coast.
mankind and the gracious favor of Some things about railroad far,e will
Almighty God. '' be of interest. We publish in this
We forget that these greatest and issue the Chicago . arrangements. It
best acts of men were doiJ,e under .was impracticable to get special rates
greatest . opposition, everi by friends, from this Coast. However there ate
and that it is.'this which lifts the doer some excursion rates . that it may be
August 2:7, 1908]
Nazarene Messenger
"\t v o
possible for'some of the. delegates to - Sin is to be utterly destroyea, ample OBITUARy
take advantage of: Excursion tickets . provision had 'been made. for every [D Ia ed f nt h .
0 th t Jd 1 t' e Y or 1 ormation; t ose who could !rive it being
can be purchased from most places on ne. a WOU receiVe Sa va lOll. away from home.l . - .
the-eoastto chicagtt-.. and by : - -wEsT... Callierme- A-:-Long- was
1 P t S ' 15 16 altar. v. J. J. b D b 25 1836 V W
PI ot om , starting ept. . or , . .. _. .11' orn eecem er , , In an ert,
good _until Oct. 31, for $72.50. Special THE GRAND AVENUE CHURCH. Ohio. Moved to Chicago in 1867,
excursion tickets can be purchased at Continued increasing blessing and ried James West on December29, 1875,
leading California points on Sept. 22, salvation rests upon the labors of the whom she survived over ten
23, and 24, to Kansas City and return saints at this church. New schol- She wa:s converted at the time Mr.
b'y the way of Pilot Point, Texas, good ars are being enrolled in the Sabbath Moody first held his revival meetings ..
for return until Oct. 31, for $60.00. school, and many new faces- are in Chicago, and at once into
Tourist rate from points in Ca1ifor- regularly at th.e church ser- Christian work, being especially inter-
nia t;o Pilot Point, Texas, is $40. vices. Brother LaFonbine preached ested in the rescue work of young
Clergymen having half fare permits at both services on the Sabbath, in girls. For years she worked for the
can of course secure half fare from the morning from Isa. 35:8, ori ."The W. C. T. U. , .being, among the first to
any point. and one lady it, at the time of its organization
. .II .. .$ . .II was beautifully sanctified and entered hi Chicago. Sister West was sancti-
THE GRAND AVENUE. PICNIC. rejoicingly into the way. Bro. Laud- fled wholly in May, 1901. She joined
A merry lot of children and, people had charge of the 6:30 the First Church of the Nazarene of
gathered at Eastlake Park on last meeting and it was a season of rich Chicago when that; church was organ-
Thursday for the first . annual outing blessing and helpfulness. In the ized, and was a member of the same
and picnic for the Grand Avenue evening the sermon was on Jno. 1:29, at the time of her death.
church. Brother Lauderbaeh carried "Behold the Lamb of God which tak- On June 30, 1908, after a lingering
out a large number of the children on eth away the sin of the world." illness, she passed away peacefully.
a hay wagon, which was a real . "pic- .- ..,. .JI Just before departure she repeated
nic" to them as they. went through ALL DAY MEETING. quietly .and confidently
the publk streets and were greeteq by The monthly ldl-Day meeting for Just as I am, without one plea,
people enroute. Two large tables set the Grand A venue church is being But that Thy blood was shed for me,
in banquet order were arranged first held today with preaching at 10:30 a. And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee,
f 2 30 d 7
30 ' R 1 0 Lamb of God, I come.
oi the children, and . then for the m., : an : p . . m. egu ar ser- . .
older folks, arid all were abundantly vices next Sabbath at the usual time. Sister West leaves one
supplied with the choice eatables that .11 .,c Sister Lulu Stevens, of Chicago, be-
make glad the children and others. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. sides other relatives and a host of
The merry-go-round was free to the A real revival is on at the San Fran- friends, to r.ise up and call her blessed.
children, and also the boating, and cisco Church of the Nazarene under 'rhe simple funeral service was con-
with ice cream and fruit and a general ministry of Bro. C. W. Welts. A ducted from the home by Rev. I. G.
good time the day was passed. A blessed spirit of unity prevails and Martin, her former pastor, after which
happy and spirited song service and semis are saved at nearly every meet- the remains were laid to rest in beau-
testimony meeting on the seat!s near ing. Had a splendid ali-day there tiful Oakwoodscemetery.
the lake closed the day's outing and yesterday. Three souls sought the MRs. I. G. MARTIN.
every one was abundantly pleased. Lord and two joined the church. .:JC .:JC
CHUHCH. Pray for San Francisco. They need NEW GALILEE, PA.
a church of their own. God We started in a here
Rev. Lucy P. Knott preached from is surely in the work at San Fran- last night under the auspices of . our
Tit. 2:12. The subject being "Prac- cisco. H H; B C newPentecostal Church of the Naza-
tical Holiness Living,". living soberly, .- ::C IPRICO. .rene of this place. This is my third
righteously and godly in this present . / BOULDER VALLEY. regular meeting here arid we are
world. Jesus and Paul were very V, . h b
specific and definite as to what holi- The Pentecostal Church of the Naz- expectmg t e est one of . all this
ness was . ...
