April-June 2018 Bulletin 1

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Boy Scout Troop 575

St. Joseph Church, Mantua, Ohio

Activity Bulletin: April-June 2018
New Scouts Summer Camp 2018
We will have 6 WEBELOS cross over into our Summer Camp at The Farm will be July 29th-Aug
troop on Saturday April 30th. Please extend a warm 3rd . Here the boys can receive more advancement in
welcome to Bobby Harris, Ayden Long, Brent 6 days than in a whole year at meetings. Plus there
Mason, Drew Pfrost, Isaac Szoka and Sam Wright is plenty of fun and no rain. For further information
and their families when you see them next. We wish contact Mr. Mike Rowe at 330-351-3283, Mr. Rick
them all the best in their pursuit of scouting’s goals. Custer at 330-221-5259, Mr. Tom Smith at 330
274-8335 or Mr. Frank Collica at 330 274-0251.
Order of the Arrow
Special thanks to Mr.Rowe and Mr. Truax for their Backpackers Needed
time and effort to continue to make the Order of the Adult leaders and parent volunteers are needed to
Arrow available to our boys. Currently our active get our boys back into the wilderness on weekend
members are; Adults: Mike Rowe, David Collica, and high adventure backpack trips. The trips could
Drew Truax, Dan O’Sickey, Ryan Deuley, Keith range from 7 to 15 miles for weekend trips to 70
Olesh and Andy Truax; Scouts: Alex Forristal,
mile 8 day high adventure trips. This would bring
Steve Duber, Nathan Olesh and Connor Rowe.
Nominees for 2018; Clay Bascombe, Jake Rowe, back the opportunity for the boys to complete the
Hunter Tice and Kyle Wright. Good luck to our Backpacking Merit badge. Your help would be
nominees at their Ordeal. greatly appreciated.

Medical Forms
All scouts are required by BSA national to have
annual sports physicals to take part in all activities Upcoming Events
longer than 3 days duration, such as summer camp Eagle Court-Mitch April 15
and high adventure activities, see Mr.Rowe for Parent Meeting April 17
forms. Summer Camp packets will be distributed in Project Fundraiser-Jack April 19
late May and include forms. Eagle Court-Drew April 21
Crossover Camp Stambaugh April 27-29
OX Roast Fair July 20-22 G-Ville Hike May 5
The sausage sandwich booth is one of two troop Memorial Day Parade May 28
fundraiser’s. Scouts will participate in the set-up, Family Softball Game May 29
clean up and tear down of the fair. Parents; we will Spring Court of Honor June 10
need all the help we can get from you to operate the Rock Climbing June 16-17
booth from Friday afternoon open to Sunday Canoe Minister Creek June 22-24
evening close. Adults only please. Just a couple of
hours each and as they say many hands make light
the work. Contact Patty or Frank Collica at
330-274-0251 to volunteer your time.
April 2018-Upcoming Events
Theme: Cooking, Plumbing and Camping
Projects: Tenderfoot, Second Class & First Class First Aid
First Aid M.B.

Troop Meeting: Advancement First Aid

Tuesday, April 3
Committee Meeting: All committee meetings will be held at St. Joe’s
Monday, April 9 unless otherwise notified
Troop Meeting: Advancement, First Aid Patrol Contest
Tuesday, April 10
Leader Meeting: Meetings will be at St. Joe’s unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, April 12
Eagle Court: This Sunday we will award Mitch Reder scoutings highest rank Eagle Scout.
Sunday, April 15 All scouts and parents should attend this special event. Scouts should be in full uniform
2:30pm and arrive early.
Troop Meeting: Advancement, continue merit badge work.
Tuesday, April 17 New Scout parent meeting
Eagle Project Fundraiser: Jack Wilk will have a project fundraiser at Elcomino Restaurant. See Jack for
Wednesday, April 18 Details
Eagle Court: This Eagle Court of Honor we will recognize Drew Thomas for
Saturday, April 21 achieving scoutings highest rank of Eagle Scout all scouts and parents should attend this
2:00pm special event. Scouts should be in full uniform and arrive early.
Merit Badge Work: Disabilities Awareness M.B. training in Akron.
Saturday, April 21 This is not a troop activity, see Mr. Rowe for council flyer.
Troop Meeting: Advancement, continue merit badge work.
Tuesday, April 24 Plan cooking contest menus.
7:00-9:00pm Prep for Crossover
WEBELOS Crossover/Cub Scout Camp: This year we will join our Cub Scout Pack for a weekend camp-out
Fri-Sun, April 27-30 and WEBELOS Crossover at Camp Stambaugh all scouts are encouraged to attend.
6:00pm Fri-9:00am Sun

