Stabilization of Gird Connected Wind Generator During Power Network Disturbances by Statcom

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Fendereski (2)
(1) Semnan University, Semnan, Iran (2) Islamic Azad University Science & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

ABSTRACT The response of wind energy installations to gird disturbances is studied in this panel session contribution. For the variable-speed turbine installations, the influence of using various levels of reactive power in-feed from the wind energy installation is investigated. Recently voltage-source or current-source inverter based various FACTS devices have been used for flexible power flow control, secure loading and damping of power system oscillation. Some of those are used also to improve transient and dynamic stability of wind power plant (WPP). In this paper, we propose the static reactive compensator (STATCOM) based on voltage source converter (VSC) PWM technique to stabilize gird connected squirrel cage wind power plant. A simple control strategy of STATCOM is adopted at the wind generator terminal is needed. A new system control is used as the control methodology of STATCOM, rather than conventional controller. The steady state capacitor value used with induction generator is reduced by certain percentage when STATCOM is used with WPP. Comprehensive results are presented to assess the performance of the STATCOM connected with WPP, where the simulations have been done by Simulink/MATLAB. Keywords: wind power plant (WPP), 3LG fault, transient stability, STATCOM, system control

1 INTRODUCTION Wind energy is a promising renewable energy source. In particular in Europe the installed capacity is growing at a considerable rate, approximately 20% annual growth rate for the past five years [1]. As the installed wind energy capacity grows, the considerations for the interaction between the wind energy installations and the grid, attracts more interest. Earlier, the most important consideration in this respect was to ensure a disconnection of wind turbines when there was a problem with the supplying voltage . Today, the focus regarding the interaction between the electric network and wind energy installation has been shifted, since the loss of such a considerable part of the power production (as wind energy constitute in some regions) due to network disturbances cannot be accepted any more [2]. Accordingly the important issue is to avoid a disconnection of a wind energy installation during a network disturbance. Moreover, it is of course also of great importance to be familiar with how a wind energy installation reacts to network disturbances . Induction generator (IG) is widely used as wind generator due to its simple, rugged and maintenance free construction. But as it has some stability problem, it is necessary to investigate the stability aspect of induction generator while connected to the power grid [3]. The voltage recovery after the network disturbance can be assisted by dynamic slip control and pitch control in a wound rotor induction generator based WPP [4]. Recently voltage-source or current-source inverters

based flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices such as static var compensator (SVC), static reactive compensator (STATCOM), dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), solid state transfer switch (SSTS) and unified power flow controller (UPFC) have been used for flexible power flow control, secure loading and damping of power system oscillation [5]. Some of those are used also to improve transient and dynamic stability of wind power generation system. SVC is reported to improve the terminal voltage of induction generator by compensating the reactive power [6]. But STATCOM has somewhat better performance compared to SVC for reactive power compensation, which is reported clearly in [7]. it is reported that STATCOM can recover terminal voltage of wound rotor induction generator after the fault clearance. But as only induction generator is connected to the network, the Effect of STATCOM on the rest of the system is not presented there clearly . In this paper, we propose the STATCOM, based on voltage source converter (VSC) PWM technique to stabilize grid connected squirrel cage wind generator system. A simple control strategy of STATCOM is adopted. Moreover, it is presented here that induction generator steady state capacitor value can be reduced by certain percentage from the rated value where the rest of the reactive power draw by induction generator at steady state will be supplied by the STATCOM . Finally some simulation results are presented where transient stability of WPP is analyzed by using controllers system. Simulations have been done by Simulink/MATLAB.

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2 STATCOM CONTROL STRATEGY The STATCOM regulates voltage at its terminal by controlling the amount of reactive power injected into or absorbed from the power system. When system voltage is low, the STATCOM generates reactive power (STATCOM capacitive). When system voltage is high, it absorbs reactive power (STATCOM inductive) . The variation of reactive power is performed by means of a Voltage-Sourced Converter (VSC) connected on the secondary side of a coupling transformer. The VSC uses forced-commutated power electronic devices (GTOs, IGBTs or IGCTs) to synthesize a voltage V2 from a DC voltage source. Figure 1 shows Schematic Diagram of STATCOM and Its Control System .In this figure, V1 represents the system voltage to be controlled and V2 is the voltage generated by the VSC . In steady state operation, the voltage V2 generated by the VSC is in phase with V1 (teta=0), so that only reactive power is flowing (P=0). If V2 is lower than V1, Q is flowing from V1 to V2 (STATCOM is absorbing reactive power). On the reverse, if V2 is higher than V1, Q is flowing from V2 to V1 (STATCOM is generating reactive power). A capacitor connected on the DC side of the VSC acts as a DC voltage source. In steady state the voltage V2 has to be phase shifted slightly behind V1 in order to compensate for transformer and VSC losses and to keep