To avoid evil divisions,
foolish :questions, fanaticism, sCience
(falsely so-called), . worldliness of
dress and appearance, all of which we
are in danger of encountering after
we have experienced holiness but to
make our holiness practical must be .
avoided and put out of our .daily lives.
was blessed .to the whole
con'gregation, almost all of whom tes-
tified to receiving new light on prac-
tical holiness living.
At night Bro. Fluck preached from .
Ezek. 9:6, showing God's plan of des-
troying sin and that the mark of God
upon His children was one of separa-
tion the world, one of
and recognition by God.
arene here in this place is the second. , time. . Bro. D. L. Myers is my co- .
church under this name organized in worker here, leading the . service of
the State of Colorado. We have a song. I am making dates now for
membership. of thirty-eight, a neat, winter !lleetings- and also for camp
church building 40x50 feet, well . and tent meetings for next summer. "
seated with chairs and beautifully Have a large new tent and the bless-
lighted with gas. For all of this w.e ing of God is attending our efforts.
praise ' God, and keep pushing the Glory! C. A. IMHOFF.
battle for King Immanuel. .JI .JI .-
General Superintendent H. F. Rey- To SUBSCRIBERS and
nolds was with us over Sunday and Quite a number of subscriptions are
.preached the dedicatory sermon. now due. We also :have quite anum-.
blessing resfed upon tis an. 'her of accounts for Sunday School sup-
. Eleven were at. the altar during the plies and for books or printing which
day, nine of whom professed to get are past due; ... Friends, we need the
sanctified wholly and. two regener- money now. Please pay as soqn .as
ated. C. 0. BANCROFT. possible. NAZARENE PUB. CO,
8 Naza.rene '.lJiessenger .
[August 27, 1908-
Los Angeles and Vicinity
DR. P. F. BRESEE. will preach at A meeting of the Tract
the First Church, Los Bngeles next Society is called to meet at the
., . -- A! T.I!E_ TABERNACLE , . .730 San Pedro St.,
Sabbath's were good
all day. The morning service began REv. A. L, WHITCOMB has gone to on .Aug. 31; at 7:30 o'clock.
with a gust of glory, which made it Pacific Grove to deliver an address at THE Tuesday was atten(fed
questionable as to going on with the the Prohibition State Convention. by a goodly number. Brother Lang-
preaching. But when the wave had SISTER. LURA A. HORTON writes don brought .a blessed message from
somewhat passed, Rev. A. L. Whit- that she has changed her address to 2 Tim. '2 under which the congrega-
comb preached an earnest and able Mansfield. Mass. . Her health is some- tion was richly blest. The, meeting
sermon froni Heb. 9:22, Without shed- what improved. . """'-- c}?sed with a rea:l cloudburst of glory.
ding of' blood there is no remission. . REV. JOHN D. CART from' L. WILSON has recentlY closed
.At the close of the sermoh he stated Monroe, Wash. , that their. con:grega- a series of meetings twelve miles east
that he found it impracticabie for him tions are increasing and they are of Lexington. The several churches
to accept the invitation of the . .Ghurch' moving on. united in the fight and' a goodly num-
Board to remain as' .Assodate Pastor BRoTI:iER w. w. FITCH reports for her we-re saved and sanctified; Pre-
for . the :coming year: and that he , the early morning prayer-meeting at vious to this he held a three-weeks'
closed his relation with this service. the Tabernacle. in Los Angeles: The . meeting at Jacksonville, E:y., and God
The afternoon service was conducted Lord manifests Himself in every saved a few souls. HE:l begins a meet-
by Bro. Fluck, who brought a message service. ing in a few days with Rev. E. M.
full of unction and blessing from 1 BROTHER GLOVER reports a good Vance, pastor of theM. E. Church
Chron. 4:9-10. God gr'eatly' owned day on Sunday last at Santa Ana. South, at Hanson, Ky. '
His word in comforting and strength- One soul -at the altar obtained the
ening His servants. One soul sought victory. The saints there are trust-
holiness' iuid many bore testimony to ing for greater victories.
the efficiency of grace. FROM Sept, 7 to Sept . . 16 there will
At night Dr. Bresee preached and
a great altar service was held and be a Tabernacle meeting held at Fort
Scott, Kansas, in charge of Rev. C.
there was W. Ruth. Everybody-" is cordially
iri:vited to attend.
Notes and Persona/is
REV. B. H. KENNEDY preached for
the saints at Vern on.
REVS. L. E. Berger. T. J . O'Neal and
Bro. Hover are taking in a part of the
Holiness Camp-meeting at Colorado
REV. ISAIAH REID will fill the pulpit
at Uplands until September. The
friends there are greatly blessed by
his ministry.
BRO. H. s. JOHNSON. from
Whittier that they are working, pray-
ing and believing for a house of wor-
ship. They have some encouragement
in this work.