Any Scouts not Trained in CPR are Required to

Attend Training in order to continue Merit Badge Work
as CPR is a requirement in many Merit Badges including
First Aid, Swimming, Camping, Canoeing, Hiking and many others
Dates and Times will be announced
Or You Can Schedule Your Own Training through a local Organization
May 2018-Upcoming Events
Theme: Cooking
Projects: Second Class Cooking, Cooking Contest by Patrols,
Fire Building Contest by Patrols, Marching
Troop Meeting: Marching Practice
Tuesday, May 1
Shooting Sports: The Manatoc Scouting Reservation will have open shooting for troops.
Saturday, May 5 Obtain details from Mr. Rowe.
9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm
Troop Meeting: Fire Building and Cooking contests by patrols If needed
Tuesday, May 8 Note early start time
Committee Meeting: All committee meetings will be held at St. Joe’s
Monday, May 14 unless otherwise notified
Troop Meeting: Rain Date Fire Building and Cooking contests by patrols If needed
Tuesday, May 15 Note early start time
7:00-9:00pm Otherwise resume regular meeting time, TBA
Leader Meeting: Meetings will be at St. Joe’s unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, May 17
Troop Meeting: Marching, Prep for parades
Tuesday, May 22 Uniform inspection
Memorial Day Parade: This year we will be marching in the Memorial Day Parade in Shalersville
Saturday, May 26 There will be a hike after parade
Memorial Day Parades: We will meet behind the UH building on Main Street at 9:00am to march in the Village
Monday, May 28 parade. Full uniforms are Required
9:00am We will then take part in the Township parade concluding with flag raising at 12noon.
Softball Game: Tonight we will have our annual family softball game
Tuesday, May 29 This is a family event come to play or watch, all are invited sibs included
6:00-8:30pm Note early start time
June 2018-Upcoming Events
Theme: Canoeing & Rowing
Projects: Canoe Trip, Canoeing & Rowing M.B.


Troop Meeting: Tonight we will be moving our meetings outdoors to Mr. Rowe’s.
Tuesday, June 5 Bring your swim trunks, towels and fishing equipment
7:00-8:30pm Canoeing instruction, Fishing Merit Badge
Court of Honor: Our spring court will be held at St. Joe’s beginning with a scout mass at 10:30
Sunday, June 10 followed by a pot luck dinner and the Court of Honor to close.
Committee Meeting: To be held at St. Joe’s unless otherwise notified
Monday, June 11
Troop Meeting: Continue meetings outdoors at Mr.Rowe’s
Tuesday, June 12 Bring your swim trunks, towels and fishing equipment
7:00-8:30pm Canoeing instructions, Fishing Merit Badge
Leader Meeting: Meetings will be at St. Joe’s unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, June 14
Troop Meeting: Continue meetings outdoors at Mr. Rowe’s
Tuesday, June 19 Lumberjack competition
7:00-8:30pm Prep for Canoe trip
Canoe Trip: This year we return to Minister Creek, PA
Saturday, June 23-25 Come enjoy the fun.
Troop Meeting: Continue meetings outdoors at Mr. Rowe’s
Tuesday, June 26 Archery Competition

The Court of Honor on Sunday June 10 will start with a Scout mass at
10:30am followed by a Pot Luck Buffet followed by the Court of Honor
All Scouts and their Families are Encouraged to Attend

Permission Slips and Medical Forms

Permission Slips and Medical Forms are Required for Summer Camp
Make sure they are Filled out and Signed
Slips and Forms must be turned in prior to leaving for Camp

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