the capacitor charged. Two VSC technologies can be used for the VSC: VSC using GTO-based square-wave inverters and special interconnection transformers. Typically four three-level inverters are used to build a 48-step voltage waveform. Special interconnection transformers are used to neutralize harmonics contained in the square waves generated by individual inverters. In this type of VSC, the fundamental component of voltage V2 is proportional to the voltage Vdc. Therefore Vdc has to be varied for controlling the reactive power. VSC using IGBT-based PWM inverters. This type of inverter uses Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) technique to synthesize a sinusoidal waveform from a DC voltage source with a typical chopping frequency of a few kilohertz. Harmonic voltages are cancelled by connecting filters at the AC side of the VSC. This type of VSC uses a fixed DC voltage Vdc. Voltage V2 is varied by changing the modulation index of the PWM modulator . The control system consists of: A phase-locked loop (PLL) which synchronizes on the positive-sequence component of the three-phase primary voltage V1. The output of the PLL is used to compute the direct-axis and quadrature-axis components of the AC three-phase voltage and currents (labeled as Vd, Vq or Id, Iq on the diagram).

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of STATCOM and its control system

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Measurement systems measuring the d and q components of AC positive-sequence voltage and currents to be controlled as well as the DC voltage Vdc. An outer regulation loop consisting of an AC voltage regulator and a DC voltage regulator. The output of the AC voltage regulator is the reference current Iqref for the current regulator (Iq = current in quadrature with voltage which controls reactive power flow). The output of the DC voltage regulator is the reference current Idref for the current regulator (Id = current in phase with voltage which controls active power flow). An inner current regulation loop consisting of a current regulator. The current regulator controls the magnitude and phase of the voltage generated by the PWM converter (V2d V2q) from the Idref and Iqref reference currents produced respectively by the DC voltage regulator and the AC voltage regulator (in voltage control mode). The current regulator is assisted by a feed forward type regulator which predicts the V2 voltage output (V2d V2q) from the V1 measurement (V1d V1q) and the transformer leakage reactance. The value of Vref in common state is 1 pu. But in the new system control in occurring the fault Vref is compared with PCC (B_63) voltage and then a Fuzzy Logic controller optimize the value Vref. This control system causes to better and faster performance of STATCOM. 2.1 Fuzzification To design the proposed FLC, the error signal, e(k), and To design the proposed FLC, the error signal, e(k) , and inputs. The angle, , is considered as the controller output, which is actually modulated angle. For convenience, the output and inputs of the FLC are scaled with coefficients k , k e , k e respectively. These scaling factors can be constants or variables and play an important role for FLC design in order to achieve a good response in both transient and steady states. In this work, these scaling factors are considered as constant for the simplicity of controller design, and are selected by trial and error. The values of k , k e , k e are chosen 0.05, 5000 and 2.0 respectively. Z 1 represents one sampling time delay. The triangular membership functions with overlap used for the input and output fuzzy sets are shown in Figure 2 in which the linguistic variables are represented by N (Negative), Z (Zero), and P (Positive). The grade of input membership functions can be obtained from the following equation [8].

Figure 2 Fuzzy sets and their corresponding memberships functions 2.2 Rule Base The fuzzy mapping of the input variables to the output is represented by IF-THEN rules of the following forms:

IF (en = N )and (en = N )THEN ( n = P ) IF (en = N )and (en = Z )THEN ( n = P ) IF (en = N )and (en = P)THEN ( n = Z ) IF (en = Z )and (en = N )THEN ( n = P ) IF (en = Z )and (en = Z )THEN ( n = Z ) IF (en = Z )and (en = P )THEN ( n = N ) IF (en = P)and (en = N )THEN ( n = Z ) IF (en = P)and (en = Z )THEN ( n = N ) IF (en = P)and (en = P)THEN ( n = N )


2.3 Inference & Defuzzification In this work, for the inference mechanism Mamdani's max-min (or sum-product) [8] is used. The center of gravity method [8] is used for defuzzification to obtain n , which is given by the following equation

n =

i =1

i Ci /

i =1


Where, N is the total number of rules, i , is the membership grade for i-th rule and Ci is the coordinate corresponding to the respective output or consequent membership function [ c i 0 . 8 , 0 . 0 , 0 . 8 ] . The actual modulated angle, , can be found out by multiplicating

n , by the scaling factor k .

3 CASE STUDY PRESENTATION Figure 3 shows the model system used for simulation of the transient stability of power system. The wind farm consists of 43 units of 660 KW wind turbines. Each of these wind turbine units consists of: rotor, gear box, squirrel-cage induction generator, shunt capacitors for the reactive power compensation of the generator (connected to the 0.69 kV network) and a 0.69/20 KV transformer.

( x) = [ w 2 x m ] / w


where ( x ) is the value of grade of membership, w is the width , m is the coordinate of the point at which the grade of membership is 1, and x is the value of the input variable.