BROTHER LUNDY of Bakersfield
says the N azarenes there are . very
much alive and are being led on to
victory by Pastor Williams. New
faces are seen at each
A NOTE from Bro. A. 0. Henricks
at Portland, Ore. , says: "Su.nday was
IN a personal letter Rev . . L. E. a good day with us here. Three
Burgerof Greeley, Col., says: "The sought the:.Lord in the morning and
work here goes nicely. God is bless- one at night, and three united with
ing on all lines. " the church."
BRO. T. S. MASHBURN preached at THE ministry of Rev. P. G. Lina-
Cucamonga on Sunday last. A large weaver, pastor at Oakland, Cal., dar-
congregation assembled and two men .. ing his short stay in Southern Calif or-
. sought the Lord. . nia has been greatly enjoyed and
THE DistriCt Tent };las been moved appreciated. He .le.ft for home Mon-
to Latin Station and meetings will be day evening.
commenced there under the leadership ON Sunday last Deaconess N. C.
of Bro. J. G. Rogers tonight. Radford suffered a painful accident.
REV. C. B. LANGDON filled the pul- She was knocked down the steps by
one of the large doors of the Los
pit at last Sabbath, and Angeles First Church. . We are glad .
J;"eports a goo'd day, liber-ty and bless- to report that while she was badly
ing in all three of the services. bruised she received no serious injury.
WE learn that Evangelist A. G. RER. R. 0. BANCROFT closed his
Jeffries has moved from Paris, Texas, pastorate with the church at Boulder,
to Peniel, Texas, to. educate his chil- Colo., August 16, and start with
dren in the Texas Holiness University. his' family for California to attend our
Bible College, stopping at Leadville,
_His friends will . please address him Colo., hold a ten-days' Holiness
there. Convention.
The . Los Angeles street meetings .
are still at high tide. Much interest
is manifested by a goodly number of
regular attendants who have no other
service to go to. To such it is meat
.and drink. In all probability these
are beneath their privileges,
>.and are hoping against hope to arrive
at :a holy plane some day. It has been
my privilege to meet accidentally OJ:l
the street some of these people, and I -
don't remember of meeting brethren
in the church that showed more plea-
sure or greater gratitude. This is of
no small encouragement to me. These
meetings are real church to some
folks, and ought to be extended to
other corners. This world is so hun-
gry and our Lord has-.. an abun-
dant supply for this lack. ' No wonder
some of our members break down and
weep over the pitiful condition of the
thougthless multitude. May God add
His blessing. T. J. DUNN.
The following is the Missionary
itinerary of Bro. H. F. Reynolds to
the churches of the Central Chicago
Louisville, Ky. , September 18.
Seymour, Ind., 19, 20 .
Indianapolis, 21.
Terre Haute, 22.
Newton and Spring Ridge, 23, 24.
Decatur, Ill., 25. -
Auburn, 26, 27.
Canton, 28; .Maples :Mills, 29.
Kewanee, 30. J. H.
' .JC .JC . .JC
The professing Christian who en-
tertains a suspicion of a brother' s
sincerity, is not securely anchored in
Christ, - because this shows an
undoubted leak in his spirituality.
August 27, 1908]
(Continued from Fifth, Page.)
Rev. R. , L .. Wisler held a series of
meeting!'! with this people and as a
result a PentecostaJ Church of the
Nazarene was organized. About this
time arrangements were made for a
church building, which bas recently
been' compieted and' was dedicated by
the wrifer Sunday morning.
The following clergymen assisted
in the dedicatory and other services
Nazarene Messenger
the evening service. The church has
received us very cordially. We are
praying earnestly for a good year at
Mountain .Home.' The Thursday
night prayer-meeting was a gracious
service, the Holy Spirit being poured
out on His people in melting power . .
We praise God for all these blessings.
. .
Preferred Advertzsements
For Sale--.-Houses and Lands.
$1050, 3-room house, lot 40xl30, $160 cash
$1800, 5-roomcottage, lot 40x120, $300 cash
$2150, 5-room.cottage, lot 40xl20, $300 cash
$2600, 6-room cottage, lot 40x136, $500 cash .
10 acres at Elmodino to exchange for cottage
. See F. A. LAW, -823 CENTRAL AVE.
Phone F. 5479 Main 8760
Try the Clover Leaf
of the day: The pastor, Rev. R. 0. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE . .,.:._A
Bancroft: Revs. Amos Heath, Chas. good opportunity for a Nazarene to
H. Harper, C. L. Eddy, of Boriider purchase a good business. Daily sales
churches; Rev. T. J. O'Neal, recently about $50.00. Stock$1700. Address,
pastor of our in Cucamonga, . E. A. FETROW, Upland, Cal. .
With it the life-giving fluids are sent rush-
every part 'of the body-alL
pam 1s removed at once. .
Vibration cannot do this alone, Electricity
cannot do it alone.
Cal., and a former pastor in Boulder;
Rev. Evi. Sharpless of the Friends'
Church; Rev. Graining of the Free .
Methodist Conference, in session in
Boulder; Rev. C. P. Ellis, whom the
Church has called as a supply pastor.
Rev. T. J. O'Neal hadchargeofthe
singing, Sister Della Heath presided
at the organ, Rev. C. P. Ellis and
wife gave us a soul-treat as they
sang, "I have found the way to
heaven," one of Brother Ellis' new
songs. Rev. Amos Heath made a
. brief statement and presented the
building for dedication, then . all the
Church and . friends gathered about
the altar and by prayer we gave the
church to God, and the blessing of
God came upon us, and as an evidence
of God's approval, some twelve souls
were at the altar during the day.
With the table offering the Church
obligations were practicall all pro-
vided for. Hallelujah!
On train, August 17, 1908.
We received notice July 28 from our
District Superintendent H. D. Brown
that we were appointed to Mountain
Home, Idaho, as pastor for the com-
ing year. We began preparations at
once to leave Walla Walla, Wash., our
former home, and arrived here 5:25 a.
m: August 4. We were met ' at the
train by Rev .. H. C. Ethel and then
taken to the home of Brother J. E.
Greeno. Our people have rented a
house for us, bl;lt we will be enter-
tained in their home's until our house-
hold goods arrive. They have also
rented a store building in a better
location than the old hall, and fitted
it up as a place of worship . . Bro.
Ethel has done efficient work during
his short stay here, but there is still
much to be done in -establishing the
work. The Sunday services were
much blessed of the Lord. Brother
Ethel preached his farewell sermon
at 11:15 a. m., and the writer took
l!ONEY.-Pure mountain Honey in
60::.1b cans at 7c per pound. Delivered
in Los Angeles or' at freight depot.
J. A. JAYNES, San J:"ernando, Cal.
Two essentials to good health are
fresh air and pure water. Both these
.furnished with lots purchased in
Melrose Hill Tract and adjacent
Information furnished by A. N.
Clark at . his residence on Graham
Ave., Melrose Hill. Take .. Western
Ave. car. P. 0. address:' Melrose
HilL R. F. D. 11. Los Angeles, Cal.
But Vibration 'and Electricity when combined
can and do do it.
We have private demonstrating rooms in
connection w1th our office where you can have .
as much privacy as you would have in your
own home.
Vibrators Sold on Installments if Desired.
: Present this coupon at our office and an ex-
:pert operator will give you a Thorough Trial
:Treatment with one of our Vibrators, abllo-..
:lutely Free . .
. 204 and 205 San Fernando Bldg.
Fourth and Main Sta. ,
:Phone Broadway 4674 Loa
Preacher and Prayer
Every preacher and Christian worker should have this book.
It is praised ip the strongest terms by Bishops, preachers
and laymen. 128 pages, neatly bound. "
Postpaid for 30 Cents.
730 San Pedro Street Los Angeles, California
Science Hall, Girls' Home. Main Building.
Largest Pentecostal Church of the Nai.arene in the South.
Texas Holiness University, PENIEL, TEXAs
-Literary, Theological, Normal, Commercial, Music and Primary
Departments. A safe School for 'both aoys and Girls. .
Send for Catalogue.
10 Nazarene
Deets Pacific College
641 E. 28th st:, Los Angeles, Cal.
MoN. -Frayer and Praise Service .... .................................... 9 A. M ............................. Mrs. L . M.- Hervey.
Moral Science .. .... ........... ..... . ....... .......................... 10 A. M ...................... ...... . Rev. Isaiah Reid ..
:Holiness and Missionary Biography : ................ ...... 11 A. M ..................... .. . Leora Maris.
TUE. -Homiletics .. . ......... ......... 9 A. M .............. : ... ...... ..... Rev. R. Pierce.
[August 27, o190S
W_e hear with joy that precious
friends are planning to .furnish one
room in the new Dormitory, and that
one of our churches may furnish
another. That leaves twelve rooms
. . [F;xprjlssion
WEo.-Public Speaking . . : ............. ........... ,. .. ........ ... ........... .. 9 A. M .... Miss Adelaide Haller. Teacher Cumnock School of
still'to furnish. Seventy dollars will
furnish a room with everythiJ1g nec-
essary-two single iron beds, pillows
blankets, bedding, rugs, furniture,
"'>etc. Home maqe bedding would cost
N . T. Doctrines .. ........ .. ....................................... ; .... 10 A. M ... , ................... ....... Rev. Isaiah Reid.
. History of the Reforination ....... ; .... .-. ........................ 11 A. M ......... ................... .. W. Burt Clark, LL. B.
THU. .. 1:
F n 1 . - Wood's Perfect Love ........ .......... .... .' .. ...... 9 A. M .............................. Rev. Isaiah Reid.
Text .Drill on Bible Subjects ...... . .... ,. .......................... 10 A; M ............... ...... : ... .... . Rev. Lewis I . Hadley.
All About theBib)e .................... . , ........ ......... : ... , ....... u A, M .............................. Rev. Lewis I. Hadley.
' Instruments! Music-Afternoons .. ..... : ............................ Mamie E . Barr.
EVENING CLASSEs-0. T. H istory, Tues., 7:30 P. M., Rev. I saiah Reid. All About the Bible, Tues., 8:30 P. M., Rev.
Isaiah Reid. Vocal Music and Sight Reading, Thurs., 7:30 p, M .. Miss Katherine Stone, Supervisor
Music, Los Angeles City Schools. .