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Figure 4 PCC voltage, active and reactive power without STATCOM happens because of not supporting reactive power of WPP. When STATCOM is connected With WPP then this capacitor value is decreased by 25%.The rest of the reactive power needed by induction generator at steady state will be supplied by STATCOM. To analyze the Transient performance of STATCOM connected with WPP, the 3LG is considered to occur again. Figure 5 shows responses of PCC voltage, active and reactive power and reactive power which is injected with STATCOM with conventional control system and with STATCOM with the new control system. It is seen that during the fault, WPP stables and PCC parameters fix after few oscillations. It is clear that using STATCOM with 25% decreased capacitor bank can make the IG stable after the occurrence of the fault. But only with capacitor bank at rated value, IG is unstable. So STATCOM can improve the transient performance of WPP. Now, the new control system is added to STATCOM and the fault is repeated. It is seen that, this control system caused to better and faster performance of STATCOM and oscillations is decreased.

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the system which has been studied The wind farm includes a power station transformer, 20/63 KV rated to 150 MVA. The large wind farm is connected to 132 kV radial line, which is connected to the transmission grid 2500 MVA. It is also connected with 20 KV gird in which consuming load is modeled. The fault is occurring in 20KV gird. The STATCOM is connected with 63KV bus.

4 SIMULATION ANALYSIS As figure 3 shows for simulation purpose a 3LG fault is considered to occur. The fault occurs at 0.2 sec. It is well known that reactive power is needed to Supply from the network to the stator winding of the induction generator to establish the rotating magnetic field of the stator. To compensate the reactive power demand at steady state, a Capacitor bank is inserted at the terminal of any turbine.The rated value of the capacitor of induction generator is 0.24 pu. Now, the 3LG fault is considered to occur in 20KV network at 0.2 sec. We investigate the results that are gained from this fault in PCC. Figure 4 shows responses of PCC voltage, active and reactive power. It is seen that during the fault, whole of WPP units trip and exit from the circuit. Tripping

5 CONCLUSION In this work the static reactive compensator (STATCOM) based on voltage source converter (VSC) PWM Technique is presented to stabilize gird connected squirrel cage wind generator system.

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6 REFERENCES 1. J. Charles Smith, Winds of change: issues in utility wind integration, IEEE Power and energy magazine, November/December 2005. 2. I. Erlich and U. Bachmann, Grid code requirements concerning connection and operation of wind turbines in Germany, in IEEE PES general meeting, June 2005, pp. 22302234. 3. Claudio L.Souza et. al.,: "Power System Transient Stability Analysis Including Synchronous and Induction Generator", IEEE porto Power Tech Proceedings, Vol.2, pp.6, 2001. 4. Sun, Tao, Chen, Z., Blaabjerg F.,"Voltage Recovery of Grid-Connected Wind Turbines After a ShortCircuit Fault" The 29' Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electroics Society, IECON 2003, Roanoke, Virginia, USA, p.p.2723-2728, 2003. 5. S. M. Muyeen, Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Mohd. Hasan Ali, Rion Takahashi, Toshiaki Murata, Junji Tamura," Stabilization of Grid Connected Wind Generator by STATCOM", Power Electronics and Drives Systems, 2005. PEDS 2005. International Conference on Volume 2, Issue , 28-01 Nov. 2005 6. Tarek Ahmed, Osamu Noro, Eiji Hiraki and Mutsuo Nakaoka, "Terminal Voltage Regulation Characteristics by Static Var Compensator for a Three-Phase Self-Excited Induction Generator", IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, Vol.40, No.4, pp.978-988, July/August 2004. 7. Y. L. Tan, "Analysis of Line Compensation by Shunt-Connected FACTS Controllers: A Comparison between SVC and STATCOM", IEEE Power Engineering Review, pp.57-58, August 1999. 8. D. Driankov, H. Hellendoorn and M. Reinfrank, An Introduction to Fuzzy Control. Springer-Verlag, 1993. AUTHOR'S ADDRESS Mostafe Jazayeri ,Ph.D of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Semnan University, semnan, iran email

Figure 5 PCC voltage, active and reactive power and injected reactive power with STATCOM with conventional control system and STATCOM with the new control system It is shown that STATCOM can maintain steady state performance of wind generator when its steady state capacitor value is decreased by a certain percentage. Besides this it can enhance the transient performance of WPP as well as of entire power system when severe network disturbances occur in power system. It is clearly presented that STATCOM equipped with the new system control gives better and faster performance than STATCOM with conventional controller. So it is recommended to connect STATCOM with WPP as it can enhance steady state and transient performances of entire power system. In our future study we want to investigate the WPP connected with distribution static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM) where WPP is connected with a standard large power system network. More appropriate intelligent controller with STATCOM and Grid interfacing are also under consideration.

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