IF. a nation would be and
perpetuate itself, it must establish and
systematically support a system of
public education; and that its people
may willingly support the system,
they must know of and love it. We
need only :t:efer to the system of pub-
lic educl:l-tion of the U riited States,
known so well, loved so deeply, and
supported so freely. Herein is one of
the reasons why she is both strong
and self-perpetuating. A denomina-
tion to be strong and constantly
increasing, must have its institutions.
of le':!rning, in which its doctrines a,nd
polity may be freely and continuously
taught. (1) It must not only have
such. institutiops, but its people must
know them; not know. about them, but
really know them so thoroughly as to
be able to realize what they are, and
what they stand for, why they
stand for it. (2) It must support its
own institutions systematically and
continually, for another will not. (3)
In order to support its own institutions
systematically and continually it must
love them, for love is the only continu-
ous power. Other motives
fail; "love never faileth. " Such peo-
ple will esteem it a privilege to give
freely to its institutions which will
strengthen and spread its doctrines.
The Pentecostal Church of the Naz-
arene, although so young in years,
_has recognized this truth, and has
. already 'arranged for a system of edu-
cation to assist in sreading and con-
. serving Christian holiness.
While the . Pentecostal Church of
the Nazarene-has two institutions in.
its and soon is to have a
third, and these are well located to
accommodate our people, the Deets
Pacific Bible College, in L'os Angeles,
Cal., the Pentecostal Collegiate Insti-
tute, No. Scituate, R. I. , and the third
school in . Texas, we wish to call the
special attention of the readers of the
NAZARENE MeSSENGER, to ' o.ur Deets
Pacf,fic Bible College, as\.being the one
whiGhshould be the more accessible
to the people west of the Mississippi
River, and speCially so to those in 'the
Pacific Coast states. .
. All our people should know . our
Deets Pacific Bible College, its loca-
tion, its history, its object, its courses
of study, its conditions for students
entering, its faculty and officers. I
say we should know, yea, we .. ought
to be so familiarly acquainted with
our school on the Pacific Coast that
we shall love it fervently and esteem
. it a great privilege to support it by
our prayers and offerings systematic-
ally and continually.
I am sure, dear reader, if you will
acquaint yourself with our D. P. B.
College, you will truly love it and
heartily support it. There are several
ways to become acquainted with it.
I will mention a few:
1. Send at ohce to our Principal,
Leora Maris, for our handsome and
instructive catalog, and it will be sent
you free. .. . ..
2. If :-ypu are not too far away
take time and visit our You
will be amply paid for both your time
and money expended.
3. Write the Associate Principal,
Bess S. Wood, and ask all the ques-
tions aho'ut our College you wish and
she will gladly reply.
GER, in which you will learn much
about our College and its work and
needs. .
5. Attend .the special exercises,
such as the opening, the mid-year and
commencement, and see for yourself
the kind of work we are doing.
6. If possible, visit our different
classes and. chapel exercises; attend
the prayer and holiness meetings . .
Call on the different members of our
strong, intelligent and spiritual fac-
ulty, anq you will soon become
acquainted with and love o.ur College ..
7. If you have a boy or girl that
is ready for such instruction as our
College is prepared .to give, send . .
them as soon as possible. If you
haven't any children ready, send
some other boy or giil or man or
woman that would go if they c9uld
have tb,e necessary help.
. Finally, if you .. cannot go, or
send, or pay, you can find money for
a postatcard and send for a catalogue
and familiarize yourself with and
pray regularly for our Deets Pacific
Bible College and our God will bless
it, and abundantly reward you.
much less. .
,_God bless our precious praying and
paying friends. Several of them ate
arranging to pay the College expenses
of most promising and worthy stu-
deuts next year; and the joyful word
comes from Bro. Derinis, that the
Chicago church will send their Greek
boy, Bro. Athans, to College next
year, while two dear brothers, one in
Texas and one in Ohio, are sending
a most worthy student through the
entire course, and several other
are arranging to pay the Col-
lege .expenses next year of from one
to three students. They are arrang-
ing to preach the Gospel for years to
come, through. these students they
are sending through our Bible College.
Three of last year's . sweet singing
students are praying with us for their
College expenses next year, that they
may again return and finish prepar-
ing for God's work in the Church.
Pray! pray!! . pray!!! .
Another note of praise: Four very
large boxes of peaches from Bro. and
Sister F. W. Haag of Cucamonga,
and two boxes from our Sister Span-
gler, with the promise of ten more
boxes from other friends, and
seventy-five quarts already canned
from our sister Bessie Sallee (a . stu-
dent)' and much help in peach peeling
:f?rom Sisters Barnes, King and Stan-
ford. God bless them all. The 1000
quarts is certainly coming before
.September 21.
Just three weeks from next Monday
College opens. Already. Rev. and
Mrs. Stanford of Greeley, Colo., have
arrived, and cottages near the Col-
lege have been rented for Rev. C. 0.
Han croft and family of Boulder, Col.,
and for Rev. H. J. Kerns and family
of'Plainfield, Kan., and our
Franklin's brother and wife and
their little child have also _ rented
rooms with us. Our y<;mng brother,
Proctor Knott, son.of Judgeand Rev.
Lucy P. Knott, has also arranged to
join-our ranks, and two young men
from the north, one an evangelist,
write to look for them. Also Rev.
Mae Bailey, pastor of the Stockton,
Ill., Pentecostal of the Naza-
rene, has arranged to come ... and quite
a list of others we will mention later,
while a large number of others are
using every effort to n1ake -arrange-
ments to be with us the coming year.
. Thanks be to the dear Lord who,
through Bro; and Sister Deets, has
given to us the Dormitories. for them.
Now who are the friends or churches
He will usetofurnish? Pray! Pray!!
August %1, 1908]
our Yol.f:f!-Y People
They call me Little Chatterbc>x,
My is little May;
1 have to talk so much, because
I have so much to say.
And 0, .I have so many friends,
So many; and you see,_
.l can't helploving them, because
They every one love me;
I love' my papa arid mama;
I love my too;
Nazarene Messenger
arise. Learn to. make bread as well
as cake. Never iet a button stay off
twenty-four hours. Always know .
where your things Never 'let a
day pass without doing something to
make some one comfortable. Never
come to breakfast untidily-dressed.
. JJI J/1 .JJ .
And if you're very good,
I guess that 1'11 love you.
.. r
But I love God the best of all;
. He keeps me. all .the night;
And when' the morning comes again;
He wakes me with the light.
., OUNG: people, seta high standard
for yourselves, and then do your
best to surpass it. There is no pleas-
anter surprise than doing better than
you supposed you could. You do not .
know all your c;;lpacities. There are
. powers hidden in your nature whose
existence you have not yet discovered.
Seek for them. Cultivate .them. Sur-
.. prise yourself by surj>assing not- only
" all :you have done, but the best you
expected to do. .
.JJ .JJ J/1
I think it is so nice to li,;e!
And yet if I should die,
The Lord would send His angels down
And take me to the sky. -Selected.
J/1 J/1 J/1
YOUNG woman who had passed
through deep sorrows, ' said to a
friend, in speaking -of the comfort
certain persons had given her uncon-
sciously: ''I wish sonie people knew
just how much their faces ca:q comfort
one! I Qften ride -down 1n the same
street-car with your father, and it has
been such a help to me to sit next to
him: There is something so good and
strong and kind about him; it has been
a comfort just to feel that he was
beside me. Sometimes when I have
been utterly depressed and
aged, he has seemed somehow to know
just the right word to say to
me; but, if he . didn't talk, why,
I just looked at his face, and that
helped me. He probably has not
the least idea of it either, for I know
him so slightly.; and I don't suppose
people half realize, anyway, how much
they are bel ping or hindering others.,,
There is a great deal of this uncon-
scious kindness in the world. "Moses
wist not t.hat the of his face
shone. '' According to the old legend,
it was only when the saintly man's
shadow fell . behind him, where he
could not see it, that it healed the
sick. This is a parable. Goodness
which is aware of itself has lost some
of its charm. Kindnesses are
done unconsciously mean the' . most-
JJ J/1 .JJ
The Sunday School Lesson.
September 6, 1908
Saul and Jonathan SlaiJil in Battle.
. 1 Sam 31:1-13. .
Commit verse 6
GOLDEN TEXT.-Prepare . to meet thy
God. -Amos 4:12. .
Mon., . Aug. 31, 1 Sam,. 31: 113. Tues.,
2 Sam. 1:116. Wed., 2 Sam. 1 : 17 27. Thu.,
1 Chron. 10. Fri., Rom. Sat.,
Psa. 11. Sun., 1 John 3:111.
Suggestive Notes and Comments.
' V e must give Saul credit for keeping
his l ast a greement with Da vid. Ha d we
as good evi(leneo of his adjustment with
God, as with . his injured son-in-law, well
might we be glad. The Bible is not so
much interested in consecutive ch_ronology
as the s tory of God and the human soul.
Not long after the last lesson, a cloud of
war ga the rs in the west and the Philis
tines mass their forces on the slopes of
Mt. Gilboa, where Sa ul's tragic life ends.
His past courage and generalship seem to
to ha ve left him when he left God. At
the sight of the enemy he is afraid. He
"inquires of the Lord," but bas no an-
swer, cha p. 28:6. Next he renorts to a
spiritualist medium. Why do I say sof
Because she is a i' necromancer. '' And
wha t does tha t mean f From the Latin
'' neeros, ' ' meaning gead, and_ ' '_
to divine, or divining by the spirit of a
dead penion. Straight spiritualism. that!
But even - does_ I)O_t _give him
any comfort, a nd we see the man march .
ing to death "rej ected of God "-the story
of a life r efusing to honor God as sov
ereign and king . . His is certainly the story
of a Might-have-been-the Tragedy of a
Finally Disobedient Soul. With this life
so auspiciously begun, with so m_uch in his
favor, and God with him-:""""God could not
ha ve rej ected him" if Saul .bad. never
b een witlr hi'm-le t no one ever plead
' 'once in grace always in grace. ''
There' bas been great na t ional advance
since tlie days of Eli. At last the nation
is a unit. . In spite of the ill record of
Saul's later life, his reign bas proofs
of marked and rapid unifying and een
tralizing. the fra gfllentary and spiritless
hordes of the time of 'the Judges. Nation
.... ally, tho pe_ople are one. In leadership
. there was something of. division, but not
as to the national life .itself. The rising
faction under David were being harbored.
'b y the_ Philistines, who perhaps knew. of
tho strife about leadership,' and hoped to
take advantage of it. But making
away tho families il .. band. with . all
their property. After their recapture we
find David- and his men looking, in
their own land. At the opportune time
God bas his 'imccessor to Saul
on band and fitted for the place as few
men have ever been. It is a real wonder
story, far transcending the great '_' plo*B '!
of the story men make so much. of in this
"story " writing age of ours, Saul
bling and f earing and with-
out hope, or any one to counse_l with, can
do _but be carried in the- mareh
of the army to defeat and death. 'Men
of Israel . . . fell down slain in Mount
GUboa." "Phllisttnes slew Jonathan.
and Melchiilbaa, . BODS of Saul,"
! battle went sore against Saul, .be was
sore wounded of' the arcben.'' So reads
th'e of that awful day's carnage.
"Saul took a sword and fell upon it." So
ends that ill-timed life. It looks like sui-
cide.. Is itf may

it i_s, j tjs
self-mduced; bke thousanas we know to-
day. There was a day when Saul took the
reins in his own hands, when God had
given him special orders. The other side
of that day when be did so was the sword
through hi s breast at -Mt. Gilboa. There
is i nsanity which is not self-wrought.
There is the taking of life when. the mind
is unbalanced that cannot be called suicide.
But God baS:written the story here, so we
can read the signals all along the way until
the tragic He W:Quld not .repent and
so could not return. He knew the "way,
but would not go until he was so far down
'the hill that God left him to face the
choice he had made. So when there was . .
no God to help, no man to relieve, no hope
for life, be chose the sword and death
of his own free will.
"That same day together. " Another
'' Icbabod'' day: The glory of Israel de
parts again: Sin. Sin. Sin. . It brings
only defeat . Saul dead. .Jonathall dead.
H is two brothers full of Philistine spears
at his side. Israel's valiant soldiers slain
all along the sides of Gilboa. No wonder
they sa ng, "Tell it not in Gatb. Publish
it not in the s t reets of Ask elon. ' ' (Read
2 Sa m. 1: 1.7-27. )
L Here is a prac tical lesson in national
life. It must necessarily shake the abili-
ties a nd character of its chief officials.
What might not God ha ve done for the na-
tion if Saui , like Joshua, had ''wholly fol-
lowed the Lord" f What did Moses and
Joshua do for I sr aell Later, what did
J e roboam and dof What is King
Beer, and King tiraft, and King Lust do-
ing for our fajr land}_ __ . . ___ _ ..
2: The death of a public, leader brings
on a crisis in national affairs. David
comes .. to ... the ... t'hrone. Solomon dies and
a divided nation follow:s. Bloody Mary ,
or Elizabeth and Protestant Engla.nd! It
made a difference. Lincoln! Andy John
3. Ba d of one may. be the e nd of
the good doing of. another. ( a) Saul' is
backslidden and unfit to lead his arrny or
protect the n a tion. The el)emy bring .on
war. B,oth are in a measure responsible
for the loss in war. (b) Jonathan slain
by the Philistines. Jonathan the good, the
loyal friend, the manly man, th_e' -hero for
right. Died in . full strength oC manhood
arid needed as p erhaps no one in the nation
seemed needea; save .Da'li id. What of the
Jonatbans of our time who seem to us to
die befq;re their t i me f .
4... In Saul we have the ha rvesting of
what is sown in disobedience to God, 11nd ,
the treatments of his servants, in presump
tion, in envy, jealousy, and ambition. (a)
envy, (b) jealousy, ( e) . rage, d emon-pos
sessed, (d) unbalanced judgme nt, ( e ) r e-
jected of God, (f) of cour-age and -gen
eralsbip, (g) resorts to spiritualism, (h) ,
OME O:NE has suggested eleven
things evecy girl can learn before
she is fifteen. Shut the door and shut
it softly. Keep your room in tasteful -
order. Have an hour for rising, and
, ready for -thlr GllbO"a- campalgn;-- some .. .....
goes }bto .battle with a ll.ead_, (i) . dielJ '
by hts.own hand. Such headlines make up
th!l cbapte,rs in Saul ' s life. Bedouins captured_ David's camp, carrying
"There' s so much good in the worst of us
And-so much bad in the best of us"
That it best becomes the best of us
To prai11e best in the of us,
And ill becomes the worst of U'3
To mock at the faults in the best of us.
Then let the best and the worst of us
Extol the good in the both of us
And hide the fault in the lot of us.
-George B. Class, LL'>. M.
Dr. Mason, of Gurma, once wanted
a teacher-to.vlsit and labor among a
warlike tribe. He asked his con-
verted boatman, Shapon, if he would
go, and told him he would have only
four rupees a month as a teacher,
whereas he was then earning fifteen
as a boatman. After praying over
the matter he returned to the Doctor,
and the following conversation
ensued: "Well, Shapon,'.' said the
Doctor, ''what have you decided-
will you go for four rupees a month?"
"No, teacher,'' replied Shapon;
will not go for four rupees a montl1.;
but I will go for Christ. " And for
Christ's sake he did go. -Selected.
s;" IC' . iC"
If every child of God would give a
tenth there would be plenty of money
to carry on God's work. The tenth
of <Jur income is not ours; it is the
Lord's. If we give the Lord what is
His right, then the way is clear for
us to ask His blessing on our part for
wisdom to lay it out to the best advan-
tage. It would really do us more
good than ' -the whole amount. God
asks us in His Word: "Will a man
. rob God? yet ye have robbed me."
When we don't give Him a tenth we
are robbing God-robbing Him in
tithes and offerings. God also tells
us, "Bring ye all the tithes into the
storehouse." And He will bless us if
we do. He will bless us as churches
in a way that He has never blessed
us heretofore. Mal. 3. When we offer
Him only pa,rt of the. tenth, our offer-
Naz.iJre ne- -Mf!sse nger
: Two Neio TraCts.
. . . )
. . ."AND .
Are Words in season to the justified.
Can be had from the author, Rev. R.
730 San Pedro Street, Los
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Or, Words Fitly Spoken.
. .
Being Compilation of the brief Spiritual,
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years;
240 pages, paper. With portrait, and
Introduction by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25c, by mail30c; in lots ofl0$2.
In'cloth, 60 cents.
Address "R. ''
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' BY
Hoiiness Bible Readh,gs (cloth) sOc
How They Grow " 50c .
Soul-Help Papers (paper) 25c
The Holy Way " 10c
730 San Pedro St., __ Los Angeles.
Good Families
1000 WANTED to colonize the Garden Spot of
Mexico, in State of .Jalisco, on Pacific Coast. None
but good people wanted. Write for information.
Refer ences required: Dr. G. W. CHAPMAN. 619
S. Hill St . Los Cal.
Waves .of Glory
300 The best old hymns and the cream of
the new songs. 25 eto. per eopy P<>at-pald, $20.00
jer ItO. Returnable Sample FREE to Churches or
Sunday Schools. Write for O!lr special offer.
NAZARENE_ f.UB. CO., San !'edro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Fresh Home Made Taffy
Peanut Taffy. .
:: As sorted Nut Candy
.. ; . . .
., Home Made Fruit a nd Nut Chocolates
10c lb.
15c lb.
20c lb .
25c lb.
20c lb .
25c lb.
Phone Br oadway 4699 .317W. 4th Street
e very stamp. Sui table for placing on letters, pa-
pers, books , etc. Cheaper and more effective than
tracts. 120 stamps In book (60 varieties). 10e per
book; 3 for 25c. Agents Wanted.
NAZARENE PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal,
[August-. Z1 ;' 1908
..' Professional. Cards
TeL Main 14114 Home F'1484
Hours 10 to 2o 10 a: m.
Residence 1126 Santee St.
Loa Anael.,.,, Cal .
Phones Bro&dway 4183
Home 2'198
GLA88B8 FITTIIID. .Residence 688 S. Cummlhp St.
. Home phone 41462 Boyle.l248
J)R. W. J. LAWRENCE, . .
Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. 414-4}1; Severance Bldg.
Home Phone F 't: AriRel8ll. Main Sta.
828-824-826 H. W. :Hellman Bldg.,
N. E. Cor. Fourth and Sprinlr Sta.
Home 1524
Loa AD!reles
Suite 800 Trus t Building
Second and Sprlrut Los ANOELEB
Will practice in all the State and F!Oderal Courts.
OfBces-ROoms 92-93 Temple Block. Los An2eles.
The Pioneer Optician
Established 1895
The -Best &rrlice
The Most Reliable Good8
The Prices-Just . a Little Better ..
353 S. Broadway
Co ntra.c tor and Builder
--Office- 927 Central Bldg. -- --
. Cor. 6th and Main Sts.
Phone F-1577 Los Angeles .
Rea. 2416 S. Figueroa Tel. West 8891 Home2S407
Laundry or Bakery

-AGONS ...
_Built to Order,
-_- $65-
1413-17 S. MMN S!l'.
ing is blind and lame, Mal. 1:8. We
can't be cou,nt"ed amongst the willing-
hearted. Irau gave GOO.tlie tenth- it--
would save a great deal of labor. All
then would bear the burden alike ..
Now some are burdened, while others
take their ease. 'l'he precious Word
, "Woe to them that are at ease in
Zion." Amos 6:1.
We giv.e .Thee but Thine. own,
Whate!er the gift may be;
Montgomeey &- Mullin Lumber Co.
All that w,e have is Thine.a:Ione,
A trust, 0 Lord, from Thee.
Cor . Fifth San -_ . _ .
Prices . as the lowest, consil;)tent with good

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